The assimilation of moral norms and values \u200b\u200bformation of relationships. The assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200bof the organization is new

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Assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral and moral values

On moral norms and rules on the examples of positive and negative behavior, good and bad deeds from life, cartoons, literature, etc.

Communication and interaction with adults and children on the basis of accounting of major moral permits and prohibitions;

Committing some moral actions (stroke on the head, comforting a friend; raise the book fallen from the teacher and other), due to attachment to close and significant people, etc.;

Understanding and use in the speech of morally valuable vocabulary (good - bad, bad, ugly, kind - evil, etc.).

Development of communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

On some species and methods of communication and interaction with adults and peers (verbal and non-verbal communication, constructive and non-constructive interaction).

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Positive response to the proposal of communication;

Establishing verbal and non-verbal contacts with adults and children in various activities;

Adequate response to the speech of an adult, addressed to the group of children, on appeal by action and speech funds;

Emotional positive response to requests and adult demands to remove toys, help parents, educator, on the need to regulate their behavior;

Participation in emotionally speaking communication with peers during games, performing hygienic procedures, food reception;

Using the words of speech etiquette ("Hello" - at the entrance to the group, etc., "Thank you" - when leaving the table, when expressing gratitude for your help, etc.);

Setting independent questions and answers to the issues of the interlocutor in the conditions of a clearly represented situation of communication (who is it? What is his name? What is he doing? What is wearing? What color is his clothes? Etc.);

Participation in speech communication situations, causing the need to tell in three or four proposals on emotionally significant items, events;

Performing requests and adult assignments (decompose spoons, napkins, remove toys, etc.);

Providing assistance to adults (tutor, assistant teacher, parents), etc.;

Manifestations of interest in collaborative games with adults and children, positive response to the offer to play;

Fulfillment, not pursuer, not town toys and objects, etc., together with two-three children, to which sympathy, individual gaming actions (doll down the doll, etc.), several interrelated gaming actions (wash and wear a doll, feed it, lay sleep and others);

Mimicing actions of characters, transfer of simple emotional states of characters using at least one means of expressiveness - Mimici, gesture, movement (smile, make a frightened face, shake your head, wave with hands, etc.);

Participation in collective games and classes based on the establishment of positive relationships with parents, teachers and some peers, including children of various sexes, and compliance with individual elementary moral norms and rules of behavior (not to conflict, do not push, do not beat the other, do not pull the toy ).

Formation of independence, focus and self-regulation of own actions

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

On the ways of self-fulfillment of any activity, tasks, etc. (for example, sequences of independent actions during dressing, washing, etc.);

On some ways to resolve disputes, the liquidation of the quarrel, etc.;

On the forms of expression of feelings (stroking, hug, touch with hand, say: "Do not cry", etc.).

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Self-fulfillment of action on self-service, elements of household labor, some requests and adult orders;

Adoption of the goals set by adults, its own formulation of simple goals, search and finding means to achieve the goals set by adults or independently;

Orientation to the external assessment, the statements of own estimates;

Interaction with children and adults, finding adequate ways to exit conflict, deterrenced by the expressions of feelings in an acceptable form, manifestations of friendly at a meeting, courtesy, courtesy, courtesy when expressing gratitude, courtesy when bringing apologies, restraint at the request.

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

About mutual assistance, friendship, love, etc.;

On some social feelings and emotions (joy - sadness, friendliness - aggression, fear, surprise, etc.).

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Hearings (looking attentively on the speaker, do not interrupt), appeals for help, expressions of gratitude, entry into speech communication (choose the right time and form to start talking), accession to playing children (find a way to join the game without complaints and conflicts);

Reproduction (independently or by instructing adult) simple samples of social behavior of adults or children (characters of literary works, cartoons, etc.);

Providing elementary care and assistance from adults and peers;

Adequate response to the manifestation of aggression: defending interests peaceful way, expressions of discontent (if something does not like, do not accumulate discontent, and say: "I don't like it!"), Getting permission from adults (not to take someone else's without demand, do not do what is prohibited);

Establishing emotional contacts with adults and children, manifestations of attention, goodwill, emotional responsiveness (sympathy for loved ones, attractive characters of literary works, cartoons, movies, empathizing them, adequate response to joyful and sad events in the family, kindergarten; manifestations of attention and care for attitude towards children of another sex, younger age);

Distinction (based on comparison) and understanding of some contrasting emotional states of people in the expression of their faces, poses, gestures (joy - sadness, friendliness - aggression), adequate response to them with action or word (if the crying is to regret, stroke, hug);

Mastering methods for the transfer of some emotional states (fear, surprise, etc.).

Formation of preparedness for joint activities with peers

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

On forms and methods of constructive interaction with peers in the game and other types of joint activities;

On the positive relationships of children in the game and other activities.

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Games in a pair, in a group of 2-3 peers;

Participation in collective games and practitioners with peers;

Manifestations of initiative in joint activities;

The use of constructive ways to interact the child with peers (invite a peer to activities, perform the necessary actions, not quarrel);

Establishing positive relationships with peers in the game and other types of joint activities.

Formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to their family and to the community of children and adults in an educational organization

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

About its own affiliation to members of their family and a group of kindergarten;

About the composition of their family (dad, mom, grandparents, brothers, sisters), about the names of her members, ways of manifestation of concerns of family members of each other; types of domestic work, pastime, etc.;

On the elementary manifestations of gender roles in the family (men are strong and bold, take responsibility for the family, tender, caring, etc.) and the age-related development of children of different sexes (girl is a future woman, mother, boy is a future man, father).

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Initiation of questions and talk about yourself, about parents, about what was when the child was not yet born; What will happen in the near future, etc;

Manifestations of interest in the life of a kindergarten, the name of the childcard workers by name and patronymic, greetings of them and children at a meeting and farewell to parting with them;

Manifestations of desire to be included in joint activities with different family members;

Maintaining order in a group room and a home, careful attitude to toys, books, personal things, plants, animals;

Emotional relationships to the life of a preschool institution (every day, as well as on days of holidays, events).

Formation of positive plants for various types of labor and creativity

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

About the convenient and safe way to perform the simplest labor orders (for example, a chair is conveniently taken, neatly, slowly, not assisted others, bring to the place (from the place) of work activities);

On some types of work of adults, the simplest employment and materials (household work at home and in kindergarten - cooking, washing dishes, wiping dust, washing floors, windows, carpet cleaning, etc.);

On the use of safe ways to perform the professional activities of people of the nearest environment (safe ways of setting the ladder by the janitor, the installation of the New Year's Tree, etc.).

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

The development of the main self-service processes (independently or with small assistance to adult dressing and undressing in a certain sequence, notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it alone or with small adult help);

The development of individual processes in the household labor (in preparation for food - to place the bread mines; in harvesting the group room - put the toys on the shelves, collect cubes in the box, put chairs in place; in cleaning the site - collect trash, fastening tracks);

Performing individual labor processes in nature with the participation of an adult (on the care of plants - water, wipe the leaves, wash the pallets; on the care of animals in the corner of nature and on the site - feed, change water);

attention (with the help of an adult) on positive fairy-tale heroes and characters of literary works that work (a tiny-havel chief, a c-finger boy and dr.);

Manifestations of a positive attitude towards self-service, other types of independent labor and adult labor;

Situal manifestations of the desire to take part in labor, overcome small difficulties associated with self-service.

