Grandmother on the maternal line is the most important person in the life of the child. Mother or daddy baby, or try to present your baby if a child can be like a grandmother

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The appearance of the firstborn in the young family causes not only joy, but also anxious. After all, young parents do not quite understand how to handle the baby. The newborn is a pure defenseless man who is not protected from negative energy. Thanks to the experienced grandparents, the newly-made mom and dad will know what actions can save the baby from trouble, which should be feared and avoid.

Birth kid

A child who has emerged in full moon or new moon will be healthy and strong. He will not need anything, because the full moon day is associated with the full bowl, and the day of noving with new forces.

If the childbirth occurred in the night, and a quiet weather was standing on the courtyard, the baby would be calm. If the birth happened in the morning with the first croution of Petukhov, the child will be shaken.

If the baby was born in sunny weather, then his lucky, strong family waiting for him. If the rain is materially secured. If the snowfall baby will love science. Born during a sharp change of weather, will bring big problems around.

Born with the first rays of the Sun, it will be difficult to achieve something in life. Talented people are born at 9 am and at three in the afternoon. But they will be frivolous and windy in life. Those who were born in the evening will be protected from any dangers. Born at night reasonable and wise people.

It is said that the children will be happy if the girl looks like a dad, and a boy on mom.

Unusual children

Children who were born in a shirt will be successful people. "Born in the shub" means that the placenta came out with the baby and was glued to him at the time of birth. This event occurs very rarely. After all, as a rule, a child is born first, and then the child's place comes out. It was previously believed that born in a shirt will be able to overcome all the difficulties. He will always be accompanied by luck, luck and success.

The seventh child in the family has magical abilities. And it will be very good if in the future he will choose the doctor's profession. Such a baby will be able to relieve people from ailments to one touch.

Sophisticated childbirth, when a child goes ahead with his legs, will pay off in full, because such a baby will be able to treat diseases associated with trauma of legs and backs.

The first days of the house

It is recommended to celebrate the birth of the baby. Thus, parents and relatives show the spirits that they rejoice in a new life. This ritual protects the baby from diseases and colds in the future. Guests must sing, dance, talk to the child's wishes.

It is believed if you carry a child on the steps up, and not down, he will build a successful career.

After the baby first got home, it should be put on a product made of natural fur. Then he will live richly.

After birth, the baby gave a silver or gold spoon and gave it to hold her in his mouth. According to reference, such manipulation will bring wealth and prosperity in the future.

During the first bathing, it is recommended to paint the water with milk. Then the nursing mother will always be happy to please crumb food. Such an action will also save the evil eye. After bathing, it is impossible to use this water for washing and washing. To attract good luck and wealth at the first bathing, the honey and silver spoon are also added to the bath.

Before laying a baby to sleep in the cradle, the cat is launched there.

In the cradle, the newborn was hid pinch of salt and clove of garlic. Hung over the cradle rowan branches in the shape of a cross or stuck in the leg crayled the knife. This will protect against evil spirits. It is forbidden to break the empty cradle. You can get trouble.

It is very important to follow the one who after mom kisses the newborn. It must be a successful and good person. After all, he will influence the nature of the child.

It is impossible to bring the child to the mirror too early. He can be afraid of his reflection, and long will not talk.


To choosing a name worth it is very serious. Do not call a newborn by those name that someone has already been named. After all, one name is a keeper.

It is better to give the child two name: the first to call, but to repent and not report anyone. Thus, no one can affect the child with the help of magic.

It is believed that if you give a name to a child of someone from the dead, then he will inherit the character and fate of the deceased.

On the feast after baptism, pronouncing the toast and the contents of a glass should raise up with a sharp movement so that the child grew rich.

The godparents should not have a love relationship among themselves. Otherwise, their wedding will not take place.

The child will be similar to someone from the godparents, if one of them will lower a look into the water in which the child is laid.

If parents plan for the second child, it should be baptized in the chairs of the firstborn. This will attract good luck to him, and their native brothers or sisters will be friendly.

