Circle for swimming and swimming! When you can start batting a newborn with a circle around the neck for swimming hands.

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Circles for swimming babies are gaining increasing popularity and recognition from loving parents. Affordable price, convenience to use, safety - the main characteristics of this device. And yet the moms still remain, doubting the need to buy a circle for swimming, convinced that safer and safer their hands can not be. But is it really?

The circle design for swimming is an inflatable chamber consisting of two, non-communicating, circles in the shape of horseshoe. Before use, you need to inflate both chambers. On the one hand, there are two reliable velcro from below and on top, unchecking them in water is excluded. In the circle there is a special notch under the chin, so that the baby felt comfortably during swimming.

The upper part of the circle is usually transparent with many different drawings, and the bottom is painted in a bright color. Many models have balls and rattles designed to attract the attention of the child. And some manufacturers make circles with musical, when activating a special device, the melody starts playing.

What is the benefit of the circle?

Circle classes contribute to:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back, which positively affects the general physical development of the child;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body contributing to the adaptation to the environment;
  • alignment inside the breast pressure and "inclusion" of all lung departments;
  • development of the immune system, her hardening and strengthening;
  • prevention of constipation and colic;
  • normalization of intracranial pressure;
  • baby relaxation.

Water treatments in general and with a circle in particular, it is better to carry out before bedtime. Hydrotherapy relaxes muscles, and this is the key to calm night sleep.

Children regularly conducted in the bathroom 15 - 30 minutes are developing faster: they begin to sit, stand, walk. And since it is difficult to keep the baby on your hands long, a circle is an excellent assistant.

Circle classes are relevant for children with impaired muscle tone. Swimming in a circle is developing motility and coordination of the movements of a child.

Is bathing with a circle safe and how to choose it?

Before using a circle, you need to inflate, check if it does not descend. After that it is recommended to wash it with warm water with soap and dry.

The circle is tightly fitting the neck, not allowing the popping of the child's head out of it, which allows him to stay afloat. At the same time, on the neck of the child and the spine there is absolutely no load, but on the contrary, only the benefits. Many circles are equipped with special handles for which parents can direct the kid. In such a circle, the child can freeze with the back on the stomach and back.

The first immersion of the child in a bath with a circle should occur at home in compliance with all security measures. You need to wear a circle slowly, so as not to scare the baby, omit in the water neatly. Water should be the usual temperature. It is better if someone will help during this procedure, borrow and distract the child. If the child begins to be capricious, immediately you should pull it out of the water and remove the circle from the neck.

The purchase of this device must be carried out in large stores from proven manufacturers. Only so you can be sure that the material from which the circles are made for swimming are completely safe and not toxic.

High-quality circles have durable walls and reliable clasps that protect the baby from diving into the water. Correctly made with a seabling, makes swimming comfortable.

However, there are no conscious manufacturers who want to save in production. In order to avoid acquiring a poor-quality accessory, when buying should be carefully inspecting the goods for damage, check its integrity. If the rattles get stuck, there are seams inside a small circle, the fastener is not strong and there is a strong chemical smell - this is a reason to refuse to buy this instance. The quality product must be packed in the box, have a smooth coating and a weak smell.

Video instructions on a circle on the neck for bathing babies

From what age can you use a circle for swimming?

Manufacturers suggest that the use of a circle is allowed from birth. In practice it is impossible, because after birth, the baby has not yet healed navel, and therefore it is not recommended to bathe it. If you decide to start using a circle for swimming as soon as possible, it should be waited when the navel will heal and only after that start classes.

The optimal age to start swimming the baby with a circle is 1-1.5 months. The baby at that time will become accustomed to the new environment, daily water procedures and will take swimming with such an accessory as a game. You can use the circle until the child is achieved by the two-year-old age.

The inability of the baby independently hold the head is not the reason for refusing to use the circle. When bathing in it, there is no load on the neck of the child, which means it cannot harm the vertebra.

No matter how many months did not have your child, it is not allowed to leave it alone in the bathroom, even in a circle for swimming. It can be dangerous for the baby. In the first time, the child is recommended to keep up with hand.

How to prepare a child for swimming with a circle?

Before putting the circle, create a child with a new toy. A few days before the first classes, the baby should show it. If this is a very small child - keep the circle in front of him, shook the rattles to be closed, let's touch. If the child is older, let him in the hands, let him swell, takes, will study an unfamiliar device.

