When the schools are celebrated in schools. Teacher's Day in Russia

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UNESCO in 1994 proclaimed on October 5 World Teacher's Day. It was on this day that in 1966 an important event occurred for teachers: at the Intergovernmental Conference in Paris, UNESCO and the International Organization of Labor adopted recommendations on the situation of teachers - the first international document on the legal status of education workers.
The recommendations are enshrined by the rights and obligations of teachers and international norms regarding their preparation, advanced training, employment and working conditions.

The value of the day of the teacher

World Teacher's Day is an opportunity to pay attention to the problems of teachers at the national and world levels and analyze their successes in the international context. Also this is a reason to express gratitude to teachers.

Teachers are an investment in the future. They need knowledge and support that will allow to satisfy the diverse educational needs of each child.

In many countries, the quality of education is undermined by the lack of teachers. There is also a problem of high-quality education: often teachers work, without having necessary resources and without adequately qualified.

© Sputnik / E. Alesin

The Russian Framework Program of Action "Education-2030" emphasizes the fact that teachers play a fundamental role in fair and high-quality education.

By 2030, it will take an additional 3.2 million teachers to achieve universal primary education and 5.1 million teachers to achieve universal middle formation.

In the USSR and Russia, the teacher's day for three decades was celebrated on the first Sunday of October. Later, the teacher's day began to be celebrated on October 5th.

© Sputnik / Ruslan Shamukov

Traditionally, on the eve of the Teacher's Day, the final stage of the All-Russian Competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" is held, the founders of which are the Ministry of Education and Science, the All-Russian Education Union of Education and the "teacher newspaper".

How to celebrate the day of the teacher

The traditions of the day of the teacher are constantly transformed, adjusting to the current course of life.
If in the past years every class for the day of the teacher did the wall newspaper for teachers, where congratulations were beautifully written to teachers, now this tradition has been preserved far from everywhere. But in almost all educational institutions, schoolchildren arrange a concert for their teachers, where they perform dance numbers, songs and read congratulations from the scene.

In many classes, after lessons, tea drinking with a cool leader is satisfied, during which the teacher is handing flowers and gifts.

Also on this day, parents come to school, and not because they were called there. They also congratulate the teachers.

Also recently, it is customary to congratulate all teachers in social networks and by email.

© Sputnik / Vsevolod Tarasevich

Also on the day of the teacher, schools are trying to make teachers in their holiday a little rest and pretext in the role of students. The lessons are usually spending high school students, so the holiday is also called the day of self-government.

Initially, the only events on the day of the teacher were congresses and conferences on which the teachers discussed the issues of school life. The main task of the teacher's day at the dawn of the existence of the holiday was to pay attention to the public and authorities to school issues. However, years later there was a tradition of the celebration of the Teacher's Day, which did not undergo significant changes to the present day. The most noticeable of them - flowers. Huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy astronomy grateful students are handing beloved teachers. Flowers are filled with all free tanks in the class - and this flower kingdom cannot but rejoice.

What to give for a teacher's day

A good gift to teachers on their professional holiday can be a set of good chocolate or candies, coffee or tea - always useful. It is also appropriate to give tickets to the theater for two. It is relatively inexpensive and very "intelligent." Sherry teachers will like the shower of books or discs from the Museumi Museums series, "Great Artists", "Great Composers".

You can also give a certificate for purchases in some store. For example, in GUM or TSUM: the teacher knows better what she is missing - paper, pens, folders or face cream. There will be a calendar from a class photo - touching, individually and useful.

© Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

But what should not be made, it is cosmetics and perfume. It is clear that this can simply embarrass the teacher. In addition, the chosen perfume can tritely not come up! But the body cream or for the hands of a famous brand and good quality will delight any woman. Tights, linen, scarves and other clothing items should also be excluded. Of course, as a woman's woman's mother's mother teacher understands, but it is very personal.

The material is based on open sources.

