How to make a paper tiger with your hands. How to make a tiger out of paper

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2010 is approaching. Year of the tiger. That is why I decided to find paper patterns for the symbol of the coming year.

For the year of the rat, I found just the most wonderful paper pattern - only 1 sheet, and the rat turned out to be so adorable! So with the tiger, I decided to do the same.

I met a lot of paper tigers and very different, but of the type that I wanted, only 3 pieces. Of course, I undertook to make them of all three. At first glance, they are all different, but the biggest difference is noticed right away: you need to print 1, 3 or 6 sheets with color patterns.

First of all, I wanted to tackle the most beautiful - volumetric but also, it seems, the most difficult tiger.

I printed 6 sheets on a color printer and spent a lot of time cutting out all the elements. It is worth doing this using a clerical knife - it turns out faster and more accurately.
The most interesting thing is to collect the details according to the instructions: the figure of this handsome man immediately begins to emerge and the mood improves (cut, I honestly, got worn out). At first everything is simple and pretty fast, but the closer to completion, the more difficult it is to glue the parts together - the tiger acquires its volume.

I want to note that you need to be careful when assembling: everything is assembled clearly, since the parts are made perfectly, and if something doesn’t seem to fit together, then you didn’t "attach" the part so. For example, I made a mistake when gluing the muzzle (!!!) of the tiger - I had to carefully tear it off (oh-oh-oh, I was so upset), but then I was 2 times more attentive).

So, it took several evenings to create this tiger, but it was worth it! He is big and beautiful! It's just that a gorgeous figure turned out, those who see it do not even believe (until they take it in their hands) that it is made of paper.

The next one I began to collect a tiger, the pattern of which takes only 1 sheet... I immediately noticed the blue outline of the details - will it stand out? Although the coloring (texture) is very expressive.

I cut it out very quickly, but for gluing and explanations are not needed, everything is clear: red circles - stick together "inside the part", green ones - with another part.

Such a small tiger turned out, the shape of the muzzle, I think, is not entirely successful, and the thin paws with an obvious white back side are very striking, and it only stands on three legs (which is visible in the photo with the pattern).

The third tiger - on a blue stand... The picture promised to be original. It is cut and glued fairly quickly at the beginning. Difficulties begin when the paws are attached to the body, one of the 4 paws must be raised and it is very awkward. It immediately becomes obvious why you need a stand - without it your tiger simply cannot stand (3 paws are glued to it). The white underside of the paws is even more obvious, and the tail hangs so absurdly.

The tiger turned out to be very "faceted", the raised paw is just awful. In general, it's a pity for the time spent - I quickly removed this tiger out of sight.


The voluminous tiger is difficult and duty in execution, but magnificent! It's not a shame to give such a gift and put it as an interior decoration;

- "single-leaf" paper tiger - quickly and quite simply, you can make such a craft for the sake of having a do-it-yourself symbol of the new year;

- "tiger on a stand" - to collect confusingly, the raised paw is frankly annoying, the result is very mediocre, or rather just plain ugly.

Who among us, in childhood, at least once dreamed of having a real, tame tiger? Probably all .. Of course, a real tiger is not a domestic kitty. But for the flight of children's imagination, you do not need much .. All you need is our help and a little imagination. A paper tiger, like other similar crafts, can be made in different ways. Thanks to the Internet, great opportunities open up before us in this matter. You can, as you probably already guessed, just download a ready-made template with step-by-step instructions from some site on a similar topic, and glue it according to the recommendations. You can make a paper tiger using origami technique. There are a lot of options. We will consider some of them in our article, in an introductory version, so that you can decide what kind of tiger you want to make. So, let's begin..

Tiger 3D

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make a paper tiger. This craft will delight your kid. It is carried out according to the principle of panoramic books. You turn to the page and the tiger rises. In this way, you can make not only a tiger, but also a whole fairy tale with good animals. The advantage of these toys is that the costs for their manufacture are minimal, and you can always quickly make another one, if necessary. Your tiger can be either drawn by you or a picture cut out from any magazine and pasted on thick white cardboard. To make a book cover for our tiger, we need white glossy cardboard. From it we form two blank covers of the same size. We bend them in half. To one, the inner part, our tiger will be attached with glue, according to the scheme shown below. Another piece of cardboard will go to the cover to hide the cut marks. That's all. The craft is ready.

Paper tiger according to a ready-made template

To make a tiger using a ready-made template, we need A4 paper, scissors, glue and a color printer. We download a ready-made template from the Internet, print it on a printer, cut it out and glue it according to step-by-step instructions.

