How to prepare for childbirth? What you need to know each and be sure to take with you to the hospital? All you need to know about the ideal preparation for childbirth how to prepare labor paths to childbirth.

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Pregnancy is a happy stage of life of every woman, because this time she expects the appearance of a very expensive creature in the world - his baby. However, at this point, fears of childbirth appear, because everyone knows that there are no rare cases when the child's illness, a woman tears the crotch cloth, too for anyone no secret that at the time of the child's exit, a woman is experiencing terrible pain. But you should not worry, with the right lifestyle and proper training, you can save your health, and the birth will be easily easily. What you need to do this to do next.

What you need to know about childbirth

The birth of a child is a real miracle. At the time of the appearance of his baby, the woman feels happiness that is difficult to describe in words. However, sometimes positive emotions are darken with pain in the crotch area where the gap occurred. Especially "famous" by such a side effect of the first birth. To understand how to prevent the gap of inguinal fabrics, you must first get acquainted with the process of childbirth.

There are special courses on which a woman is told how to give birth correctly. And what to do. To not break. However, if you do not want to attend such lessons, then you can read special literature (what you are doing now) or view video of experienced doctors, for example, Komarovsky uses specially popular.

The entire process of childbirth includes only three stages. Let's get acquainted with each of them closer.

Power steps:

  1. The first stage is the period of disclosure of the uterus. In this period, under the influence of the fights, the neck of the uterus opens slowly, and the fetus head gradually lowers down the pelvis. The duration of this stage at a primary woman is as follows 9 hours, in the already giving birth mom only 6-7. During this time, the interval between the fights decreases from 15 to 1 minute, and the duration of the battle grows from 10 to 90 seconds.
  2. The second stage is called "expulsion of the fetus". During this period, swells are joined to combat, which are the consequence of a strong reduction in the press and aperture. Unlike battles, a woman can manage attempts. At this time, the child is moving along the generic paths. It is at the time of the expulsion of the fetus a woman and can break. This period lasts 1-2 hours.
  3. The last period is called postpartum. It lasts 10-30 minutes. At this time, changes occur in a newborn baby. He publishes the first cry, makes the first breath, and it is cut off the umbilical cord. Also during the postpartum period, the woman occurs the last contractions, at the expense of which the placenta is separated from the uterus, and with several points it turns out the pilot.

Good day, dear readers! Today I decided to talk to you about how to prepare myself for childbirth. And I want to start with motivation!

I will tell you the story that someone somehow told me: when her period of pregnancy was approaching 39 weeks - she had watered water. After the call to the ambulance, she calmly packed around the apartment and breathed, and after 2.5 hours after the first battle kept the kid on her hands and smiled.

Now this friend tells everyone about how to prepare for childbirth. And the main rule that she transmits to everyone and the whole: "The main thing is calm." But why exactly? I agree, it is important to psychologically set up. But after all, physical training plays not a last role.

On the other hand, the pelvis at my friend is a narrow, childbirth first, but at the same time she gave birth easily and without breaks. I started learning information and re-read the numerous feedback feedback. It turns out that you can really prepare yourself for childbirth.

I want to start from the main thing: it is important to configure yourself morally. Our mothers love one phrase very much: "I gave birth, and you will give birth." And in the maternity hospital, they are joking: "There is still no one woman from us with a pregnant woman." Therefore, as soon as you learn about your position, and take the decision to give birth, know - it is inevitable. And it does not matter whether you are terribly difficult or hurt - you still give birth!

Since the outcome is understandable - it will have to go to the maternity hospital, it is important to start it in advance to the good outcome of the birth in advance.

In general, too many stories are written about how difficult it is to pull pain during battles and fence. And these stories instill in a woman fear, instead of "sowing" in her soul "Crupitsa" hopes for light childbirth.

But it is the fear of "the first provocateur" of pain, because he is:

  • it affects the organs involved in the process of childbirth;
  • disrupts the balance of muscle functions;
  • worsens blood circulation;
  • causes tension in the body.

Therefore, you need to try to keep calm and do not panic. Fear only harms the natural process of birth. Stiffness and stupor provokes an organism on a response - pain. But it is with her to deal with her, right? Relax! And breathe.

2. Rule second: breathe - do not breathe

We all know that during battles and fence it is very important to breathe. But how to breathe correctly, so that it really helped?

In fact, techniques have long been created that help a woman focus on childbirth. One of the basic principles is the technique of breathing. And this skill can be learn at home on their own.

However, there are here and their nuances:

  • breathing training must be systematically;
  • starting classes should already at the 20th week of pregnancy;
  • it is necessary to study several different breathing techniques.

By the way, learning to the art of breathing during pregnancy helps a future mother to cope with the breath, eliminate heartburn and keep muscles in a tone. But during the genera themselves, the correct breathing can protect the woman from the crotch and the use of medicines (which can harm the guinea or newborn).

