"Grandparents and grandchildren. My grandparents - an example for imitation - a story about the Fryzina family - Stand proud of his grandfather

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Nomination "Young journalist".

Work on the topic:

"A vivid example for imitation."

A bright example for imitation.

I will soon turn 13 years old. I love my village, my Shaman district. I love because only here, as it seems to me, the brightest sun, the green grass, the biggest sky, the best people. I love because my mom and dad live here, my grandparents, my sisters and brothers, my friends ...

This year, our area marks 80 years. He has a very rich story. Many good people were born in our area and became famous during this time.

Our home library has a book "forever in the people's memory." On the cover, I saw a photo of Ziriklin high school. My mom studied at this school. She told that this book about the school museum. And I wrote the book to her cool leader and teacher of the Russian language and literature Idiyev Flura Gabdullovna. I became very interesting. I began to flip the book. And it was very surprised when I saw my grandfather and grandparents. I decided to learn more about their lives and asked the grandfather to tell about myself and grandmother. I like to write fairy tales, write stories. Therefore, I decided to become a little journalist and take an interview at the grandfather.

Why do the grandfather? - You ask.

My grandfather, Gilmutdinov Masgaut Abseletdinovich, since 1955 he has been an active rural correspondent of the district newspaper. During this period, more than 500 of its notes were published on the pages of the district newspaper. Since 2000, he has been a freelance correspondent for the republican newspaper "Kyzyl Tan". Over the years, 250 of his articles were published in this newspaper. In addition, my grandfather cooperates with the Satir magazine "HENEK" and other publications. I have someone to take an example. I asked him a few questions.

Grandpa, how did you study at school?

My childhood, youth passed into the heavy military and post-war years. But I sought knowledge, I studied well at school, was an activist: an old-fashioned class, chairman of the student committee, a school comoringe, already in the ninth grade became a candidate for the Communist Party.

Grandfather, did you serve in the army?

In 1949, I was called in the army. For three years I studied at the School of Military Translators of Eastern Languages \u200b\u200band graduated from it on "good" and "excellent", receiving the title of Lieutenant. There I studied Chinese and English. Then she served in the Far East and Sakhalin Island. In March 1955, a reduction in the army began, I resigned to the reserve and returned to my native land. Then I was appointed the responsible secretary of the district newspaper, and after - by the deputy editor and finally, the editor of the district newspaper. In 1958, he was elected secretary of the district party. I also worked as a partner secretary in the collective farms "IK" and "Pravda", the last 15 years before retirement worked as an engineer on personnel and secretary in the district agricultural machinery.

Grandfather, how did you meet my grandmother?

In 1956, I met your grandmother Khalil Karimovna and fell in love with first glance. Then she came on vacation after graduating from the Institute. In the same year, we got married and started a joint life. Your grandmother graduated from two institutes, forty years taught children in mathematics, her students were very respected. She is an excellent student of the Enlightenment of the Russian Federation.

Grandpa, and you write the stories for a long time, poems?

When he studied at school, I was the editor of the school wall newspaper, wrote my articles. My work was also played by a big role in the editorial office of the district newspaper. When he retired, the time was more, I began to cooperate with the editors of the newspapers. And recently began to write poems.

Grandfather, what do you want to wish us, children?

You live at a great time, all conditions in life have been created for you. I wish you good health, study diligently, be smart and obedient. Greet your parents with success in school. Take an active part in the public life of the school.

At the end of his interview, I decided to spend a small blitz poll and asked a grandfather a few questions:

Your favorite season?


Favorite holiday?

Your favorite occupation?

Writing notes, stories, poems.

What qualities do you value in people?

Modesty, openness.

What do not accept?


What do you dream in old age?

About calm old age. I dream to live in friendship and harmony with children and relatives, rejoice in the success of grandchildren.

The whole life of my grandfather is an example for imitation, it enjoys great respect among relatives, fellow villagers, neighbors. He will find the right word, will give good, the wise advice. He is often invited to various meetings, several times were shown in Bashkir television, he also spoke on the radio, it was written about him in the district and republican newspapers. My grandfather was awarded many medals and grams. He is very kind, caring, patient, always finds the time to play with us, talk, teaches us all the good, will help in a difficult moment. And only sometimes it happens to be strict. And how beautiful he tells what the poems write how well plays checkers!

