Infectious diseases of the nails on the hands. Non-fungal diseases of toenails

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A lot can be said about a person's hands.

Nails can tell about a person's health, his diseases and problems.

The nail plates are the protection of the soft tissues of the fingers, and they can also report all kinds of disturbances in the work of internal organs and systems.

Paying attention to the change in the nail in time, you can prevent many diseases and eliminate them in time.

An Introduction to Hand Nail Deformation

bruised nail (hematoma) Nail anemia

A person's nail plates are a kind of indicator of his health, so one should not forget about their care and hygiene.

Deformation of nails speaks volumes - diseases of internal organs, disorders in the work of the main systems of the body.

There are several main causes of deformation, in addition to diseases: mechanical injury; anemia;

chemotherapy; excessive intake of antibiotics;

bacterial infections and nail fungus; psoriasis; hereditary predisposition.

Chemotherapy Candidiasis after taking antibiotics

By the shape of the deformation, you can also establish the causes of the problem.

Types of deformation of the nail plate


Deformation of the nail can look different and by its appearance it is possible to establish the causes of the occurrence.

If undulating grooves appear on the nail, then this may indicate improper nutrition, a strict diet. Such nails can also indicate psychological disorders, frequent stress. "Waves" on the nails can also be a hereditary feature of a person.

If small pits appear on the nail, then this speaks primarily of a lack of calcium in the body. It is worth revising the diet, adding healthy food, eating more fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

Stripes running across the nail indicate malnutrition, a severely tightened diet. This appearance of the nail may indicate trophic disorders.

If the human body does not have enough vitamins and calcium, nails can crumble and flake. Anemia, thyroid disorders will lead to the same results.

Nails can be deformed due to mechanical injury and damage.

In case of injury to the nail plate, normal growth and formation of the nail may be disrupted, the thickness decreases, and curvature appears.

A common cause of deformation of fingernails is. You can get infected with this disease anywhere - in public places, beaches, showers, manicure or beauty salon.

The fungus is spread from an infected person to a healthy person, so be careful!

Allergy from chemicals

Changes in the structure of the nail can also be caused by prolonged and constant exposure to chemicals and harmful substances.

People of certain professions are subject to a similar deformation - hairdressers, dishwashers, cleaners.

Allergy to gel polishes is very common lately, as this type of manicure has become common lately.

Deformation of the nail can be congenital, but such cases are rare. A similar problem is associated with the defects of the ectoderm, with which, during intrauterine development, the nail bed and plates begin to form.

Pathology of the shape of the nail on the hands

This or that deformation of the nail cannot 100% speak about the presence of the disease, but it is worth paying attention to it and be sure to consult a doctor for a full examination.

Changes in the nail plate can indicate the following pathologies:

The plate has the shape of a convex ball.

Such deformation of character for pulmonary osteoarthropathy, tuberculosis, lung cancer, heart disease, endocarditis, liver cirrhosis.

In rare cases, such nails can be a congenital feature of a person and are in no way associated with diseases.

Bird's claw deformation - the nail plates are thickened and bent. Nails can take the form of a spiral, the color changes from yellow to brown.

Such a pathology can develop after blows and injuries, burns, frostbite.

It occurs in old age and after generalized candidiasis.


Koilonychia - the nail becomes spoon-shaped, the surface is concave, the structure and thickness remain unchanged.

This pathology occurs with prolonged exposure to acids and alkalis on the nail plate, as a result of trauma and damage.

Koilonychia can be caused by anemia, typhoid fever, Addison's disease.

transverse furrows

Platonichy - the nail plate is flat.

Such a pathology is often congenital, but in rare cases it can arise as a result of exposure to occupational factors (chemicals).

Transverse furrows - appear after past illnesses - flu, jaundice, anorexia.

Such a "pattern" on the nails can indicate an incorrect and unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and nutrients.


Point deformation - appears with eczema, psoriasis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Leukonychia - the appearance of white spots.

May indicate malnutrition, as well as kidney disease.

Vitamins and changes in the nail plate

healthy eating

Deformation of nails can also occur due to a banal reason for a lack of vitamins. The correct structure of the nails guarantees the presence of iron in the body in sufficient quantities. Lack can provoke deformation.

Iron is found in sufficient quantities in such foods:

  • meat and poultry;
  • liver;
  • fish (tuna);
  • legumes;
  • cabbage and zucchini;
  • fruit.

Remember that the diet should be balanced, iron is absorbed better with foods that contain vitamin C and fluoride.

Lack of sulfur in the body can also lead to nail problems. Eat cabbage, onions, garlic, cereals. If necessary, you can purchase vitamin complexes at the pharmacy that will help provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Diagnostics of the deformation of your nails

When the first signs of deformation of the nails appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo an examination. Initially, you should establish the causes of the problem and eliminate them. See a dermatologist or specialist (podiatrist, mycologist). The doctor visually assesses the condition of the nails; if necessary, microscopy and spectral analysis can be prescribed. It is possible that the patient will need advice from other specialists - a surgeon, cardiologist or others.

Nail treatment takes place on an individual basis, depending on the disease, medications or medical procedures are prescribed. Nail treatment does not go away quickly. The causes of the problem are eliminated, you need to wait for a new and healthy plate to grow. It is much easier to prevent deformation than to engage in complex and prolonged treatment afterwards.

