How much to breastfeed. Up to what age should you breastfeed your baby? Physical development benefits for children

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  • More and more modern mothers are in the mood for breastfeeding. However, their lack of experience raises many questions and difficulties for them. One such controversial issue is the timing of breastfeeding.

    Duration of breast sucking

    The duration of one breastfeeding depends greatly on the age of the baby, his character and other factors. Typically, it is 10 to 40 minutes. In this case, more fatty hind milk begins to flow to the baby approximately 10-15 minutes after sucking.

    For breastfeeding to be successful and hassle-free, breastfeeding moms should breastfeed their babies on demand. Opponents of this approach insist that this will "tie" mom to the baby and deprive her of free time. But, if you look at the process through the eyes of a child, it becomes clear that this is an important period in the transition from eating through the umbilical cord to the food familiar to adults. It is the mother who helps the baby to adapt to nutrition in the postpartum period.

    During the period of intrauterine stay, the baby is accustomed to receive "food" all the time, therefore, he is not familiar with hunger or the feeling of satiety after eating. And if the mother always gives him the breast when the baby asks for her (and he will always ask right after giving birth), the baby will overeat and regurgitate, and then suck again. Indeed, at first, the mother will have the feeling that she does not belong to herself, but only to her baby. However, several months will pass and the baby will begin to attach to the breast less often, and it will become satiated faster. And most importantly, he will learn to wait. A year or two will pass, and the baby will already sit down at the table with the whole family, and at night - sleep. In the meantime, he is a newborn, the baby eats when he wants to.

    Are there any time limits?

    The time spent at the breast should be determined by the child himself. It is believed that a child eats up in 10-15 minutes, and then only "indulges". And, accordingly, such "self-indulgence" should be stopped, and the time of sucking should be limited. But supporters of this opinion forget that the baby at her mother's breast not only eats. For a baby, the mother's breast is an opportunity to calm down, satisfy the sucking reflex, and feel the mother's affection. Is it worth limiting the little man in this? In addition, it is after 15 minutes from the start of feeding that the baby begins to receive more nutritious and fatty hind milk.

    How do you know if your child has eaten enough?

    There are only two reliable ways to find out if a baby is eating:

    1. Look at the monthly weight gain.
    2. Calculate the number of urinations per day.

    If the mother has enough milk, then the baby will add from 500 grams every month (every week from 125 g), and will wet 10-12 diapers and more per day. Weight gain of less than 500 g per month and the number of wet diapers per day less than 6-8 are objective signs that the baby does not have enough nutrition from the mother's breast.

    What shouldn't you pay attention to?

    When a mother is worried about whether the baby has enough nutrition, she may erroneously rely on criteria that do not at all confirm a lack of milk. These erroneous criteria include:

    • Lack of hot flashes and milk leaks from the breast. If lactation has already been established, the woman may no longer feel the milk rushing. However, this is only a sign that the breast has begun to produce milk in exactly the amount required for one feeding.
    • Inability to express milk from the breast. Believe me, a baby sucks nutrition from the mammary glands much more efficiently and more fully than even the best breast pump.
    • Whims and crying of the baby between feedings, as well as while on the breast. Such signs cannot be called reliable. Perhaps the mother feeds the baby too rarely. Also, the baby may suffer from colic, other causes of discomfort or illness.
    • Very frequent or prolonged feedings. The most common reason for the introduction of the mixture is precisely the fact that the baby often asks for a breast or sucks for a long time. If the mother does not understand that her breast is important for the baby not only as a source of food, then in such situations she decides that the baby is not eating enough.
    • Greedy sucking of the baby if given a bottle of formula after breastfeeding. Seeing how the baby begins to absorb the mixture, the mother decides that this is indeed a sign of a lack of milk. However, the baby may simply satisfy the sucking reflex.
    • Frequent waking up at night. This reason is considered very important by the older generation, who are confident that the baby's tummy should "rest" at night. However, the production of hormones important for lactation depends on the night feedings, and, accordingly, the success of breastfeeding.

    Duration of breastfeeding

    The timing of the end of breastfeeding is one of the controversial topics. Even though most young mothers understand the value of breast milk for an infant, the number of babies receiving human milk for up to a year or more is very small. This is facilitated by the presence of a large number of myths and misinformation about breastfeeding, and the abundance of breast milk substitutes on the market, and the social pressure associated with the fact that a few decades ago they were breastfed little and rarely, since the mother had to go to work early. But, if in the past, pediatricians more often recommended young mothers to transfer babies to formula, then the approach of modern doctors is aimed at promoting breastfeeding.

    Experts advise stopping breastfeeding during the involution stage. This is the name of the time when the composition of milk changes, and the breast prepares for the cessation of lactation. The beginning of the involution period is individual for different women, but most often it begins at the age of a baby 1.5-2.5 years old.

    After a year

    Mothers breastfeeding babies over a year old often have to hear that the baby is already big and milk is less valuable. Nevertheless, numerous studies confirm that a woman's milk, even in the second or third years of breastfeeding, is still good for her baby.


    Long-term feeding is undoubtedly very beneficial for the mother, as research has confirmed that it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. While untimely weaning is fraught with stagnation, mastitis and other breast problems for the mother.

    Continuous breastfeeding has many benefits for the baby as well:

    1. Milk after a year of feeding changes its composition, becoming even more useful. It contains more fats valuable for the child, as well as immunoglobulins and substances that stimulate the ripening of the baby's gastrointestinal tract.
    2. Studies have confirmed the effect of long-term breastfeeding on the development of a child's intelligence, as well as its more successful social adaptation when the child is 6-8 years old.
    3. Infants who receive breast milk after a year are less likely to develop infectious and allergic diseases, and they recover much faster than their peers who do not have support in the form of mother's milk.
    4. Breastfeeding after a year maintains a close emotional bond between the baby and the mother, helping to establish a trusting relationship between them.


