What is better foundation or powder? Which is better: powder or foundation? Pros and cons of foundations

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Not all of us are born with perfect skin. These numerous freckles, or the consequences of an inflammatory disease - acne, spoil a person’s appearance. People strived for an ideal appearance back in ancient times. For this, various means were used - the first makeup tools - to give the face a pale tone, which was considered fashionable and beautiful.

Foundation is a cosmetology tool, a base used in makeup that helps hide skin imperfections. The first cream with a toning effect was used by Egyptian women, it consisted of a mixture of flour, butter and chalk.

The improvement of cosmetology, its evolution led to the creation in 1936 of the first foundation, which is similar to the modern one, and its founder was a makeup artist - cosmetologist Max Factor. In those years, foundation found wide application in the acting industry, namely for actor makeup. And only later, foundation received widespread use in cosmetology in the mid-20th century.

Manufacturers offer consumers a wide selection of not only foundations to suit any complexion, but also skin type.

The composition of modern foundation cream includes silicone-based oils and pigments. It is presented in liquid form and resembles a face cream mixed with foundation powder.

There are several types of foundation:

  1. Liquid. Quite dense, lends itself well to shading, while hiding pigment spots and freckles. Its structure makes facial skin visually smoother
  2. Thick. The composition contains fats, which allows you to well mask the imperfections of the skin. Well suited for women with dry skin types.
  3. Cream stick. Contains dyes in large quantities. Well suited for deep camouflage of imperfections.
  4. Cream powder– a combination of a creamy base and tinted powder ideally hides imperfections, and powdering after this product is no longer needed.
  5. A dewy, tinted foundation– the most liquid consistency, has the ability to even out the external tone of the face.

Powder is a kind of powder that gives the face a natural tint. A mixture containing organic and mineral substances with aromatized notes.

In addition, it contains: talc, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, kaolin, fragrance is also added to it, which gives a pleasant aroma. The color range of the cosmetic product ranges from light pink to dark shades.

In ancient times, analogues of modern powder were also used by Egyptian women. Later, during the period of feudalism, the use of white powder was a distinctive feature that determined the status of the nobility. People belonging to the highest stratum of society considered a pale face to be an indicator of high social status, but a tanned hue indicated the opposite.

There are several types of powder:

  1. Friable. It consists of fine particles, which often have a reflective effect, giving the appearance a radiance. It is used to highlight certain areas on the face and décolleté.
  2. Compact. The most sought-after comfortable dry foundation that almost all women have. It has a mattifying effect and can hide minor imperfections.
  3. White transparent. The quartz structure included in the powder visually evens out the skin. Suitable for almost any skin tone as it has no tint.

What do powder and foundation have in common?

Cosmetology products, such as foundation and powder, are similar:

  • Both products are widely used in cosmetology to disguise visible imperfections.
  • Used for applying makeup.
  • Modern makeup products require proper application and use.
  • Improper use may cause harm
  • Both products have types that allow them to be used for different skin types.

What is the difference between powder and foundation?

  1. Difference in structure.Powder is presented in the form of compressed or loose particles, and foundation is presented in a liquid, creamy form
  2. Effect of use.The powder itself is dry, when applied to the face, if you do not use the foundation, in the form of a cream, it can roll off. The foundation already has a cream in its composition and therefore fits well without rolling.
  3. Color spectrum. The tonal base has a rich color range, which allows it to be used under any skin tone. The dry foundation is not so rich in shades, but has a colorless structure that allows you to fix ready-made makeup and matches almost any tone.
  4. Skin damage. Powder has the ability to clog in pores; this distinctive feature can cause various diseases. The texture of the foundation has caring properties, which benefits the skin.
  5. Foundation can give your face a matte finish and the results can last for several hours. The powder hides the shine of the face for a short time.

Who is suitable for using foundation, and who is using powder?

