How can you prove love for a girl. How to prove your love to the girl: effective methods and advice of psychologists

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The psychology of men and women is very different. Girls are more wounded, sensual and romantic. At first, the guys are trying to seduce the representatives of the fine sex. But realizing that the girl already belongs to a young man, he forgets that love to feed love every day and prove its existence. Without this, relationships can collapse. It is important to prove the girl that she is the only and most important in life young man.

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    Fundamental rules

    Girls are always nice to hear nice words in your address. At first, men always admire external species or mental abilities of the object of their adoration. Over time, they forget to praise passion and with delight to perceive the dishes that she prepares.

    In order for the girl always knew that she was loved, it is as often as possible:

    • Give her flowers (even if it is a bouquet of daisies, the girl will definitely appreciate this gesture).
    • Remember what sweets she loves and periodically pour her sweets.
    • Led passion to restaurants and cafes. Girls love to smoothly, so excessive reason Dressed new shoes will be perceived with delight.

    All beautiful sex representatives adore soft toys. Therefore, it is time to visit the store and buy for your favorite teddy bears.

    Do not forget about manners. Therefore, it is important not to forget:

    • Serve hand when the girl comes out public transport or cars.
    • Open the door in front of it, skipping the object of your adoration forward.
    • Hold an umbrella over it in such a way that the drops do not flush on her shoulder.

    Do not forget to look into her eyes. Every time, at a meeting, it is recommended to circle it with an enthusiastic look and must say how it looks great and every time amazes with its beauty.

    Original methods

    Most women love unexpected surprises. Candy and flowers can be bought at any store, but if you present your beloved unusual surprise, she will understand that a man thinks about her and always wants to surprise her. In the soul there are always the most unusual manifestations of serious emotions, so you can go on the following way:

    • Alone to cook the cake and write a favorite name on it or decorate it with chocolate hearts. Even if the culinary creation will be disgusting to the taste and literally fall apart in her hands, it will be the most touching act.
    • Do it yourself gift boxin which it will be a pretty teddy bear Or a beautiful pendant. Additionally, it is recommended to make a postcard to a gift in which it will be written about the gentle feelings that are experiencing a young man.
    • Write a poem. Even if poetry is far from ideal, the lady will definitely appreciate this gesture and will understand that it took not only time to compose verse, but also courage.
    • Come up with a quest game. To do this, it is necessary to develop tasks that a favorite must pass. As soon as she finishes one of the tests, it will be waiting for a pleasant surprise. After each stage, it will get something romantic and cute.

    Even if the representative of a strong sex has no idea how to cook, you should try to create dinner yourself. The table is recommended to decorate with candles and flowers.

    Such gestures are very valuable for women. They remember such a long time unusual surprises. For this you do not need to be a masterrity of cooking or spend huge amounts of money. It is enough to show the smelter and put a part of my soul as a gift.


    Women need them constantly praised. They spend many hours to look attractive for their cavalier, so it will be fair to celebrate her progress. It is worth how often the beloved one can talk about how gorgeous it looks like.

    But you should not lie and cross the borders. If the lady in the body, then it's stupid to tell her about slender Figure. It is necessary to act in the situation. If a woman considers stupid trips to the beauty salons and prefers to read books, then it is necessary to note its mental abilities, smelting and intuition.

    If you speak directly difficult (some men shy to talk compliments), then you should write fat recognition in a letter. Some this method seems unnecessary. In this case, you should use the gifts of the 21st century and send gentle message in in electronic formatUsing social networks or SMS.

    Abandon the hobby

    Many guys are accustomed to spending all their free time with comrades. Some constantly go fishing, others drink beer or depart with friends in clubs. All these events do not like the ladies. Therefore, it is worth abandoning some favorite hobbies. Then the girl will understand that she is in the first place for a man.

    If a woman does not smoke, then she is unpleasant to the cigarette smoke and kisses with the "ashtray". Therefore, it is worth throwing harmful habit. Everyone knows how difficult it is to refuse cigarettes. Therefore, it will be a significant act proving love from the representative of a strong sex. Such feats produce impression on the ladies.


    Nothing does not demonstrate love as respect from the man. It manifests itself in the fact that the representative of the strong floor always asks the opinion of the girlfriend to one topic or another. If the guy decides everything himself or prefers to consult with friends, it degrades the lady.

    Therefore, it is important not to forget about her opinion. The next time, deciding where to go on a date or what a jacket is better to buy, it is worth learn what it thinks about this afternoon. The same applies to joint trips and pastime.

    It is worth considering the characteristics of the character of the lady. If she does not like to make decisions and, on the contrary, herself always consults with his man for any occasion, then this method of manifestation of love does not fit.

