Christmas tree: how and how to decorate. Decorating a Christmas tree How to place balls on a Christmas tree

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Memo for adults "How to properly decorate a Christmas tree"

Fashion for decorative solutions, color combinations and toys comes and goes, but some principles remain unchanged.


A few days before decorating the tree, examine the contents of your Christmas decor boxes. Finding out what you are missing and making a list with which to go to the store will save you time. Examine toys from previous years - maybe they need light repairs, new glitter or fixing. If you have children, give them a party by making homemade Christmas toys.


Do not put a large tree in a room that is too small. Do not place a living tree next to a radiator or other heat source. If you have children and animals, it is especially important to carefully secure the fir tree. Make sure its base is securely fastened. An additional method of fastening is to tie the top of the tree to the cornices and cabinets with several laces (arrange a stretch, then disguise them with garlands that will stretch under the ceiling. If your tree is too low, you can put it on a podium (or a table, after covering it with New Year's paper, By the way, this will create a place for you for elegant gifts, which will be more noticeable than on the floor. The Christmas tree, dressed up in a single color scheme, looks very elegant.


Buy faceted light bulbs, not smooth ones - they have more glare. Take care of the safety rules: do not use homemade or cheap Asian crafts, so that there is no fire. For the same reason, do not decorate the tree with candles and sparklers. An exception is an electric garland with "candles". Before wrapping a tree with a garland, plug it in and check how it works - if all the lights are on, if the wiring is not sparking. Do not use more than three garlands at once - they may not withstand traffic jams. The electric garland is hung on the tree before other toys - so it will not obscure them. It's good if you wrap a tree trunk with one garland, and place the other on the branches to illuminate toys. It is more convenient to decorate the tree with the lights on - you will immediately see how evenly the garland lays down. Arrange the garlands in a spiral, not bottom to top.


The larger the tree, the larger the toys fit it. A small tree with huge balls will seem cumbersome. First, they hang large toys, then small ones. Start by hanging with large balls that set the main tone of the tree. After hanging up all the balls, rest for a while in another room. Then come back and take a fresh look - does everything look harmonious. Hang a different type of toy in the remaining spaces between the balls. Large toys are placed on the lower branches. As you climb higher, it is worth using smaller toys. It is better not to hang identical toys nearby.


If you use ribbons, do not forget to tighten the knots properly. You can hang the balls on the tree using threads or wire. A convenient and simple method is straightened paper clips. You can also look for special plastic hooks for Christmas tree toys - they are produced in green so that they are invisible. Toys tied with lush bows will look especially elegant. The best, most expensive and favorite toys are usually the most fragile ones. Do not hang them on weak, thin branches, close to the ends (especially if you have children and pets). Place them closer to the trunk.


Traditional decorations are a spire or a star (it is a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the manger of Jesus). You can also put an angel on top or even tie a bow.


Try decorating the tree with edible toys - tangerines, candy, nuts wrapped in gold foil. Teddy bears and any other toys will look good too. A wide shiny ribbon wrapped around a Christmas tree is a good and not very common decor.


Scatter beads, shiny tinsel, rain around the tree, sprinkle with a spray-frost, artificial snow, sprinkle with confetti, streamers, sparkles - but only when it is fully dressed up. Be careful with the rain if you have cats - pets love to eat them and can die from it. If your tree is designed in a certain color scheme, wrap the gifts that will lie under it in paper of the same colors. Place Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden under the tree. If you are celebrating Christmas, Christmas sketches will come in handy. "Nativity scenes" where little dolls depict the Mother of God and other characters.

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The main attribute of the winter holidays is an elegant coniferous tree. There are many options for decorating your Christmas tree with toys in your home. An elevated mood will be created both by a green beauty dressed up with traditional shiny balls, and by a creative stylized craft.

Basic rules for decorating a Christmas tree

Any tree brings a touch of magic to the interior of the room. To make the tree look exquisite, you need to decorate it correctly.

A color scheme

The combination of three shades looks organic and beautiful. You must adhere to this rule when choosing an outfit for the main New Year's attribute. Red-green-silver or blue-green-golden colors have a festive look. You can pick up Christmas tree decorations in trendy pastel shades (pale pink, light green, blue). If the balls are hung next to the garland bulbs, the toys will be interestingly illuminated.

Style selection

A fashionable trend is the design of the Christmas tree in a certain style, which is easy to emphasize with the colors and shapes of toys.