If during baptism it is observed that the Karapuza compressed cams, it will be greedy. If the palms in the usual condition will be kind.

Signs for good luck, success and health

During the first visit to the child, guests are obliged to give newborn money, putting it inside the blouse. This is a ritual for wealth.

It is worth covering the guy my mother's skirt, and the baby is a fatherly cloak. For success and good luck in the future.

Parents, dreaming about curly hair of their children, can feed it with hooks from bread.

So that the skin was perfect and velvety, the girls are fitted in white.

Coral amulets, red stripes protect the child during the appearance of the first tooth from evil spirits.

When the child falls the first tooth, he is thrown into the fire. Thus, evil is destroyed, which was sitting inside.

In order for the child to be healthy, while his teeth are cut, relatives must give him a silver spoon.

Signs to protect against bad

It is impossible to cut hair until a year, nails and show a child in the mirror so that in the future the baby did not view his happiness and was not poor.

It is impossible to bathe a child on Fridays and Sundays.

Mom must feed the child with breasts separately from all. After all, the child can visit insomnia, and the mother may have the abyss of milk.

You can not overpower through the kid. Otherwise, he will not grow high.

It is impossible to eat bread for a carapaus. It takes his health.

So that the child went on time, it is impossible to kiss him heels.

In order to rose a teeth in time, you can not kiss cheeks.

So that the child spoke in time, it does not feed fish.

You can not karapuza beat with a rag. Otherwise, poverty awaits him in an adult life.

It is impossible to plant a karapuz on the table. He will constantly cry.

Cannot look at the sleeping child. You can get a fright.

Follow the signs and believe the case of everyone. After all, the truth of such rituals is not scientifically proven. Such manipulations and beliefs are a tradition shifted through many years. And let it be unreasonable from a scientific point of view, but effectively by the acquired experience of mothers and grandmothers.

It has not been a secret for a long time that our children primarily borrow genetic material from grandmothers. And we also go to the parents of our parents more ...

Grandma - How much warmth, kindness, caress and love in this word!

The best memories are associated with our grandmothers: carefree summer holidays, delicious pies, satisfying pancakes and many more pleasant and amazing, which can give their grandchildren who loving and native people.

Fragrant jam, fragrant tea, fairy tales at night, limitless love - and what associations cause your grandmothers? Confident, the best!

I love my grandmothers insanely and appreciate my grandmothers. Surprisingly, but I even look like a grandmother than on my parents! And externally, and in character. But the most interesting thing that I notice is: my daughter is also like my mom more than us with my husband!

My girlfriend came across this thought. She noticed this similarity of the first. Her son Danil very much reminded his grandmother's behavior. And recently it became known to me that this is a scientifically proven fact.

Genetics of Fate

According to scientists, it is the grandmother from the mother of the mother who has the greatest impact on the life of the child. It is she who teaches him the main life rules and donates all his love and care. Grandmother's connection with grandchildren is the most durable and deep.

As it turned out, it is formed at the Gennel!

It has not been a secret for a long time that our children primarily borrow genetic material from grandmothers. And we are also more like our parents more. That is why it is often possible to notice the external similarity of children and deceased relatives.

Specialists in genetic engineering argue that the genes are transferred to our children from grandmothers from the mother's side! Of course, this is generalized data, and in each family everything can occur differently. A child can become similar to both parents and grandmother along the father's line. What to say: Genetics - Science is incredibly complex and unpredictable.

However, parents need to understand what major role is played in the fate and character of their child the next relatives.

According to experts, even those feelings that the grandmother experienced during pregnancy can affect the development of grandchildren. Do not forget that close relationship is a complex and interrelated organism. So, our emotions, behavior, good and bad habits can be transmitted with the genes to our children and grandchildren.

That is why it is so important to take carefully to your health and psychological state. When we harm yourself, we are obvious and essential to make harm to future generations. Think about it!

Think about yourself and take care of your health - your grandchildren

will be grateful to you!

Sometime I was lucky to read the insanely warm essay about your beloved grandmother, which wrote her little granddaughter. This little, filled with love story caused me at the same time a smile and tears, and I immediately wanted to call my babushka.

