When is World Pope's Day at. What date is Father's Day celebrated in Russia and in other countries?

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February 29, 2020, in, a welterweight bout will take place between two professional American boxers: Jesse Vargas and Mikey Garcia.

We tell where will it take place, what time will it start and where to watch boxing Garcia - Vargas February 29 (March 1) 2020.

The meeting of the fighters will be final during the boxing evening, which will be held at the "Ford Center" with a capacity of 12 thousand spectators, which is part of the Zvezda complex ( Ford Center at The Star) located in Frisco, Texas (USA).

What time will boxing Garcia - Vargas begin:
The nine-fight event is set to kick off at 6:00 pm ET on February 29, 2020, which corresponds to 02:00 am ET on March 1, 2020.

Most Anticipated Boxing the fight Garcia - Vargas will begin at approximately 7 am "Moscow time" on March 1, 2020 (Sunday morning), after the completion of 8 previous bouts.

By the way, in the second fight of the evening (out of nine) Uzbek boxer Israil Madrimov will compete against Charlie Navarro. Also, the tournament was originally planned to fight Russian Murat Gassiev against Jerry Forrest, which was later canceled.

Where to watch the fight Garcia - Vargas on February 29 (March 1) 2020:

Live meeting Garcia - Vargas will show "First channel... The beginning of the direct connection from the "Ford Center" - 06:55 Moscow time.

And on the website of the "First" channel, the fight can be watched online and in recording.

Since ancient times, various beliefs and traditions have been associated with leap years. Today we will talk about what a woman can ask a man on a leap day on February 29, but he has no right to refuse.

There is an old European custom, according to which once every four years - February 29 - a woman can ask for a hand (propose to marry her) from a man, and not vice versa. AND at the same time, a man has no right to just refuse from this offer - he must either agree or "pay off" (pay a "fine" for refusal). In monetary terms, the "penalty" is equal to the cost of 12 pairs of gloves. It is believed that this is how many pairs of gloves a woman will need to hide the absence of a wedding ring until the next leap day.

This tradition originated in Ireland in the 4th century AD, when Saint Patrick, who spread Christianity in the country, allowed women to make marriage proposals to men once every four years. This was done in order to "balance" the roles of men and women in society, just as the leap day on February 29 balances the calendar.

In the Middle Ages, in a number of European countries, this rule was even approved at the legislative level. For example, in the 13th century in Scotland, when young knights died en masse in battles and many girls could not find a mate, a law was passed according to which a woman could propose to a man on February 29, and if he refused, he was obliged to pay a fine ... Similar laws were passed at different times in England, Denmark and other countries.

And even in Russia there was a similar tradition.... Only for "our" girls the opportunity to call a loved one into husbands worked for more than one day, but throughout the entire leap year. The leap year was called the "year of the bride", while matchmakers could not be sent to the girls, because they themselves chose their future husbands. Since then, in Russia, a leap year has been considered unsuccessful for a wedding, since men did not have the opportunity to choose their own bride.

As Izvestia was informed in the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, a new holiday - Father's Day - is expected to be celebrated for the first time in October this year. The collection of signatures in support of the draft decree on the establishment of Father's Day in Russia is initiated by the interregional Union of Fathers.

We expect that on the last Saturday of the upcoming October we will celebrate this significant holiday, ”Olga Epifanova, Chair of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, told Izvestia.

According to her, this holiday will highlight the importance of the father's role in the family.

In our country, as a result of numerous wars, a significant part of the male population perished and for decades boys have been raised by women. Therefore, it is simply necessary to increase the key importance of the role of the father in the family, she explained. - The idea of ​​the holiday is precisely in this - to show the most important role of the father for the traditional Russian family. In addition, it is the father who, by his example, can teach the sons how to love and care for the mother. This is especially true in our modern world. Europe and America have passed laws on same-sex marriage, where parents have become parent number 1 and parent number 2, and we in Russia will celebrate the day of mom and dad.

The draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of the all-Russian holiday Father's Day as part of the implementation of the Concept of State Family Policy until 2025 was prepared by the Ministry of Labor in November 2015. In accordance with the proposal of the department, the holiday will be celebrated on the last Sunday in October. This date, as reported in the explanatory note to the document, is close to the birthday of the holy noble prince Dmitry Donskoy (October 25, new style), who had eight sons and four daughters. In addition, it is in October that several holidays of men's professions and military-historical dates are celebrated at once.

In the world, Father's Day is celebrated in almost 50 countries; this holiday is official in almost 30 countries, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Japan and others. It usually falls on the third Sunday in June. In some Catholic countries, such as Spain or Italy, Father's Day is celebrated on March 19 - the day of St. Joseph.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet become official, but, despite this, regional holidays are celebrated in some regions. For example, Father's Day is in the Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Vologda, Magadan and Ulyanovsk regions, as well as in the Altai Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Senator Elena Mizulina, as one of the initiators of establishing Father's Day, told Izvestia that this holiday could raise the father's social status in the family.

The very idea of ​​the possible appearance in Russia of a new family holiday - Father's Day - has been hatched for several years. And the first broad discussion of the possibility of the appearance of such a holiday took place exactly a year ago within the walls of the State Duma at a round table “On the establishment of Father's Day in the Russian Federation,” she said. - I believe that by establishing Father's Day, we increase the social status of the father in the family and in society, his role in raising children, and the prestige of fatherhood in general.

According to Mizulina, the creation of such a special paternity holiday is very closely related to the theme of patriotism.

After all, a modern Russian patriot is not only a defender of the Fatherland. No less a patriot is one who takes care of his family, who with love, care and responsibility brings up worthy sons and daughters and thereby creates a stable present, shapes the future prosperity and development of Russia, she stressed. - This kind of patriotism, in my opinion, deserves no less respect and recognition in society.

A member of the interregional paternal committee, journalist Georgy Alpatov fully supports the idea of ​​creating a new holiday.

In general, I believe that our government and society need to pay great attention to fatherhood, ”he said,“ because, unfortunately, the role of the father is not properly covered in our country, there is no proper attitude towards fatherhood. In our country, along with motherhood, it is necessary to protect paternity, as this is also a very important social function.

The idea of ​​establishing Father's Day was also supported by psychologist Pavel Volzhenkov.

Such a holiday must be introduced, he said. - Father's Day will help unite complete families and remind parents of children from single-parent families that the child, in addition to the mother, with whom children usually remain after the divorce, also has a father. This will help both man and woman understand that family is their choice and that they need to respect their family and their partner. In general, Father's Day is a good holiday both in terms of parenting and child psychology, and in terms of relationships between partners in the family.

Mother's Day in Russia was established back in 1998. The holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. In addition, on July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Father's Day, traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of the first month of summer, that is, in June, is celebrated relatively recently, but has already become an integral part of the festive calendar of Russians. Father's Day is not an official holiday in our country, that is, it is not a red day on the calendar.

Father's Day is celebrated in summer (June 17, 2018) in 60 countries. In America and Europe, it has been celebrated for several decades, and it came to Russia relatively recently. It does not yet have an official status in our country, however, it is enshrined in law in several regions. V.V. Putin in 2008 promised to consider the issue of giving official status to Father's Day.

In each region of Russia, this holiday is celebrated in its own way. For example, in the Lipetsk region, on this day, it is customary to award a badge "For loyalty to fatherly duty." Father's Day, which will be celebrated on June 17 in 2018, is also celebrated in such areas as:

  • Ulyanovsk,
  • Volgograd,
  • Kursk,
  • Arkhangelsk,
  • Novosibirsk.

In St. Petersburg, this holiday has been celebrated since 2011, and in Moscow - since 2012.

