Make a retouching in photoshop CS6. Retouching the skin in photoshop

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Retouching faces in "Photoshop" - a mandatory stage, an important step to a beautiful and aesthetically attractive photo. Not all snapshots need additional processing, but often without it just can not do. Professional photographers and lovers know how to get the perfect frame. The Adobe Photoshop program is just that tool without which it is difficult to enjoy the captured torque.

What is retouching?

Retouch is an improvement in the pictures using the photo editor tools. In the program "Photoshop", the skin treatment is made by the "stamp" tool, "restoring brush" or "patch". "Stamp" causes one part of the image on top of another. Basic knowledge, simple retouching is needed if it is related to the main activity, such as a photo. Editing eliminates small skin defects, shortcomings of the picture that occurred during the shooting process. Retouching faces automatically helps the photographer to save time and power in post-processing. Often the end result needs manual correction. Beginners can use one of the skin cleaning methods, which is called "Color Contrast". He removes the pimples, makes the texture clean and smooth.


  • Invert the copy of Ctrl + i, select "Line Light" overlay.
  • Go to the "Image" tab - "Correction" - "Brightness / Contrast". Check the "Use former" checkbox, the contrast value is 50.
  • Click the Filter tab - "Other" - "Color Contrast". The blur radius must be about 20 pixels.
  • Next, "Filter" - "Blur in Gauss". Increase the blur radius to 3.9.
  • Add a black mask to the photo, activate the brush with soft edges, color - white, opacity 30-40%. Activating layer mask, pass the brush on the skin of the face and neck, without affecting the eyes and lips.


Today everyone knows what type editor is. Retouching faces, the creation of collages, drawings, vectors - all this and not only can program "Photoshop". Adobe Photoshop CS6 is the reference version of the famous graphic editor, which has intriguing features. The Content Aware feature makes the photo processing process in intellectual and comfortable. Beautiful and convenient interface with the ability to process video - a huge plus of this version. There are Bridge and Mini Bridge file navigators here. They allow sorting images and manage them. The presence of "hot" keys, a clear interface, flexible setting and realistic effects makes the program perfect.


Who does not dream of mastering a photo editor? Retouching facial improves snapshot if it is correct, gives dynamism. The program "Photoshop" has a mass gain, regardless of version. With it, it is easy to edit single snapshots, make batch processing, create complex collages, drawings. The graphic tablet improves the quality of the images, simplifies the work of the designer, photographer and the retoucher. The program provides a large space for creativity and work.

How to master?

Many persons retouching programs (for example, Portrait Professional) are pretty easy to use. With their help, it is easy to make a light retouch that does not require the user of energy costs. Often such programs handle photographs automatically, which saves time, but negatively affects the result. The program "Photoshop", including early versions, is quite complex in mastering, as it is focused on professionals and the fulfillment of complex tasks.

The working field includes a toolbar, a zone for processing photos, a working environment, taskbar, a histogram, navigator and other functions. The main tools of the program are brushes, stamp, eraser, lasso, point, restoring brush, sequences, cropping, dimming, clarification. They allow you to make various manipulations with photos. The development of the program begins with the study of the workspace and the capabilities of "Photoshop".

A huge set of lessons will help beginners to comprehend the editing of images. Retouching faces - one of the main techniques of the photographer. If you want to achieve perfection in this case, view the works of famous retouches, constantly learn (including errors) and develop.

What is it for?

Retouching Persons - Mandatory Stage of Professional Beauty Processing. Glossy magazines, fashion editions, cosmetics catalogs never publish "raw" pictures. Readers see the ready-made photograph of which added a little gloss. Often in editing Beauty- and Fashion-Photos Retushera use frequency decomposition. It allows you to align skin without loss of quality and texture. In addition, the plastic tool is used, the overall color correction of the picture, darkening and lightening the desired areas, adjust the brightness and contrast. Retouch allows you to achieve an ideal, harmonious picture, and this is highly appreciated in commercial activities.

Rules of retouching faces

Professional retouching faces in "Photoshop" - a painstaking process, requiring certain knowledge and skills from the retoucher. A good photo is difficult to make perfect, but easy to spoil. Newbies often make mistakes, creating the effect of "climbing". In this case, the texture of the skin (pores, wrinkles), mimic, shadows completely disappear, the face becomes plastic. Professionals give some tips, how not to spoil the photo.