Prevention of hand nails

Healthy and beautiful nails look attractive. In order for the nail plate to grow even and healthy, it is necessary to carefully review the diet. Choose healthy foods, fruits and fresh vegetables. You should not get carried away with diets and severely limit yourself in nutrition, this approach harms your health and beauty.

The nails must be cared for properly. If possible, the manicure procedure should be trusted by professionals. In the salons you can use such services as paraffin therapy, massage, hardware manicure.

At home, you can make nail baths with herbal decoctions, sea salt or other useful ingredients. Take mineral and vitamin complexes, during the treatment of nails, you should refuse decorative varnishes, extension and polishing of nails.

If you work in hazardous industries, constantly come into contact with harmful chemicals and drugs, do not forget to use protective gloves.

Home treatment

Self-medication is by no means recommended! Remember that deformation of the nails can be just a symptom of a dangerous disease, so you need to urgently consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

If the deformation of the nails is associated precisely with aesthetic problems, then in this case, you can help at home. Do, you can add sea salt, soda, essential oils, herbs to the water. Such procedures improve blood circulation and ensure good nail growth. You can use special medicated varnishes.

During treatment, do not get carried away with decorative nail polishes, they do not hide, but only emphasize the flaws. Also, women should remember that nail extension also leads to plate deformation and subsequent problems. You should not get carried away with polishing nails, many people think that such a procedure will help to align the deformed nail faster. You can polish, but not more often than once a month.

Professional tips for nail deformation

To help with treatment and get rid of the problem faster, professionals give several recommendations on:

  • do regular salt and paraffin baths;
  • lubricate your nails with lemon juice;
  • take calcium supplements;
  • do not forget to use special hand creams and balms;
  • be careful with home manicure, avoid too sharp instruments, they can damage the plate.

Nails are a reflection of our health. You should not self-medicate and take any action before the true cause of the problem has not been found. Do not forget that any self-medication, even seemingly absolutely harmless, may not only fail to bring the desired positive results, but also harm your nails and the health of the body as a whole.

Methods for determining diseases by nails, which we will talk about in this article, will help to take timely measures to get rid of the health problem that has arisen.

An experienced physician can determine the state of human health, not only by the color of the skin of the face and the presence of edema, circles under the eyes, but also by the condition of the nails.

What do nails say about human health?

Even in ancient times, each fingernail was associated with the state of health of a certain internal organ of the human body.
Healthy nails have a pink color, a smooth surface, a little natural shine. The slightest deviations from this indicate the appearance of health problems.

Video: 5 things that nails tell about your health

How to identify a disease by fingernails?

When determining the disease, one should take into account the change in nails according to:

  • Nail plate drawing
  • Lunula state
  • Shape of nails
  • Nail color

Diagnostics by the condition of nails

Plate pattern

  • White spots - low hemoglobin, lack of vitamins, lowered immunity, possible problems with the central nervous system

If only on the index fingers, then there may be excessive deposition of calcium salts

  • Black spots are a sign of endocarditis
  • The nail changes greatly due to fungus and psoriasis
  • Paired horizontal stripes - lack of protein in the diet. Kidney disease that removes excess protein from the body
  • Division across into two halves, speaks of advanced kidney disease. The bottom of one half is usually milky, the top is normal
  • A line that does not appear from physical impact, is formed at high temperatures, fever. They indicate diseases that have already been transferred, the deeper the line, the more serious the disease
  • Black spots that did not appear from the injury indicate liver disease, inflammation of the heart membrane
  • A beige or brown formation under the nail, warns of the possibility of cancer
  • Yellow or brown spots on the nail at the edge of the nail, may appear due to psoriasis
  • White spots in the form of flakes or crumbling grooves, warn of the appearance of fungal diseases
  • Brittle and peeling nails, a sign of thyroid disorder. Moreover, if hair falls out, the skin peels off, it may indicate the presence of vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalance
  • Small numerous dimples - a sign of psoriasis
  • Nail tears or deep grooves - may be dysbiosis or intestinal ulcer

Lunula state

we observe the state of the lunula

Lunula are white semicircles on the nails, on the border with the cuticle

  • If the lunula disappeared - problems with the lungs
  • If only on the index finger, then the pancreas, liver, and large intestine are not working well. There may be diseases of the small pelvis. Spheres of ENT
  • On the middle finger, the disappearance of the hole, notifies of a vegetative-vascular disease, a violation of the heart rhythm, hypertension or hypotension, this is a harbinger of a failure of the cardiovascular system
  • If there is no hole on the ring finger or the hole is reduced, it may be a violation of the endocrine system, lymph nodes, this is a call for a mandatory examination of the body
  • On the little finger, the hole disappears quickly, as this is a sign of a problem with the small intestine. May disappear in hypertensive patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmias

Video: Nail Diagnosis

Diagnosis of toenails

The toes as well as the hands can say a lot about the state of a person's health:

  • Large of both legs are responsible for the brain
  • Right index finger - lungs (large intestine), adrenal glands. Left - heart (small intestine), thyroid gland
  • The middle toe of the right foot is connected with the internal and external genitals. Left - sense organs, pineal gland
  • The ring finger of the right foot diagnoses the kidneys, bladder, testicles and ovaries
  • Left toenail - brain and spinal cord, pituitary gland
  • The little toe nail on the right foot is responsible for the health of the spleen, stomach, pancreas. Left nail - liver, gallbladder, thymus
  • According to the condition of the toenails, you can learn about vascular diseases
    Thickened toenails that cannot be cut off with scissors indicate chronic arterial and venous disease.
  • The bluish discoloration of the toenails indicates severe circulatory disorders and thrombosis.
  • Fragility and delamination of the nail is a sign of a fungal disease

Nail shape and health

We check the health by the shape of the nails

An important factor in the diagnosis is the shape of the nails.
The outlines of the nail plate are considered: in shape, pattern, size, concave or convexity.

