To your health or please. To health

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To the question After eating you say "Thank you" and they answer you "Health" or "Please"? given by the author PolJor The best answer is. According to etiquette in general, "thank you", getting up from the table is not necessary to say if you eat at home))) It's just so accepted in everyday life that mother or the one who cooked should be thanked. At a visit, you can thank for dinner or lunch, praise the dishes. But whatever at a social event or at a business meeting, adults say "Thank you" getting up from the table is something new))

Answer from I-beam[guru]
I answer: Yes, not at all ...

Answer from Ivan Koryakovtsev[master]
I think I need to be healthy

Answer from Abandon[guru]
I burp loudly

Answer from Adapt[active]
what's the difference how to thank a person, the most important thing is from the heart

Answer from Loving spring[guru]
I answer, there was a behetle, (be happy)

Answer from Daria Dmitrieva[newbie]
To your loved ones - To the health of others - Please And you will not be mistaken.

Answer from Єlarid[active]
they usually say to me: "maybe additives"

Answer from Elena beidner[guru]
They say to me Thank you, I answer: There will be money, come again!

Answer from Natalia Kaigorodova[guru]
you have to say "for the good", and when you say "good health", then you give your health to that person

Answer from Allochka[guru]
I always say: good health, and I have always been told so. It’s like for the food to go to a person’s health. In our family, they always said that.

Answer from Kroshka Li[guru]
I in response to "thank you" hear: "wash the dishes immediately!" What's the point? Except me, no one washes it!)

Answer from Zaya[guru]
In different ways, but it is more correct to respond to health ...

Answer from Yeadykova Elena[guru]
"Please" is an abbreviated version of "welcome" or "glad to see you again", that is, it is an invitation of your own. answering with the word "please" after the meal you invite the guest to dine with you again "To health" - this is already the meaning of cooked food (prepared for health, healthy food), so it is better to answer your family and friends. But the answer to the guests "not at all" is somewhat offensive, it can be interpreted how you don't care whether they ate or not, cooking for you is a normal process, and not at all treats for guests or loved ones

Answer from Evgeniya Taratutina[guru]
Getting up from the table, they say thank you, respond to health. And If I brought a heavy bag and they thanked you, they answer Please

Answer from Honey[guru]
From whom how to accept in the family, they say so. In our family, for example, it is customary to answer "please", which is what the son (2.5 years old) learned. BUT, I went to the kindergarten, and there the teachers say "good health" - now he is the only one in the family who answers like that 🙂 but I do not mind, the main thing is that he understands that these are words of courtesy, and he does not need to be reminded to pronounce them - he already has everything in his arsenal all the time and the main thing is that "in the subject": hello, thank you, please, be healthy and so on - they have etiquette classes in the kindergarten - they have been taught everything.

It is nice to see the joy of a person while giving him a gift, especially if the latter was chosen long and carefully. But there is a problem: as a rule, having received a gift, compliment or help, a person says “thank you”. This answer is somehow confusing. Indeed: what can you say to thank you? And why is it so difficult to find the answer?

What's the catch?

Gratitude is a natural reaction of a person for whom someone has done something good. This is a sign of courtesy. But what is the answer to the word "thank you"? And do I need to answer? The most common options are: "please", "no reason", "good health" and even the jocular "you have to" or "better money".

If you look at it, none of them are correct. For example, gifts are not always healthy. The word "please" stands for "welcome to the table." And if the present is valuable, then somehow the language does not turn to say "not at all." If we delve into the study of the issue at all, then the signs will be remembered. One of them, for example, says: the one who says “good health” gives the interlocutor this very health. Then what to say to "thank you" if either option is wrong?

About the meaning of the word "thank you"

In addition to the signs and natural awkwardness, the origin of the word "thank you" is embarrassing. After all, this is nothing more than "Save God!" Not all young people know that the phrase can be taken for a curse. Reacting with such a word to a gift or compliment, a person essentially refuses to spend his energy on gratitude and shifts this task to some god.

If “thank you” is used by a believer, then it will not hurt him to think: does he, a mere mortal, have the right to tell God whom to save. If an atheist thanks, then for him the use of the word "thank you" is completely meaningless.

All this can be taken with skepticism. After all, “thank you” is a simple word of courtesy that parents taught as children. Few people put a hidden meaning in it. However, nobody canceled psycholinguistic programming. At the subconscious level, the meaning of the word is perceived in the originally conceived form. Probably, from these considerations, the answer arose "not for anything" - a kind of amulet phrase. They say that there is no one to save from or nothing from, after all, the one who gave nothing wrong did not.

