The richest people in the world who dress like the homeless. How the rich dress Description of the rich man's costume

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We all know how pop and movie stars dress, but few people are interested in the wardrobe of famous "nerds". Their wardrobe is radically different from public figures, although they have six-figure bank accounts. What are the richest "smart guys" wearing?

Bill Gates is oblivious to brands

Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, but he has absolutely no control over his wardrobe. Gates is of the opinion that he doesn't need expensive clothes and they are completely useless. The billionaire is often seen in torn clothes, he believes that things should be functional, but no more. Outwardly, Gates looks like an ordinary guy who does not stand out from the crowd. For Bill, intellectual development comes first, not a luxurious lifestyle.

Bill Gates

Zuckerberg loves funny hoodies

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg doesn't pay attention to his wardrobe either. He absolutely does not care what he is wearing. He is criticized for wearing sweatshirts with weird and funny images. It's strange to see one of the richest people in ridiculous sweatshirts that absolutely do not match his status. It is thanks to Mark that the sweatshirt has become popular in the IT field, and it is worn by the world's leading experts. More than once, Mark surprised everyone by coming to work in his pajamas, in which he sleeps at home. He explains this by the fact that he does not have time to choose things for the wardrobe.

Mark Zuckerberg

A few words about the color of power of Pavel Durov

The creator of the social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov - although he does not lead the TOP of the richest in the world, he is also a wealthy person, according to Russian measures. Judging by his photographs, Pavel liked to wear black even before leaving VK. Yes, he probably doesn't spend a lot of time choosing a wardrobe. But he is of the opinion that black is a symbol of power.

Pavel Durov

Jobs liked Miyaki turtlenecks and Levi's jeans

The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, was different from other wealthy people in that he always wore a black turtleneck (several dozen turtlenecks were sewn for him personally by Issey Miyake), jeans of the famous Levi’s brand, and New Balance sneakers on his feet.

It was thanks to the black turtleneck that Jobs became recognizable all over the world. After his death, the number of sales of black turtlenecks increased several times. Such clothes have become a hallmark of Steve Jobs, it is in this image that he is remembered by millions of people around the world.

Steve Jobs

Sergey Brin does not spend money on clothes

Sergey Brin is one of the founders of the famous Google. He leads an active lifestyle, enjoys playing sports and skating and playing hockey. Sergey cannot imagine his life without movement, and he chooses clothes based on this. It can be seen in

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we'll talk about how rich people dress. After all, each of us wants to live in abundance. As you know: if you want to be someone, live as if you are already.

Nowadays, rich people rarely stand out from the crowd by their appearance. The only exceptions are social events, to which it is customary among the nobility to come in new extravagant outfits. And in everyday life, the rich, like many people with an ordinary financial situation, choose something in the casual style, there are even those who do not disdain stocks and second hand. Nevertheless, there are some nuances in the appearance of the wealthy part of the population.

The casual style of the rich.

Clothing selection criteria:

1. First of all, convenience

Wealthy people value comfort. Things should be pleasant to the body, as well as such that it is comfortable to move and sit in them. Quite a simple rule that can be easily implemented by a person with a moderate standard of living.

2. Successful cut and color

Most often these are things made of plain fabrics or with a discreet pattern, made to order or perfectly fitting to the figure. As well as certain shades that match the color type.

To determine the color type, go to an image maker or try experimenting with shades, applying fabrics of different colors to your face.

Don't have money to make dresses? Can buy wholesale skirts and for each of them choose three or four tops of such shades that suit your skin color.

photo taken from

3. Simplicity

It is rare to see rich people wearing flashy clothes that are replete with prints and all sorts of details. Wealthy people don't like oversized T-shirts or trendy items.

Although, despite the modesty of the robes, their cost can be very impressive. If wealthy people wear something from Christian Dior or Calvin Klein, only designers or excellent fashion gourmets can guess about it. Modesty is worth learning from the rich.

Don't have the opportunity to buy branded items? Then it is better to buy inexpensive plain T-shirts than obvious fakes with the name of the famous TM on the whole back.

4. High quality

Things can be of well-known brands or designers, or not so. But always from high-quality and natural materials, sewn with straight lines. These are the clothes rich people choose.

5. Subtle hint

And yet, attentive people immediately recognize a wealthy person in a crowd. Someone will have an expensive watch or a scarf, or maybe the perfect hairstyle. Or a sillage from an expensive perfume. Or a branded bag, or a pair of leather shoes polished to a high shine.

And, of course, a confident gait, a charming look and a beautiful posture are a true indicator of wealth not only of the external, but also of the internal world.