There are many options for the shape of nails changed as a result of the disease, we will consider the main ones:

  • A bent, depressed finger across the entire nail surface indicates a chronic or hereditary alcohol addiction
  • A flat and short nail testifies to heart disease.
  • A nail in the form of watch glasses, formed from diseases of the bronchi, heart, lungs Swollen last phalanges warn of cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, ulcers, thyroid problems
  • The increased area of \u200b\u200bthe nail - a problem with the lungs
    It is important to understand here that the shape must be viewed in the comparative period: it was narrow, but it became wide - it speaks of a problem. The presence of natural indicators is not considered
  • A flat nail warns of respiratory problems. If additional changes appear, bronchial asthma is possible. Additional foliation of the marginal rim, diagnoses helminthic invasion
  • A pipe-shaped nail bent inward is a harbinger of cancer. You should not make the diagnosis yourself, but you should make an appointment with the doctor
  • Triangular nails predict spine disease
  • Concavity in the center of the nail and a bluish tinge indicate anemia.
  • A bright pink, rounded, magnifying glass nail is a sign of respiratory illness

Nail color and health

The state of health also depends on the color of the legs:

  • Yellow nails - the liver is out of order
  • The surface is red - erythremia possible
  • The entire white surface or partly not reaching the lunula warns of liver cirrhosis
  • Purple and blue nails - congenital heart disease

Diagnostics by nails photo and description

Dividing the nail in half - eczema, psoriasis

Transverse grooves are a sign of improper nail care. They are also formed due to stress, an infectious disease and other serious illnesses already suffered. Due to poor nutrition and lack of zinc in the body

The longitudinal line is rare. It appears due to acute malnutrition, severe arterial disease, with arthritis, lichen planus. Vertical grooves, can be the result of excess carbohydrate intake, iron deficiency, bowel disease

White nails, a sign of liver cirrhosis, thyroid disease

Half white, half pink nails warn of kidney failure

Health on hand nails table

Changes in the nail plate Possible disease
White nails Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
Yellowish, thickened, slow growing nails Lung problems
Yellowish nails with a slight bluish discoloration at the base Diabetes
Half white, half pink nails Renal failure
Red nails Heart problems
Pale and white nails Anemia
Furrows or splitting of the nail surface Psoriasis or arthritis
Thickening of the terminal phalanges of the fingers Lung disease
Black lines under the nail Melanoma
Red, jagged lines along the nail fold Lupus, a connective tissue disorder

Without professional knowledge, it is very difficult to diagnose a disease from photographs of nails. The violations of the nail plate listed in the article give help only in the direction that you should pay attention to your health. In case of radical changes in natural nails, you should consult a doctor.

Video: Diagnosis by nails

Neat and well-groomed nails are an indispensable component of a successful image in the modern world. From everywhere, banners are full of beautiful manicures, inviting you to contact the nearest salon and emphasize your individuality. But what if one day you notice that your nails do not look the same as before? What if the nail plate changes color, cracks, or even starts to hurt?

Nail structure

Nails are derivatives of the skin that have evolved into a dense material that protects the nerve endings of the hands and feet. The hard and flexible plate provides not only protection, but also the sensitivity of the fingertips. A healthy nail consists of:

  • cuticles;
  • the nail root (it is hidden under the skin at the back of the nail);
  • holes;
  • nail plate (nail body);
  • free edge.

The nail is hard due to the fact that it contains a protein called keratin

From birth, the nail matrix (the main part of the nail growth zone) contains the main characteristics of the nail: its color, density, length and thickness. Modern cosmetology, thanks to an integrated approach, has learned to correct these features of the human body. So even if you have thin and brittle nails, there is an opportunity to strengthen and nourish them.

Many factors affect the condition of the nail:

  • the genetic characteristics of the organism;
  • food;
  • general health;
  • the influence of the environment;
  • mechanical damage;
  • fungi and stuff.

With the development of cosmetology, it has become much easier to care for nails, because it does not take much time and does not require special costs. You can always contact a specialist who will make your nails beautiful. But sometimes complications arise after a manicure:

  • inflammation;
  • cracks;
  • detachment of the nail plate.

Video: nail structure

Types of nail diseases

Nails can tell a lot about the health of the whole organism as a whole, because a change in their consistency, character, size and shade is an important diagnostic criterion. It is not in vain that when you come to see a therapist, the doctor examines not only the organ you have complained about, but also the entire body. Particular attention is paid to the skin and nails.

By the color, shape and nature of the nail plate, it is possible to identify diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the presence of anemia or insufficient amount of calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Classification of nail diseases.

