I want to give birth ahead of the term what to do. How to give birth ahead of time: methods, tips and reviews

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Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, with small oscillations in both directions. But according to health or for too much wishes, pregnant women are looking for ways to give birth ahead of time. This is not safe, so the situation requires a deep study.

The reasons

The premature birth of a child is always risks, because the baby has not yet fully formed and fastened. If the baby appeared on the light earlier than 37 weeks, it means that the birth was premature.

The situation is influenced by social and medical factors, the time of year to which the main period of tolerance falls. Autumn and spring - peak for the flu epidemic and colds. Strong infectious diseases cause childbirth long before the deadline.

Social reasons for the early birth of a child:

  • study;
  • lack of legal relationship;
  • family problems;
  • improper nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • the environmental situation is at the location of the future mother.

All these components pushing the baby to be born before. If a woman is constantly in nervous tension due to sessions and exams, or feels the pressure of society through the absence of a husband - it pregnanses pregnancy to flow full. There is a risk of premature birth of a child.

Future mother to not give birth ahead of time, must fully eat and drink complex vitamins for fetal saturation with useful substances.

Harmful habits are excluded: smoking, drug intake or excessive alcohol use, both before pregnancy and during the toasting. Negative influence provokes the birth of patients of low-fat kids who are not destined to wait for labor on time.

Medical indications for the early appearance of a baby infection include complex infectious diseases and inflammation in the genital organs transferred throughout the life period. Often the causes of births ahead of time are the diseases of the thyroid, ovarian or the glands of the internal secretion.

Obesity is another factor that causes the premature birth of a child. Injuries of the cervix after abortion, previous birth or gynecological operations are considered the main perpetrators of pathology.

Pros and cons of early birth

Future mothers, tired of a long period of to wear, dream faster to start giving birth. Before making a decision to mechanically affect the duration of pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the positive and negative sides.

First, it is always a risk for a child. The fetus is born with a small weight and growth, skin covers are not fully formed, the nails do not completely cover the plate. The boys do not have time to lower the testicles in the scrotum, the girls have sex and clutors do not cover the germ lips yet.

Light infant does not always cope with the respiratory function, some children do not have a sucking reflex, therefore the complexity of feeding the newborn is arisen. Due to the fact that the bones of the skull of the premature baby are too soft, there is the likelihood of injury to the brain in the course of generic activity. Immunity in such children is weak, so they are susceptible to all diseases.

As for the advantages of premature delivery, it is an opportunity to get rid of discomfort, such as heartburn, back pain, heaviness because of the weight of the baby. Premature childbirth can be salvation for metrics and child for medical reasons.

Indications for early childbirth:

  1. late hard gestosis;
  2. pairing placenta ahead of time;
  3. too sharp multi-way the presence of a seam on the uterus, which is very polished

Child condition:

  • photodetoatrical insufficiency;
  • resh conflict;
  • long hypoxia of the fetus;
  • delay in the development of kid 2 and 3 degrees.

In such situations, early childbirth will only help the woman in labor or her infant ease their pathological condition. There are risks due to prematurity to the background, since there is a danger of fatal outcome.

Folk ways

Women to start giving birth faster, use advice from traditional medicine. This is dangerous, therefore, without the presence of good reasons, manipulation is prohibited. Requires the permanent care of the obstetrician when using stimulation of generic activity.

Is it possible to give birth awarded period? Quite possible. For this you need not just the desire of the mother to get rid of a huge abdomen, but also medical testimony. If there are no such, it is better to give birth on time and not worry about the consequences.

There are safe ways to bring childbirth. You can use them, because methods do not consist of medicines or herbs. This active life: Hiking, walking on the steps and finding outdoors. Physical activity will not only fill the body of the kid oxygen, and also contributes to the beginning of the generic process.

Sex life is another natural lodging stimulator. The orgasm smoothes the cervix and prepares it for childbirth, and the sperm contributes to a more rapid disclosure of the authority. Posa should choose comfortable for the future mother, and regularity needs to be controlled. This method is applied to the moment of expulsion of the accumulate waters. In the occurrence of leaks of amniotic fluid, the likelihood of fetal infection appears.

What to do to give birth to:

  1. nipple massage;
  2. belly;
  3. use olive oil for softening the cervix.