    There is no negative effect of breastfeeding a one-year-old baby. Human milk is still a healthy food, even if the baby is already one year old. All the troubles of long-term feeding can be associated only with the desire of others to intervene in this process with their advice and frightening stories.

    Realizing the need for breastfeeding, each established or expectant mother accumulates a lot of questions regarding the nutrition of the child. In order for breastfeeding to bring positive emotions to the mother and the full development of the baby, it is important to familiarize yourself with the accepted principles of this process. It is worth stocking up on information on how often to apply a newborn to the breast and how long a meal can last for a baby.

    These questions are important in terms of the correct development of the baby and the success of subsequent lactation. Therefore, even before the lactation period of the expectant mother, it is necessary to find out how long a month-old baby and an older baby should suckle, how many times to feed a newborn with breast milk and other bases of successful lactation.

    After separation from the mother, with a satisfactory condition of the newborn, he is placed on the belly and chest of a mature mother. Skin-to-skin contact should occur as early as possible after childbirth. Its significance lies in the need to populate the newborn's body with saprophytic microorganisms from the mother's skin. The first minutes of life for a baby are associated with stress: the formation of respiratory functions occurs, the baby cries, experiences discomfort from contact with an unfamiliar environment, he is cold and scared. Therefore, the child, due to a stressful situation, refuses to breastfeed.

    An instinctive search for food occurs within 10–20 minutes after delivery. This period is considered optimal for the first application. The duration of contact with the mother for 30–40 minutes helps to strengthen the emotional connection, the immune function in the child's body is stimulated, and the process of milk production is established.

    Earlier attachment is also useful for the woman in labor to establish close emotional contact in the future, it affects the reduction of postpartum bleeding and helps the uterus to contract.

    It is important for a mature mother to study the feeding technique, find a comfortable position, and control the position of the baby at the breast. When properly gripped, the nipple is in the infant's mouth along with the areola, the mouth is wide open, the chin touches the breast. Pay attention to a feeding position that is mutually comfortable for mom and baby.

    The maternity ward does not practice pre-attachment in the following situations:

    • in case of a serious condition of the woman in labor (loss of consciousness, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.);
    • violation of cerebral circulation in an infant;
    • with depression of the central nervous system of the newborn;
    • in case of violation of the child's breathing;
    • with prematurity with sluggish or unexpressed sucking and swallowing automatism;
    • in case of detection of galactosemia.

    The success of subsequent breastfeeding depends on the condition of the baby and the mother in the future. The earlier and more intensively sucking begins, the more milk the iron is able to produce in the future. Therefore, it is important that the baby was "introduced" to the mother's gland within a few hours after giving birth.

    How long does it take to feed a child, depending on age

    The duration of the application varies significantly: from 15-30 minutes. With age, the baby's nutritional needs will increase, and the duration of feedings will also increase (on average, up to 40 minutes). Normally, feeding a newborn ends with sleep.

    However, if the baby is breastfeeding for an excessively long time, the possible reason is not so much a desire to eat as to satisfy the need for sucking or a lack of close contact with the mother. Long-term sucking will not harm the breast, provided that the rules of attachment are followed.

    Feeding is divided into stages. Active lasts the first 5-15 minutes, at this time the baby receives a large amount of food and consumes fore milk. In order for the crumb to receive nutritious hind milk, it is worth allowing the gland to empty completely.

    The duration of feeding is directly related to the age of the toddler. The newborn has a small stomach, the volume of which does not exceed 5 ml. Therefore, the baby eats often and little by little. As the child grows up, the duration of feedings increases, and the interval between them increases (by six months, the child will be asking for breast in a few hours). At the same time, the baby receives more food due to the increase in milk in the mother's mammary glands.

    How often to breastfeed

    When feeding a baby, both the duration and the frequency of applications per day are taken into account. The more often a woman feeds, the more actively lactation is maintained. It is customary to distinguish two options for feeding - on demand (free feeding) and by the hour (according to the regimen). In the first case, the child receives food, signaling to the mother about the feeling of hunger by crying, anxiety, searching movements with his mouth. In the second, the mother deliberately waits for some time between feedings, the waiting interval increases with age. The need for on-demand feeding for baby development and subsequent lactation is increasingly emphasized today.

    As the volume of the stomach increases, the interval between meals increases. In the first days, the child "asks for breast" from 6 to 12 times throughout the day.

    How Often To Alternate Breasts When Feeding

    The principle of natural feeding is consistent application to the mammary glands. The baby is fed alternately with one and the other breast, using one gland in one feeding. With hypogalactia, it is applied to two glands during feeding. In this case, the first breast is given for a long time until it is completely empty.

    Neglecting this rule can lead to the fact that the baby does not receive the full amount of nutritious late milk, it will be bad to gain weight. In addition, ineffective removal of milk from the ducts is the cause of a blockage of the duct in the mammary gland (lactostasis), and, as a result, causes painful sensations and difficulty in feeding, the risk of mastitis.

    It is not recommended to give both breasts in turn during one feeding. Only if the baby has drunk milk from one breast and is still hungry, attach it to the other. It is possible to determine that the baby needs a supplement by a number of signs:

    • after eating, the little one behaves restlessly, is capricious, looking for a chest with his mouth;
    • the baby is crying;
    • infants rarely have urination and defecation;
    • the child is slowly gaining weight.