  • infectious:
    • paronychia - inflammation of the periungual fold due to the attachment of a bacterial agent;
    • paranitium - inflammation of the nail fold caused by anaerobic bacteria. This type of inflammation needs surgery;
  • non-infectious:
    • anonychia - a genetic disease, which is based on the absence of the nail plate of one or more fingers;
    • dystrophy of nails - the nails acquire a flat or concave shape, grooves appear on the nail surface. The most common cause of dystrophy is endocrine disorders or an insufficiently balanced diet;
  • fungal - occur in patients with rubromycosis or microsporia. The nail plates change color from light yellow to gray, their surface becomes uneven, nail “waves” appear;
  • traumatic:
    • melanonychia - blackening of the nail plate due to injury and hemorrhage in the surrounding tissues;
    • onycholysis - separation of the nail plate from the soft tissues of the finger. Can be partial or complete;
  • others - changes in the nail plate in case of thyroid insufficiency (thinness, fragility, stratification of the nail edge); nails in the form of "drumsticks" for pulmonary (chronic pulmonary obstruction, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc.), cardiovascular (congenital heart disease, infective endocarditis) and other diseases (cystic fibrosis, toxic goiter, HIV infection).

Features of the course of various pathologies of nails and methods of their treatment

Therapy of any disease should begin with understanding the cause of its occurrence. Self-treatment can be hazardous to your health. When the first symptoms of pathology occur, contact a doctor who can provide you with timely medical care.


Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail that is most commonly caused by fungi of the genus Candida or Trichoрhyton rubrum. Symptoms appear gradually: first, white or yellowish cloudy spots form, then they merge and the entire nail plate changes color. The nail begins to crumble, it can take the form of a bird's claw (onychogryphosis).

Destruction of the nail is radical, distal (when the nail is affected at the free edge), or it can occupy the entire nail surface. When you press the finger, pain may appear. In addition to the nail plate itself, the soft tissues that surround the nail are also affected: they become dry, itching, cracks and peeling appear.

The fungus can affect one or several fingers at the same time.

Onychomycosis has 3 forms:

  • hypertrophic;
  • normotrophic;
  • atrophic.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms will differ from each other:

  • with normotrophic, spots and lines of dull white, yellow, brown or orange appear, but the shape and thickness of the nail remain normal;
  • with hypertrophic, the nail plate fades, loses its luster, and may turn yellow. Over time, the nail crumbles and deforms;
  • with atrophic, most of the nail plate collapses, the nail acquires a dark color, its complete detachment is possible (onycholysis).

Pathology treatment

Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of nail damage and the severity of the symptoms. The specialist prescribes complex or local therapy aimed at destroying the fungal focus and accelerating the healing of the nail plate. Only a doctor can choose the right treatment tactics after sowing on nutrient media and evaluating the results obtained.

Local therapy is used for superficial damage to the nail and includes the use of antimycotic varnishes, ointments and gels. For more serious lesions, complex therapy is used with the appointment of systemic antimicrobial drugs, such as:

  • Exoderil;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Nitrofungin, etc.

Fluconazole inhibits the activity of fungal enzymes, disrupts their growth, reproduction

I applied Nitrofungin for five weeks just to keep the fungus from returning. The downside is that Nitrofungin in its composition has a high concentration of alcohol, from which the skin becomes like tanned. But this minus is covered by high efficiency. Already from the third day of application, itching disappears and the skin begins to slowly recover. A huge plus is the moment that you do not need to apply ointment, cream or gel, but simply wipe the skin with a moistened cotton swab.

In advanced stages, when the nail plate is deeply damaged, it is necessary to carry out an operation to remove the nail with further antiseptic and antimycotic dressings.

Video: dermatologist about onychomycosis

Nail psoriasis

Psoriasis of the nails occurs against the background of psoriasis disease and manifests itself in 80–90% of patients. The cause of its occurrence has not yet been fully understood, but there are versions that the disease is based on an immune disorder and a genetic tendency.

Psoriasis can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pinpoint dents on the nail plate, as if it had been beaten with a thin needle (“thimble” symptom);
  • loosening the nail plate;
  • painless detachment of the nail from the finger.

Often, hemorrhages and spots of a dirty yellow hue are observed under the nail plate. The soft tissues surrounding the nail also suffer - peeling and severe itching appear.

When the nail plate is separated, a secondary infection, bacterial or fungal

Disease therapy

Psoriasis requires professional complex treatment. In order to correctly diagnose, the doctor needs to take a history of the disease and take a scraping scraper from the affected area. This test will help distinguish psoriasis from fungus or other nail pathologies. Complex treatment is prescribed, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. For external therapy, hormonal and antimicrobial ointments, special healing varnishes are used. Among medicines, antihistamines and mineral complexes enriched with zinc and calcium are in the first place. It is recommended to follow a diet high in protein, vitamins A, D, E, C, P and group B (B1, B2, B6, B12, B13, B15). It is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages, it is advisable to limit the amount of salt, fat and carbohydrates consumed.

  • fruits (with the exception of black currants, prunes, blueberries, cranberries);
  • vegetables (excluding legumes, sorrel, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants);
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices (especially from pear, apricot, pineapple);
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices (from carrots, spinach, parsley, onions).

Foods to be excluded:

  • berries and fruits:
    • strawberry;
    • strawberries;
    • currant;
    • prunes;
    • cranberry;
  • all nightshade vegetables:
    • tomatoes;
    • paprika;
    • potatoes;
    • pepper;
  • cereals: white bread and its derivatives;
  • fish and seafood:
    • anchovies;
    • herring;
    • salmon;
    • caviar;
    • crabs;
    • lobster;
    • shrimp;
    • shellfish;
  • poultry: fatty, any fried or smoked;
  • all fried, smoked and spicy foods;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

In the treatment of nail psoriasis, the psycho-emotional state plays an important role: try not to be nervous, tune in to a positive mood.