    Important dates

    As repeatedly said, women are sensual and romantic. Therefore, they always remember even the most minor, from the point of view of the guy, dates. They are very disappointing when the beloved does not remember the anniversary or the bottom of the first date.

    In order not to force the girl to be upset, it is worth remembering when exactly the first kiss happened. This date is recommended to celebrate or present your favorite cute gift. In no case should not forget about Valentine's Day. If the girl sees how other ladies walk with balloonsand she did not even give her a box of sweets, then the woman will begin to think that her cavalier does not feel serious feelings.

    Future plans

    A friend of fine sex needs proof that a young man sees the future with her. Do not be afraid to talk about the plans. This does not mean that the next day in obligatory You must apply to the registry office.

    For the lady, not more important than an official document, but the fact that her half wants to be closer to her. Even if the girl does not express a lot of desire to legalize relationships, such conversations will be very pleasant to her heart. So she will see confidence in tomorrow. The lover should show that he made his choice and plans to create a family in the future.

    Women love to represent how their wedding will pass, how many children they will have. You need to learn to dream with your beloved. But you should not exercise stick. If the lady is distinguished by freedom and prevailing male start, that is, the risk that she will begin to perceive his beloved as a wicked and women-like representative of a strong sex. Therefore, everything is worth adhere to the measure.

    Acquaintance with parents

    If the young man presents his passion to relatives, it automatically speaks of his serious intent. But it is worth understanding that everything depends on the age of partners. If they are 18 years old, then the meeting with parents is not quite serious. Older ladies perceive such familiarity much more seriously.

    It is believed that after meeting with parents the next step is a wedding. The conclusion of marriage should not be in the same year. Sometimes girls are in the seven years. During this time, they come closer to the mother of the beloved and become something big, than just a girl's beloved son.

    No less important to get acquainted with the parents of the girl. For her it will be no less important. In this case we are talking The fact that the young man is not afraid to meet her father, who will ask not the most convenient questions and, probably promises to unscrew the guy's head if he offends his beloved daughter.

    This is a very brave act in the eyes of a fair sex. So she will be able to understand that a man wants to be with her, if not all his life, but at least he does not plan to break the relationship because of any nonsense.

    How to behave at a meeting with parents?

    It is important not only to appear in the house of the sweetheart, but also produce positive impression on her relatives. To do this, you need to produce preparatory activities. It is recommended to find out the interests and hobby of her home. If her mother is fond of Chinese culture, it is recommended to buy her souvenir.

    Additional information will help prepare for conversations that will be conducted at the table. If the guy is silent like a fish, then the parents of the ladies can say that she made a bad choice. In this case, it will be even more difficult to prove his love.

    In order for the girl to understand the seriousness of the intention of a young man, he must carefully prepare for the meeting. Pants need to be fine, wash your shirt. Do not wear sports suit And dirty sneakers. Thus, the guy will only demonstrate his disrespect for Passia and her native.

    Sitting at the table, it is necessary to care for his beloved and do not forget to talk with her relatives. If the Father is fond of hunting, then it is necessary to ask him about the last mining and admire that his daughter inherited the beauty from the mother and a strong volitional character from his father. This will make a huge impression on her parents. The lady itself will understand what a beautiful cavalier she has and that she doubted his love in vain.

    Make a proposal of hands and hearts

    If the relationship lasts not for the first year, and the girl does not believe in the seriousness of the intentions of his beloved, then it comes time to think about the transition to a more serious level joint residence. The proposal of the hand and heart will force a woman to be absolutely confident that the partner loves her and intends to spend the rest of his life with it.

    Do not ask for a lady about the wedding only in order to make an impression on it. This step must be responsible and serious. If a man is confident in his decision, then you should prevent the ring most in the original way. This once again convince the lady of the heart, that she is behind a man, as behind a stone wall. She will be sure of tomorrow, and it will significantly reduce the distance between in love.

    You can arrange quiet romantic dinner, light candles and cook something unusual. It is much more interesting to invite a girl for a boat for a walk or call her horses. Another option - balloon. There is nothing romantic than getting the cherished ring, a grain of like birds.

    It is worth thinking about what exactly to say. The typical phrase "go out for me" is romantic, and the lady, most likely, will even pay away from happiness, but you can make this moment more memorable. To do this, it is necessary to think about your speech and not limited to the usual phrases. The lady should know that it is special.

    You need to list all the excellent qualities of your halves. Say, what happiness to be with her next. It is necessary to convince the girl that the future with her is the most beautiful thing that could happen to a man. It is worth explaining that this step is thought out and is completely serious. Ring will confirm the most gentle feelings Cavalier.

By nature, their men are conquerors, which means that they must be confident in the feelings of the chosen of their hearts. And most importantly, what you need to gain this confidence is to prove to the girl for sure that you are the one who needs it: close, native, reliable and, most importantly, loving. We will try to figure out how to do it right.