    Babies who are full and receive full portions of breast milk are calm, sound asleep, develop faster and gain weight. It is possible to increase the volume of breast milk in case of its deficiency with the help of medicines, traditional medicine, lactogonic mixtures.

    How long does it take to breastfeed a newborn?

    A lot of debate arises around the question "to what age to breastfeed." You can answer it by studying the WHO recommendations. The World Health Organization has ruled that it is recommended that exclusive breastfeeding be maintained until six months of age. Children over 6 months old, in addition to breast milk, as well as formula-fed babies, should be given complementary foods.

    Dr. Komarovsky agrees with the WHO standards. The pediatrician recommends choosing one of three directions for the first complementary feeding, taking into account the characteristics of the child's development. These can be vegetables, cereals or dairy products. The introduction of complementary foods does not mean that natural feeding should be abandoned. You can continue to breastfeed the toddler for up to a year, one and a half or two years at the request of the mother. It is actively promoted to practice breastfeeding until the period of involution: 2.3–3 years of age of the child.

    Do I need to feed the baby at night

    The baby also needs food at night. However, night feeds are optional and are practiced if the baby expresses his need with concern. The first months of life, biorhythms are formed in the toddler. After giving birth, he has the same need for food for 24 hours. The baby does not distinguish between day and night.

    Changes should occur by 5–6 months of age. During this period, the baby begins to receive more nutritious "adult" food in the form of cereals, vegetables and is able to do without food for about 6 hours. Having fed the baby late in the evening, the mother can get enough sleep and gain strength.

    Feeding at night supports lactation, as prolactin, the hormone responsible for the "production" of milk, is produced during this time.

    Not only hunger can cause frequent awakenings at night. The frequency of waking up can also be influenced by the comfort of the environment. Monitor the room temperature and humidity, ventilate the room, and have a soothing and relaxing herbal bath before bed. If a baby wakes up at night to eat, but eats poorly, gets tired quickly and falls asleep under the breast, he may not want to eat. Put the baby next to you, feeling the warmth and smell of your mother, the baby will sleep better.

    Do you want to drink or not?

    It is often difficult for mothers to accept the axiom that a healthy newborn baby (up to 6 months old) does not need water. He receives the necessary fluid from the front breast milk. It is 87% water. At the same time, the mother fluid cannot be compared even with spring water. Front milk contains solutions of salts, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. These components are most fully absorbed by the baby's body, stimulates the work of the organs of the small organism.

    The argument that mother's milk is very sweet and should be washed down with water is also wrong. Breast milk tastes sweet due to its high carbohydrate content. This pleasant sweetness of lactose, which is important for the absorption of calcium and iron, nutrition of beneficial intestinal microflora and the development of the child's brain. Lactose not only does not require additional drinking, but also gives the baby a feeling of freshness.

    There are exceptions to every rule. It is necessary to supplement the baby on HB in the following cases:

    • when he is sick, with an increase in body temperature, diarrhea, vomiting;
    • in the hot season, when there is a risk of overheating;
    • with the development of physiological jaundice;
    • with intoxication of the body;
    • if the baby is developing slowly, has stopped growing, does not gain weight.

    Each case is individual and requires a personal approach. Feeding is an integral part of the life of the baby and his mother. At the same time, having properly organized this process, both the mother and the baby will learn to enjoy such a daily stay together, to appreciate the minutes spent together.

    How long to breastfeed. Personal experience.

    An axiom that every mother of a newborn baby should know: “There is no formula better than breast milk! and There is no animal milk better than a mixture! "

    If for some reason you are not able to breastfeed your baby, feed him with high-quality adapted milk formula, and grandmother's advice about wonderful homemade steamed goat or cow's milk, leave it up to a year! In one word:. Or a breast or a mixture! But not like SV, since this will constantly provoke colic, and even more so not to replace the mixture with milk of animal origin (!), Since this is a clear path to rickets.


    - there is no fat milk;

    - there is no non-fat milk;

    - there is no empty milk;

    - there is no empty milk after a year;

    - there is never enough milk;

    - the quantity and quality of milk does not depend on the size of the breast;

    - if you can squeeze at least 1 drop of milk out of your breast - you are doing well with milk, you can breastfeed (!);

    - there is illiteracy in the issue of GW;

    Milk is only what the baby needs and only in the amount that he really needs!

    Milk begins to be produced from the head. We tune in to long breastfeeding and are not lazy! Why long: first 6 months. GW is being established and only then carefree feeding. If you were able to feed the first 6 months, then you can feed even to the point of excommunication.

    1 rule -feed on demand.

    Apply to the breast when the child is still groaning asking for food, and not yelling in hysterics. The child has the right to demand breast at least every 20 minutes, since milk is quickly absorbed. May be required again after 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 3 hours, 40 minutes, 2 hours ... this is absolutely normal. If the baby needs it, breast-to-mouth and lie / sleep like seals, even if it is longer or longer ... Pay special attention to night feeding from 12 am to 08 am. Offer the breast even if the baby has not woken up for night food: gently take it in your hands and attach it to the breast, he will not wake up, he will suck reflexively, sleep and eat at the same time. At night, try to feed your baby every 2-3 hours, or even more often, at his will. You don't need to plug it in with a pacifier, water, or formula overnight. It is during the night hours that the most active production of the hormone responsible for lactation occurs. Apply to only one breast at a time. With the next feeding, another breast. And so alternate. But if the baby with one breast is not full, offer the second.

