How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure

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Seeing two long-awaited stripes on the dough, you begin to carefully monitor any changes occurring in the body.

The basal temperature in early pregnancy responds to the smallest fluctuations in the hormonal system and allows us to calculate the deviations from the norm and seek help in women's advice.

What is basal temperature

  • Basal or base temperature (hereinafter BT) is called the one on which the external environment is practically affected;
  • You can get her values \u200b\u200bin the morning hours, without lifting the bed, after a full night sleep;
  • Measurements are carried out using a thermometer placed in the oral cavity, in the vagina or in the rectum;
  • The values \u200b\u200bof BT influence such hormones as estrogen and progesterone, the level of which changes in accordance with the days of the menstrual cycle.

Know! Gynecological obstetricists consider BT in terms of the health of the female sexual system. Comparison of graphs for several cycles is able to identify violations in a hormonal background, an ovulation period, as well as inflammatory processes.

Another only at the stage of the child planning stage, BT values \u200b\u200bwill help determine the favorable period for conception without the use of expensive tests and ultrasound diagnostics. The only nuance is a clear observance of all the rules during the measurement.

Why can I trust basal temperature?

The menstrual period consists of two phases.

  1. When moving from one phase to another, ovulation is observed. The whole essence of the method is to build a graph, based on Daily BT readings;
  2. For the first half of the cycle, low numbers are characterized, and for the second - high, due to the impact of progesterone.

Ovulation on the graph looks like a sharp drop.

The value of BT approximately the day before the onset of ovulation is rapidly lowered, and the next day it rises as sharply. Evidence of the instantaneous occurrence of menstruation is reduced BT values, but for fertilization in the second phase, they will be stably enhanced.

You can use the measurement method of basal temperature values \u200b\u200bif:

  • attempts to get pregnant last longer than a year;
  • you need to identify violations in the work of sex hormones;
  • need to predict good time to conceive;
  • it is necessary to determine the presence of pregnancy before the delay of menstrual bleeding.

How to determine pregnancy in basal temperature?

The entire menstrual period can be tracked on the graphics of basal temperature. During pregnancy, the picture is significantly different from the one that can be seen under the usual cycle.

  1. The very first phase of the female period is follicular (hypothermic). At this time, the formation of a follicle, inside which the egg matches. For the first phase, an increased estrogen production is characterized due to the enhanced ovarian work;

Favorable BT values \u200b\u200b- from 36.1 to 36.8 degrees. Values \u200b\u200bon the upper boundary of the range are usually accompanied by a lack of estrogen. In such cases, doctors recommend appropriate hormone therapy.

  1. Moment of ovulation. The follicle bursts under the action of LH (luteinating hormone) and the egg makeup leaves out, while the hormonal splash occurs. At this stage, BT significance increases sharply to 37.0-37.7 degrees;
  2. The last phase is lutein (hypertermic). Instead of the burst follicle, a yellow body, which is the source of progesterone begins to form.
  • In the event of fertilization of the egg (during the implantation, BT falls) - it falls into the uterus. This yellow body continues to grow, highlighting hormones, allowing preserving pregnancy and prevent uterine reductions;

It is these hormones that make BT values \u200b\u200bhold on to the upper limits. The yellow body is functioning up to the full formation of the placenta.

  • Favorable BT values \u200b\u200b- above 37 degrees;
  • If the conception has not happened, the yellow body is destroyed, and the level of hormones falls. BT values \u200b\u200bare also reduced and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Temperature - below ovulation

Typically, the value of the basal temperature during pregnancy in the early time is 37.1-37.3 degrees.

It happens just below, within 36.9 degrees.

This you can reveal, recording the values \u200b\u200bof the basal temperature for several cycles.

The only constant sign with a possible fact of pregnancy occurs is the absence of a reduced basal temperature after the exit of the egg from the ovary.

Features of "pregnant" and "non-remote" charts

To understand which basal temperature is characterized by a body during pregnancy, and what - with different pathologies, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics of the graphs.

"Pregnant" schedule:

  1. low BT in the follicular phase of the cycle;
  2. clearly identifies ovulation (sharp jump BT Up);
  3. increased BT in the lutein phase of the cycle;
  4. somewhere on the 21st day, the values \u200b\u200bof BT are noticeably reduced (egg implantation occurs) and then the temperature is growing again;
  5. there is a third phase of the cycle - gestational - with a value of BT equal to or exceeding ovulatory.