About material

So, we talked about high matters, and now we will mention more mundane moments. Let's say etiquette, like language, is a changeable thing. Even two hundred years ago they said “thank you”, but life has changed, and today “thank you” is used. Signs are generally the tenth thing.

But think about this: a meaningless response to gratitude deprives you of additional opportunities. For example, you realize that you have really done something special for a person. But still, thinking about what to answer to "thank you very much," you wave off: "Come on, there is nothing for that!"

But you can react to such gratitude in a different way, saying: "I have no doubt that you will do the same to me." Or at least drop the simple "we will be numbered". In this case, the alignment will be completely different, since you will transfer the relationship to a level where you can calmly ask each other for help. You will also remind the other person that it would be good to repay for the service rendered sometime in the future.

And do not let your conscience torment you. "You - me, I - you" - this is the norm of any relationship. After all, such an answer does not mean that by making a gift or providing assistance, you will definitely demand something in return. But if suddenly the situation develops in an unfavorable way for you and you have to ask for help, then it will be easier to turn to someone who is potentially ready to provide you with a service in gratitude.

How to respond to gifts and compliments?

To avoid the question of what to answer "thank you", you need to eliminate its cause. In particular, remember that in response to a compliment or gift, it is better to say “thank you” or “thank you” rather than “thank you”.

Using such a word, a person shares a part of his good. After all, there is an unspoken truth: a gift always implies a return gift. It is quite normal when a person who has received someone's benefit (whether verbal, material) shares his own (also it does not matter, in a symbolic or real form). And at the same time he does not write off the responsibility on God or someone else, but personally wishes any "goodies" to his donor.

By the same logic, the word "hello" is applied. The one who utters it wishes health to the interlocutor, and he does it personally from himself, and not from God.

On a note

Despite all of the above, we do not advise you to be categorical in the question of what to answer "thank you". Otherwise, it may turn out that you will not find the correct phrase. After all, if you talk about religion, God, salvation and so on, then the word "thank you" will be inappropriate. Because how to give good things is also the prerogative of the Almighty, and not an ordinary person, isn't it?

Now you know how you can reason when looking for an answer to a question, what to answer to "thank you". Be sincerely polite, grateful and sympathetic, and then the words will come naturally.

Why can't you say thank you? There is a lot of talk about this, but they do not explain why. Find out why you can't say thank you, and how you should respond to a service!

You will learn:

  • Thank you and thank you. What is the difference?
  • Why can't you say thank you?
  • When do you say thank you?
  • What are the best words of gratitude to use?
  • Why is it beneficial to say the word thank you?
  • When to say thank you?
  • Thank you, thank you - what's the magic?
  • Experiment with words of gratitude!

Thank you and thank you. What is the difference?

We did a little research and found out in which cases it is worth saying thank you, and in which it is strictly forbidden to do it!

Find out how you should respond to a person if you do not plan to end all relationships with him !!!

But first, an important digression! Why do you think people are "closed" now? Why do they say that everyone is on his own?

One of the reasons is that, due to the fast pace of life, we almost forgot how to respond to the service provided!

The word thank you has become a part of our language diet. Hearing the word thank you is now extremely rare. Moreover, this form has become so unusual that people who hear it begin to turn around to look at the one who speaks like that.

Let's figure it out!

Why can't you say thank you?

Thank you literally means "Save, God." That is, save me, God, from this person! The etymology of the word thank you (its origin) dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. In the dictionary of the living Great Russian language Dahl says: "Thank you - an adverb, an abbreviation for Save God."

By saying the word thank you, you close the energy channel that connects you with this person!

In fact, thank you is a very powerful mantra¹ that protects you from further communication with the person to whom you said it. Just think about it !! We say thank you to everyone and everyone, and more and more we close ourselves off from people!

Analyze when you say thank you?

When you want to get rid of someone. Yes, yes, it really is. As if unconsciously you say: “Yes, thank you, thank you, but I have my own business. I have to go". This happens very deeply, almost unconsciously. Outwardly, you may even feel grateful. Feel this moment ...

You cannot say thank you if ...

Don't say thank you if you intend to keep communicating! Otherwise, the relationship will gradually start to deteriorate! This is an important secret to success!

What are the best words of gratitude to use?

I think you get it already! Say "thank you" in response to the service you received. So you give the other good - you send your energy in exchange for a good deed.

Why is it beneficial to say the word thank you?

Saying the word thank you, you wish good for a person, and what you wish for others is returned to you in a hundredfold amount. Think about it! It is not for nothing that they say: “Success attracts success. Money attracts money ... ”We attract to ourselves what we are focused on, those vibrations that we ourselves experience.

When to say thank you?