Arrangement of decorations on the tree

Decorating a tree is a fun activity that all family members can take part in.

Before decorating the tree with toys, a garland is fixed on it, then balls are hung (first the largest, and last of all - the smallest). But do not get carried away with the decor, otherwise it will be difficult to see the fluffy conifers.

Trends in New Year's Christmas tree decoration 2020

The symbol of the year is the yellow pig, which prefers bright colors (golden, purple, orange). But the lurid Christmas tree is unlikely to be liked by anyone, so the bright colors are balanced by soft shades (silver, blurry blue, light green, brown).

In the New Year's decor, little things matter: garlands are chosen with invisible green fasteners, an original decor is selected for the top of the tree (for example, a large bow, a figurine of a pig, a bright star), toys are fashionably arranged in a spiral.

A brightly decorated attribute always looks festive. It is advisable to dress up the fluffy beauty in the appropriate interior style so that she fits well into the decor of the room.

Christmas tree decor in accordance with the style

By tradition, you can maintain the character of the apartment's furnishings with a variety of colors of handicrafts or special types of decorations. Balls decorated with lace, knitted fabric look unusual, metal toys in the form of geometric shapes (golden squares, silver circles, pyramids) are also original. The main thing is to avoid messy hanging.

Traditional (classic) Christmas tree decoration

A win-win option would be to decorate the decor in the usual order: large balls are hung from below, and tall and thin branches are decorated with small toys. The Christmas tree is decorated with multi-colored plastic beads, shiny rain, garlands. To make the tree look modern, decor is selected in two or three shades.

Christmas tree in country style and provence

You can add a rustic touch to the Christmas tree dress with the help of medium-sized textile bows. The material is selected in pastel shades (sand, pinkish, blue) or bright checkered textiles are used (for country-style furnishings). Snowflakes made of golden straw are cute attributes in a rustic style. Christmas tree decor for the New Year will look great if you hang small homemade gingerbread on the twigs.

Scandinavian style

The mood of the winter north is symbolized by any shade of white. Toys and garlands in a restrained range will perfectly fit into a Scandinavian-style home interior. An LED garland will help a little to dilute the sterility and coldness of the Christmas tree decoration. Moreover, lanterns can be monochrome (blue, gold) or multi-colored. An excellent version of the outfit of a green beauty is a duet of white and red tones, while it is advisable to use red to a minimum (small balls or stars).

Minimalist style

Fans of laconic decor will love fluffy little fir trees decorated with 3-4 small balls. It is difficult to give a tree an elegant look with a minimum of decor, so it is advisable to hang a medium-sized one-color electric garland.

Minimalism style encourages the use of natural materials. A wicker basket or a bucket wrapped in kraft paper and fixed with twine is suitable as a stand for the spruce.

Art Nouveau (strict geometry)

The New Year's coniferous tree is no longer associated only with green. The creative solution is a snow-white artificial fluffy beauty. The outfit for her is also selected original. In the Art Nouveau style, a combination of balls of two sizes and shades (blue / black, red / gold) will look. A non-standard solution is to decorate the tree with only a garland, which is placed closer to the trunk.

Retro style

A tree decorated with retro toys is a great occasion to remember what jewelry was in fashion 40-50 years ago. A must-have attribute of a New Year's outfit in retro style is a five-pointed star on the top of the head. It is easy to give a green beauty an extraordinary look, because every house has a special set of toys.

Decor in the form of glass vegetables (cucumbers, apples) or figurines (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowmen) is popular. We can't forget about artificial snow. Cotton snowballs are strung on threads and hung along the branches in the form of garlands.

In the style of avant-garde and fusion

Experiments with textures, unusual shapes - features of the fusion style. To decorate the Christmas tree, toys of bright luxurious combinations are selected (golden-lime, lilac-turquoise). Individual silvered twigs, glass and plastic figurines of various shapes will give the tree an unusual look. Brave and extraordinary people will love the defiant avant-garde Christmas trees. The main principle is novelty, so the tree is decorated with peculiar toys (for example, glass transparent balls with live spruce branches inside, metal snowflakes decorated with bright beads).

How to decorate a Christmas tree on a budget from improvised means

To update the outfit of a Christmas tree, it is not necessary to buy expensive factory products. You can unusually decorate the spruce with homemade toys or graceful precious trinkets, sweets.