Formation of the basics of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature

Ensuring the development of primary representations:

About the main sources of danger in everyday life (hot water, fire, sharp objects and dr.),on the street (transport) and methods of safe behavior (not walking along the roadway, to be close to adults, when moving the street, hold on to his hand, go to the green light signal), in various types of children's activities (productive, motor, musical and artistic labor);

On the main sources of danger in nature (unfamiliar animals, reservoirs, etc.).

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Careful and prudent behavior in everyday life, society, nature through respect for the relevant instructions (prohibitions and permits) of an adult.

2.2. Educational region "Cognitive development"

Cognitive development provides a full life of a child in the surrounding world (nature, society). Formed submissions, their streamlining, understanding of existing patterns, connections and dependencies contribute to the further successful intellectual and personal development of the child.

When implementing the educational field, the "cognitive development" takes into account the following:

Cognitive capabilities of the child are determined by the level of development of mental processes (perception, thinking, imagination, memory, attention and speech);

A significant place in the implementation of the region occupies a variety of forms of work with children, ensuring the development of cognitive activity and independence, curiosity and initiative of each child;

The formation of a holistic picture of the world on the basis of the primary representations developing from the child and cognitive actions is ensured by integration with all educational areas.

Development of the interests of children, curiousness and cognitive motivation.

Formation of primary ideas about themselves, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, pace, quantities, numbers, parts and the whole, space and time, movement and rest , reasons and consequences, etc.), about the small homeland and fatherland, ideas about the sociocultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, about the domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common house of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and the peoples of the world, including :

On the main properties of objects and varieties of color, forms, values, space based on sensory experience;

About time and space (morning, day, evening, night, first, then, earlier; high, low, in front, rear, nearby), movement and rest (moving in space of objects, changes in inanimate nature), sound, rhythm, pace (musical and noise sounds; accelerated, slowing rhythm; fast, slow pace), about the properties of materials (smooth, rough, thick, thin, soft, plastic, durable),

On the subject matter of the world (nature and humans) based on the immediate immediate, including on the basis of the emotional comprehension of reality;

On equality - inequality of groups of objects, whole and its parts (part belongs to a whole, and the whole consists of parts) and their transformation (part can be isolated from the whole, from parts you can make a whole, for example, an orange is divided into slices, and you can again make a whole orange);

About the intention and sequence of action for its implementation;

About personal data (name, age in years), about its own affiliation to members of their family and a group of kindergarten;

About the composition of their family (dad, mother, grandparents, grandfather, brothers, sisters), the names of her members, ways to manifest concerns of family members about each other;

About the names of the city (village) and the countries in which we live;

On the most vibrant, repetitive holidays (events).

Formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness

Creating conditions for the acquisition of experience:

Allocations of individual characteristics of objects, finding similarity of objects on features; comparing the subjects of contrast and identical sizes, instructions on the results of such a comparison; modeling (calendar of nature and weather);

Recognition of some of the representatives of the animal and vegetable world (trees, shrubs, herbs);

Establishing the relationship between action and the result of compulsion;

Establishment of mutually unambiguous compliance;

mastering the techniques of the examination of the form by the touch-motor and visual way, distinguishing and calling form;

Orientation relative to their body and in the direction of oneself;

distinguishing and calling parts of the day and seasons, allocating their elementary signs;

Living, interested participation in elemental educational research activities (child experimentation, including elementary actions for transformation of objects, observation, problem situation);

Participation in folk and public holidays.

The degree of person's inclusion in the organization, the success or failure of the process of its adaptation to the organizational surrounding is largely dependent on how much man learned and adopted the norms and values \u200b\u200bof the organization. Entering the organization, a person faces many standards and values, learns about them from colleagues, from prospectuses and educational materials, from non-members of the organization. A person can take all the rules and values \u200b\u200bof the organization, can take some of them, may not accept them at all. Each of these cases has its own distinctive consequences for the inclusion of a person to the organization, it may be estimated differently by the person, organizational environment and organization. In order to give a general characteristic and assessing how the perception of norms and values \u200b\u200baffects the inclusion of a person to the organization, it is important not only to know how fully he learned and adopted the norms and values \u200b\u200bof the organization, but also what norms and values \u200b\u200bwere adopted by a person, And which are rejected.

1.3 Adaptation of personnel as an element of organizational culture

Personnel adaptation is a system of interrelated processes to enter an employee in a new workplace. An employee receives all the necessary information to increase its effectiveness from the first days of work, and the organization creates prerequisites for the formation of a loyal attitude of an employee to the organization. If the process of adaptation is built correctly, it does not arise difficulties for informing and learning. Staff adaptation is one of the most important elements of the organization's personnel management system. Nevertheless, it is often not focused upon not enough attention, as temporary and organizational resources are invested mainly in the development of the evaluation system, learning and motivation. In general, it can be noted that the objectives of the personnel adaptation are reduced to: - reducing starting costs, because while the new employee is poorly focused in his labor duties, it exercises its labor functions inefficiently, requires additional costs associated with the introduction of his position; - reducing the level of anxiety and uncertainty in newly accepted employees; - reducing staff flow, since if newly adopted workers in a new workplace feel uncomfortable and feel their inappropriateness, both in the labor process and in the team, they may decide on the dismissal at the stage of the test period; - saving time management and personnel, since the program implemented by the program contributes to saving the time of each of them; - Development of a positive attitude towards the labor process. The process of adaptation is faster and more efficient in companies with a strong organizational culture. Organizational culture is a given ideology of the organization's management, which is aimed at an increase in the employment potential of the system, which finds its expression through key values \u200b\u200bof the organization. The most important characteristics of organizational culture affecting the effectiveness of activities are adaptability, involvement and consistency. Today, organizational culture acts as a modern management resource, which contributes to improving the effectiveness of organizations in an existing competitive environment. It expresses the basic values \u200b\u200bof the organization, has its own unique communications experience, its history, company heroes, intra-corporate traditions that form a specific spirit, culture, culture. Part of this corporate culture is adaptation. Adaptation management is an active impact on factors that predetermine the course, timing and sequence of adaptation. In order to effectively manage the process of adaptation of personnel, it is necessary to plan it. Under the planning of the adaptation process, it is customary to understand a number of consecutive and targeted activities that are aimed at the gradual entry of a new employee in the workflow. Organizational adaptation is based on the understanding and adoption of the newly adopted employee: - its institutional status as part of a new workplace; - organizational management structure of the organization and existing management mechanisms in it. Important components of the process of organizational adaptation are the awareness of the newly adopted employee of his role and status in the organization, the assimilation of the mechanism of subordination on the management hierarchy. Therefore, it is obvious that the rejection of organizational adaptation to an employee may lead to serious undesirable consequences that will be inflicted both on the absence of an employee's loyalty to the organization and problems in communications in the team and in the low efficiency of work. Adaptation of the newly accepted employee through organizational culture is oriented, first of all, to clarify the role that an employee performs in the process of achieving the organization of its strategic goal. This kind of adaptation is aimed at developing the involvement of the newly accepted officer to the main activity of the organization. Heads of organizations, developing organizational culture, try to achieve the growth of the level of interest of employees in labor activity, cohesion of the team, which directly affects the employment adaptation. In large enterprises, it is advisable to allocate as part of the department for managing the department of the department of organizational culture. The interaction and coordination of horizontal relationships with other personnel functional services is important. The tasks of the employees of the management sector of the organizational culture may include the following actions: - Development of ethical norms of the organization and its staff; - formation and subsequent maintenance of rites, organization rituals; - training ethical behavior; - diagnosis of the culture of the organization; - determination of deviations in the behavior of workers, their causes, place and time; - development and implementation of preventive and educational measures to exclude behavior deviating from established norms, etc. D. Many newly adopted employees represent their upcoming activities at a new workplace are quite formally and even superficially; In case of employment, they have a large number of questions that they cannot receive answers. Elements of objective culture of the organization are solved this problem: information booklets, stands, also members of the team, in which a new worker got. However, it is not so difficult to hire a good employee how to keep it in the company. Not in all cases high wages, premiums, the presence of bonuses are the main incentive for effective work. There is always the likelihood that someone can make a more advantageous offer. Actually existing and efficiently existing tool for holding employees in the company, in addition to the financial aspect, is a developed corporate culture aimed at meeting the social needs of employees. Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in this corporation, reflecting its individuality and perception of themselves and others in a social and real medium, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of themselves and the environment. The purpose of the corporate culture is to combine the interests of members of the organization of all levels, all its territorial and sectoral units through the formation of the feeling of belonging, identity, involvement in the organization and commitment; Confirmation of its involvement in the organization through compliance with corporate (common organization) traditions, rites, rituals, following adopted standards and sample behaviors, acceptance of corporate affiliation attributes (corporate symbolism elements, corporate identity). Insufficient attention to the adaptation of personnel in the organization contributes to a decrease in the performance of staff, since the employee insufficiently adapted to the execution of labor functions at a new workplace spends much longer to perform his job responsibilities. The well-built adaptation system within the framework of organizational culture, taking into account both the needs of the organization and the newly adopted employee, allows you to better learn a new employee and ability, determine the expectations of the employee at a new workplace and increase its professional level by mentoring, designate the area of \u200b\u200bprimary development and prospects for labor Activities in the organization. Adaptation of staff, taking into account organizational culture, implies the adaptation of the newly adopted employee to the organization established in the organization by social standards of conduct, to establish communications in the team, which will contribute to the effective implementation of its employment and the satisfaction of material and domestic and spiritual needs. Modern tools for adaptation of personnel at a new workplace are aimed at the speedy entry into the team and in the labor process of the new employee, as well as the assimilation of rules, norms and values.