2.1. Breathing training during pregnancy

In order to master the breathing technique "On Excellent", it is important to start doing as early as possible. Daily workouts will help you to master the technique perfectly and apply it during battles and fence. It is the breathing exercises that will help you to reduce the pain during generic activities.

Before the workout, be sure to accept a convenient position for you - this is the key to success. You can also include your favorite music (and better, calm, so that your baby felt comfortable). Imagine how oxygen enters your body and "enriches" every cell of your child's body.

Practice the following techniques:

  1. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (inhale quietly, when leaving, pull lips a little ahead; try to breathe abdomen);
  2. Inhale on account 3, exhalation on account 5 (gradually increase the intervals, breathe air to 4, exhale 7);
  3. Breathe in doggy through the nose or mouth - as you like;
  4. Breathe rhythmically (inhale on account 5, delay your breath for a few seconds and exhale also on account 5; Learn to keep your breath for the longer time).

Six weeks before the expected date of birth, increase the training before half an hour. Repeat various techniques, learn to breathe in different positions. It is important that your body remember the state of calm during breathing, it will help you transfer the fight and sweat.

If during the training you have dizziness or fatigue - stop the occupation for a while. After the state is normalized - continue the training.

2.2. Practice breathing during battles

As soon as the childbirth will begin - make breathe. Breathing should be calm, according to the principle: inhale on account 3 through the nose, exhale on account 5 through the mouth (the intervals can be increased).

We know perfectly well that with the course of genera, the intervals between the fights are reduced, and the fight itself lasts longer. If you feel that the contractions are frequent and appear every 30 seconds - start breathing in doggy. Frequent contractions - a sign of the cutting of the cervix. You are on the right track.

By the way, if the breath of a dog is not suitable for you, you can try to breathe on the following principle:

  1. Fast breathing (inhale - nose, output - mouth);
  2. Rhythmic breath through the mouth (open the mouth, as if you say "a" and breathe air, with the exhalation of the lips a little narrow, as if you want to say "O");
  3. Breathing through the nose (you can breathe through the mouth, if it is such a technique more relaxes you).

It is very important for both your well-minded. With a rapid breath, a head can start circling, and if a light dizziness helps you relax, then "clouding reason" can "play" not in your favor.

2.3. I practitioning breathing during fence

During the battle, the child passed through the birth's paths, and now, during the dyg, you have to help your baby appear. It is at this stage that the ability to detain the breath you will need more than ever!

The midwife will control the delivery process. Inhale the air and hold your breath:

  1. Do not start to sleep without the "team" of the midwives, even there is a desire will be above your forces - the child may suffocate;
  2. Inhale slowly, not sharply.

If you have practiced the technique of breathing during pregnancy - you can easily withstand coughs.

It is usually enough 2-7 pots. This period needs to endure.

Here you can watch a video about breathing during childbirth:

And one more video about the correct breathing:

3. Rule Third: Movement - Life

Also very useful special yoga for pregnant women and classes in the pool. Not only you will feel much easier to feel much easier, it will also be in the society of the same pregnant women, where you can discuss the most interesting questions.

Why can not be constantly lying? Yes, because in the absence of muscle movement atrophy, bundles become less elastic, and then no breathing and calm will save you from surgical intervention. So do not be lazy! And no matter how difficult it was not to "move the belly", move!

I know girls who hate to walk! Well, go out to the street just to breathe fresh air, and instead of hiking walks dancing at home in front of the mirror. In fact, doctors recommend to "dance hips" more often. Turn on rhythmic music and repeat movements:

  • make circular motions with a pelvis (at the physical education lessons such an exercise was included in the workout);
  • move the thighs back - forward and on the left - right;
  • "Draw the eight" hips.

Such unearned dances raise the mood and help the pelvic bones "break".

Moreover, the active position during pregnancy in principle positively affects the female organism:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes favorable fetus development;
  • strengthens the respiratory system;
  • teaching the body to physical exertion;
  • reduces the risk of complications during childbirth;
  • it helps to recover faster after delivery.

By the way, many obsteckers agree to freedom move, during the battles you can take any convenient position and move the hips, which will help the child get along the birth paths.

4. Rule Fourth: Relaxation

During pregnancy, it is important to learn to relax, and one of the best ways to relaxation is a massage.

Currently there are special massage courses. The advantage of these trainings is that training is carried out on special couches (yes, it is on those who are in the future to be transferred to the fiction).

However, the passage of such courses is not at all necessary and to learn the massage technique can be at home.

Massage must be made gently, without intensive pushups, avoiding the abdomen. But during the fights, doctors can afford and knead the lumbar part.

A massage is good because it removes swelling, eliminates lumbar pain, removes muscle tension, activates blood circulation and contributes to the flow of oxygen to the child. Moreover, it helps to relax and raises the mood.

And here you can see the video from Dr. Komarovsky on preparing for childbirth:

In general, you can prepare for childbirth! The main desire. If my article was useful to you - recommend it to friends. And subscribe to my updates, I have something to tell. Bye Bye!