Makeup is the main weapon that helps a woman hide the flaws in her appearance and will allow her to look beautiful no matter where she is going. Considering the many hours spent at work, at the institute, and on the road, it is recommended to use such products that will help us look perfect.

Given the structure of the dry, dense foundation, it may not be suitable for everyone, for example, people with dry skin. If the skin has wrinkles and enlarged pores, then powder foundation will not be suitable, as it will further emphasize the imperfections.

For young girls with an even, smooth complexion, a tinted moisturizer is suitable, since tinted moisturizers are not intended to hide imperfections, but only highlight advantages. For dry cosmetics, it is better to use a colorless foundation, as it will smooth out your skin tone and is ideal for using eye shadow.

Before using the powder, people who have problems with the skin of the face should consult with cosmetologists and dermatologists, due to the fact that its dense structure contributes to clogging in the pores of the skin and can cause inflammation.

When choosing this or that cosmetic product, you should take into account your skin type, its tone and general condition, since the range of products offered is large and every woman will find something that suits her.

Today, almost every girl or woman wants to look beautiful and attractive. But this is impossible without an even and beautiful complexion. Today it is not difficult to achieve such results, because every representative of the fair sex can find special cosmetics in her cosmetic bag, such as powder or foundation. And many of them have the following question: “What is better to use powder or foundation?” We will answer this and many other questions in today’s article.

The main purpose of foundation is to cover dark circles, acne, uneven complexion, and many other defects as quickly as possible. Just a couple of years ago, this remedy was treated with extreme caution, since it was it that clogged the pores, which caused various kinds of inflammation.

The beauty industry does not stand still, it develops, which means that all cosmetic products are being improved. What is foundation? Thanks to the new composition, tonal creams today fit perfectly on the skin, thereby not clogging pores and not disturbing cellular respiration. Consider what species diversity we are offered by manufacturers of cosmetics:

  • Cream camouflage is the most persistent cream that helps to mask scars, cuts, as well as birthmarks and increased pigmentation. It is not easy to use this type of cosmetic product, it is especially important to note that it is removed using a special tool.
  • Cream mousse is a delicate and easy-to-wear cream. Using it improves the appearance and does not clog pores. Perfect for people with high fat content, as it eliminates oily sheen. But, despite its excellent properties, it will not be able to hide your shortcomings.
  • Liquid makeup foundation is the most popular product, as it evens out and refreshes the color of the skin. It does not crumble during application, which is important. It is recommended to use this type of foundation several times a week. You should not overuse it; this type can also be found with a moisturizing effect.
  • The base is cream-fluid - used mainly in the summer, as it is an excellent moisturizer, which is also suitable for use with sensitive skin. One of its disadvantages is considered to be insufficient camouflage of flaws.
  • Foundation sticks - help to completely hide problem areas, suitable for all skin types. Not suitable for daily use. Only if necessary.

Every woman's cosmetic bag should contain foundation, because it is with its help that you can create a beautiful and even tone. The main thing is to choose the right color for your skin; generally, you need to purchase a foundation that is one tone lighter, or one that matches your skin.

As such, the positive and negative aspects of foundation are very difficult to identify. Everything will depend on the type of product chosen. But, we will only look superficially at their pros and cons:

  • Maximum effectiveness in masking the skin;
  • They do not clog pores, thereby not disrupting cellular respiration;
  • Using foundation allows you to create an even and matte complexion to create the perfect look.
  • Large selection of products on the market.
  • You can find foundation for all skin types.

We have identified the following disadvantages:

  • It is not always possible to apply the foundation evenly;
  • Some species roll down.

Now it’s time to talk about powder, its variety, and the pros and cons of the product.