    There is never enough milk !:

    It happens - too lazy to feed on demand and keep it at the breast for a long time. So that you do not feel like a zombie during the day, a joint sleep with a child will help you here.

    When you sleep together, your biological clock will coincide with the biological clock of the baby, so you can easily wake up at night for night feeding ... along with this day you will feel more cheerful than if you slept separately.

    GW by mode is the right way to IW!

    For those who are just preparing to become a mother:

    Choose a maternity hospital with a joint stay with the baby in the postpartum block and attach it to the breast as soon as possible after childbirth, during the first 12 hours of his life, even if it seems that there is no colostrum and feed on demand, without lifting the baby from the breast earlier than he will eat. This will help the faster formation of hepatitis B, and it is also a good prevention of jaundice in newborns.

    If in the postpartum block the baby does not immediately fall asleep, toss and turn, sulky ... then he has postpartum stress, he is overexcited. In this case, the hugo needs to be applied to the breast - this is a good antidepressant and sedative for the baby.

    If the baby does not understand that it is necessary to take the breast, you need to squeeze a drop of colostrum onto his lips. The child will smell and taste colostrum, and understand.

    If the baby has turned away from the chest, pat him on the cheek, on the one we want him to turn to us. A reflex will work and he will turn his head.

    If the child painfully took the breast, remove the breast from the mouth: gently insert the little finger into the corner of the mouth - the child will release the breast. To breastfeed again: touch the baby's upper lip with the nipple - the baby will open his mouth wide and at the same time stick his tongue forward, covering his lower lip. At this moment, and put the breast in the baby's mouth on the tongue at an angle to the palate.

    The nipple should be completely swallowed together with the ariola, and more captured from the bottom than from the top. There should be no pain. For a soft rush of milk In order for milk to come smoothly, gradually and without complications, it is necessary to drink fluids correctly from the 1st birthday of the child (soups and liquid cereals do not apply to drinking).

    In the RD immediately after childbirth:

    1 day after childbirth - drink a lot, the more, the better, even if you don't want to, through yourself;

    2 days after childbirth - drink at will, when and how much you want;

    3 days after childbirth - stretch 2 glasses of water or other liquid for a day. If you are very thirsty, moisten your lips and rinse your mouth.

    From 4 days after childbirth until the end of hepatitis B:

    Drink focusing on the chest:

    If the chest is heavily poured, painfully - focus on the drinking regimen for 3 days;

    If the chest is calm, moderately poured - focus on the drinking regime for 2 days;

    During the GW crisis - focus on the drinking regime for 1 day.

    But, if you do not follow all the points prescribed here, it will not help! I observed this drinking regime: the milk came smoothly, softly ... There was no feeling that my breasts were tearing, and I did not rush behind the midwife asking to straighten me ... It was enough for me to just feed mine on demand. First, the baby feeds on colostrum, which begins to be produced during pregnancy. On the 3rd day after childbirth, milk comes. After 2-3 months. the physiological crisis of hepatitis B begins. At this time, the flow of milk slows down or disappears - less fatty milk is replaced with more fatty and nutritious milk, according to the needs of the child, since the child has grown up and his needs have increased. This period lasts on average 2 days. At this time, the baby should be applied to the breast as much as possible and for as long as possible, even if it seems that the breast is empty, so that the baby will suckle to stimulate the flow of milk. The more and longer the child will stimulate the "empty" breast, the sooner this period will end and will pour in milk, even if it stimulates for hours ... freezer. Do not drink milk-producing drink! This period just needs to be lived through. This is the only physiological crisis of hepatitis B; there will be no more problems with milk flow and feeding. For me, this crisis lasted only a few hours: in the morning I noticed that there was no milk, and by the evening it had already flowed. But I didn’t let the child off my breast, all these hours she stimulated me, and I didn’t make milk supply: the child has a good supply of subcutaneous fat for this case, by nature, thanks to which he tolerates this crisis well. But if in doubt, stock up on milk and feed on spare milk. Of course, this will stimulate your child less and the crisis will last longer ... All other GW crises are a sign of improper GW organization. If the body temperature rises on the 3rd day after childbirth, but there are no symptoms of the disease, this is evidence that milk has come. The most difficult period of GW is the period from the first few weeks to 3-4-6 months - the period of the formation of GW. It took me 2-3 weeks and only then I began to get physical and aesthetic pleasure from GV))

    2 rule -feed for a long time.

    We have 2 types of breast milk - front milk and back milk: - children get drunk with front milk, because it is watery and not greasy, has a bluish watery tint; - children gorge themselves on hind milk, since it is fatty and satisfying, has a yellowish fatty tint. The baby needs time to first get drunk with the front milk, and then get to the rear milk and gorge himself on fat milk, otherwise he will be constantly hungry .... Eating breast for a baby is a big job. It is much easier to suck on a bottle, the baby can suck it up in a few minutes. With GV everything is different, it is very difficult for a baby to suck on the breast, he gets tired. Therefore, he sucks with breaks for rest. It will suck a little, rest and go back to "fight" ... You might think that the baby fell asleep and before he had time to get enough to go to bed, but after 5 minutes. he wakes up screaming - he rested and wanted to continue eating, but there was no food, hence the screams! Each child has his own sign that he is full, for example, my daughter has a sharp jerk of her head back. Take a closer look at your kids, how they behave when they really don't want to eat anymore, this will be your sign. And after eating they get so tired that they immediately fall asleep, with the look as if they had run cross: shortness of breath, wet hairs ... Do you feel that the child is full, but for some reason continues to "hang" on the chest? Don't worry about this, sucking even an empty breast stimulates milk production. The child must satisfy all of his sucking reflex, without this he will be nervous and insecure when he grows up. Children on IV have a nipple, since 5 minutes of absorbing the contents of the bottle does not satisfy their sucking reflex. And in children on GV, the breast is both drink, and food, and a nipple at the same time: 3 in 1. For this reason, children on GV do not need a nipple, due to the fact that they "hang" on the chest for a long time, they fully satisfy all their needs for water, food and sucking. After feeding, you may notice calluses on your baby's lips. There is no need to be afraid of this, the baby just tried so hard to eat his breast that he just “ate” his lips. It will go away by itself in a few minutes. There is no need to express your breasts after each feeding. Your baby will suck you so well that you simply won't need your breast pump. The baby is your best, natural breast pump.