Normal "non-empty" schedule:

  • in the first phase, the value of BT below 37 degrees;
  • immediately after ovulation phase, BT begins to grow and continues to further be at the level of 37 degrees almost until the end of the second phase;
  • a few days before the start of menstrual bleeding, the value of BT drops sharply.

For annevulatory graph, chaotic BT bursts are characterized during the cycle. Such periods are in women up to three times a year.

How to measure the temperature to determine pregnancy

The most accurate readings will be with the rectal introduction of the thermometer. The thermometer can be both electronic and mercury, depends on personal preferences. Below are the basic rules of how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy:

  1. Measurement of basal temperature when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to produce daily in the morning at a certain time after sleep, a duration of more than six hours. Do not soon after the wake, leave the bed or sharply sit down;

In addition, frequent walking during night recreation distort these studies.

  1. In the day and evening hours there are quite strong oscillations of BT due to stress, high activity or banal fatigue. During the day and evening, morning measurements are not necessary, as it is non-informative;
  2. Mercury thermometer temperature is measured for 6-10 minutes, electronic - from 2 to 3 minutes or to the beep;
  3. For clarity, it is best to start measuring and build a schedule from the day of menstruation. This will allow to see the temperature difference during the transition from one cycle phase to another and evaluate the hormonal background;
  4. For ease of measurement, you can use a conventional paper sheet, printed pattern or applications that automatically build graphs based on the generated data.

For your information. The following factors affect the BT indicators:

  • alcohol;
  • sex a few hours before the measurement procedure;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • too warm sleeping place, for example, from the height;
  • supercooling lower extremities.

If some of the listed factors had a place to be made about this note.

What indicators make it possible to conclude that pregnancy did not take place?

High racasal temperature indicators that are preserved for a long time, with possible pregnancy, until the delay is confirmed, unfortunately, are not always a sign of successful conception.

In some cases, such a change may be associated with inflammatory processes in appendages, and sometimes indicate the complications of the flow of the gestational period.

Important! It is worth paying attention to that you do not need to start panicing when the deviations are detected from the norm, since each organism is unique. In the event of any doubt, it is better to contact a specialist for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

BT in the threat of miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage is associated with insufficient production of progesterone hormone supporting pregnancy. It happens when problems with a hormonal background and an incorrectly functioning yellow body, which normally appears instead of the follicle.

Know! With this pathology, the values \u200b\u200bdo not exceed 37 degrees.

Thus, if the basal temperature during pregnancy is 36.8 or one tenth degree above, it is worth paying attention to this and try to understand the causes of such changes.

BT with frozen pregnancy

If the development of the embryo stops, the iron, formed on the site of the follicle, begins to collapse, and the level of progesterone, therefore, fall. This leads to a decrease in BT values \u200b\u200bto 36.4 - 36.9 degrees.

There are cases when when fading an embryo, the temperature continues to be held at a sufficiently high level. True, it happens when the reduced temperature is absolutely not an indicator of fading. It is always worth listening to yourself and your inner state.

BT for ectopic pregnancy

Important! In this case, the production of progesterone with a yellow body does not stop, as well as normal pregnancy. Making conclusions on the basis of BT values \u200b\u200bin this case cannot be.

In the second and third trimesters, it does not play a significant role. It is important to remember that accuracy in measurements is necessary, since any deviations affect the interpretation of the results.

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This is the minimum temperature inside the female organism. It must be measured after a long stay. The processes occurring in the body are displayed on temperature measurement. Basal temperature need to be measured repeatedly, on the basis of these testimony a chart of oscillations is drawn up. So you can fix the day of ovulation in the girl. Such data is necessary for planning or preventing pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Measurements must be done correctly, the loyalty to the diagnosis of ovulation depends on this. With the help of basal temperature it is possible to determine the time when the pregnancy comes. Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up, without rising from the bed. An important condition for the right dimension is the imperfect of any movements. You can not lift the torso, it is not recommended to get up on your feet.

This is explained by the fact that the movements activate the flow of blood, so degrees increase inside the body. Bt can not be measured in the evening, because it is at this time above. The correct measurement is based on the determination of the minimum temperature, which is formed through the operation of the internal organs, without musculature. That's why temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up. It is necessary to observe the conditions so that the temperature is correctly measured:

In order for the schedule to be correctly drawn up, BT needs to be measured at the same time in the morning. Her it must be measured from 7 to 9 minutes. The thermometer in the anal hole should be located at a depth of 4 cm. The following factors affect measurements:

All of the above situations may affect the correct measurement of BT. Measurements need to be carried out in a lying condition. If the measurement occurs in a vertical position, it causes blood flow to the organs of the small pelvis, due to the internal temperature in the body. And then the testimony of the thermometer is unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature

So that BT is correctly measured, the thermometer must be inserted into the anal hole, the vagina or mouth. In 1953, a special technique was developed for measuring basal temperature. Professor Medicine Marshal Includes to measure BT in the rectum through anus.