Stimulation of nipples will help bring the uterus into the tone, thereby pushing the body to the beginning of the generic action. Follow the procedure three times a day for 15 minutes every chest. Often, the intestinal cleansing is used in the maternity hospital as a way to cause childbirth. The essence of the method consists in provoking the cutting of the uterus together with the intestinal walls.

Some gynecologists recommend to drink or eat olive oil in a salad. The product is considered a softening agent for the uterus and its neck, stimulating the intestinal work. It is enough to drink 100 oil grams per day for the expected effect.

There is stimulation with medicinal herbs, but it is not so safe how to drink olive oil. It is forbidden to thoughtlessly use herbs to pregnant women due to the negative effect on the fruit.

The decoction of the leaves of the raspberry is used, which activates the muscles of the uterus and leads to the tone of the small pelvis. To prepare a decoction, you should take 2 tablespoons of dry red raspberry leaves and pour them with a liter of hot boiled water, then boil a couple of minutes. Insist and drink 300-400 ml. in a day.

You can use homeopathic remedies (Caulofillaum, Pulsatilla). Preparations are absolutely harmless to the fetus and pregnant, but not all obstetres believe in their stimulating properties.

Resort to acupuncture, such a method is rarely used in practice, but has an impact on the beginning of the generic act. It is believed that injections of needles in the right places contribute to the development of generic activities or increased bouts.

It is allowed to bring the date of birth only from the appointment of the doctor, as you can harm the baby and yourself. It is best in hospital conditions during the use of stimulating agents.

Is it true that the boys are born ahead of time? No, it does not depend on the floor of the child. The health of the baby and the mother, as well as the correctness of the dates, is taken into account.

Medical impact

This method is applied to bring part separately using serious testimony from the roeer and fetus. Everything should be carefully monitored.

When you need to help develop childbirth:

  • with multiple pregnancy more than 37 weeks;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the mother in the aggravation stage;
  • long hypoxia of the fetus;
  • weakness of generic activity.

To quickly give birth in hospital conditions, radical stimulation options are used. Manipulations are carried out only under the supervision of obstetrician or other medical staff, each organism transfers medicines in different ways.

Call methods of childbirth:

  • puncture of the fetal bubble (amniotomy);
  • applications of prostaglandins;
  • appointment of oxytocin;
  • reception of myfepristone;
  • folee catheter room to cervical canal;
  • use laminarium.

Amniotomy, or puncture of the fetal bubble, is made by introducing a special hook into the neck. The bubble is revealed, water departs, and the baby's head begins to put pressure on a small pelvis. So there is stimulation of the development of generic activities. This manipulation is completely painless, as well as safe for a baby with proper execution.

Prostaglandins are used in obstetric practice for rapidly ripening the cervix. It is clear that if you need to provoke a month a month earlier - this method is not very practical, because the whole body should prepare for childbirth.

There are several variations of the release of prostaglandins:

  1. vaginal preparations;
  2. pills;
  3. solutions for droppers.

Vaginal means are injected into the rear pass. It can be gels, ointments or pills for vagina. They are used every 6 hours, if necessary, repeat the procedure. Pills for oral administration drink 0.5 mg every hour. After a while, the dose increases half. It is not recommended to use this method for more than two days. The solution for infusions is poured with a volume of 0.2 μg / min, gradually increasing the dosage.

Mythpriston is actively used by obstetrics to give birth to a woman up to date. It is prescribed according to such a scheme: 200 mg is open. After a day, you can repeat the reception of the drug. The essence of the action of the stimulator is to block the production of progesterone, which provokes the contraction of the uterus. The medicine has a number of side effects.

Those who want to give birth ahead of the term for medical testimony, you can try to use the Foley catheter. It is used for premature ripening of the uterus. A special cylinder is introduced into the neck and fill with the physistor. So reaches artificial stretching of the uterus and the disclosure of the organ. The device is not removed for 12 hours. The method is suitable in order to give birth to a specific date for a dead pregnancy. This manipulation of the painful for the guide, but safe for the fetus.

To spend early oxytocin prescribe. It can be injections or droppers. There is no specific dosage of the means, because the weight, age and state of the feminine are taken into account. This is not a method for wishing to give birth ahead of time for 2 weeks, since stimulation is appropriate when the generic activity or partial disclosure of the uterus began.