Of the medications, Losterin cream has proven itself well.

Losterin is a non-hormonal preparation for daily skin care

During all this time I have probably tried everything I can. I saw Losterin at the pharmacy by accident. The dome is that non-hormonal. In general, now the hands are certainly not quite perfect, and not what they were before. Although there are no cracks and bubbles and the skin does not peel. Dry and slightly red, but very slightly.



Onychochisis is a transverse dissection of the nail. The nail plate is significantly thinned and divided into several sheets. The disease is dystrophic and can be caused by a number of factors, such as:

  • improper nutrition;
  • nervous strain;
  • trauma;
  • insufficient content of iron and calcium in the blood;
  • the use of low-quality varnishes;
  • trauma;
  • systemic diseases (psoriasis, eczema, diabetes mellitus);
  • fungus and stuff.

Onychochisis can occur in both men and women

Visually, the nail does not change color and maintains a healthy shine. Until the middle, it grows normally, after which it stratifies into two plates. Today, onychoshisis is found in people who play keyboards, work with the keyboard for a long time, and keep their hands in alcohol cleaning solutions for a long time. If earlier the most common cause of the disease was old age, now it also occurs in young people.

This type of dystrophy is observed mainly in women who often use manicure with varnishes, acetone, and also with frequent contact with synthetic detergents.

Dr. Horoshev

How to treat a disease

Treatment of onychoshisis begins with the elimination of the factor that led to the disease. For example, with the mycotic nature of the lesion, antifungal drugs are prescribed, and if the reason lies in mechanical damage, then it is necessary to limit the effect of this factor. For the fastest regeneration of the nail plate, vitamin complexes with retinol and cyanocobalamin, food gelatin solution, massages and physiotherapy are used. On average, treatment lasts 4 to 8 weeks.


Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the soft tissues of the fingers, which is most often located on the palmar surface of the hand. The main cause of the disease is the ingress of pyogenic bacteria through cuts and abrasions. Usually panaritium develops quickly enough, and it is almost impossible not to notice this disease, since it is accompanied by local edema, redness and severe throbbing pain.

The danger of panaritium is that, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the finger, purulent inflammation can spread in depth, affecting the tendons, joints and bone

Depending on the localization and degree of tissue damage, such forms of panaritium are distinguished:

  • cutaneous;
  • periungual;
  • subungual;
  • subcutaneous;
  • bone;
  • articular;
  • osteoarticular;
  • tendinous.

How to get rid of pathology

If you have a panaritium, you must immediately contact a specialist! Using a bulbous probe and X-ray, the doctor will determine the degree of damage to the finger. Depending on the severity of the disease, conservative or surgical treatment is used. With a mild course in the early stages, antibiotic therapy, UHF, thermal procedures are prescribed. In the later stages, the purulent focus is dissected with its further drainage.

Video: suppuration on the finger - panaritium


Onychocryptosis, also known as an ingrown nail, is a fairly common problem that doctors see. There are several reasons for this disease:

  • wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • injury;
  • the presence of a fungus;
  • heredity;
  • improper manicure (too short, arched cut nails) and so on.

Onychocryptosis is accompanied by reddening of the tissues into which the nail has grown, their edema, pain when pressed and touched. With a long course of the disease, the periungual roller can thicken due to the proliferation of connective tissue against the background of chronic inflammation.

With the addition of an infection, the development of purulent inflammation of the periungual roller is possible.

Treatment methods

If the nail has grown insignificantly, then conservative therapy can be used. In the early stages, baths with soda and potassium permanganate are used, and with the help of cotton turunda they try to correct the angle of the nail. It is not advisable to cut the edge of the nail plate - it is best to correct the shape by sawing. The specialist will be able to install special plates that will change the shape of the nail. In later stages, such therapy will be ineffective, and only surgical treatment will help. The essence of the method will consist in resection or complete removal of the nail plate.

Installation of the nail plate - a modern alternative to surgery

Photo gallery: types of nail deformities

Two-tone nails are found in 10% of patients with renal insufficiency Blue nails may indicate Wilson's disease or alkaptonuria This type of deformity (Kenen's tumor) occurs in Bourneville's disease - a hereditary disease that affects the nervous system and skin Onycholysis occurs with onychomycosis, nail injuries, after exposure chemicals, with psoriasis The concave (spoon-shaped) shape of the nail can indicate chronic iron deficiency anemia or Plummer-Vinson syndrome. Drumstick nails are found in diseases of the cardiovascular system (congenital heart defects) and pulmonary pathologies (bronchiectasis, malignant neoplasms)

A little about traditional methods of treatment

At home, you can only treat mild nail diseases in the early stages.

An ordinary onion copes well with onychomycosis. To treat the fungus, it is necessary to lubricate the nail plates with its juice 3 times a day.

Onions have medicinal properties and have long been used by our ancestors to treat fungal diseases.

You can also make vinegar baths and lotions - mushrooms cannot multiply in an acidic environment. With daily use of this method, the effect will not be long in coming. Take 1 cup (300 ml) of 9% vinegar in a bowl of warm water. The duration of the bath is 15–20 minutes, after which the feet are wiped dry, and the procedure is repeated after a couple of days. A positive result will be visible in a week.