Show your care about your loved ones, give them your warmth, love and attention, and then everything around you will be happy! Published.

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

photo © julie blackmon

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Birth of man - This is the most important event, both in the life of parents and in the life of the child himself. If a person is not born, no other important events in his life will be able to happen. Therefore, when a child is born, then, in addition, that there is a great sacrament and it becomes a huge joy for all relatives, each trifle matters. This event covered in many sets. It is believed that at the moment of birth, you can even find out what future it is waiting for him.

What is the weather at the moment of the birth of a child, so he will live. Not all challenges for the birth of a child can observe the mother. Usually at such a moment it is so busy that she does not even mind to see the window and pay attention to the weather. Mostly, grandparents and grandparents are watching, not even a native father, because at this moment he also has his own experiences. But the people say that if the sun looks like, he will devote his whole life to ensure that his family is happy. But if at the time of the birth of the child will rain will go, it means that he will be able to achieve great success in the material plan. If the baby was born during the snowfall, his vocation will be scientific activity. Perhaps he can even make an important scientific discovery. But children born during unexpectedly sharp cooling are able to bring big problems and destruction to the world.

Newborn signs help determine

The character of man depends on the time of day when he was born. The time of day, in which the child is born, very often determines its character. Of course, there are exceptions, but it happens very rarely. It is noted that most children are born at dawn. In the future, such people will have to literally punch the wall head to get out of people. If he does not succeed, he will be a good worker. And who is most of all? Of course, not businessmen, namely working people. Those children who are born three hours before noon and three hours after noon, in the future there will be big talents in various spheres of life. But, unfortunately, in their personal life they will have a constant change. The preservation of the family will largely depend on patience of the second half. It will endure - the family will be indestructible, but no - nothing will be able to hold such a person for a long time. It is worth noting that if the spouse or spouse will not arrange any scandals, it will not be changed. So, there will be no divorce. Otherwise, such a person will look for happiness elsewhere. Those who are born in the evening, fate itself protects. And at night, those people who will be so easy to understand in life that even other people will come to them for advice.

We study signs and superstitions for the newborn

The one who was born in a shirt will be released from any situation. The shirt is called a part of the kindergarten, which remains on the body of the child during birth. It happens very rarely. Usually the child comes separately, and the child's place comes out later. But if such a child happened, we will talk about popular, born in a shirt, he will be able to overcome everything in this life. No bullet will take it, everything, even the most dangerous situations will be folded in such a way that there will be no harm for him. The most important thing, little to be born in a shirt, mother should keep this shirt in a secluded place. If, God forbid, this shirt is destroyed, then all the luck of a person will end. Previously, when the houses were predominantly wooden, and there was a high risk of fires, the mother was hiding such shirts in the garden. It certainly does not burn. Only this shirt was carefully packaged, so that she did not rot on contact with the ground.

The seventh child in the family is a great magician or a great healer. In fact, it has long been about the fact that every seventh child who was born in the family, has a force that an ordinary person cannot have. In magic, they say that a true sorcerer or a witch was born. But in the family where everything is far from magic, a child cannot get knowledge that can be used to help people, usually such people become amazing doctors. It is only worth a person to talk to a person, to hold him by the hand - he immediately begins to go on amendment. Unbelievable, but it is a fact. Although it is worth noting that sooner or later, such people and without mentors come to Esoteric. Magic has no boundaries or restrictions. Today, even ordinary doctors recommend incurable patients to turn to a particular person, in which they are confident.

"Happy" signs for newborns

The girl looks like a father - will be happy. It is difficult to object to this accept, or confirm it. But in the people for a long time, this opinion was established that if the daughter is similar to the Father, and the Son - to Mother, then these children will certainly be happy. It was also believed that if, in the absence of the necessary children's clothing, the boy wrap the mother skirt, and the girl with his father's shirt, then, thus, it gives a child not only happiness, but also the ability to quickly solve all the questions that arise.