When the baby began to recognize the toy, you can start swimming with it. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to wear it in the water. In the room or bath, you first need to wear a baby, and then omitted into the water.

If the child opposes, capricious or completely rolled in hysterics do not insist on bathing. Quickly and carefully remove the accessory and calm the crumb. Swimming is better transferring the next day.

The reason for such a reaction may be a sudden pain in the tummy (soda), and not the relation to a circle, the proof of this will be a calm reaction to the lap of the circle the next day. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the adaptation for a while, while the baby does not forget about him, and two weeks later try to introduce him to him.

How to bathe baby?

Swimming with a range is a very useful and exciting lesson for the child. It is important to correctly organize the procedures that the baby does not refuse, but on the contrary I enjoyed the pastime in the bathroom with a circle.

    1. Clicking the circle is needed outside the water. To do this, we glue the velcro and divor the ends in different directions (up and down). We put on the neck and we reduce the ends, then plug the velcro, they must be located smoothly at each other. We check that the chin is in a selection specifically designed for it.

    1. As soon as the baby is accustomed to be in the bath with a circle, it's time to show him all the charms of this device.
    1. Holding a child for a handle, you should neatly pull it into the other end of the bath, after deploying and pulling into the other side.
    1. Now slowly begin to turn a circle, showing the child that you can spin around yourself.

    1. As soon as you see that the child begins to get tired, it is necessary to stop the occupation. Out the crumb, rinse with water and pull out the bath.
  1. Having pulled it out of the water, remove the circular circle and start woven with a towel.

For the first time, it is not necessary to get involved in a lot - ten minutes will be enough. It is necessary to give the child to get used to a circle for swimming, because when bathing in it, he spends much more forces than in his mother's hands.

Hanging with handles and legs, trying to move on his own, the child knocks out of his strength. Such loads must be gradual.

The use of a circle for swimming is not only safe for the health of the baby, but also useful for its development. Strengthening muscles, improving metabolic processes accelerates its physical development, and the child begins to make the first steps much earlier than their peers. Thanks to the circle, the child can move in the bathroom freely, and the parents are freed by hand, which allows you to increase the time allotted for water procedures.

Experts recommend using a circle during the bathing of the baby because of its beneficial effects on immunity and nervous system. The device facilitates the swimming process for parents, makes it fascinating for the child, but many moms are interested in questions before use: whether the newborn is ready for swimming with the accessory, at what age can it be started to use it? How to wear a circle to the child to avoid negative consequences?

Circle on the neck: Description and Application

Externally, the accessory is similar to an ordinary swimming circle consisting of two inflatable cameras, one of which is located inside the other. The mechanism guarantees the safety of the child in case of damage to the outer chamber.

On the edges there are adjustable clashes for comfortable fixation of the neck, and in front - a notch for the chin so that the baby felt the convenience. The surface is usually painted half into bright colors, on the other half - in a transparent color, inside which rattles are placed to attract the attention of the baby. Some manufacturers produce circles with handles, with which parents can control the movements of the child, directing it in the desired side.

The size of the product is significantly less compared to the swimming agents. Created from PVC, the circle is environmentally friendly.

From what month you can bathe a child with a circle

At the age of 1-2 months from birth, kid is already allowed.

Pediatricians advise waiting for the healing of the umbilical wound. As soon as the umbilical wound will delay, you can gradually begin to acquaint the baby with water treatments and accessory, even if the child has not reached the monthly age.

If a the newborn has not yet learned to keep his head , I have nothing terrible in this: the design of the circle fixes the head, and the neck muscles do not experience any loads.

The use of an inflatable circle is permissible until two age.

Benefit for health

Specialists are positively responding about a circle for swimming.

It has been established that it has a beneficial effect on the development of a child, contributing to the strengthening of the muscles of the back, the development of immune and nervous systems. To other positive qualities of the accessory include:

  1. Stabilization of metabolism.
  2. Stabilization of intracranial pressure.
  3. Getting rid of colic and.
  4. Improving the work of lungs.
  5. Relaxation effect and sleep improvement.
  6. Reduced muscle tone.
  7. Development of coordination of movements.
  8. Motoric development.
  9. Development of walking skills and seats.

For healthy children, the circle is absolutely safe and cannot bring any harm. Negative consequences can be in case of bathing a baby with contraindications or improper use of things.