The birth of a child is a very responsible process and, therefore, requires careful preparation. When I asked my mother, whether she was preparing for childbirth, she told me how they bought me from dad, a crib, stroller and other essential items. The fact that you need to train vaginal muscles or cook breasts to feed, my mother has learned already after delivery.

Indeed, thirty years ago, the original women knew very little about childbirth and their consequences. And their husbands - and less. Our moms perceived childbirth as something terrible, but necessary. They put up with the indispensable consequences of childbirth, such as the rupture of the perineum, severe pain and generic injury in a child, believing that there is simply no other output. Fortunately, recently has changed much. Not only future mothers, but their partners are increasingly thinking about how to turn childbirth into a holiday that is remembered for life. In fact, if you prepare in advance, you can eliminate or minimize all the unpleasant consequences of childbirth.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the metamorphosis affect the whole body of the future mother. The stomach is rapidly increasing in size, and the chest is preparing for feeding the child. In addition, the future mother should learn to manage their breath and intimate muscles, then nothing overshadows you a holiday for the appearance of your child's light and will help you quickly recover after delivery.

Cooking breasts

During pregnancy, not only belly, but also the chest is significantly increased in size. Milk iron consists of 15-20 glands and muscle mass. Now your breast is preparing for lactation, the dairy lobes increase significantly in size, sometimes in the middle or in late periods of women begins to produce colosure. Very often, young mothers in the first days of breastfeeding are faced with a number of difficulties: the child refuses the chest, the nipples are cracking and hurt, etc. To avoid these troubles and quickly establish breastfeeding, it follows during pregnancy to prepare breasts.

Here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the breast structure. Some women have a breast shape ideal for feeding a child. But, unfortunately, such a breast is quite rare. Contemporary mothers (primordin) often can be observed flat or varnished nipple. In this case, the child is difficult, and sometimes it is simply impossible to capture his mouth. To help the crumb to get food, my mother should still prepare nipples to feed. To do this, we can wear special linings that pull out the nipple, or pull it out with the help of breasts. It is advisable to do, starting from the 20th to the 36th week of pregnancy. After the 36th week, it is better not to stimulate breasts so as not to provoke.

In order to avoid cracks of nipples and pain when feeding, it is useful to massage the chest under a contrast shower. Movements should be circular and directed from top to bottom, to the middle of the chest. Nipples and Area is undesirable to wash with soap, as it dries the skin and leads to the formation of cracks. After the shower it is useful to rub the nipples with a terry towel. In addition, a special oil for the preparation of nipples to feed has recently been on sale. If from the 30-36th week of pregnancy to apply this oil after the shower, it will help prevent nipple injuries and painful sensations when feeding.

After ferrous lobes decrease and return to the initial state. Only in very rare cases, they become even somewhat less prenatal size. But the muscle tissue is already during pregnancy under the influence of heavy weight of the chest and another number of factors decreases and weakens. It is the disadvantage of muscle tissue that causes a decrease and sought the chest after stopping lactation. And, as a rule, the more chest, the stronger it saves, since it requires more elastic muscles to maintain it. The lactation itself has no effect on his chest. But sometimes women themselves involuntarily spoil their breasts. There are several simple rules that must be observed to reduce the risk of injury.

First, it is necessary to choose the brake right. Already on the fifth sixth week of pregnancy, you may need a larger bra. But in addition to the size, the underwear is also needed. During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to closed models, without bones, on wide straps, with an adjustable clasp and an elastic back, supporting the chest. By the way, during feeding and in the last weeks before childbirth, it is advisable to maintain the chest around the clock. Only for the night it is necessary to choose a more free model. Secondly, it is desirable to abandon manual pressure. The child during feeding practically does not harm the breast and does not injure the milk gland, and when manually stacked, the woman stretches the muscles very much, which is then rarely returned to the original state. Therefore, it is desirable to use breasts, which imitate sucking movements. And, thirdly, observe the elementary rules of hygiene and from the first days do not allow milk tools.

Intimate muscles, kegel exercises

Intimate or, speaking by scientific language, crottoer muscles, include the muscles of the sphincter, the inlet and internal muscles of the vagina. The more elastic muscles, the easier and more painful are childbirth and less risk of breaks. In addition, the trained muscles of the vagina normalize blood circulation in the lower spoken departments, thereby preventing development, reduce menstrual pain, protect against and still a whole heap of gynecological diseases. You can not even imagine how stretching and relaxing these muscles during pregnancy and, especially, with natural childbirth! Thanks to the training vaginal muscles, childbirth in the eastern women takes place pretty quickly and painlessly, and the phenomenon or episodemation of the crotch is extremely rare, which will not tell about the European. In addition, stretched vaginal muscles make it difficult to achieve orgasm (both male and female).

The well-known gynecologist Arnold has developed a serious program for Imbilling (training intimate muscles). Now his exercises are included in the programs of many schools for future mothers. First of all, it is necessary to feel what kind of muscles, and how to train them. Sitting in the toilet, try to delay urination several times. It is strained by the input muscles of the vagina. The field of how you felt these muscles, you can train them not only in the toilet. Try to compress the input muscles with the maximum strength and keep them in a tense state from ten seconds to five minutes. At the same time, try to breathe evenly and do not delay the breath. Perform this exercise in different poses (lying, sitting, standing) at least 20 times a day.