  • Work with high-resolution images in RAW format.
  • Rate a photo visually. Decide which defects should be removed, what actions are needed to improve the snapshot.
  • Always create a copy when you download the photo to the program.
  • Make retouching on a new layer.
  • The skin must have a texture, forget about plastic faces. This is no longer relevant.
  • Do not remove the shade under the eyes completely, otherwise the face will become flat.
  • Do not remove all wrinkles from the face. No facial expressions do not make a portrait attractive.
  • The edges of the lip must have shadows, and the contours are clear.
  • The natural color of pupils in portrait retouching is correct.
  • Retouching always depends on the specific photo and common plan.
  • Stick in retouching the face of naturalness.

Remember that the ideal retouching is invisible.


Retouching faces in "Photoshop CS6", as in early versions, is carried out using the tools that are on the side and top panels. The "Allocation" group is necessary for the rapid movement of the necessary regions. This includes Lasso, "Magic Wand", "Fast Allocation". Crimping tools are created for truncating pictures. Using the retouching tools, defects are detected in the photo, the sharpness, blur, saturation, tone are adjusted. Also in the toolbar, "painting", "Drawing", "Text".

Action and plugins

Many may be interested in how to make retouching faces quickly and efficiently. To simplify the operation of the retoucher, plugins were created and evix. The first are included in the configuration of the "Photoshop" program: Blur over Gauss, distortion, noise and others. In addition, the plugins can additionally download and install. They operate automatically and make the main work (stylization, retouching, toning) for the retouche, toning). The minus is that the photo may be more losing than to acquire from such a quick stylization. Action gives the image drama, toned, stylize, add various effects.


Retouching faces is a complex process that requires a photographer of knowledge, feelings of taste and measures. Professionals indicate the ten most common mistakes in the processing of portrait photos.

  • Artificial leather. Despite the processing method, skin cover should look natural. Too fine leather texture, aggressive or dry, completely artificial, resembling marble - incorrect retouching.
  • Excessive drawing of the volume of Dodge and Burn technique (darkening / clarification). Deep detailing of shadows and light pattern is relevant for the photoart, but not for professional retouching.
  • Flat face. Anatomical absence of volume (shadow / light) on convex or impossible parts of the face - under the lip, eyes, in the field of cheekbone, over the centuries are not interested. The lack of realism in flat pictures makes passing by such a photo.
  • Matte skin. Beautiful matte skin looks healthy, but if there are no single glare on it, it looks unnatural.
  • White squirrels. In the eyes of the model, the photos should be natural shadows. Natural color, glare in pupils - all this decorates the photo.
  • Repeating elements. If the retoucher cleans the skin with a patch or stamp, it should not be repeated on the face surface (when a defective piece of leather is overlapped with healthy). All this gives the retouching.
  • Plastic. You need to use this tool in retouching, but should not overdo it. There are no perfect direct contours on the human face and the body.
  • Toning. Colors in the photo should be harmonious. It is not necessary to use complex filters in automatic mode to give frame emotion. Want to improve colors? Try to do it manually using the settings.
  • Dynamic range. Retouching faces do not need excessive stylization.
  • High contrast. Vignetting, increasing sharpness and noise give the texture of photography, but add drama and deprive her and deprive of naturalness. Think if you need a portrait?

In this lesson Photoshop You will get acquainted with another interesting way to thin face reties. It differs from well-known methods of leather leveling, and something significantly exceeds them in terms of performance.

We will use for the main retouching tools darver (Burn Tool) and clarifier (Dodge Tool)As well, cloning tools: stamp (Clone Tool), Pack (Patch). Try, and you will be surprised by the result.

Getting started!

Result before and after retouching:

Usually, in the work of professional photographers, lightening and blackout is used when correction of individual areas in photos for the correct relationship of light and shadow. In Photoshop, however, when retouching portrait pictures, the usual user never applies a dimer and clarifier tools (Burn, Dodge). Usually these tools are used when working with landscaped images, not people. Today you practice make sure the D & B (Clarifier and darck) Influence only on the level of skin dimming, without damaging its structure. Often those who are engaged in retouching, abuse the tool blur (Blur), creating a plastic skin effect. We are never resorted to this favorite method of alignment, and you will see how neatly the correction of the face.

Step 1. Evaluation of the photo.

Open (Ctrl + O) In Photoshop, any photo you want to improve. I used in my work here is a photo of a girl.

The girl's eyebrows are quite painted, but do not worry, we will later correct them.

Before you start retouching, we estimate our field of activity. Look at the eye area. The appearance of them is very tired, the sclers are redneed and there are dark areas in the lower eyelid area.

The areas around the mouth also need correction, as pigmented dark sections along the edges of the lips are clearly visible.

Lips look good, but the addition of volume will only give them greater charm.

General lighting makes the face of the girl very flat, which also needs to be corrected.