New Year's decor made of natural materials is always in fashion

Decorating the Christmas tree with sweets and lollipops

Delicious and sweet decor of a fluffy beauty will become a real joy for a child. Sweets are picked in bright shiny wrappers. It is advisable to hang delicacies of different shapes and colors (pyramidal truffle, chocolate medals, star candy).

Oranges and biscuits as decorations

An edible orange citrus decoration looks no less stylish. Oranges of different sizes can be wrapped in shiny nets or foil. Curly cookies or gingerbread will be a worthy addition to fruit. Sweets are decorated with colorful fondant, shiny sugar beads. To support the Christmas theme, pastries are chosen in the form of Christmas trees, snowmen, houses.

Christmas tree decor with nuts and spices

Walnuts resembling Christmas balls will support the theme of edible decor. The shell is covered with silver or gold paint. You can hang decorating treats on velvet or satin thin ribbons of red and blue shades. A great option is to connect two or three nuts and decorate with elegant bows.

Fragrant decor will organically complement the outfit of the green beauty. Several cinnamon sticks are tied with a red organza ribbon. Dried orange slices decorated with beautiful star anise stars have an original look.

Christmas tree decor with buttons

The most budget-friendly way to decorate a Christmas tree is to use colored buttons of different sizes. A great idea is to sew a fabric ball with plain buttons and shiny beads. Step-by-step instructions for creating a custom decoration option:

  1. several rows of lace ribbons are glued to the lower half of the plastic ball;
  2. buttons of different diameters, small fabric flowers and beads are sewn to the lace;
  3. the whole ball is painted with silver or gold paint from a spray can.

To make the decor of the Christmas tree look elegant and original, they hang balls of the same color, but in different sizes. You can also sew with buttons the same balls of various shades.

Photos instead of balls

To give the holiday a family touch, cardboard mugs with pasted photographs are suitable. To add a playful touch to your decor, you can glue your baby photos onto red paper mugs, and adults' photos onto blue ones.

Decorating the Christmas tree with cones

The traditional decoration element of a green beauty is a variety of cones. They are decorated in several ways:

  • The scales are painted with silver mother-of-pearl, sparkles.
  • Cones are connected with nuts and hung on shiny threads.

You can combine nuts with other decorations - balls, snowflakes, bows, sweets, cookies. A Christmas tree will look original, beautifully decorated with objects of the same shade.

Christmas tree decor with balls of yarn

Fluffy multi-colored balls look great on green pine branches. Yarn of different quality will make the decor original and unique. Gloves of shiny viscose or silk will look exquisite against the background of matte balls of shaggy wool.

Refined beauty in simple solutions for New Year's decor

Other original decorating ideas

An interesting option is to decorate the tree with decorations in the form of a symbol of the year. In 2020, it will be a yellow earth pig. You can draw an animal on Christmas balls or bake cookies in the shape of a pig.

CDs are also used as a creative decor, which will make a Christmas tree an excellent decoration for a high-tech room.

A successful decor for a coniferous tree is coins and banknotes folded in an original way. Such a Christmas tree dress should please the guests. At the end of the holiday, you can invite your friends to pick up a coin (to attract money luck next year). Children can enjoy chocolate medals.

Alternative to the traditional Christmas tree

People choose non-standard types of the New Year's symbol for various reasons:

  • owners of small apartments will be happy to decorate their homes with a Christmas tree that takes up little space (for example, painted on the wall);
  • creative lovers can surprise their friends in a new way every year;
  • conservationists do not want to install felled trees.

It's great that creating a festive attribute is not difficult. You can buy a variety of materials or use the tools at hand.

Plywood tree

Small plywood trees will decorate small rooms in an original way. A step-by-step process for creating a craft:

  1. a part is cut from the sheet in the shape of a fluffy beauty and installed on a stand;
  2. the base is painted in any color;
  3. live Christmas tree branches, garlands, New Year decorations are used as decor.

It is not difficult to transform the look of such a wooden New Year's attribute - you just need to repaint the plywood base and pick up a new set of decorations.

Branches in a vase

Such a New Year's symbol looks European (elegant and easy). The twigs can be painted with shiny varnish. It is advisable to spray artificial snow to create a snowy effect. It is important to consider the weight of the decor, as dried stems can break.