The main purpose of the powder is to create the effect of soft and velvety skin. It is mainly used not only to create professional makeup, but also as a simple daily cosmetic product. Let's look at the variety of species the modern cosmetics market offers us:

  • Loose powder- the easiest and most convenient to use. Its texture is airy, making it easy and smooth to apply to the skin, helping to even out the tone of the face. It is inconvenient to take with you, as it takes up a lot of space in your purse.
  • Compact powder - convenient for use on the street, in cafes and other public places. Perfectly masks imperfections and mattifies skin tone.
  • Cream powder — An excellent product for eliminating blemishes on the face, but it is not always possible to apply it evenly to the skin. And all this is due to the dense texture. Before using this type, you need to practice a little.
  • Powder balls- is a universal tool that allows you to choose any shade. Since it consists of different colors. For girls with oily skin, this type of powder is not suitable, as it does not eliminate oiliness.
  • Mineral powder- is an excellent cosmetic product that hides unevenness and imperfections, and ultimately makes the skin matte. This type of powder contains mineral particles that have a nourishing effect and do not interfere with cellular respiration.
  • colorless powder- the simplest version of a cosmetic product. Suitable for women with healthy skin. It only eliminates greasy shine, evening out the tone.
  • Antiseptic- used to eliminate redness. It should be applied like regular powder, only then apply a regular cosmetic product to the skin.

Before choosing powder or foundation, it is important to decide on the color. Remember, it should not differ from your color. The powder should lie smoothly and not create the effect of an applied cosmetic product and differ in color from your natural one.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the texture of the powder, as well as whether it is suitable for your face type. The advantage of this product is that it is applied easily and evenly. The complexion becomes matte, and without oily sheen. The main disadvantage is that the powder can crumble. To do this, it is important to purchase cosmetics from a trusted company. It cannot hide visible defects.

What is better powder or foundation is up to you to decide. Do not forget that when choosing and purchasing powder or foundation, you need to remember your skin type, and for what purpose you need this or that product.

Hello everyone, dear readers!

Many of us simply cannot imagine our life without cosmetics. In Russia, of course, decorative cosmetics come first, and skin care takes a secondary place. In fact, it does not bring anything good to the skin, but only creates a visual effect.

First of all, of course, we want to tidy up the skin of the face, which can don't match to our expectations. There can be many reasons why our skin suffers, including internal diseases, lack of sleep, stress, the environment, poor nutrition, poor care and even a sedentary lifestyle.

And here we can face such dilemma What is better powder or foundation? I must say right away that it is impossible to come to a consensus. It would be logical to assume that powder is for oily skin, and foundation is for dry skin. But it's not that simple. Therefore, let's understand this issue in more detail.

When choosing cosmetics for the face, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account your skin type. But makeup artists will tell you that powder and foundation are not interchangeable products, and each has its own role.

Powder acts as the finishing touch to makeup in order to fix it and extend its durability for a long time. A foundation cream is used to even out the tone and improve the complexion of the skin.

Before using any decorative cosmetics, you must use care, that is, the skin must be cleansed, toned and moisturized, otherwise you will gradually age your skin. It would be better then not to use anything at all than to mock her in this way.

If there are visible flaws on the skin, then you can use it, but it is better not to overload unless absolutely necessary. This product is applied before foundation, but can be used without it and simply set with powder.

Oily skin - what to choose?

Anyone who has oily facial skin usually always suffers from excess secretion of the sebaceous glands. The face is forever glitters, various inflammations can often appear on it. As we usually do, oily skin must be dried by any means. But this doesn’t help, and makes her even more dehydrated. And from here, the skin begins to secrete even more sebum.

  1. Tonal products.
  2. For oily skin you can choose an excellent matting foundation, but it should be light, without silicones, otherwise it will clog pores and cause inflammation. Tonal mousses or souffles have excellent reviews. Cream powders are also suitable for oily skin, but it is better to use them in winter.

    There are also a lot of excellent Korean bb and CC creams that can be selected for oily skin; they will also have an additional caring effect, because Koreans always add various natural ingredients to their cosmetics.

  3. Powder.

If we consider powder without foundation, then attention should be paid to mineral powder, as it allows the skin to breathe, but in addition it has high covering power. It has almost the same functions; you can even prepare it yourself at home.