Pope's day 2018 when celebrated: holiday history

Like many international holidays, Father's Day is native to the United States. After the approval of Mother's Day in the States, activist Sonora Todd took the initiative to approve Father's Day in order to thank her dad, who raised six children himself, providing them with his support and giving them a decent education. The girl came to the mayor of her hometown with a request that her father's birthday be the basis of the holiday, when all people could congratulate their fathers, paying tribute to them. From the hometown of Sonora, the tradition spread throughout the area. And already in 1966, Father's Day in the United States became an official holiday.

Father's Day is, of course, very important not only for those families in which the father is the only parent, but also for full-fledged families. Father's Day, celebrated on June 18 in 2017, helps children once again express their love and respect for dear fathers and show how important and valuable they are to them, to show that their care and confidence is a solid foundation for a strong family!

Father's Day 2018 when it is celebrated: how Father's Day is celebrated in different countries

V Finland Father's Day is celebrated on a grand scale. In each room, the hostesses hang out national flags, prepare goodies and make souvenirs with the children. In the afternoon, everyone goes to the cemetery to honor the memory of the dead men. And in the evening, household members gather at the festive table, sing songs, arrange dances.

V countries Baltic the emphasis is on children. In kindergartens and schools, children make appliques and other crafts and give them to their dads and even grandfathers.

V Australia Father's Day is an excuse to get out into nature. Picnics are believed to strengthen family bonds and bring happiness to the family.

V Of Japan renamed the holiday "Boys' Day". Residents of the land of the rising sun believe that masculinity must be instilled from early childhood. And future samurai on this day are presented with swords, knives and other weapons of protection.

V Of Italy Father's Day is the main holiday for Italian men. Traditional gifts are perfume or a bottle of expensive wine.

V Of Russia Father's Day has not yet been approved at the federal level, and each region celebrates the holiday separately. Volgograd, for example, since 2008 honors all popes on November 1, Altai Territory - on the last Sunday in April (since 2009), St. Petersburg and Moscow - on the third Sunday in June (as in the USA). Quests and festive celebrations are organized in cities. And regional administrations award money bonuses to fathers with many children.

Until recently, Mother's Day was a novelty in Russia, but gradually the holiday is gaining momentum, becoming popular with the population. It's so nice to say thank you to mommy for the kindness and care, support and disinterested love. But each person has two "wings" behind his back - a father and a mother.

Unfortunately, the father is often relegated to the background, and there is not even an official Russian holiday in honor of the father. But the matter got under way, and soon there will be a reason to say kind words to beloved dads on Father's Day; on a day that will be completely dedicated to them.

For what day should Russian daughters and sons prepare gifts, congratulate fathers, dads, daddies, daddies made lawmakers think. When to celebrate Pope's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date), the following dates were considered:

  • the last Sunday in November, Mother's Day is celebrated on this day. Someone suggested combining two holidays into one. I wonder what it would be called?

It is interesting! On March 19, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese dads receive congratulations.

  • the most courageous holiday in Russia - February 23. On this day, they congratulate all men, regardless of whether they stood guard over the Motherland or not, as well as future little defenders. In addition to it, they wanted to add Pope's Day. Of course, it is economically beneficial to give one gift for two holidays, but will dads like this approach? If and officially fix the holiday in the Russian calendar, then let it have its own day - a special one;
  • the third Sunday of June is International Father's Day, officially celebrated in more than 50 countries of the world: USA, Canada, Singapore, France, Greece, Argentina ... Want to join in the congratulations? Do not forget to highlight June 19 in red on your calendar.

It is interesting! In Brazil, the holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday in August, in Australia and New Zealand - on the first Sunday in September.

  • last Sunday in October. This date is closest to the birthday of the holy blessed prince Dmitry Donskoy. He was born on October 12, 1350 in the old style, or on October 25 in a new way.

A bit of history about Dad's Day

The date when to celebrate Pope's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date), close to the birthday of the prince, was not chosen by chance. From the school course, it is known about the military exploits of Dmitry Donskoy, but he was chosen as the "patron" of Father's Day for another reason.

