What is spa? Spa treatments in the salon

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Find a salon based on reviews. The very concept of SPA comes from the abbreviation “Sanus per Aquam”, which translated from Latin means “health through water”. Therefore, a good spa must have water treatments: a hot tub, a steam room, a small pool. It’s great if the salon has a cafe with healthy food, a meditation room, a hairdresser - then you can devote the whole day to relaxation.

Take a tour. A spa differs from a massage salon in its special atmosphere: quiet music plays here, aromatic candles burn, and the interior invites you to relax and relax. Ask the receptionist to give you a tour of the salon: you should feel like you are at an exotic resort - and nothing less.

Sign up in advance. If you like the salon, sign up for the procedure, choosing a time convenient for you. Be prepared that visiting the spa will take from two to five hours, so it is better to set aside a completely free evening or weekend for relaxation. Tell the administrator about your wishes (whether you want to relax, relieve muscle pain or remove swelling), and he will tell you.

Select a master. Spa practitioners can be both women and men, for example in the traditional hammam foam ritual. Ask in advance to be assigned to a specialist in front of whom you will not feel embarrassed.

During a visit to the SPA salon

Have a fasting day. Avoid a heavy lunch and alcohol - have a snack an hour or two before your scheduled procedure and drink plenty of water. Men should not shave, and women should not epilate before a massage session, otherwise the skin may become irritated. Do not use perfume and decorative cosmetics, take off precious jewelry - all this will be unnecessary in the spa. And most importantly, dress warmly and comfortably so as not to catch a cold after the salon.

Please arrive an hour before your procedure. At your first visit, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire and answer some questions: do you have allergies, chronic diseases, inflammatory processes? This is very important: a specialist must check whether the chosen procedure is suitable for you. If everything is in order, you will have enough time to change clothes, shower, use the steam room and relax before your spa session.

Turn off your mobile phone. In the spa, it is customary to maintain silence and talk in a low voice, because you came here to take a break from the hustle and bustle and problems.

Take a swimsuit. Don't be afraid, you don't have to walk around naked - the salon will definitely give you slippers, disposable panties, a robe and a towel. And they will make sure that you are not embarrassed: the staff will leave the office while you change clothes, and the massage therapist will cover you with a towel. The shower room will have a hairdryer and a full set of hygiene products: shampoo and conditioner, gel and soap - you don’t need to bring anything with you. Bring only a swimsuit or swimming trunks if you are going to swim in the pool and steam in the shared hammam.

Get the most out of it. During the procedure, do not hesitate to tell the master about your wishes: turn on music or remain in silence, dim the lights, change the temperature in the room. There is no need to endure discomfort during the massage: if you feel cold, uncomfortable or in pain, be sure to inform the staff about it.

After SPA treatments

Don't rush to get up from the couch. Lie down after the massage for 5-10 minutes, and then the master will take you to the relaxation room, where he will offer herbal tea and dried fruits - usually this is already included in the price. Fresh juice and light healthy snacks are available for a fee. Enjoy your vacation - no one is rushing you.

Leave a tip. They usually amount to 10–15% of the cost of the procedure. But what if during the visit you were served by several specialists at once? Contact the administrator - he will give you a special envelope on which you need to write who the reward is intended for.

Forget about urgent matters. After the salon, go home, cook a light dinner, and then watch your favorite movie or read a book. They say that one day at the spa can replace a week of vacation - so enjoy your vacation one hundred percent.

Today the mysterious and alluring word “SPA” is on everyone’s lips. SPA salon, SPA resort, SPA effect - not everyone knows the exact meaning of these expressions, but subconsciously we understand: SPA is a guarantee of quality, it is something that has a magical effect.

What is a SPA? Most often, this word is written as an abbreviation: 3 capital letters, Cyrillic (SPA) or Latin (SPA). However, in fact, the spelling “Spa” would be more correct, because this is not an abbreviation, but an ordinary word - the name of a Belgian resort famous for its healing waters.

Today, the word “SPA” is more often used to refer to physical therapy methods involving water. These include, in particular, thalassotherapy (treatment with sea water, mud, algae) and balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters).

SPA treatments have a rejuvenating effect, improve skin condition, promote weight loss and figure correction. The salons offer several types of spa treatments.

1. Thermotherapy. In essence, this is an ordinary Russian bathhouse. The procedure begins with warming up: under the influence of high temperature and moist steam, excess fluid is removed from the body, and with it toxins, skin pores open, and the surface of the skin is freed from the layer of keratinized scales.

