Collage of men in the office on February 23rd.

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If there are men in your team, then this day traditionally belongs to them! February 23 gives our defenders, part-time employees, the opportunity to feel their courage, feel the undivided female attention and smile with gratitude, having received a pleasant gift.

And the weaker sex begins to puzzle, barely walking out the New Year holidays.

How to surprise your male colleagues? What if there are a lot of them in the team? What to present to the boss? And you can't disappoint! This is not an easy task.

How do you like this idea - to give every man the only thing in the world? Yes, yes, unique, unrepeatable, made especially for him! Then he will definitely be conquered by the attention given to him, because, in the end, the attention shown is sometimes more important than the gift itself.

This is possible if the chosen gift, even the same for all representatives of the strong half of your team, can be made personalized, personalized.

I must say right away that I not only collected ideas for gifts for my colleagues for February 23rd for you, but also found where you can buy some of them. Links are placed in the text or banners in this article. Look, choose.

Personalized gifts

Today you can find a personalized gift for every taste and wallet. For numerous colleagues there is a large selection of inexpensive, but always necessary and pleasant little things. And for the boss or the only man cherished by everyone in the team, it is worth trying hard and getting a more expensive, but also unique thing.

Any employee will come in handy, for example, desk or wall calendar... And made in an individual style, with a name and a photograph, it will undoubtedly become a decoration of the office and a good memory. You can arrange in the same style notebook, workbook, organizer folder.

If there are a lot of men, it is worth giving everyone a pen or a pencil with a personalized engraving - now no one will take someone else's writing material to “use” without a return!

And the esteemed boss will be pleased to put a handy diary with engraving made especially for him on the table.

What kind of employee doesn't want to be distracted from work for a cup of tea? Especially if a cup also each has a unique, personalized name, and on personal pack of tea flaunts the most beautiful word in the world - your name, and even with warm words of congratulations! Nothing human is alien to us, is it?

Sweet gifts, surprisingly, can also please a strong half of humanity.

And if you look at the offered assortment, then you yourself will be unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised. I was! tasty help from laziness, for brilliant ideas, from nervous breakdowns and just to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland.

For tea, cookies with surprise predictions (also in a personalized box) and a chocolate card (design options are limited only by your imagination) will go well with tea. Such a gift will be to your taste in the literal sense of the word. Even office utensils can be decorated with portraits of a strong half and gift inscriptions!

All of the listed options for personalized gifts for the male part of the team are offered by this service. There you will also find alcohol-themed accessories from the section below.

Alcohol gifts

Why not, if not tasting gifts right at the workplace? Good alcohol has always been considered a good gift for a man.

It is not difficult to make a personalized sticker on a bottle right in the office with the words of congratulations of the highest degree of warmth! It is enough to find sticker templates on the Internet, download and print on a printer.

And, of course, accompanying accessories will be pleasant -

  • whiskey glass,
  • champagne glass,
  • beer mug.

Such corporate presentations can also be ordered in a personalized version and with individual engraving. A nice addition would be marble or steel cubes for cooling drinks. →

Gifts with electronic filling

Something that will always come in handy for any man. A wonderful gift - personalized flash drive, made in an original design, for example, in the form of a key or a secret lock with a code that protects invaluable information from strangers.

The flash drive can be supplied with a business card holder and a pen: stylish and convenient.

A beautiful accessory is an external battery in the form of a cartridge with the owner's name.

For motorists, a pleasant addition can be thermo mug with engraving, holder for smartphone or navigator.

T-shirts with slogans

A T-shirt is a versatile piece of clothing that fits in any wardrobe, so this gift will always come in handy. And if a cheerful, well-aimed inscription flaunts on it, a man will flaunt it with undisguised pleasure. To buy such a unique gift is as easy as shelling pears:

  • choose the size of the T-shirt in the plate;
  • decide on the design of a T-shirt, a picture or a photo on it;
  • enter the name and text of the greeting;
  • to order!

Well, the options for funny inscriptions are countless!

“Andrey, your time has come!”, “Vadim is a bright personality”, “Vladimir is widely known in narrow circles”.

You can choose a T-shirt in accordance with character traits, for example, a shy employee - “I can do everything, but sometimes I'm ashamed”, a grumpy one - “Babayka”, a kind one - “Always ready to protect you”, and a loving employee - “God forbid everyone like me ".