If you do not want to continue communication, if you part with a person and no longer want to keep in touch with him, then it is appropriate to say: "Thank you for everything." Also thank you to respond well to those who did something bad to you. This does not mean that you turn your right cheek, on the contrary, you are protecting yourself from further troubles on the part of this person.

Use the words thank you and thank you consciously, as a powerful magic to protect yourself or attract good to yourself, and you will see how your life begins to change for the better!

Yes, at first it will be difficult for you to rebuild, it may even cause some discomfort (after all, they will pay attention to you), but it's worth it! The more often you consciously thank, the sooner it will become a habit.

Thank you, thank you - what's the magic?

They say that the Universe should be thanked for the negative lessons ... Or maybe you should say thank you?

What to do if you had to go through some negative situations, but you were able to understand your mistakes and benefit from them? In this case, you can thank the Universe for the lesson you learned. But if you do not want to relive a similar experience, then you can mentally turn to the Higher Forces with the words: "Thank you, thank you."

So you really thank for the benefits that you received, but at the same time, you close the channel and ask to protect you from similar situations in the future.

Experiment with words of gratitude!

Say the word thank you and then thank you and feel what you experienced in the first case and what in the second! Your feelings will be completely different! Remember what is inside of you is outside!

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Mantra is a sacred text, word or syllable in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, usually requiring an accurate reproduction of the sounds that make it up (

To your health Razg. Express. 1. As much as you like; nobody restricts, does not prohibit. Once the mother said sternly: - People are laughing at you, mother! - And the Lord is with them! - answered the grandmother carelessly. - And let them laugh for good health!(M. Gorky. Childhood). - Yegor Ivanovich, - after a pause, Markushev began, - maybe you still allow me to play a wedding today? - Eck will take you out! Let's remove the hay - take a walk to your health!(Y. Nagibin. The hard way). - I did not think that in the Soviet Union fishing for such tadpoles is punishable by law! - By no means, dear Aniko! Fishing with explosives or poisonous substances is punished! And if with a fishing rod - please, catch your health!(N. Dumbadze. Cucaracha). 2. In speech etiquette: please. Baba Varya poured red, fragrant borscht into the bowls and set it in front of the young people. - Try it on your health. I cooked everything fresh. Only now without meat(V. Eremenko. At the threshold). - Yes, full, - she waved her off, - wear them on health, they are of no use to me. Is it like a memory ... It’s all mine myself, some felt boots(E. Borisov. Swan song). 3. Okay, okay. A diver crept up, Who can be seen that he overheard. I grabbed it in my mouth and ate it to my health(I. Dmitriev. Eagle, whale and oyster).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST... A.I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what "To health" is in other dictionaries:

    HEALTH- or health cf. the state of the animal body (or plant), when all vital functions are in perfect order; absence of ailment, illness. What is your dear health? Yes, my health is bad. Health is the most valuable thing (more expensive than money). He's a stranger ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Health- Health ♦ Santé "Health is an unreliable state that does not bode well." The author of this statement, Dr. Nock (***), is obviously right. If you are not sick, you can get sick, moreover, if you do not have an accident with ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    HEALTH- HEALTH, health, many others. no, cf. 1. The normal state of a properly functioning, intact organism. Disrupt health. Drink someone's or someone's health. Enduring health. || The state of the body (colloquial). Weak ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Health (disambiguation)- Health is the state of a living organism (or plant), in which the organism as a whole and all organs are able to fully perform their functions; absence of ailment, illness. Health (journal of the XIX century) Health (journal) popular scientific journal ... Wikipedia

    HEALTH AND WELL-BEING- Health is an episode between two diseases. Ted Kapchuk A healthy person is not the one who does not hurt anything, but the one who hurts in a different place every time. Michel Crestienne Healthy people are sick people who do not yet know about it. Jules Romain If ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    health- improve health, upset health .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. health, health, hygiene, health, well-being, health, health, salus, hygiene ... Synonym dictionary

    Health- a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects. Source: R 04: Ruko ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    health- red-cheeked (Pushkin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier to the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the Quick Press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. health About good, strong health. Rich, heroic, bull, ox, good, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    Health, condition of the body- Health (sanitas) is the state of the organism, all parts of which are normally developed and function properly. Such a state of absolute health hardly exists, since it is difficult to find an organism, all parts of which would have a normal size, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Health is more valuable than wealth.- Health is the most precious thing. Health is more valuable than wealth. See HEALTH DISEASE ... IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

    HEALTH- HEALTH. Distinguish the health of us. and the health of the individual. 3. us. (public 3.) an important indicator and condition for the development of society. About condition 3. us. judged based on demographics. processes (fertility, mortality, infant mortality), ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Health 07-08-2018, Editorial office of Health magazine. "Zdorovye" is the first and main Russian magazine about a healthy lifestyle. Published monthly since January 1955. Today "Health" is a bright and interesting magazine about how to achieve ...