The next stage is cleansing. The skin is treated with body peeling, then proceed to massage. A broom made from branches of various trees is used as a “massager”. An oak broom increases skin elasticity, a birch broom relaxes muscles, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, a nettle broom helps against radiculitis, a hazel broom is useful for varicose veins and eczema, a pine broom normalizes blood circulation.

After the massage with a broom, contrast procedures are carried out: swimming in cool water. Temperature changes harden the body, strengthen blood vessels, and increase skin elasticity. The final stage of thermotherapy is lymphatic drainage massage and shower.

2. Osmotherapy. This SPA procedure is carried out using mineral salts. Fine salt peeling removes dead cells from the skin. The smallest grains penetrate through the pores into the skin, saturate the cells with minerals and remove toxins from the body.

Peeling of coarse salt with algae extracts is rich in bromine, calcium and potassium. This salt helps relieve stress, reduces nervous tension, and has a beneficial effect on heart function. If you consider yourself a victim of chronic fatigue syndrome, you should definitely take a course of osmotherapy!

Mud wraps will help enhance the effect of this procedure. Therapeutic mud contains active substances that cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals.

Osmotherapy promotes renewal and rejuvenation of the body, improves the nutrition of living tissues, normalizes hormonal levels, stimulates vitamin metabolism, tones muscles, and has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

❧ In the early 1960s, the method of breast enlargement through injection of liquid silicone became very popular in the United States. However, the safety of this method was questioned, and in 1965 it was banned. The method of breast augmentation using silicone implants, developed in 1962, is considered safer.

3. Hot tubs. Warm jets of bubbling water provide mechanical massage. The effect of the procedure is enhanced by adding extracts of aromatic Tuscan herbs to the water. Jets of varying intensity hitting under water stimulate blood circulation, increase skin tone, help normalize metabolism and cleanse the body. After taking a hydromassage course, you will certainly feel several years younger.

4. SPA in Indian style. It is a mixture of physiology, psychology, cosmetology and medicine. Each client is given an individual spa program depending on their body type and character traits. Indian SPA specialists distinguish 3 types: vata, pita and kapha.

People of the Vata type have a fragile physique, are distinguished by lively behavior, easy excitability, a tendency to rapid mood changes, and some unpredictability.

Pita type people have an average build. These are strong, decisive, sober-minded people who tend to show anger and irritation in difficult situations.

Kapha people have a powerful physique. They are slow, calm, pleasant to talk to, and unperturbed. In difficult situations, they tend to withdraw into themselves.

Indian SPA begins with determining the type of client. Having found out his type, he goes to the appropriate bath with the addition of decoctions of medicinal Indian herbs. While the client is soaking in the bath, a nourishing mask is applied to his hair. Then the body is treated with herbal peeling. After which a massage is performed. Very often, an Indian SPA ends with a stone therapy session.

5. Thalassotherapy. The name of this spa method is literally translated from Greek as “sea treatment.” The sea is the richest source of rejuvenation and healing. It seems that almost everything related to the sea is beneficial for our body: sea water, mud, salt, algae and even sea air. Thalassotherapy uses all these “natural medicines” most effectively.

Thalassotherapy has rejuvenating and general health-improving effects. As part of it, a number of procedures are carried out:

❀ a bath or pool with sea water, which for thalassotherapy sessions is taken from a depth of 6 m at a distance of at least 450 m from the shore. It is there that the water is the purest and richest in minerals. For the procedure, water is heated to a temperature of 35-37 °C. The thalassotherapy session itself lasts about 20 minutes. During this time, the skin absorbs all the necessary microelements from the water;

❀ seaweed wrap. A mass of algae is applied to problem areas of the body, which is covered with a film on top and wrapped in thick fabric. As a result, a sauna effect is created, due to which beneficial substances penetrate the skin more actively. Seaweed contains a lot of iodine necessary for the body, and they are also rich in substances that stimulate metabolic processes. As a result of this procedure, blood supply to tissues improves, fat deposits are reduced, including cellulite, and swelling is reduced;

❀ masks made from algae and therapeutic mud saturate the skin with nutrients, remove toxins and impurities from the body, and promote rejuvenation;

❀ Cavitotherapy - treatment with sea air. The ocean is a giant oxygen production station. Many algae are constantly working to create the cleanest and healthiest air possible. Cavitotherapy improves the condition of the respiratory system, clearing the bronchi of all harmful substances, helps with nervous disorders, and therefore saves from premature aging. In order to enjoy the healing properties of sea air, you don’t have to go to a resort. Cavitotherapy sessions are also carried out in salons where sea air is obtained artificially. Why do they pour real sea water into special containers and irradiate it with ionization lamps?