Laminaria is a pressed sea cabbage. The plant is introduced into the cervix in the form of a tampon for premature disclosure. The tool helps to give birth earlier week before the delivery date of delivery. Algae due to the wet environment will swell and push the cervical canal.

Approach delivery is possible, but it is advisable according to the testimony from the health of the mother or child. One desire to quickly see the kid should not be a reason to provoke the stimulation of the delivery.

Pregnancy is the most emotional period in the life of every woman, and the closer the lifetime, the more worried and is experiencing the future mother. 40 week of pregnancy comes, mom anticipates long-awaited fights, but they still do not begin. The last days of the toasting stretch for a long time, and the baby still does not want to get into the big world.

When the day passes, at which the doctors suggested childbirth, Momchka becomes truly anxious. Is everything in order with the baby? How much else to wait for it to appear on the light? Is it possible to independently cause contractions? Each pregnant woman wants to get rid of the hard burden as soon as possible, press his beloved crumb to his chest. There are several rather effective ways to speed up the birth at the 40th week of pregnancy, the only question is that it is necessary.

When should I give birth?

Pregnancy ideally lasts exactly forty-weeks, or ten lunar months, but the child can be born before the designated period, and maybe stay in the womb. The deviation from the norm is not considered if the baby decides to get out of the abdomen on 38 or only on 42 weeks. In the first case, the baby is fully formed, continues to grow and gain weight, and in the second case, he has not yet been manifested by sentences.

The woman's body manifests themselves very individually, but to approximate how the pregnancy will delay, it is possible by the length of the menstrual cycle. If menstruation is repeated after 28 days, the child is likely to be released exactly in a period defined by doctors, if the menstrual cycle takes more than 30 days, then the toaching will be long.

If the kid for some reason is born before 38 weeks, it is considered premature and subject to sticking in the postpartum separation. And if the baby is chosen into the world later than 42 weeks, he has all the signs of the carrier, which is also not very well reflected on his health.

Preliminary date of childbirth The doctor informs the future mother at the first reception in the female consultation, and a more accurate term is determined during the examination by the Uzi apparatus, when the Medic observes the degree of development of the embryo. For 40 weeks of pregnancy, if there are no pathology or complications, childbirth are in natural form. But under certain conditions, the doctor may assign a cesarean section.

Is it necessary to stimulate childbirth?

Is it worth stimulating childbirth for 40 weeks of pregnancy, only a doctor after examination can say. If the baby grows in the womb and develops normally, he has enough space, mom can not worry, waiting for a natural generic process. In this case, it is better not to interfere during pregnancy.

But if the kid is large, he may not have enough oxygen from an aging placenta. The transferred baby, who does not want to get out of their abdomen, is experiencing oxygen starvation. In addition, after 40 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal is beginning to harden the bones of the skull, which means that it will be very difficult for him to move along the generic paths, and the mother will experience strong flour at childbirth. In this situation, not to wait for a cesarean section, a pregnant woman is recommended to cause childbirth.

How to cause childbirth at home?

Already on 39 weeks, doctors begin to scare a pregnant woman with artificial stimulation of labor with the use of medicines. Not a single mommy would like to ride himself, not yet born baby drugs, so many think about how to cause contractions at home. There are a lot of ways to independently cause contractions and childbirth, a doctor in women's consultation can tell about them. Firmily decided to give birth to women should be pretty relaxed and sleep, because the generation is a long and tedious process.