Or quite simply and fun - "The girls didn't know how to congratulate me" ...

You can order such T-shirts in specialized services. Here is one place where you can. →

Small men's joys

There are counters (well, or online stores!), Past which men cannot walk calmly, their goods are vital for them, and there is never too much of it. Various accessories that emphasize masculinity, necessary for a hobby, are always successful as a gift, including a budget one, for February 23rd.

Recognizable brand emphasize the value:

  • gift set for the angler,
  • folding cups,
  • compass,
  • hunting knife,
  • various flasks,
  • signal flashlight

and many other typically masculine gizmos. ... →

Classics of the genre

If you find it difficult to choose a gift, for example, you do not know very well the character of the men who are to be gifted, there are win-win options in stock. Solid classics will always come in handy, will invariably please, never disappoint.

A wallet, umbrella, business card holder and other necessary things of excellent quality are an inexpensive and practical truly masculine gift for a colleague on February 23rd. This ! →

Gifts with humor

If the men of your team are not alien to a sense of humor, then you are in luck - you can add cheerful notes to the official severity of the men's holiday, as well as extend the life of yourself and those around you with sincere laughter that your gifts will cause. Office routine can be diluted, for example, giant stationery, swear-able wastepaper basket, flying alarm clocks.

A funny thing - cool signs on the door, for example, “Don't litter! Unless, with money "or" I am there! " I think everyone will like a “decision maker” who gives “yes” or “no” to the question asked. And to the boss, “the person who has everything,” present a heating pad for the navel: he is unlikely to have such a thing!

Dear ladies, if you are the majority in the team, it will not be difficult for you to find a gift for so few hotly appreciated defenders of the fatherland, using these ideas. Well, if you are few or you are the only beautiful flower in the harsh men's team, even more so, do not be upset: show attention to your colleagues on February 23, and very soon you will be bombarded with a flurry of admiration and gifts, because March 8 is ahead!

February gives us a lot of good mood. Even despite the blizzards outside the window. We love this month anyway. Firstly, this is the last winter month and spring is about to come. And secondly, what may be more important, this month is a wonderful holiday - the day of the defender of the fatherland. Have already decided how to surprise men on February 23 in the office at work and how to please them? Some of our ideas will help you, and you can choose the ones that you can bring to life.

And so, preparations for the holiday must be started in advance. Think over everything carefully and decide together with other girls.

Meeting of colleagues.

First, think about how to organize a meeting of colleagues in the morning. You can make an impromptu checkpoint, where soldiers will be on duty, that is, girls in disguise and soldier's clothes. At the checkpoint, you meet men, ask them for their full names, write them down in a notebook and issue a pass to enter the territory. You can ask for a password or callsign.

And if you want, you can pour a glass after the correct password.
Such a checkpoint will be an unexpected surprise for everyone. You will see how the men will be surprised and not immediately understand what is happening.

Celebration in the office.

After the checkpoint, they go to their workplaces. Don't let them go there right away. First, let them pass the test and prove that today they are ready to go all the way.
Tests can be very different, for example, give everyone a rebus on a military theme. Who guessed it, he comes to himself. Whoever fails, gets a fine: push-ups or he has to make coffee for everyone.

Further, when everyone is sitting in their places and working, the alarm sounds. This means that everyone must run out into the hallway. In the corridor, girls and soldiers are already waiting for them, who divide the men into two teams. Each team receives tasks.

First task.
Both teams form a circle. The girls take and entangle their hands. That is, they connect their hands as they want and the men do not let them go. On command, both teams should begin to unravel. But you can't let go of your hands! Which team is the first to unravel, that is gaining one point.

Second task.
Each team has a three-liter can of water on the table. At the bottom of the jar is a small jar. And there are also 7 coins on the table in each pile. In turn, all team members must take one stack of coins and, holding their hand above the can, but without touching the water, release the coins into the water. The challenge: to get as many coins as possible into the small jar inside. It is not easy to do this, since even coins cannot cope with the resistance of water and go in different directions. After that, it is calculated how many coins each team was able to send to the bank in the bank.

Third task.
Each participant has a phone with a camera. They take turns taking and taking out the assignment sheets. The assignments say the following:
- take a photo of three girls.
- take a picture of a couple in love.
- take pictures of birds in the snow.
- photograph two people smoking.