It is this method that the temperature is measured in infants. Measuring the temperature in the anus or the vagina in a woman allows you to find out the results of fluctuations in the tenths of degrees. It is the tenths that show the jump jump during ovulation.

How to use the resulting indicators

BT measurement is necessary to diagnose egg ovulation. - This is the release of follicular eggs, which is happening after ripening. The egg is entered into the pipe and moves to the uterus. Such changes are noted by an increase of degrees on the tenth. Before ovulation, the inner temperature decreases slightly, and then rises sharply.

When the exit of the egg takes place, then in this period it becomes possible to conceive. If the measurement is produced daily, then you can establish a deadline for ovulation. It can allow a woman to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. Or these indicators can be used to determine the deadline for conception.

How to build a graph of basal temperature

The data is recorded in the table, based on this schedule. When recording results, it is necessary to take into account additional factors. The accuracy of the diagnosis affects:

  1. Cold.
  2. Headache.
  3. Infection.

The graph is a broken line. At the very beginning of the cycle, the temperature measurement indicator is located in the area of \u200b\u200b36.7 - 37 degrees. If BT fluctuates in the range of 0.1 - 0.2 degrees, then it is permissible. After the arrival of menstruation in a woman, BT is lowered to the smaller level, which is 36.7 - 36.9 degrees.

This BT is needed for ripening an egg. The ripening time is 14 days, so the readings of the graph will be from 36.8 C - from this indicator oscillations can occur by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. In the middle of the cycle before ovulation for 24 hours, the degree is descended at 0.2 or 0.3 s, after that it is noticed a sharp rise up to 0.4 - 0.8 C. As a result, the basal temperature will be 37.1 with or higher.

Measurement of temperature during ovulation

At the time of ovulation there is a small decrease in BT before jumping to 37.1 degrees. During this period, the possibility of conception is 35%. If a woman does not plan to pregnancy, then it is necessary to limit sexual contacts. Other graphics indicators will depend on whether a woman has become pregnant or her body is prepared for menstruation.

  1. If the woman is pregnant, the BT shows the highest level. Progesterone is formed in the body, it supports the greatest value of basal temperature.
  2. If pregnancy did not take place, the hormonal background returns to its usual indicator, and then the temperature decreases. Such a jump occurs a week before menstruation. At this time, BT decreases by 0.5 - 0.7 degrees.
  3. These are the most likely temperature measurement parameters for ovulation for a healthy woman.

If the female body fails, the graph is slightly knocked down, the temperature leap is not so noticeable. Then the measurements of BT are not effective. It should be borne in mind that pregnancy may occur even if there is no temperature leap.

How to diagnose pathology in basal temperature

It is necessary to make a full cycle of measurements of BT jumps for 30 days, due to these data it is possible to diagnose infertility or other violations of the functioning of the genitals. Often infertility Arises due to the lack of ovulation. The BT measurement helps a woman to find out, it has an egg yield or not, and what days the cycle passes it is better to get pregnant.

BT measurements help determine the presence of inflammation in other organs. This method of determining other diseases is fully suitable for applying at home, it is available for all women. Using temperature measurement, you can detect hidden pathologies.

What days can conceive

If measurements to do for several months, it will help predict ovulation with great accuracy. According to the compiled parameters, you can determine when you can conceive a child. And you can also determine the time when it is impossible to get pregnant. Such information is applied by a woman to prevent pregnancy or to conceive a child.

In woman bT measurement is called biological contraception.. This is the most secure way to control the birth rate. The conception is most likely for 2 days after the exit of the eggs from the follicles. And also three or four days before ovulation. During this period, the egg cell cannot be fertilized. Sperm coat holds their activity for two days. When spermatozoa is first turned out to be in the vagina, and then fall into the uterus, they are in it a few days.

The egg cell is fertilized immediately after leaving the follicle. Therefore, by days of possible conception, 3 or 4 days before ovulation are added. The term of ovulation and days in front of it are considered the most effective. If a woman does not plan pregnancy, then it is necessary to refrain from sex or protect yourself with contraceptives. If a child is scheduled, then you need to have sex over a day before ovulation or on the day of the liberation.

