Original congratulations to employees on February 23rd.

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February 23, 2020 is approaching, and you want to congratulate the employees of your enterprise on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in an original and humorous way?

Decorate the premises where the corporate party will take place with balloons and posters: "It's good when there are defenders, but there are no reasons to defend!" you will spend March 8! ".

You can publish a wall newspaper depicting warriors, military men and glue photographs of your employees as faces.

Scenario of congratulations on February 23 for colleagues at work

Prepare an entertainment program that includes funny poems, revision songs, games, and contests. It is advisable that the numbers are not too long and formal. We offer you an option on how to congratulate men at work on February 23rd.

The script will begin with a presentation by the hosts:
- On February 23, we, without saying too much,
We want to congratulate the guys.
So that everyone is strong, healthy,
So that you sleep well and eat deliciously,
What he wanted, he had.
Fishing, sauna, football
Male to please the floor.
May life consist of victories
Let a soldier stand at the post,
So that they were behind a man's back
We are like a stone wall!

- How often we are unfair to men,
Although they themselves are capricious, jealous, talkative,
And only once a year we are kind.
Forgetting grievances, we wish men:
Unconquered mountains, impassable forests,
Friends - so that worthy, friends - trouble-free,
Clever bosses, all kinds of enemies,
But it is better - weakened and safe.

- Since 23, my colleagues!
We wish you more patience,
Happiness, joy, peace, love,
At work, all of you progress!
We wish you to become bosses
Or deputies at least
To raise our salary as soon as possible
And help in our humble career!

Congratulations to men at work on February 23 with humor will continue with a song-alteration performed by women to the tune of the song "It's time to go, let's rejoice in our time":

Again February, and the red number,
So, Defender's Day is on schedule!
And we were again brought to the stage,
Hiring an ensemble is not yet affordable!

It's time-let's-rejoice
In my lifetime
To the fact that there are men
Free day!
Bye-bye-bye we have such defenders
We whisper to fate more than once: - Mercy sideways!

Men need money, ce la vie!
And women need them all the more!
But most importantly - we wish you love,
And may good luck accompany you!

Then, according to the scenario of congratulations on February 23, for colleagues at work, funny competitions will begin, in which everyone can take part. In the "Sniper" competition, which requires darts, each participant is given a certain amount of "ammunition". The team, the members of which have distinguished themselves with greater accuracy, becomes the winner.

Then the competition "Walk the ladder" will take place. A rope is placed on the floor, along which men need to walk blindfolded and not stumble.

For the contest "Get it, enemy, a grenade" you will need small balls. Chairs, boxes, etc. are placed around the room. Players start their way from the start, overcome various obstacles and shoot down the established targets with balls. The winner is the one who passes the path faster and knocks down more items.

For the "Trenches" competition, you need to prepare cardboard boxes filled with finely chopped paper or confetti, as well as spoons or scoops. At the signal from the host, the men will lay out the paper from the box using cutlery. The one who digs the "trench" faster will be the winner.

After that, according to the scenario, by February 23 at work, the "Agent 007" competition will begin. Its participants will need to "recruit" girls from the audience. In this case, you can go to any tricks - bribery with sweets, kisses and hugs, or you can just kidnap the lady.

The girls are instructed in advance not to agree to anything and the corresponding instructions are issued: “To check the agent, give him funny tasks that he will have to complete. If he can convince you that he is yours, you can agree to cooperate with him - under your personal responsibility! "

Have a cool quiz among men with questions:

  • What does a big star mean, but not in the forehead, but in pursuit? (rank of major);
  • What is the cry for the quick awakening of the soldiers (three answers are offered: Start, attention, march! Company, half-undra! Company, rise!);
  • What does the general have on his head (you need to choose from several options: a hat, a protective helmet, a cap, a baseball cap), etc.

And, finally, it’s time to test the economic qualities of your colleagues. Participants in the Out of Line Outfit contest will have to sew on a button, hammer in a nail and peel a potato. The winner is the one who completes the tasks faster and better.

These can be mugs with funny inscriptions ("Fighter of the invisible front", "Real colonel", "I will command the parade!"), T-shirts with the inscriptions: "Take care of me, I am irreplaceable", "I am not a gift, I am a surprise!" “Protecting the world lying on the couch”, lighters in the form of grenades, pistols, bullets or tanks, etc.