History knows many examples when billionaires, having the opportunity and access to the most expensive and iconic things, refused all the best and led a modest life: instead of luxury cars they bought and rode bicycles, instead of smart suits they wore ordinary trousers, shirts and jumpers, which they can hang in any wardrobe. There is a stereotype that women are inveterate fashionistas, and if they get the opportunity to dress with chic and glamor, they will certainly take advantage of it. And it is very simple to check such a prejudice - to look at the wardrobes of the heiresses and owners of billions.

Alice Walton

This is the only daughter of the founder of the famous American chain of stores Wal-Mart. Alice was educated in finance and economics and began her career, of course, at her father's firm as an analyst and manager. Today, the 68-year-old Walton is worth an estimated $ 46 billion. It is known for certain that Alice invests in art and even opened her museum of American art in Arkansas. However, judging by the outfits, the billionaire does not forget about fashion. At various events, Alice likes to wear evening dresses made of shiny fabric, opening her arms and neckline. And her indispensable accessory is huge round glasses - they go both with a formal suit and an elegant dress. As jewelry Alice prefers conspicuous beads - for example, a string of large pearls, massive pendants and chains.

Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers

Françoise is 64 years old and she owns 33% of the shares of L "Oréal. The world famous cosmetics company was founded by her grandfather Eugene Schuller back in 1909. And although her income in 2017 was 42.2 billion dollars, it cannot be said that the heiress of the cosmetics company strives to stand out from the crowd with bright outfits. On the contrary, she often chooses discreet monochromatic suits and only for events can afford jackets with unusual decor and details. By the way, she, like Alice Walton, has a favorite accessory - a scarf that she knits always and everywhere Françoise also loves oval-shaped glasses and tries not to appear without them.

Lauren Powell Jobs

54-year-old Lauren may be known to some only as the widow of Steve Jobs. However, today the woman is active in business: she was one of the largest shareholders in Disney, and last year she acquired a stake in The Atlantic. All of this earned Lauren a fortune of $ 18.8 billion and the title of the richest woman in the tech industry. In addition, Lauren has founded several non-profit projects, most notably the Emerson Collective, which promotes social justice and environmental protection in the United States. It is not surprising that Lauren is interested not only in business publications, but also invites gloss to her to shoot. Indeed, in addition to the listed achievements, she also has one more important quality - a sense of style. In her looks, she does not tolerate unnecessary details, always chooses laconic outfits. If this is a dress, then it will neatly emphasize a slender figure. And if in sportswear, then simple T-shirts and shorts.

Frida Springer

The 76-year-old publisher of the media conglomerate of the same name is worth 5.6 billion dollars. Once upon a time, Axel Springer hired Frida as a nanny for his children, and then married a girl and taught him how to run a business, which she inherited in 1985 after his death. Today, Frida Springer's style can be compared to that of the first ladies: austere, elegant and feminine. She loves plain suits from a jacket, skirt and trousers, while she is not afraid of bright colors. For evening events, the media mogul prefers to wear sheath dresses or flared models to the floor. Strictly, stylishly and nothing superfluous - what a business woman needs.

Maren Otto

Maren Otto is the third wife of Werner Otto, who founded the eponymous postal company in Germany back in 1949. Today, she inherited her husband's empire, bringing her a total of $ 3.8 billion in income. Maren leads a social life, and therefore loves to appear at events dressed with a needle: always in an interesting elegant dress (always on the floor), with her hair pulled back. She loves both luxurious models, embroidered with stones, and rather avant-garde ones - free cut and with an artistic pattern.

When one young braggart said in the theater that he was smart because he had talked with many philosophers, Epictetus remarked to him: “I have many acquaintances of rich people, but still I am not rich.”

The expression "rich look" has always been synonymous with vulgarity, loudness and bad taste. The nouveau riche and parveneu looked "rich". But time passed, the world changed - this concept was filled with a different meaning. In the modern world, to look rich means to be elegant and stylish, to unobtrusively demonstrate your success and taste. But in a rich way - yes, ridiculous and vulgar.

How to become rich and successful

According to psychologists, nothing determines the success of a person in life, career, business, as his psychological state. If you want to become rich and successful, change your thoughts, attitudes and appearance. Believe it or not, it works unconditionally. Self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive outlook on the world, openness plus discreet chic in clothes will attract prosperity to you. So if you want to make good money, take the trouble to work on your appearance and acquire polish. The 7 golden rules for men, proven in practice, will become a guide for you.

1. Natural elegance

The effort you put into making yourself presentable should be subtle. It is possible that you have honed your unique style over the years. But only you should know about it. It should seem to everyone else that the ability to look your best is innate in you. Inherited from his grandfather-financier along with antique cufflinks.