As for loose powder, it is suitable for oily skin, but it is better to apply it in a thin layer on top of foundation; it dries the skin well, which is basically what you need. But then it’s better to buy a makeup base for your skin type, it’s lighter than foundation and apply loose powder on it.

Dry epidermis - what is suitable?

Dry skin type can only be beneficial at a young age. But unfortunately, it is this type that is prone to premature wrinkles and other age-related changes. Very often, such skin can also be sensitive, tight, and red. It is she who, like no other, needs careful care in the form of the use of various moisturizing and nourishing products; she also needs delicate cleansing.

I’ll say right away that any, even the most expensive mineral powder, dries out the skin at least a little. Therefore, it is better not to use powder for dry skin. But you can try rice, as it is natural and hypoallergenic, and since it is made using a special technology that retains moisture and other caring components.

For the evening, you can choose one, especially with a shimmering effect, and for everyday life, a compact one. This type of powder may contain components that will not dry out your skin.

Combination skin - what to do?

How unlucky are the owners of this skin type? Here the T-zone is shiny, but the cheeks are dry. Combination skin is difficult to take care of, but it is possible.

Powder for such skin will be a salvation; you should especially pay attention to loose powder. It can perfectly set foundation or makeup base. For me, however, the best option is to apply loose powder over foundation in the T-zone or use its mineral counterpart without tone all over the face.

Problem skin - what to do with it?

The problematic type of skin includes not only skin prone to inflammation, but also mature, on which there are age spots. Skin with acne is usually oily, but fading, with age-related flaws, on the contrary, it can be dry.

  1. Tonal products.
  2. In both cases, when you need to look great and without it, you should pay attention to tonal cream sticks. It is they who have the highest masking ability and will cope with all the shortcomings.

    As an option, you can pick up and, only for oily skin with a matting effect, and for mature skin - moisturizing. Problematic skin with acne should not be often “smeared” with tonal means, the skin must be given access to oxygen.

  3. Powders.

For acne-prone skin, the best remedy is powder, which covers imperfections very well, but does not clog pores. For mature skin, it is better to use compact, nourishing or baked powders.

What's best for young skin?

From the age of 18, you need to start taking care of your skin in order to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. But on the contrary, we want to start using decorative cosmetics as early as possible. Best to choose tinted moisturizing cream.

I would recommend Korean cosmetics because they have a lot of products for young skin, since they start using various products very early. It is better to give preference to a light bb, cc cream or cushion. You should not apply tons of cosmetics at this age, everything is minimal.

Winter and summer - what to use at different times of the year?

In winter, our skin needs nutrition and hydration more than ever, and it also needs protection from external weather conditions. At this time of the year, it is better to use foundation or cream powder.

In hot summer weather, you can limit yourself to powder and sunscreen, as foundation can clog pores. Such makeup will not be long-lasting and can lead to inflammation on the face. The main thing is to monitor the temperature and humidity of the air, and use this or that product according to them.

I will conclude here. I hope now you can choose the product that suits your skin. Keep in mind that it has better masking properties than. Initially, these two products were created to be used one after the other.

Healthy facial skin! See you!

When choosing between foundation and powder, many assume that one of these products should be more effective, more pleasant or beneficial for the skin. However, we should not say that liquid foundation is better than powder, or vice versa. Each of them has its own advantages that will be useful in certain circumstances. Based on this, you need to make a decision - taking into account, of course, the needs of your skin.

What to do if you have no idea what to use - powder or foundation? First, find out what advantages and disadvantages each of these tools has.


© iStock

Foundation is primarily a soft, creamy or liquid texture. A good tool due to this literally merges with the skin and, aligning its tone, provides a natural result. The same texture allows you to enrich the formula of foundation creams with caring components and, thanks to this, add benefits to the skin in addition to the decorative effect.