Other gifts with military symbols will also be relevant: hats for a bath in the form of soldier's caps, felt slippers in the form of tanks. Amusing certificates will be an original addition to these presentations.

For example, a certificate for the right to be late for work twice a month, go home once a week ahead of schedule, sleep during lunchtime, not attend meetings, etc.

Then, according to the scenario of congratulating men on February 23, the presenters will read verses:
- You, colleagues, congratulations
From 23 February
And, of course, we wish
On this day of the calendar
Strength, courage, health,
To continue, as now,
You went to the heights without blood,
And to victories - without losses.
So that a stable salary
Brought joy to you
So that spending does not frighten
On trips to the islands.
Let work inspire
For progress and personal growth.
Let the bosses not scold
You are neither jokingly nor seriously!

And at the end of the holiday on February 23, 2020 for men of work colleagues, the ladies will perform a remake song (to the tune of the song "We honestly want to tell you"):

We honestly want to tell you -
We no longer look at men,
They break our hearts all our lives
They torture us endlessly.
How long can the socks be washed?
How long can you wait forever from work?
Boil soups, wash dishes two hundred times,
And you ask for a fur coat - and again refusal, refusal!

Oh, how to live without you,
Well, tell me, tell me ...
Where are we going without you?
Yes, just nowhere!
No wonder all the centuries
We are always waiting for princes
And how much is needed
We are ready to wait!

We honestly have to tell you -
We need more of a man's life!
Well, who can tell us that the figure is slim?
Well, who will bring us coffee in the morning?
Who will awaken love in the soul,
Who will give gifts again and again?
Who will wake us up with a kiss in the morning,
Who will share life with us once and for all?

Every year on February 23, according to the established tradition, it is customary to honor all men, congratulating them on Defender of the Fatherland Day.
So, there are only a few days left before the celebration of a wonderful male celebration. So, it's time to seriously think about how to please and how to pamper your men. Congratulation scenarios should be thought up not only for your relatives, but also for colleagues.
First of all, stock up on creative material: prepare original congratulations on February 23 to your male colleagues. There should be enough poetry and prose for everyone, and better so that they are not similar to each other. After all, everyone in your environment, for everyone, has their own achievements and personal merits! Highlight them with pleasant compliments and read them out to your colleagues in front of everyone.

If you have to congratulate employees in a working environment, and not in an informal setting, then you need to choose a scenario based on the possibilities. It is worth considering the specifics of the place where you work, the budget allocated for organizing the event and the attitude of your superiors to your initiative.

We want to make your life easier and offer some interesting options.

Idea # 1:

Original greetings for colleagues, stylized as army everyday life

Imagine that for one day your solid office will be transformed into a barracks, will become the embodiment of a military unit with all that it implies: its own charter, "combat sheet", wall newspaper and the appropriate design of the surrounding space. You can originally congratulate not just in words, but also distribute letters-triangles to the “recruits”, in which the wishes for men on February 23rd are written by hand in verse. You can also write terms that are pleasant for your colleagues on helium balloons, choosing either khaki or other shades of green for this. Flags and a camouflage net will perfectly decorate an office in a military theme.

Ideally, it is better to find out in advance which of the colleagues served, in which troops, rank, etc. So that no one is left unattended, come up with something for those who did not serve. For example, a soldier of the front corresponding to your general occupation or a certain specialty of the person being congratulated. A soldier of the front of logistics or advertising troops will be pleased to feel their importance in a solemn moment.

Gifts can be purely symbolic or purely thematic: flasks, cigarette cases, notepads with military symbols, engraved lighters for smokers, or something from sports equipment for healthy body and mind.

It is desirable to establish a certain dress code for such a corporate party. It can be camouflage clothing or real military uniform. There are many available suits for every budget and taste in the box office now. An ordinary khaki shirt and a "soldier's" belt, by the way, are quite capable of serving as an outfit for a holiday without prejudice to the wallet, and on weekdays to rush to work under a classic jacket.

If the team is young, employees can be offered to arrange a routine medical examination for colleagues. Believe me, such a holiday will remain in the memory of men forever!