Children with the following diseases are categorically contraindicated with circle with a circle:

  • Congenital and genetic diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the skin and internal organs.
  • Cold, ORVI.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Generic injuries.
  • Bullous epidermolysis.
  • Jews in the neck.
  • Hypertensional hydrocephalic syndrome.
  • Elevated or low muscular tone.

In cases where the child has no contraindications from the list, but there are other diseases, the question of using the circle is discussed with a pediatrician.

Learning to wear a circle correctly

Dressing the circle to the child is necessary in the room. It is strictly forbidden to do it in water.

Before use, you must first inflate the circle and check for damage by lowering it into the water. If everything is in order, you can start swimming. Circle dressing is as follows:

  1. Wash the circle with warm water with soap and dry.
  2. Rotate the child on the stomach, putting it to his knees.
  3. Gently dress the circle on the neck at the moment when the child is trying to raise his head.
  4. Make sure the chin crumbs got into a special recess.
  5. Fix the velcro.
  6. View the reaction of the child to assess the degree of comfort.

It must be understood that the first bathing must be without an accessory. To begin with, you can lower the circle into the water so that he floats next to the baby. Then you can give the child to play with the accessory in the room. The first water procedures should not last more than 10 minutes, because with the accessory of the crumb independently makes most of the movements and spends energy from it. It is necessary to gradually increase the swimming time, relying on the increase in the activity of the baby.

If during the inflation, two cameras are filled with air, and between them the separation was formed, the contour for the neck and the seabling for the chin, which means the product is ready to use.


For a safe and comfortable stay in the water, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  1. It is impossible to leave a child without supervision.
  2. You can not inflate the circle too much, otherwise it can burst.
  3. The legs of the infant child should not touch the bottom of the bath.
  4. Inflate only mouth, do not use the pump.
  5. Do not unpack and do not inflate the circle at low temperatures.
  6. Tightly close the valves.
  7. Do not pull the circle during the procedure.
  8. Do not use at a depth of more than 1 m.
  9. Not a rescue agent.

Store the product away from cutting, stitching and heating items. It is forbidden to fill the accessory with water.

How to choose a circle on the neck for a newborn

When buying a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the method of fixation, material, form, size, and presence of marking Eco-friedly. This mark distinguishes the goods from other higher quality. You should give preference to large children's shops so that in case of marriage, return the product back.

There should be no damage and strong smell. The seams should be soft, otherwise the accessory will put the neck.

Popular models

The following stamps are popular among parents:

  1. Flipper. . Manufacturer: Russia. Weight: 18 kg. Age: up to 2 years.
  2. Baby-Krug . Age: up to 2 years. A distinctive feature is that the product has not only velcro, but also clashes with a lock.
  3. Baby Swimmer . Age: up to 2 years. Weight: up to 12 kg. Complies with all sanitary standards.


Most parents note that after purchasing a children's circle on the neck of newborns with great pleasure floating in the bathroom.

Some moms negatively respond about the product, because they could not properly wear it on the child, did not comply with the safety rules or scared the baby, after which he refused to wear a circle. The pros concludes that the device can be used even before the baby learned to keep his head. In addition, Kroch feels comfortable and freely, he appears the opportunity to move independently, and the parents do not have to stand in an uncomfortable posture and spine.

Video about a circle for swimming babies

Each mommy wants her little miracle only positive emotions, including during swimming. In addition, some moms fear that the child can slip out of the hands and choke. And although the kids reflexively delay their breath under water, it is worth progress. To help comes an inflatable circle for bathing newborns.

The circle for newborns, in fact, the same circle that is used for swimming for older children. Its only his difference - the product is put on the neck of the child. This constructive feature provides the maximum convenience of the baby in the water.

The circle also serves to reduce the load on the lumbar of mommies, which has a beneficial effect on her well-being. The nervous voltage is reduced. Young mothers often experience a lot of fears, bathing a child. What if he slip out of his hands, cares? The circle for newborns solves these problems.

Circles for newborns and older children serve the same goal, so they do not differ from each other. All of them consist of two aircases and safe fasteners, lipukets for fixing the neck of the child and lining under the chin. It is possible to divide them according to the following features.

The size

Circles are produced in two sizes - for kids from 0 to 6 months and for children from 7 months to 1 year. Variations are possible depending on the manufacturer's company. For example, many manufacturers produce circles for kids up to 3 years. The difference in the size of the inner ring that covers the neck of the baby. Regardless of the age category, all circles have a similar design.