    The main thing is to use it correctly and not be lazy. I have a breast pump that costs about 7.000 rubles, which has never been useful to me at all))

    It is not necessary to supplement the child with a mixture and / or complementary foods on full GV! Since this will lead to constipation, allergies, colic ..., due to the immaturity of the baby's stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

    Complementary foods - the earliest to introduce from 6 months, and later, when the baby is ready.

    At full GW, Pedagogical Complementary Feeding can be introduced.

    There is no need to add water to the child on full GW! Since breast milk is 82% water and that is why a child with full GW does not need additional water, front milk completely replaces water + it is much more useful than water!

    It is necessary / possible to supplement the child with full GW, boiled water at room temperature, if:

    - Mom has a negative blood Rh factor;

    The baby has physiological jaundice. But, it is better to atone for it without giving water, because the baby will be saturated with water through the skin when bathing, while increasing the number and duration of breastfeeding;

    The baby has a high fever. You can also wipe it off with warm water. You cannot bathe at high temperatures, drink more, and it is better to increase the number and duration of breastfeeding;

    - the child eats more than 50% of complementary foods per day.

    If the baby has a soft concave fontanelle, he is dehydrated: bathe and drink. But it is better to atone for and increase the number and duration of breastfeeding. If the baby's fontanel is bulging, he has high intracranial pressure: put a slightly broken cabbage leaf on the fontanel (to give juice), it will relieve the pressure and show it to the doctor. Drinking for a child at full HB is introduced when the child eats more than 50% of the complementary food, starting with boiled water at room temperature.

    3 rule - sleep more during the day .

    Sleep off your late night hours during the day. As soon as the baby is asleep, you lie down next to him and sleep. During the daytime sleep, the hormone responsible for lactation is also produced, although less than at night.

    4 rule - eat liquid, soft and light foods.

    The first 3-4 months. GW continue to maintain the prenatal diet until 20 weeks. Bertie.

    If you did not follow this diet for pregnant women, continue to stick to those foods that you ate during the take-tee. Every morning, start with 1 to 2 glasses of warm water for 20 minutes. before breakfast. Drink up to 2 liters of warm, sweetened liquid daily. Much more fluid is needed during lactation. And also drink vitamins for pregnant and lactating women for the entire period of HB + up to 4-6 months. after him. This is necessary in order to replenish his own supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which the child took during GW.

    If the baby has allergies, colic, swelling and constipation - reconsider your diet, diet for nursing.

    You can also influence the child's gastrointestinal tract through your milk:

    Eat prunes, boiled beets ...;

    Drink yogurt, dried fruit compote, kefir: fresh - normalizes, and 3 days or more - strengthens;

    Take bifidobacteria.

    All this you yourself eat and drink and through your milk influence the child's gastrointestinal tract. Also, a child on full GV, in the absence of fever and anxiety, may not go off in a big way for 5-7 days - this is normal, since breast milk is quickly and completely absorbed.

    5 rule - mental and emotional stability.

    Always be calm and peaceful. Do not overload yourself with household chores, leave them to your household or husband. Walk more with your baby in the fresh air. Do not communicate with those who are bad for your mental and emotional state, avoid them.

    Your main and paramount task is to keep GW and take care of your baby.

    If, when feeding a baby, due to nervousness (nervous, angry, lost ...) there is little or no milk, the following recommendations will help you:

    1. disconnect from all worries, problems and remove the irritant - retire with the baby in the room, dim the light, do not turn on the relaxing music loudly, or just create silence, relax and calm down - remove Adrenaline, it prevents the flow of milk;

    2. “go into the child” - completely undress yourself, undress the child and sit comfortably on the couch, in bed or in an armchair. Putting the baby between your breasts - skin-to-skin contact and cover yourself with a rug or blanket. Close your eyes, relax and connect with the baby into one whole - the surge of Oxytocin, the hormone responsible for milk production;

    3. slowly, in small sips and with interruptions, drink a warm, moderately sweet drink prepared in advance - a rush of milk; 4. as you feel ready to feed - feed starting from a fuller breast. the formula for hepatitis B under stress looks like this: adrenaline. - (

    Falling to the breast of the mother, the child, feeling security, calms down and replenishes the forces wasted during the study of the world. The mother who gives life and support to the baby, of course, wants to extend these moments. But when the child reaches the age of one, she begins to torment herself with the question: "Isn't it time to wean him from breastfeeding?" Yes, and neighbors, grandmothers, girlfriends unanimously notice that the baby has grown up and it is time to wean him off the breast, or they are surprised that his mother still feeds him with milk.

