Reusable universal diaper. Reusable diapers: how to use them

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To date, it is difficult to submit care for a child without using disposable diapers. Despite the fact that they make the life of modern mothers much easier, recently many parents concerns the issue of harm, which can cause a one-time diaper. Some are concerned about the content of harmful chemical components in them, others are worried about the environment, and some face an allergic reaction to disposable diapers. For these and other reasons, more and more mothers go to reusable diapers.

More mammies for different reasons go to comfortable and safe reusable diapers

What types of reusable diapers exist?

All reusable diapers can be divided into two large groups, in accordance with the type of tissue, which is used for their manufacture:

  1. Which includes natural fabrics. They were still given the name "System of Natural Ward".
  2. Made of synthetic and artificial fabrics. Plus, they have a waterproof layer, for example, consisting of packages or similar analogues.

Reusable cotton diapers

Natural tissue reusable diapers are:

  • cotton;
  • cannal.

In turn, there are several types of cotton reusable diapers:

  1. Woven. For example, the diapers of the Italian brands of Disana, Engel, Popolini and others (we recommend reading :).
  2. Flannel. Christine Bendel, Popolini, Stap, Cotonea.
  3. Terry. They are represented by stamps: imsevimse, popolini, lotties.
  4. Muslin. For their manufacture, a thin two-layer tissue of special weaving is used. Their manufacturers include the following brands: Disana, Engel, Mokosha.

All of the above natural reusable diapers belong to changing panties playing the role of a layer that absorbs moisture (we recommend reading :). Also, reusable diapers have some features and they have a number of advantages compared to one-time:

  1. Due to its softness, hygroscopicity, durability and naturalness, organic cotton is the most popular material for the manufacture of reusable diapers in European countries. For example, all German producers of the changing industry give preference precisely cotton.
  2. Unpretentiousness and simplicity in the operation of cotton fabric. If necessary, it can even be boiled.
  3. The naturalness of materials, without the content of dyes and chlorine, which do not require bleaching.
  4. Reusable diapers for newborns, which have a square shape require special folding. This nuance makes the appeal with them a bit more complicated, but the time of their drying is reduced many times.

Cannabis reusable diapers

Conducting children's reusable diapers are perfectly coping with the task of absorbing moisture, but after several styrics become hard. In order to make fiber softer, cotton is added to it. As a result, such reusable diapers are such a mixture: 55% cannabis and 45% cotton.

The main advantages and disadvantages of hemp reusable models are that they are:

  • absorb more moisture compared to their cotton counterparts;
  • much longer dry out, which means their number that is necessary in operation, significantly exceeds the number of cotton reusable diapers;
  • according to experimental data, in order to crawl out of them, it is necessary to spend twice as much water, as a result of which, when washing, do not do without additional rinsing;
  • they are erased at a temperature not higher than 60 degrees, which plays an important role if necessary in washing at high temperatures;
  • it becomes stiff after a small number of styrices, which is explained by the degree of water rigidity in which they are erased, and this in turn affects the force that must be applied to their kneading during the use.

Reusable diapers of artificial and synthetic tissues

Reusable diapers and liners from artificial or synthetic tissues are distinguished by the fact that the toddler is in contact with the body. Their assortment is quite diverse: from bamboo and soybeans to fleece and those who used microfibra for whose production.

The presence of special synthetic tissues in reusable diapers contributes to the creation of dryness, as they pass through themselves water. For these purposes there are specially intended liners that were called Stay Dry, which means "remain dry".

In addition, there are alternative liners made from natural wool Merinos. They boast reusable diapers soap.

Fleece reusable diapers are usually only one of the parts of those that consist of two layers: absorbing and waterproof. They require replacement immediately after wetted. The delay in a change may cause the appearance of diameters in crumbs, which arise as a result of the fact that a large number of salts contained in the urine accumulate on the surface of the fleece tissue. In addition, the reproduction rate of bacteria in the fleece is very high.

Reusable diapers from fleece require operational replacement immediately after the kid went to the toilet

Criteria for selecting reusable diapers

The natural desire of all parents to choose for their crumbs is all the best concerns and choosing both disposable and reusable diapers. The main criteria from which mothers and dads are repelled when buying a similar kit:

  • convenience;
  • economy;
  • the model must be suitable for a child.