  • For example, Giorgio Armani's Maestro Glow Bi-Phase is rich in nourishing oils - just what you need if your skin is dry and needs intensive care to prevent dehydration.

© Giorgio Armani

  • Teint Idole Ultra Cushion by Lancôme helps protect skin from UV damage on hot summer days with SPF 50.

© lancome.ru

  • And Yves Saint Laurent Beauté combined foundation with their anti-aging serum and got Youth Liberator Sérum Fond de Teint, which not only evens out the tone, but also fights the aging process.


So using a foundation is an opportunity to give your skin even more care, while simultaneously correcting your appearance so that not a trace remains of imperfections.

At the same time, foundations are capable of a variety of “special effects”. Some of them make the skin matte, others provide freshness with a slight glow, as if “from the inside,” and others create a coating with, which was recently promoted on the catwalks as a full-fledged trend.


© iStock

Powder is a completely different matter. Due to its dry texture, this product is most often completely unsuitable for dry skin - the powder falls on it in patches and flakes off, so there is no talk of masking imperfections.

  • But, of course, there are exceptions to the rules - for example, NYX Professional Makeup offers Hydra Touch moisturizing powder with extracts of chamomile, cactus, chlorella algae and wheat germ. True, it is better to use it on dry skin only as a finishing touch.

At the same time, it is advised not to powder too much on oily skin - although it will give the desired matte finish, sebum will still appear through the dense coating in the T-zone during the day.

Therefore, powders are most suitable for those with normal or combination skin without pronounced problems.

  • They can use this product to slightly correct the tone - in situations where they do not want to feel a heavy layer of cream on the skin.
  • The second option is to use powder to complete the makeup, using it to fix the coverage made by the foundation.

Based on these benefits of each product, determine what your skin needs. Based on its type: dry skin requires hydration and nutrition, so it needs a cream with oils, but normal skin without any special “whims” can be covered with powder. In one case, foundation may perform better than powder, and vice versa. Therefore, the main thing is to clearly know what suits your skin, and take this as the basis for your choice of cosmetics. In addition, consider the season: look for a list of the best foundations for summer in the material.

Do you use foundation or powder? Why? Write a comment.

Many girls ask the question: “What is better to use - foundation, powder or two products at the same time?” Everyone chooses for themselves what suits the skin best and hides all imperfections.

Of course, this is not to say that powder and foundation do not harm your skin. But every girl wants to look perfect, so she applies these products to her face every day. It’s worth looking at each product separately to make your choice.

Powder is the main basis for applying everyday and professional makeup. It has been noticed that when there is no time to make up our eyes or lips, we will need only 15 seconds to slightly refresh and make our face more attractive with the help of good loose powder and give it a more saturated color without leaving a greasy shine. Also . There is no woman in the world who does not know how to use compact powder. At the same time, everyone knows that it can ruin not only makeup, but also make facial skin vulnerable.

Today, almost all women use powder, regardless of age and social status. It can be different - expensive and cheap, and cheap powder is often not inferior to expensive analogues. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. But sometimes this happens, and you look and think: “It would be better if I didn’t powder myself.” In fact, the first mistake that many people make is not using the sponge that comes with the powder correctly.

It gives the most rough and dense coverage that looks good in portrait photos and videos, but in real life it can highlight all the wrinkles and pores. Many modern powders are sold without a sponge. The best quality is applied with large brushes made of soft natural or artificial bristles. They vary in diameter and also in the length of the fibers.

This brush covers a large area of ​​skin, and the makeup does not seem natural. If you initially apply a thick layer of powder, then after the second or third application it will begin to fall off in pieces. That is, high-quality powder with the right tone has a light, toning effect. Using powder, you can hide all minor imperfections, for example, a large pimple. You can also hide minor inflammations, but it is almost impossible to hide small wounds with its help. For such a case, there is a professional foundation with a soft creamy consistency.

Why do women powder themselves?