The prince is a worthy husband and father, whom one can and should be equal to. Dmitry and Evdokia (his wife) are an example of a Christian family, headed by loyalty and mutual understanding. A father with many children (the prince had 12 children) raised his sons and daughters to treat their elders and each other with respect and respect, to come out of any situation with dignity and live in the Christian faith. It was not for nothing that Dimitri Prilutsky and Sergius of Radonezh were the recipients of his sons.

That is why on October 30 (this number falls on the last Sunday of October in 2017) we will have an official reason to remember, please and spend time with a loved one and dear person - dad.

Celebrating Dads Day in the regions

One day is not enough for warm and sincere words addressed to your father? Go with him on a trip around the country and be sure that you can congratulate him more than once a year. In some regions, they love dads so much that Pope's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date) was approved by law at the regional level.

You can start your journey from the capitals. St. Petersburg and Moscow joined the celebration of International Father's Day not so long ago, festive events in cities take place on the third Sunday in June. The Moscow “Papa-Fest” every year grows into an ever larger event and finds fans not only among Muscovites, but also among guests of the capital.

Dads love most of all in the Ulyanovsk region... There, the celebration of Father's Day at the legislative level was enshrined in 2004. And now it is celebrated every year on July 26, the birthday of Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov. In this land, he is considered an exemplary father.

In the Kursk region chose for the holiday the day of remembrance of St. Alexander Nevsky - September 12. Which ones to choose.

In the Volgograd region Pope's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date) in November is celebrated on the 1st. Children and dads spend the first of November together. Walking together, going to the cinema, and participating in sports activities strengthen the bond between father and child.

In the Lipetsk region congratulations to dads on the second Saturday of February. This day is preceded by the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. In this area, February is truly a male month. And worthy fathers are awarded the honorary badge "For loyalty to the fatherly duty."

In the Altai Territory Father's Day is celebrated in spring on the last Sunday in April since 2009.

It is possible to celebrate Pope's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date) in December and other months, even though there is no official date.

Father's Day is marching across the planet and let's hope that soon this touching and kind holiday will become official in Russia. Perhaps this year there will be a reason to remind dad of love and spend the whole day together. After all, we are in a hurry not only "through the waves and wind to the only mother in the world", but also to father too.

Father's Day in Russia will be celebrated in 2020 21st of June(third Sunday of the month).

And this means there is time for everyone to prepare well in advance and adequately congratulate the best dads in the world.

In our life there are a lot of holidays, and very different, from symbolically obligatory to popularly loved, from calendar to purely family ones.

However, there are also very special holidays, those from which breathe extraordinary warmth and tenderness, despite the fact that, by our standards, they are still quite young and unusual.

Probably, it is precisely to such holidays that Father's Day in Russia belongs, which has not yet become official, but this is only for now, because it cannot be otherwise!

In fact, Father's Day has long been celebrated in different countries, since the role of the father in the family can hardly be overestimated, and it is generally a good thing to draw public attention to the problems of conscientious fathers (who often face them no less often than mothers).

That is why on this day it is customary in the world not only to honor exemplary fathers, but also to organize in their support numerous charitable events that help financially facilitate the position of their families for fathers who are raising their children alone.

Father's Day is rooted in the United States of America in the last century, where it first began to be celebrated on June 19, 1910.

But Sonora Dodd, the daughter of William Smart, who himself raised and raised his six children after his wife died after the birth of her last baby, proposed to establish such a holiday.

At the same time, a loving and caring father managed to work from morning till night on his own farm so that his children did not need anything.

In 1966, this Father's Day was declared a national holiday in the United States and was officially celebrated every third Sunday in June.

Today, at the same time, the best fathers are honored in Great Britain and France, Japan and China, as well as many other countries, including Russia, where a holiday dedicated to fathers has taken root since 2002 (first in Cherepovets, and by 2012 it reached Moscow, where he was solemnly celebrated in the Catherine Park).


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