    With an abundance of ambiguous information, it is difficult for a mother to figure out how much to feed a child. The present time dictates its own conditions, many mothers completely refuse to feed the child, for the sake of continuing their career, preserving their figure and beauty, or are forced, due to lack of milk. They feed their babies with different mixtures. from a very early age, if not from birth. Among the population and medical workers there are people who deny the benefits of prolonged feeding, and there are also people who admit, if only further feeding does not bring inconvenience to the mother and child. Therefore, for clarity in such an important issue, up to what age to breastfeed your baby, all opinions in medicine and the people should be considered.

    Reasons for converting to mixtures

    The question of how much to breastfeed a child remains open in modern society. Some mothers, having milk and the opportunity to feed, immediately or in the first months of life refuse to put the baby to the breast, transferring to artificial feeding. The realities of modern society impose their point of view, a small number of children are breastfed for up to one and a half years, mostly fed for up to 3 months, or even less.

    There are several reasons why children stop breastfeeding:

    Before giving birth, a woman could work in a responsible and high position, so she cannot afford to be on maternity leave for a long time. Longing for career advancement preferring it to the detriment of maternal instincts, she weanes the baby at a fairly early age. Some people want to maintain a slim figure and attractiveness without even breastfeeding.

    Breastfeeding is associated with many issues and challenges. This can seem painful, especially during the first feedings, as the baby is digging directly into the uncoated nipple. Binding and lack of free time also play a key role in weaning a baby early.

    Due to the environment, nutrition and modern life filled with stress and mental disorders, some women do not start lactation at all or stop early. The reason for this situation is lack of a culture of motherhood and applicable rules in maternity hospitals, prescribing a medical examination immediately after childbirth.

    Foundations of society affecting the early termination of lactation

    The common reason for early weaning is the banal lack of experience in breastfeeding, and in today's society, with the lost culture of motherhood, a young mother has nowhere to learn it. Current counselors have little experience of breastfeeding and caring for babies themselves. Authoritative opinions of some district pediatricians more knowledgeable and experienced in artificial feeding will support early transition to formula.

    Many births take place by caesarean section, with a difficult general condition of the mother after the operation, which makes it impossible for the baby to be attached to the breast for up to several days. Even a natural birth does not involve latching the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth; instead, it is taken away for a physical examination. And it is known that attachment to the mother immediately perfectly stimulates lactation for a long time.

    Feeding in the third, seventh month and a year is accompanied by lactation crises due to changes in the child's body and milk composition, according to the needs of the baby. At these stages, women most often stop breastfeeding, believing that it should be so. However, it is known that the desires of the mother and frequent attachments are sufficient to resume and enhance lactation. For clarity, the composition is considered breast milk, beneficial qualities and importance for the body.

    The composition and beneficial qualities of breast milk

    To make the right decision, you need to know the benefits of breast milk and its importance for the health and development of the baby, and based on this, weigh the pros and cons of breastfeeding. Up to what age to feed milk, a woman will decide after understanding how nutritious and rich it is not only in chemical elements and vitamins, but also in the content of about 1000 nutrients that cannot be synthesized or obtained in any other way.

    Breast milk contains the following nutrients, vitamins and elements that make up its nutritional value:

    In addition to components that can be easily synthesized in artificial mixtures, milk contains a full set of substances for physical development and muscle building. In addition to muscles, bones and ligaments, in the early years, a complex brain and nervous system are formed, in which breastfeeding plays the most important role.

    In addition to the listed substances, vitamins and elements, breast milk contains hormones, enzymes and multiple immune agents. It contains about 700-hundred species of beneficial bacteria., which form immunity, and bifidobacteria that enter the body and adjust digestion, milk contains an increased amount of complex saccharides to feed bifidobacteria. Along with the beneficial ones, a small part of harmful microorganisms comes in to develop immunity, aimed at combating the strongest pathogens in the future.

    The protein lactoferrin contained in milk is an anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory unique agent that stops the reproduction and development of fungi, microbes and viruses. It inhibits the formation of tumors, eliminating the occurrence of metastases. Participates in the modulation of the body's immune system. Perfectly cures Staphylococcus aureus, resistant to most antibiotics, and therefore difficult to treat. Upon reaching the age of two, the concentration of lactoferrin in the mother's milk increases.

    Composition and immune factors

    The milk of each individual woman is different from the milk of another, in addition, it changes its composition depending on the age and needs of the baby. The structure and structure change, according to the feeding period. In addition, milk is first and residual, called front and back. If the front is white with less fat, the back is yellow and contains much more fat.

    Milk at different periods of lactation:

    • Colostrum is a rich yellow-orange liquid that is produced in a small volume 3 to 4 days after childbirth. Contains a large amount of albumin, immunoglobulins, salts and vitamins A, E, C, K. It has a laxative effect, protects mucous membranes from the ingress of microbes that cause diseases
    • Transitional milk is a white liquid that replaces colostrum 4 to 7 days after delivery. The content of substances and elements is close to mature. Contains a lot of fats, carbohydrates and B vitamins.
    • Mature milk - white thick, is produced from 3 to 4 weeks after childbirth.

    The composition of breast milk changes, depending on the diet and daily routine of the mother, her well-being, and the duration of feeding. The concentration of some substances and elements varies depending on the beginning or end of feeding. An extended study has shown that milk consumed directly from the breast, when the baby is in close contact with the mother, is richer in composition than expressed.

    Mother's milk is specific acts on pathogenic microorganisms of the child. With close contact of the mother with the baby during feeding, bathing, kissing, etc., bacteria enter the mother's body, stimulating lymphocytes that enter the mammary gland and are synthesized there into immunoglobulin. A child with milk receives antibodies to fight against pathogenic bacteria, to which it is exposed.