A cotton swab dipped in 9% vinegar can be applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes

Tea tree oil is no less effective for onychomycosis. They make baths with it (10–20 drops) and soar their hands for 15–20 minutes. An allergic reaction to tea tree oil can occur, so do a sensitivity test before doing this. To do this, a couple of drops of oil are dripped onto the skin of the inner surface of the shoulder or wrist and the reaction is monitored for half a day. If there is no redness, itching or rash, then there is no adverse reaction to the drug and it can be used in treatment.

Tea tree oil can be rubbed into the damaged nail plate.

In case of onychochisis, in addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor, at home you can help the nails heal faster. For this, salt baths are used at the rate of one tablespoon of salt (sea salt can be used) per 500 ml of warm water. After the procedure, hands are thoroughly wiped and lubricated with a fat cream. Also, a very positive result is given by rubbing sea buckthorn oil into damaged nail plates 2 times a day.

Sea buckthorn contains many vitamins and trace elements that provide fast regenerative properties

Treatment of panaritium at home is aimed at accelerating the maturation of a purulent focus. To do this, use a baked onion - it is applied to the affected area and tightly fixed. The bandage should be changed every 2 hours. They also use raw potato compresses: rub it and apply it to the felon for 4-5 hours.

Aloe leaves will help reduce pain and slightly reduce inflammation of the surrounding tissues. It is necessary to clean the leaf of the plant and attach it to the abscess. Such compresses are changed 2-3 times a day.

Video: treatment of onychomycosis at home using folk methods


In order to minimize the possibility of the occurrence of nail diseases, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat balanced - food should be rich in protein, vitamins, macro- and microelements;
  • do not use common hygiene products and clothes - you should always have your own towel, linen, gloves, etc .;
  • when washing dishes and contact with cleaning solutions, wear rubber gloves - they will protect your skin and nails from the effects of chemicals;
  • use only high-quality varnishes for creating manicure, if possible, use liquids without acetone;
  • keep your hands dry - then you will not be afraid of any fungi.

Nails are one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. They are the very first to signal the onset of the disease. If you notice a change in the color or structure of nails, do not self-medicate, contact a specialist. It is easy to be healthy if you are attentive to yourself and your body.

Modern medicine is able to notice deviations in human health, not only relying on numerous studies and analyzes, but also looking at the condition of his nails, both on his hands and feet.

Nail diagnostics was born in Tibet and Ancient China. Physicians could make a diagnosis based on the color and shape of the nail plates, and do it at an early stage, when the therapy will give the best result. If we consider a serious test, then only real specialists can do it, but even an ordinary person can diagnose fingernails if some indicators are known. We will talk about this in our article.

How are fingers connected to internal organs?

It has long been known that, for example, on the auricles, feet, hands there are projections of all internal organs. Each is also associated with one or more, for example:

  • The thumb on the hand is connected to the brain.
  • Index - with the respiratory system, more with the lungs.
  • Medium - with a small intestine.
  • has a connection with the kidneys.
  • Little finger - with the work of the heart.

That is why, looking at the condition of nails on different fingers of the hand and their general appearance, one can say about some deviations in human health.

The nail plate in a healthy person

The life of the nail begins in the matrix, it is the invisible, but the most important part of the nail, which is located at the base of the nail plate under the roller. If the nail itself is already a keratinized formation, then the matrix is \u200b\u200ba living tissue, from its cells a solid protein polymer is formed.

The state of the matrix depends not only on its growth, structure, even thickness. This explains the sometimes striking difference between nails in different people.

To make the diagnosis of fingernails more reliable and truthful, you need to know how a healthy nail plate should look like. Here are some of the distinguishing features:

  • The nail is pink and almost transparent.
  • The nail plate is smooth, has no roughness. May be matte or slightly shiny.
  • The shape of the nail has the correct shape, and the edges are even.
  • The connection between the nail plate and the lateral ridges should not be broken.

If you notice some deviations from the norm, then it is better that the diagnosis on nails is carried out by a competent specialist - an onychologist. Onychology is a science that deals with the diagnosis of the normal or pathological condition of nails.

What can a nail tell about?

We hear many times that the body is reflected on our skin, but it turns out that there is a diagnosis of diseases based on fingernails, which originated in Tibet.

By looking at the condition of the nails, you can determine the beginning health problems. Everyone has heard that eyes are a mirror of a person's soul, and nails are indicators of health. Some believe that if they have white spots that are too brittle, then it is either the features or improper care that provoked such manifestations. But quite often this is the first signal that something is wrong in the body.

Let's see what kind of signals about problems the nail plates can give.

Nail color and disease

Let's start with the color of the nail. As you know, normally in a healthy person, it should be pinkish in color, matte or with a slight sheen. But in the presence of pathologies, the color of the plates will be different:

  • If the nail is too pale, then this may indicate a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, diabetes or prolonged stress.
  • If the nails are unnaturally white, blood or liver diseases, such as hepatitis or anemia, can be suspected.
  • If part of the nail is pink and the other is white, then this signals kidney problems.
  • You can sometimes see white stripes on the nail along the length, this can indicate diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver.

  • People with respiratory problems or circulatory problems may have a bluish tinge to their nails.
  • Black bars indicate problems in the cardiovascular system.
  • If red-brown spots appear on the nails, then most likely the diet lacks vitamin C, folic acid.
  • Yellow-green nail plates may be a sign of infection in the body.
  • A yellow nail plate speaks of diseases of the lungs, liver.

If your nails begin to change their usual healthy color to any other or spots appear, then this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Nails and food

Diagnosis of fingernails can determine the lack of vitamins and minerals in the human diet. First of all, any changes in the appearance of nails can signal a lack of protein in food.