As a rule, two types of adaptation primary and secondary are distinguished.

Primary implies those who do not have experience. In this case, the employee arises in the first stages of difficulty when performing duties. Secondary refers to employees who have experience in work. It proceeds faster and does not require special help from the head. But, as a rule, an employee without work experience is easier to master the norms and rules of the organization. And an experienced employee must first learn from the rules at the previous job place, which is not so easy to do.

Most people in the first days of work are most afraid of not cope with the new position, to discover the lack of experience and knowledge, show incompetence, do not find a common language with the leader and colleagues. The tasks at first should be not very difficult that the beginner can cope with them, and get pleasure from it. Otherwise, there will be dissatisfaction with the work performed and disappointment in its own abilities.

During the adaptation period, it is not necessary to especially show the initiative and independence. This will attract attention. First you need to get acquainted with the new setting, the team and enter it.

The new employee is important at first:

· stay calm;

· Understand the placement of forces, informal connections, psychological climate, personal goals of colleagues and leaders;

· Do not participate in conflicts and create them;

· Do not disturb subordination;

· Choose the right tone and the form of communication with the surrounding;

· Ask and clarify as much as possible;

· Provide the workual work timely.

An element of primary adaptation can be considered a professional orientation, the secondary represents a set of organizational and educational activities aimed at familiarizing interested parties with existing activities, identifying interest, inclinations and fitness to them, showing their social prestige of attractiveness and significance, the formation of personal predisposition to the organizational process .

The adaptation process is an action that lasts a period of 6 months aimed at the employee's adaptations to a new place of work, existing rules and orders.

Professional adaptation is characterized by an additional development of professional opportunities, knowledge and skills, as well as the formation of the professionally necessary qualities of personality, a positive attitude towards their work. As a rule, satisfaction with labor occurs when certain results achieve certain results, and the latter arrive as the workplace work in a particular workplace.

In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the aggregate of all conditions that provide various psychophysiological impact on the employee during labor occurs. These conditions include: physical and mental loads, level of labor monotonicity, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production situation, labor rhythm, convenience of the workplace, external factors of impact.

In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, an employee is included in the collective relationship system with its traditions, life standards, value orientations. In the course of such an adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, the social positions of individual members of the Group. He perceives this information actively, correlating it with its past social experiences, with its value orientations. When making an employee of group norms, the identification process of identification is occurring or with a team as a whole, or with any formal or informal group.

In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee meets the peculiarities of the organizational mechanism of management, the place of its division and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, an employee should form an understanding of its own role in the general production process. Another important and specific side of the organizational adaptation should be distinguished - the preparedness of the employee to the perception and implementation of innovations (technical or organizational nature).

Economic adaptation allows the employee to familiarize themselves with the mechanism of managing the organization, system of economic incentives and motives, to adapt to new conditions for payment of their work and various payments.

In the process of sanitary and hygienic adaptation, the employee is mastered with the new requirements of labor, industrial and technological discipline, labor regulations. He gets used to to prepare a workplace towards the labor process in the conditions of production in the organization, adhering to hygienic and sanitary standards, safety and health safety requirements, as well as based on the economic safety of the environment.

Despite the difference between the types of adaptation, all of them are in constant interaction, so the management process requires a unified system of impact tools that ensure the speed and success of adaptation.

The adaptation process allocates several steps.

1. Evaluation of the level of preparedness is the first stage necessary to develop an effective adaptation program. An employee, having come to a new job, enters a new team "with its charter and rules." Even if the employee has experience in similar fields and knowledge to perform a certain type of work, it will fall into unfamiliar situations.

2. Introductory. The employee is talking about his rights and responsibilities. An immediate supervisor and head of the personnel management service (SPIR) are involved in this work. General adaptation programs are usually developed, which include lectures, excursions, videos, booklets that allow you to familiarize the newcomer with the following questions:

a) the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise (goals, priorities, services, organizational structure, information on managers, external relationships, development perspective);

b) organization policy (personnel policy, the policy of saving the production, financial, temporary resources of the organization, the rules of conduct in the organization and the policy of administrative penalties);

c) the formation of a compensation package (material and moral stimulation, social policy of the organization);

d) labor protection and safety (fire safety regulations, first-medical assistance sites, precautions, rules for accidents, prevention of possible hazards in the enterprise);

e) relations with trade unions and familiarization with the collective agreement (appointment, movement, dismissal, probationary period, the rights and obligations of the employee, the unification of employees, the decree of trade unions);

(e) Organization of the work of social infrastructure (food organization, parking conditions, conditions of work of socialcultum enterprises);

g) Definition of the consequences of behavior leading to economic costs or expenses (the cost of industrial and office equipment, damage damage, accidents).