Origami paper tiger

Origami tiger. There are a lot of different ways to form a tiger using the origami technique. Some of these figurines only vaguely resemble a tiger, others are quite similar. There are even special themed sets of origami paper with illustrated fragments. We will focus on the simplest and fastest way. The tiger turns out to be quite similar, but not scary at all.
To make such a tiger, we need a square sheet of colored paper and a black marker. It is better if the paper is white from the inside out. This will add texture to the craft.

We bend a sheet of paper diagonally and iron it with our fingers. Then we unfold the sheet, and bend the outer corners of the square, opposite to the fold line, at right angles to it. We get a figure that is somewhat vaguely reminiscent of a kite.

Fold it diagonally, with the sides folded inward.

Bend the sharp corner downward, expanding the edges. We bend the corners at the bend, forming ears. To make the ears rise above the head, we wrap the middle of the fold. We wrap the sharp end of the corner inward.

Here's a face we get. Let's start shaping the tail.

We bend the bottom corner, then tuck inward along the fold line, and iron the fold with our fingers. The tiger is ready. It remains to draw the eyes, the face, and, most importantly, the stripes.

How to make a tiger out of paper / video /

Paper tiger

Origami tiger

Tiger made of paper / video to the description /

How to make a tiger face


Making a tiger out of paper is not at all difficult. Even a kid can do it. Such crafts are perfect as an option for doing creative work in kindergarten. You can also decorate a New Year tree with an original craft.

Tiger: craft from modules

Origami is the art of folding all kinds of paper figures. We will try to make an origami tiger from modules with our own hands. So let's get started.

Module diagram

We take an A4 sheet (for printing and copying), divide it into 8 parts and fold the module according to the scheme:

How to make origami a tiger

We need modules:

  • 997 pcs. (orange);
  • 271 pcs. (yellow);
  • 89 Item (s) (black).

Origami diagram of a tiger from modules

We do the craft according to the scheme in rows. The first and the second consist of 6 yellow ones.

Third: double the number, you should get 12 yellow modules. In the fourth and fifth rows, add 4 modules each. Next, we increase the row by one module and add color, you should get 8 orange + 13 yellow. Next, add 4 rows of 1 yellow part each. We form the muzzle of our beast. We squeeze the craft so that it is strong. We put the modules on the short side. In the eleventh row, we increase the number of components of each color by 1. Twelfth: 10 yellow + 20 basic colors. Further, the rows will be more difficult to assemble, so it is important not to make mistakes. Thirteenth: 10 yellow + 4 orange + 1 black + 11 orange. Fourteenth: add 1 orange element after 10 yellow ones. We add modules carefully. Fifteenth: 10 yellow + 3 orange + 1 black + 13 orange + 1 black + 4 orange. Sixteenth: 10 yellow + 1 orange + 1 black + 20 orange + 2 black. Then three rows of 32 orange + 2 black. Twentieth, twenty-second and twenty-third, 34 orange each. Twenty-first: 9 black + 25 orange modules.

We decrease the number of modules to 23. We finish the last row: 21 orange + 2 black. The head is ready for origami tiger. Next, we prepare the paws.

Tiger paws making scheme

The first and the second: 9 modules of the main color.
The third, fourth and sixth rows of paws: replace 1 part of the main color with a black module. Fifth: 1 black + 3 orange + 1 black + 4 orange. Seventh: 2 orange + 1 black + 2 orange. Eighth: 4 parts of the main color. 3 paws in the same way.

Getting down to the body

Based on the color of the tiger, we can assume that the main color will be orange, black is used for the stripes, and yellow for the abdomen. The first and the second: 30 modules of the main color each. Third: replace the first 5 parts with black ones. In the fourth row, we reduce the number of parts of one color and increase the other by 1. Fifth: 5 of each color + 16 basic ones. We begin to insert the next row of modules from right to left. Sixth: 6 yellow + 25 orange. In the seventh row, we increase the number of parts of one color and decrease the other by 1. We fasten all the modules more strongly. Eighth: 8 yellow + 13 basic + 5 black + 3 basic. Ninth: 7 yellow + 10 basic + 5 black + 11 basic. Reducing the number of modules. Tenth: 8 yellow + 23 orange. Then 2 rows reduce the number of details of each color by 1. The body is ready! The origami tiger from the modules is almost ready! Let's be patient!

Tail preparation scheme from modules

So, we just have to make the tail! First and second: 8 blacks each. Third and fourth: 8 orange each. Fifth and sixth: 8 blacks each. Seventh: 3 black + 4 orange. Next, we alternate 3 rows of colors, in the first we leave 7 details, in the second - 5, in the last - 4. Connect all parts of the tiger's body with the body. We make ears, eyes and antennae from colored paper, our craft is ready! Making an origami tiger from modules is not difficult at all, the main thing is to be patient, and everything will work out!