  1. It is necessary to correctly determine the liberation of the egg, for this it is necessary to produce the correct measurement of temperature measurements in the vagina.
  2. The day of ovulation is a slight decrease in degree, and in the following day, the BT indicator increases.
  3. It is these two days that are most dangerous for enemy pregnancies or favorable for waiting for a child.
  4. The period of life of the egg after the ovary is 24 hours. If the egg cell is not fertilized, it is destroyed within 24 hours.
  5. Then the likelihood of pregnancy in two days after ovulation is impossible.

Experts have made a lot of research, during which it turned out that the greatest activity has a U-spermatozoa. They are responsible for conceiving a boy. Such spermatozoa moves much faster and first fertilize the egg. But X-spermatozoa, which is responsible for the conception of the girl, more enduring.

Thus, if the sexual act occurred in a few days before ovulation, then the spermatozoa that is responsible for the conception of the girl will live to meet with an egg. Using such data, it is possible to schedule the floor of the baby with a lot of probability. All the above methods for the period of impossible and possible conception are not suitable for all women. Such a system of protection functions only in case that, if a woman has stable monthly. For all other women, this method is invalid.

Basal temperature indicators for pregnancy

Change the characteristics of BT is a consequence of hormonal reorganization. The most vital flows in the body of the girl occur due to hormonal transformations. That is why the occurrence of pregnancy is formed by the change in Bt. If a woman is pregnant, then her BT is at a high level, above 37.3 degrees.

The presence of high bt is formed by a hormone progesterone. The woman's body strongly produces it in the first 3.5 months of tooling the fetus. That is why the temperature indicator at that time is overestimated. After that, the hormone level decreases, so the Bt decreases. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, it makes sense to measure the temperature difference.

By changing the leap temperature, you can judge the pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. But this feature refers to ambiguous. The high temperature indicator may be due to physical exertion, inflammatory diseases or drugs of medicines. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the pregnancy that began, you need to use the test. High BT indicator is used as an indirect method for determining pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature to establish pregnancy

For this, two main requirements must be performed:

  1. Bt should be measured by a woman when it is in a horizontal position.
  2. Before the measurement, it is impossible to get up from bed.
  3. Before bedtime, the thermometer must be put next to the bed.
  4. It must be put on that distance to get hand free.
  5. At the same time, the torso cannot be turned over.

The level of temperature reading should be measured in the morning at the same time. The difference of measurements should not be more than 15 minutes. During the day, the temperature cannot be measured, because the daily measurement will not show the necessary changes inside the body. If the temperature is daily measured in the morn, it will show the reflection of the validity of the hormone state.

If a woman knows what she has a basal temperature before month, then she will have the opportunity to diagnose early pregnancy. If sex happened without contraceptives, then you can learn about pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. It is for this that measurements are carried out. If the level of basal temperature does not decrease, it means that the woman is pregnant.

Measurement of temperature to determine ovulation is one of the oldest and time-tested methods.

It is necessary to immediately warn that this technique requires control not one cycle, you will have to spend several months to explore your degree curve and approximately know the necessary days, as too many factors can affect it. In addition, it increases as evidence of the emergence of the egg to the will, and therefore, the ovulation calculation schedule can be used rather to predict than for diagnostics.

Basal temperature (BT) is indicators in the rectum. It is necessary to measure it regularly in the morning, without getting out of bed.

The calendar method for calculating the discussed moment approaches women with a well-established, regular menstrual cycle, if the cycle is not regular, for example, due to the youth of years, or if menstruation is regulated artificially, with the help of hormonal contraceptives, there is no sense in measuring BT at all, it will not be significantly.

BT is very dependent on the level of hormones, and slightly changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This noted Professor Marshall in 1953, and developed a calendar method for calculating the day "x" at temperature. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, it usually does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees, directly per day - 12 hours to an important point it falls in order to rise by 0.5 degrees after it. BT After the egg leaned the egg, an average of 37.6-38.6 degrees, and such it will remain until the beginning of the next menstruation. Responsible for the increase in degrees progesterone, hormone produced by a yellow body and designed to preserve pregnancy. If a woman becomes pregnant - the indicators do not change throughout the stay in the position. If no changes are observed, the absence of ovulation can be assumed.

If you plan to use the method based on the fixation of BT, it is necessary to remember that it involves the daily scrupulous measurement of degrees in the rectum, or in the mouth, or in the vagina. You need to measure in the morning after at least 6 hours of sleep, not even rising from bed, and record the results in the table. Then this table is used to build a graph that will help get pregnant.