Step 2. Creating a layer "D & B" (Clarifier and darck).

Some users prefer to work with these tools on separate layers. I usually correlate on one layer, alternately switch between the tools of the darck and the clarifier.

Create a new layer Layer-New Layer) And at the bottom of the dialog box change the mixing mode to the "soft light" (SOFT LIGHT). In the same way, you activate the function checkbox "Perform the fill with neutral color mode soft light (50% gray)" In the top row of the dialog box, enter the name of the layer "Lighter and darck" (Dodge and Burn). Click OK, and begin the lightening and dimming on this layer.

Step 3.

Tools Lightener and Dimmer (Dodge, Burn) Activate in the toolbar when you click on their right mouse button icons.

Most people rarely use them, usually resorting to the help of the brush (Brush) Black or white colors to perform correction. Before the release of the fourth version of Photoshop were good reasons for not applying D & B (Clarifier and darck)As they changed the shades of the skin toward gray and orange. However, in later versions, photoshop settings have become more accurate and flexible, which allows you to excellently retouch the pictures.

With respect to D & B settings when leveled skin, consider the following points:

The brush of the tool used should be as softer (Hardness 0%) To create smooth transitions from one site to another.

Need frequent change of brush diameter (Size) When moving from one area of \u200b\u200bretouching to another. To do this, use square keyboard brackets (Left bracket reduces size, right - increases).

In the top panel of the D & B tool settings (Dodge, Burn) Pay attention to the three different mode of operation of the instrument: light, middle tone, shadow (Highlights, Midltones, Shadow). To achieve a qualitative result of retouching, I usually use settings in the mode of medium tones. (Midltones).

Exposition (Exposure) Must be very low, approximately 5-10% to create a gradual change in the image. Little touches tool will make these changes invisible.

Below is the screenshot of my clarifier settings. (Dodge):

Step 4.

First select the retouching area, and, while on it, adjust the image by switching between D & B tools. Apply the clarifier (Dodge) On the sections of the inside of the eye to remove redness. Lighten a little iris to create a clear open look. Swipe the darck (BURN) On the border between the cleaners and the iris. Use the clarifier (Dodge) In the inner part of the lower eyelids, hiding small wrinkles and darkening. To compare the resulting result with the source image, periodically turn off the visibility of the layer with gray (Click on the eyeballs opposite the icons of the active layer).

Here is what the gray layer looks like at this stage:

Result before and after retouching eyes:

The girls' eyes still look natural and have an initial structure, but the look and skin gained a rested appearance.

Previously, send to the next area, use my advice:

1. If you have the opportunity to work on a graphic tablet, use it, because the result will be more qualitative than when working with the mouse.

2. Increase the scale of the processed area using the zoom tool about 300% on the keyboard, press the Ctrl combination and the + sign + (enlarge) or Ctrl and sign - (reduce).

3. If the tone of the treated skin has acquired a gray or orange tint, use the sponge tool (Sponge)which is in one group with D & B tools. In the upper settings menu, go to "Dispute" mode (Desaturate) To mitigate an orange shade, or turn on the "saturation" mode in the case of the correction of the gray tone of the face. Use push (Flow) 20% to adjust the brush sponge.

Step 5.

We turn to the mouth area. Here, as well as in the eye zone, you can use D & B, but I would not recommend this method. Large retouching areas Better to handle stamp and patch tools (Clone Tool, Patch Tool). Let me remind you the principle of operation of these tools. When working with a stamp, set the cursor in the place where you want to take a skin sample, and right-click on it by holding the ALT key. Then, transfer the cursor to the correction area and again right-click, copying the sample taken to the selected area.

The principle of working patchwork is similar to a stamp. Select the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of any size for the correction and transfer the selection to the clean skin area to show the copy sample. When you release the mouse button, a copied skin area will appear on the corrected area. I usually use a patch in my works (Patch)because it is possible to control the shape of the corrected zone in contrast to the stamp (Clone Tool)where the round shape is already set.

Go to the skin on the left side of the mouth and start correcting dark spots.

As in step 4, I used the clarifier (Dodge) For alignment of dark plots. If you suddenly randomly moved with clarification, switch to the darck (BURN) And return the skin color to the desired condition.

That's what happened after the correction of the bottom of the person:

Now the mouth zone looks significantly better.

Step 6.

Next, apply the shape of the lips. They look good, but with the help of D & B it can be done more. Swipe the darck (BURN) On the contour of the lips, giving them clear outlines. Lighter (Dodge) Add transverse lines for volume. Dimp the places under the bottom of the girl, imitating the shadow.