Unexpected decor instead of a traditional Christmas tree

Painting or panel with spruce

Drawing a large silhouette of a Christmas tree on the wall is an original trick to give your interior design a festive Christmas mood. This option is suitable in case of an imminent wall repair. You can use washable markers or tape the glittering tinsel onto the wall surface in the shape of a coniferous tree. Christmas decorations made of cardboard are decorated with lace, beads, mother-of-pearl paints and glued with double-sided tape.

A stylish festive triangular panel is created from sticks laid out in several rows. The painting can be left untreated or painted in the desired color. The decor for such a stylized Christmas tree can be bright balls, glass icicles, garlands or silk bows.

Christmas tree made of cardboard

This is a great budget option to create a green beauty of the right size. Moreover, the color of the paper can be left or changed. Spruce is made voluminous or flat and fixed on the wall. Multicolored decorations are made of parchment. Small plastic toys, foil stars are also attached.

Book tree

To create such a Christmas decoration with your own hands, you do not have to spend a lot of time. The main thing is a sufficient number of books. They are folded according to the Christmas tree principle - from large publications to small ones. The final touch will be the arrangement of the garland in a spiral manner.

Christmas tree-stepladder

This design will organically fit into the modern New Year's interior design. To decorate a folding step-ladder, bright garlands are used, which are densely wound on the steps and sides of the structure. The steps are decorated with shiny balls. You can also tie a variety of silk gift bags, bumps.

The original use of conventional stairs

Christmas tree from a garland

A great way to depict the symbol of the New Year on the wall is to lay out a pattern of spruce from several garlands. If the lights are of the same color, then it is advisable to additionally attach decor - shiny beads or light plastic balls.

Stylish reincarnation of simple buttons

Other Christmas decor ideas

Various materials can be used to create designer Christmas trees. Here are some decorating ideas:

  • wind copper wire onto a cone-shaped cardboard blank. Then remove the disc, and attach garlands or ribbons of shiny organza to the wire;
  • several even branches are fixed like a hut. Then they are intertwined with a thread, adornments and a lush shiny rain are fixed;
  • the foam cone is decorated with tangerines. To do this, sequentially (from bottom to top) pinch citrus fruits with toothpicks.

There are many creative options for the design of fluffy beauties. It all depends on the preferences and imaginations of the person.

Decorating a Christmas tree with garlands and toys is a wonderful festive custom that brings positive emotions. The tree can be decorated based on the interior and style of the room, or you can give preference to an alternative (for example, a stepladder tree).

Christmas decorations of past years are always relevant

Useful Tips

The Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of the New Year.

We buy a Christmas tree to bring home or to the office and dress up. In addition, many shops exhibit decorated new year Christmas trees in their windows to attract buyers.

Most decorate the Christmas tree randomly, but there are many original ideas for decorating it.

Here are some interesting and original options for decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year:

Christmas tree decoration

Bright red Christmas tree made of fabric and red balls.

Above and below the tree is decorated with white, and in the middle with a strap. Who does she look like?

A beautiful and easy way to decorate a Christmas tree using clay ornaments.

You can buy them or make them yourself. A sand bucket or tree stand is hidden in the basket.

Decorating the Christmas tree with flowers

Christmas tree decorated with flowers

You can buy fake flowers or a garland of flowers, or you can make multiple flowers out of colored paper.

Check out our articles to learn about different ways to create paper flowers:

* Paper flowers

* 10 most beautiful DIY paper flowers

* How to make corrugated flowers

* Quilling paper flowers

* How to make origami paper flowers

Christmas tree decoration: photo

Christmas treedecorated withinstylerainbows

Red and white tree

Christmas tree decorated in white and turquoise shades

Christmas tree decoration

Christmas tree decorated with handmade red and white paper toys

Beautiful christmas tree

Christmas tree in soft blue

Christmas tree covered with artificial snow

Christmas tree decoration

Christmas tree in gold

Purple idyll

White Christmas tree decorated with blue and silver toys

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year

We decorate the tree with different ribbons, adding some balls

Christmas tree decorated with sweets and gingerbread

Mini Christmas tree in pink

Idea for a festive Christmas tree decoration

We decorate the Christmas tree only with paper snowflakes and a garland

Christmas tree in purple and silver

Beautiful tree: photo

A few balls and a couple of wide ribbons that wrap around it

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year

How to make a snowman out of a Christmas tree

To youwill need:

Bucket (preferably a small plastic, black)

Black spray paint (optional)

Hot glue or super glue

Scissors, knife, pliers


1. Making a hat.

Cut a circle out of the cardboard. You can paint it black (optional).