Along with the general programs, special adaptation programs are being developed, in which the following questions affect:

h) the functions of the unit and the adopted employee (goals, objectives, relationships within and between divisions);

and) working responsibilities, rights and responsibilities (signing of the official instruction) of the adopted employee;

k) required reporting in the workplace;

l) procedures, rules, regulations, characteristic only for this unit or workplace (hygienic standards, rules for the protection of enterprise ownership and the problem of theft, standards of behavior in the workplace, the rules for the removal of the organization from the unit, breaks, the rules for conducting telephone conversations and the use of the Internet for private purposes). Lasts about a month.

3. Direct adaptation. This stage consists in the adaptation of a new employee to its status and is largely due to its inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. This adaptation element is key, since it depends on it, as a new employee will be accepted for the workplace.

It is important as part of this stage to provide maximum psychological support to a new employee, regularly conduct conversations and assess the effectiveness of its workplace activities.

4. Functioning.

This is the last step of adaptation. In the process, production and interpersonal problems are overcome. The transition to stable operation comes. If you do not control this process, then its completion occurs after 1 - 1.5 years of work. If it is adjusted, then the step of effective functioning occurs in several months. When reducing the timelines, the company has financial benefits, especially if the organization has a large staff.

Work plan for the assimilation of children of senior pre-school age of moral norms and values, formation of relationships (for one year)

Kokovina Oksana Vasilyevna, Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 22 of the general and aesthetic area with the priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of children", the city of Kamensk-Uralsky.
Description of the material. I bring to your attention a work plan for the assimilation of the children of senior preschool age of moral norms and values, the formation of relationships (for one year). This material will be useful to teachers of the older group, as it will streamline work in one of the directions of social and communicative development of preschoolers.

Education of friendly relationships, positive habits, responsiveness, truthfulness, the formation of culture of behavior is one of the central topics of pedagogical reasoning. How to build work on the assimilation of children of moral norms and values? How to form adequate relationships in the preschoolers group? What means and methods will be effective in the process of attaching children to understand the complex terms of morality and morality? Summarizing the experience of teachers that have such questions, we have developed a plan for pedagogical activities to assimilate the children of senior preschool age (5-6 years) moral norms and values, the formation of relationships.
This plan was built on three "whales" morality: the formation of ethical ideas, the development of positive moral qualities, the formation of a positive self-acceptance and culture of behavior (including as the basis for the formation of relationships in the group). It is in such a sequence that the planned material is located every week of the month. The implementation of the Plan implies frontal work in the group three times a week when using traditional means and methods: verbal, visual and practical.

purpose Pedagogical work is to create a favorable psycho-emotional climate in a group in the formation of children in the consciousness of children's positive attitudes on this or that situation of interpersonal relations and the positive development of these relations.
Tasks Pedagogical work:
to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bsocially significant feelings and forms of their manifestation (ethical ideas);
lay the foundations for the development of the positive moral qualities of children;
Create conditions for the formation of a positive self-excitation, as well as culture of behavior in a circle of friends and society.

September - 1 week
1. Hearing a children's song "What is kindness?" and the organization of dance activity.
purpose - emphasize the attention of children on the word "kindness", help them to realize its meaning.
2. Reading the poem N. Kuznetsova "We quarreled with a girlfriend"
purpose- Develop friendly attitude towards others.
3. Conversation on the topic "Be always polite!"
purpose - Remind children a form of polite communication.
September - 2 weeks
1. Reading poems A. Barto from the cycle "Vovka - a kind soul"
purpose - promote the formation of ideas about kindness as a positive as a person.
2. The dance game "Fuck a king in the forest"
purpose - Promoting the rapprochement of children, learning the guys to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text.
3. Foaming and discussion of the situation "You came in the morning in kindergarten"
purpose - introduce children with different greeting forms.
September - 3 weeks
1. Entertainment "Holiday of courtesy and kindness"
purpose - consolidate the knowledge of children about the meaning of the words "good", "kindness", "politeness"; Create conditions for raising friendly relationships between children.
2. Conversation on the topic "How to play with comrades?"
purpose - Develop the ability of children together to play, share toys.
3. Game "Call me gentle"
purpose - To introduce children with different "affectionate" forms of names, to form a positive attitude towards each other.
September - 4 weeks
1. The final conversation on the topic "What is kindness?"
purpose- promote the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bkindness as a positive as a person.
2. Reading the fairy tale of Tsiferov "When not enough toys"
purpose - Fasten the skills of a friendly relation to each other.
3. Reading the poem of S. Mikhalkov "If you are polite ..."
purpose- contribute to the formation of ideas about politeness as an indicator of human pupils.

October - 1 week
1. Didactic game "What is good and what is bad?"
purpose - Teach children to analyze the acts of children, give them a moral assessment.
2. Conversation on the topic "Turn to people as you would like to treat you?"
purpose - To form in children an understanding of the reality of the return of both good feelings and evil.
3. Exercise "Different forms of greeting and farewell"
purpose- Remind children a form of verbal expression of politeness at a meeting and farewell.
October - 2 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "What does it mean to be responsive? How to treat the requests of other people? "
purpose- To introduce children with the concept of "responsiveness", to form a habit to respond to the requests of native people, friends.
2. Movable game "Bubble"
purpose- develop the ability of children to interact with each other, trust each other.
3. Didactic games in the framework of the "My Name" topic
purpose- Help children understand the value and significance of every name.
October - 3 weeks
1. Reading the fairy tale of Tsyferov "Cockerel and Sunny"
purpose- To form a presentation of children about the difference between good and bad deeds.
2. Didactic game "What to do?"
purpose- Teach children to select the right version of assistance to the needy person.
3. Conversation on the topic "How to behave in kindergarten so that everyone was nice and good?"
purpose- consolidate the skills of behavior in different premises of the kindergarten and in different regime moments.
October - 4 weeks
1. The conversation on the topic "promised - means to do!"
purpose- To form in children an understanding of the need to fulfill their promises.
2. Game "Cut postcard"
purpose- Teach children, arbitrarily choosing a part of the cut card, find participants in their "team", help finding children to find the "team".
3. Didactic game "Never lose!"
purpose- To teach children to express the person to determine the mood of a person, to form the ability to express the sympathy for those who need it, as well as to improve the mood.

November - 1 week
1. Conversation about sympathy. Reading the fairy tale of Tsyferov "Mishkin Pipe"
purpose- Tell children about sympathy, that every person needs to be understood.
2. Discussion and beating the plot of R.N. Fairy tales "Cat, Rooster and Fox".
purpose- On the example of a literary work, consolidate the presentation of children about sympathy and understanding.
3. Foaming and discussion of the situation "How can I express sympathy?"
purpose- To form in children a sense of responsiveness, the ability to express sympathy for the needs of another person.
November - 2 weeks
1. Reading the story of A. Mitt "Ball in the window"
purpose- To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bcaring, sensitive attitude towards others.
2. Games with the word "please".
purpose- Help children understand the value of polite communication with others, develop the ability to properly use "polite" words.
3. Conversation on the topic "How and for what we thank others?"
purpose- fix the verbal forms of grateful expression.
November - 3 weeks
1. Game-dramatization of the plot of fairy tales V. SUTEEVA "Under the mushroom"
purpose - On the example of a literary work, disclose the concept of "friendship".
2. Drawing of cheerful postcards
purpose- Develop the ability of children to make a pleasant surprise "unknown to another".
3. Horovodnaya game "Who is good?"
purpose- Call positive emotions, joy from a joint game, a positive attitude towards each other and to yourself.
November - 4 weeks
1. Entertainment on the topic "Have fun together"
purpose- Continue to form a proper understanding of the concept of "friendship"
2. Conversation on the topic "How do we care about our loved ones?"
purpose- Continue to form feelings of worries and love for loved ones.
3. Reading the story V. Oseva "visited"
purpose- Show the difference between the useful and useless job of help.