The child is born his legs forward - it will be able not only to help yourself, but also to others. Is it true or not? Everything needs to be checked. But the people say that if the baby was able to be born with legs forward, he could cure a person with one touch, who suffers from the feet disease. Do not be confused with the disease of the spine, because of which a person cannot walk. Moreover, they say that both the mother born such a child can treat the same diseases. But ordinary people do not seek to become a sign. And it is right. Too much responsibility, and you take a lot on yourself. Therefore, at least this sign and exists, but it is not possible to check it.

Born with a full moon - life will be happy and rich. In principle, this will not be explained. The full moon is sometimes associated with a full bowl. Therefore, it is believed that the one who was born in the full moon will have everything in this life that he wants. But it is considered only in some regions of Russia. But in other regions, on the contrary, believe that the most best time for the birth of a childthis is new moon . All sins of past lives are released, the main thing is not to smoke the sides in this life. If you live a life correctly, then we can assume that a person is already in paradise. But only no confirmation of the interpretations of these will accept these. Most likely, this is a superstition that is interpreted in each terrain in different ways.

Silver spoon in the mouth - wealth in your pocket. It has long been believed that if you just gave birth to a baby at least for a minute let me hold a silver or gold spoon in the mouth, then all his life will be reselved and rich. As for the golden spoon, it is very difficult to say. Very few parents are found that have a gold spoon. And those who could afford it, most often they were silent about it. But about silver, it's a different thing. Even in the old days, a silver spoon could be found in almost every family. That's just not all the children were knocked out into people. Although there were those who became a scientist. But this is such a rarity that it is simply unproved fact that to write down this fact.

Rituals and fees for the birth of a child

On the stairs up - Career upstairs. Interesting sign. Magic exists to enhance the service associated with the staircase. You can bake a staircase from the dough, and it will help to move on the service staircase. You can climb the stairs in the house and read a plot for each step. But there is a somewhat different case.

  • It does not matter you know the spell or not.
  • Not worth it for this rite to invite a sign.
  • It is believed that if in the hands of the newborn baby in the stairs, he will definitely become a big boss.
  • And at the same time you do not need to read any conspiracies.
  • Energy of a child will do everything herself.

That's just someone who will bear the child on this stairs, you need to know that if he turns out, the child will reach big heights, but can be caught either on a bribe or on the embezzlement. Therefore, the one who carries the child up the stairs should be worried only one question: "If not to stumble".

Of course, this is not all children's birth. There are good signs, there are bad signs. But not only of these will take the fate of a person. In addition to raising the birth of a child, there are still names of the name, signs of the date of birth. All this in the aggregate and makes up what we call fate. The main task of parents is to give children those knowledge they have. Of course, there are such cases that the words of parents do not reach children. But most often these facilities are very helpful.

Why in some cases the child is similar to his parents, in others - at distant ancestors, and sometimes - in general, "not in the mother, nor in his father"? Scientists explain this with the peculiarities of genetics: in the "battle" of blue and brown eyes, most likely, "victim" dark, and wavy hair will dominate the straight. But sometimes genetics is inferior to esoteric, and signs are going to move: whom the child looks like - from that and "inherits" the fate.

Whether Mom, or Dad ...

Most often, the baby takes on a little bit from each of the nearest relatives. As an option - its appearance is adjusted over time (they darken the eyes, the hairs are straightened, the shape of the nose or the oval of the faces is changing). Growth and figure are generally presented by constant surprises. But occasionally it happens like this: you look at the child - and immediately can be seen whose copy.

  • Signals exist on this subject: if the daughter looks like a father or son looks like a mother - children awaiting a happy life in prosperity and success.

It is difficult to say what is more - mysticism or psychology. People do not notice anything mysterious in the external similarity of the blood relatives of the same sex. But see your own reflection in an unusual mirror - and flattering, and nice. About men conversation is special. They dream of sons, giving tribute to patriarchal traditions, but girls always take care more. And if the daughter looks like a dad, a courageous father turns into a soft plasticine in the handles of the "Little Woman" - Picks, cares and tries to give everything for the worst life.