The following exercise is to altered the compression of the sphincter muscles (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole) and input vaginal muscles. Quickly strain the muscles of the sphincter and as quickly relax them. Then do the same with the vaginal muscles. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times. After that, you can move to simultaneous training of intimate muscles and breathing. Exhale - Hold your breath - squeeze the entrance vaginal muscles - inspire, without relaxing the muscles - relax the muscles - exhale. Repeat the exercises with the muscles of the sphincter. These exercises develop the skills that will be useful to you on attempts. They will teach you how to control the muscles during childbirth. By the end of pregnancy, it will be difficult for you to perform these exercises. This is because all soft tissues around the vagina swell, since the child puts pressure on the bottom. It `s naturally. And immediately after childbirth, you will find it difficult to feel these muscles. But this does not mean that they irrevocably disappeared. Just begin to perform intimate charge, and quite quickly everything will return to normal.

Belly and spine

For the next nine months, your belly will become a house for the baby. He will grow along with your child. As the abdominal increases, the future mother is redistributed by the center of gravity and it involuntarily want to lean forward, to stick up and take a more convenient position. Despite the fact that the belly grows forward, it has a greater burden on the spine. If you have been hard to wear a pregnant belly, then it's time to take care of. It was the bandage that removes the load from the loin, regulates the center of gravity and facilitates the future mother's heavy wear of his own belly. Doctors recommend regularly wearing a bandage, starting with the second half of pregnancy (approximately 28-30 weeks). But if the woman feels weight, then it is absolutely not necessary to wait for the second half of pregnancy - you can put on a bandage immediately as soon as there is a need for it. Just be sure to consult your doctor. Regardless of the bandage, you need to wear it lying. When a woman gets up, the muscles under pressure from the belly stretched, and it is advisable to maintain them in the original condition. The bandage should not cause discomfort, transmit vessels or put pressure on the stomach too much. If the bandage corresponds to the size and comes correctly, then the woman should not feel the inconvenience. If, after removing the bandage on the skin, red stripes remain or you constantly want to remove the bandage, it is recommended to go to the larger model. Properly selected bandage is completely harmless to the child and does not prevent him from moving freely.

Special exercises for relaxation will help you to remove the load from the spine. Stand on your knees, with a support on your arms. Try to relax your back muscles (without the bend of the spine). Head, neck and spine Try to keep on the same line. Then smoothly fuse the spine up ("Cat back") and also go back to the original position. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times. Then we smoothly shook the hips from the side to the side. Turn the head and hips to the right (as if you want to see your tail), then left. Repeat this exercise 10 times. Then combine the wetting of the spine and smooth swaying hips. This is especially useful. This exercise in the last trimester of pregnancy. It helps the child to take the "front" position relative to the front bend of your abdomen, which is considered the most favorable for childbirth.

Another trouble of a rapidly increasing belly - stretching. Experts believe that skin elasticity is a hereditary factor. It is from the genes, first of all, it depends on how much your skin is prone to stretching. Nevertheless, you can fight with our own genes with modern cosmetics.

Breathe deeply

In the ability to breathe the key to the health and harmony of the future mother and the child. In the next nine months and during childbirth, you have to breathe not only for yourself, but also for your child. And on how your breathing will be (smooth and calm or frequent and intermittent) depends on the state of your baby. If we use superficial (abdominal) breathing in everyfold life, now it is very important to learn your breast (diaphragm) breathing. Put one hand on the stomach, and the other on the chest. Make a short breath through the nose, then a long exhalation through the mouth. Then take a deep breath through the nose and long exhalation through the mouth. At the same time, the hand lying on his stomach should not move, and the hand lying on his chest should rise and go down with the diaphragm. Each exercise is repeated 10 times. It is very helpful to sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply. A few minutes of such breath per day will help you calm down and remove the inner tension.

In addition, the correct breathing will help you control yourself during childbirth and reduce pain during battles. At all times, when preparing for childbirth, special attention was paid to proper breathing. This is an ancient method of psycho-physiological self-regulation. There are two simplest types of painkillers.

The first type is superficial breathing or, as it is also called, breathing in doggy. Before the onset of the next fight, the woman smoothly breathes through the mouth, and as the contractions rise accelerates breathing and at the peak it is almost superficial, and then when the fight falls, breathing gradually returns to normal. Such a type of breathing is very convenient during battles. It is believed that such breathing shortens the contractions, relieves pain and contributes to a more complete opening of the cervix. As a rule, in the maternity hospitals, the midwives are recommended to breathe "in doggy". And at night, it is impossible to breathe "doggy". Then the second type of breathing remains with simple sound. With this type of respiration with the attack of the fight, a deep breath is made through the mouth, and during the contraction, the air slowly exhales and is published with a throat moan.