Idea number 2: Congratulations to colleagues on the distribution of nominations for distinctive qualities

A corporate event with such a scenario implies the awarding of "best" prizes in one category or another. Every man in the team probably has a positive quality that is characteristic of him more than the rest. In accordance with this, a thematic figurine is invented or purchased in a gift shop in the required quantity. You can also give various symbolic prizes, depending on what the hero of the occasion is being praised for. Connecting imagination and speakers, when presenting the prize from hand to hand, it will initially include a musical cut, replacing congratulations in your own words.

It is appropriate to hold a win-win lottery on this holiday, in which all the men present will take part. In a close-knit team, it is permissible to diversify the process of winning a prize by attaching a small note to it giving the lucky person permission to do something unusual. They can allow: “kissing women’s hands all evening”, “extending the lunch break for some time”, “for a cup of coffee prepared by the employee of your choice”, “additional smoke break”, etc. A prerequisite on this day for all employees is the unquestioning execution of the permission specified in the note.

Such a scenario will make the holiday on February 23 unforgettable for your men and by March 8 they will try to surprise the employees no less!

Idea number 3: Of course, a thematic holiday party is the best excuse to have fun with like-minded people.

Such events bring together spiritually, help to relax after strenuous working days. Therefore, it is simply necessary to arrange them! But only in such a way as not to repeat the plot of the holiday from year to year. The most successful and simple solution would be to organize an event according to a specific program, but change the style every year. Let's say that this year your valiant colleagues will be gallant gentlemen for you, the next - real knights, then - mysterious sultans, and in the future - mighty heroes. Each of the images is easy to beat and create the rest of the surroundings for it.

If you represent your colleagues as gentlemen, then, when presenting a stylish gift, be sure to name the quality that allows each of the men in the team to be called that. The evening can be concluded with a tea party in the finest English traditions.

Idea number 4:

Original congratulations of colleagues on February 23 in the style of "Time Travel"

This scenario for congratulating male colleagues on February 23 gives complete freedom to the flight of your imagination. Together, the participants in the celebration can move to the post-war years, 60s, 80s, 90s, etc. Any era has its own distinctive features and flavor. Compliance with the dress code is a prerequisite. Gifts at such corporate events are selected in accordance with the selected time period. Musical accompaniment - 80% of the success of this brilliant idea. Organizing such a holiday is not worth a lot of money, but it will bring pleasure in full to all participants in the process.

You can choose the theme "hippie", "rock and roll", "disco stars" and happily improvise, developing the plot throughout the evening.

Idea number 5:

Staging a fairy tale by the efforts of employees, with the unexpected involvement of colleagues.

You can choose whatever you like from a fairy tale plot. Consult and give men on February 23, not just congratulations, but a staging of a famous folk or author's work. In order to involve each colleague in turn, giving him a keepsake and words of praise at the same time. In the course of the production, the original step will be to compare your esteemed men with one of the fairytale heroes. It is modern and unusual to create a mix of popular fairy tales, having come up with which of the employees is more like whom and why exactly he. Remember that it is necessary to emphasize exclusively their positive qualities. Then the holiday will really leave behind bright memories!

Idea number 6:

An option that will suit everyone - a general scenario of congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

You can congratulate the men, next to whom your working days pass, either individually or with one useful gift for all. The purchase of table tennis, a modern coffee machine or darts will delight and unite everyone, without exception. You can also generalize the congratulations by ordering in advance so that it sounded on the radio, ending with a popular musical composition.

And if you still want to do something more personal, arrange fun contests for men with obligatory prizes for everyone. Compose simple and playful ditties, highlighting the best features of each employee. A wall newspaper or slide show will effectively end the holiday in a work environment. And in the end, a cake from February 23, made to order according to your preferences and a sketch especially for colleagues at work, will help to sweeten the end of the day at work. Sweet speeches and delicious meals are the most effective way to bring a lot of pleasure to men!

Good afternoon, dear guests!

According to statistics, we spend most of our time at work and it is very important that the microclimate is positive. This is facilitated by good friendly relations between colleagues, the corporate spirit of the company, preferably supported by finances from the founders, the loyal attitude of the management of different levels to holding office holidays, get-togethers, get-togethers. I was lucky, to this day I have had the opportunity to work only in such organizations, which I sincerely wish you, my dear guests.