I am proud that I have such a grandfather. And I want my grandfather and grandmother also proud of me. After all, they sincerely rejoice in each of my "five", every success. I love to sing, draw, make crafts. This year I ranked first at the District Mother's Day Contest, the second place at the District Competition "Spring Drops", took a prize in the regional competition.

This year in our country was declared the Year of Patriotic History. I think we need to know the history of our country, their republic, their area, their family. And let my interview become a small contribution to studying the history of its people.

Nomination "Young journalist".

Essay on the topic:


I, Zakirova Aigul, student 5b class MBOU "SOSH No. 1 p. Sharan "I really like to read historical stories, especially those in which the heroism of our people in the years of the First World War and Great Patriotic War is described. And our Sharanting Earth is entitled to be proud that she brought and raised five heroes of the Soviet Union and one complete cavaller of the Order of Fame, which during the Great Patriotic War fought with a cunning enemy, showed courage and heroism. Many of our countrymen - Frontoviki for courage in the battles were awarded orders and medals of the Motherland.

I want to write about one of them. It is Shakirov Sharifyan Harisovich. He was awarded with many orders and medals, honored to take part in the first parade of Victory. And he told about him my grandfather, Gilmutdinov Masgaut Abseletdinovich, the worker of the rear - veteran of the Great Patriotic War. My grandfather constantly held a connection with Colonel Shakirov Sh. X. In 2000, about him, about his front roads, about the heroic exploits, as well as his participation in the first parade of the victory, wrote in the newspaper "Evening Ufa". Before the appearance of this article in the veteran organization of the city of Ufa did not possess this information and included Shakirov Sh. H. in the list of participants in the first parade of the victory. My grandfather told what heroic path was Shakirov Shch, as he fought, what awards was awarded that the memory of veterans should be preserved forever in the memory of descendants.

I think the grandfather is right. We should not forget our heroes. After all, they risking their lives, fought for their homeland. I believe that we must learn well that our moms and dads can be proud of us. After all, only from us will depend on what our homeland will be. I do not want Wars on Earth. Let us always shine a bright sun!

Nomination "Young journalist".

Essay on the topic:

"Member of the first parade of Victory."

Completed work: Zakirova Aigul, student 5b class

MBOU "SOSH No. 1 s. Sharan »

Sharan district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Leader: Adeeva Zil Yuzisovna

I'm in fifth grade. This year we began to study another new subject in school. I really like to read historical stories, especially those in which the heroism of our people in the years of the First World War and Great Patriotic War is described. And our Sharanting Earth is entitled to be proud that she brought and raised five heroes of the Soviet Union and one complete cavaller of the Order of Fame, which during the Great Patriotic War fought with a cunning enemy, showed courage and heroism. Many of our countrymen - Frontoviki for courage in the battles were awarded orders and medals of the Motherland.

I want to write about one of them. It is Shakirov Sharifyan Harisovich. He was awarded with many orders and medals, honored to take part in the first parade of Victory. And my grandfather told about him, Gilmutdinov Masgaut Abseletdinovich, a man with a very interesting biography. His childhood, youth passed in the heavy military and post-war years. But he sought knowledge, he studied well at school, was an activist, after graduation he studied at the School of Military Translators of Oriental Languages. Served in the Far East and Sakhalin Island. After the reduction came to the native edges and worked in very responsible posts. Wherever he worked, was always honest, conscientious. He is often invited to various meetings, they showed several times on Bashkir television. He also spoke on the radio, it was written about him in the district and republican newspapers. My grandfather was awarded many medals and grams. Since 1955, the district newspaper has been an active rural correspondent. During this period, more than 500 of its notes were published on the pages of the district newspaper. Since 2000, he has been a freelance correspondent for the republican newspaper "Kyzyl Tan". Over the years, 250 of his articles were published in this newspaper. In addition, my grandfather cooperates with the Satir magazine "HENEK" and other publications.

My grandfather constantly held a connection with Colonel Shakirov Sh. X. In 2000, about him, about his front roads, about the heroic exploits, as well as his participation in the first parade of the victory, wrote in the newspaper "Evening Ufa". Before the appearance of this article in the veteran organization of the city of Ufa did not possess this information and included Shakirov Sh. H. in the list of participants in the first parade of the victory. And that's what my grandfather told about all this.