Glue the circle to the bucket.

2. The snowman's arms are made from ordinary branches.

3. Eyes and smile are made of buttons. They are glued with hot glue.

4. The nose can be made from orange paper, cardboard or felt. It is also glued with hot glue.

5. White ribbons play the role of balls of snow, and red - a scarf.

6. Any shoes can be placed underneath.

Here's another similar snowman:

Christmas tree decorated with handmade toys

There is a paper top, paper icicles and even a garland of colored paper.

To make an icicle, you need a square piece of colored paper. Then follow the instructions in the pictures:

To make various decorations, you can use glitter paper, brown paper, glossy or crepe paper.

DIY Christmas tree decorations

Making a round decoration:

* Cut a rectangle out of paper and fold it like an accordion.

* Spread out the accordion and glue its ends. It will turn out to be a circle.

* The circle can be decorated with a different color of paper tape. You need to cut a rectangle out of colored paper a little longer and narrower than the first.

* Also make an accordion, straighten, try on to the main circle, trim if necessary, glue the ends and glue to the main circle.

* In the center, you can glue a rhinestone, button, ball or other decoration that suits the size.

DIY Christmas decorations

Basic rules for decorating a Christmas tree:

  • Start decorating the tree by placing an electric garland on it , after checking its serviceability. Use only factory made garlands.
  • Hang the largest, most spectacular toys on the tree. A Christmas tree looks very elegant, when decorating it, only 2-3 colors were used, for example, white, green, red. Do not overload the green beauty with too large balls, give her the opportunity to show her fluffy branches in all their natural splendor. Try to hang some pretty toys next to the garland lights to create a magical glow in the dark.
  • Next, tackle smaller toys. . It is advisable to hang them on sufficiently long threads. Some people prefer to replace them with paper clips. In this case, the paper clip must be unbent in the shape of an irregular "eight", with a small hook to pick up the loop of the toy, and with a large one - attached to the branch. The color of these staples is also matched to the overall color scheme. The Christmas tree looks spectacular, the toys on which are attached to long satin ribbons. Decorations should be evenly spaced on all sides if the tree is in the middle of the room, or placed so that the tree can be admired from all available places. In addition, it is important that the New Year tree does not lose centering.
  • The last is decorated with the top of the spruce, putting on a traditional spire or star. However, this canon is optional. If such "tips" are not available, they can be replaced with a large original bow or any toy of a suitable type and shape.
  • Beads and tinsel are placed not vertically, but around the trunk . Depending on the general color concept, shiny threads can be of the same color or multi-colored.

In addition to following these general recommendations, you need to take care of any original individual difference. Perhaps this will be an unusual color scheme. The concept of "fashion" has recently begun to directly apply to the forest beauty. Now it is considered fashionable to decorate a Christmas tree in the colors of precious metals - silver or gold, without allowing them to mix. This goal is facilitated by the appropriate wrapping paper that wraps around the contours of any New Year's toys. As particularly stylish jewelry, it is allowed to use women's jewelry - pendants, chains, kept in the same color scheme.

It is recommended to use decorations of 4 colors, including the main one - green. Red and all its shades, yellow, gold, cream, brown and, finally, the most hit color - orange are especially relevant in the New Year. You should avoid cold shades - turquoise, blue, lilac. It is recommended to decorate rooms, and not the tree itself, with bulbs and garlands. And do not forget to plant this year's hostess under the tree.

You can decorate the Christmas tree with toys of the same shape. For example, only balls or cones, icicles or snowmen. Originality and unusual integrity can be given to the appearance of a Christmas tree by directing a spray of gold paint to the ends of its branches, gilding the lower part of most toys in the same way. four to five years old, so you can put old toys in a box and wait until they become relevant again, or you can, having a large collection of Christmas tree decorations in your house, decorate the Christmas tree every year in a completely unique style, regardless of fashion! After all, the most important thing is to get emotional and aesthetic pleasure from the process of creating a festive atmosphere in your home.