Type of fasteners

Circle clamps are made of two types: plastic and velcro. It is the opinion that Velcro is less reliable, and the baby in such a circle is at risk. It is incorrect - with due operation, the velcro is nothing inferior to the plastic fastener. Velcro for circles is performed from a special material that is not exposed to water. Her attachments and raid on them, what they do not forget to mention the manufacturers of circles with plastic locks are not formed.

As for the plastic lock, it is reliable, it is safe, but less convenient to operate. Another myth - plastic fasteners can harm the child. They are far from the skin, and during swimming, the baby can touch them only in theory. Even for this occasion, everything is provided: the fasteners are absolutely smooth, without seams and sharp edges.


Due to the fact that the ergonomic properties of all circles are the same, manufacturers attract buyers at the expense of bright design. Circles come in different colors, with or without patterns, with rattles, handles. They can be in the form of a flower, an animal, in the form of an ordinary circle. Some models are equipped with handles so that the bathing of a newborn with a circle was even more comfortable for mommy. What to choose - depends on your personal preferences, from the practical advantages only note the handle.

Weight kid

As a rule, on the label, the manufacturer always indicates which the minimum and maximum weight is calculated product.

How to choose a high-quality model

In order not to get unpleasant consequences in the form of a fast-faced product or allergies in the baby, you should choose a circle correctly.

  1. Point of sale . Purchase children's products only in certified sales points. Only so you can be sure that you acquire an original and high-quality product.
  2. Manufacturer . Pay attention to the manufacturer of the circle. Prefer the products of solid and proven firms.
  3. Guarantee . The circle for bathing a baby, like any product, must have a guarantee. Manufacturers usually give a warranty from 3 to 12 months. Naturally, the quality guarantee is greater.
  4. Documentation . The product must have a certification and hygienic conclusion.
  5. Material . All circles for newborns are made from latex. However, not always the material of proper quality. Purchase a product from an environmentally friendly and high-quality PVC - Eco-Friendly. Such a circle is guaranteed safe.
  6. Design . This parameter is at your discretion. However, there are nuances: Circle cameras must be of one size, otherwise there is a risk of water in the face or a coup of active baby. We also recommend buying a circle for children weighing from 3 to 15 kg. Exception - premature and weak kids for which it is better to choose a product for the smallest.
  7. Integrity . Inspect the product. It should not contain visible defects and sharp, unpleasant to the touch of seams.

Bat the baby with a circle

The question is how to bathe a child with a circle, cares for many moms.

To begin with, straighten the circle and inflate it. Show the Circle of the baby, let him play with him, keeps no fear. It is better to make it a couple of times before swimming. Then the tenders of the baby, open the fasteners and spread the parts of the circle so that the child's head is conveniently slipped into it. Return the circle to its original position.

Make sure the chin of crumbs is located in a special excavation. Then adjust the clamps to capture the neck, but do not cause the child discomfort. Immerse the child into the water, watching its condition carefully. If tantrum begins - calm the baby. It is not necessary to remove the circle at once, it is not a fact that the croche was frightened by him. If the kid turns the head - remove it out of the water and carefully remove the circle. An attempt can be repeated at the next bathing.

If the child reacted normally on the circle, let him freely work with legs and handles, adapts. Enough for the first time a couple of minutes. In the future, entertainment time can be made up to 10 minutes. Let him swim on the tummy and on the back. Even if the child is in a circle, in no case do not move the eye from it!

After bathing, remove the circle and rinse the neck. It must be washed to eliminate the risk of irritation. Naturally, swimming a monthly child with a circle is different from the swimming of the child of the oldest age. If the crumble confidently holds the head, the circle can be shown on the belt since 3-4 months. However, follow the durability of bathing and do not let the child hypother. Especially when he got a physical activity and swallowed with a circle.

Care around

As for any belonging to the baby, a thorough care is needed.

  1. Before the first bathing, wash the circle with warm water with soap and thoroughly. Treat a disinfecting solution suitable for PVC.
  2. After each application, the circle should be rinsed. It is not required to blow it.
  3. Keep a circle in a place where there is no contact with harmful substances, straight sunshine and the ability to mechanically damage it.
  4. Regularly examine the circle. He should not let air, change the color, all seams should be absolutely smooth.
  5. If the circle causes allergies, or a defect has been formed with proper storage and care, exchange goods.