2. No labels

Your clothes should emphasize yours and your style, and not communicate bluntly about the contents of the wallet. Let the people around you guess in which designer's studio your suit and shirt were sewn. An accomplished person will never allow himself to show "insignia". This cheap method is the lot of those who splurge, but in fact are nothing. However, in each circle, certain signs are in use, indicating the status of one or another master. Deal with them and give the right signals.

3. Fewer words

The rich and successful does not brag to everyone around about his purchases, deals, projects ... He is generally laconic about his affairs. Unlike the poor and unsuccessful, who, for example, having bought a fake under some brand at a sale, boasts for a long time and revels in such a successful operation. The poor man can only be pitied - he has no other achievements. You prove your worth by real achievements.

4. Stylish restraint

Minimalism or purism is your style. No bright colors or creative styles. Only classics! And it's not boring at all. Even within this framework, there is an opportunity to stand out, find your own "zest". For example, always wear fresh, well-ironed shirts. These can be shirts only with a stand-up collar or "loaf". Or maybe you prefer thin natural wool sweaters under the throat. We will not talk about polished shoes - it goes without saying. These tricks will make you stand out and get noticed.

5. Imperfection

Clothes should not be, as they say, brand new. You've probably heard that in the old days not a single English lord went out into society in a suit he just bought. Until that moment, for several days he was "covered" by ... the butler. This sweet tradition, I think, is still alive today. "Too" new things, like some other moments, such as a perfect haircut, a perfectly shaved chin, hands with a manicure, can give you away, telling others that you have only recently learned the taste of big money and are unconsciously trying to emphasize your unusual status. Act like you were born with a silver spoon and have always slept on silk sheets.

6. Ease and negligence

Carelessness does not mean sloppiness. Rather, it is a lack of severity in the appearance and manner of dressing. Successful people today do not wear strict, classic suits with perfectly ironed arrows. They dress simpler and allow themselves such slight negligence as the absence of a tie, an unbuttoned top button of a shirt, a soft jumper instead of a jacket, thereby demonstrating inner liberation. And traditional costumes have quietly moved into the category of uniforms for drivers, security guards and office workers. The wealthy prefer the casual, urban, casual style.

7. In the spotlight

To look rich means not only to dress elegantly and expensively, but also to be able to behave, to feel confident and relaxed, to be a witty interlocutor and an attentive listener. Such people will certainly attract the eyes of others. Do not be afraid of other people's evaluating glances, do not look away. Get used to being the center of attention, enjoying it, as befits a successful and wealthy.

Understand these simple rules, follow them, introduce into a habit that will soon become second nature, as it should be. And then the success will catch up.

7 golden rules in the "female" performance

In general, the rules for giving the impression of being rich are the same for men and women.

  1. Feminine elegance should also look natural, not strained, verified to the smallest detail.
  2. It is unacceptable to display labels. Only "daughters of janitors" allow themselves such a thing, not a lady.
  3. Talking about your purchases and especially disclosing their value is bad manners.
  4. Minimalism also welcomes women. Do not overload the style with details, do not dazzle with colors, do not "exaggerate" with decorations.
  5. Women's clothes shouldn't signal that they have just come from the store either. On the contrary, they have been loved and worn for a long time.
  6. Urban casual style - casual - is also loved by women who have taken place in the profession, successful in business.
  7. The ability to calmly and favorably react to other people's views, not to be afraid of attention is a distinctive feature of rich women.

But still, there are some purely feminine rules for how to look rich.

1. Quality

This is the fetish of the rich. Let there be fewer things, but they will be of high quality. As the saying goes, less is more. Shoes, gloves and bags, as well as accessories are chosen with a special preference. And they wear things made from natural fabrics: cashmere, linen, silk, cotton.

2. Color

The rich give preference to sophisticated colors in their clothes: black, white, all shades of gray and brown, blue, bottle, burgundy and pastel. And also - plain fabrics. This is a win-win because the garment is particularly elegant. Drawing is allowed on scarves and shawls.

3. Lack of vulgarity

This means not only that the rich don't wear tracksuits as their daily streetwear, but also that they don't use self-tanners, don't tan in tanning salons, and don't put on pounds of makeup. The rich tend to take care of their health, so they do not sunbathe even in resorts. By the way, the natural whiteness of the skin is becoming a trend. The rich also have a sense of proportion, so they use makeup very carefully, only slightly emphasizing the eyes and lips. They do not wear a breathtaking neckline, high heels and mini on the verge of indecency.

4. Style, not fashion

The rich don't pursue fashion, they don't buy hot stuff. A rich wardrobe is stylish, simple and high-quality clothing that emphasizes individuality. Perfect fit. Femininity but not sexuality.