Girls powder in order to hide oily shine from prying eyes, slightly refresh their complexion and be more attractive to the male population. But many of them choose their powder tone based on the area on the neck and how harmoniously it blends with the skin.

They do not take into account the fact that skin can noticeably change color over the course of the season. And in this case, it is recommended to use powders of two colors to create this transition. Choose the first powder in a shade that directly matches your skin, and the second one a little darker. The powder can be no more than 2 shades darker. Apply two different shades of pudoo and your complexion will become much more natural.

Loose powder and its features

Girls have been using loose powder since ancient Egypt. Loose translucent powder looks like a white translucent powder. When applied to the skin, this powder does not give any effect. But people with dark or very tanned skin should not get carried away with such powder.

Among the main advantages of loose powder is the small amount of fillers that only worsen the condition of the skin. The main task of fillers is to keep the loose powder in a lump state, that is, in a pressed form. Loose powder is an exclusively coloring pigment that does not harm the skin. Today, domestic and foreign industry offers a large selection of mineral powders. They are good for young women. On the one hand, they have a good matting effect and have light toning properties, and plus, they contain useful mineral components that are beneficial for your skin.

If you have skin prone to inflammation and the appearance of pores, then regular compact powder is not suitable for you, because this will deteriorate the skin and only make it worse.

Compact powder - how to choose?

If we talk about mineral powder, you need to use a small amount, the size of a grain of rice; if you see that the effect is not enough, then just add another layer. You need to use a flat top brush. Follow these guidelines for applying mineral powder:

  1. Saturate the brush completely with powder.
  2. Using circular movements from the forehead, apply the powder to the face.
  3. The relief of the face becomes brighter and more expressive.

If you want your complexion to make you happy and not sad, take care of food first. Completely eliminate fatty and salty foods from your diet, try not to eat canned vegetables - highly salted and spicy ones. What food contributes to blockage of the sebaceous glands, accordingly the skin becomes shiny. Every second woman tries to cope with the problem with the help of clean water and washes her face 5-6 times a day. Should not be doing that.

By cleansing our face, we actually clog the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the skin becomes unkempt, shiny, and has an unattractive appearance. I'm very pleased when people don't pay attention to you. Therefore, it is better not to experiment; from now on, let’s wash ourselves exclusively with mineral or boiled water two, maximum three times a day - no more. Under no circumstances should you wash your face with hot water.
Finish washing with a cool shower or simply run ice over your face.

Powder and its production at home

Many women who take good care of the condition of their skin and their appearance are accustomed to ordering natural powders for a lot of money. An alternative option is this homemade powder recipe.

You will need a fresh cucumber. Cut it in half, carefully take out the seeds from the inside and dry them on paper in a shady place for 3-4 days. Grind these seeds in a coffee grinder. You will end up with a powder that will have a slightly astringent effect. The next ingredient is white rice. Grind it finely in a coffee grinder. You need to take 2 tablespoons of cucumber seeds and two tablespoons of rice powder. This powder will never clog blood vessels or your pores.

It is best to store the powder in an airtight jar or bottle. If you see that your powder has clumps, then you need to change it to a new one.

If you have a good one, of high quality, then with its help you can easily and simply create a new image. Using good powder it is easy to change the shape, especially if you adhere to the well-known principle “less is better”. Girls who change the shape of their face want, first of all, to emphasize the roundness or make the face elongated or slimmer - this is the so-called contouring cosmetics.

They try to shade correctors or pencils, thereby creating the effect of numerous shadows on the face, or, as it is often called, the effect of plaster on the face. Unfortunately, this is not refreshing, but on the contrary makes it rough and lifeless. We suggest using a technique recognized by many girls. It will help you highlight all your advantages and hide flaws in your appearance. For this you can only use good quality powder.

How exactly to choose a good powder that will help you create a perfect oval without any problems and enhance the effect of application? Take powder two or three shades darker than the powder that suits you. You need to understand that you will need a soft, small brush, and in no case a sponge, which will only clog the pores.

