How to cure HPV 16, 18 with drugs and destructive methods? Is traditional medicine effective?

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Papillomavirus infection is equally common among the male and female population, and children, including infants, are also susceptible to the disease. HPV strains 16 and 18 require mandatory therapy, as they belong to the group of carcinogens and can lead to the development of a malignant process. You can catch the pathogen anywhere, so you should not neglect the prevention of HPV type 16. To do this, you need to exclude casual sexual relationships, stress, not use other people’s things, and constantly try to strengthen your immune system.

Is it necessary to treat HPV 16, 18?

This is exactly the question patients ask after diagnosis. The pathogen is able to remain in the body for a long time and not show signs of its existence; its activation is provoked by a decrease in the body’s support capacity under the influence of negative factors.

If HPV 16 is detected, treatment should be carried out even in the absence of clinical manifestations. If you refuse therapeutic measures, the risk of cancer increases several times. When a patient has obvious symptoms of human papillomavirus 16, treatment should be aimed not only at suppressing the infection, but also at eliminating external manifestations - condylomas, warts and other growths.

HPV 16, 18: treatable or not?

Having learned about such a diagnosis, patients ask: is it possible to cure HPV 16, 18 and avoid the development of cancer? The success of therapeutic measures for papillomatosis depends not only on correctly selected tactics, but also on the patient’s compliance with all recommendations. For HPV type 16, treatment allows you to eliminate the pathogen and suppress its activity. It is also aimed at removing growths that have formed on the surface of the mucous membranes or skin.

In addition to drug and invasive therapy, treatment of papillomavirus type 16 involves normalizing the diet, eliminating casual sexual contact or using condoms during sex, and limiting emotional experiences. If there is one sexual partner, then he must also be examined for detection of papillomavirus 16. Treatment in this case is prescribed for two, otherwise re-infection will occur.

How to treat papillomavirus 16, 18: basic principles

Only complex treatment of papillomavirus type 16 can achieve a positive result and eliminate the pathogen from the body. With the complete elimination of the infectious agent, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer to a minimum. For this purpose, experts use:

  1. Drug therapy - local and general drugs are prescribed to treat HPV 18, 16 and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Invasive methods - removal of processes is carried out mechanically. The selection of specific treatment methods for papillomas 16, 18 is carried out by a specialist, taking into account the progression of the disease.
  3. Traditional recipes - natural remedies can be used to combat the disease. They should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Is HPV type 16, 18 completely curable? With properly selected therapy, it is possible to finally remove the pathogen from the body and cope with all its signs of vital activity. It is important to lead a correct lifestyle and eliminate the impact of negative factors on the body. In the future, it is also worth observing preventive measures, since re-infection is not excluded.

HPV 16, 18: drug treatment

A conservative approach allows you to cope with the manifestations of infection and remove the papilloma virus from the body. If papilloma 16 is detected, treatment is recommended without delay, since this strain is classified as highly oncogenic and often causes the formation of cancerous tumors.

When HPV type 16 DNA is detected, treatment necessarily involves the use of antiviral therapy. The most effective drugs in this category are:

  • Allokin-alpha - has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of infection, and also strengthens the immune defense, gives a good therapeutic result in the treatment of HPV type 18, can be used for different localization of growths, including the cervix, anogenital area.
  • Epigen-intim - inactivates HPV, including those with a high carcinogenic risk. Used topically in the form of a solution, it is effective in the prevention and treatment of papillomavirus 16, 18. In addition, it helps strengthen local immunity, accelerates the regeneration process, and eliminates itching.
  • Viferon - used for this disease in the form of ointments or tablets. Prescribed in combination with other drugs from the antiviral group. Effective in complex therapy when HPV is accompanied by diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Almost always, activation of the pathogen occurs under the influence of a decrease in the body’s resistance to pathogenic microflora. How to cure HPV type 16 in this case? For this purpose, patients are prescribed immunostimulating agents, the action of which is aimed at activating their own defenses. In the fight against papillomavirus, the following drugs are effective:

  • Isoprinosine is an immunomodulator that simultaneously enhances the effectiveness of antiviral medications. Prescribed in tablet form, it gives excellent results in the treatment of type 16 papillomas localized on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, in the anus and genital area.
  • Immunomax - solution for intramuscular injection. Strengthens the immune system and enhances the effect of antiviral therapy, often prescribed in combination with destructive methods. The drug cannot be used to treat the HPV 16, 18 virus in children under 12 years of age, as well as during lactation and pregnancy.
  • Likopid is an immunostimulant in the form of tablets, included in the treatment regimen for HPV 16, 18 in combination with antiviral agents. It is also prescribed after the invasive removal of growths.

If there is a high risk of developing cancer, patients are prescribed cytostatic drugs. They suppress the reproduction of atypical cells and contribute to their decay. The most commonly used in medical practice are:

  • 5-fluorouracil;
  • Podophyllotoxin (Condilin);
  • Podophyllin.

How to treat papillomavirus 16, 18 with destructive methods?

If the infection occurs with pronounced external symptoms - papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes, doctors recommend removing them using minimally invasive methods:

  1. Electrocoagulation. Burning out of growths occurs under the influence of an electric current. The method is affordable and effective, but requires local anesthesia. When large papillomas are removed, scars may remain.
  2. Laser method. The growths are excised using a beam of laser beams. After such treatment, HPV type 18 DNA is completely destroyed, and the risk of relapse is minimal. The technique is safe and can be used even during pregnancy.
  3. Radio wave therapy. Papillomas are removed with a radioknife; the method is suitable for eliminating single processes of small diameter. Not accompanied by pain, reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease.
  4. Cryodestruction. Freezing of the tumor is carried out with liquid nitrogen, as a result of which the cells stop their vital functions and die. Recovery lasts approximately 14 days. Cryotherapy can be used anywhere on the body to remove single or multiple growths. In the latter case, several sessions may be needed. The procedure is well tolerated by patients; local anesthesia is used if necessary.
  5. chemical method. The growths are treated with concentrated solutions, as a result of which they are destroyed.
  6. Surgical removal. This treatment for human papillomavirus 18, 16 is rarely used due to its high morbidity. The method is advisable when there is a threat of cancerous degeneration of the processes, when it is necessary to excise the surrounding tissues.

Treatment of HPV 16, 18 with folk remedies

When papillomas appear on any part of the body, there is a desire to get rid of the defect. If HPV 18 is detected, treatment with folk remedies can only act as an auxiliary method against the background of adequate specific therapy. Any prescription can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

In the treatment of human papillomavirus types 16, 18, the following drugs are often used:

  1. Celandine juice. The substance must be applied pointwise to the growths. To avoid contact with healthy areas, they can be treated with a rich cream or vegetable oil.
  2. Kalanchoe and aloe. The leaf of the plant must be cut lengthwise and applied to the growth with the fleshy side, and fixed with an adhesive plaster for 8 hours. Course duration - 7 days. Aloe leaves can be used in the same way, reducing the exposure time by half.
  3. Nuts. Unripe (green) fruits must be crushed to a pulp and mixed with kerosene in a 2:1 ratio. Leave for 3 weeks away from the sun, then strain and lubricate the shoots until they completely disappear. This recipe is suitable for removing papillomas on the skin.

How to cure HPV types 16, 18 with essential oils? These agents help strengthen local immunity, have an antiviral effect, and therefore are very effective in the fight against pathogens. The most popular oils are:

  • lemon
  • cedar;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • carnations.

You can also mix oils and apply them pointwise to the affected area. The course of therapy is up to 10 days.

Can HPV 16, 18 be cured? Yes, with properly selected therapy, it is possible to inactivate the pathogen and cope with the external signs of its existence. In addition, it is worth considering that these strains carry a high probability of oncological consequences, therefore only traditional methods are not able to cope with the disease. A combination of drug and destructive therapy guarantees a cure; the main course can be combined with remedies prepared independently.


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