There are several ways to choose reusable diapers - for example, buy a standard set of reusable diapers of a particular manufacturer and for some time to use them to find out, they are suitable or not and are convenient to use. Also, for a start, you can buy a basic kit, and in the future you will buy all the necessary components: inserts, coatings and changing panties. Nevertheless, in order to really define everything and against the use of reusable diapers, it is worth just to buy several models from different manufacturers. In the process of use, make your own rating and draw conclusions, which products will be more suitable for your crumb. In addition, on the Internet you can find a lot of photos and videos with the most popular models and parents' feedback about them.

Features of use

All modern parents know perfectly well how to handle disposable diapers. According to the principle of operation, reusable diapers also do not cause special difficulties, but their use has some nuances that should be taken. For example, the liners are most often placed in a special pocket, which provides 1-2 hours of dryness. There is another way - to have them inside by analogy with a female gasket, but this option will require a change in the liner after each urination (more in the article :). The signal for a complete shift serves the wetting of the gum around the legs.

For newborn children, models with velcro are the most suitable. Kids who already know how to roll over, sit or walk, it is better to give preference to the model with fixation using the buttons. The main thing is that the crude was comfortable and diapers did not interfere with his research around the world.

Description and cost of sets of reusable diapers of well-known manufacturers

Mark.Type of fastenersInsertPrice set
COOLABABY.buttons or velcro, the polo model has an additional number of buttons, which allows you to expand the dimensional rangeusually in the kit there are 2 replaceable pieces, but there are also models with a sewnfrom 400 rubles
Sunny Baby.buttons or lipochki1-2 Microfiber Insertfrom 350 rubles
Haute Pockets.velcroe2 pieces bonded with a button, different sizes: 38 * 14 cm and 28 * 11 cmfrom 350 rubles
Babyland.buttons2 liner, each of which is 5 layers of microfiberfrom 420 rubles
Gloryes.buttons2 pieces, made from microfiberfrom 450 rubles
Noncrosskabuttons or lipochkigo separately from the kitfrom 360 rubles

Characteristics and reviews on reusable diapers of popular brands

  1. COOLABABY. They are represented by a wide range of models. Used fabrics: plush, velor, polyester. The inner part is usually made of white fleece with a small pile or bamboo fabric. Most models of this brand are distinguished by their cut, namely, the presence of additional sides around the legs, but there are COOLABABY models, where they are not. They are perfectly suitable for sensitive baby skin due to their softness. They respond about them as comfortable, universal and convenient in operation, but sometimes they occur.
  2. Sanny Baby. Designed for weight 3-16 kg. They are made of polyester of two species, smooth or darous, their inner part - fleece. Pretty thin inner part makes their volume less. In the absence of additional files around the legs remain dry longer. Minus - a frequent change of liners.
  3. Haute Pockets. Designed for weight 5-16 kg. The main fabric is a smooth polyerist, the inner part is made of a thin white fleece. These fabric models are more designed for newborns. Easily change, provide comfort and have excellent absorbent ability.
  4. Babyland. An additional number of buttons allows you to easily adjust their size. May be made of cotton or smooth polyester with a fleece or bamboo inside. More suitable for large kids. Sometimes leak.
  5. Gloryes. Have a huge selection of colors. They are made of laminated polyester, and their inner part is made of white microflis. Due to the auxiliary buttons, the body is fine. Also, they are regulated by the height of the landing and width. Possess an additional inset that protects against the flow. Alas, their large volume limits the baby in the movements.
  6. Warming. Cheap and high-quality cotton diapers of Russian production with a fine membrane. Have three layers and are regulated by 3 sizes. The inner part is microfiber. In washing and drying require the execution of the rules of the manufacturer, otherwise the liners quickly become unsuitable.

Stripping stains - an inexpensive available version of domestic production. Nevertheless, he fully meets all the requirements of moms and very convenient

Calculation of the required number of reusable diapers

When moving to reusable tissue diapers, the first, with which many moms are facing - a lack of information about how much they need to be one child. The main thing is from what should be repeated when calculating - the frequency of urination. Some kids love to drink a lot and go to the toilet they are much more often.