And so on, any tasks. When everyone has received the task, then on command they leave or run away to carry out the task. As someone has completed the task, then he comes back. When one team is fully assembled, the girl's soldiers check how they have done everything. If everything is clear, then this is a victory. If not, then the second team has a chance.

After all the tests, the girls invite the men to the soldiers' cafeteria.

Soldier's canteen.

Everything is simple here: you organize the table, set it. Pay special attention to snacks. Serve canned food, stew and other dishes that are popular with soldiers in wartime.
You will probably have alcohol. So that's it. Make beautiful labels for it. You can have photos of your colleagues, or you can have unusual military inscriptions, for example, an atomic bomb, a strategic reserve, a Suvorov cocktail, and so on.

Entertainment at the holiday.

Do not forget about entertainment during the holiday. It is unlikely that you and your colleagues will want to just sit at the table, drink and eat. gotta have some fun and play.
First of all, you can congratulate your colleagues again. Only this time with songs.

It is worth thinking about what games and contests you will play at the holiday. If your colleagues are tired of completing previous contests, then prepare something simple for them that can be held at the table. For example, you can build a machine gun at speed! But not real, and out of the jigsaw. To do this, you need to print a photo of the machine, cut the picture into pieces and then reassemble everything.

And at the end of the evening, be sure to give mementos and postcards. Arrange a photo session that will forever leave this beautiful day in your memory and in photos.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to congratulate men, present them with beautiful gifts and organize a fun event for them. A corporate event on February 23 will not only allow you to have a good time, but also get to know your colleagues better.

In an informal setting, everyone will be able to express themselves and open up. Joint leisure will help to unite the team and take a break from working everyday life. Of course, it is not easy to arrange a worthy celebration, but knowing a few good scenarios and ideas, you will definitely cope with the task. Efforts will be rewarded with grateful smiles of colleagues and a good mood.

Military enlistment office

Organize an impromptu military registration and enlistment office in the office, divide the premises into various points (assign women to the role of certain doctors), and then hand the men summons.

Next: at each point, men must pass certain tests to prove their fitness for military service. For example, at an appointment with an otolaryngologist, you should definitely check the patient's hearing, smell and vocal cords.

To get started, arrange a contest called "Guess the melody", where colleagues will have to find out what they are offered to listen to. Then you should go on to test the sense of smell: blindfold the contestants and bring various foods to their noses. Whoever gives the most correct answers is the winner. The last task is to perform a thematic composition. After such a thorough examination, your colleagues will be ready for any challenge.

If you do not have enough time at your disposal to organize a large-scale event, employees. You need to find photographs of men, and then use PhotoShop to insert their images into some military photograph. So you can portray them on the battlefield or arrange a demobilization album. Place it on the wall in your office to cheer up your employees on a daily basis.


If in your team men lead a healthy lifestyle and like active rest, then the scenario of a corporate party for February 23 in the style of a sports competition will come in handy more than ever.

To get started, take care of the decoration of the room: hang motivating posters on the walls, photos of colleagues in the role of football players, hockey players, swimmers and other athletes. In the office, create several areas for games and arrange championships in arm wrestling, push-ups, darts, squats and kettlebells. Medals and consolation prizes should be prepared to reward the winners and to cheer those who fought worthily but did not win.


Everyone is pleased to know that he is appreciated and considered the best in any field. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great opportunity to reward men and give them an honorary title for services to the company. Prepare individual cups, orders for all employees and come up with nominations. If the script for February 23 for a corporate party is made in an informal style, then the titles should be cool so that they reflect the individual characteristics of your colleagues as accurately as possible.

Prepare individual cups, orders for all employees and come up with nominations. If the script for February 23 for a corporate party is made in an informal style, then the titles should be cool so that they reflect the individual characteristics of your colleagues as accurately as possible.

Several unusual nominations, among which you may find suitable for your men:

  • "For gentle handling of the computer at slow loading";
  • “For the courageous confrontation with angry clients”;
  • “For a non-standard approach to a printer with paper jams”;
  • "Record holder for cups of coffee drunk during a working day";
  • Best Office Football Commentator.

On a note! These simple options can help keep men amused and bring a festive vibe to the work environment.


The script for a corporate party for February 23 for colleagues should contain many interesting contests and games. They will not let you get bored at the festive table, help to unite the team and teach employees to work in a team.