“Health through water” is translated from the Latin sanus per aqua (SPA). It is with the help of water that modern spa salons offer us to improve our health, relax, lose weight and become even more beautiful.

Mineral waters, sea salt and algae, therapeutic mud, special climatic conditions, massage, steam rooms... The list goes on and on. So let's look at the most popular spa treatments.


This is a set of procedures based on the effects of seafood on the human body. Thalassotherapy uses sea water, salts, mud, and algae, which contain a large number of useful microelements.

For example, sea water is used in procedures such as immersion baths, hydromassage, seaweed wraps, cosmetic masks and applications, and sea showers. In this case, sea minerals are absorbed into human skin through the pores. A mud bath is also a very intense procedure: first you spend 10 minutes in warm mud, then you wash it off, take a mineral bath and douse yourself with steam. Finally, you may be wrapped in a seaweed blanket and left to cool.

These and other thalassotherapy procedures have anti-stress, antiviral, stimulating and antibacterial effects.


Hydrotherapy is water procedures that are performed to correct the figure, lose weight, relax the body and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example:

  • A tropical shower is a collection of various showers that pour on a person in tiny drops. The water in them is saturated with essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • Hydromassage is a massage that is done under water in a special bath.
  • Pearl baths - this beautiful name actually means the following: air bubbles (pearls) are created in the bath, which mix with streams of water and massage the human body. For greater benefits, herbal infusions, essential oils, algae extracts and sea salt are added to the water.

Body peeling

Peeling is the removal of old, dead cells from the skin, as well as various impurities. It is often recommended to do it before a massage. During the procedure, the pores open and cleanse, after which cosmetics and aromatic oils are absorbed into the skin much faster.

There are many types of this SPA procedure: peeling using mineral salts, peeling with seaweed, with moisturizing grape oil, etc.


The healing power of essential oils has been known since ancient times. In modern spa salons, aromatic oils are used in conjunction with body wraps, massages, hydrotherapy, and also in individual aromatherapy sessions.

Body wrap

Body wrapping is carried out using various beneficial substances: seaweed, honey, chocolate, clay, herbs, medicinal mud, etc. This procedure can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

This procedure can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

Each product used for wrapping has its own characteristics and helps to achieve excellent results after a course of procedures. This is weight loss, getting rid of cellulite, body correction, absence of swelling and getting rid of stretch marks on the skin, general tone of the body and removal of toxins from it.


Any massage has a beneficial effect on our body: relaxes, relieves stress, rejuvenates, cleanses and heals. In beauty salons, clinics and massage parlors, you can choose a massage session of completely different durations and directions.

Nowadays, stone therapy is popular - hot stone massage. The stone gives positive energy to the whole body and absorbs negative energy. In addition to complete relaxation, this type of massage activates the metabolism and all body systems begin to work better.

Aroma massage is simply an extraordinary procedure when aromatic oils and unobtrusive music give you a feeling of complete relaxation. And the goal of anti-cellulite massage is to make the skin more elastic and silky. During this procedure, honey, coffee, scrubs, sea salt and other beneficial ingredients are used.


Balneotherapy is carried out using healing substances from thermal springs. This procedure is done in a salon using peat, gas, radon, mineral and other baths. Wrapping and irrigation methods are also used.

After a course of balneotherapy, blood circulation improves and aging slows down, all vital systems of the body become toned.


Complete steaming of the body occurs due to its warming up in the well-known Russian bath, Turkish hammam, Finnish sauna, etc. As a result of going to the steam room, you can feel complete relaxation and release of muscle tension, cleanse your body of toxins and even lose weight. And if during steaming you also apply a natural scrub to the skin and drop a little aroma oil into the water, the effect will be simply amazing!

As a result of going to the steam room, you can feel complete relaxation and release of muscle tension, cleanse your body of toxins and even lose weight.