The success of any responsible event to a large extent depends on how carefully the preparation for it was carried out.

Birth as a process that requires unheard of mobilization from a woman of all the resources of its organism, both physical and psycho-emotional - no exception.

The main heroine in Rodzala becomes a guinea and in order to adequately perform his task, helping a small little man to appear, the future mother should, as it should be prepared for childbirth.

During pregnancy, a woman should at least get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat awaits her on the day of the delivery and early postpartum period, and, ideally, before the occurrence of the day x learn how to manage his body, breathing and control their emotions.

For long nine months of the child's waiting period, a woman can do a lot in order to help her body safely survive the delivery, to recover after childbirth and prepare for lactation.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Often, women, having learned about their pregnancy, even restrict domestic physical activity sharply, and from visiting gyms generally refuse.

So, from active sports, you should refuse only in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy - a period of increased risk of spontaneous fetal abortion. And even the power workouts are not yet raised at the later deadlines, of course, in coordination with the observatory doctor.

The optimal choice for future mothers are special classes in groups for pregnant women who exist on the basis of many institutions exercising honey. Maintenance of pregnancy, as well as in some fitness centers.

As a rule, classes in such groups include a complex of sports directions specifically for future mothers:

  • Gymnastics for pregnant women, based on exercises from Pilates, Yoga, including using sports shells: light dumbbells, phytballs, shock absorbers, etc.

Regular performance of special exercises have a beneficial effect on the state of the internal organs of a pregnant woman, help strengthen the muscular corset, the abundance of the muscles of the press and the pelvic bottom, improving blood circulation at the bottom of the body. The future mother learns to "hear" your body and manage it. In addition, some exercises help the fetus to take the right preservation in the uterus.

  • Pool classes: swimming, diving, aquaeerobics for pregnant women.

In addition to the fact that water has a healing property to remove the spiritual tension of the swimsuit, "facilitate" thoughts, which is important for a pregnant woman, the body in water becomes as if weightless. This allows you to visit the pool even.

Classes in water for future mothers tend to include complexes for stretching, breathing exercises, tonic load. It is possible to engage in water in the water, you can almost up to the birth, of course, choosing exercises according to the term of gestation.

  • The respiratory gymnastics for pregnant women whose popularity has in recent years in geometric progression in recent years, since it has been proven that the use of special respiratory techniques in childbirth greatly facilitates their flow and increases the likelihood of their favorable outcome.

Performance of breathing exercises improve the quality of blood flow, both for the woman itself and for her future baby. The development of respiratory techniques and the use of them in childbirth facilitates the soreness of the fighting period, increases the productivity of the fence, minimizes the suffering of the fetus from hypoxia during the passage of the generic pathways, etc.

In addition to periodic training, the future mother in no way should neglect daily walks in the fresh air at a slow pace, performing everyday household routine. Of course, any physical activity must be approved by Dr., leading pregnancy.

Preparation of tribal ways to childbirth

In the process of overcoming the fruit of generic pathways at the birth of the muscle of the pelvic bottom and the crotch of the mother, there is a tremendous load from the pressure of the fetus, often not maintained and are injured - torn. Either there is a need for surgical intervention - dissection of the crotch.

Birth seem in this case even more painful, and mechanical damage to the organs complicate the postpartum restoration of the feminine. In addition, the pregnancy of the baby in the generic channel entails the risk of generic injuries and for the newborn.

  • Crotch massage with vegetable oils, favorably affecting the elasticity of fabrics, which can be carried out by the 20th week of pregnancy, if the pregnancy is uncomplicated. It is desirable to pay a procedure about 1 to 3 minutes daily or at least three days a week.

Massage fulfillment technique is simple, the future mother may well cope with itself, or to attract a partner or specially trained personnel. Oil for the procedure can be purchased by a vitaminized, offered by different manufacturers, but the usual vegetable is suitable.

  • Special exercises that train the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

Exercises proposed by the obstetrician Arnold Kegel are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the vagina and allow you to significantly reduce the risk of gaps in childbirth. And also contribute to the speedy postpartum restoration of the organs directly participating in the generic process.

Regular (ideally, at the stage of pregnancy planning), performing the exercises of Kegel, avoids the troubles characteristic of future mothers associated with a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles, for example, incontinence of urine, chalk problems, etc.

And also, since the exercises are also involved, to reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhoids.

And the crotch massage and the execution of Kegel exercises are possible and favorable for the future mom only subject to the approval of these procedures for it from the observing obstetrician.

Preparation of chest in front of childbirth

The World Health Organization insists that the ideal nutrition for the baby from the moment it appears on the light and for, at least, half a year is his mother's breast milk.

However, often young mothers refuse to breastfeeding (GW) due to the appearance of painful cracks on the nipples, unpleasant sensations in the chest during the tides of milk, etc.

In order for the lactation period did not darken such trouble, the future mom will be useful will bring the breast in the "working condition" to childbirth, that is, "harden" nipples.