  1. Hiking. Cheerful walking in the fresh air is useful on any lap period: it increases the body's tone and gives it a good shake, approaching childbirth.
  2. Physical exercise. Many women admit that the fights began immediately as they completed house cleaning. The main thing is not to be thrilled, so as not to provoke instead of childbing the disclosure of the placenta. You can wash the floors, wipe the furniture from dust, endure the garbage, swim in the camp of the older child, wrapping underwear, but wearing heavy buckets, raise loaded boxes and packages with products.
  3. Sex. Natural and very effective way to speed up childbirth at home, especially if the intimate process is completed with orgasm. Sperm at a large concentration contains a hormone prostaglandin, which contributes to the softening of the tissues of the uterus, and the orgasm causes its active reduction, which can develop smoothly into generic bouts.
  4. Breast massage. Intensive breast stimulation in the area around the nipples provokes the production of hydroxytocin hormone, which is responsible for the beginning of the generic process.
  5. Laxative means. Increased peristalsis of the intestinal tract not only helps speed up, but also cleans the body, which makes it possible to avoid liquid stool with a high probability during the bout. A good laxative means for pregnant women is an ordinary castor to cause contractions, just one tablespoon. Also in recent days, it is desirable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals.
  6. Folk remedies. Enhances the generic activity, softens the tissue of the cervix. Strong tea from raspberry leaves, but take it not to 40 weeks of pregnancy. This is a very strong tool that can cause miscarriage in the early stages. Quickly stimulate childbirth helps and thoroughly whipped mixture of carbonated water, apricot, almond nuts and castor oil.
  7. Linseed oil. The components contained in it make the tissues of the uterus and the generic paths soft and elastic, preparing them to the upcoming birth. If there is an allergic reaction to flax oil, it is possible to replace it with oils of primroses.
  8. Aromas. It is believed that smells of some colors, especially roses or jasmine, are able to cause contractions. A woman who wants to rather give birth to a later date, can spend at home therapy with flavors using floral oils. The main thing is not to cause allergies.
  9. Acupuncture. This way to stimulate childbirth is better to trust a specialist. The master using the finest needles affects the points of the body responsible for the functioning of the uterus. This technique quite often contributes to the occurrence of bages.

How to give birth ahead of time? Interest in this issue arises in women, who are already somewhat tired of their condition and all the most accompanying peculiarities of well-being, as well as those who approach the estimated date of birth, and doctors begin to talk about stimulation. Premature birth is not always pathology, but also independently stimulate generic activities need to be very careful and only on the recommendation of the doctor.

Estimated date of birth

What kind of childbirth are considered premature? In fact, it is not always dangerous to give birth. DRDDs are defined in several ways: the obstetric duration of childbirth is calculated by the date of last periods, embryonic - by the date of ovulation, according to the results of ultrasound. The date of birth is determined after the first visit to the female consultation.

To calculate the DA, you need to take three months from the first day of the last month and add seven days. It turns out exactly 40 weeks. This is not the most accurate way. However, some women who know exactly the date of conception and are repelled in their calculations from her, then with surprise they discover that the date on the monthly forecast was.

The term of pregnancy and the estimated date of birth are determined by the day of ovulation. This is the most favorable time to conceive the day, so the report is conducted from this date. But it is difficult to carry out calculations with an unstable menstrual cycle, late or early ovulation. In addition, in some cycles there may be two ovulation. This is found in the medication stimulation of the ovarian work.

When you first visited the female consultation, the gynecologist will determine the magnitude of the uterus, the height of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen, the fetus size. According to this data, the doctor will make conclusions about the period of pregnancy and will determine the approximate date of delivery.

The most accurate method to calculate the DA - on ultrasound. During the first trimester, the embryos practically do not differ in size, but in the second and third differences in weight and growth may be significant. Therefore, the PDR in the later timing is harder to predict.

Which week usually give birth

The statement is generally accepted that pregnancy lasts forty-week. In fact, every organism is individual, so childbirth can happen as a little earlier and a little later. The child is considered to be a child born no earlier than 37 weeks and no later than 42. But most often, childbirth happens on 39-40 weeks. More than 70% of children appear for a period during this period.

But it is possible to focus on standard terms only. Some children at 39 week have difficulty with adaptation to new conditions and are premature, others even at 35 week are ready for the emergence. So the child chooses when he is best born.

What affects the birth date of the child

Only 4-5% of children are born exactly 40 weeks (± 2-3 days). Is it possible to give birth ahead of time? So happens in most cases. But sometimes children are delayed. What does it mean on the date of childbirth? Doctors say it is the length of the menstrual cycle, the features of the course of pregnancy, heredity and some other factors.

So, if two pregnant women have the same period, then the real age of the fetus can still be different. At one woman, the length of the menstrual cycle is 35 days, and the other is 24 days, then the ovulation occurred according to 21 days at one and 10 at the second. The difference between the fruits will be eleven days, that is, more than a week, which for the embryo is a significant period. In both cases, it is considered the same date of birth, although the difference in 11 days will be quite normal for these women.