Of course, these are not all the spa treatments that can be used in modern salons. An indisputable advantage is that now it is not at all necessary to go to a health resort for this. But before you sign up for your chosen procedure, do not forget to consult a specialist about the harm and benefit to your health.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


A woman just needs to relax sometimes. Salons and spa treatments will help with this, which include massage and body wraps, which will normalize your hair and skin. A spa specialist will help you choose the right service. However, the main thing here is to choose a good salon. High-quality physiotherapeutic methods do not always come at a high cost; it is better to contact institutions that someone you know has recommended.

What are spa treatments

The letters SPA are an abbreviation from English “sanitas per aqua”, which means “health through water”. However, there is another version of what spa is. This method of care appeared in one Belgian city of Spa, which has healing thermal waters. Spa treatments are a complex effect on a person: cosmetic, psychologically relaxing.

What is a spa? This concept includes such little things as music, interior details, staff attitude, herbal teas, medicinal cocktails, light snacks, scented candles. Only by observing all these points does a beauty salon turn into a spa, where you can get complete relaxation. It’s pleasant to be in it, you can forget about home problems, troubles, stress and have fun.

Spa for women

This type of care is beneficial for women because it allows them to relax and improve their health. They can feel their body better and love themselves. If a woman enjoys her beauty, then everyone around her will love her. After cosmetic spa treatments, the skin becomes soft, wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is evened out, and the hair acquires shine and luster. And the mood becomes much better.

Salon services have beautiful, bright names, for example: “Orange Pleasure”; "Secrets of Cleopatra"; “Heavenly pleasure”, “Perfection”, “Chocolate madness”, “Milk tenderness”, “Golden tangerine” and other similar phrases. Spa salons provide various types of services:

  • programs with massage;
  • rejuvenation programs;
  • for rest in order to recuperate;
  • for figure correction.

For men in Moscow

It is a big misconception that only women do spa treatments. This will be very useful for men. It's nice to relax and unwind after a working day. It is much better to visit a cozy, comfortable place where experienced people will look after you than to drink beer. In the first case, you can get relaxation, rejuvenation, health benefits, and vigor. In the second case, there will only be harm to the body and a headache in the morning.

The range of services for men is extensive. It includes both simple activities like hand massage and complex ones: body peeling, masks, solarium, reflexology, tropical shower. All activities are necessarily accompanied by delicious herbal tea, pleasant music and atmosphere. This contributes to a dramatic improvement in well-being and mood. A set of activities may include, for example: hammam, foot washing, bath milk, peeling, salt body scrub, sports massage.

Spa programs for two

This will be a wonderful gift for a young couple; it is especially good to give such a vacation for a wedding, then no resort will be required. The newlyweds will be able to enjoy each other in wonderful conditions and surroundings. You can give such a vacation to your significant other for a birthday or just as a pleasant surprise. The set of methods may be different; each salon draws up a program independently, comes up with names and unique opportunities. Anyone can choose a service for themselves.

To visualize what complexes there may be, here are several options:

  • Romantic bath with rose petals, champagne, candles, fruits, aroma massage, firming mask, acupressure of the feet and face, warming oil compresses, kneading the collar area.
  • Romantic bath with rose petals, champagne, fruits, aromatherapy with your chosen scent, massage of your choice, body wrap, hot stone massage. During a spa treatment, you can order different drinks: champagne, tea, juices, etc.

What spa services do the salons provide?

We looked at what procedures are generally possible. It is worth describing each of them a little, so that those who want to seek such care for the first time in a specialized salon can decide in advance what they would like. All spa treatments in the hydrotherapy salon are divided into zones: for the body, for the face, for hands and feet, for hair. Based on the zones, a set of activities is selected, which can be supplemented or reduced.

Body treatments

The main zone is the human body. Massage ranks first among spa treatments. There are many different technologies and techniques, we will describe some of them:

  • with hot stones;
  • with aromatic bags;
  • With butter;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • relaxing;
  • four hands;
  • Thai;
  • Balinese, etc.

In addition to massage, the main types of services are:

  1. Steaming the body (can be carried out in a hammam, sauna, bathhouse, cedar barrel).
  2. Body wrapping using various means: medicinal mud, seaweed, herbs, honey, etc.
  3. Peeling cleanses the skin of dead cells; it can be different: with sea salt, algae, mineral, with essential oils or coffee.
  4. Ozone therapy – problem areas are pinched and ozone is introduced. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in cells are improved, hormonal levels are normalized, and the fat layer is reduced.