In this case, facial makeup will look rough, so you will need a small brush to apply corrective makeup. It must be quite thick and well knitted in order to have a beautiful skin tone as a result. A typical mistake that many girls make is they apply makeup indoors.

How to apply powder correctly

How to apply foundation correctly?

The first type of face is “Square”.

The main feature of this face is its pronounced jaw. As a rule, a square male line makes the face rougher and the main task of a woman is to make the lines softer and smoother. With the right makeup, you can look very impressive with this type of face. Under makeup, as usual, you should apply a moisturizer, which will prepare the skin for applying foundation.

The powder should be applied under the main line above the cheekbone. Next, you need to smooth out the foundation so that the face looks more feminine, that is, we make the square, heavy lower part visually light. Make a triangle from the cheekbone to the eye and shade it. Don’t forget to blend everything thoroughly with a thick brush. Apply to the hairline, bringing it closer to an oval shape.

The next face shape is “Triangle”.

The disadvantage of this type of face is that sometimes these girls are compared to ants. Due to the rather wide forehead and high-set eyes. The first thing you need to do is visually reduce your forehead and, depending on whether your forehead is high, you need to adjust the line along the entire forehead, if not very high, then only the side part. Carefully blend everything into the hairline. Wear generously on the cheekbones to narrow the face a little in this area. If the chin is very expressive, then you can slightly apply a darker tone of powder to the lower part.

The next face shape is “Pear-shaped”, also called “trapezoid”.

The main lines of correction for this type are aimed at making the cheeks sunken and making the face narrower. Apply another small amount of mineral or loose powder to the jaw below.

The next face type is “Round”.

Such a face, as a rule, has a childish cuteness. But with age, unfortunately, this charm goes away and you need to learn how to correct it. Such a face needs to be visually narrowed. Let's start creating our new image. Apply corrective powder carefully from the hairline to the temples to slightly narrow the forehead, drawing, thereby emphasizing the cheekbone. Then, narrow your chin with additional corrective powder.

And the last face is “Elongated”.

It is the most difficult to correct, because if you overdo it a little, it will look comical. Often such a face looks a little rude and strict. In order to make it more feminine, you need to visually lower it a little, darkening the upper part of the forehead and remove the lower part of the chin a little into the shadow so that the face looks more compact.

Foundation and its features

They say that foundation, regardless of quality and brand, is a bad idea to hide imperfections, as it clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe properly. Sometimes we need to look different than always, and then we can’t do without foundation. Winter foundations, for your information, have a richer formula, and for summer you need to choose a light cream. It is better to use a brush or a wet sponge.

If you use oil-based creams, then all this fat will be visible on your face. These two products cost the same, both oil-based and water-based. Water-based cream clogs skin pores less in the summer heat. The next essential property for a summer foundation is hydration. The next property that must be present in summer foundations is a sunscreen base or components that protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Visually, we cannot distinguish sunscreen from regular sunscreen. We can only trust the inscription on the packaging.

The last secret is very important. Many women use this component to hide fine wrinkles and generally make their complexion richer and more even. The product should not contain reflective particles. The difference between summer cream and winter cream is only in color. Many young girls, especially schoolgirls, can become fixated on keeping their foundation the same color all year round. In summer, the skin always has a slightly richer and more lasting color. She tans a little and the winter foundation creates a kind of mask effect. That is, the skin turns out to be more than the neck.

In order to choose the right shade, you first need to decide on your skin type, cool or warm. If you look at the veins in daylight, what color are they? As a rule, they are blue or green, with varying degrees of highlighting. If the shade of the veins is more greenish, it means that you have a so-called warm type of appearance, and if it is blue, it means cold. You need to take a small amount of foundation and apply it to your face. Under no circumstances should you choose the ideal foundation for yourself based on your wrist. When applying foundation, you can use either a brush or a damp sponge.

If you master the basic techniques of applying creams well, you can change your appearance beyond recognition.


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