It so happened that there are more than 2 times more men in our team. You always want to give the necessary useful gift, but this requires money and, as practice shows, a lot. A solution was found, they began to think about how to creatively congratulate men on February 23rd. I will describe the most successful 3 ways to congratulate men on Defender's Day in the office.

Arrival of a rock band.
Rock group "We want to go to Tokyo"

For a treat, they decided that everyone would cook at home any dish of their choice at home: they baked a cake, made bagels with marmalade in puff pastry, filled pancakes, a snack roll in pita bread with fish and even forshmak. The food was not served all at once, but throughout the day, each time inviting the men personally to the table to taste this or that dish.

We drew musical instruments from cardboard boxes in advance, one employee turned out to be good at drawing. We decided to make a musical congratulation in the form of the arrival of the rock group “We want to go to Tokyo”. Closer to evening, we dressed accordingly, found different chains, bandanas, T-shirts with skulls and all sorts of rocker stuff. We went out, said many more warm words, congratulated the men on February 23rd, and then we sang them to the backing track of the ditties that we had previously composed about everyone. It was very funny to watch such rockers singing ordinary Russian ditties. By the way, they are the easiest to compose; special poetic talent is not required. Our men greeted us very violently and encouraged us.

Building a female squad

The next year, the situation in the ratio of men and women did not change, they decided to act according to the same scheme. We had prepared in advance the headgear of various types of troops: a border cap, a blue beret for a paratrooper, a peakless cap, a beret for a marine, and so on. They came up with the idea of ​​making a formation and marching to congratulate the men to the remake song "We honestly want to tell you."

We honestly want to tell you, we look at you men the most.

We are bored and sad everywhere without you. Who will tell us where, why, to whom and where.

Chorus: And how to live without you, but tell me, tell me.

Where are we going without you? just nowhere.

It's not for nothing that everyone says that it's a problem without men

and we agree with this once and for all!

We must honestly tell you, we love you and value you very much.

Without a doubt, you are the best with us, we know for sure with you we will be a success.

Chorus: the same

I was chosen as the commander of an impromptu detachment, I came out first and shouted:

Step march!


What? - the girls answer.

Detachment, build!

Right now, just smear the lips.

Detachment, stand in one line!

They run out, become in height. Then I give the command:

Detachment, attention! Pay in order!

The girls are calculated, the last in the ranks says not a number, but the word "Last", and in a pitiful voice.

Detachment, pay off for the first or second!

Detachment, stand in two lines! Left! on the spot, step march!

And after a few seconds:

Detach, sing a song!

Before the chorus, I turned them to the right, and then again to the right before the second verse.

Detachment! Stop in place! One or two! Left! At ease, you can recover and smoke!

After such a march, the men were delighted, looked at our hats for a long time, asked where they came from, remembered where they themselves served, in what kind of troops.

After congratulations, we presented our men with the Maxim magazines, which we had bought in advance. We also photographed everyone in advance, printed a photo in A4 size and just pasted it on the cover of magazines. There are photomask sites on which you can easily and free of charge do this, and also make inscriptions in the form of headings to articles.

After such congratulations on the Defender's Day, our men said that they were never and never congratulated by women at work.

Fulfillment of desires.

Another of the interesting congratulations to men on February 23rd. We wrote wishes on the pieces of paper in advance, offered to choose one for each. Everyone came up with different desires, but you can also repeat some, there was one condition - execution should be only during the day, but by any employee of your choice.

Pour tea or coffee at any time and any employee;

Head massage with such a special massager, from which goosebumps run;

Hand massage, followed by hand cream application;

Contact me, Your Excellency, all employees;

Contact me Your Eminence, all employees;

Treat me delicious;

Bow before me to all employees;

Three employees of your choice to kiss me;

All the wishes were printed on pieces of paper and folded into triangles, following the pattern of how letters came in the army, they put a small postcard with congratulations there. One girl dressed up as a postman and handed out letters. For the director, we marked a letter with a wish to contact him Your Tsar's Greatness and made it so that he chose it. I had to use a trick, but everyone was happy, especially the director.