For face

Spa treatments help get rid of signs of lack of sleep and fatigue. In addition, special care can rejuvenate facial skin, smooth out wrinkles, and improve color. The salons offer massages, peelings, scrubs, vitamin and clay masks. Hardware procedures are possible. After care, it is good to use special creams and lotions based on sea minerals.

For arms and legs

Hand care includes a high-quality manicure with complete cosmetic care. Clients are offered relaxing baths, rejuvenating masks, and massages with oils. In recent years, paraffin therapy has enjoyed great success. Foot baths are given. There are decongestant and anti-varicose procedures to choose from. Mud, chocolate, etc. wraps save you from ugly stars. You can do regular or hydromassage.

Spa hair care

Hair care occupies a special place. In general, hair is of great importance to a woman, so she always tries to give it a well-groomed look. Many salons offer services such as hot body wraps. It gives hair strength, elasticity, and restores color-treated, dull hair well. Complexes of procedures have been designed that restore, nourish, and moisturize hair. This includes peeling, skin cleansing, and hair growth stimulation.

Complex of spa treatments

This is the most complete treatment, it includes several areas at once: for hair, for face, etc. It costs more than if you order separate services, but the effect of the procedures will be much more noticeable. There are complexes of a general orientation: romantic, for a bachelorette party, Thai. Such programs imply a specific direction:

  • anti-aging;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • for weight loss;
  • to cleanse the body.

What do they do at the spa?

One of the main directions of such salons is to improve the mood of clients. All procedures in the spa are aimed at this, eliminating painful sensations, and the result causes a storm of positive emotions. The environment of the room also has a good effect on the well-being of clients: interior, music, decor, various details. In a good salon, the staff must be polite and attentive, offer drinks and light snacks, and seek an individual approach. And in some salons you can buy cosmetics.

Body shaping

One of the services that spas offer is body shaping. There are programs aimed at losing weight, eliminating cellulite, and reducing body volume. There are also techniques that restore skin tone and elasticity. Such figure correction systems involve various massages, peelings, and wraps. Often, the body is steamed to relax before the main procedures.


This procedure involves targeted flows of water in a bath at a comfortable temperature. Thanks to an underwater massage, blood circulation is restored and relaxation occurs. Hydrotherapy can offer several types of treatments. Firstly, it is a full body massage that is carried out by water while you sit and enjoy a bath, a glass of wine or juice. Secondly, a swimming pool with a strong countercurrent. There is no time to relax here, but you need to exercise.


Doctors in any clinic will confirm that the benefits of aromatherapy cannot be overestimated. It creates a positive mood, promotes relaxation, and can serve as a preventive measure for certain diseases or even treat them. The last point is due to the fact that aroma therapy is carried out on the basis of essential oils, which are made mainly from beneficial plants. Aromatherapy can be carried out in the form of burning candles or spraying scents in the room. However, there are more accentuated ways:

  • aroma massage;
  • aromatic sauna;
  • aroma baths.


Even with the abundance of new effective procedures that are available in the practice of modern hydrotherapy salons, massage remains the main and main way of body care. However, a large number of different types of massage have appeared, here are the main ones:

  1. Classic Russian massage. It can be used to treat any diseases, such as cellulite.
  2. Anti-cellulite. Now the most popular among women.
  3. Spanish. All hand movements are made flexibly, using the entire surface.
  4. French (lymphatic drainage). The effect occurs on the lymph nodes, as a result, cellulite is reduced, varicose veins are prevented and the immune system is strengthened.
  5. Honey. All hand movements occur using honey.
  6. Shiatsu - acupressure. It is carried out by pressing the fingers.
  7. Thai yoga massage. This is a combination of massage and elements of the yoga system.
  8. Thai with herbal bags. Thai herbs are used as a filler, which have a healing effect.

Spa treatments in Moscow

Many spa salons in Moscow provide individual and complex services. Prices vary, so customers have plenty to choose from. This also applies to the abundance of different types of procedures. Some salons provide additional drinks, others offer fruit, and others select music according to the client’s wishes. Everyone tries to make their vacation as convenient and comfortable as possible.

The best salons include the following:

  1. Harmony SPA;
  2. Spa by Algotherm;
  3. Ego Spa;
  4. Spa Cocktail (SPA Cocktail);
  5. Asia Beauty SPA (Asia Beauty Spa);
  6. Pokrovka Royal SPA;
  7. Bourgeois SPA;
  8. Wai Thai;
  9. Thai Spa;
  10. Seng Tai;
  11. First Spa;
  12. Thai Club;
  13. Crown Thai Spa;
  14. Mahash;
  15. China SPA;
  16. VIP SPA;
  17. Palaestra;
  18. Siam Sea;
  19. Le Grand Spa;
  20. Viva SPA;
  21. Arena Spa;
  22. Phyto SPA;
  23. 7 Colors;
  24. Spa Tibet;
  25. Sunny Spa.