Shakirov Sharifyan Harisovich was born on October 15, 1923 in the village of Zirikla Sharan district in the family of the peasant. In 1940 he graduated from Ziriklinskaya high school and began working as a teacher in Talkykulevskaya elementary school. However, he was not destined to work here for a long time, in June 1941 the Great Patriotic War began, and he was called in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Then he was only 18 years old. Having learned that the young soldier had a secondary education, in December 1941 he was sent to study at the first Moscow Red Banner Guards Minetrying Artillery School, where they prepared commanders for service in parts of reactive artillery. When he graduated from studying, he was awarded the title of lieutenant and, appointing the commander of the platoon of the mortar artillery, sent to the Voronezh Front. In the memory of Sharifyan Harisovich, the picture is forever, as they have made the first volley on the enemy positions from the Middle Setup "Katyusha".

In the future, our countryman overcame a heavy front road, crossed lights and water. After the Voronezh battle, he participated in the battles near Stalingrad, fought as part of the second Ukrainian front. They had to cross the Don and Dnipro rivers. The regiment, where S. Shakirov served, participated in the battles for the liberation of Kirovograd, Korsun-Shevchenko, Chisinau, as well as Hungary and Austria. In memory of Sharifyan Harisovich, combat operations in Belgorod, Corsun-Shevchenkovsky battles, Kursk battle are forever.

This is how Sharifyan Harisovich recalled this: "On June 5, 1943, the enemy wrapped the artillery fire on our positions, the bombs from the aircraft were falling. Everything burned on Earth. Upon learning where the firepoints of the enemy are located, and miners opened a retaliatory blow to enemy positions. Soon the enemy tanks went to the attack. Our warriors fought bravely. From the explosion of shells and bombs sky closed dust and smoke. Earth burned. With big losses, the attack of the enemy was repulsed. "

For the manifestation of the courage and heroism, the Guards Regiment, where he served Sharifyan Harisovich Shakirov, was awarded orders and medals. A combat officer Sh. Shakirov was awarded the orders of the Red Banner, the "Great Patriotic War 1I 2", two orders of the Red Star and many medals.

Victory Day Sharifyan Shakirov met as a battery commander. After the end of the war, their 97th Guards mortar regiment returns to Moscow and in full, participates on June 24, 1945 at the first parade of Victory. And he is the only participant in the Victory Parade from our district! We are entitled to be proud of him!

In 1945-1964, he served in the Soviet troops in Germany, where he was the commander of the mortar division. In 1964, the rank of Colonel Sh.h. Shakirov resigns. For many years, he works as the head of the executive committee of the Leninsky district Council of People's Deputies of the city of Ufa. Takes an active part in the public life of the district and the city.

In 1946, Sharifyan Harisovich married a beautiful girl, a teacher from the native village of Zirikla, Hamir Asragrov. In love and harmony, they lived 62 years. Unfortunately, Hamir Asrarovna died in 2010 from severe illness.

Shakirov raised and brought up two sons. They both went in the footsteps of the Father, became officers. The eldest son Robert is a veteran of the Afghan war, the legendary special group "Vympel", Lieutenant Colonel retired. The younger son - Albert served in aviation parts. He graduated from the service in the Ufa Military Aviation School of Pilots. Sharifyan Harisovich often came to his native village, met with fellow villagers, with students of school. Mentally returning to his youth years, the veteran said: "We ordered the war, forced us to look at life with other eyes. We have matured before our eyes, learned to be responsible. Without afraid of death, the roar of bombs and shells, fought for their homeland and won "...

In 2011, Shakirov Sh. H. Forever left his life. Every year the participants in the war is becoming less and less. But the memory of them should forever be preserved in the memory of descendants. "

This is what my grandfather told. Yes, I think he is right. We should not forget our heroes. After all, they risking their lives, fought for their homeland. We know about their exploits only by the stories of veterans, on books and movies. We now live in peacetime. We have the opportunity to learn, do your favorite thing. Our parents are doing everything possible so that we do not need anything. I believe that we must learn well that our moms and dads can be proud of us. After all, our country needs competent, educated people. I study on one five, attend art school, dance circle and vocals. I hope that when we grow up, I will benefit our country. After all, only from us will depend on what our homeland will be. I do not want Wars on Earth. Let us always shine a bright sun! And I want to finish your essay in the words of the poet Mikhail Danzkovsky:

Let forever disappear
To children of the whole earth
At home could sleep calmly
Dance and sing could
To the sun smiled,
The windows of light reflected.
And shone above the earth
People all and us with you!