    Spiritual Basis of Feeding

    In addition to physical contact, during breastfeeding, a close mental interaction is established between the baby and the mother, there is a relationship that will be useful in later life. Mental development of children after prolonged breastfeeding, it surpasses those who were early transferred to substitutes. They are more outgoing and outgoing in adulthood.

    A mother who breastfeeds her baby for a long time gives increased care and love in the transition periods after a year. It has been established that, when experienced stress or nervous excitement, feeding has a beneficial effect on the mood of the mother and child, they calm down. Any woman appreciates the magical moments when a well-fed baby falls asleep on her breast.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Long-Term Breastfeeding

    Medical research has shown that up to six months the child needs only breastfeeding, after which it is possible to gradually reduce the attachment to the breast, replacing with mixtures, transfer the child to regular food. Feeding for more than a year and a half is considered long, but if this situation suits the mother and child, then it is possible and useful to continue, especially in poorly developed countries, where there is a danger of intestinal and other infectious diseases.

    Benefits of long-term breastfeeding:

    • useful, forms a strong foundation of health, strengthens the immune system;
    • promotes weight loss for the mother;
    • the speech apparatus develops rather and better;
    • the child adapts to society faster;
    • harmoniously develops the child, due to the establishment of a close relationship with the mother;
    • the formation of the correct bite;
    • complete formation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • the child immediately calms down.

    There is another side of the coin: for a correct and informed decision on the question of how much to feed, you should also know the negative side of long-term feeding in order to soberly evaluate everything connected with this. There is an opinion what to feed after a year, and especially after three, is contraindicated due to the depletion of the mother's body and impaired reproductive function.

    Disadvantages of long-term breastfeeding:

    • when breastfeeding for more than a year, it is difficult for the child to wean;
    • depletion of the mother's body;
    • the shape of the breast deteriorates;
    • censure of others;
    • inhibition of the development of independence in a child.

    A mother may decide to breastfeed for a long time, motivating this by maintaining her special position. A woman acquires a special status, and manipulating people by him requires a special attitude towards herself.

    Solution of the problem

    How much to feed with breast milk is an individual question, depending on the circumstances, taking into account this or that opinion, one can only get lost in this matter. Long-term feeding implies a certain lifestyle and special nutrition, the mother needs to be close to the baby, observing the daily routine. Before deciding to feed up to three or more years, you need to think carefully about whether you have enough strength to deny yourself a lot for 3 - 5 years.

    Literally 100 years ago, everything was defined in humans, without the influx of research results and innovations in artificial feeding. Modern people can only dream of the health of their ancestors, even with difficult years of life. Although, recently, the fashion for organic products and household items is paying off, and support for increasing the age of breastfeeding is starting.

    After studying the information, there is the natural solution is not to give up on the destiny - to raise your child until he or she can stand for himself and his life. As long as the baby and his existence depend on you, give him the best.

    The fact that only breast milk is able to give your baby everything necessary for its normal growth and development is a proven fact that does not cause doubts. And yet, the question of up to what age to breastfeed a child (boy or girl, it doesn't matter) remains open and torments all young mothers and fathers. On the one hand, breastfeeding is convenient and useful, but on the other hand, it creates certain difficulties, since a nursing mother must constantly limit herself in nutrition and be close to her baby in order to feed him on time.

    But keeping a diet is a very difficult task for some mothers, which also creates some discomfort. Therefore, making the right choice for a woman who does not have her own HW experience can be quite difficult.

    First of all, it is worth noting that normally until the age of 6 months (when some experts in the field of rational nutrition of children of the first year of life recommend starting to gradually introduce complementary foods), breast milk should be the only food for the baby. Only in this way he will receive all the necessary substances in order for the immature internal organs to develop physiologically in accordance with age.

    In addition, breast milk is a source of the formation of immunity in a baby, and no other product can make up for this loss if breastfeeding has to be abandoned. The composition of milk can change over time, depending on the needs of the infant's body. That is why the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding as the most physiological way to allow a child to develop harmoniously.

    Thus, feeding a newborn with breast milk is certainly beneficial, but the question remains, until what age is your baby considered a baby and needs breast milk?

    Up to what age is a child considered a baby?

    So, if a woman has no impaired lactation and there are no objective indications for artificial feeding, then you need to feed the baby with breast milk from birth. Now, with regard to such a thing as "baby".

    From the point of view of medical science, the periods of a preschool child's life are divided into the following periods:

    • from birth to one month - the neonatal period;
    • from 1 to 12 months - infancy;
    • from 1 year to 3 years - preschool age.

    It follows from this that the infant period is a period from 1 month to 1 year, but does this mean that 12 months is the age when it is worth stopping feeding a newborn with breast milk? Not at all! This is the period in which the child is considered an infant and breast milk is a necessary product for him. A food that not only provides more than half of all the nutrients your child needs to be healthy, but also participates in the process of digestion and absorption of food. Breast milk contains all the necessary enzymes so that the first foods you introduce into your baby's diet are not only well digested in his stomach, but also absorbed by the body, which is no less important.

    According to the recommendations of the same WHO experts, all children should receive breastfeeding and age-appropriate complementary foods for up to a year are mandatory, and then breastfeeding can be extended to 2 years or more.

    What is the optimal age for completing lactation?

    Before answering the question of how much to breastfeed, it is worth realizing that in the first year of a baby's life, the sucking reflex is one of his main reflexes, which absolutely requires satisfaction. Otherwise, the child may lag not only in physical, but also in mental and emotional development.