Please note that the middle of the lower lip to the retouching is almost not covered.

After the correction of the lips look more fully.

Next, you can continue to equalize the skin of the face according to a similar principle. Below is a layer of gray with my correction. I added dimer (BURN) Shadow in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks to make the face volume.

So that the nose becomes visually thinner, use the darck (BURN) With small exposure (Exposur) on both sides of him. Dark point at the tip of the gray layer nose shows a flare mitigation.

I also leveled the dimmer (BURN) Chin zone and clarifier (Dodge) Softened the brightness of the eyebrow model. In the process of work, you can not change the tool settings, with the exception of their size.

At the last stage, create a new empty layer. (Ctrl + SHIFT + N) with normal (Normal) mixing mode. Choose a brush (Brush) With soft edges of light pink shade and low opacity (OPACITY) 5-8%. Spend it in places where the flaws of the skin are still visible.

We finished. I hope you came in handy this lesson, and you supplemented your knowledge in the field of retouching another useful experience.

Despite the fact that the concept of "Photoshop" is sometimes used with a touch of negative meaning (unnaturally, artificially, embeded, stretched, etc.), retouching persons remain one of the most sought-after those related to

Many programs are engaged in the art of computer makeup, but the editor of Photoshop images has, perhaps, the most extensive arsenal of retouching tools that are not only possible with the help of several clicks to correct the flaws of the skin of the face, but also to turn a very attractive person in his handsome man (which are engaged in many

It will be aware of both the amateur level of photograph correction using destructive tools or methods, and about the professional technique, when the retouching of the face in the "Photoshop" is fulfilled with a filigree - absolutely not disturbing the structure of the layers and, accordingly, the texture and texture of the skin.

How to fix the flaws of the face with the help of retouching tools "Photoshop"?

Tools that are used for retouching photographs are mainly provided to eliminate all kinds of defects and artifacts. If it comes to the skin, it can be moles, acne, wrinkles, scars, swelling under the eyes, bright glare or sharp shadows, pores, pills and other troubles. Let us provide a brief information that the tools described below are able to do, performing faces.

  • Tool "Stamp" (CloneStamptool). It clones the skin with a fragment of the sample, which is chosen on the face by clicking on the left mouse button together with the Alt key, carefully follow the cross, which moves in parallel with the main cursor, showing where the sample is taken at the moment.
  • The "patterned stamp" (PATTERNSTAMP) does not clone, and draws textures, and if you add the desired texture to the standard set, the stamp will draw it, but it will not be retouching, but rather, a virtual "skin transplant".
  • "PatchTool) also knows how to clone, but not on a point pattern, but entire areas that move to the necessary places where they are coming. Depending on the settings, or the contents of the selected area are transferred to the desired location ("Purpose" mode), or the empty selection is dragged to the place of the desired content (source mode).
  • SpothealingBrush requires the user only to install the appropriate size before simply click on an incomplete speck of any origin, so this tool is simply indispensable when you need to make a detailed retouching faces in "Photoshop".

  • The restoring brush (HealingBrush) works on the principle similar to the algorithm of operation of the stamp, only here during cloning, the color and texture of the retouched area is taken into account, and the user is allowed to configure the parameters of the brush, including not only the size, but also shape, rigidity, angle, intervals when moving And push feather.

All listed tools are applied only to eliminate the main skin problems, and for glamorous delights, commands from the Filter menu, tightening tools / dimming, variations of the "Fill" command (Fill) and some other means are used.

Consider how to make the retouching faces in the "Photoshop" using only dimensions and lightening functions.

"Curves": Retouching using corrective layers

This method is used by professionals and its essence lies in correction (alignment) of the skin tone on auxiliary layers by darkening the released (protruding) on \u200b\u200baverage tone sections and lightening of dark areas (shadows).

To do this, it is necessary to create a two-corrective layer, "curves" (curves) to be retouted above the background layer. One of them will be clarifying - symmetrically convex curve to the level of the maximum light area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face, and the second - darkening, that is, a symmetrically concave curved to the level of the dark area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face, and the masks of both corrective layers must be converted (Ctrl + I).

Now it is desirable to discolor the image, because in the black and white version of the retouching faces are easier to perform, since all irregularities and roughness are contrasting. To do this, create an auxiliary new layer, pour it black and change the blending mode to the "Color" (Color), and even better, if we make a copy of this layer and exhibit the mixing mode (imposition) "Soft Light" (Soft Light), reducing when Necessual opacity.

Next, go to the mask of the clarifier correction layer (or first the dimming - no difference), we take a soft brush (first color is white) with opacity not more than 10%, set the required size (the smaller the better) and, however, increasing the image, start Patiently lighten the darkened areas around the unwanted skin relief.