On the eve of the Day of Protection of Children, successful Omsk businessmen and politicians appeared in the role unusual for the public - favorite and loving grandfathers. About their warm relationships with grandchildren and granddaughter tells the Special Project "BK".

Victor Zharkov,
general Director of the Minsk Trading House,

polina Grandpa (4 years old) and Egor (7 years)

Egor was born on February 15 - on the day of troops from Afghanistan. Now I laugh that he took me one holiday - I myself am "Afghan". Seven years ago, the colleagues celebrated this holiday when I was informed of the pleasant news. Since then, Egorch says: you are lucky, the first toast for your appearance to the world said the hero of the Soviet Union!

Polina, Spring Girl, waited with great impatience. I wanted to know what it was - to be grandfather granddaughter. And I will say that the difference is really felt. If I try to raise a man with a real man, I can not restrain the emotions with -polinka - I dare to give my affection and tenderness. We contact it at some completely special level.

It seems to me that it is impossible to trust grandparents for a long time - otherwise they definitely break down. I do not want to be the grandfather, after which the grandchildren can not come to normal two days. I try not to relocate with loyalty - after all, with capricious children, you will have to deal with my children! But still I think one of my tasks is to share love with them.

Polinka is still small, but Egor already knows who Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.First of all, I want to raise a sense of patriotism in my grandchildren, to invest knowledge, its origins. This does not give such great importance in our modern culture, so I strive to give it at least my family.

Parents of modern children are experiencing that their children are dependent on technology.And I, on the contrary, captivates their awareness and speed of thinking. I always enjoy listening to your grandchildren: they already know so much! Egor is perfectly disassembled in computers and teaches this Polina. Both adore designers. Polina also paints perfectly. Loves to play cubes. Will not be surprised if she becomes an architect!

I always try to see my grandchildren on the weekend. We go beyond the city to rest, walk, play football. Like even just beside them near and chat.

Andrei Nikitenko,
founder of the new Russian village "Az Grad",

grandfather Yaromir (10 years old), Alena (5 years) and Taisii (2 years)

They say grandchildren love stronger. It is not true. For me, there is no difference between children and grandchildren. My youngest son 14, the older grandson - 10, and daughters - seven. Children grow together with grandchildren and friendly family. It runs around me a multifaceted noisy Vataga. Okay!

He taught the grandson to ride the tractor. Now he removes the snow, exports manure, cleans the territory, and in his free time rolls the child. The grandson hand in hand with the youngest son to roll firewood, pulls water, will and feed the cattle. Keep cows, goats, horses, chickens. Even the bison was located among our four-legged. A year ago, Yaromir sat on a horse. Rides without a saddle, like a normal rustic kid.

I'm learning to be a peasant.What does this mean? Making men's affairs and be responsible for their actions. Working with the soul, respect the elders, - Care about -Dext and weak. Capital truths.

Became grandfather - and became. Nothing supernatural. Only another child appeared in the family. And then the second, and the third. All are the children of the eldest son. Now the queue will become a middle father, he is 25. And there they will grow up the younger children. I am for that this cycle never end.

Palm grandchildren? God forbid. I am sufficiently strict and with children, and with grandchildren. For progress, I will scratch for misconduct. The strand of the belt never practiced, enough "rug" - and already tails were pressed ... Well, if I did my job well - I encourage the word. "Well done! Guy! " - Does the real guy need candy and gingerbread? The correct word is much weighty.

The only principle of education is its own example. I do everything in the village with your own hands. The boys see and try to repeat. Already small, and men. Everyone has their own paint, hammer, hacksaw. I built the house, and they are a booth for our Asian shepherd tara. And I am satisfied, and they, and the dog.

Girls spend more time with a grandmother.From an early age, it takes women's tricks and little secrets from her: as a delicious soup to cook and put a smooth neck on clothes. I do not climb into girls. But if they grow up and come for advice, I will not refuse. And they will want to study carpentry or carpentry skill - please.

My boys went to the lake in May. The water is still ice, I look - the eyes of them are in the patch, the skin is blue, but do not surrender, we climb ... I do not stop them in such cases, but only encourage. "Forward!" - I say. I think this is: the more impressions of a person from early childhood gets, the more his world will experience, the wider and richer will be richer.