The following procedures will help this:

  • daily contrasting chest shower, completed by cool water;
  • rubbing nipples coarse cloth;
  • inserts from coarse tissue in a bra.

Most often, the pain during breastfeeding young mothers are tested due to improper applying to the chest of their newborn crumbs. Therefore, applying technique, mum position options and baby during feedings, it is desirable to study in advance. It will not hurt to capture a high-racing ointment in the maternity hospital compatible with HB.

In addition, some women nipples are drawn and it may make it difficult to apply a child to the chest. It will help to solve this problem after childbirth special lining on the chest. And during pregnancy, you can develop nipples with a special massage - stretching them by hand, as well as an amorrant "test" on itself the breasts.

If there is an opportunity, then after childbirth, the woman can use the services of breastfeeding specialists who will help to overcome any problems that prevent the establishment of a wonderful "dairy" communication between the mother and the child.

In order for the chest does not lose their attractiveness after having lactation and lactation, a woman can refer to special exercises, the execution of which allows you to maintain your breast muscles in a tone.

It should be borne in mind that it is possible to actively prepare for the GW, you can begin not earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy, since breast stimulation can also stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Break the fears, anxiety that attend future mothers during pregnancy, especially shortly before the intended date of delivery, psychological prepar preparation will help.

Inalienable components are:

  • Informing the future parental about the stages of the generic process. Each stage of childbirth requires a certain behavior.

Understanding what physical sensations she consistently has to survive from the beginning of the first fights before the birth of the last and how to act at the same time, will help a giving birth to a government personnel to perceive the teams of medical personnel in the course of generic activities.

In this case, the consciousness of the feminine focuses on cooperation with medical personnel for the benefit of a born baby, which significantly dulls the perception of pain.

  • Professional psychological support.

As a rule, at the courses of future parents over the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman, psychologists work work. They will teach how to send their thoughts into the right track and not to panic during childbirth.

For example, as often as possible visualize mentally, the generic process with its participation in all details, while pain in the fights will be tolerated, swelling productive, and the newborn baby immediately falls to her mother's chest. The future mother must remember the feeling of happiness, warmth and love, which certainly expect her after a successful delivery.

  • Coffee on painless childbirth.

There are techniques developed by deserved obstetres, following the recommendations of which the future mother will be able to prepare for childbirth, as a natural process.

Preparing preparation according to methodological materials will help the woman in the genus "tool" pain, refrain from premature fertility and, managing their consciousness, do not fall into panic, and save a positive attitude.

  • "Rehearsal" of the generic process.

A, more precisely, respiratory techniques at different stages of the generic process. In advance, it will be reborn into the habit and the woman in labor can easily reproduce the desired type of breathing in childbirth at the team of his assistant or focusing on their own feelings. In addition, many times the rehearsed action is deprived of his "terrible" color.

  • Measures to organize a comfortable environment in the maternity hospital.

For example, the presence of an assistant from among close people who will be present in childbirth (so-called partnerships), if the future mother deems it necessary. As well as the use of non-standard yet technical methods of delivery: childbirth into water; Vertical childbirth, childbirth "squatting" and so on.

A significant condition for the peace of mind is a confidence in the doctor who will control the course of the generic process. Therefore, before you go for childbirth, the future mother is desirable to choose the institution where her baby is destined to appear.

Choosing a maternity hospital and obstetrician

Since 2006, with the introduction of a generic certificate, a pregnant woman is provided by the state the right to choose a hospital and an obstetrician, who will lead her childbirth. Provided that there will be places in the selected maternity hospital, and the desired obster will be on duty on the day of birth.

The generic certificate issues a pregnant woman in the municipal female consultation at the place of registration for 30 weeks. Since then, a certificate, together with a passport, exchange card, a policy of the OMS and a refiner of a future mother, should have with you to the birth.

Of course, in the event of emergency receipt to the maternity institution without a generic certificate, even if the woman did not make it up, if she had other mandatory documents, the tear-off certificate coupon will be fill in the hospital and the problem will be solved.

If the future mother was observed during pregnancy in a specialized establishment on a commercial basis and the maintenance of childbirth also concludes a contract, then the generic certificate in the maternity hospital will not require.

Commercial services for maintaining labor are currently provided by almost all the maternity institutions of our country. The terms of the contract in each hospital may vary, but, as a rule, the "paid" female can rely on the guaranteed presence in the birth of the obstetrician chosen by it, the name of which fit into the contract, separate maternity boxing, the use of anesthesia during labor, the conditions for the increased comfort of stay in the postpartum Period, etc.

In this case, the new mammy may only be needed for a third ticket certificate for compensation at the expense of the Fund of Social Medical Services in the Children's Polyclinic when observing the child in the infant period.

If the manufacturer does not have a exchange card, where the results of mandatory analyzes do, it can only take it into childbirth in the infectious department of the maternity hospital or in the observation. On the right of choice in this case, speech can not even for a fee.