    The experience of women in Russia shows that breastfeeding is usually stopped during the following periods:

    • when the child reaches the age of 6 months (more often for objective reasons and medical reasons);
    • at the age of one year due to the fact that a lot of food has been introduced into the baby's diet, and therefore breast milk ceases to be the only source of energy and nutrients for the baby;
    • at the age of about 2 years, since children at this age begin to attend preschool institutions, and their mothers finally leave maternity leave.

    Which of these options is correct, and for how many months to breastfeed? Every nursing mother should give herself the answer to this question. But before a decision is made, it is necessary to take into account:

    • breast milk is rich in all the necessary trace elements and substances for your baby to develop actively;
    • it contains a huge amount of necessary immunoglobulins, which is very important for the formation of immunity, because the very process of formation of the immune system in a baby ends only by the age of 6;
    • satisfaction of the sucking reflex is an important aspect of the formation of not only physical health, but also the emotional sphere of the child, as well as his psyche, and the lack of such satisfaction can even become the cause of severe neurological disorders or psychoemotional pathological conditions;
    • breast sucking contributes to a faster, and most importantly, more correct and physiological formation of the speech apparatus in children;
    • the long process of breastfeeding contributes to the full formation of the gastrointestinal tract. When the baby is introduced to complementary foods the same foods that the mother herself eats, the process of their digestion in the baby's body will be much easier and faster if, after complementary feeding, the baby is “fed” with breast milk. After all, the gastrointestinal system of a newborn is formed up to 3-4 years old, and mom's milk facilitates its formation.
    • long-term breastfeeding helps the development of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the maxillofacial muscles, correct bite, and most importantly, the formation of the structures of the baby's brain.

    This does not mean at all that children fed with the help of mixed or artificial feeding will certainly grow up with underdeveloped organs of certain systems. This only means that in breastfed babies all physiological processes are much faster and "better". Prejudices that a baby who suckles for a long time will certainly grow up, if not a "mama's boy", then certainly a person with sexual deviations - nothing more than grandmother's fairy tales; and all leading experts today recommend prolonging breastfeeding as long as possible.

    We repeat, only a nursing mother herself can make a decision, but it still makes sense to listen to the recommendations of specialists, and not other mothers.

    The unequivocal answer to the question of how much to breastfeed - the longer the better! And these are not "grandmother's tales", but WHO recommendations on breastfeeding. Definitely "yes" up to 12 months. This will be useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother - as the risk of cancer is reduced, incl. and breast cancer.

    Why is breastfeeding attractive for children after 2 years of age?

    First of all, the importance of such feeding lies in the formation of the baby's immunity as a defense against many diseases. The longer a woman continues to breastfeed her baby, the more antibodies or immunoglobulins are concentrated in breast milk, which means that the baby receives more maternal antibodies. This will help him cope with many viral infections and other disease-causing agents that, one way or another, surround us everywhere.

    After a year, mother's milk changes its composition, it becomes more saturated with vitamins (especially A, C, etc.), which, undoubtedly, only has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. And after two years, 500 ml of breast milk contains more than half the daily intake of calcium.

    Moreover, at the age of two or more years, the baby actively learns the world, which makes the risk of infection with the above pathogens much higher. In addition, many babies at this age will go to kindergarten, which can rightfully be called a real "hotbed" for many infections and viruses of various etiologies. Mom's milk will help you go through the adaptation process much easier, and not only from a physiological point of view.

    The psychological aspect of adaptation to the team and the socialization of the baby is, first of all, a stressful situation, which will be overcome not so much by mother's milk as by the process of breastfeeding itself. At this moment, the child feels as protected as possible, which means that it will be much easier for such a child to get used to the new environment, change his lifestyle and adapt to the team of other kids.

    Do not forget that there are often situations when a child himself refuses to breast at the age of more than 2 years, for which there are objective reasons. So we come to the next question that worries many young mothers: how to wean the baby from the habit of breastfeeding?

    We figured out the fact that it is recommended by experts to feed a child with mother's milk for up to 2 years or more. But is it worth practicing a similar way of eating when the child has reached the age of three? Some pediatricians think not, and argue for the following:

    • a woman can go to work, and lactation will become the factor that causes inconvenience;
    • the child does not fall asleep well and is naughty until he gets what he wants. And this is not hunger, but the formation of character;
    • at 3 years old, babies begin to realize their gender, and therefore it is recommended to stop breastfeeding before this period;
    • adaptation to the team in kindergarten may be complicated, since the child will be emotionally too dependent on his mother, etc.

    Agree with this opinion or not - the right of your choice, but these conclusions are based on the experience and knowledge of child psychology and physiology, and therefore it is still worth listening to it.

    Let's summarize

    So, let's recall the main theses:

    • breast milk is clearly indicated for children under the age of 6 months;
    • breastfeeding of children under the age of 1 year is considered very desirable and necessary for the normal formation of a healthy baby;
    • after 12 months, when the infant period ends, breastfeeding is not necessary and is not the only source of nutrition for the child, but it is highly desirable from the point of view of the formation of immunity;
    • when the age of 3 years is approaching, the baby can begin the process of weaning forcibly, if the child himself has not abandoned this method of feeding.

    How long it takes to breastfeed the baby is decided primarily by the woman. Of course, this choice should be deliberate and based on the advice of medical organizations, but the best choice for refusing HB will be a period when refusal will not harm either the physical or emotional state of the nursing mother and baby.

    Whenever you stop breastfeeding your baby, remember that the weaning process must be gradual, otherwise it is fraught with stress for the baby and health risks for mom.


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