When vertical grooves appear, we can talk about a lack of iron or poor absorption of nutrients. Since calcium is also included in the composition of nails, then with brittleness it can be argued that this element is just not enough.

For good nail growth, the presence of B vitamins is important. A sufficient amount of vitamin C will protect the tissue around the nail from burrs and inflammation. If the nails are peeling, then the intake of silicon, vitamin D and calcium should be increased.

It must be borne in mind that the diagnosis of diseases based on fingernails cannot be the only and final one. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will have to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

What will the nail hole tell

Experts say that the diagnosis of nails, the photo just demonstrates this, should begin with an examination of the holes. They can tell a lot.

We already know that each finger is associated with a specific internal organ, so changes in different fingers can tell about pathologies.

  1. The thumb is associated with the respiratory system, if the hole on it is too large, then this may indicate problems in these organs.
  2. The absence or small size of the hole on the index finger indicates problems in the functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines or pancreas.
  3. The middle finger will tell you about the state of the circulatory system. If there is no hole, then this may indicate problems with blood pressure, poor condition of capillaries and veins.
  4. The absence of a hole on the ring finger indicates disorders in metabolic processes and problems with the lymphatic system.
  5. The well on the little finger confirms the excellent health of the heart muscle.

The general result can be summed up as follows: the presence of pronounced holes on all fingers speaks of good human health and great vitality.

Health and shape of the nail

The simplest diagnosis of nails comes down to considering their shape.

  1. Flat and short nails indicate heart problems.
  2. A concave nail plate indicates a lack of iron.
  3. Triangular nails can hint at diseases of the spinal column or spinal cord.
  4. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the nails are elongated.
  5. Convex nails in the form of a sphere indicate pathologies of the respiratory system.

Stripes and waves appeared on the nails

Quite often it happens that the nail does not change its color and shape, but stripes, grooves, and depressions appear. It can also signal impending problems. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • After the transferred infectious diseases, transverse grooves may appear.
  • Longitudinal grooves are in case of digestive problems, depression, sleep disorders.
  • Passion for diets can lead the beautiful half of humanity to the fact that dents and pits appear on the nails. This usually happens as a result of the negative effects of the chosen diet.
  • Streaks and small blotches that appear indicate problems with the small intestine.
  • Streaks of white indicate a lack of calcium or zinc.
  • With rheumatism, almond-shaped waves appear.

Even minor changes on the nails cannot be left unnoticed. It is advisable to listen to your body and visit a doctor.

The structure of the nail plate

In structure, nails in a healthy person are usually smooth and do not have any dents, stripes or grooves. Diagnosis of nails can start with a simple examination if:

Fingernail diagnostics can be of great service and help to recognize the disease at an early stage.

The appearance of nails deteriorates

All changes in our body do not appear suddenly, they appear gradually. It also happens with nails, if you notice that they have begun to grow worse, brittle or brittle have appeared, then this may indicate that something is wrong with your metabolism. This may also indicate problems with the endocrine system, blood circulation.

Suddenly the nails begin to exfoliate or split, then we can safely say that there is a depletion of the digestive system, sexual and nervous, it's time to visit a doctor.

Our nails can tell us not only about impending or existing problems, but also about the fact that everything is going towards improvement. Then the nails become pink again, smooth and healthy.

What will the drawing on the nail plates tell about?

The shape of the nail, its structure speaks volumes, but the drawing should not be discounted, it can also tell about some problems in the body:

  • If black spots appear, then this is a sign of endocarditis.

  • A line has appeared, which means that a fever was transferred, a high temperature with an infectious disease, the more serious it is, the deeper the line will be.
  • A brown spot or beige under the nail plate indicates a possible cancer.
  • Flaky white spots may indicate the development of a fungal disease.
  • Deep grooves or tears indicate intestinal ulcers or dysbiosis.

A simple diagnosis of the body by nails can be carried out at home, you just need to pay attention to any changes and take action in time. Sometimes it is enough to adjust your diet and everything will work out.

Diagnosis by toenails

Not only fingernails can tell about various pathologies, but also the nail plates on the feet should be carefully examined periodically.

Here's what they can talk about:

Diagnosis of toenails and hands is not a complicated procedure, the information in our article will help you to independently recognize the signs of an impending problem and take urgent measures.

Our body is an integral system, if a failure occurs in one of its parts, then this will necessarily manifest itself in another. Take care of yourself, be more attentive to your health, because it depends more on the person himself. A little awareness of health issues, and then you will not need to diagnose the body by fingernails.

Our nail plates are a kind of health indicator. With certain diseases and a lack of certain substances in the body, the state of the stratum corneum changes. In addition, there are independent diseases of the nails on the hands and feet, which require proper therapy, not only because of aesthetic unattractiveness, but also because of the risk of spreading the infection. We will talk about diseases of the nails on the hands and their treatment in our article.

Diseases of the nails

Any nail disease must necessarily be treated so that the process is not started and does not become chronic. Each nail disease has its own symptoms, which affect the condition of the nail plates in different ways.