BT is measured at the same time in the same place, one thermometer. Measure even in critical days. You can use any thermometer, the main thing is the same. If for some reason the measurement was carried out otherwise (the deviation in time, the shift of the thermometer) should be noted in the notes.

The calculus of the moment when the egg cell is ready for fertilization for this method is difficult because there are a lot of factors to it, if there was a sexual act if they used alcohol, if they slept longer per hour, if even survived the excitement - this will affect the chart. That is why you have to record literally everything that happened, and only after 3 months you can try to make some conclusions.

The schedule must necessarily fix such factors as the release (the appearance of the cervical mucus, similar to the protein of the raw egg), and the fixation in the column is all different, which could affect the level of basal temperature.

Measurements can be fixed on a simple piece of paper into the cell. Build a chart in which each cell is one day and 0.1 degree temperature, the length of the graph is equal to the length of your cycle (26-35 days). The graph shows the date, BT, and the factors that could affect it. The character of the selection is recorded.

Measurements begin to fix from the first day of the menstrual cycle, write 10 days, then at the height of the highest "normal" degrees these days you need to hold a parallel line. It is called the temperature line. For 14 days, + -2 days, ovulation occurs, BT is somewhat declined in front of it, then a stable rise is noted. After 3 days after the egg renewal process, if fertilization did not occur, it dies.

Schedule can be used with two goals:

  • calculation of the best days for conception
  • pregnancy protection calendar method
In the first case, you should try to fit the time for the chief sexual intercourse, in the second case, it should be protected from pregnancy by other methods from the first day of menstruation to 3 days of lifting of numbers on a thermometer, then it comes a fertile period and the chances of pregnancy are minimized.

When using such calculations, you can see a lot of subtleties, which will give the opportunity as a whole to appreciate the reproductive health of the woman.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, low figures are due to estrogen, in the second phase of the cycle, their increase ensures progesterone. Changing the indicators on the thermometer says that it has already happened, and cannot warn that it is approaching. Many women have a decrease in temperature immediately before the release of the egg in the "free swimming" is not at all. That is why this method is not ideal for choosing the day of conception.

Graphs may look different, everyone has its own norm, so before drawing conclusions consult with a specialist.

There is a standard schedule suitable for most. It is characterized by a sharp and stable lifting indicators on the thermometer after the "X", which remains to the end of the cycle.

However, there are other options:

  • Step schedule - when degrees rise sharply, then hold 3 days at one level, and then sharply go even higher.
  • Schedule with gradual lifting. With this schedule, the desired day is not possible at all possible, since there is a smooth rise in indicators throughout the cycle.
  • Lifting with refund. At the same time, the type of schedule after a sharp rise the next day everything falls in order to start climbing again.
In some women, the difference in the results of different phases of the cycle is negligible and almost elusive, this is also an option of the norm.

The menstrual cycle in different women can have a different duration, from 23-24 to 45 or more days, but this difference is possible exclusively at the expense of its first phase, after the follicle gap in all stable the cycle phase does not exceed 12-14 days.

If the first phase of the degree cycle is higher than in the second, it may be evidenced by a lack of estrogen or progesterone organism, you need to consult a doctor.

Menstruation delay in combination with high BT speaks of pregnancy, the presence of increased BT and scarce menstruation - about the possible pregnancy in combination with the threat of its interrupt. If the measurement method was chosen, and a uniform graph or a chart with a chaotic change of BT (fence), it can talk about the absence of ovulation, it is worth contacting the gynecologist.

This method is used for about 60 years, and it is not vainly considered obsolete. Of course, you can patiently insert a thermometer to some natural hole in some natural hole, draw intricate curves if you like it, why not?

But still, there are much more modern and accurate methods that will help to conceive a kid at the right moment, so it can be better to keep up with the times?

Very simple, but to the same extent, a fairly reliable way to independently define various states in gynecology is a measurement of basal temperature (BT). The method can be informative to establish an ovulation day, early recognition of coming pregnancy, preliminary diagnostics of violations of hormonal regulation. How to measure basal temperature? The answer is in our article.

What is basal temperature

The term "basal temperature" denote temperature indicators taken in the oral cavity, vagina or rectally - in the rectum. This temperature is measured, as a rule, in the morning. During menstruation, hormones affect the condition of the body and its temperature.

Features of the preparation of the graphic temperature

It will be useful to keep a diary, where not only the basal body temperature, but also other factors of the menstrual cycle: the nature of the selection, there is no impurities of mucus or uncharacteristic color. Temperature should be started measuring from the first day of the cycle. With the help of such records, you can withdraw a schedule for which it will be much easier to determine when ovulation comes.

