From what you can make a fan with your own hands. How to make a paper fan

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Fashion for oriental culture has been observed among Europeans for a long time. Moreover, they pay attention to external attributes. In the hands of Chinese beauties, bright fans flutter like butterflies. How to create a Chinese fan with your own hands, the article offered to your attention will tell you.

It will take a little of your time and imagination to make it. This object appeared in the Celestial Empire, the first mentions of it date back to the eighth-second centuries BC. Later, the fashion for it spread to Japan, where they began to experiment with its shape, creating folding fans from planks.

Before making a fan with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the traditions associated with it. Initially, these little things were made of feathers, a wooden handle was attached from below, later they used linen, paper, reeds and lotus. Often, exquisite objects were decorated with calligraphy, pictures, silk embroidery was used. They were real works of art. It was these fans that took root at the court of the emperor. The fans were round or oval in shape.

It is quite simple to make an oriental fan with your own hands. To do this, you will need the following materials: paper (plain and braid, glue, bamboo skewers, nippers and scissors. It is necessary to mark the contour of the fan on the paper. Then cut out 2 identical parts with scissors. They must be aligned and slightly bent in half. This is necessary to mark the middle products for drawing.

Making a fan with your own hands is a very exciting and useful business, because at the end of the process you will become the owner of a beautiful thing. From decoupage paper, you need to cut out a couple of parts similar to the previous ones, but they will be slightly smaller than them. Napkins or tissue paper are also suitable for this purpose. Next, you need to return again to the blanks made of white paper. Bamboo skewers must be glued to them from the center of the future fan to the edges, which should be at an equal distance from each other.

In order for a hand-made fan to turn out to be truly elegant, you need to make sure that all the details are executed accurately. After the sticks are glued, you need to put a second blank of white paper on them. For better fixing, they must be pressed for twenty minutes with some heavy object. A book might work for this. Then you need to equalize the sticks with pliers, and then bend the resulting structure in different directions.

To make it look like a Chinese fan being created, you need to very carefully glue decoupage paper with a corresponding pattern with your own hands. The handle can be made of thick cardboard. A piece of plywood will also work. Cut out the required shape from the selected material and glue it to the fan on both sides with superglue. Now we can say that your eastern fan is ready.

Until now, the fan is part of the culture of Japan, and in China a special holiday is even dedicated to it, which is held in Shandong province at the end of November. This item is a symbol of happiness and well-being.

Handmade or handmade jewelry is gaining more and more popularity all over the world. Now they can be easily purchased in specialized shops for creativity, or made with your own hands. In this article, the last option will be presented, because accessories and jewelry are made by hand, the fashionable bow is perfectly emphasized, and, moreover, they will fully meet the requirements of their owner. And how to make a beautiful and bright fan quickly and easily with your own hands is described in detail in our article.

How to make a fan with your own hands: a diagram with a detailed description

We offer you to make a delicate openwork fan crocheted, which is perfect for going to the theater. And how to make a fan with your own hands simply and easily you will learn from this master class with step-by-step photos and diagrams with descriptions.

To make such beauty, we need:

  • Mercerized cotton yarn in white or cream color;
  • Crochet hook number 2.5;
  • Fan base;
Stages of work:

  1. Such a fan is knitted from the bottom up, gradually adding loops in accordance with the scheme that is given above;
  2. When the knitted part of the fan is completed, it will be necessary to wet it and straighten it well so that the loops lie evenly and correctly;
  3. Further, the openwork part of the fan needs to be slightly starchy with ordinary potato starch, sugar syrup or PVA glue;
  4. After these steps, the fan part must be immediately pulled onto the base and left to dry;

That's all. Our exquisite openwork fan is completely finished.

We make a charming lace fan for the bride for a photo shoot

Every bride dreams of beautiful wedding photos. And in order to make them unforgettable, you can make a fan with your own hands as an additional accessory. How to do this is described in detail in our master class.
You don't need a lot of items for such an interesting craft. The most difficult thing here is to choose the right lace and not to overdo it with decoration.
To create a fan for a wedding photo shoot, we need:

  • Plastic or bamboo fan;
  • Lace, ribbons, rhinestones;
  • Glue.

A fan purchased in a store must be disassembled into parts, separating the plastic base and fabric. The next step is to collect the lace a little, attach it to the fan and attach it with thread. You need to start from the top row, carefully securing them to the plastic base.
Next, you need to apply the lace with a second layer, securing it on the base with a glue gun and along the way align the clamps. When the product is ready, you can start decorating with rhinestones. To complete the image, you need to thread a thin satin ribbon in the middle and tie it on the seamy side.