For night sleep, it usually grabs 1-3 pieces with thick liners, as they provide a longer child sleep. For every daytime sleep, you need a new diaper, plus it is necessary to have about 4 pieces with thin liners, which better wear when the crumb is not sleeping and its motor activity should not be difficult.

Care and laundry

Regardless of whether one disposable is or reusable diapers, during operation, they are dirty and require cleaning. There is nothing supernatural in care for them, especially when the child is small and eats her mother's chest. In this case, it does not require a pre-sacrifice. In order to remove the dirt, only rinse in cold water will take. Over time, first will need to remove the defecation, substituting the diaper under the water stream over the toilet.

There are a number of elementary rules that should be remembered when washing reusable diapers:

  • First of all, you should remove the liner and all solid particles, only after that rinse. This is especially true during defecates. You can rinse in a washing machine in cold water. If the degree of pollution is very high, a quarter or half of the dose of children's detergent is added to the machine tray, which is recommended for normal washing. In the absence of a desire to include a washing machine in a rinsing cycle, you can cope with your hands, riding a dirty diaper under running water, but do not forget to press it after that.
  • Then turn on the washing machine into the washing mode in hot water. At first, it is better to wash at 60 ° C, with a spin of 800 revolutions, gradually moving to 40 ° C.
  • After washing, you can turn on another rinsing cycle.
  • Do not dry them on the battery. The optimal temperature for drying is indoor or warm.

The right seizure of reusable diapers will discovers their stable and long service life.

After washing, the reusable diapers of the above grades are not necessary, it is not necessary to iron, even on the contrary - it is forbidden to do it. As a result of ironing, a unique property absorb moisture from that material from which the liners and the inner part usually make may be lost.

Separate attention requires Chinese-made models such as Babycity and Babyland. For their manufacture, fabrics are lowered lower quality, so the temperature for their washing should not exceed 40 ° C, plus they must be erected separately.

By the way, look at a simple master class on our website!


Reusable diapers are two types: consisting of one and two parts. The first option looks like a familiar disposable diaper: layers of fabric are stitched with each other, and buttons or velcro are used as the fasteners. Such a model is convenient to use, as it is not necessary to turn anything, invest and tie. At the same time, it has a significant drawback: when filling in the diaper it is necessary to wash it completely. The second type of reusable diapers consists of absorbent and protective part. As the inside, the inside is changed to dry, leaving an outer layer intact. The minus of this model is that it takes more time for changing the child.

Fabric diapers are loved by many parents for saving money. For the kid, 3 external protective layers and 20 inserts are quite enough. If you translate this amount into cash equivalent, the amount equal to the reserve of disposable diapers. Only enough them is not one and not even for two months, but much longer. As the child grows, the diapers will be needed even less.

A single-layer reusable diaper, as mentioned above, is no different in use from ordinary paper. From time to time, check the inner layer for dryness. As soon as you feel that the skin of the kid has become wet, and the fabric almost stopped absorbed the liquid, remove the diaper and send it to the washing. Spread the pure diaper on a flat surface, put in the center of the baby and button fasteners on the belt, placing the fabric around the legs.

With a multi-layer diaper, everything is more complicated. The outer layer can be made in the form of pants or panties on riveting. The inner layer is a terry, cotton or gauze tissue, folded in several layers. Estate the pants and spread them on the table. Roll into a thin diaper or a piece of gauze in the form of a triangle, put the absorbent layer on top of the rectangle. Baby buttocks must completely lie on this tissue strip. Grasp the bottom edge of the triangle and spend it between the feet of the child up to the abdomen. Wrap the remaining corners. Top shuttering protective pants.

Change the inner liner is necessary as it wets. There are situations when the external wipes together with the inner layer. In this case, you need to act, based on the type of fabric. Baika and flannel diapers can be washed at a temperature at a temperature of 60-90 ° C. Wool is erased at 30-40 ° C. As a rule, the prescribed mode is specified in the instructions for the diaper.

In your family appeared baby? It's time for maximum care! For parents, it is important not only convenience, but the comfort and safety of the baby. What are reusable diapers? How safe are they? What is the difference from disposable diapers? How to use them? What do pediatricians think?

Specialists of the online store "Daughters-Son" will help you deal in detail in this matter.

ATTENTION: prevent diameters!