To draw a schedule, you should prepare:

  • take a sheet of paper - better in the cage, it will be more convenient to draw;
  • draw two axes: horizontal and vertical lines perpendicular to each other;
  • on the horizontal axis celebrate the days of the cycle;
  • on the vertical axis - degrees of basal temperature.

The measurement of basal temperature is required no more than 5 minutes. This time is enough to see an accurate digit and conclude that happens in the body in this period.

At least 3 menstrual cycles should be carried out to carry out such measurements to accurately trace the patterns of temperature change. Daily opposite the current day should be put a point showing the temperature mark today. Then the points to connect lines - and the visual scheme will be obtained.

How to measure basal temperature

  1. In order for the indicator to be accurate, after sleeping without getting out of bed, but it is preferably minimal to move. Time for measuring is always one. If it is normal for you to wake up at 7 am, then it is necessary to measure basal temperatures immediately after waking up. If the day of the day is knocked down and awakening at different times, in the chart you need to put a mark on what hour was made a measurement.
  2. Before measuring the basal temperature, it is necessary to sleep at least 4-6 hours. Three and less - and the data will already be not accurate. If you woke up in the morning for a small need at 6 am, but you plan to sleep another hour or two, it is desirable to measure basal temperature and write the resulting digit, and then go to the toilet. If you fall in, the second awakening of the accurate information will not give.
  3. There are 3 methods for measuring basal temperature. For your observations, select only one, and do not change it throughout all cycles. Otherwise, the indicators will not be relevant. With the beginning of menstruation, no temperature measurement should not be discontinued.
  4. Common factors are usually associated with increased or decrease in temperature: stress, alcohol, disease, poor sleep, acclimatization processes, use of medical preparations, and sex a few hours before awakening. If you take hormonal contraceptives or other means containing hormones, there is no meaning in measuring basal temperature.

More accurate instructions for measuring basal temperature:

  • oral - the thermometer is in the language, the lips are closed;
  • vaginal - the thermometer is introduced into the vagina by 50% of its length;
  • rectal - the thermometer is introduced into the anus.

The menstrual cycle ends with the first day of subsequent menstruation. On this day you can make a complete schedule. It is better that you have had multiple cycles, and not just one.

How the basal temperature changes throughout the cycle

In the first phase, the egg cycle ripens inside the follicle and there is a lot of female hormone estrogen. In average, the basal temperature during this period ranges between 36 and 36.5 o C. The first phase may last 10-20 days - the ripening period of the egg depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman.

During the day before ovulation, the basal temperature drops to 35.7-36.3 about C. Then the ovulation comes, and along with the egg in the body hits many progesterone. In connection with this, the basal temperature increases by 0.5 ° C and during the second phase it is held in the range of 37.0-37.2 o C.

For ovulation, a hormone prevailing in the body is replaced by estrogen to progesterone. Sperm live several days, therefore, it is more likely to try to conceive a child 3-4 days before ovulation, as well as during the day after the exit of the egg from the follicle. If at this time it is not fertilized, then in the future it will be possible to conceive only during the next ovulation.

The second phase of the cycle is called Luteinova. Follicle, Introduction Egg, myself bursts and disappears. Instead, a yellow body is born, which begins to highlight the hormone progesterone. Lutein phase lasts from 12 to 16 days. The basal temperature holds all this time at 37 o or slightly higher, and if the woman does not pregnant, then a few days before the start of the new menstruation decreases for several tenth of degrees. In the period of menstruation from the body, not only an uninterrupted egg generation, but also endometrium is an internal coating of the uterus, which in the case of pregnancy would be a kindergarten.

Doctors argue that the difference in the basal temperature between the first and second half of the menstrual cycle should be at least 0.4 o C.

Grazing temperature graphics during pregnancy

Measuring basal temperature will help control the pregnancy and general health of the body. The first bell that pregnancy came - when BT shows overestimated performance for over 18 days. Those are considered to be 37.1-37.3 about C. Such basal temperature will accompany the woman throughout the entire pregnancy.

If at the end of the first trimester, for 12-14 weeks of BT decreased sharply, you should immediately consult a doctor: this symptom can be a precursor of miscarriage. After a 5 month of pregnancy, the lowering of the basal temperature also does not promise anything good - the lowered indicators may be a manifestation of fetal fetal.

BT indicators that rose above 37.8 ° C show inflammatory processes of the urogenital system. So that the disease does not affect the baby, it is important to consult on time with the doctor.