Then go to the darkening layer mask and with the same perseverance we cope with bright areas of the skin, periodically overlapping the black and white layers to control the result on the color image. The work is scrupulous, but the result is worth it.

Retouch using clarification or dimming tools

To this method, no destructive correction of photographs called Dodge-Burn is often resorted when you need to do some work using "Photoshop". Retouching faces (in Russian the name of the method sounds like "Dodge-Burn") is performed with it.

In essence, the method is similar to the previous one using Curves, but here only one layer is used here for clarification and darkened, which is created above the layer of photographs and poured with its neutral color of 50% gray (editing → Fill) by changing the mixing mode to the "soft light".

You can then quickly retouch the skin on this auxiliary layer, aligning it with its texture using the "Clamp" tools (Burn Tool), or using a soft brush (white for lightening and black for dimming), choosing the necessary opacity .

Retouching: Filter Group Tools

For a relatively fast and spectacular result of glamorous photo processing in "Photoshop", the functions of blur and noise reduction are most often involved, which use almost every photo editor. Retouching faces made in such ways rarely corresponds to a professional level, because blur, one way or another, leads to a violation of the texture of the skin, the degree of which depends on the art of virtual makeup artist.

In fact, the method is to "smooth out" irregularities and align the tone of the skin. Below are the options for such treatment.

Smoothing the skin with the "Noise" tool

First of all, on the duplicate layer of our photo you need to highlight the skin of the face using the appropriate selection tool for a particular case, including the pen and a mask, or, on the contrary, remove from the area of \u200b\u200bthe face soft (about 50%) "Eraser", except skin, Including eyes, eyebrows and lips.

Having finished the selection (or separation) of the skin area, we go to the "Filter" menu and select either "retouching", where you will have to repeat the effect (Ctrl + F) several times, or the "median" in which the magnitude of the radius is selected experimentally for a specific image. If the face became too artificial, you can add it a little "noise" and then blur it "in Gauss", but still it will not be able to avoid significant losses of skin texture, which is the main disadvantage of this method.

Retouching faces using "blur"

This retouching post is generally similar to the previous one, only in this case, the corrected image of the face (or the dedicated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin) is conditionally divided into two layers (duplicates of the image or selection): on one of which the skin is smoothed, aligning the tone and softening the contrast, and on the other ( Above the first) - restore the texture.

The tasks of the smoothing layer are solved (with the visibility of the other) using the Blur over the surface (Surface blur) command with a radius of about 7 Px and threshold / isogelion within 10-11 levels, or "blur to Gauss" in the "Filter" menu.

If, after applying the effect on the "smoothed" layer, unwanted elements remained, they can be carefully painted with a soft brush, choosing the appropriate color on the face with a mouse in the desired point together with the Alt key.

To the layer (second copy of an image or selection) that is responsible for the texture, that is, for the restoration (return) of lost when the parts is blurred, it justifies itself to use the noise ninja plug-in, but you can do the "Reduce Noise" filter from the "Noise" group by setting up The necessary effect parameters are mainly, and if necessary, in addition, having worked with the most problematic channel.

Getting rid of excess noise, the texture can be shown, slightly reducing the contrast and working with the "Contour sharpness" filter settings (Unsharp Mask).

Now, to complete the retouching of the face, it remains only to combine the contents of both layers into a single whole, for which, insertion on the texture layer, go to the "filter" → "Other" and choose "Color Contrast" (High Pass) with small (no more than 8 ) Radius, only the contours of the elements of the face remain.

Then go to the "Color Tone / Saturation", which is located in the "Image" → "Correction" menu and completely remove saturation (-100). Finally, replacing the mixing mode on this layer to "overlap" (overlay), we will return the skin of the lost texture, which can be strengthened if necessary, increasing the brightness.

In addition to the main graphics editor, the Adobe was given to the world, today there are many other programs on the network, including specializing in virtual make-up, each of which is a full-fledged photo editor. Retouching faces in them are performed in almost automatic mode.

Plugins for retouching in Photoshop

One of the most powerful and popular among "Photoshoppers" -plagines for retouching photos, including operations "Personal care, is considered to be the Nik Color Efex Pro Complete 3.0 plugin, which enlisters more fifth filters and about 250 effects.

The efforts of these filters are aimed at improving photos in general and adding art effects, but "glamorous questions" decide such plugins as Dynamic Skin Softener, Glamor Glow and Tonal Contrast and some others.