They also made plaques with military terms by analogy with office names of premises:

Director - position

Chief of Staff


Smoking-room -capter

Dining room - field kitchen

The girls are sitting as a medical unit, the girls were made bandages with a red cross on their arm

Accounting tribunal

Trade hall-voentorg

Logist - field mail

Where the name of the company is the red army

Toilet - lip (Guardhouse)

We found a poem on the Internet, prepared it by dividing it among all the employees, read it by heart and tried to do it very artistically. Our men were very pleased.

“In February, over a cup of cappuccino, the girlfriends began to discuss:

Where is the real man for us girls to find with you?

Natasha painted them succulently: how can you not know this?

Abroad, girls, we urgently need to meet a gentleman!

There in Europe, it's better with this case, if my taste does not change,

Guys are cooler than each other - Italian, German and French!

Thick mascara lay on the eyelashes, the girls were dreaming about one thing,

How a passionate Italian will perform Serenade at night under the window.

As in Berlin a German will charm, in BaEmWe you will be magically lucky,

And the Frenchman will kiss the hand so that the soul will sing like a bird!

Only suddenly a concern came to mind: what is it like to live next to them?

Is it possible for at least one of the three, for example, to screw in a light bulb?

Who will make you go on a hike with a guitar by the fire in the forest

Will it drag on a soulful song about love and maiden beauty?

Who will competently fry potatoes, even though you will eat the whole frying pan now?

Who will love us with tulips on March 8 tenderly in the spring?

With whom sometimes you and the woman, you and the horse, you and the bull,

And (not often, but it happens) I apologize, and a man?

What are you talking about? Why are you talking about our men in vain?

Who then protects us from the overseas enemy?

Who will save the computer from the virus and set up the tablet correctly?

With whom is it so good and so comfortable that you will forget about the word "No"?

Who can fix our iron in no time? On holiday who walks with all your soul?

Who will embrace with a strong hand? Who will comfort you like no other?

How beautiful Rome, Berlin and Nice are! Only we can’t do it all.

Signors abroad are good, but their peasants are lovelier!

Abroad promises happiness, but our answer today is simple:

We will raise a toast to you - loved ones, real ones, to dear men! "

I suggest taking a walk around the store of cool gifts, perhaps you will find ideas on what to give to colleagues at work. Many unusual little things will help you solve this question.

I also have a collection of dance music for your holiday, it is many years old, but both young and old dance to it, there is also a MIX for a dance competition. You can download for free

It is also unusual to congratulate by sending a musical congratulation to your phone, there are a lot of options,

When you are preparing to congratulate men on February 23 at work, willingly or unwittingly, you think that it would be nice to receive a pleasant and creative congratulation by March 8, and not just a formulaic set of words and a bouquet in your hands. To my great regret, in my professional activity there has never been a worthy congratulation on Women's Day, which I would like to tell you about.

Let's make friends with pages.

23rd day february
May it bring good luck
Favor from superiors
And in routine matters take off!

May he add courage
Although he does not occupy -
It is never superfluous:
Happy 23rd! Keep it up!

Congratulations to you colleagues
From 23 February,
I wish there was everyone
A new day has not been lived in vain.

To work and fight
We tried to achieve victories
So that you always have your country
They were able to protect from troubles.

I wish you
All the peaks conquered
And I'm proud to be near
Real men.

Congratulations on February 23!
May career successes not leave
Only reliable friends will be around
And the fate of the possibilities will add.

Let there be a reason to smile
And the sun always shines in my soul
And eyes laugh with joy
And always let them shine fervently!

Your men, the day has come
Who defended the Fatherland.
We value you very much,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

Be you invincible
Healthy and invulnerable.
Let fortune smile
Everything is given to you with ease.

Dear you men,
Today is a holiday for all of you.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Congratulations now.

Be in spirit, you are not weak.
Patient and wise.
In life, let everything be okay
To avoid the blues.

We have real men
We can congratulate them for no reason,
But such a day is the defender of the Fatherland,
Men are glad to congratulate humanity!

We wish you courage, strength, honor,
May there be peace in the heart, there will be no revenge,
You will be protection without war,
So that there is no fault in your grief!

Love us and you will be loved
We know that you are tender and vulnerable
We wish your home light and warmth,
And for a lifetime of health and goodness!

Since February 23, dear colleagues!
May all your dreams come true.
So that you have more victories, I will give you - always wonderful ones.
To live without grief and without troubles, and in vain worries.