Model soldiers

The army has quite strict rules, so soldiers must be able to quickly and unquestioningly follow orders. Invite your employees to reincarnate as privates and experience all the complexities of army life.

You will need several sets of soldier's uniforms, things from the ladies' room (to confuse the men), as well as volunteers. At the command of the leader, men must quickly find the right wardrobe items and put them on. You can complicate the task as follows: on command, the presenter lights a small candle, and colleagues try to get dressed before it burns out. Do not forget to present the prize to the most extravagant and eligible contestant.


A corporate party on February 23, as a rule, is organized by the female part of the team, which, undoubtedly, also deserves attention. Representatives of the stronger sex should not only be able to protect women, but also please. The competition consists in the fact that men take turns to compliment the ladies, and they choose the most skillful speaker. He can be awarded the honorary medal "Ladies Man".

Shoulder straps

Find and print in advance the images of military shoulder straps, write the titles corresponding to them on small sheets of paper. Call several applicants who will have to establish compliance within the allotted time. If you want to complicate the task, then tell your colleagues to sort all the ranks by seniority. Such a competition will test the reaction speed, ingenuity and memory of employees. Present the fastest competitor with the Order of the General of Erudites and reward with exclusive shoulder straps.


Divide the team into 2 teams and blindfold all participants. The words of the presenter at the corporate party in honor of February 23 at this moment will be about how fighters remember the drill. A formation order should be given. The presenter announces various geometric shapes to the contestants, and their task is to line up accordingly without opening their eyes. Participants are allowed to touch each other and talk. Naturally, the winning team should be awarded with an unusual prize and letters of commendation.

Very soon Defender of the Fatherland Day, and for this reason, the entire female half is extremely puzzled: how to congratulate men on February 23... It so happened in our country that this day - a holiday for all men despite their age and attitude towards the army.

How to congratulate a loved one on February 23?

You can congratulate the man on February 23 in romantic style... For example, on an early holiday morning, you can wake up long before your beloved defender of the Fatherland, serve breakfast in bed, cook a romantic dinner with his favorite dish and present a gift... It all depends on your fantasies and possibilities.

And if a generation is already growing up in your family, then can be presented in the form of collective holiday greetings by playing a small scene.

What can you give men for February 23?

Let's talk a little about what give to men on February 23... After all, they also love to receive gifts, and therefore we recommend that you treat this issue with all care and attention.

Everyone can surprise with gifts related to hunting and fishing such as camping BBQ kits, picnic accessories (thermos and mugs). A gift for him on Defender of the Fatherland Day maybe a souvenir weapon - they love it very much. Also can serve as a gift beautiful carved chess or backgammon.

Knowing your capabilities, can be donated on February 23 and more useful items such as mobile phones, cufflinks, watches, and so on. It would be appropriate to donate an item from his favorite collection.

When choosing gifts It is very important to understand clothes or accessories: the older a person gets, the more inclined towards the classic style. For example, men especially appreciate belts, elegant wristwatches with genuine leather straps. There should be nothing superfluous in such gifts, and the details should match exactly tastes and individual preferences.

If you think what to give classmates on February 23 or classmates, in this case as a present original pens, flash cards and other items that may be required for study may come out.

If you are planning congratulate your work colleagues corporate, we recommend organizing interesting holiday scenario with contests, and as prizes: small poems on postcards, original souvenirs... It is also known that "the way to a man's heart is through the stomach." Show your own culinary skills, and men will appreciate you!

Congratulations on February 23 to men at work

Traditionally on this day of women congratulations to all men, regardless of whether they defended their Fatherland, whether they served in the army. So before the holiday the fair sex is really concerned about how congratulate men on February 23, their family and relatives, friends and colleagues. Particular difficulties arise in how organize this holiday for colleagues... In the office we celebrate this holiday like this, so as not to offend anyone, but at the same time not spend so much money, because it is necessary buy gifts still husband, father, brother, son, etc., to combine these conditions, you can congratulate men on February 23 in all sorts of ways.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23: budget option

In most cases, the budget option organizing a holiday is an congratulations from colleagues postcards with congratulations from February 23 in pictures and poetry... In addition to standard phrases, there may be personally written short funny poems addressed to each colleague individually. If you do not have a poetic talent, then find something suitable on the Internet. Please select ready congratulations with photos or images and create personalized Greeting Cards.