Often parents face such a problem as a diarmity of newborn-diaper dermatitis. This process comes from the fact that the child's body does not "breathe." Between the diaper and the body of the child is created a greenhouse effect and resellers appear. To prevent this, it is necessary to comply with simple hygiene rules for the newborn. For this, the child needs to change the diaper in time. After the change of each diaper, you need to wash the child, process with special children's agents. This must be done after each defecation. Immediately do not wear a child in a diaper, but to give the opportunity to take airbags.

Before the child learn how to use the pot, he will have to be in diapers considerable time. Here it is faces the task of choosing comfort and security for a child.

Do you know ..

A diaper for a baby leads its history from antiquity. Even in medieval Europe, diapers were used for children from flax, wool, cannabis, which, after use and washing, dried over fire. In Russia, the diaper was called a veil, flap. Modern diapers began to appear in Western Europe 40 years ago. From the first days of the baby's life, a diaper becomes the main assistant Mom. In them, the child spends about 25,000 hours.

Reusable diapers - what is it?

In the production of reusable diapers, natural materials are used: bamboo canvas, cotton, etc., which distinguishes them from disposable diapers. When using reusable diapers, there is no skin irritation in the baby, rash or diaper disposals.

Reusable diapers are easy to use, as they are erased in a washing machine and dry quickly, they do not require ironing. They are made of soft and pleasant fabric, so they will not create for the kid not the slightest discomfort. Diapers can be applied on different children's physique. The size is selected using the buttons. Diapers do not slip, which is important for moving babies. Soft and breathable they do not contain chemical elements. Diapers are used unlimited number of times. They are comfortable, economical and reliable.

Mom's opinion

"I used to buy everything in the daughters retail store, where the consultant told me that there are" reusable diapers. " "The sample" took only 1, and a day later I decided to go completely on them. Small at that time was six months. I think that, thanks to these diapers, we completely without any problems have been treated to the pot. "

Mom Olga
28 years old, Moscow

Mom's opinion

"I am strongly, on the recommendation of Mom, the diapers of the baby from Marli itself did. It was very hard, because I was also manually erased by children's soap, in order not to cause allergies! Therefore, the discovery of reusable diapers for me has become just salvation. Hygienic for the baby, and for me it is much easier .. for my moms, who is fanatically afraid of his child's health - I recommend! You will not regret. By the way, I used the diagrams from the induce. "

Mom Anya
30 years old, Krasnogorsk

How to use

In some models of reusable diapers, pockets are provided and the insert is inserted into it, in some - the liner is attached on the buttons. How to check when you need to change the diaper? When you change the liners, touch the gums between the legs. If the gums have become wet - be sure to change the diaper! Usually, the diaper is withstanding 3-4 shifts of the liners. How many diapers are used in the day? It is recommended to take 10 sets, at the rate of 2 liner on 1 diaper.

How to change a reusable diaper

The change of diapers is easiest to spend on the changing table. At the distance of the elongated hand should be everything necessary to care for the baby: wet wipes, cream, pure diaper.

You need to put a baby on a clean diaper, to treat the skin of a baby with wet napkins, treat with cream. Take a clean diaper, insert and secure the liner, straighten all the folds on the inside of the diaper, slightly lift the baby behind the legs and put the back of the diaper under it. Gently breed the baby legs and cover the front of the diaper. Fix with buttons near the legs and velcro on the waist.

How often to change reusable diapers? The diapers themselves, with proper use and care, can serve for several years. Most often, parents prefer to change only one liner for a reusable diaper, however, if the designer and the diaper himself, it must be changed and wrapping.

Change depending on the age of the child and as the diaper is filling. When changing the diaper, always touch the rubber bands near the legs. If they are wet - urgently change the diaper himself!

Uniqueness of reusable diapers

Reusable diapers have three layers:

  • Microfiber insert, bamboo or cotton
  • Top layer that holds the liner
  • Waterproof outer layer

The uniqueness of diapers is that they are regulated by the buttons in height and velcro in width, which gives the possibility of long-term use, despite the rapid growth of the child. The diapers are tightly adjacent to the body of the baby and at the same time have very soft gum. The fabric is elastic and does not create inconvenience for the child. Reusable diapers are soft and breathable, without the possibility of leakage due to closed pocket for liners.