December - 1 week
1. Reading the story V. Dragunsky "Childhood friend"
purpose- Continue to form a proper understanding of friendship and its value.
2. Conversation on the topic "How to meet and start friends?"
purpose - develop the ability of children to establish contacts with each other with speech.
3. Horovodnaya game "You are my friend and I am your friend"
purpose- develop a positive acceptance of each other in children.
December - 2 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "Who is my friend and who is my enemy?"
purpose- to expand the ideas of children about friendship and enmity, constructive ways to resolve conflicts.
2. Gaming exercise "Forgive me"
purpose- Teach children to see situations requiring reconciliation of rivals, and to form the ability of children to correctly ask for forgiveness.
3. Movable game "Octopus"
purpose- Teach children to be grouped and create a single figure from their group.
December - 3 weeks
1. Reading the fairy tale of Tsyferov "Who is good?"
purpose- Help children understand the meaning of kindness, its manifestations in relation to other people.
2. Didactic game "How can I do?"
purpose- Develop the ability of children to see the solution of different problem situations.
3. Drawing self portraits "I am glad" and "I'm angry"
purpose - Show distinctive signs of kindness and malice in man.
December - 4 weeks
1. Reading proverbs and sayings about caring and helping neighbor.
purpose- To form a correct idea of \u200b\u200bmutual assistance and care.
2. Reading the story of V. Oseva "Sons"
purpose- To form a sense of care for loved ones, the desire to help them, delight, and not to upset.
3. Gaming exercises to educate culture of speech communication.
purpose- consolidate the knowledge of verbal forms of expression and gratitude.

January - 1 week
1. Reading and discussing the plot of the English fairy tale "Three Pigs"
purpose- disclose the meaning of the concepts of "mutual assistance", "Support".
2. Game "Water Grandpa"
purpose- Teach children to learn each other to the touch.
3. Game "Stay hello to me"
purpose- develop the ability of children to enjoy different non-verbal greeting forms.
January - 2 weeks
1. Dramatic the plot of the English fairy tale "Three Pigs"
purpose- Continue to form the ideas of children about friendship and mutual assistance.
2. Movable game "Tea-tea, cut out!"
purpose- Teach children to see "needy" in the player's help and assist him.
3. Game with the ball "Our names"
purpose- Teach children to use different positive forms of names.
January - 3 weeks
1. Listening to the children's song V. Shainsky "If a friend went on the road ..."
purpose- show the significance of friendship for a person, the value of friends.
2. Reading the story V. Oseva "just an old woman"
purpose- Continue to form in children a sense of care for others and desires to help them.
3. Game "Come up with a friend's greeting" (in pairs)
purpose - Help children, crashing over the couples, come up with ways to greet your friend, expand the ideas of children about who can be friend.
January - 4 weeks
1. Reading the work of V. Kataeva "Tsvetics - SemiCholetik"
purpose- Continue to disclose the meaning of the concepts of "care", "sympathy", "Support".
2. The conversation on the topic "How can we take care of the surrounding people?"
purpose - Show children the value of a person's ability to take care of others, sometimes other people's people.
3. Solution of problem situations
purpose- Help the children understand how they can assist surrounding people in real life (for example, to give way to transport)

February - 1 week
1. View the cartoon "What a wonderful day"
purpose- form an idea of \u200b\u200bmodesty as a positive character.
2. Merry quiz on the topic "Modesty and boasting"
purpose- to bring up the feelings of modesty, teach children to take care of those around others.
3. Conversation on the topic "How to behave in the store"
purpose- Fasten the skills of behavior in public places.
February - 2 weeks
1. Reading R.N. Tales "Hare - Missing"
purpose- Continue to form a presentation of children about modesty as a positive human feature.
2. Reading the poem of S. Mikhalkov "One Rhyme"
purpose- Continue to develop the submission of children about the rules of behavior in public places.
3. The game "Praise each other"
purpose- Help children find something good and attractive in another child.
February - 3 weeks
1. The conversation on the topic "Patience and work will be perfect"
purpose- reveal the concept of "hard work", help children understand the value of labor for human life.
2. Reading the fairy tale V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"
purpose- To form ideas about how difficulty can help another person.
3. Entertainment on the topic "Without difficult not to pull out and fish from a pond"
purpose- consolidate the ideas of children about labor, bring up respect for the work of people of different professions.
February - 4 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "When and what you need courage"
purpose - Explain the concept of "courage", learning to distinguish with chicdomality and courage.
2. Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Kotten"
purpose- develop the ideas of children about courage, the right application.
3. Exercise "Alarm calls - 01, 02, 03"
purpose- Teach children correctly talking to the dispatchers in case of danger.

March - 1 week
1. Reading the story of M. Danzkovsky "Happy day"
purpose- Continue to educate in children a sense of respect for my mother and thanks for her concern.
2. Conversation on the topic "How can I help my mother?"
purpose- develop the ideas of children about their possible assistance in family life.
3. Game "Compliments"
purpose- Exercise children in pronouncing compliments to each other.
March - 2 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "Mother's Day"
purpose- To form the ideas of children about why the people of the whole land celebrate the holiday
"March 8," tell about respect for mom.
2. Reading the poem of S. Pogorelovsky "Try to become a wizard"
purpose- develop the presentation of children about respect for parents, mother.
3. Exercise "Congratulations to our mother"
purpose- Exercise children in uttering congratulations and wishes in honor of the celebration of March 8.
March - 3 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "Roughness and fight"
purpose- Give children an idea that the fight and rudeness is unacceptable forms of solving conflicts.
2. Movable game "Tell me! Do It!"
purpose- Show children the difference between the Word and Del (threat and fight).
3. Exercise "Let's help the Drachan to solve the problem of the word"
purpose- Teach children to resolve conflict situations with words.
March - 4 weeks
1. Reading the story of V. Zheleznikov "Knight"
purpose- To form the ideas of children about masculinity, that it is an integral part of it is the protection of weak.
2. Registration of "Piggy Bank of Good Deed"
purpose- promote the development of children's desire to do good, help each other close to people.
3. Production of orders "for the noble act"
purpose- develop the ideas of children about masculinity, develop the desires of children to make noble deeds.