Popular among users and plugs ArcSoft Portrait + Repack / portable. It is essentially a photo editor, retouching individuals in which it is possible to do in seconds. The program automatically estimates the condition of the skin of the face and adjusts the image of 17 parameters, after which it is already difficult to find over. The plugin skillfully copes with the lack of skin, keeping it the texture and without affecting the main elements of the face.


Today, so that without having to give the face a natural appeal, you do not need to understand the intricacies of the art of retouching, and even install special programs. Many online resources, for example, or offer absolutely free to refrete photos, including the makeup.

There will help to achieve such visual effects as smoothing and delivering skin from dermatological deficiencies, removal of the effect of "red eyes", elimination of oily shine, as well as skin alignment, adding a glamorous effect. Among other things, such programs are able to stylize the image using dozens of methods.

In this lesson you will learn how to create a fashionable retouching model in Adobe Photoshop. You will see the process of creating a wonderful effect of genuine leather without the use of expensive plug-ins and filters.

Final result

Details of the lesson:

Program: Adobe Photoshop CS2 +
Difficulty: For beginners
Performance Time: 10-15 minutes

This photo of the model was chosen as a work.

Step 1.Open the loaded image of the model. Remember that not all the images of girls are suitable for retouching. You must choose a high resolution image, the skin model should not be too smooth or blurred, pores should be released on it. For example, the model should be, the author led the following below.

Create a new layer over the layer with the model, Ctrl + SHIFT + NSelect tool Spot Healing Brush Tool (J) (Tool "Spot restoring brush") and turn on "Sample All Layers" option("Sample from all layers") on the tool settings panel. Because of this, we will only touch on the sections of the images that we need, as a last resort, everything can be returned. Configure the tool as shown below.

Press one mouse click in those places where it is necessary to get rid of skin defects. Change the size of the tool brush, depending on the size of the spot. Remember that this tool can be fixed not all defects, so you can also use other, such as Clone Stamp Tool (S) ("Stamp" tool), Patch Tool (J)(Tool "Patch") and others for retouching in the future. For a model whose skin does not have a large number of defects, as the author used, the instrument is quite suitable Spot Healing Brush Tool (J) (Tool "Point Restoring Brush"). Do not try to make the skin perfect, just remove the unnecessary. In the image below, you can see the result of the author's work.

Step 2.Click simultaneously Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E, To combine the layers in one, which will appear on top of all layers. Select Filter Filter - Sharpen - Smart Sharpen (Filter - gain sharpness - smart sharpness).

Adjust the filter as follows: Effect 30% , Radius 1.0 Pixes.


This step is not mandatory and depends on the sharpness of the image of the model. If it looks very coarse, you can soften it before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3.Combine all the layers as you did at the beginning of the second step. Before starting, review all areas of the skin on the subject of defects, otherwise, after applying the next filter, the effect will be terrible. Select Filter Filter - Other - Custom (Filter - others - custom)

If for your image you need to correct brightness, you can do it by filling out the field "OFFSET" ("Shift"), or leave it empty.


If the result did not satisfy you, you can reduce the effect using the command Edit - Fade: Custom (Editing - Loosen: Custom).

In the palette of the layers, downstairs click on the command "Add a layer-mask", To create a layer mask. Then, remove, with a black, soft brush, excess sharpness in the field of hair, eyes and eyebrows, lips and teeth.

Step 4.Next, we will create corrective layers. Select the following correction layer Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color (Layer - a new correction layer - selective color correction), adjust it, according to the example in the image below.

The result of creating a correction layer.

Step 5.Create the following adjusting layer: Layer - NEW ADJUSTMENT LAYER - Photo Filter (Layer - a new corrective layer - photo filter).

The result of adding the correction layer.

Step 6.Create two adjusting layers Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color Balance (Layer - a new adjusting layer - color balance), see the settings below.

The result of creating two corrective layers of "Color Balance".

Step 7.If you chose an image of another model, then you can still work with correction layers to achieve the desired result. Now we slightly clarify the dark zone of the neck model. Create a new layer over all layers, select the tool Brush Tool (B)("Brush" tool), a white brush, soft, and plump the place indicated in the image below.

Change the layer overlay mode, in the layers palette, Soft Light 100%.

Step 8.At this stage, we will clarify the face. Create a new layer on top of all, select the tool Brush Tool (B) ("Brush" tool), a white brush, soft, and spend it in the forehead area, with the opacity of the brush 40% Between eyebrows, under the left eye and under the lips with opacity 100% , under the right eye with opacity 30% over lips with opacity brushes 70% .

Soft Light (Soft light), opacity 60% .