The circle for bathing a newborn is a wonderful device for the kid, which also makes it much easier for the bathing procedure for mom. It contributes to the elimination of the Hypertonus in the child and preserving the swimming functions. And how much joy will he bring a crumb!

Video instruction

There are quite a few accessories for the active development of the child, and one of them is a circle for bathing a newborn. With his help, the baby feels comfortable in water and with pleasure pleads. This device is recommended for all babies.

From what age is applied

Many parents worries the question, from what month you can use a circle. Since such a comfortable design is designed to meet all the characteristics of the body of the baby, it is possible to apply it from birth. But the optimal age is considered one and a half or two months "It is by this period that the crumb is already getting used to swim every day. Therefore, to the question, how many months began to use a children's circle, pediatricians recommend that this age is recommended.

Hydrotherapy is desirable to spend in the evening, before laying a child to sleep - the baby is shriveling, playing, his muscles will be tired and relaxed, thanks to which the dream of Baby will become stronger and calmer. Moreover, it will quickly get used to such water procedures, will wait them and swim with pleasure.

How to inflate correctly

  1. Having bought and delivering a children's circle from packaging, it should be reappeared and open all valves.
  2. It is necessary to inflate the product in two stages: first the bottom chamber, after which the upper one.
  3. The inflation process must pass slowly, does not hurry so that the air is evenly distributed and all the folds of the circle dealt.
  4. After completing the pumping of the valves, it is not easy to close, but presses inside the product so that the baby does not scratch.
  5. As a result, two inflated cameras with a clear boundary between them should be obtained, as well as the "hilt" to support the neck and chin. After that, the product is ready to use.

Video How to inflate a circle for bathing Kinder

What should be aware of the work of the children's circle

After purchasing a circle on the neck for bathing a newborn, it is important to learn how to wear it. And although in this process there is nothing complicated, it should be careful and carefully. How to wear a circle correctly?

  1. First you need to disconnect the velcro and without sharp movements to breed on the parties both parts of the circle.
  2. The distance at the opening should turn out to be enough for a free scene to pick up the neck of the baby.
  3. After that, again bring the ends of the circle to its original position, making sure that the chin is in the place where it is necessary.
  4. Next, you will only stay again to fasten the velcro so that the circle reliably fixed the neck of the crumbs, after which you can proceed to water procedures.

Video how to wear a circle for swimming yourself

How to bathe baby in a circle: Step by step instructions

For the first time I put an inflatable circle on the child, you should not bathe him immediately with this product so that the baby is not frightened. To begin with, just let this fixture on the water, let the baby get used to it, will play with it. Already on the second bathing, you can try to bathe a newborn with a circle on the neck, only not in a children's bath, otherwise it will not make any sense. It should be used in an adult bath.

  1. Thoroughly inflate the circle (but not very tight) and put it on the newborn.
  2. Lower the baby into the water and hold it, let him chat with legs.
  3. Carefully pull the handle of the product, rolls the crumb in water from the side to the side.
  4. Carefully break the child so that he understands how to do it.
  5. After 5-10 minutes, finish the water procedures, for a start it is quite enough. The duration of swimming with a circle can be increased from 10 to 30 minutes.

After bathing, just wipe the surface of the product dry with a towel, or hang to dry on the rope. But, in no case, do not put it on the battery or other heating device, otherwise the product will quickly come into disrepair - the material can easily melt.

Video Type to Swimmer Circle

Terms of use and safety

In no case forget about security measures, we can list the main ones:

  • you can not first put the baby in the bath, and only then wear a circle on it;
  • do not remove the inflatable product in the bath, first you need to remove the baby out of the water;
  • always check all the fasteners before entering the bathing infants;
  • do not leave a newborn in water unattended, even if it goes a circle;
  • it is impossible to pump this accessory by the pump, always inflate independently;
  • do not use in open reservoirs, only in the bath and the children's pool.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of the children's circle are indisputable. With him a child can be longer in the water, not tired, and more active to work with muscles. Thanks to such a convenient adaptation, the baby is developing faster and sleeps better, swimming a newborn with a circle helps to strengthen immunity and favorably affects digestion. But, like any accessory, it has both advantages and disadvantages. What exactly?