April - 1 week
1. Drawing on the topic "My friend"
purpose- Teach children to reflect positive features of friends in the drawing; It is emphasized that the ability to be friends is important human quality.
2. Reading the fairy tale L. Moores "Badge of Raccoon and one who sits in a pond"
purpose- Help the children understand that "the attitude gives rise to" to acquire friends, you need to be friends yourself.
3. Conversation on the topic "Have fun and funny - is there a difference?"
purpose- To talk about the fact that not every joke can cause the joy and fun of all its participants, sometimes jokes are chagring.
April - 2 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "Better bitter truth than a sweet lie"
purpose- Explain to children the meaning of the concepts of "honesty" and "lie".
2. Game exercise "So happens or not?"
purpose- Teach children to distinguish the truth and lies.
3. Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Bone"
purpose- Reveal the concept of "lie", show that the lie does not paint, but a man shakes.
April - 3 weeks
1. Reading the story of N. Nosova "Lollipop"
purpose- Continue to form a presentation of children about lies as an unacceptable act of a raised person.
2. Conversation with children about deception in their lives
purpose- Help the guys remember the feelings that they experienced when they cheated themselves or perceived someone's lies.
3. Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Lyud"
purpose- Show that a lie can lead not only to loss of trust, but even to a big tragedy.
April - 4 weeks
1. Reading the story of V. Oseva "What is easier?"
purpose- Continue to form a presentation of children that honesty is more valuable to lie, although it is more complicated to stick.
2. Reading the Chinese fairy tale "Everybody received"
purpose- Reveal the concept of "trick", on the example of a artistic work show its relationship with the concepts of "lie", "envy", "greed".
3. Conversation on the topic "Error and lies - What is the difference?"
purpose- Show children a difference in deliberation and unintentionalness of a deed or relationship.

May - 1 week
1. Conversation on the topic "What is greed?"
purpose- On the example of literary works, explain to children the meaning of the concept of "greed".
2. Reading the Hungarian fairy tale "Two greedy bear"
purpose- show the consequences of greed and inability to negotiate among themselves.
3. Reading and playing the story of the story of V. Oseva "Watchman"
purpose- contribute to the formation of the correct position of each child in the team of peers.
May - 2 weeks
1. Organization of the plot role-playing game "Guests"
purpose - In the game form to show approximate "scenarios" of reception of guests and staying visiting, help children draw conclusions regarding proper behavior against guests.
2. Reading the fairy tale A. Miln "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" (Chapter 2. "In which Winnie Pooh went to visit, and got into a hopeless position")
purpose- To introduce the rules of behavior on a visit.
3. Conversation on the topic "If guests came to you ..."
purpose- To form a positive attitude towards people, to acquaint with the rules of behavior when receiving guests.
May - 3 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "Who is this - Thief?"
purpose - Help children understand who can be called a "thief", to form an understanding that theft is a bad quality of human behavior.
2. Reading Tales O. Emelyanova "Misheutkin Ball"
purpose- On the example of an artistic work, to help children realize the affectance of theft for both "victim" and for the "thief".
3. View the cartoon "Luntik and his friends"
(Season 4, Series No. 215 "Other things")
purpose- To form the right position of children in relation to other people's things.
May - 4 weeks
1. Conversation on the topic "Resentment and offended"
purpose- Help children understand what is resentment and how can you cause her to another person.
2. Reading the poem K. Ice "Who offended whom?"
purpose- Show that the insult is not always aware of a person, so you need to be careful in communication and action.
3. View the cartoon "Luntik and his friends" (Season 7, Series No. 112)
purpose- talk about the rules of forgiveness and requests for forgiveness; It should be noted that the apologized child should not repeat his mistake.

June - 1 week
1. Consider plants on the site
purpose- to draw the attention of children on trees, bushes, flowers and herbal cover on the plot; To form a sense of careful attitude towards nature.
2. Conversation on the topic "Live plants?"
purpose- Test to understand that plants are part of the wildlife capable of perishing the human intervention.
3. Game "Gift for doll"
purpose- Help children understand that a bouquet of flowers, torn from the flower beds and deprived of life, can not be a true gift.
June - 2 weeks
1. Insect observation
purpose- To draw the attention of children to the fact that the grass and soil are populated by living beings - insects that bring to nature and man benefit.
2. Reading poem E. Serovoy "Good Giant"
purpose- form a careful attitude towards nature, living beings.
3. Conversation on the topic "Proper behavior in nature"
purpose- To talk about how to relax in nature, not harmful to yourself or the world.
June - 3 weeks
1. Quiz on the topic "My four-legged friend"
purpose- expand the representation of children about the life of animals, about how they can become friends of a person.
2. Reading a poem B. Skod "Song of homeless dogs"
purpose- Tell children about the fact that a person is obliged to take care of those animals that took care of their care.
3. Conversation on the topic "Rules of conduct when meeting with homeless animals"
purpose- To talk about the homeless, abandoned animals can be angry with a person, so it is possible to "communicate" with them only in the presence of adults.
June - 4 weeks
1. Excursion to the topic "Beauty of inanimate nature"
purpose- help children understand why nature is called "inanimate"; Dilute the concepts of "non-fat" and "unnecessary."
2. Viewing paintings of different artists depicting objects of inanimate nature
purpose- Teach children to notice the beauty of nature, form a careful attitude towards it.
3. Conversation on the theme "Red Book of Nature"
purpose- To talk about the fact that not only nature should serve a person, but the person is called to save and, if possible, enrich nature.

July - 1 week
1. Didactic game "Mood"
purpose- introduce children with manifestations of different emotions, teach them to distinguish between the main emotions on the expression of the person's face.
2. Reading poems by E. Moshkovskaya "Abdomen" and Z. Alexandrova "Bad Girl"
purpose- Show how our mood can affect others, "no obey" people and animals.
3. Exercise "Host of emotions"
purpose- Help the children understand how we can own our emotions, teach children to elementary techniques to deter negative emotions.
July - 2 weeks
1. The story of the teacher on the topic "How turned out to be a rainbow and how she slept"
purpose- Tell the children about how the rainbow is formed: as a result of the friendship of Gmury Tuchka and always clear sun.
2. Heading the song "If a friend came to you, do not do this ..."
purpose- Continue to form in the minds of children an understanding that they can control their emotions.
3. Reading the fairy tale A. Miln "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" (chapter 4 "in which IA-IA loses his tail, and the down finds it")
purpose- show children ways to "transform" the mood of another person; To form in children an understanding of its own responsibility for the nature of relations with another person.
July - 3 weeks
1. Entertainment on the topic "Our Great Russian and Rugaslovo"
purpose- Help children understand that in our language there are not only necessary, important, beautiful, bold, accurate words, but also words, completely unnecessary and even words "Drachuns".
2. The conversation on the topic "Word is not a sparrow, will fly away - you can't catch"
purpose- To form in children responsible attitude to his own words aimed at another person.
3. Reading the fairy tale N. Nosov "Adventures of Link and His friends" (Chapter 4 "How Dunno compressed poems")
purpose- Show the guys how words can cause pain, irritation to other people, destroy friendship.
July - 4 weeks
1. The conversation on the topic "How do you can hurt a person?"
purpose- Develop a conscious attitude to words in the process of building friendly relations between children.
2. Collective Applique "Tree of Good Words"
purpose- Help children to master the dictionary of "good" words (words of praise, consolation and support, the words of friendship).
3. Reading the poem M. Pozdeeva "Poems about good words"
purpose- Continue to form in the minds of children an understanding of the importance and the necessity of good words in the communication of people.