Step 9.Create a new layer using the tool Brush Tool (B) (Tool "Brush"), brush soft, color # C6828D., Cut the cheeks of our model. Then, change the layer overlay mode Soft Light (Soft light), opacity 100% .

Step 10.Add shadows on your face. Create a new layer. Choose light gray # C7BDB9 And spend the tool Brush Tool (B) (Tool "Brush") on the edges of the model of the model, as shown in the image below.

Change the layer overlay mode Multiply. (Multiplication), opacity 30% .

Step 11.To emphasize the beautiful lips Create a new layer, select a color # B45F6d., Spend a brush on the lips, as shown in the image below.

Change the layer overlay mode Soft Light (Soft light), opacity 50% .

Step 12.To brighten your teeth, on the old scheme, create a new layer and make a soft brush of white teeth.

Layer overlay mode Change to Soft Light (Soft light), layer opacity 30% .

Step 13.Create a new layer. Take advantage of a soft brush, color # B37C76. Spend a brush in the eyelid area, as shown in the image below.

Change the layer overlay mode Linear Burn. (Linear darck), opacity 30% .

Step 14.At the final stage, create a new layer, click Ctrl + SHIFT + N, Select mode "Overlapping", Opacity 100% Select the option "Run the fill with the neutral color of the" Overlap "mode (gray 50%).

Using the following tools Burn Tool (O) (Tool "Dimmer") and Dodge Tool (O) (Tool "Lighter"), with the following settings, range Medium tones, Expo issue 40-50% , we emphasize the features of the model. Selecting the tool Dodge Tool (O) (Tool "Clamp") Spend a brush to enhance brightness to the following facial zones: bridge, chin, forehead, leather over and under the eyes, plot under the nose, white eye sheath (if there are significant redness).

Tool Burn Tool (O) (Tool "Dimmer") Applicable to dimming by some of the plot, such as: the nose sides, the iris, eye, eyelids, eyelashes, especially their tips. Keep in mind that all blackouts and clarification depend on the original image of the model, on how the light and shadow falls on the face. The result obtained by the author, you can look at the image below.

Final result

With increasing sections


We hope you liked the lesson to create genuine leather of the face. If you have something to say, ask a question, do not hesitate - write to us in the comments! We also wait for your work.

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Hello, dear readers blog Start-Luck. There are many for retouching portraits, but if you want to achieve an amazing effect, then you have no choice, you will have to use photoshop. It will create such a result that at least hang on the wall, even in the glossy magazine use. Your photo is visible to all friends and acquaintances, and most importantly, no particularly complex manipulations.

Today I will tell you how to retouch your face in Photoshop professionally. Work is light, but painstaking. You can get away at least an hour. But the result will exceed all the expectations. That was the case with me.

I will not hide, I took one of the first rollers on YouTube tried to repeat and even did not hope for a qualitative result, but it turned out to be ideal. You can read the text with step-by-step pictures, and you can immediately go to the end of the article and try to do everything just like in the video. For beginners, I would recommend the first option, but to solve you.

So, I work on Photoshop SS, but it is not much different outwardly from CS 5 or 6. So there should be no problems and misunderstandings. The program in Russian, but during the description there will be a lot of hotkeys. I highly recommend writing them out to not forget and learn faster and professional use the program.

Step-by-step instruction

I sincerely wanted to find a woman for a sample of a pen, but very little unprocessed photos on the Internet. I had to use a man. Among them, nonideal skin met more often. So, I open the program, and then the photo that I will process. The first thing I copy the image to the new layer, for this I press Ctrl + J.

Now you need to get rid of serious shortcomings. There are several tools. The most obvious problems are easiest to mask with a patchwork. If you do not see it, just for a few seconds hold down the left mouse button on the icon that resembles the plaster. A list of additional tools will appear.

Allocate the imperfect area and drag it to the nearby skin area, more even and correct.

When with the most serious defects end, create a new layer.

Choose a "point restoring brush".

Stiffness of about 50%, angle 160, a slight form is a bit - 85%.

Reduce and increase the diameter of the brush using the ["and"] keys.

I almost forgot. In the settings, be sure to check the box opposite the "sample from all layers" to select the most correct color.

Ensure smaller flaws - acne, spots, unnecessary moles. Just click on the wrong points and they change their color. For convenience, use Alt + the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the scale of the image, and about working with you can read in the previous publication.

So, ready.

If you remove the eye icon (visibility) from the top layer, then you will see how the photo looked before the changes. Already a little better.

Now we make a duplicate of all the layers, for this we clamp shift + ctrl + alt + e.

And create a duplicate for this new layer. Ctrl + J.