Congratulations on February 23 in pictures:

Alternative, more cost effective option of congratulating men on February 23 there may be postcards on which you can list the names of all your colleagues, as well as their best quality and words of congratulations.

When the team is on good terms congratulations to colleagues on February 23 can be humorous. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and made on one poster. This gift can be put in such a way as to attract the attention of others, then everyone's mood for the whole day is simply guaranteed! Just do not get carried away with banter - remember: after all soon 8 march.

Options for congratulating men on February 23

If your finances allow give gifts all male colleagues, you can use the following tips. The choice of gifts is varied and depends only on your imagination and finances.

For example, gifts for colleagues can be lighters, perfumes, sets of accessories for mobile phones and computers. A valuable gift can serve and gift Certificate in an auto parts store or office equipment. Your peers will probably appreciate tickets for all entertainment events such as a boxing tournament, soccer match or ice hockey.

Collective congratulations of men from February 23

Option number 1. Collective gift can be creative or even a little spicy. In offices distinguished by their free policy, it has become fashionable to order strippers as congratulations to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day(only not during work).

Option number 2. If it is customary in your team to celebrate all events at one table, then, if possible, try to secretly arrange for the delivery of ready-made meals to the office, or let each one bring their own signature homemade dish. Decorate the place where will you celebrate February 23rd, balloons, posters with congratulations.

Hide a surprise for your colleagues under each napkin on the table: it can be lottery tickets or a small personal postcard.

  • 1. - a festive screensaver for your computer;
  • 2. - festive wall newspaper;
  • 3. - meat pies, caviar, pancakes, cutting vegetables;
  • 4. - gifts.

Of course, everything depends on the budgetary possibilities and the relationship between colleagues in the team. Can originally congratulate men on February 23, even if you are the only woman among the male team. On the eve of the holiday linger in your office and wait for your colleagues to disperse, then put images with this topic on their computer screensavers.

DIY a wall newspaper, on it post photos of men from your team with words of congratulations in verse, you can also print photos on a printer, attach them to whatman paper, and write by hand verses congratulations to men on February 23.

One of the most important events is considered laid festive table... The main thing is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and sweets for March 8, let men give them to you better. The best option for a strong half of humanity will be meat dishes: cook homemade delicious meat pies, buy a can of caviar and bake pancakes for them, cut vegetables. It will be perfect gift for men... If possible, put alcohol on the table so that you do not have to worry about who will then have to run to the store.

Presents- it important element congratulations men on February 23... So if you are not very familiar with your colleagues, to give everyone individual gifts then just give preference to presentations that suitable for most men... It can be hats, towels, T-shirts with original inscriptions... You can also buy a bottle of cognac or other alcoholic drink and attach a photo of the perpetrators of the identity to them, listing the best qualities of colleagues on each. If there are few women in the team, you can limit yourself festive table- colleagues will appreciate your attention and efforts.

If the team has informal relationships, then you can arrange humorous contests, sing patriotic songs for colleagues. You can even act out a scene in front of men, arrange a parade: gather all the women's team and change into elements of military uniform and vests. Men will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts and on March 8 they will mutually delight you.

Gifts for February 23 for men photo

It is not difficult to present your colleagues at work with an original holiday for Defender of the Fatherland Day, if you draw up its script correctly. It should include both funny scenes and performances with poetry and prose. To beautifully wish the representatives of the stronger sex good health, success and true happiness will help and congratulations in your own words. To write an unusual program of the event, readers only need to study the examples and ideas we have selected. Recommendations will help you understand how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23, 2018 in an original and modern way. Simple tips will tell you how to organize a memorable corporate party for all men in the office.

How to originally congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work, if there are more of them - examples of scenes

It is recommended to select sketches for performances in front of male colleagues according to their number in the team. For several representatives of the stronger sex, women can perform with separate performances. But if there are more of them, it is recommended to make a pair of continuous numbers. To learn more about how to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 in 2018 with sketches, the examples and ideas of the productions we have selected will help.

An example of the "Ideal Man" scene for the original congratulations of men at work from February 23

Women talk about the ideal male colleague they meet every day at work. Then, new facts about him are added. But so that it is not clear which of the colleagues fits this description. To the music, they take each of the men to the center of the hall, talk about his merits and then sit down. After all those present hear the praise addressed to them, women colleagues will tell you that each of these men is ideal in its own way.