5. Self-care

The rich look younger than their age. They are fit, athletic, well-groomed, they do not have excess weight. It is clear that care requires a lot of money - beauticians, massage therapists, fitness trainers ... But the rich do not save on health and appearance. Sleekness also means healthy shiny hair, a good complexion, clean skin, well-groomed hands.

6. Flawlessness

If the rich were perfectionists, they were in the past. They have already proved everything to themselves and to the world and allowed themselves to be imperfect. This means that the hairstyle is not very fashionable and not hair to hair - the impression is that the wind disheveled the hair. There is no exaggerated sleekness and excessive gloss in everything.

7. Vintage

The rich appreciate things with a history. They are happy to rummage through the ruins of the rags, sometimes fishing for wonderful things. And they do not believe in stupid reasoning that someone else's clothes have bad energy. On the contrary, things that are given a second life bring good luck to new owners. Such are they, rich women. Free, without complexes and prejudices, elegant and stylish. Being like that is as easy as shelling pears.

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If you've been trying to pay off all your debts and start saving for a long time, but nothing comes of it, then it's time to reconsider your attitude towards spending. All successful people - businessmen, investors, billionaires - are united by a very pragmatic attitude to spending.

It is in vain that anyone thinks that rich people like to waste money. We are in site analyzed what different publications around the world write about billionaires, and found several categories of purchases that the wealthy and successful prefer not to spend money on. Unlike you and me.

Impulse buying

Take a nice, but unnecessary thing at a discount and, when you come home, regret it: with whom has it not happened? All of us sometimes spend money on impulsive purchases, and this disadvantageously distinguishes us from billionaires for whom extra jeans just won't do the weather. But as investor and billionaire Warren Buffett said, "If we buy what we don't need, we will soon have to sell the things we need." An effective way to avoid unnecessary waste is to make a grocery list before going to the store.

Expensive real estate

Extended guarantees

People with modest incomes are more likely to agree to extended warranty offers when buying new equipment: they are the ones who are more worried about the fact that the thing may be damaged, and as a result, overpay. Although, according to U. S. News Money, the manufacturer's warranty is more than enough.

Clothing and footwear of elite brands

Millionaires can afford luxurious clothes from the new collections of the most expensive designers, but if their life is not connected with frequent appearances, then they prefer not to. Think about how Steve Jobs dressed. Bill Gates' watch costs $ 10, Roman Abramovich does not consider it shameful to appear in public in a T-shirt for 700 rubles. , and the wife of the heir to the British throne often goes out in mass-market clothes.

Latest versions of gadgets

A wealthy person will not chase the latest smartphone or watch, even if their gadget is already out of fashion, has lost its appearance or is morally outdated. Millionaires use a different mechanism for making purchasing decisions: they calculate how appropriate the given spending will be at the present time. The rapidly falling prices for electronics rarely justify the money spent.

Credits, commissions and deferred payment penalties

Rich people don’t take loans and don’t spend money on fines, penalties and commissions for one simple reason: they always pay on time, avoiding delinquencies. Dollar billionaire investor Mark Cuban said, "If you use a credit card, you just don't want to be rich."

Many trendy toys for children

Unhealthy food

The main difference between a millionaire's menu and what a person with modest incomes usually eats is not the cost of food. Rich people are literally obsessed with healthy eating. They can eat the same grains and vegetables as mere mortals, but they are unlikely to eat shawarma, hamburgers, fries and salads, heavily doused with mayonnaise, from the prepared food section of the supermarket.

Hospitality expenses

This includes the cost of creating the image of a rich and successful person. Simply put, throwing dust in your eyes. People who want to appear richer throw out huge sums on luxurious banquets, business class flights, new cars. While the truly successful often live very modestly. For example, the founder of IKEA Ingvar Kamprad flew economy class and drove an old Volvo, and Queen Elizabeth II of England saves electricity at Buckingham Palace.

Additional education for children

People with average incomes often hire different teachers for their children. Some do it with the hope of revealing a talent that will give him a ticket to a happy, comfortable life. Others believe that with the help of tutors, the child will learn the material better. Rich people know from their own experience that extra lessons are not a guarantee of financial success in the future, and they allow children to enjoy their childhood.

Psychics, fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers

New finishing materials and furniture styles appear almost every month. The middle class, following the latest trends, spend money on what is fashionable at the moment. A few years later, their interior looks irrelevant: no one buys wallpaper in a flower, a bright geometric ornament is in fashion. It's time to change everything! When you look at the interiors of wealthy people, it is often impossible to tell how old they are. Painted walls, bleached ceilings and wood or tiled floors are a proven option.

Changing financial habits is difficult: along the way, you will have to reconsider the established way of life, make adjustments to your worldview. What expenses could you easily give up, and what are you not ready to sacrifice even for the sake of a brighter future?


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