Each adult was once a schoolboy, good or bad, liked the learning process or not - but everyone went through this life stage, which left in the soul of everyone unforgettable memories. Teacher's Day 2017 is a universal holiday, teachers of kindergartens, teachers of universities together with teachers take congratulations on the current and past wards. The absolute majority with deep gratitude and love give flowers to this beautiful autumn day with their first teacher. After all, for first grades she personifies in one person of the teacher and mother, curious children's eyes monitor each movement of their first mentor and try to imitate everything.

It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of teachers in the development of the child's personality.

When celebrating the day of the teacher

The history of the holiday in Russia began in 1965, the professional day of the teacher was then decided to celebrate in the 1st Sunday of October. On the eve of this day, schoolchildren congratulated their favorite teachers with flowers, organized the solemn rules, concerts, produced a wall newspaper. Later, since 1994, this holiday began to celebrate on October 5, on the World Teacher's Day. In each school, the country has developed traditions, but it is consistently a special day and for students, and for teachers. Teacher's Day in 2017 will be joyful and cheerful, bouquets, gifts, warm words of congratulations, often in verses, will sound in the address of teachers. The guys independently prepare interesting concerts, put cabbagers, in which everyone together laugh at stories from school life. Initiative guys come up with comic rewarding with medals of the Merry Teacher, the "best physics of the school", etc., give diplomas and cups that are very expensive to teachers. On this day, conferences and congresses of teachers are also held, on which pressing questions that exciting teaching staff are raised, there are issues of equipping schools with technical modern equipment, financing educational institutions, teaching techniques.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Pupils and their parents as a sign of gratitude to the teacher want to congratulate him and present the original memorable gift for the day of the teacher 2016-2017. Not every thing will be appropriate in this case - you should not embarrass teachers too expensive presents, which will oblige the teacher to an inadequate response, are completely indecent money in the envelope, which looks in this case bribing, clothing items are also an inappropriate type of gift. Thank you should not call the teacher an awkwardness, so presents are suitable from the stationery section:

  • leather organizer;
  • case;
  • good handle, perhaps with a gift inscription,
  • desktop device that will stand in the teacher.

It looks very touching an album with photos and warm wishes from students. This subject will not be viewed even after the completion of teaching activities. Parents must participate in the selection of a gift - not always the guys can evaluate the degree of relevance and adequacy of the gift to the senior comrade. But the main thing for any teacher is still warm words of gratitude from pets, many talented guys write poems devoting their teachers. From the number of the day of the teacher 2017, the congratulatory events of the city, regional and federal level also depends. Every year, the Education Committees are preparing for premium lists of the best teachers of the year, which made a significant contribution to the education of the younger generation, and the title "Teacher of the Year" is assigned at the government level. Young talented teachers are awarded for the initiative, new training methods, because in recent years, the teacher's profession is in the ranking of the most popular. And who worked in this area for more than 15 years and having significant merits, assign the title "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation".

The Russian government is interested in the development of education, the wages of teachers are gradually being indexed, but the crisis in the country does not allow to fully appreciate the difficult work of the teacher, so earnings have not yet comply with the proper level. And yet we are all grateful to their teachers for science and upbringing. Teacher's Day, what date we have to remember and do not forget to congratulate the teachers, will be October 5, on Thursday. Sometimes it is worth reminding you to your crowned children, because the teacher, along with knowledge, gives part of himself, raising the future of our country, each of them remembers the name of all his students and with great joy will take a congratulation on this day.

(1 Votes, Average: 5,00 Out of 5)

Teacher's Day is one of the most significant autumn holidays, this applies both to the disciples and to the representatives of this noble, and undoubtedly a very important profession.

Teachers not only give knowledge, but also serve as a real example in life for children. Because the day of the teacher 2017 is one of the most important holidays in school life. This day is widely celebrated not only by the teachers themselves, but also students, and even those who were a student many years ago - the tradition of congratulating their favorite teachers is widespread.