Video examples of original scenes for congratulating men at work on February 23

The performance for the Defender of the Fatherland Day can be made common. In it, women working in a team can perform with dialogues, songs and dances. You can see examples of such scenes in the videos we have selected:

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenarios with a video example

Correctly composed scenario of a corporate party is a guarantee of its interesting holding. That is why, on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day, female colleagues need to think over every number and performance for the event. Our recommendations and tips will tell you how to beautifully congratulate men at work from February 23 with an original script.

An example of writing a script for congratulating male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day 2018

Preparation for the original holiday on February 23, 2018 must necessarily follow the script. This option is optimal for both a large team of colleagues and a small team. At the same time, the girls must take care of all the nuances: decorating the office, ordering food for a feast, purchasing cutlery. This will help to avoid any problems in holding a corporate party. But the following list will help them write a good script:

  1. Subject (it is advisable to use the military or naval direction).
  2. Numbers and their order (how sketches, contests, reciting poetry, prose, presenting gifts, feast will go).
  3. Costumes and necessary accessories for competitions (women can pick up special costumes and props for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday).

Particular attention should be paid to gifts that will be given to male colleagues. These can be purchased gifts or women-shaped sets. Presentations can be given at the beginning of the feast or after the end of the event.

Video example of a script congratulating all men at work on February 23

The easiest way to compose a script and choose the theme of the corporate party is to use a visual example. Therefore, for our readers, we have selected a video of a corporate party with a very interesting script. It can be used as a basis or partially repeated on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How original and fun to congratulate men on February 23 at work - sketches and numbers

The selection of scenes for a corporate party on February 23 is best done based on the realities of life. A drawing of real cases will help to cheer up everyone present. Therefore, a funny, but not offensive, outplaying of your colleagues can become a great idea for a performance. The examples we have selected will tell you how fun and original it is to congratulate men at work on February 23 with sketches.

Cool number "Well, what's the job here?" on February 23rd to congratulate male colleagues

To carry out the scene, the girls need to make a list of the funniest cases that happened in the office. Then they should assign the roles of the men and women who participated in them. Replaying and supplementing everyday situations with gags, you can create a funny pun that will appeal to all corporate guests.

Video example of a scene for Defender of the Fatherland Day for work colleagues

Another idea for an entertaining scene at a corporate event in honor of February 23 can be gleaned from the following video. Such a tip will be useful for all women of the team. It will help you easily choose a simple role for yourself in a new scene or use a selected number as a basis. The original production will certainly be appreciated by all men.

How to originally congratulate men in verse from February 23 at work - a selection of texts

Funny poems are an appropriate addition to any corporate party. Even if the men's holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated. They can be included in any part of the program or read instead of toasts. Our next selection of poems will help to congratulate men at work from February 23 in an original and beautiful way.

A selection of congratulations in verses for the holiday on February 23 for male colleagues

The following selection of beautiful poems will help our readers to maintain the atmosphere of a cool and perky holiday on February 23, 2018. Comic and discreet texts can be incorporated into any celebration scenario. In addition, they can be read at once to all male colleagues, if there are more of them than women.

Congratulations to you colleagues

And, of course, we wish

On this day of the calendar

Strength, courage, health,

To continue, as now,

You went to the heights without blood,

And to victories - without losses.

So that a stable salary

Brought joy to you

So that spending does not frighten

On trips to the islands.

Let work inspire

For progress and personal growth.

Let the bosses not scold

You are neither jokingly nor seriously!

Today is a holiday for men

And we want to congratulate our colleagues,

We have a thousand reasons

To extol and praise you!

Delon, Schwarzenegger - nonsense,

You don't even hold a candle,

You are always so excellent

What a straight fall and weep!

We want to glorify everyone

And we will give the title "Superman"!

We congratulate you, defenders of the Fatherland,

From the female half of the team.

Thanks for everything! Our humanity

One should live both calmly and beautifully.

Be real you protection and support,

And let peace reign in your destinies.

We wish you the courage with which

Some men can join the fight.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you!

We applaud, honor and praise.

You have a spirit and we respect you!

Let's go for a walk today, colleagues -

We want to congratulate you on the 23rd!

After all, courage, valor, courage and honor

You have a full character.

May women love and cherish you,

They will give you affection, warmth and comfort.