  • you can use very early, even if the baby still does not hold the head;
  • absolute safety of the design, the baby feels comfortable with him;
  • perfectly fixes the head, allowing the hands and legs of the crumbs to move freely;
  • equipped with a "collar-hilt", protecting his head from the penetration of water;
  • high quality material that does not cause any allergic reactions;
  • some models are equipped with toys so that the child is more fun to swim;
  • when the need for a circle disappears - the baby is faster to swim without it;
  • all fixing details of this device are durable and durable;
  • having such a circle, the parents have the need for the acquisition of the bath;
  • mother does not need to maintain a baby throughout the water procedure.


  • if the baby is large, then the circle is quite difficult for his neck;
  • during water procedures, the load on the spine increases;
  • the circle for navigation of the newborn is not used at low muscle tone;
  • for a bath, such a circle is not enough for a long time, because kids grow rapidly;
  • without extraneous assistance, put this accessory on the crumb is very uncomfortable.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications. These include problems with the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, elevated intracranial pressure, any damage to the bones (dislocation and fractures).

Video on the danger of injury when bathing with a circle on the neck

Important! Before purchasing a swimming circle for your baby, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of its use with the precinct pediatrician.

How to choose

If you want to buy a really high-quality accessory, then you need to buy it from proven firms. The circle should not smell chemicals, and the velcro should be durable. If the product is not equipped with a smooth coating, the fasteners do not cause confidence from you, and the caustic smell comes from it itself, then such an instance is bought, of course, it is not worth it. How to choose the best circle for swimming? We present you an overview of popular brands.

  1. Flipper. Roxy Kids. It is designed for age from birth to two years and the weight of the kid to 18 kg. Made from high-strength material, equipped with rattles in air chambers and decorated with funny funny cartoon patterns. It is performed by a number of various models for every taste.

    Pros: Low cost, music instances are often produced.
    Minuses: One person to shoot and put the circle Flipper is not very convenient.

  2. Swimmer. It is designed for age from birth and up to 24 months and by weight to 12 kg, although there are instances that can be used up to three years of a child weighing up to 35 kg. The product is presented in a wide color palette and is made on seamless technology, eliminating even the slightest injuries of gentle children's skin.

    Pros: It is made from high quality material, it is cheaper than analogs.
    Minuses: When equipping a swimmer circle on a small crumb need help.

  3. Kengu. Designed for the children from birth to 24 months and weighing up to 18 kg. Equipped with a comfortable removal, supporting chin, and preventing water penetration. Thanks to the smooth seams, no abrasion leaves and scratches.

    Pros: It is made from safe hypoallergenic materials.
    Minuses: Velcro and fasteners of the inflatable circle Kengu can quickly weaken.

The overwhelming majority of dads and mothers remain pleased with the acquisition of an inflatable circle for their children. They note the fact that the kids are happy and for a long time splashing in the bathroom with this adaptation on the neck than without it, and after water procedures, he liked himself and playful, they immediately fall asleep by the "Bogatlish" strong sleep.

A very useful and pleasant hygienic procedure with hardening elements can be bolded to name the baby's swimming. This process can be also an extension to talk to parents with a crumb.

Bathing is not, of course, the procedure that must be carried out every day. But if possible, it is better that it goes into the daily kid regime to the year.

About swimming krohi

There is also its own specifics in bathing of crumbs. Many doctors do not recommend bathing the baby before healing the umbilical wound. It is necessary so that the infection does not get inside. During this period, it will be enough to wash the crumb one or twice a day and if the genitals need to process with a wet napkin. For the 1st month, the water for washing the newborn crumbs is advised to boil. It is necessary that the water temperature was 36-38 degrees. And you can check it with a thermometer or simply dipping in the bathroom elbow. It is impossible to assert how great the risks are in case of bathing the baby in water, which was not boiling. There are such parents who are on the second - third week already give the baby to swim in a large bathroom in simple tap water. But since the water purification is now far from ideal, there is no need to risk, you agree it is dangerous.

Swimming and hardening

The baby's immunity can be well strengthened by hardening the baby. This may increase the resistance of the body of crumbs with different diseases. Optimal is considered hardening when bathing a kid to a year. For example, you can use the method of "cold spots" for this purpose or such useful procedures as druising.

Specialists are also advised in this case to gradually lower the temperature of the driver during bathing. This is when the water temperature is 34-36 degrees, and by the end of the washing process will already be about thirty degrees.

Circles for bathing kid

Bathing newborn is a mandatory, hygienic procedure, which follows every day. Of course, bathing is useful.