Types of temperature curves

I type - In the lutein phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature rises no less than 0.4 o C. before ovulation and a couple of days before the new menstruation of BT falls. Increased indicators are held for 12-14 days. This is a normal curve indicating the correctly flowing two-phase cycle;

II type - in the second phase, the temperature increases, but weakly - 0.2-0.3 o C. This is a signal that there is estrogen-progesterone failure in the body;

III type - For a short period of time before menstruation, the temperature rises, but does not fall. Lutein phase lasts 10 days or less. Type III curve suggests that the second phase of the cycle is observed;

IV Type - "Curve" in the form of a straight line. There are no changes in basal temperature. It means that the cycle was without ovulation;

V Type - Atypical (chaotic) Temperature curve. The temperature is too big, it is too low. There is a chance of random factors affecting such a curve behavior. Most often, the reason is in the lack of estrogen.

Increased basal temperature

Average gradal temperature indicators - 37.2-37.2 o C. However, it may be normal to increase to 38 degrees. Immediate visits to the doctor requires a temperature above 38 o C. The most common cause is the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. It is not possible to determine the reason for which basal temperature has increased independently. Not to mention treatment, even the diagnosis should be carried out by a qualified specialist. At home without special medical education, a woman is unlikely to determine exactly for what reason its basal temperature has risen. The reason for the increased indicators can be cooked both in health problems and in a banal incorrect measurement of indicators.

Reasons for lowering basal temperature

You can talk about low base temperature indicators if its value dropped below 37 degrees. Such indicators most often indicate that pregnancy proceeds with complications. It is required to visit the doctor's leading pregnancy to eliminate negative developments. To exclude the possibility of an error, before a visit to the doctor, measure basal temperature again. If the indicator remained low, wait a few hours, and then make another dimension. Sometimes the informed indicators of BT are related to the fact that throughout the day the condition of the body changes: in the morning it can be low and then come back to normal. But if the indicator also remains at the marks below 37, consultation of the gynecologist is necessary.

Sometimes, when inspection, a woman find the underestimated level of progesterone. In this case, hospitalization and all therapeutic procedures under hospital conditions are laid. With timely appeal to the doctors, the likelihood that pregnancy will be saved. In the event of a frozen pregnancy, which also testifies to the reduced basal temperature, the yellow body does not produce progesterone and its level in the body falls. But sometimes even when progesterone is not produced, BT maintains normal indicators, so that when diagnosing and examining its own body, integrated methods must be used.

Each woman knows that attending a gynecologist needs to be systematically. Visual inspection and full-scale survey will control the state of health, in particular the reproductive system. Very often, women in reproductive age are heard from the attending specialist that basal temperature should be measured (BT). Why do you need, let's figure it out together.

What is basal temperature?

BT is the level of body temperature, which is determined at rest after a long sleep (at least 6 hours). The female organism is designed in such a way that under the influence of hormones in a different period of the menstruation cycle, this indicator changes.

The basal temperature is measured for the following purposes:

  • to determine the onset of ovulation;
  • to establish pregnancy;
  • to determine the occurrence of menstruation (in case of failure in the menstrual cycle);
  • to establish the presence of diseases having a gynecological nature.

Regardless of which basal temperature is measured, a woman should know certain rules. Most importantly - all measurement results Displays in a special chart, with which the attending specialist will be easier to adjust the medical course. Through the information received, a woman will be able to calculate the offensive of ovulation for conception or pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature by a regular thermometer?

Before you read how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and pregnancy, remember that the information received is not a reason to independently establish a diagnosis, since only the attending obstetrician gynecologist can decipher the chart. In addition, the schedule provides a full-fledged picture, measurements should be carried out at least 3 months in a row.

Basic rules for measuring BT:

  1. The complete dynamics of all changes in the body is displayed by means of BT only in the case of its measurement from the first day of menstrual bleeding.
  2. It is possible to obtain indicators by measuring BT in the vaginal pass, the rectum or mouth. The most complete indicators are displayed when measuring BT in the rear pass.
  3. Holding the thermometer should be in the hole at least 3 minutes, and in the mouth - 5 minutes.
  4. The location of the thermometer is not recommended to change. It is necessary to carry out all measurements equally, in one place.
  5. Measure the temperature is needed after sleep without getting out of bed. It is best to do it in the morning.
  6. For the BT measuring procedure, an ordinary or digital thermometer can be applied.
  7. All indicators are necessarily recorded, after which the schedule is drawn up.
  8. If you used alcohol on the eve, the stressful situation was subjected to a sharp respiratory disease, pharmacological or hormonal preparations were taken, be sure to display in the marks to the resulting indicator.