For them, you are support, shoulder and support,

Let there be no contention in his personal life.

We wish you health and a peaceful sky,

Always on the tables of aromatic bread,

Wealth, friends and homeland are stable.

And your friend's hands are reliable and strong.

We congratulate today

Our gallant men.

We make wishes

We are for special reasons.

And the reason is this -

And so colleagues

Let's shout out loud "Hurray".

We wish you the best

Good, fair wives.

So that everyone without "distribution"

Was surrounded by care.

So that you always strive

They both wanted and could.

To fight in defense

Only until you win.

How beautiful it is to congratulate men at work in your own words since February 23 - examples of texts

It is quite difficult to compose a whole holiday program for male colleagues if there is one woman in the team. In this case, it is better to confine yourself to a long, sincere congratulation of all those present. It is not difficult to make up wishes in your own words. For this, you can use ready-made prose as a basis. For female readers working in a male team, we have selected excellent examples. With them, every woman will be able to congratulate men at work on February 23 in her own words, both beautifully and original.

Examples of congratulations in honor of February 23 in your own words for male colleagues

If there are not so many men in a team with one woman, then she can write personal congratulations for each of them in a couple of sentences. If there are many of them, then it is better to opt for general wishes. The following examples of prose will help you compose different versions of congratulations for male colleagues at work:

Dear Men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, loyal! I wish that fighting qualities never come in handy in your life, and we, women, will be proud of you in peacetime!

Happy holiday, dear men! On this truly man's day, I would like to wish you a lot of energy and strength to achieve your goals, wisdom and patience, both in work and in your personal life. Let nothing threaten your family and keep the butts of guns out of your hands. Let the tanks appear only at the parade, and only peaceful planes fly. Let the volleys of cannons be heard in honor of the holidays, and let mothers cry only for joy. Live with faith in the future and do not regret the past.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you were surrounded by peace and tranquility. Well-being, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

I want to congratulate our men on a valiant holiday - from February 23rd. Be always support and protection for us, succeed in business and climb the career ladder. We wish you human happiness, kindness and peace, a warm home and the implementation of your ideas.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, colleague. You are all our defenders, regardless of whether you served or not, because the main thing is that you are real men. Brave, strong, confident. And you are the same, my dear colleague. Stay that way always and you will achieve success in work, and in love, and in your hobbies.

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 in prose - a selection of texts for 2018

It is much more convenient to congratulate colleagues in the office, if there are many of them, with small speeches from each woman of the team. Short and beautiful prose is perfect for this. It can be both official and supplemented with various cool wishes. Original examples of prose will help our readers to uncommonly congratulate colleagues in the office from February 23rd.

Examples of prose texts for congratulating colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office

You can read congratulatory prose for male colleagues at any time of the celebration on February 23. She can beautifully start a corporate party or insert women's performances between different stages of a feast. By all means, an original congratulation in prose should end the holiday. You can choose beautiful prose to wish success, health and happiness to all colleagues from the following examples:

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you fortitude, courage and fortitude. Victories on all fronts: both at work and in everyday life. I wish you to walk firmly towards achieving your goals. And let all the obstacles surrender at your approach. May luck always accompany you, fortune smiles and everything works out!

Dear men, colleagues, from February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles obey you, difficulties recede, and matters are solved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, we are happy that our friendly team is represented by truly real men. Let courage, strong will, and the ability to find the right decisions always remain with you. We wish you happiness, mental and material well-being.

Dear Colleagues! This holiday is truly our professional one, so I boldly and heartily congratulate you on it. You are the defenders of your Fatherland, society and your family, who along with me thank you and congratulate you. Thank you for your honest work, which you proudly carry as a banner of happiness and decency. Low bow to you for your love for your profession and quality work.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, colleagues! On this day, I want to once again congratulate all the men who defend our homeland, and wholeheartedly thank our grandfathers for giving us this opportunity! May peace and prosperity always reign in your homes, the great fatherland will always be under your reliable protection!

Making a good script for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday at work is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to choose the types of numbers, scenes that will be included in the program. For example, women can perform at a corporate party in the office with songs or dances, or they can recite poetry, read prose. For a small team, you can write a beautiful congratulation in your own words. Sincere wishes will certainly please everyone present. Using our tips and examples, you can easily learn how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23, 2018. Female readers just need to follow our recommendations and use the proposed ideas.


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