Types of reusable diapers

Classic reusable diapers

This is a classic diaper for kids for use in the afternoon, during day or night sleep, on a walk, for swimming (but only without the use of the liner). The diaper is made of 100% cotton and microporous membrane, thanks to which, the skin of the baby "breathes", and the surface remains dry outside. The absorbent material serves as an insert from the microfiber, which is inserted into a special pocket in the diaper.

Bamboo coal reusable diapers

Thanks to bamboo coal, the child does not have irritation. In addition, these diapers do not smell after use. The peculiarity of this type of reusable diapers: if the baby had irritation, then when using these diapers, they pass. In terms of cost, they are usually somewhat more expensive than classical models.

Bamboo reusable diapers

Recommended children from birth to 4 years. Designed for kids during wakefulness and walk. It is not recommended to use them for sleep and walks in the cold season, as well as for swimming. These diapers become wet when used. Recommended for children whom parents are involved in the pot. So like diapers are made of natural bamboo cloth, then the skin of the child is rapidly restored from a different kind of irritation, if such had a place to be.

Reusable velor (plush) diapers

Designed for daytime and night sleep, walking, swimming (without liner).

Recommended children from birth to 4 years for walking, night and day sleep, for swimming. Inner layer Natural coal bamboo. Unique material, does not cause irritation, hyperemia and allergies. Have a very gentle and pleasant outer layer.

BAMBOOLA - What is it?

Multi Diapers reusable diapers consist of an external waterproof and internal barrier layers, between which the liner is placed. For breakdown to the pot insert is not used.

The inner layer is made of a hygroscopic knitted material with a network viscous Aquatex. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

The outer layer of waterproof and made of material using a vapor-permeable membrane, which eliminates the "greenhouse effect". Latex gum in the belt and cuffs are covered with a soft silky braid for a more convenient fit to the body and prevent moisture leaks. Velcro attachments make it possible to adjust the size.


  • hygienic
  • lack of chemical elements safe
  • ecology
  • economy
  • fast pass to the pot


  • frequent liner change
  • daily wash and drying

What is better: Reusable diapers or disposable?

"Recently recoverable diapers are gaining increasing popularity. It is believed that they are more economical and more environmentally friendly than one-time. In my opinion, one-time diapers are still more convenient (thinner and easier), if necessary, can keep the liquid long enough, it can be especially important on the road. As a pediatrician, I do not see any restrictions when using one or another type of diapers, it is extremely a matter of taste. Many of my patients use a combination of diapers - for the night and traveling is preferred disposable, and the day is reusable. "

Pediatrician Network Medical Clinic "Family"
Ovchinnikova Evgenia Vadimovna

Care of reusable diapers

Diapers and liners are easily erased by hand and in a washing machine, but:

  • the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees
  • you can not dry on the battery
  • do not squeeze after washing with your hands
  • it is impossible to iron
  • dry diapers inner side upstairs
  • when drying it is good to sprawl fabric
  • use for washing only children's washing powder


After purchase and before applying, it is necessary to post diapers!

Let's talk about inserts

Reusable liners:

  1. Coal bamboo (absorption 350ml)
  2. Antibacterial (absorption 250ml)
  3. Microfiber (absorption 150ml)

Reusable diapers consist of panties and absorbing liners. Inserts are designed for use with reusable diapers and are also reusable. They have a special protective layer, good water absorption, which makes it possible to remain a child with dry. The liner is attached using a pocket and buttons. Easy erased manually and in a washing machine. Withstands up to 1000 styrices.

Reusable organic cotton liners

As an example, consider the ABSORS Liners Extra liners. They are designed for Multi-Diapers Light panties, suitable for other brands of diapers. Consist in seals from 4-layers. Two layers of bio-baika and two absorbent layers of natural cotton and bamboo viscose. Possess antibacterial properties.

  • outdoor layers-100% non-heated cotton
  • internal layers - 85% Natural cotton and 15% Bamboo viscose

These are inserts for which waterproof panties are not required. ABSORS LINERS AQUA STOP can be used with simple panties. The insert includes four layers - two outdoor and two internal. The layer adjacent to the child's body is made of bio-baika and cotton. The second outer layer is made of a special material with a hydrophobic membrane, which prevents the appearance of the "greenhouse effect".