Basic rules for drawing up schedule

As already mentioned, a full-fledged schedule can be obtained at least three months of constant measurements of basal temperature. Before drawing up the schedule, you must write all the information you received. In the process of measuring BT, a woman should specify the following information:

  • calendar date;
  • several day of the menstruation cycle;
  • bT level;
  • availability and their character;
  • notes (factors that can distort the size of BT).

All information can be recorded in a consolidated table that approximately look like this.

What makes the graphics of basal temperature indicators?

Depending on the reason for measuring the level of basal temperature, the woman can make various graphs. As a rule, the following information is displayed on the charts:

  • an offensive of ovulation;
  • pregnancy;
  • norm;
  • violation of the cycle of menstruation;
  • the development of diseases of the gynecological type.

How should a graph look like that reflects the rate of the base temperature indicators?

The period of the menstruation cycle takes two stages: follicular and lutein. At the first stage, under the influence of hormones, there is a ripening of an egg and its output from the follicle. During this period, the basal temperature must be less than 37 °. Approximately 13-16 days an ovulation occurs. These days, the temperature threshold should be understood. During the period of the lutein phase flow, the level of basal temperature is above 37 °. During the occurrence of menstrual bleeding, the temperature level decreases again. As you can see, with the normal functioning of the reproductive system, the temperature changes hoppy.

How, using the measurement graph of the level of basal temperature, determine the offensive phase of ovulation?

As has already been repeatedly mentioned, the level of basal temperature to determine the onset of the ovulatory phase should be measured over at least 3 months. Ovulation, as a rule, occurs in the middle of the menstruation cycle, approximately 13-16 cyclic days. At this time, the temperature should be reduced by an average of 0.5 °. Determine when ovulation, on the schedule is very simple: a sharp decline in the temperature level in the middle of the cycle, which lasts a few days, indicates the occurrence of the ovulatory phase.

Features of building BT graphics during pregnancy

If there is a conception at the end of the ovulatory phase, the level of basal temperature will hold over 37 ° constantly. Below this mark should not be descended. The maximum deviation of the temperature level ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 °. If a recession of BT will be seen in the early gravity of pregnancy, then it may be threatened. In this case, it should be immediately referred to as an akuster-gynecologist. Reducing BT levels can provoke miscarriage or fading embryo.

If the BT level during the extension of the fetus increases and reaches a mark of 38 °, this may indicate the development of inflammatory or infectious processes in the body. After the 14th week, it is not necessary to measure BT, since the hormonal background of the future mother changes, and the indicators will not provide reliable informative data.

What will tell the basal schedule in the presence of gynecological pathologies?

Let's look at a few examples of basal graphs if a woman has a disease or inflammatory process in the reproductive system. Often, changing the level of basal temperature may be due to excessive or insufficient production of one or another hormone.

Temperature schedule with a lack of progesterone and estrogen

If the BT level graph is obtained almost even, there is no temperature fluctuations in different periods of menstruation cycle, this may indicate an insufficient number of estrogenic and progesterone hormones in the female body.

BT level graph in the absence of ovulatory phase

During the absence of the ovulatory phase, the graph is smooth, pronounced recession and jumps are not observed. Such a chart is considered the norm during pregnancy or during feeding. In some women, this BT level may be observed no more than once a year. If the schedule constantly displays the absence of ovulation, you must immediately apply to your attending specialist.

Graphic Image of Insufficiency (Insolvency) of the Yellow Body

If an insufficient amount of progesterone hormone is produced in the body, during the lutein period, the temperature does not increase, which is fraught with the inability to fully endure the child. In this case, the doctor adjusts the level of hormonal content of pharmacological preparations.

What does a graph look like in the presence of inflammatory processes in the appendages or endometritis?

In the development of the inflammatory process in the appendages, determine the period of the occurrence of the ovulatory phase is very difficult. This is due to the fact that the level of basal temperature is constantly changing. During the development of the endometritis, during the period of menstrual bleeding, the temperature level increases and does not fall over for 15 days.

As you can see, drawing up the graphs on which the change in the level of basal temperature is displayed, it helps determine the offensive of ovulation, pregnancy or the development of pathological processes. You can calculate the days of conception or, on the contrary, avoid unwanted pregnancy. Remember that reliable information when measuring the level of basal temperature will be obtained only if all of the above rules are observed.


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