The course of pregnancy also affects the date of birth. Cases are documented when, during the Great Patriotic War, children remained intrauterine very long, up to 11 months instead of normal nine. The likelihood of childbirth earlier, if there are problems, for example, the placenta does not cope with its functions, the pregnancy is multiply, the fruit is large, the mother is diagnosed with gestational diabetes, multi-way. There are other reasons.

"Can I give birth ahead of time?" - Women think about, among the nearest relatives of which were cases of premature birth. In this question, a really significant role is played by a hereditary predisposition. If the mother has pregnant children have been born prematurely, the likely probability is highly like that and this woman has giving birth earlier. So, the terms of normal genera are not limited to a precisely calculated number.

Premature childbirth: from what week

At the beginning of pregnancy, future mothers are worried about possible miscarriage, and later - about the premature appearance of a child. But even if the child was born earlier than 37 weeks, most likely, it is not necessary to worry much. Now doctors have successfully walking in children weighing from one kilogram, and many survive even if the birth happened earlier than 27-28 weeks.

But on this term, the child must be born in the hospital. Only, he can get everything you need for survival. From the 27th to the 28th week, the child will be considered premature, but he has a good chance of survival. From the 24th to 27th week, the kid appears with a low body weight. The forecast depends on the conditions of sticking, complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Previously, the 24th to push the baby (especially in the conditions of domestic medicine is very difficult), so the chances are very low.

When the term of pregnancy is nearing 40 weeks, doctors begin to speak with a future mother about artificial stimulation of childbirth. In the hospital conditions, childbirth is stimulated by the introduction of pharmacological preparations, but there are many folk methods that will help speed up generic activities. So how to give birth ahead of time? There are enough methods. Future mothers begin to be interested in them when "dates shook."

Massage Nipples

If necessary, give birth ahead of time, the effectiveness of this method is confirmed by doctors. During breast stimulation, oxytocin is distinguished. This is a hormone that provokes the beginning of a generic activity. It is it introduced with artificial stimulation. It is necessary to arrave each chest alternately. Sessions per day must be a few each minutes for fifteen. Independently caused childbirth in this way, almost half of future mothers opened.

Physical activity

How to give birth a period of time? Do sport! Of course, you shouldn't download the press and jump, but also to sit in one place - a bad idea. To fight faster, hiking is recommended, but many women are experimenting with other loads. Future mothers descend and climb the stairs, and some argue that they have started after washing the floors. In any case, the satisfactory exercise will not damage. In addition, during them the child will take the right position.

Intimate proximity

What to do to give birth ahead of time? Generic activity stimulates sex. This is due to hormones, which are contained in seed fluid, and tide of blood to the organs of a small pelvis. Many women use this pleasant and useful method when setting or if the estimated date of birth is getting closer, and there is no hint of contractions. But it is not necessary to have sex if the water has already been departed (maybe infection). And if the prelationship of the placenta is diagnosed, it is impossible to treat sex as a method to give birth ahead of time. Intimate proximity should lead to orgasma of both partners in order to cause contraction of the uterus and the allocation of oxytocin.

Work of intestines

How to give birth ahead of time? Methods are not limited to the stimulation of nipples, intimate proximity and physical exertion. Some mothers believe that the beginning of the birth provoked the active work of the intestine. Therefore, it is recommended to use products that weak, that is, beets, kefir, dried fruits. The abbreviation of the intestine affects the uterus, which is located near, so that it also begins to shrink.

Fresh pineapple

Those who gave birth ahead of time, the reviews are left about the pineapples as a method of stimulation. Use an exotic fruit is needed in a fresh form and in large quantities. The stimulating effect is explained by the bromelaine, which is contained in pineapple. This method has little studied, is not much known, so it should be used with caution. Be sure to make sure that there is no allergies to pineapple.

Castor oil

Castor oil has a laxative action, so that causes the fight by strengthening the intestinal work. In the reviews, women argue that it is enough to drink 150 ml of the means to stimulate generic activities. To improve taste, the caster is diluted with fruit juices. This method is effective, but before use you need to think about the feasibility of its use. In the later dates, castor oil will not bring any benefit, can cause disorder of digestion and vomiting, as well as dehydration of the body.