And if the Son looks like a father? Specz says that it is a sign of the most tender feelings between spouses. So, during pregnancy, the woman continuously thought about her husband. In the literal sense - I did not reduce your eyes. So grew inside a small copy of your beloved.

Little "raisins": from a woman - a woman

Previously, the old men were determined by the floor of the future baby in the appearance of a pregnant woman.

  • It was believed that the daughter "pulls out", steals the mother's beauty, so the obvious problems with the skin and hair were interpreted simply - there will be a girl.

Interestingly, such a "rivalry" continued after childbirth, so one more sign arose: a daughter looks like a mother - will repeat her fate. If such a scenario seemed undesirable, the girl was brought up otherwise, "from the opposite".

About grandmother

But how to be if the granddaughter looks like a grandmother? Signs of signs, but it is in this situation that science triumphs: according to the postulates of genetics, appearance, bright features of character, the mindset (as well as diseases and bad habits) are transmitted mainly through the generation.

  • Interestingly, from the grandmother from the side of the mother girl more often inherit creative potential, and along the Father's line - an idea of \u200b\u200bfamily values \u200b\u200band learning ability.

What features will be shown in the child? Is it possible to guess?

Parents always want children to inherit the best thing that can only be in their family: long eyelashes and blue eyes - from mom, expressive smile and elegant fingers - from dad, curly hair - from grandfather and absolute rumor from grandmother.

But what could be their child really? We decide a mathematical and biological problem.

It is known that women's and men's sex cells until fertilization contains 46 chromosomes, or about 30 thousand genes each. Immediately before fertilization, genital cells are divided, so that there are 23 chromosome in their core, and merge with each other. How many different combinations of genes can result in fertilization? It turns out that the child appears with one set of genes from possible and equivalent 64 trillion options. And how can you guess what manifests itself in the child, is asked?

However, certain things can be known in advance. For example, if both parents have blood with a negative rhesus factor, then the child will definitely inherit it. The skin color, eye and hair in a child can not be darker than parental, unless with the responsible for this genome did not have a mutation.

The Europeans may well have happening that a blue-eyed child appears at the cararestic parents, but in case of a European marriage with any color of the eyes and a purebred Mongoloid or African, their child's eyes will definitely be brown. Many signs, including the color of the eyes, and skin color, and the nasal form are defined not one pair of genes, but a few. After all, it can be not only blue or brown, as schematically described in textbooks, but also gray, blue, green with different color intensity. And the nose can be with a hubber, a narrow, large, smoky, with a different form of nostrils and so on. And how to understand whose child's nose? Well, if the baby got the dominant genes from dad and recessive from mom, then the nose of the child will be a copy of the father. But it happens that the eagle's nose got from the dad, but as a mother's is sharp and narrow, and the shape of the nostril at the kid like one of the grandmothers.

Parents are transmitted by 50% of their own genes, and from each grandmother and grandfather in the child turns out on average 25%, and of course, with certain combinations of genes, a child can be like a grandmother or grandfather.

But more often, the children are like their parents.

Will the children in the family look like each other? Sometimes you meet two brothers or sisters, and the diva is given: similar as twins, with a correction to the difference in age. And sometimes on the contrary, it is not at all believe that some parents may have such kids in each other. Why does it happen?

Brothers and sisters can be very similar, since their parents have a number of signs can inherit only unequivocally (dominant or recessively): face form, lips, nose, eye cut and so on. Another reason can become an accident when there were many coincidences in the gene sets of children.

That is, for example, in some parents, children can inherit only black hair hair. And from other parents, let's say, Schathenov, the child can be a blond, and Rusim, and Shahnom, and brunette, and even a red. The same is the case with other external signs.

But in order not to inherit the child, his personal gene set is unique. The second one there was no such person, and will never be. Someone can be like parents, someone - to a grandmother or aunt, or even on movie star! And someone is not like anyone, and it is also absolutely normal and even great and not dismantling in genetics should not be unreasonably suspected because of this women in infidelity.

But the main thing - parents love their children not for inherited or did not inherit, but for what they are.


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