Family - like a tree. The more children and grandchildren, the wider crown, the more seeds fall into the ground. The main thing is that there were no rotten branches. And if they are - cut mercilessly.

Ravil Bikbavov
former General Director of Omsk-Suburb,

grandpa Timur (24 years old) and Alice (14 years old)

The news that I first became my grandfather, found me at work. It is difficult to convey those feelings ... My wife worked in the regional clinical hospital, where the eldest daughter gave birth to Timur, so the newborn grandmother first took a newborn in his hands. Emotions of indescribable: native blood! The appearance of Alice in ten years is the same joy, the same inexhaustible interest. Grandchildren are a special joy, special love. They enrich life, together with them we are young.

I am proud of my grandson. Timur finished undergraduate at the University of Likhai (USA), entered the magistracy of Columbia University in New York. Will learn sports management and plans to work for this specialty. The university is among the ten largest educational institutions in the world, and I am proud that my grandson went there by competition. He learns well, two-mines became in a silicon valley. Timur plans to start a career in America and, having gained experience, over time to move to Russia. In addition, he managed to achieve success in large tennis: for a long time he was the captain of the university national team.

When Timur was turned three years old, began to take him with him to work. On Sundays, he drove it to the neighboring platform to play hockey. With -Male's granddaughter also spent a lot of time. And today with Alice often communicate. Timur when he is in Omsk, a frequent guest in our house. We go to football together: Timur runs with the ball over the field, I watch the fans from the podium. We love hockey, sick for our "Avangard".

Banal story: I worked a lot and paid little attention to my children. Now I try to compensate for this at the expense of grandchildren. We live their joys and victories. I am pleased to drive granddaughter for additional classes in English and French, as well as to art school. Her engraving participated in the international competition of painting and schedules, which was held in Minsk, and took the first place there.

"Grandfather - a mentor, an example for imitation," said my grandson. "Somewhere will help advice, somewhere will share experience ..." I remember, he always looked at his grandfather and was amazed how much he works and how much does it know. For me to be a grandfather - great happiness. I am happy since the birth of grandchildren. To be near them, help - here is my task.

I teach grandchildren: you need to set goals and achieve them. Timur this science took possession: Agree, not so just a Russian person to come to America and enter the university, owning English at the school level. He is a targeted guy and will achieve his. And Alice grows up, it became more serious, with the increased desire to engage in foreign languages \u200b\u200band is largely equal to the brother. He is an example for her imitation.

Grandchildren smarter than us. I really want their mind to go into business and they achieved a lot. If they have a study, and then all the future life is more happiness with my wife and do not need.

Andrei Alekhin,
head of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Classification of the Omsk Region,

maxim Grandpa (2 years) and Natasha (1.5 months)

I am a happy grandfather: The middle daughter gave me two beautiful grandchildren.

Grandson are still small. Joint traditions we have a little. Basically, so far only walk with the kids: Maxim plays on the playground, and Natasha drives around in his stroller. Predit descending "Lando" of his princess from the seventh floor. We leave for the cottage. Maxim runs in beds and even trying to help, and Natasha is sleeping in the fresh air.

Maxim still speaks poorly, but already - as a true future man - fascinated by cars. "-Bi-bi" - his favorite toy. Growing a sports boy.

No such intrigue, as before. Paul baby is now and parents, and grandmother and grandmother becomes known in advance. But with the birth of Maxim, and with the birth of Natasha we had a big family-party.
I love both grandchildren! Very busy at work, because it is not possible to spend so much time with them as I would like. And really want! ..

My first in my time was born my daughter. I dreamed that and with grandchildren would also happen: the first girl will appear on the world. And the opposite came around ... But today I have a full set, worry about what!

Is there a difference in the status of Father and Grandfather? Of course have. As a father, I completely answered my children. And grandchildren have parents. Although I am responsible for them. Children rose, it is necessary to help them, and grandchildren. Care, of course, added. But these are pleasant troubles.

Maxim - Cheerful boyfriend. It needs an eye yes eye. Delifies more trouble, because, unlike chest granddaughter, runs and requires constant supervision. Nothing, Natasha will grow up soon, and the trouble will be twice as much.