If there are children in the family, it is better to start the New Year's joyful preparations in advance. Dedicate a few December evenings to family conversations about the upcoming holidays, and start making Christmas tree decorations in advance with the kids. Offer your family the simplest: paint walnuts with special paint or spray, wrap small boxes in shiny wrapping paper and tie beautiful bows; make funny snowmen out of salted dough, decorating them with small beads and shiny tinsel; craft tiny scrolls from colorful foil. Younger schoolchildren can be invited to make their own New Year's snowfall ... from grains of foam, strung at a certain interval on threads, which are attached to the ceiling with the help of adults.

And there is also a classification for decorating Christmas trees. The most popular ones are:

    Traditional ... Traditionally, a Russian Christmas tree should be bright and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. First of all, hang an electric garland with lights on the tree, then - toys, below and closer to the trunk - larger in size, above and at the ends of the branches - smaller. Jewelry of the same shape and color should not hang in one place, and the most shiny ones should be hung closer to the garland. It is convenient to hang toys on metal paper clips, it is good if they are colored. Bend the paperclip, hang the toy on a small hook, and attach it to the branch with a large hook - both hang and remove very quickly. Make sure the toys are evenly spaced on the tree. Lastly, put on a spire or a star at the top, spread out the shiny tinsel, placing it in horizontal rows, "rain".

    European. According to European traditions, which became widespread in Russia a few years ago, the Christmas tree is decorated according to a certain color scheme: either with balls of two colors, combined with each other, for example, red and gold, blue and silver; or toys of the same color or color scheme, combining dullness and shine - for example, dark blue shiny balls with light blue frosted balls. No tinsel or "rain"! Use light bulbs, preferably small ones with a shimmery effect, and brocade ribbons and bows. The tree should look stylish but elegant.

    Minimalist. Suitable for those who do not like Christmas trees overloaded with toys. Place the tree in a well-lit place, you can use additional lighting. Buy a spray or glitter hairspray. Run an even stream along the tree. Better to start from top to bottom. You can make the whole Christmas tree shiny, or you can make it in stripes - vertical or horizontal. So you can "paint" both a real tree and an artificial one. Let the varnish dry. Place several bright, multi-colored balls (5-7 pieces) of a large size in a chaotic manner. Hang silvery rain on top of it all.

    "By the masses"... That is, stripes or spots of toys of the same color or type. Hang balls with one strip, for example, the other strip will consist of bows, the third - tinsel. The stripes can diverge from the crown downward in a spiral, or they can follow the cone guides (sectors) or have more chaotic directions. The tree can be decorated with color "spots". It will be especially beautiful if you make smooth transitions in color between adjacent "spots".

    Child... If you have small children in your house, this is not a reason to refuse a decorated Christmas tree. You just need to make it as safe as possible, because the child will definitely want to touch the toys, shake the Christmas tree itself, you should not deprive children of such pleasure. Choose light, unbreakable items to decorate: wooden, plastic and stuffed toys, socks, and gift pouches. If you are not afraid of experiments, you can use children's household items: nipples, beautiful bottles, rattles. Add candies and gingerbread in foil, fruits.

    Computer. Thanks to Intel, such an unusual Christmas tree has appeared in the Japanese district of Akihabara, famous for the world's largest electronics shopping center. The festive tree, more than five meters high, is hung with processors from Intel; there are about two thousand processors on the tree in total. And you can decorate your tree with CDs or DVDs. Hang them alone or make garlands. In addition, use the mouse to cut the colored cables.

    Vintage... This tree has been popular for several years. Those who are older can remember the Christmas tree of their childhood. To implement this style, you just need to climb onto grandmother's mezzanines or into old chests of drawers - where old New Year's decorations could be hidden as unnecessary. You may come across truly unique, antique pieces. Feel free to hang glass beads, toys in the form of vegetables and fruits, touching fragile toys on clothespins, tangerines and candies, candles on the Christmas tree (just don't light them!). Place a five-pointed star at the top. To prevent the tree from looking too Soviet, add angel toys to the toys.

    Hand-made... Once upon a time in many families there was a tradition to prepare homemade toys for the Christmas tree, including mine. Now such families are rare. Or maybe it is worth reviving such a tradition and building an extraordinary unique Christmas tree. Let fish and cockerels from eggshells, "golden" chains, paper lanterns and flags appear on it, butterflies settle down: beaded, paper, crocheted or cut from fabric. Sew small pillows and decorate them with sequins, collect several original pendants from beads or old beads, decorate artificial flowers with tinsel and hang them on the Christmas tree. And what a joy to children!


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