August - 1 week
1. Game - fantasy "What will happen if ..."
purpose- Show children that the outcome of events depends largely on their origins that we can affect.
2. Didactic game "What is good and what is bad"
purpose - Teach children to find and compare illustrations of certain actions of people and their consequences.
3. Reading the poem V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"
purpose- Help the children learn to determine the quality of actions, evaluate them from the point of view of influence on other people.
August - 2 weeks
1. The conversation on the topic "Friend is ..."
purpose- Help children formulate the qualities of a person who can be friends.
2. Reading the story M. Danzkovsky "Friendship Lesson"
purpose- Help children understand their role in maintaining friendship with another child, explain why friends should be able to forgive each other.
3. Speech game "Good Wizards"
purpose- Exercise children in the selection and use of "good" and "polite" words.
August - 3 weeks
1. The story of the teacher "Who came up with the rules of behavior? .."
purpose- Help children understand that the rules of behavior came up with the people themselves in order for them to live.
2. Creation of a "Code of the Group's Rules for Fruit Strengthening"
purpose- encourage children to aware of the importance of each child of the group, the need to take into account the interests of all children; Learn the guys to negotiate.
3. Reading poems by A. Usacheva from the book "ABC of Good Behavior" (for the choice of the educator)
purpose- Continue to work on the formation of the culture of the behavior of children in different situations.
August - 4 weeks
1. Entertainment "In the country of good manners"
purpose- show the importance of good manners, "polite" and "good" words in a person's life, to form an understanding that the pupil is a good quality person.
2. Didactic game "Opposites"
purpose- Exercise children in the selection of words (all parts of speech) and antonym expressions.
3. Reading the fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key or Adventure Buratino" (Chapter "Meeting Pinocchina with Malvina, Artya and Pierro)
purpose- Continue to form an understanding by children, that the pupil is a positive quality of a person.

"The activities of the teacher on the assimilation of preschoolers of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society (including moral and moral values)"

  1. Simulation of the teacher's activities aimed at solving a professional problem
  1. Analysis of shortcomings in the results, in the main process and in the conditions of professional activities.

The state of public morality in modern Russia is the subject of concern for philosophers, sociologists, teachers. Improving the moral state of society is impossible without increasing attention to the appropriate direction of educational work with children, and starting from early age. In the Russian pedagogy, education has always been associated with the development of the spiritual and moral sphere, set itself the goal - raising a child to a thinking, conscientious, honest, hardworking. Modest, respectful responsible.

Human behavior, i.e., lifestyle and action depends not only on the nature of a person, its habits, but also from how it follows certain rules and standards established by society. According to GEF to the main tasks in working with children on the assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society are: assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, the upbringing of the moral and moral qualities of the child.

The behavior of a person is assessed according to the degree of compliance with certain rules. The rule that is common, i.e. Establishing the set of identical actions is the name of the moral norm. G.M. Kodjaspirova, A.Yu. Kodjaspirov give the following definition of "norm", the norm is a rule, the requirement that determines how a person should come in a particular situation. The moral norm may encourage the child to certain actions and actions, and may also prohibit or warned.

Moral norms are the expression of certain relations prescribed by the morality of society to the behavior and activity of the personality in different areas.

Moral education is a targeted process of formation from the younger generation of high consciousness, moral feelings and behavior in accordance with the ideals and principles of morality. According to G.N. Eismont-Shvydka, domestic pedagogy considers moral education as an active targeted process of forming moral consciousness, moral feelings and habits, moral behavior from the first years of the child's life.

In the course of moral education, moral values \u200b\u200bare formed.

In the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary edited by A.M. Prokhorov, value is interpreted as a positive or negative importance of the objects of the surrounding world for a person, social group, society as a whole.

The main function of moral values \u200b\u200bis to form a moral consciousness from the younger generation, sustainable moral behavior and moral feelings corresponding to a modern lifestyle, to form an active life position of each person, habit to be guided in their actions, actions, relationships of public debt. The moral consciousness and behavior of children are formed in unity - these are cardinal principles of pedagogy.

Analysis of the activities of the teacher before in solving the problem of assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society allowed the disadvantages.

Disadvantages in the results, main process, in professional activities

Disadvantages in the results

Disadvantages in the main process

Disadvantages in professional activities

  • Children have no knowledge of the social norms of behavior and rules in different activities, in relationships with adults and peers
  • very often children are not able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others
  • many children are difficult in manifestation of tolerance
  • Positants are not enough to own ways to organize the game activities of modern children, games and game training situations often wear didactic
  • an individual approach to the child is implemented by educators with great difficulties.
  • very often, parents do not comply with the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, caregivers are difficult in organizing cooperation with family.
  • Educators have a low scale of own values, many have no clear value guidance
  • When organizing the activities of children, the educator has difficulty integrating different types of activities (cognitive and game)
  • insufficiently visual material and benefits in DoO
  • Insufficient level of preparation of educators, lack of psychologist teachers
  • Educators do not introduce ICT technology, TRIZ

Based on the above, the following disadvantages can be distinguished by the following contradiction: GEFs are aimed at learning the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, but there is no optimized system of work in the DOU, many educators do not have clear value guidelines, parents often do not comply with the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society And teachers can not always build work with parents for the formation of moral potential in children.

  1. The wording of a professional problem based on the analysis.

Based on the analysis and existing contradictions, it is possible to formulate a professional problem, which consists in the definition and selection of funds for the assimilation of preschoolers of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral and moral values.

  1. A description of new educational results formed by students.

Currently, when federal state educational standards of pre-school education (GOS BD) have entered into force, the search for new content, forms and methods of educational process in kindergarten, aimed at forming a child as a person, ready to live in a changing world, are actualized.

New educational results based on target landmarks

Target landmark

Concretization in accordance with age and theme

An example of the manifestation of quality in the action and speech of the child

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, to different types of labor, other people and oneself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

Upbringing friendly relationships between children; habits together to play, work, engage; the desire to please the elder good actions; Ability to independently find common interesting classes.Education of a caring attitude towards kids, elderly people; Learn to help them.

Children play together, actively participate in plot-role games.

Help their peers in different activities.

It is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, to empathize and rejoice in the success of others, adequately manifests their feelings, including the feeling of faith in oneself, tries to resolve conflicts;

The formation of such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness, justice, modesty.

Enrichment of the dictionary formulas of verbal courtesy (greeting, farewell, requests, apologies).The development of organizational skills and skills, abilities for interpersonal cooperation, the development of speech, memory, thinking, imagination, motivational spheres of the child.

If conflicts occur, it is trying to solve the problem peaceful way. Shows sympathy, responsiveness in the occurrence of problem situations in peers. When communicating uses polite words

the child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in different activities, in relationship with adults and peers, may comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

Development of volitional qualities: the ability to limit their desires, to fulfill the established norms of behavior, in their actions follow a positive example.

Complies with the rules of behavior in kindergarten, in cultural and leisure centers. During the Games with the rules, it follows these rules, takes into account the desires and opinions of other children.