Click on the previous layer so that it is highlighted. We remove the visibility of the layer, which is above it, to see the results of the work. Open the "Filters" tab on the menu from above, select "Blur", in the list that opens, click on Gauss.

Now it is important to make the skin smooth and smooth. For this, we increase the blur radius. Do not worry that the eyes and details of the person are not visible. In the process, everything will change. Now pay attention only to the skin. It should be as smooth. Everyone will have their own indicators, do not be afraid to experiment. In my case, 7.4 came.

Go to the top layer (click on it to turn on the backlight), do not forget to return visibility by clicking on an empty icon next to the sketch of the layer. Now open the section "Image" and in the list find the "External Channel".

Choose a layer 3 (the one for which we imposed blur), put a tick opposite "invert", the effect of overlay is "adding", scale - 2, shift - 1.

Change the imposition mode for "Linear Light".

Two upper layers combine into the group. To do this, click on the folder.

Now click on the third layer again, select the Lasso tool, check the box on the contrary and select Radius. 20 The result was a lot, I used 10. What does it give? When you unevenly blast the skin area, the program itself smoothes the corners, focusing on the color of the plot.

Select the sections of about one shade: one cheek, second, forehead. To each fragment, perfect the filter blur in Gauss.

You yourself will see which radius should be. Remember that thanks to Lasso, changes will be applied only to the selected area, and not entirely picture.

So the image looked up to the operation done.

This is after her. As you can see, the face has become even more.

The layer must be filled with gray by 50%, mode - soft light. Click OK.

Change the overlay mode of this layer on the "soft light".

Now there is a pretty serious job. Put this settings for each tool: rigidity 0, range - medium tone, exhibited - 2-3%, and a tick opposite "Protect Tones".

The same for the dimmer.

Remember this icon - a black and white circle, it is very useful in the subsequent. It creates a new corrective layer. Press it will have to repeatedly.

Now you will need the effect of "black and white."

Reduce the red balance to see the light and dark spots more clearly. Come on them with a darck and a clarifier to align the tone of the skin. Be careful, it is necessary to work not on the correction layer, but the fact that is located under it. Click so that it is highlighted. In my case - layer 4.

Do not confuse, this work takes a lot of time. Perhaps no less than an hour. The future of the portrait depends on this moment, so pay him a maximum of attention.

That looked like a picture.

I admit honestly, I was too lazy for a very long time, I went to work for about 15 minutes. Here I turned this result.

Now we remove the correction mask by sending it to the basket.

Create a new layer again, and then click SHIFT + F5 and add a gray layer with opacity 100 and the laying mode "soft light".

We change the imposition mode on a similar one.

Let's go again along a light and dark section with a dimer and a clarifier. The exhibitor can be put a little more - percent of 13.

Pay attention to all shadows and bright areas in the picture. The tool scale can be chosen more.

To the picture turned out to be more natural to reduce the transparency of the layer.

Now you have to appeal to a black and white mug to create a correction layer - levels.

The middle (gray slider) direct a little right (I have 0.94), and the white left (235).

Now we need a color balance. I want .

To do this, pull the topmost slider in the side of the blue, and the lower in the direction of blue.

I open the "tone" - "shadows" and do the same.

Do not be afraid, the photo will not be so blue. Hold Alt + Del, everything will come back as if in place.

Now select a white brush and circle pupils in the portrait. Perhaps you have already worked with. Now you do this.

Give the opacity of the layer to add a picture of naturalness.

Add another correction layer - color tone / saturation.

We make a picture less saturated.

Now "curves".

Align the colors to your liking.

The face at the moment does not look quite natural, it is too pale. Go to the Red Channel. And try to revive him a bit.

The same can be done with blue and green.

The opacity of this layer is also better to do a little less. To give naturalness.

We bring together all previous layers in a bunch.

Select the filter - enhancing the sharpness and add a contour sharp portrait.

Select the effect 50, and the radius 1.

Once again, go to the "Contour sharpness" filter, but this time let the effect be 100, and the radius from 1 to 2.

So that is all. So our photo looked initially.

And also upon completion of all works.

Video instruction

I believe that text and video mode will help you understand all the subtleties and add an excellent result. If you do not understand something in the text, you can always go to the roller and vice versa. I, for example, could not understand initially how to reduce all the layers into one. But then figured out.

Well, if you want to learn how to master, thoroughly, professionally and thoughtfully retouch any photos, I can advise you a course « Photoshop for photographer » in it, you will find a detailed analysis of each tool and learn how to apply them, pursuing a certain goal and know what you do and for what. You can learn how to use the professional workshop program.

So that is all. To new meetings and do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

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