In addition, the choice of the maternity institution for the future mother can strongly limit its history, on the basis of which the doctor who observing pregnancy will recommend to tune in a maternity hospital with certain problems.

And also the unpredictable development of events, for example, rapid childbirth, when the only reasonable way out can be the appeal to the most nearby maternity department. Or caused during the fighting "ambulance" may refuse to wheel in the city, getting to the desired institution, and simply deliver a giving birth to a territorial hospital.

But even if everything went not according to plan, the most important thing for the future mother at this moment is not to spend the forces on conflicts and experiences, but focus on the upcoming joint work with honey. The staff that will definitely do everything possible so that the most long-awaited and most beloved kid in the world appears.

What you need to do and know not to worry during pregnancy.

Preparation for childbirth is not only the choice of the maternity hospital and the color of the baby bed. Even if no complications arise, all pregnancies flow in their own way, and almost every one puts questions about which she did not think before. An obstetrician-gynecologist "Seagull" clinic Lyudmila Radetskaya amounted to the instruction, which is important to remember during pregnancy.


If there are no contraindications, pregnant should be vaccinated from influenza. It is safe on any time and especially relevant if the pregnancy takes place in October-May. It is notable to vaccinate the relatives that will be in contact with the newborn, from tetanus, diphtheria and cough. You can not do these vaccines in pregnant women, so try to have time with them in advance.

Know what is allowed

Many women in this period refuse coffee - alleged drink provokes the risk of miscarriage. Their suffering is unfounded: research, unambiguously proven communication of coffee and miscarriage, no. The American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers 350 ml of coffee on a safe "norm" for pregnant women.

For most women - if there are no complications - travel up to 36 weeks are also safe. The optimal term for them is the period of 14-28 weeks. But if pregnancy proceeds with complication or it is multiple, it is better to refrain from the trip.

If the gynecologist's observing you did not make it separately, you can have sex throughout the pregnancy. However, some women on a certain period of intimate proximity may cause inconvenience or discomfort.

Do not fear late pregnancy

If pregnancy occurred after 35 years, there really have certain risks and for the mother, and for a child - for example, the increased danger of diabetes of pregnant women and related arterial hypertension, unbearable and macrosomy (the fruit has large sizes). Risks of congenital diseases in a child associated with chromosome defects are also increasing.

To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is worth a thorough examination at the pregnancy plan. It is important to eat correctly and take folic acid - at least a month before pregnancy and then throughout its term. This reduces the risk of nervous tube defects in the child. Do not forget about do not allow an excessive weight gain, refuse smoking, alcohol and exposure to harmful substances.

Pass the analysis on beta streptococcus before childbirth

On the 35-37 week of pregnancy, you should pass the sample of the material from the genital paths on beta streptococcus. These bacteria can be transferred to the child and cause pneumonia, meningitis, blood infections. In Russia, pregnant women on this analysis are not always guided, but in vain. If it turns out to be positive, during childbirth, the doctor can introduce a woman antibiotics and significantly reduce the risk of infection with a child.

In addition, not so long ago in Russia, a non-invasive prenatal test (or a free DNA test) appeared. This screening test allows you to identify some chromosomal diseases in a child, since the child's DNA of the child circulates in a small amount. The informativeness of the test is about 99%, but if it is positive, it still needs to be confirmed through the diagnostic tests - the amniocentesis or biopsy of the village of Chorion. Such testing is especially important for women older than 35 years, and you can perform it since 10 weeks.

At the time of visiting an obstetrician gynecologist

The woman should be observed by the doctor all the pregnancy, but especially closely monitor the regularity of surveys from 21 weeks. From the second half of pregnancy, the risk of preeclampsia is increased - complications, which is a danger of both for the fetus (the risk of premature birth) and for the mother (the likelihood of the development of cardiovascular diseases and kidney pathology). The main symptoms of preeclampsia are swelling of the face and hand, strong non-leaving headache, violation of vision or flashing "flies" before eyes, pain in the top of the abdomen or in the shoulders, nausea and vomiting in the second half of pregnancy, respiratory disorder. Preeclampsia occurs in 2-8% of pregnancies. Its reasons are definitely unknown, but doctors successfully diagnose this complication. If the blood pressure is increased, and a protein appeared in the urine, the doctor can recommend more frequent visits and analyzes or to send a woman to the hospital. When ignoring the symptoms, preeclampsia can grow into eclampsia (or convulsions), which can lead to the death of mother and fetus.

Make Uzi and KTG

The ultrasound allows you to track the growth and weight of the child and find deviations in the early stages. From the second half of pregnancy, women perform another method of ultrasound diagnostics - dopplerometry, the study of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, umbilical cord and uterus. Another study that allows you to judge the state of the fetus - cardiotocography (CTG). The state of the fetus is estimated by measuring the heart rate of the child in response to its movements and uterine contractions. The study is carried out in the sitting or lying position. On the stomach, women record two sensors, which track the palpitations of the fetus and the contractile activity of the uterus. KTG is carried out and directly during childbirth to assess the condition of the child, the frequency and intensity of the bout.