Do-it-yourself chic Japanese fabric fan

Required tools and materials:

  • A piece of cloth;
  • Thin plywood of small sizes;
  • Awl, paper, pencil, glue, stationery knife;
  • Thin ribbon;
  • Lace strip;

Stages of making a Japanese fan:

  1. The first step is to make the base of our fan. To do this, ten to fifteen strips forty centimeters long and one and a half to two thick must be cut out of plywood. Then they need to be painted and allowed to dry completely.
  2. Now you need to fold all the strips and make a hole on the bottom edge of each of them with an awl.
  3. Using a needle, push the braid into these holes, tie a tight knot, and then a beautiful bow.
  4. The base of the fan must be spread out on the sheet so that a semicircle is obtained, while the plates should be evenly spaced from each other. With a pencil on paper, you need to mark the upper contour, and draw a line at the bottom, connecting the edges of this contour.
  5. Draw a small semicircle under the top path to make an arc, and cut it out.
  6. This paper template should be applied to the fabric and cut out. It is advisable to buy the fabric with the presence of Japanese patterns.
  7. Now you can start gluing the fabric onto the plates. You need to start with the one that is folded at the very bottom of the product. The last plate is placed over the fabric and glued to its face. Otherwise, the fan will not close.
  8. Now you can decorate our accessory with stones, beads or rhinestones, but it is best to leave it as it is, because Japanese women prefer modesty and minimalism in everything.

To create such a creative and unusual accessory, we need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Fabric, lace;
  • Feathers;
  • Pencil, compasses, scissors, glue.

The first step is to measure the bare base of all feathers. It will serve as the base radius. Then, with the help of a compass, a semicircle should be drawn, which will be equal to the size of the base of the feathers. Two such details are needed. Using cardboard semicircles as templates, you need to cut out the same ones from the fabric.
One semicircle made of cardboard should be turned upside down and all the feathers should be glued to it, placing them side by side. From above, you need to attach another semicircle made of cardboard with glue so that the reverse side is inside. You need to glue fabric parts to these paper bases, then we attach the lace.

Related videos

At the end of this article, a small thematic selection of videos on various methods of making fans is presented: from paper, cardboard, knitting needles.
Such an unusual accessory is perfect for any themed ball and will be a great activity for young children.

In the hot season, you so want to feel the coolness and get rid of the annoying heat. To alleviate your condition in the summer, you can take a paper fan with you on the road. You can buy it in the store, but it will be much more fun to make it yourself.

How to make a Japanese paper fan with your own hands: a master class

Making a Japanese fan is fun, simple and fast. A fan of paper is quite capable of making with your child.

First you need to prepare the following materials:

  • paper with a beautiful pattern (for example, a beautiful picture from a wall calendar or patterned paper);
  • glue stick;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • Eskimo ice cream sticks.

How to make a fan out of forks with your own hands?

Plastic forks can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also for creative work. For example, you can create an original fan from forks. To do this, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • twenty disposable plastic forks;
  • glue "Moment";
  • satin ribbons of two colors, one meter each;
  • lace at least 50 cm long;
  • scissors;
  • CD-ROM;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • bow from gift wrapping.

Various materials can be used to decorate the fan: ribbons, beads, lace, artificial flowers, etc.

In the warm season, people are saved from the heat in various ways: someone is at home under a fan, while others prefer fanning themselves, especially in transport, where it is especially stuffy in the summer. The fan that you made yourself can be decorated at your discretion. Such designer accessory will distinguish you from the crowd and attract the attention of others.

If you make a fan from ordinary plastic forks with an original design, then it can serve as an ornament as a carnival costume made in the spirit of "Carmen".

The fan came to us from the East. The first mention of it dates back to China VIII-II centuries BC. It appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 17th century thanks to the Jesuits and merchants who collaborated with China. And it acquired unprecedented popularity and significance at the courts of European emperors. It got to the point that during the Baroque and Rococo period, the fan was part of ceremonial actions and communication between aristocrats. For example, ladies could open the fan only in the presence of the queen. As for communication between people, if a woman touched her lips and heart with an open fan, then she told her chosen one that he was her ideal. If you wanted to show the boyfriend that he did not fit at all, then the fan was applied with his right hand to his left cheek. We invite you to plunge into this world and learn how to make a fan with your own hands.

Paper option

There are several options here. The first one that comes to mind is a way from childhood. Namely, we take any paper, fold an accordion out of it, tie it at the base, open it, and now the fan is ready. However, if you want a more convenient and reliable design, then this option can be made from paper and ice cream sticks:

To do this, simply glue the sticks in the fold line, and make a hole at the other end of it and tie a thread. Making such a fan can be used as fun for children.

However, we offer you a slightly more interesting option. Namely, a fan of paper tubes. For him we need:

  • cardboard;
  • newspapers or office paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • pen or pencil;
  • acrylic paints;
  • ruler;
  • ribbons, beads and decor at your discretion.