Leaves of raspberries

Tips for doctors, how to give birth ahead of time, include recipes of traditional medicine. The leaves of raspberries, for example, not only gently stimulate generic activity, but also prepare the body for childbirth, and also help the uterus to recover faster. It is necessary to start drinking infusion in advance - approximately from 37 weeks. Women reviews indicate that many of those who took the infusion really gave birth on time or a little earlier.

The reliability, of course, can argue, because it is unknown, in which case nature took care of the appearance of a baby, and in what a decoction of raspberry leaves helped.

Conversations with a child and singing

Solve the problem, how to give birth ahead of time, will help and singing or conversation with the child. This method does not confirm official medicine, although singing really causes the internal vibration of tissues and tension in the organs of the small pelvis. It will help it during childbirth. Singing allows you to reduce pain from bouts.

Many women have colorful dreams during pregnancy. Thinking ahead of time in a dream - it does not always mean that it will happen in life. Usually such a dream is succeeding success in affairs, joy and well-being, happiness in personal life and money profit. A pregnant woman such a dream can only dream in connection with the desire to see their newborn baby as soon as possible.

other methods

The following methods can be used only after consulting the doctor, and their effectiveness is proven only with reviews. It works well on the intestinal peristalsis and causes the purification of the purification of the enema. Some hungry helped, but it is important to remember that it is dangerous. A woman should be rested, and insufficient food does not contribute to this. From other folk remedies recommended evening primrose oil. This is a natural substitute for some hormones, which is preparing generic paths to childbirth. There is a side effect: the use of oil can delay the lactation. Some women helps cause childbirth acute food or washing floors with hands (squatting), washing windows, idea that the fights have already begun, meditation.

How caused birth in the hospital

Relationship is carried out after 40 weeks in the presence of testimony and only for childbirth through natural ways. Most often the fetal bubble is revealed, after which the production of a special hormone is activated, which is responsible for changes in the cervix and the activation of generic activity. After opening the fruit bubble, a reflex reduction of the generic pathways occurs.

If the fighting after that does not begin, the introduction of special drugs, which stimulate generic activities, is prescribed. With a weak generic activity, intravenous administration of oxytocin is allowed only six hours after the start of the bout. Contraindications are the presence of a scar in the uterus after a COP or complicated childbirth, expressed signs of disruption of the state of the fetus, multiple pregnancy, asthma, increased intraocular pressure, narrow pelvis, allergic in the mother or the leakage of accumulating waters.

Before stimulating women's birth, you need to sleep to be ready and rested. It is important to positive psychological attitude and physical training of the body to childbirth. This will help proper nutrition throughout the pregnancy, treatment of chronic diseases in a timely manner, correction of violations, taking vitamins. Before stimulation, you need to determine whether the term of pregnancy is installed correctly.

Features of the course of premature birth

Premature childbirth (from the 28th to 37th week) can cause some problems, and signs of prematurity in such children are determined immediately after the appearance of the world.

Children born ahead of time, usually have a weight of less than 2500 grams, height is less than 45 cm, on the skin a lot of lubricant, ears and nose cartilages are soft. The boys the testicles may not yet be omitted in the scrotum, and the girls have a clitoris and small sex lips are not covered with large. The presence of one feature does not indicate the child's presence. In addition, children born ahead of time are not always premature. As mentioned earlier, even at 35 week, the baby may be ready for childbirth and easily adapt to the conditions of the external environment. It is individually.

Forecast for a child with preterm birth

Thinking about how to give birth ahead of time, you need to take into account that in this case there are risks for a child. Depending on the period, premature births are divided into three periods: at 22-27 weeks, at 28-30 weeks, at 34-37 weeks. With the mass of the fetus from 500 g to 1 kg (on the 22-27th weeks), premature births are often caused by injuries at previous births, infection of the fetal bubble or its gaps. In this group, there are usually few primordial.

With the mass of the fetus 1000-1800 grams (on the 28-33rd weeks), the child is already much easier. Such children are considered premature, but not so long to consist in special accounting in perinatal centers or hospitals at the place of residence, as those born before. The primordin in this category is about 30%. Birth for a period of 34-37 weeks can be caused by a variety of reasons. In most cases, light fetus (and other organs) are quite mature, so children are rarely translated into the intensive care unit. But constant care and attentive observation need absolutely in all cases (before stabilizing the condition of the child).