Go learning

It is necessary to sign up for the school of future mothers. There will tell about changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy, care for themselves and newborn, proper nutrition and breastfeeding, will explain how the family's life will change with the advent of the child. And they will teach the skills of relaxing respiration and methods to reduce painful sensations during battles and childbirth. In the absence of contraindications during childbirth, a woman is recommended active behavior. You can walk, lean, look for comfortable postures. In position lying, as a rule, the pain is stronger. During the battle, you need to try to relax and breathe "belly". Schools are visited by both alone and with a partner so that the future father understand how to support a woman during childbirth and how to care for the newborn. This is especially true if a man wants to attend childbirth.

Cordless Blood

Cord blood contains stem cells that can be used in transplantation, treatment of oncological and hematological diseases, diseases of the immune system. The preserved stem cells will fit both for the treatment of close relatives, especially their siblings and sisters. Now you can pick up cord blood in any maternity hospital. To do this, before delivery, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the company that provides such services. When the childbirth will begin, you need to call them and ask to come to the hospital for the fence of the biomaterial. Blood picking after cutting off the umbilical bodies usually takes no more than ten minutes, and in crymers with liquid nitrogen it is stored almost indefinitely.

Do not worry

Only 4% of women give birth to an estimated date (PDR). Most often, childbirth occurs on the period of 40 weeks plus-minus 4-5 days. If the childbirth did not start in the DA, doctors take the state of the fetus and the future mother to control: usually the CTG is prescribed it once a few days. Pregnancy, which lasts 41-42 weeks and is not accompanied by a disorder of the state of the fetus, called prolonged. You should not panic: each pregnancy proceeds in its own way and its completion depends on the set of factors. Discuss with your doctor how you can bring the childbirth. Options for the preparation of generic pathways are somewhat - from manual detachment of the fetal shells from the cervix before the introduction of special preparations. If this is necessary, an obstetrician gynecologist will choose the appropriate option.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, false contractions may occur. To distinguish them from the present, pay attention to the regularity. With true fights, breaks between them are gradually reduced, and the intensity increases. False contractions usually remain unchanged and gradually stop. True contractions most often arise from the loin and go to the bottom of the abdomen. False felt only at the bottom of the abdomen. These delivery, as a rule, predict the omission of the abdomen (the head of the child is descended to the entrance to the small pelvis) and the discharge of the mucosa (increasing mucous membranes from the genital tract due to the extension of the cervix).

Know what kind of birth

Even if during pregnancy, a woman was preparing for natural childbirth, at the last moment she may need caesarean section. In Russia, it usually makes only medical testimony, in 18-28% of cases. In the US, the share of cesarean section above is 32%. Two years ago, Brazil became a record holder in the number of such operations - 56% of all newborns. And this is despite the fact that on the recommendations of WHO to such an operation should be resorted only in 15% of cases.

Indications for operation may occur at any time. The most frequent - multiple pregnancy, weakness of generic activities, hypoxia or abnormal position of the fetus (for example, pelvic preview). In modern conditions, cesarean section is a safe and fast operation. Subsequent labor can pass through natural labor pathways, but this question is worth discussing in advance with the doctor. Everything will depend on the state of the scar of the uterus, the preservation of the child and the nature of the generic activity.

The benefits of natural genera include a faster period of recovery, a smaller probability of infectious complications and less blood loss. In three rare cases, doctors use auxiliary tools - obstetric tongs and vacuum extractor. First - if the head of the child stopped moving along the generic channel, although the sweeps last long. The second is if the woman is physically tired and she did not have the strength to sleep. The third is if its medical condition (for example, cardiovascular disease) does not allow it to be effective.

The obstetric tongs are now imposed rarely, and a modern vacuum extractor has soft and elastic latex parts. This is a safe auxiliary method with weak points when the child's head is completely close to the exit. Risks are minimal: damage to the soft fabrics of a woman and skin of a newborn. In extremely rare cases - damage to the nerve beams on the head or neck of the child.

Choose anesthetic method

Anesthesia helps easier to carry the contractions and sweats. Each woman has its own threshold of pain sensitivity, and each in its own way feels pain during childbirth. Now there is no reason to endure intense pain during childbirth. Moreover, pronounced pain can provoke an increase in blood pressure, weaken the generic activity and advancement of the fetus.

There are several types of anesthesia: intravenous, epidural and sacred anesthesia. When choosing a method, the doctor assesses the benefit and risk of each option. Epidural anesthesia is safe, but childbirth can delay. Sacral usually use when the instrumental delivery is needed. Intravenous anesthesia is an option when pain cannot be removed in other ways. This type of anesthesia is able to influence the condition of the child: the blood system of the mother is directly related to the bloodary system of the fetus, and some types of drugs can coal its respiratory or cardiac function.

Know when childbirth really ends

The appearance of a child to the light and his first cry is the main event of childbirth. But the process itself does not end. Ahead is still a branch of the placenta and the birth of the last. And only after that an early postpartum period comes.


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