There are the following common hand nail diseases:

  1. Mycosis is a fungal disease that can affect both the skin and the nail plate. Infection with this infection can occur due to lack of hygiene, as well as by contact, for example, when you are doing a manicure in a salon where the sterility of the instruments is not given due attention. Treatment of mycosis of the stratum corneum can be carried out with the use of special antifungal oral drugs, as well as with the use of varnishes, sprays and creams for topical use. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:
    • color change;
    • peeling nails;
    • painful sensations or itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nail fold;
    • thickening of the horny surface.
  1. Psoriasis of the nail plates... It is a non-infectious nail disease that can occur on both the hands and feet. The cause of the disease is considered to be autoimmune conditions, which provoke non-infectious inflammation of certain parts of the human body and organs. Another cause of this disease is genetic predisposition. Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive. It can only be carried out by a qualified specialist. Among the symptoms of the disease are the following:
    • yellowing of the nail plates;
    • the nail begins to flake;
    • its surface becomes rough;
    • soreness is completely absent;
    • rejection of the stratum corneum occurs without an inflammatory process;
    • hemorrhages under the nails due to rupture of small capillaries (manifests itself in the form of pinkish and reddish spots on the surface of the nail).

  1. Onycholysis is a type of dystrophy of the nail plates. Such problems with the nails can appear due to any diseases or the body's reaction to household chemicals. It can also be a symptom of problems in the activity of the digestive tract, nervous or cardiovascular system. Often, onycholysis occurs after prolonged antibiotic therapy and is a consequence of infectious processes in the body. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:
    • deformation of the nail;
    • the connection of the nail plate with the underlying soft tissues is disrupted, which leads to the formation of free space under the outer edge;
    • discoloration of the nail under the affected edge (it becomes bluish, yellowish or brown);
    • with the progression of the disease, the nail is completely rejected, which is then very difficult to correct.
  1. Trauma. Healthy fingernails can be damaged by injury. In this case, the stratum corneum can deform and change its color. However, this reaction of the nail is a normal consequence of the injury and does not require special treatment. In very severe injuries, the nail can completely peel off and fall off. In this case, a new nail plate will grow in six months.
  2. Onychia is characterized by inflammation of a portion of the nail. This problem occurs when using non-sterile instruments. In this case, the stratum corneum can not only peel off, pus often accumulates under it. Treatment of the problem should be carried out without fail using antibacterial ointments and steaming the stratum corneum.
  3. Onychogryposis. It is not difficult to understand how this disease manifests itself from a photo on the network. With such a disease, the nails on the hands thicken and bend. The disease is caused by microbes and viruses that infect the tissue of the plate.
  4. Onychoptosis is the separation and falling off of the nail plate from the soft bed. The disease can be associated with injuries, infectious lesions and serious diseases of the internal organs.
  5. Paronychia. This ailment affects the tissues surrounding the nail plate. In this case, inflammation appears, which is associated with the penetration of infection into the skin. The inflammatory process can occur with the formation of purulent cavities. The cause of the disease lies in poor hygiene, nail biting, and the use of non-sterile manicure tools.
  6. Pyogenic granuloma is a reddish tumor that forms on the nail plate. Treatment should only be performed by a specialist.

Diseases of non-infectious origin

There are nail diseases that are considered non-infectious because they are of non-infectious origin. They are also not dangerous for the human body and cause inconvenience only because of the aesthetic unattractiveness of the hands. Such diseases include the following:

  1. Chromonychia is a problem that is expressed in a change in the shade of the horny plate (it can turn gray, unnaturally yellow or blue). The cause of the disease lies in the violation of blood microcirculation, the use of low-quality varnish or in the body's reaction to medications.
  2. Hematomas are caused by trauma and disappear as the stratum corneum grows.
  3. Soft and brittle nails are due to malnutrition, adherence to strict diets. It also happens against the background of a strong nervous shock, lack of calcium in the body, or due to the use of a metal nail file.
  4. Longitudinal and transverse grooves can appear due to a lack of vitamins, after some ENT diseases, as well as during pregnancy. They are sometimes associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

You can also encounter such aesthetic pathologies of the stratum corneum as:

  • subungual nevi, that is, moles under them;
  • white spots due to accumulation of air bubbles (leukonychia)
  • hypertrophy or atrophy is characterized by insufficient or increased growth;
  • cuticle hypertrophy (pterygium) is characterized by too rapid and intense cuticle growth;
  • hangnails and onychophagia (gnawing) can also lead to infection and more serious problems.


Since many problems with the nail plates are the result of malfunctions in the human body, the treatment should be comprehensive. At the same time, the doctor can select effective methods of therapy only after completing a full examination, which makes it possible to identify the cause of the disease.

There are different treatments for the stratum corneum:

  1. Medication therapy. For the treatment of fungal diseases and psoriasis, special preparations are used. Often, to identify the pathogen, crops and scrapings are taken from the skin and nail plates. In complex therapy, drugs are necessarily prescribed to increase the body's defenses, correct the immune system, as well as drugs to normalize the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Local remedies in the form of special ointments, creams and gels can fight infectious lesions of the stratum corneum. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease and the condition of the hands.
  3. Special medicated varnishes can be prescribed as an aid.
  4. Surgical treatment is used if it is not possible to preserve the integrity of the stratum corneum. After removing the plate, treatment of the soft tissues under it is mandatory, since it is here that the infection is localized and develops. A new healthy nail usually grows back in six months.

To prevent various diseases of the stratum corneum, a person must adhere to proper nutrition, give up bad habits, observe hygiene and take proper care of his hands. It is also useful to cure all concomitant and chronic diseases and take vitamins. It is necessary to protect your hands from various traumatic influences, household chemicals and high temperatures.

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