Many of us use the words "thank you" and "please" and it is not often that you hear words like "thank you" and "good luck." And whether we speak correctly, we do not even think, we repeat out of habit what we often heard in childhood. Below in my article "Don't tell people - thank you!" Valery Rozanov explained in sufficient detail some points of how to speak and how not to speak, explained why and in what cases this or that word is used.

Don't tell people - thank you!

Few of those living in modern cities know that the usual and familiar - the word thank you, in the outback is perceived worse than a curse.

Indeed, thanks means - God save!

Reasonably, people had a question - what to save from, and for what reason ... Therefore, they answered thanks for nothing (that is, I didn’t do anything bad to you to save me) or, please (put me a hundred rubles). That is, thanks is equivalent to a situation - for example, you took the goods in the store, and say to the place of payment - God will pay for me.

Well-mannered people spoke and say - Thank you. That is, you share part of your good. You, personally, and not someone else, are responsible for good for you. That is why in Russia, when they met, they said - Hello, and this came personally from you, your personal wish. And western - good morning, a simple statement of the state of the weather, and not a wish of health to another

Consider the very meaning of this word (thank you - God save) and its application. If we are talking about God, then according to all canons no mortal has the right to tell Him whom to save. Or maybe there are those among you who are ready to work only for the fact that at the end of the month, instead of a salary, the boss patted you on the shoulder and said: “God will give (pay)”. I will gladly accept such people for work.

Secondly, read anything from Russian literature. Until the twentieth century, almost no one will find an artificially imposed, cold - thank you. Just- Thank you!

Indeed, an ethical, beautiful word - Thank you, now we will not always hear in response to a kind one. And we don't always teach children the rules of good behavior ..

This word, like many words with the first part good (grace, prosperity, benefactor, complacency, etc.), came from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which it was a copy of the Greek word meaning the parts “good, good” and “give, present”.

Thank you, sir, I will refresh myself a little for your health (N. Gogol. Overcoat).

M. Lermontov and other Russian writers have a parallel plural form thank you.

Maxim Maksimych, would you like some tea? - I shouted to him through the window. - Thank you; I don’t want something (M. Lermontov. Maksim Maksimych).

Oh, thank you gentlemen! Oh, how you revived, how you revived me in an instant (F. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov).

Thank you, it arose as a result of the merging of the combination, God save; in it, the reduced b and the final r disappeared: God save> thank you> thank you. Thank you in Ukrainian.

Have you ever noticed how often people thank each other and for what? It has been noticed that they tend to say more negative thanks than to say simple positive thanks. Sad but true! The costs of our vain life, filled to the brim with what rushes from TV screens and other sources of information ...

Saying "thank you" means expressing approval to the person. It means to do good. Approval is a powerful incentive for personal growth.

To give thanks is to give good!

Gratitude grabs people's attention. You will be remembered for a long time and warmly. Don't let the “thank you” get lost in the hustle and bustle of a business day. Take time in any situation, stop and remember to whom you have not yet said "thank you".

“Thank you” is an unpleasant little thing. It's like a little nail in the cogs of a relationship. From this nail, the mechanism of human relations can become fragile and wobbly. And if everything is "fastened" with words of thanks? Imagine how great it will be!

People are surprised when they are given gratitude. They catch themselves thinking that they are pleased, they are great, they are happy!

You are worthy of thanks, you are worthy to be said "thank you".

Always be grateful! Be grateful for what you have and you will get more. Say thank you for everything in your life. Express your gratitude around you by setting an infectious example for others.

“Thank you” is the very word for us a gift, a gift. When we have nothing to give, we always have a "Thank you", and this in itself raises the giver in the eyes of others. And in the future it encourages even greater generosity. Share your joy with others, give them your love, peace and ... "Thank you!"

"Magic" word - please.

So, the word, as you understand it, is not magic at all. And using it in response to thanks is not a sign of good manners, but lack of culture. For, please, nothing else but - please, that is - give, give. And it is used only in the context - "Please, or please, weigh a hundred grams of sausage (give). And when we say," please give, one hundred grams of sausage, "in fact, we say -" give, give, one hundred grams of sausage. "

Of course, the question arises. How to respond to gratitude? Respond with a wish for good, that for which you are thanked. For example: thank you for the delicious food, we answer - "To your health!" or thank you for your work. we answer "Let it serve you for the good!" or "May it bring you joy!" etc.


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