Bathing helps strengthen the muscles of the crumbs. And this will help the baby faster to learn different motor skills. For example, like walking or crawling. Due to bathing, immunity is strengthened, metabolic processes in the body are activated, completely lungs are revealed. And the process of establishing digestion and the kid after bathing is tightly sleeping. As you can see quite the benefits of bathing.

It happens that parents face many difficulties when bathing crumbs. Especially if a baby bathes one person. After that, the back began to hurt, fly his hands, the baby tries to get out. For fencing itself from these inconveniences and their minimum, a sufficient number of different useful devices have already been invented. For example, such a special pillow can be attributed to such a bathing and a circle for swimming on the neck of the crumb. Among all this, you can highlight a circle for swimming for kids.

This device needs to be used for children from birth to 2 years. Such a circle consists of two cameras in which there are no seams. The circle can be recorded on waterproof velcro. As a rule, the inner diameter is 8 cm in this case, and an external 40 cm.

What could be crucial for navigation for newborns

With such a circle for swimming simplifies the wash procedure. In this case, you can not keep the baby in water. With the help of a circle, the baby can move as much as possible, in contrast to the slide. The circle helps to reduce the alarm of the kid, because the head of it in the circle is fixed. The circle for swimming helps to protect against the driver does not get into the ears or mouth. With the help of a circle you can swim in an adult bath. So it is not necessary to buy a children's bath. Also, the circle ensures the safety of the baby.

You can use such circles on trips to rest and in the pools.

In order to prepare a circle for swimming the crumbs correctly, you need to get it out of packaging, straighten carefully and inflate, without applying the pump. But do not patch strongly.

How to carry out the procedure for swimming crumbs

The circle for swimming must be applied and removed not in the water. It is better to spend together, for example, with a daddy. And if it is not possible to better try to lay a newborn on the tummy. And when he raises his head to deftly pull the circle on the neck. If your crumble is not ready to immediately take something new, it is better to first allow the baby to get used to things. For example, you can play yourself with a circle day or just put a circle nearby.

How to wear a circle on the kid

You need to take a circle. Unbutton velcro. After that, you need to dilute the detachable ends to the sides. After that, it is necessary to carefully wear a circle on the neck and pay attention to whether the chin is located in a special location for fixing. After that, button fasteners, adjust the density of the fit to the neck.

Then you need to lower the baby carefully into the water. When bathing, it can not be held, but only to watch it. It is worth considering that with such a bathing, the kid spends a lot of energy. For this reason, it is better to reduce the duration of the first bathing up to five minutes, so as not to cause fatigue at the kid.

What to do when washing with a circle for swimming, so that everything goes without incident.

To swim the baby in the circle passed in full security, do not leave it without your supervision. The circle is not a rescue.

Before starting to apply a circle, you need to consult with a doctor about possible contraindications. Take care of the circle from cuts and punctures. Do not unpack the circle on the frost, do not inflate it with the pump, do not pump.

Pens on a circle: for which they are used

Now many circles are released with special handles. And there are models without them. Why do you need these pens? Usually, these pens are on the top chamber of the circle. It also happens on the bottom chamber. Pens, which are located on the top chamber of the circle, are needed for an adult that bathes the crumb. With their help, it can hold and direct the crumb when bathing.

For example, if your crouch swim in one direction and rested into it, you can simply and convenient for these very handles to deploy the baby in the other way. And this will all happen, by the way, imperceptibly for the kid himself. It is also important that it is not frightened.

And when the crumb will grow up and will learn to walk, then in the bath it will become on the legs and repel. And then you will have a circle handle to keep the crumb when he jumps out of the water so that he accidentally could not jump over the side of the bath.

And the bottom handles that are located on the bottom circle chamber for swimming the crumbs are needed in order for them to be grabbed the baby himself. After all, he can hold on to them when swimming. Babes are not always of course hold for them. Most often, as a rule, they just keep the edges of the circle. Or moving hands in water.

And whether it will not interfere with these knobs of the head of the crumbs, many parents may arise from many parents.

Yes, it really may seem like that, that these handles interfere with the crumb. But it is not. After all, the handles are located closer to the outer edge of the circle.

And better upper or lower handles?

Better if you buy a double-sided circle for crumbs, which you can apply both handles down and up.

So, of all the above, we can conclude that bathing is the necessary process for the baby. And the circle for swimming is simply necessary for newborn crumbs during bathing.


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