Internal absorbing layers consist of cotton with bamboo viscose. These liners have antibacterial properties.

  • outer layer - 100% cotton
  • inner layer - 85% cotton and 15% bamboo viscose
  • outer layer - 100% PE COATING PV-BREATHABLE

Inserts of this manufacturer are hygroscopic, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly. You can purchase inserts as with diapers, and without them.

Popular brands

Noncrosska Pampus Disana. BAMBOOLA.
Babyidea. Multidiapers. Bambino Mio. Snappi.
Konopusha Snappi. Ayushi

Opinion expert

"Some parents do not even use one-time diapers for today, which are so common, and" crawl "them from Marley at home for the considerations of hygiene for the baby. Alas, for the fact that few know about the alternative to this method - reusable diapers, which are 100% of cotton, they can be erased and used several times. They are safe, hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, economically beneficial and convenient for kids and their caring mothers. "

Specialist online store "Daughters-Son"
Antonova Ekaterina


It is clear to say that reusable diapers will be suitable for absolutely everyone - it's not worth it, because each mother itself determines that for her and for her baby is more comfortable and better. Someone uses one-time diapers, someone believes that reusable is much more useful and more profitable, so chooses them. How many people are so many opinions. However, do not forget that reusable diapers are made of 100% cotton and microporous membrane, due to which the baby's skin "breathes", which is very important for his health. Comfortable and beautiful, soft and comfortable, economical and safe, they are easy to use and no one is inferior to one-time. Take care of your baby's health from birth!

Video review

Usually the opinions of young mothers about the use of diapers are divided: some believe that disposable diapers are needed Baby, others, clarifying on, oppose everything that is not natural and harms the child's health ..

After all, reusable fabric diapers are advanced gauze diaperswhich preferences are preferred by those who hold the natural swaddling system.

What is the product?

Today, this product is produced both domestic and foreign firms.

Production technology is different, but principlethe same. As a rule, the kit consists of panties with a pocket for the liner.

Some manufacturers are released in addition woolen pantswho dress on top of the diaper.

Those materials that have direct contact with the skin of the kid are made only from natural fabrics: Cotton, silk, wool, bamboo and microfiber. Panties can be fixed with lipochku, buttons or ties.

Inserts are single-layer and multi-layered. They can be made from one material (for example, cotton) or combine several (for example, the bottom layer of cotton, and the upper - bamboo).

It should be noted that reusable universal diapers - economically highly fundaver.

In them size varies From the smallest to the big one. Thus, if you buy such diapers once, you will have enough of them until the child learn to go to the pot. The size is adjusted using the buttons that are on the inner side of the diaper in several rows. In addition, coloring The models are very bright, beautiful - for every taste.

How to use reusable diapers?

Use fabric diapers very simple. IN panty panties you insert the liner And you put on the diaper, like a one-time, fixing using the provided fastener.

If included woolen pants, Top of dressing them on top. In the summer it is not necessary to do this, but at the other seasons they will provide optimal microclimate and will not miss moisture out.

Immediately brew the question do you need a lot of diapers on the day?

It all depends on how long the child will be in them, and how often you are planning washing. You need to change them after the kid 1 - 2 times presses. In perfect version - 10 sets (1 panties and 2 liners), provided that the child in them is almost a day, washing once a day.

But, as the experience of mommies site shows, you can take less panties (4 - 5 pcs.), But more inserts (10 - 15 pcs.). Many things have enough.

Another small tip, how to save. The liner can be inserted not in pockets, but to put on top of it, just in panties. Then you can only replace the liner on dry, because the surface of the panties remains dry and clean.

Interesting the fact that the first reusable Homemade The diapers came up with the milk themselves. They were made simply: by giving the middle of the one-time diaper used, they inserted inserts from gauze instead of it. Called them "Mampers", guessed why?

Product characteristics

if you not too lazy to wash and disperse a child often - This option is exactly for you. After all, these diapers do not replace diapers. They need to be much more often changed.

Most likely, these are the first assistants to those moms that do not accept the use of disposable diapers and try to minimize their use.

Perhaps, frequent replacement and daily wash, and in our time it is not at all difficult to turn on the machine on fast washing - it is two disadvantages fabric diapers.