In spring and summer, you want to bring bright colors to the interior of your home, while you must adhere to the rules of minimalism and visually not overload the space with things. To create an outstanding accent in a room, it is enough to bring in one detail that will contrast with the rest. Despite the abundance of various accessories in stores, it is much more pleasant to make jewelry with your own hands.

The most budgetary and easiest option for hand-made beginners is to use paper. Corrugated sources will allow you to create any composition that will become the centerpiece of your apartment. There are some simple recipes to create your first jewelry with ease. Pay attention to the paper fans. The simplicity of the technique and the minimum number of tools are what you need to get started.

Fan for room

Multicolored fans

Volumetric fan

Paper circular fans for decor

These decorations are associated with the east. In the culture of Japan and China, this element is part of the national tradition. Therefore, you will always see a fan on the walls in the minimalist and reserved houses of the Japanese. Typically, it features scenes from books, beautiful landscapes and panoramic views. Fans made of paper completely replace the wall paintings we are used to. They stand out against the background of other objects, attract attention and create a romantic mood.

Fan mosaic

Fans in the design of the room

Pink fans in the interior

It is especially beneficial to use this decor in a room that is not overloaded with furniture. Walls without a pronounced pattern will look advantageous against the background of a fan. You have two options - to make a composition from small circular fans, or to make a classic large fan on the wall with your own hands. Quite often, such decorations are also used to decorate a holiday. It's a versatile idea that will captivate you during your leisure time and provide additional skills.

Multicolored fans

Round beautiful fan

Fan mosaic

To make fans, we need:

  • colored corrugated paper of any size, scrap paper is suitable;
  • scissors for shaping the workpiece;
  • glue;
  • satin ribbon;
  • small accessories (buttons, bows, sequins, tassels, beads, etc.);
  • wooden skewers.

Prepare a wide desk or any other place for you to work comfortably. The process does not like haste, so it is worthwhile to free up time in advance to implement your creative ideas.

Beautiful fan in the room

Hanging fans in room design

Fan option

The process of making paper fans

First of all, it is worth considering the design of the jewelry. You can get inspired by ready-made fan sketches by looking at thematic pictures from the Internet. Determine the size of the product and prepare the required amount of paper. It is easiest for a beginner to make circular fans. The instruction is very easy, so even children can master the process of making crafts with their own hands. Let's get started.

Multicolored fans

Green fan

The interior of the fans in the room

  1. We take a strip of paper, the width of which is greater than the length (preferably 2 times).
  2. We mark the bend threshold, for example, 1 cm. If you are not sure of the accuracy, mark the points with a pencil.
  3. We make the same bends over the entire area of ​​the paper so that we get an accordion.
  4. Take the bottom edge of the fan and connect it at one point. Bend the resulting classic fan to form a circle. We fix the edges with glue or tape.
  5. After gluing the lower part of the product on the back side, we fix a square of paper in order to more securely fix the workpiece. Double-sided tape is used as an auxiliary tool. It holds edges well and is almost invisible when trimmed neatly.
  6. On the front side, at the junction, glue a button, a bow or any other decoration. Our fan is ready!

The decor is attached to the wall or any other surface with tape or threads. You can also prepare a frame from under the old picture in advance to place paper fans on the canvas and then hang the composition on the wall. Take this idea as a basis to make something new and more original with your own hands.

Hand fan

Beautiful fan

Children's fan

Beautiful fans in the design of the room

The brighter the paper, the more interesting the composition will be. An interesting effect can be achieved by combining different shades. It is quite possible to make flowers or other simple home decorations from the leftover paper. They are ideal for decorating rooms for a holiday, theme party, birthday or wedding. "Sweeping" paper fans on the wall are made using the same technology, only without circular gluing.

White round fan

Blue fan

Hanging fans in the interior

Beautiful fan

Features of placement of decorations

The handmade decor will look great on the wall above the sofa or bed. It is actively used as a decoration for a children's room. Cozy garlands or paper shades can decorate a terrace or balcony. It is especially advantageous to decorate the reception or recreation areas on a personal plot outside the city. Paper lanterns will organically weave into the surroundings of a beach party. Such a light and original product is applicable in any household. It looks stylish despite the fact that it is inexpensive.

Paper fans

Colored paper fan

When placing crafts in an apartment, try not to overload the space with them, so that the room does not look like a school office. It is appropriate to put paper flowers in a large vase on the table in the living room or hallway. A large fan will decorate a bedroom or sitting area. You can also donate your crafts to friends and family. Have fun with the process and introduce each family member to such pleasant leisure. Most importantly, you can always do something new, and please your eye with little things that create a mood.

Video: Paper Fans for Jewelry

50 photo examples of the design of paper fans for the interior:


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