What is the day of the teacher in 2017? And the students themselves, and their parents are often confused when the teacher's day is celebrated in our country. "Somewhere in the first days of October," say alone. "On the first day off of the second academic month," the second approve.

For the first time to make a professional holiday of all people working in the field of education, it was decided in 1965 to the calendar. More than fifty years ago, on September 29, a teacher's day was established. A document introducing a new holiday in a professional calendar was the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. And up to the middle of the nineties of the last century, the teacher's day was celebrated on the first Sunday day of October.

In 1994, a decree of the government in the holiday schedule was amended. Since this year, Russia began to celebrate the teacher's day on the same day when this holiday is celebrated around the world - October 5.

Many of our neighbors, the CIS member countries and the former Republic of the USSR, celebrate the day of the teacher in the old - in the first October day off. In fact, at school this holiday is celebrated on the day before - on Friday before the first Sunday of October.

The date of the World Teacher's Day identified UNESCO. On October 5, 1966, this organization adopted a new legal document, designed to pay attention to the situation and the problem of education workers around the world - recommendation on the situation of teachers. This document discussed the main issues related to the labor of teachers, and were given recommendations regarding their labor. World Teacher's Day is celebrated on October 5 in most countries of the world, and Russia enters them among them.

Initially, the holiday was aimed at drawing attention to the problems of education. And the only events on this day were congresses and conferences on which the teachers discussed the issues of school life. The main task of the teacher's day at the dawn of the existence of the holiday was to pay attention to the public and authorities to school issues.

However, years later, there was its own tradition of celebration for the teacher, not undergoing significant changes and for our days. The most noticeable of them - flowers. Huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy astronomy grateful students are handing beloved teachers. Colors are filled with all loose containers in the class - and this flower kingdom cannot but rejoice.

Another kind of congratulations, next immediately for the delivery of bouquets - a concert. Children's amateur, cheerful and touching at the same time, becomes the best reward for the selfless work of teachers. Songs and dances, poems and fun scenes - schoolchildren seek to demonstrate all their talents. Such concerts take place not only in schools. The urban and district authorities go to meet the wishes of the public and help organize speeches of schoolchildren in regional houses of culture - so the holiday acquires a greater scope.

In addition, on this day, it is customary to give gifts to teachers. The most common is an organizer, a diary in leather binding, a bag or case for documents or homework. However, recently, it is customary to draw up lists of gifts - this is usually engaged in the Parental Council / Committee at the class. Often, a decision is made to give not only the class teacher, but also the most beloved teachers - their students themselves are chosen. However, whatever a gift, the most important thing for the teacher is warm words of gratitude and wishes that schoolchildren say on this day.

This material is published on the BEZFormata website January 11, 2019,
the following date is indicated when the material was published on the primary source website!
Published 04.10.17 13:58

Teacher's Day 2017: What is the number, holiday history, congratulations on the Teacher's Day, and also read a lot in TopNews material.

What is the day of the teacher's day in 2017 in Russia?

On October 5, 2017, the teacher's day traditionally celebrate in Russia. The date of the celebration coincides with the World Teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day celebrate employees of all educational institutions. Teachers have an important educational function of society. It is they who serve as conductors of knowledge and skills conduct an educational process. Teachers directly participate in the formation and transformation of a person's personality.

In order to become a teacher, it is necessary intkbbch Finish a specialized university. The teacher is a creative profession, requiring not only the thorough knowledge of its subject, but also the skills of psychology, as well as huge love for children and their work.

The teacher's day was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 29, 1965. Until 1994, he was celebrated on the first Sunday of October, after which the date was fixed for the holiday on October 5, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin on October 3, 1994 No. 1961.

Teacher's Day 2017: Traditions

On the day of the teacher, schoolchildren and their parents congratulate teachers with a professional holiday, give them flowers and give gifts. In many schools there are festive rules, performances of creative teams, exhibitions of student works are held. Some schools are satisfied with the day of self-government when students lead lessons.