Let everyone have more money in their wallets,
To live always on top, but to the envy of people.
And receive as a gift: not socks, not foam,
And the car, or, at least b, Rolexes, for example!

Happy Men Day
Congratulations on this day.
We wish you a lot of strength
Let laziness not touch you.

Be an example of courage
Be the best at everything!
You are protectors and faith
It grows stronger in you every day.

We sincerely congratulate you,
Always be happy!
Strong as steel and stone
Many years later.

We are always in service with you
And always on guard.
Our friendship is dear to us,
And work to your liking.

With the twenty-third of you, colleagues,
Strength and perseverance to all.
Let happiness accompany
So that there are no problems!

Colleagues, I wish you victories,
Success at home, in everyday life,
Live for you a hundred or two hundred years
Without wars, in harmony and peace, without fail.

Let the family be safe,
And tears are only for joy to pour,
Pleasant surprises were amazing
And at work so that you do not get angry.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a purely masculine celebration, so only girls are involved in organizing it in the office. Regardless of whether there is one woman in the team or there are many of them, the holiday should turn out to be bright, perky and, most importantly, memorable. How to achieve this effect, you ask? It's very simple! First, you need to choose or compose a cool script yourself. Secondly, rehearse interesting scenes. Thirdly, buy original gifts. And finally - to pick up good congratulations in poetry or prose "in your own words." The result will exceed all expectations. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? Read about it in our today's article!

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues

Having looked through the countless number of women's blogs on the eve of the holiday, inventive girls will find dozens and even hundreds of tips on how to original congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues. But in practice, the selection of the ideal option is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, many important factors influence the preparation of congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. For example:

  • The budget that women are willing to raise for gifts, decor and treats. Amounts can vary greatly depending on the status of the company and the region of the country;
  • The number of guys / girls in the work team. Completely unsuccessful combinations happen (15/2 or vice versa);
  • Allocated time and place to congratulate male colleagues on February 23. If your boss is only allowed 15 minutes of your lunch break, there is no point in making any performances. It is better to spend energy and finances on decorating the office and buying original souvenirs;
  • The presence of a creative girl among the employees, ready to take on organizational issues. If it is not there, it will not be easy to create an atypical scenario for even the smallest event.

Only after deciding on all of the above factors, you can successfully choose a suitable way to congratulate men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Traditionally, these greetings include:

  • decoration of the working space with posters, ribbons, camouflage balls and other themed gizmos;
  • an original greeting in the format of issuing summons, presenting awards or dressing up in military uniform;
  • demonstration performance of girls (remake song, ditties, dance in costumes, reading congratulatory poems, demonstration of a video clip, etc.)
  • presentation of original gifts or small men's souvenirs;
  • a small buffet with beer and roach, porridge and stew or champagne and cakes in a suitable design.

It should also be borne in mind that high-quality performance of even one of all the points will be a pleasant surprise and a good surprise for real men.

Original gifts for male colleagues on February 23

How to originally congratulate men at work on February 23 and what gifts to choose for colleagues is the eternal question of confused employees on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The second part of this puzzle is especially important. If the entertainment or buffet part remains only a pleasant memory after the "X" day, then the gift will remind of the holiday for many weeks, months and even years.

We offer you a short list of the most successful purchases that can become a really pleasant gift for every man or boy.

  1. Set "Flask and glasses"
  2. Beer mug
  3. Bath set with broom, panama hat and towel
  4. Board game for men
  5. Wall calendar with cartoon from a photo
  6. Gift box with cognac, cigar and ballpoint pen
  7. USB stick or diary
  8. Anti stress ball
  9. Funny T-shirt
  10. Plaid and thermos
  11. A ticket to an event of interest (extreme entertainment, excursion, master class, etc.)
  12. Homemade gift such as: ram bouquet, beer can tank, sock cake

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work: scenarios for the team in the office

Any original and uncomplicated holiday scenario is suitable for congratulating the male half of the team on February 23 in the office. Of course, if it matches the given theme, it is designed for the number of girls available in the number of employees, and will not drag on for hours. As a rule, office greetings are limited in budget and time, so the script should be filled out as rationally as possible with the best moments for men. Pay attention to the following entertainment that can be remembered as a bright emotional flash and become the best gift received at work:

  1. A short collective quest for men in one room (in the meeting room, dining room, etc.). It can be based on puzzles and tasks with historical or military overtones, and a duffel bag with gifts for each participant will become a surprise;
  2. Comic rewarding of the heroes of the occasion with various kinds of prizes and titles that do not overlap with official duties. For example: "head office candy eater", "photocopier consultant", "head of tea and coffee department", etc .;
  3. Master class on male interests. For example: "how to assemble a rifle for one-two-three", "top-5 dishes of dumplings, mayonnaise and sausage", "tricks with humor and trick for a cheerful male company";
  4. Photoshoot in military outfits with fake weapons;
  5. Lunch in the style of a field kitchen, including barley with stew, boiled potatoes with sprat and pickles, beer with roach and other suitable delicacies;

Most of these fun surprises can be successfully combined in one short event, making it simply unforgettable. Now you know how to congratulate men on February 23 at work: look for scenarios for the team in the office in the videos below.

Examples of scenarios for February 23rd for congratulating men in a work team

How to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work: ready-made scenes and popular improvisations

Ready-made scenes and popular improvisations are one of the most successful ways to congratulate men in an original way on February 23 at work. Small dramatizations can be:

  • lyrical (about military operations, heroic deeds, soldier's unrequited love, etc.);
  • humorous (about women in the service or curiosities in army life);
  • improvisation (fairy tales, alterations for roles such as "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Little Red Riding Hood");

Depending on the specifics of the work process and the atmosphere in the team, you can choose the most suitable option. At the same time, it is worthwhile to think in a timely manner about the distribution of roles, potential participants, the necessary equipment, costumes, the necessary decorations and musical accompaniment. Having prepared everything thoroughly and diluted with light thematic humor, it will be possible to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work: see the video in the next section for ready-made scenes and popular improvisations.

Cool congratulatory sketches to male colleagues for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse

If you do not have the time, financial foundation or simple inspiration to organize a whole entertainment program at work for your colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulate men on February 23 in an original verse. This method is less effective in comparison with scenes, a thematic photo shoot or a beer buffet, but no less pleasant if performed from the heart. In addition, you don't have to guess for a long time about how to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way in verse. It is enough to choose a suitable poem from our selection, divide it into parts and tell it "by roles" or in chorus to all the women's collective.

Congratulations in verse for male colleagues for the holiday on February 23

It's not easy to be a Man in our century
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
A strategist between peace and war.
To be strong, but ... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but ... not to spare money.
Be slim, elegant and ... casual.
Know everything, keep up with everything and be able to do everything.
On a holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
I wish you health, love and inspiration.
I wish you creative success and every success!

Real men have eternal glory
Your courage, reliability and honesty are dear to us.
You are not just a brave defender of our Fatherland,
You warm people's hearts with your warmth.
We congratulate you on this holiday and sincerely believe
That health and happiness, carefree companions of days,
Will always enter your life through open doors
In the role of the most beloved and loyal, reliable friends.

All our men are like birds
And each in his own way nests in life.
A man - an Owl - watches the races at night.
The man - Magpie - has stash.
Man - Eagle - jealousy, lightning, thunder.
The man - Tit - drags everything out of the house.
Man - Bullfinch - there is no more beautiful tailcoat,
But he is a migratory bird, however.
Sparrows are at home in winter and summer.
Rooster - .. (sorry, now is not about that).
The Woodpecker will arrange home comfort for you -
To all neighbors at once - khana and kaput.
Dove needs special care
Coos lyrically, but litter everywhere.
Man - Cuckoo - as careless as the wind,
The wife is one-day, the children are attached.
Man - Hummingbird - from flower to flower,
Only sweet loves his proboscis.
The penguin is an interesting, in general, bird,
Playful, but always afraid of something,
And the Swan carries faithfulness in his heart all his life,
Its white-winged flight is beautiful.
What are you different, our men,
But not to love you - there is no good reason ...

Happy holiday to you, dear men,
Loving congratulations, for good reason.
You are the best, the most glorious
You are the strongest. You are the most, the most.
You are our hope, and faith with love,
You are our pill for sadness and pain.
You are our salvation in moments of despair -
Simple workers and big bosses.
All women "... Company name ..." are sending you congratulations.
Wish you luck in love and work!