That materials for this product are natural , Make diapers absolutely safe for a child. They never will cause irritation or.

In addition, they economically beneficial - Buy once (expensive, but pays off in 2 - 3 months). Diapers actual do not wear outWhat makes them durable (you can grow another child on the same set).

Not the last place occupies the fact that children in them early begin to ask for a pot, because they feel when "there" is wet.

Reusable diapers are an excellent prophylactic agent. against defects of hip joints (Wide leg divorce). And this is not all the advantages.

Reusable diapers of different firms

Today, the choice of diapers is wide enough. They are distinguished by the material for the panties themselves and inserts, sizes, colors, the type of fastener and, of course, the price.

Mostly all of them three-layer: Two balls from various fabrics - panties and one ball - the liner, which is inserted into the pocket.

Let's focus on a brief description separate manufacturers.


Panties: cotton, polyurethane membrane.

Inserts: microfiber, which absorbs liquid up to 300 times better than marhas.

Clasp: Buttons, Velcro, Soft gum around the legs.

Features: You can not change within 3 - 4 hours.


Panties: silk, cotton.

Inserts: cotton, gauze, bike, silk with special bactericidal properties.

Zippers: Tying.

Features: The kit includes wool pants.


Panties: cotton and medical viscose.

Inserts: cotton.

Fasteners: Velcro, sides around the legs.

Features: Well suited for children with allergies.


Panties: Air-permeable membrane, fleece, velor

Inserts: bamboo fiber, microfiber.

Fasteners: buttons, elastic gum around legs.

Features: Very bright beautiful colors, well and quickly absorb and breathe.

Reusable diapers are sincere care for your child. They will help those who adhe systems of natural peeling, and become indispensable assistants to care for the child.

Every year, the number of supporters of reusable diapers is rapidly increasing. Puzzle prices are growing and, accordingly, parents are looking for an inexpensive alternative. In fact, reusable diapers are the same clothing for a child, like panties, but they absorb moisture and save their parents from permanent wet puddles on the floor and a large number of children's clothes for washing. They sew such diapers from natural materials: cotton, wool and silk. Accordingly, they do not cause allergic reactions.

How to use reusable diapers

Use reusable diapers in two ways:

  1. One or more liners are inserted into the diaper pocket. You need to change the diaper as it wets. On average, it is enough for 1-2 hours.
  2. The liner can be put on top of the pocket. Thus, changing the liners follows after the child goes into the toilet. And the diaper itself is necessary only when it worsens.

Many parents fear too tightly fasten the diaper. Of course, you don't need to delay too much, but all the fasteners must be tightly tight on the waistline and height. In total, after a few attempts, the parents will be able to regulate the density of the adherence to the child's body of the diaper, without creating discomfort to the baby.

For too little children, age from 1 to 3 months, the most convenient to use reusable diapers on velcro. When a child is growing, starting from 3 months, it is recommended to use models on the buttons. Over time, the small fidget will be more comfortable to wear diapers, like panties, that is, not unbounding rivets. Thus, parents will be easier to teach crumb to the pot.

Reusable diapers do it yourself

Since the price of reusable diapers is high enough, they can not buy them all parents. But there is a way out - you can sew them yourself. For this you need:

After that, you can try on the diaper on the kid. They can be put on even on.

The best reusable diapers

Every parents want to buy their own the best. Accordingly, diapers should be extremely high-quality. In addition, they are in contact with the skin of the child for a long time, so the synthetic goods should not be purchased. What are the most reusable diapers are the best?

The most popular are diapers who sew in the USA. Although their price is high enough, but quality is also at the height. Therefore, parents who have a financial opportunity to purchase American diapers will definitely not regret their purchase.

Chinese reusable diapers are cheap alternative to American. Of course, in this country there are responsible manufacturers who sell high-quality goods, but they are not so much. Therefore, it is necessary to either order diapers from proven sellers, or to look for ordinary stores in which you can see this product and consider from all sides.

Domestic manufacturers of reusable diapers please not only adequate prices, but also excellent quality. Therefore, most parents prefer to use them.

Whatever the model of the diaper's parents of the kid not bought, the best is one that does not create discomfort to the crumb.


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