  1. Characteristics of changes in the educational process (content, means of learning and education, control).

In the process of socialization of the child, it is necessary to train the standards and rules of conduct, an emotional response to various situations, methods of manifestation and experiences of various senses. The child gradually absorbs how to know the surrounding natural and social world, how to organize his life, which moral and ethical landmarks to adhere to how to effectively participate in interpersonal communication and joint activities. It is important that the educational process in the preschool educational institution covers the main types of socialization of the child (natural-cultural, social and cultural, socio-psychological, etc.) and asked the initial conditions for the full and successful socialization of the person in the future, it is necessary to organize the conditions The entry of the child into the system of social relations as a component of this system, i.e. The child should be part of society. To solve this problem, changes in the educational process are needed:

Create a plan for working with children, using different forms of work: plot-role games, didactic and movable; conversations on this topic, reading works aimed at moral education;

To organize project activities that contributes to the motivation of children to positive actions and cases, clarifies the representation of children about good and evil deeds and their subsequent, develops the ability of children to express judgments;

Organize work with parents (workshops, memo, round table, press conferences, entertainment, leisure) aimed at improving the awareness of the parents that they are for the child the source of moral representations;

In order to improve the theoretical and practical level of teachers in creating conditions for the moral education of children, organize methodological work through the following forms: thematic advice on the creation of conditions in groups; Methodical exhibition of literature and benefits; Workshop on the development of projects of moral centers in age groups; A review contest for the education of the moral qualities of preschoolers.

Kind of activity

The form

Estimated result


Scene-role games:


"Ride on the bus"





Form business personal qualities of a child, more or less stable moral representations, ability to moral self-regulation, as well as role methods of displaying the surrounding;

Develops organizational skills and skills, ability to interpersonal cooperation, develops speech, memory, thinking, imagination, motivational spheres of the child.

Didactic games:

"What is good, what is bad?",

"Bag of good deeds",

"Help mom",

"Good and polite words",

"Flower of good deeds",

"Help me,",

"Make a compliment",

"Noble Acts"

Organizations, discipline, collectivism, respect for the elders, enriches the dictionary of children with the formulas of verbal courtesy (greeting, farewell, requests, apologies)

Develop volitional qualities: the ability to limit their desires, to fulfill the established norms of behavior, in their actions follow a positive example.

Moving folk games

Form the readiness of children to joint activities, develop the ability to negotiate


Conversations on the themes:

"How and what can you please close",

"Our good words",

"We go to visit",

"How can we take care of the elders",

"What does it mean to be kind?",

"We are in kindergarten"

Expand ideas about the rules of behavior in public places; About the duties in the group of kindergarten, at home.


Making a baby book for children younger group

He teaches to take care of the younger, help them, protect those who weaker. To form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness.


Drawing on Russian folk tales "The most kind hero"

Forms the ability to evaluate the actions of fabulous heroes

Perception of fiction

Reading works with a subsequent discussion of the actions of heroes: Russian folk tales,

Poem V. Mayakovsky "What is good, what is bad?"

V.OSEEV "Magic Word"

E. Martyuk "The worst"

V.OSEEV "just an old woman"

A. Barto "Vovka-Difference Soul"

Forms the ability to estimate its actions and acts of peers, develops the desire of children to express their attitude towards the surrounding, independently find various speech tools for this.



"Our good deeds"

Children must learn knowledge about the importance and need to make good actions; Discern the concepts of "good", "bad", learn how to empathize, to make good actions in your own will, get acquainted with various works of good and evil, proverbs, sayings, verses, negative and positive heroes, be able to analyze various situations.

The activities of the teacher at work with parents:

  • Workshop "What do we know about your child?", "Interaction with children", "Good or bad - alphabet of morality"
  • Memo for parents "The main causes of emotional disadvantages of children"
  • Creative laboratory "Moral relations in the family and kindergarten"
  • KVN game "The role of etiquette in the moral education of children"
  • Round table "Family traditions. Holidays »
  • Press conference "asked - answer"

The activities of the educator in working with educators:

  • Conducting classes aimed at studying this problem of practical and methodological applications; Examining the experience of other Dow.
  • Workshop on the topic: "The moral education of preschoolers, taking into account modern programs and methodologies" and practical classes that are aimed at the systematization and deepening of theoretical knowledge, to understand their own pedagogical experience, to master modern technologies; An overview of the methodical literature revealing the relevance of work in this direction.
  • Thematic consultations: "Psychological foundations of moral development of preschool children", "Development of moral sphere and communication skills in children of senior preschool age", "Formation of relationships between children", "Formation of a sense of love for nature in the process of preschoolers walks."
  • An open view of events from teachers - for young educators.
  • "Round table" is the purpose of this event: the improvement of the planning system of teachers with children on moral education, the development of a strategy for the interaction of specialists and educators, identifying effective work experience in this area.
  • "Creative Group" - which participants participate in the development of an innovation plan, in developing and drawing up prospective plans for children and parents, in the selection of effective methods of cooperation with parents.
  • Individual work aimed at consulting in problem situations, analyzing your own activities, familiarity with the results of analysis.

Map of observation


Characteristics of criterion levels

Owns elementary self-control, receptions of comparing their actions or their work with a model, can find errors and correct them.

The criterion is not performed

The criterion is performed in part

The criterion is performed completely

Knows how to independently unite in a small group of children for activities (work, game), to determine the common idea, distribute roles, coordinate its actions with the actions of partners, assess the result and nature of relationships

Correctly understands words expressing a moral assessment of personality quality (kind, polite, hardworking, responsive, caring, truthful, bold).

As a control, the diagnosis is also proposed, which is carried out by a psychologist.

  1. Characteristics of changes in conditions that ensure the achievement of new educational results (personnel, scientific and methodological, logistical, regulatory, information, organizational).

New conditions are promoted to achieving new educational results:


  • Increased knowledge of teachers (advanced training courses, seminars - workshops, pedagogical tips)
  • Integrated Work with Dow Teachers (music leader, Phys. Instructor)
  • attracting a psychologist

Scientific - methodical:

  • Providing methodological literature on the topic "Formation of preschoolers of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society"
  • Creation and implementation of projects on the moral and moral education of preschoolers
  • Planning for open classes for socio-moral education of children

Regulatory - legal:

  • Accounting in the educational activities of all documents. Accepted at the state level and which relate to pre-school education: the law on education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the GEF of Preschool Education, SanPiN of 05/15/2013 g №26, etc.

Materially technical:

  • Projector;
  • A computer;
  • Music Center;
  • Interactive board.


  • Registration of information stands for parents with recommendations on the assimilation of preschoolers of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society.
  • A selection of information and methodological and fiction for parents.
  • Magazine "Preschool Education", "Senior Educator", "Obruch", "Modern Pre-school Education", "Handbook of the Senior Educator of the Preschool Institution"
  • Information coverage of activities on the site of the Dow;
  • Multimedia technologies.


  • It is organized in a dust circle aimed at mastering preschoolers of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society.
  • Organize meetings with representatives of the Center "Family", visiting cultural and leisure centers


Mustic norms - This is the expression of certain relations prescribed by the moral of society to the behavior and activity of the personality in different areas.

Moral education - This is a targeted process of formation in the younger generation of high consciousness, moral feelings and behavior in accordance with the ideals and principles of morality.

Moral value It is interpreted as a positive or negative value of the objects of the surrounding world for a person, social group, society as a whole.

Self-regulation includes several complex processes that allow children to respond accordingly to the environment


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