While Maxim was alone, it is, of course, all pumped. And I also. With the advent of Natasha, most attention switched to it. And even conflicts arise - Maxim is jealous of mom due to the fact that Natasha, not it, bathe first.

The principle of raising grandchildren is simple: parents raise. But I, of course, want my grandchildren to grow good people. To Maxim, like me, was engaged in sports. And Natasha is still too small, then we will look ...

Grandpa - Assistant and Sponsor. As we temporarily live together, it is mainly next to their mom's grandchildren, grandmother and uncle (my youngest son). All household worries for them. And my main duty is to make money and ensure your favorite-family.

Gennady Friedman,
president of CJSC F-Consulting,

grandfather Brand (23 years old), Anton (21 years), Vasilisa (16 years) and Seraphim (14 years old)

My first grandson is Mark - born just in my own birthday. Such a separate gift. I, therefore, 23 years ago my personal holiday with friends, I call from Son: "Well, hello, grandfather." We then with Babius, of course, weave rock and roll. Now I can't already, ha ha! But in general, grandchildren for grandparents are always joy. But grandfather and grandmothers for grandchildren ... is another question!

The best upbringing of grandchildren is a worthy example for imitation. This is generally developing in time. Rather, parents and social institutions are engaged in them, I do not believe that someone should directly invest something. Personally, I was very independent since childhood, and this feature is characteristic of all members of our family. Once, being sixteen-year-old, I took a toothbrush and headed in Academgorodok to FMS. About decisions: What the faculty do, where to work - I informed my parents. Yes, sometimes referred to them with their letters and writing articles - they are these gifts, of course, deserved.

Our wife with my wife is the main task when visiting grandchildren in another city - feed, load the refrigerator and reduce the theater. This is our crown program of Santa and Babii!

Anton last year graduated from the university in Moscow, stayed there to live and now he works at the Centra-Bank. He decided to move on a legal path. And the girls while schoolgirls, about their self-determination it is still early, although the eldest seems to be looking in the direction of biochemistry. But this is not a fact - not everyone like me, lucky with the choice for a long time your own way (for me it is science). Some have to change professions along the way. However, I finally had to.

Mark decided to join the family business. "Grandfather and Father, of course, sent me and gave advice if I asked, but never imposed my point of view," he explains. First, Mark finished the highest school of the economy, then a magistracy in a French business school. Solved cases for international companies from different countries. When it was time to be determined - to return to the homeland or stay abroad, it was planted to break the stereotype that a foreigner is difficult to get on a permanent job, and achieved his own - went to an internship at the finance department at the European headquarters of the American company, one of the leaders of the world pharmaceutical Market. After an internship, it remained there to work for another six months, and then I got it-aproned on-proper work. But it was not going to stay for a long time, and then there were also problems with the extension of a working visa originated - the French turned out to be disretered to the Russians, and indeed there were no speech about constant emigration. Now Mark is engaged in finance already in the family holding. "I strive to bring foreign technologies for financial management and decision-making on the basis of contemporary -it systems into the established management." He says.

Project: Anastasia Pavlova, Marina Mysyaviche, Elena Yarmenzina

Photo: Panama photo studio, from the archive of heroes, the BC magazine

Kireeva Maria Aleksandrovna Educator GBOU OOS №4 SP "Kindergarten" Firebird " City of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region

Family for the baby is a world in which the basics of morality are laid, attitudes towards people. The role of the family is great in the education of the culture of behavior, discipline, honesty and truthfulness, modesty, goodwill.

Father and mother, as well as other family members form the identity of the child from the earliest age. A positive result is possible only under the condition of proper education, when all adult family members serve for their children with a model of behavior.

Rising children in the family, adults do not always realize that preschoolers show a special interest in the world around. The limitation of children by the framework of family life affects their general development, does not form the identity of the child.

For the moral development of children, it is important that the judgments of people close to them are confirmed by the relevant affairs. The child is impressed and inclined to imitation, he will know the world in specific images. They are based on the first summary knowledge, presentation.

Children are easy to suggest. Therefore, adult family members are important to take into account these features. For example, it is not necessary to punish that it depicts something bad in the game, it is better to tell him a good game.

Mother and father are the main educators of their children. It depends on how effective participation in the education of the preschooler of senior family members - Grandparents and Grandparents.

The decent behavior of parents in the family serves preschoolers an example for imitation, forms their moral features as kindness, responsiveness, care.