How to choose a salon

Now there are many different salons and even large health centers. The main points that you should pay attention to when choosing “your” spa salon:

  1. Is comprehensive care possible in the salon?
  2. Do the employees of the establishment have appropriate education?
  3. Are the conditions for the procedures sterile?
  4. How much do spa treatments cost: how affordable are the prices and quality of services?
  5. Distance to home. After the procedures you will relax, the location of the salon becomes important.

The cost of spa treatments

How much does a spa treatment cost? Here are a few examples from Moscow:


Price, rubles

Harmony SPA

Thai massage



Spa by Algotherm

Thai massage

General massage

Care for the eye area

"Hydra-Read" - correction of age-related changes

Water programs for women

The magic of fragrances

Deep cleansing program

Chocolate scrub

SPA (SPA) - everyone has probably heard this word more than once. SPA-clinic, SPA-resort, SPA-center, SPA-hotel - these terms are now heard by everyone. However, not everyone knows the meaning of the word SPA. In this article we will tell you what is behind it.

The word SPA itself comes from the name of the Belgian resort Spa, which is located in the province of Liege (Wallonia region), near Germany and the Netherlands. The healing waters of Spa were known to the ancient Romans; they probably named its self-flowing springs, the fountain of which still adorns the resort square - “Spa” (Walloon “espa” - fountain). Since the 16th century, Spa has become a favorite holiday destination for Belgian tourists thanks to these springs. Since the 17th century, the sources themselves began to be called this, and in the second half of the twentieth century, the word acquired a much broader meaning.

The healing waters of the Spa have been known since ancient times

A common interpretation of the word SPA as an abbreviation of a Latin phrase sanus per (pro)aquam - “health through water” is not entirely true. The grammar of the Latin language does not allow such a combination, because the word sanus does not mean “health”, but “healthy”, and if you translate the phrase “health through water” into Latin, you get aquaevisanus, aquasanatus .

Modern SPA

Today, the concept of SPA implies a health-improving complex of balneological procedures (lat. balneum- bath, bathing) - procedures using sea, thermal, mineral or fresh water, seaweed, medicinal plants and medicinal mud. Used for a brief (often advertising) designation of such concepts as hydrotherapy, balneotherapy and thalassotherapy. A prerequisite for SPA is the presence of water.

Many sanatoriums, health centers and salons also include the following procedures as SPA:

  • Saunas and baths(classic Finnish sauna, Russian bath, Roman thermal bath/steam bath, Turkish hammam, cryosauna, biosauna and)
  • Bathing(in a hot tub, outdoor pool, indoor pool, as well as salt baths)
  • Fitness(non-strength training, cardio training, gymnastics, stretching exercises, joint exercises)
  • Massage(general massage, facial massage, acupressure, various oriental massage techniques, )
  • Cosmetic procedures
  • , meditation

If the first two points on this list are still related to water, then everything else looks more like a marketing ploy to attract visitors to SPA centers. Therefore, by SPA we will understand only procedures related to water. As for, and, separate sections on the site are devoted to these topics.

The purpose of SPA procedures is to heal and relax the body. SPA procedures improve metabolism, have a positive effect on blood circulation, remove waste and toxins from the body, and improve skin condition. After SPA treatments, you feel in good shape and gain a boost of energy.

Many 4 and 5 star hotels today have their own SPA centers.


The abbreviations SPA and SPA may also have the following interesting decoding options:

  • S.p.a. (Società per azioni) - joint stock companies (JSC) in Italy
  • Spa – brand of mineral water
  • SPA - Sony Pictures Animation
  • SPA - self-propelled boat with a ramp
  • SPA or SP automatics – St. Petersburg automatics
  • SPA - vertebral artery syndrome
  • SPA - reference and search engine
  • SPA - rescue underwater vehicle
  • SPA - Socialist Party of Argentina (as well as Austria, Albania and Australia)
  • SPA – Union of Writers of Armenia
  • SPA – Azerbaijan Writers Union
  • SPA – Social Pension Agency

The full list can be viewed.

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