The man is the steel of the spring
A motor that sings in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
eagle scream in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
Master's firm hand
And a heart loving women:
So let's drink to the man!

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose

Creative teams with extraordinary personalities in the composition are unlikely to like congratulations with formulaic verses. The hackneyed phrases will not bring any joy to women and will certainly cut the ears of the heroes of the occasion with their primitiveness. In this case, it is better to congratulate creative colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful prosaic lines. Put an original meaning in the congratulation, pick up good wishes, supplement the performance with small notes of humor or short curiosities from the life of employees. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Read in the next section examples of how to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 with beautiful lines in prose.

A selection of beautiful prosaic congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to men in the office

With all my heart I wish all the men with whom I was lucky to share everyday work, professional and personal success, good health, fortitude, care and understanding of loved ones, peace of mind and warmth of my home. And also worthy to wear the honorary title of a man!

Dearly beloved colleagues and simply loyal, reliable friends! It is with great pleasure that we hasten to congratulate you on February 23 - on the day of the Russian army and real men. And our team consists of just such men! We wish you a peaceful sky above your heads, warm hugs and sincere smiles. Happy Holidays!

Male colleagues, male heroes and defenders, February 23rd is a great day to talk about our respect for you, about faith in your strength, about courage and the ability to help in difficult times. We wish you to remain a reliable support for women and sincerely love them, and they will answer doubly. Clarity of mind to you and inexhaustible optimism!

The best colleagues, congratulating everyone since February 23, want us not to lose the cohesion of the team, the steadfastness of the team spirit and the joy of working days. We all work for a common goal - to prosper, which means that we all stand on protecting the interests of our team and all together - we are the force that is invincible!

Most of our adult life is spent at work. Our people are our friends, family, mentors and social circle. We share our joys and concerns with them, discuss news and purchases. Without colleagues, the world would be boring and not interesting. Dear like-minded people! Happy Holidays! From February 23!

How beautiful it is to congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words

We offer you another extraordinary way to beautifully congratulate men at work on February 23 in your own words. To do this, it is worth making small "soldier's letters" with your own hand and writing in them short wishes from the female half of the team. A "messenger" in a camouflage uniform can give unusual gifts to every male employee who comes to the office from the morning. Such beautiful congratulations on February 23 in their own words will pleasantly surprise men and remain for a long memory.

A collection of beautiful congratulations in your own words to men in a team on February 23

Today you are celebrating your men's holiday, which, although it breathes winter severity, gallantly opens the door to gentle spring. We wish you, colleagues, to always have nerves of steel, gallant behavior, spring warmth in your soul and nobility in your men's hearts.

Dear colleagues, we are men and we must bear this title with dignity! The gene of defenders is in our blood and only we must ensure the peace of mothers, the joy of children, the happiness of families and the prosperity of our beloved Motherland. I wish any of us grandiose thoughts, abundant health and expanse for boiling energy!

February makes us happy with harsh weather and a holiday of courage, courage and glory, a holiday for men. Good luck, our dear colleagues, valiant defenders and friends! Rest assured of yourself and our continued dedication and support. May your deeds and works be successful, worries - pleasant, feelings - ardent, hearts - hot, and the sky - peaceful.

Happy Fatherland Day, dear colleagues! I do not want easy ways, with them your life will be boring and predictable, and do not lose the instinct of pioneers, the spirit of competition and healthy rivalry. You do not need to weigh all decisions for a long time, trust your heart - women choose those who take risks and are focused on winning. Health to all, success and love!

For some, work is the meaning of life, for others it is a way of earning money. But all of you, dear men, take your work duties with the necessary responsibility. Therefore, you are wonderful colleagues. Happy holiday, from February 23! Let your life be filled with the most joyful events and only pleasant accomplishments!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an important holiday not only for men, but for the entire team. And even if there is one woman and a lot more guys on the staff, you will still have to prepare for the event. It is necessary to select a short script in advance, re-read a couple of scenes, purchase original gifts (possibly at the expense of the company) and pick up funny congratulations in verse or prose. It's not superfluous to decorate the office and prepare a couple of unexpected surprises. The task is not an easy one, but its solution is quite real. After reading our article, you probably figured out how to congratulate fellow men at work on February 23rd. Use the knowledge gained to surprise your defenders as pleasantly as possible.


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