Often in honor of the Teacher's Day, teachers arrange a feast. In some educational institutions, the educational process is reduced or even completely dedicated to solemn events.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day 2017 in verse

Teacher, teacher, mentor,

Your work is warm with the warmth of the soul.

And on the day of the teacher we are softer

All who give us knowledge light.

We are grateful to you without measure

For all the warmth, patience, work.

We wish you good and faith,

And let the adversity go all!

Today teachers congratulations

With the world famous Teachers Day.

We wish you success and good,

Talented children capable of you!

Let your faces glow a smile

And the holiday will be lit by good.

And will fly to you in the guests of happiness bird,

Happy let it be waving your wing!

We sincerely wish you accomplishments

And the achievements of higher vertices.

Let there be less in the life of chagrin,

For joys, you have more reasons!

World Teacher's Day

Today celebrate -

Guardian wisdom day.

With him, I congratulate you!

Thank you for knowledge,

That you are so generously darite

For faith, understanding,

The most significant person in the life of any schoolchildren is a teacher. Teachers not only give knowledge, but also serve as a real example in life for children. Because the day of the teacher 2017 is one of the most important holidays in school life. This day is widely celebrated not only by the teachers themselves, but also students, and even those who were a student many years ago - the tradition of congratulating their favorite teachers is widespread.

What is the day of the teacher in 2017? And the students themselves, and their parents are often confused when the teacher's day is celebrated in our country. "Somewhere in the first days of October," say alone. "On the first day off of the second academic month," the second approve.

For the first time to make a professional holiday of all people working in the field of education, it was decided in 1965 to the calendar. More than fifty years ago, on September 29, a teacher's day was established. A document introducing a new holiday in a professional calendar was the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. And up to the middle of the nineties of the last century, the teacher's day was celebrated on the first Sunday day of October.

In 1994, a decree of the government in the holiday schedule was amended. Since this year, Russia began to celebrate the teacher's day on the same day when this holiday is celebrated around the world - October 5.

Many of our neighbors, the CIS member countries and the former Republic of the USSR, celebrate the day of the teacher in the old - in the first October day off. In fact, at school this holiday is celebrated on the day before - on Friday before the first Sunday of October.

The date of the World Teacher's Day identified UNESCO. On October 5, 1966, this organization adopted a new legal document, designed to pay attention to the situation and the problem of education workers around the world - recommendation on the situation of teachers. This document discussed the main issues related to the labor of teachers, and were given recommendations regarding their labor. World Teacher's Day is celebrated on October 5 in most countries of the world, and Russia enters them among them.

Initially, the holiday was aimed at drawing attention to the problems of education. And the only events on this day were congresses and conferences on which the teachers discussed the issues of school life. The main task of the teacher's day at the dawn of the existence of the holiday was to pay attention to the public and authorities to school issues.

However, years later, there was its own tradition of celebration for the teacher, not undergoing significant changes and for our days. The most noticeable of them - flowers. Huge, colorful bouquets of scarlet roses and fluffy astronomy grateful students are handing beloved teachers. Colors are filled with all loose containers in the class - and this flower kingdom cannot but rejoice.

Another kind of congratulations, next immediately for the delivery of bouquets - a concert. Children's amateur, cheerful and touching at the same time, becomes the best reward for the selfless work of teachers. Songs and dances, poems and fun scenes - schoolchildren seek to demonstrate all their talents. Such concerts take place not only in schools. The urban and district authorities go to meet the wishes of the public and help organize speeches of schoolchildren in regional houses of culture - so the holiday acquires a greater scope.

In addition, on this day, it is customary to give gifts to teachers. The most common is an organizer, a diary in leather binding, a bag or case for documents or homework. However, recently, it is customary to draw up lists of gifts - this is usually engaged in the Parental Council / Committee at the class. Often, a decision is made to give not only the class teacher, but also the most beloved teachers - their students themselves are chosen. However, whatever a gift, the most important thing for the teacher is warm words of gratitude and wishes that schoolchildren say on this day.


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