    I really liked this idea of ​​how to make a tiger out of paper. This is a wonderful activity for children, it perfectly develops the motor skills of fingers and pens. And out of paper, you can make a whole zoo of your favorite animals that will always be of interest to your child.

    To do this, you need to bend both the head out of paper, as shown in the figure, and the body, and then glue it and we get a wonderful tiger out of paper. Also, glue the tail and you're done. All the steps of folding paper can be seen in detail in the photo.

    A very beautiful tiger, you can make using such a color scheme, which you need to cut and glue in the right places.

    And to get such, almost like a real tiger.

    You can make this funny tiger with your child. :) Just not black and white, but colored, paint with gouache or make from colored paper. 🙂

    In general, any animal can be made from a cone :)

    In order to make a tiger out of paper you can use several origami diagrams, which show in detail how to fold a paper tiger in just 26-27 steps:

    But this diagram shows the origami of a tiger's face:

    The origami itself needs to be folded from colored paper (or at the end paint the craft with paints), and when the tiger is ready, then add black stripes to it using paints or a marker.

    And here are a couple of video master classes showing lessons on how to make a tiger entirely out of paper and how to make its face:

    Of course, you can make a volumetric tiger out of paper, not origami, but ready-made lessons can be viewed here, but here is a lesson for the smallest children.

    There are simple origami, but they're pretty flat for kids. There are patterns of varying complexity. Dig in the net, maybe some option will suit you. I came across very detailed schemes, as a result, very detailed volumetric animals, although I have not studied it myself, but I plan.

    Pattern from paper tiger. You need to download it, cut it. Cut out a colored template or according to this template from pure white paper and paint according to your imagination. if you take a thicker paper, then the craft will retain its shape for a long time. Volumetric paper tiger.

    You can make a paper tiger using this template. Save the picture to yourself, print and cut out the template. Having collected such a tiger with glue, you can even together with your child. If printed on a black and white printer, then the tiger can be colored.

How often, being at home with children, it happens that nothing comes to mind to keep them busy. Children run, make noise, create complete chaos around them, and the only thing left for the parent is to drink a sedative. But in fact, a game or activity can be invented from absolutely any object that is in your home. The main thing is to show your imagination and get involved in a magical activity. Then the children are happy, and the parents are glad that they managed to calm down the little hooligans.

A great activity for children and adults - origami or plasticine modeling. This fun process of creating funny figures is amazingly conducive to the relaxation of the nervous system, the development of fine motor skills of the hands and the manifestation of creativity. In today's article, we will tell you how to make the "Tiger" craft with your own hands.

How to fold a paper tiger: origami

If you have never experienced origami techniques, then it is possible that not everything will work out the first time. But gradually, getting involved in this exciting activity and involving children in it, it will become easier and easier for you to create original figures.

In order to make a do-it-yourself craft in the form of a tiger, you only need yellow or orange colored paper and a set of felt-tip pens. Then just follow the steps shown in the picture.

After the Tiger craft is ready, take a black felt-tip pen and draw stripes on it. Cut the eyes out of another sheet of paper and glue them to your tiger. Ready!

Paper tiger face

Another interesting version of a paper tiger is a craft made in the form of its face. Following the detailed instructions, you will have a cute tiger cub.

In order to make him eyes and color his fur, cut triangles out of black paper and glue them on the craft. Do the eyes and nose in the same way. Draw the missing parts with a black felt-tip pen. And if you take the bright candy wrapper left over from the candy and tie it in half with a thread, you get a charming bow that can also be glued to the tiger's head.

Plasticine tiger

In addition to colored paper, in the house where children live, as a rule, there is also multi-colored plasticine. We offer another option for creating a tiger - a craft from this material. Plasticine has a beneficial effect on both the nervous system and develops creative inclinations. To make the same cute tiger cub, follow the instructions in the picture.

You can also make a palm tree with bananas and a small lake nearby from plasticine. Thus, the child's fantasy develops. You can come up with various stories with the made animal, adding more and more new items, along the invented storyline.

Or you can try to make the Tiger from Winnie the Pooh, beloved by many children. To make the same figurine, in addition to plasticine, you will need special tools for it, namely, a knife and a spatula.

With their help, it is more convenient to work out small details. Such as black stripes, eyes, eyebrows and mouth. By the way, it is more convenient to work with plasticine intended for small children. It has a much softer texture than the classic one. It is easier to knead and shape it. Since children's hands are not always able to knead the hard blocks of ordinary plasticine, their lightweight version will undoubtedly appeal to them.


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