Many grandmothers have great life experiences, but for the upbringing of children, their moral appearance is. Goodness and justice, love for work, responsibility for its good results, honesty and modesty - the qualities that the senior family members should have. From the ability to combine love for grandchildren with a demandingness to them, attract children to participate in interesting and useful affairs depends largely to the authority of grandparents. They raise grandchildren to show care of their health, physical development.

Grandmothers and grandparents are more patience than young parents, more wisdom in dealing with the kids. In an incomplete family, the boy especially needs a grandfather when there is no father and grandmother, if there is no mom.

Often, young parents complain that grandmothers are too indulging grandchildren, go in everything (because of this, they seek to even limit their communication), Senior family members believe that young people teach children to work or too strictly treated with children without taking into account their age.

Strengthens the attitude of the relatives of the joint holidays. Many families exist traditions. Interesting and useful for children of grandparents and grandparents about their childhood. Good traditions are developing and supported by young parents who show a lot of fantasy and fiction. Often, the older generation retains family relics in the house, from time to time they get them and show grandchildren. Such communication is important for the child, it deepens his attachment to the family, relatives, contributes to mental and moral development.

Semyshkina Julia

In 2013-14 academic year, I participated in the Regional Composition Competition "An example for imitation in my family" and ranked 1 among students in grades 1-4. In my work, I told about my beloved grandmother. My grandmother master on all hands, she knows how to do everything everywhere he has time. I really want to be like it.



the subject of the essay is:


for imitation

in my family.

pupils 3 "b" class


Naryan-Mara "



Age: 9 years

Address: Naryan-Mar,

Journal, d.36, sq.2

Our family is very big. In my family, four people: Mom, Dad, Sister Polina and I - Julia. I study in the third grade, and the sister recently went to Nursery. I also have two favorite grandmothers, two grandparents, three native uncle, five relatives to aim, two cousins \u200b\u200band two cousins.
We have a very friendly family. We all help each other. And for the holidays, we have already traditionally, we are going together with my grandmother Natasha.
It is about her that I want to tell. Grandmother Natasha is a father's mother, she is 48 years old and she works by a veterinarian. Although it works, but always finds time for their children and granddaughters. Grandma enjoys an authority in the team and in our family, because it is reasonable, wise woman. My grandmother is strict, but fair - for this we love her all very much. Grandmother is smart, hardworking.
My grandmother - all hands master! She knits very beautifully and sews. Here is a little bit of the fact that she made it with her own hands. Can cut the glass, cut down and knit the boards. It makes repairs in the apartment itself, according to its designer projects, and also gives advice on design to their children and acquaintances.

When we are going at your grandmother, you often remember the funny stories that happened to us. Grandma tells, and we all laugh. These memories bring us great joy, because we love to listen to how she speaks about us. Family holidays we celebrate at home or in nature. In the New Year we are going at the grandmother, and after twelve watches we let out the Salute Street.

From early spring and before the late autumn, the grandmother collects us all together on fishing, on kebabs, in the forest for mushrooms and berries, to the garden, behind the brooms for the bath.

And every year, in Palm Sunday, we go for the Verba. We take with me a thermos with tea and sandwiches. First, I put the Verqu, we will see the fire, then drink tea and ride a slide on sledding and icyankas.

The grandmother has a garden. Potatoes, greens and strawberries grow on it. The garden is digging, potatoes Sadim and remove everything together, and the grandmother is engaged in greens and strawberries.

Wherever we go, in the forest for mushrooms and berries, on kebabs, to the garden, on fishing grandmother always takes several thermoses with delicious tea, sandwiches and many more tastes.

I love to drink her tea in nature, every time there is not enough patience to wait for tea drinking. And we still have a lot of photos, my grandmother always takes a camera with him. Every summer, grandmother goes on vacation, on the Azov Sea. In 2012, she took me with me and another granddaughter - Sasha. And this year we went to the sea all our big and friendly family. We were 17 people and we were very fun, we did not bored.

If I do not know something or can not do according to the school program, then the grandmother always helps me. All creative work for contests or for lessons we do together. So we wrote this essay together. Thanks to my grandmother!

She always tries to collect all of us together, teaches to be friendly and hold each other. Grandma engine of our big family. I always go with a great desire and go with her everywhere.

I want to be like my grandmother. I will try not to upset her, whatever she could be proud of me.


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