In general, why give birth ahead of time? The reasons include the presence of uterine development vices, a larger load on the uterus when entering the child (multiple pregnancy, large fruit, multi-way), the preservation of the placenta or detachment, premature breaking the aqueous shell. The risk of birth of a child earlier than the PDR increases, if earlier the woman was artificially interrupted by pregnancy or in the past there was a threat of premature birth.

Provice premature start of the generic process can physical labor, poor nutrition, psychological atmosphere at work or at home. A certain risk is pregnant in a mature or too young age.

Legal moments and reviews

Many women are interested in the issue of payments and the duration of maternity leave with preterm birth. So, if the childbirth came earlier for 10 days, it turns out that the duration of the prenatal leave was 60 days. In this case, postpartum increases for the same 10 days, that is, it will not be 70, but 80 days. As for maternity leave, if you gave birth ahead, payments are saved throughout the holiday. The average earnings or scholarship allowance is calculated if the future mother is still learning at the university.

So, there are several folk and official ways to cause childbirth if the process is delayed. But with any of the methods you need to be careful, because it is purely individually, and some funds have contraindications. It is important to be advised to the doctor, because any actions of the mother affect not only its own health, but also for a prosperous forecast for the child. If doctors do not hurry, then it is better to wait for the baby himself to choose when he is better to appear. These mechanisms are governed by nature. Women still advise to be careful in trying to cause a generic process. Do not drink alternately drug drugs, as they can cause not only generic activities. It is important to take into account the course of the disease, the risks to not harm yourself and the child.

Text: Alena Kuznetsova

As one therapist told me"Pregnancy is a crazy journey to the unknown." Now, when I have my own and thousands of other stories, heard in the generic branches, I agree with him. Yes, pregnancy is similar to Russian roulette. I know those who successfully gave birth at home in the bathroom or said that to the dental to walk worse. I also know those who followed the months on preservation, worried about miscarriage and clinical death. In my lottery ticket there was two months before the deadline.

Everything was unexpected and did not fit into my picture of the "ideal" pregnancy and childbirth

My pregnancy was imperfect, but I liked her. A slight malaise in the first trimester, but an unprecedented rise of strength in the second. The doctor in the female consultation is invariably friendly and satisfied. I did not pain, took the laid vitamins and tried more often to walk. Closer to the third trimester in my euphoria, fear intervened before childbirth, and I was discarded to school for pregnant women. At one of the classes they said that every fourth of us would give birth to cesarean sections. I did not perceive it seriously: health is excellent, my childbirth will be natural, like my mom. The main thing is to tune in.

When the 31st week of my pregnancy was going on, I sat in the chat of the school of cultural journalism, where he entered the free listener. I waited for a discussion of my work and suddenly felt that the belly became very hard, and the shocks of the child were more tangible. I thought it was abnormal - I called a doctor from the consultation, and she ordered an ambulance or make an ultrasound from the nearest gynecologist. The situation did not look serious, so I chose the second: just in case, the documents in the backpack were needed for admission to the hospital, and sat down in a taxi.

The doctor listened to the complaint and habitually unfolded a tonometer, from which I did not wait for anything wrong. It turned out that the pressure is 170/120, although it was not felt at all. Inspection in the chair, ultrasound, some record in the direction and the first injection of Magnesia, which many pregnant women know: it effectively removes the tone of the uterus, and in sensations it looks like a poison that slowly paralyzes the whole leg. "Real Fighter!" - Sister said, after I did not publish a sound. I looked at a piece of paper, and finally I was diagnosed with the threat of premature birth. The ambulance is still needed.

I remembered that I read in the weekly mailing list for pregnant women: "The baby has grown significantly, now it develops light." It turns out, he is still not ready for birth at all - did not score enough weight, forces, the organs are still formed. Will he be able to live at all if it is born? I never heard about those who gave birth ahead of time, and had no idea if it was bad. Everything was too unexpected and did not fit into my picture of the "ideal" pregnancy and childbirth. Arriving a brigade reassured me: so they write to everyone, it's not worth crying - and then the pressure will still rise.

We planned paid family bodies, but did not have time to conclude a contract and even choose the maternity hospital - so I was taken to the nearest. In the reception there was another injection of magnesia, since the pressure did not fall. I did not believe that something serious could be with me: overtook, frightened, doctors are reinsured. Tomorrow let go home.


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