The nature of female doubts: why to prove something?

So, you are beautiful and confident in yourself and, it seems, they always knew that it is necessary to representatives of a beautiful sex. Joint walks and romantic meetings, talking to souls and gatherings in a cafe, candy bouquets and even cute surprises - all this was, but ...

But, nevertheless, in the eyes of a woman there are doubts. At the same time, the ladies are divided into two categories in most cases: some doubt that you were unstable, timidly, others are waiting for something great and extraordinary, only passionate arms and truly cinema confessions in love.

Of course, the first category of women "melt" is a bit simpler than the second, but in both cases it is not necessary to do without beautiful: a) actions; b) speeches. At the same time, the man is important to understand what the love mean specifically for him - perhaps the root of the problem is that you and your dear women have different understanding of love.

Knight: Main ways

To understand how to prove to the girl that you love her, learn:
  1. Speak. No matter how trivially sounded, women love ears, so let us give tenderness to the girl in words. And it may not only be some original phrases, but also tested by time - the poems of classics and contemporaries, funny affectionate nicknames, love notes.
  2. To come. Beautiful words are, of course, good, but to prove anything you can only. Make some kind of one that your companion is least expecting. Never prepared a favorite breakfast? So it's time to do it. Sometimes in order to impress, it is enough to just wash the dishes after dinner.
  3. Do romantic surprises . It can be like a pretty inscription on asphalt with recognition in your feelings and dinner with candles and a picnic on the seashore. Even buying things about which a girl has long dreamed of. At the same time, do not forget about everyday signs of attention, which are considered trifles: Favorite candies and a bouquet without reason, an open door of the machine and soft toy to a personal event.
  4. Extreme and originality. Do you think climbing the balcony with a bouquet - the relic of the past? Then argue with a parachute - such an act will accurately make an impression. This category may include public recognition in love, for example, on radio or television, yacht riding or banner in the city center with your joint photo.

In order for the girl to be confident in you and your feelings, try:
  • not neglect female attention. If at least the slightest way you demonstrate the indifference - it will play against you. Therefore, try to look at the girl to the girl, showing how much everything is happening. Do not forget to demonstrate that your opinion is important to you on a question or another, show that its advice, help and support are really important.
  • measure common dates. The first meeting and the first kiss, and even more so, the birthday or engagement - all this is a reason to show your love in fact, and not words.
  • get rid of thatthat you do not like the girl. You may drive communication with dubious companies, smoke too much or spend the lion's share of your free time for meaningless computer games. Attempts undertaken to sincerely change themselves for another person will not be unnoticed.
  • to be attentive. Sometimes an extra minute, sincerely dedicated to the girl, can be the best gift for her. For this you need not so much: to call during the day, worry, how are you, do not forget about the requests that promised to do, and always wish have a nice day And good night.
  • build joint plans. Your sincere participation in building a general livelihood will instill hope in women's heart, stability and confidence in male shoulder nearby. But at the same time there should be no empty promises and formulations of the type "We will live long and happily." Need spectection, i.e. Short-term plans that are really important - for example, within the current month or the nearest couple of weeks. It may be anything: since the purchase of products in the store and ending with the campaign to visit friends.
  • do not redo female nature And not "tinker" her under him. Take your chosen one as it is.
  • do not just love and take care, and admire the girl. In fact, it is very important for every representative of the beautiful floor - just to know that it is "the most". Speak about the tastes that she prepares, how gorgeous it looks like smart and charming in communication. But beyond and proud of your beloved only sincerely and without flattery.

4 evidence of love theorem

  1. Perseverance. True love Proves brave and courageous actions.
  2. Love. About her and its manifestations above was mentioned a lot, but how to be, if a person is modest and a meager for bright manifestations of feelings? Invite your favorite on karaoke and spoil the song that expresses the depth of your feelings or read the lines of your own essay. If the constraint remains, write everything on paper and position so that the lady of the heart see what is written.
  3. Patience. Never take off on insults, humiliation and all the more ridden or physical strength. Such behavior is unable to prove love under any circumstances and excuses.
  4. Attention and sincerity. Whatever way of conquering a woman did not make you like most, do not forget that everything should be sincerely and from the heart.
And finally, think: if the girl is constantly, almost every minute requires evidence of love, perhaps they are more important for her than the feeling itself?

Many guys are not romantic in nature, and girls constantly want to receive evidence of love. This is a difficult problem that concerns almost all pairs of about six months of relationships. If you do not pay attention to these dilemma, then after a year, relationships can change significantly and from former feelings There will be no trace. We will try to figure out: how not to destroy the relationship and what to make strong sexes to prove their feelings?

Why girls need evidence of love

Most often, the guy believes that since he is in a relationship with a girl, it means that he loves her and wants to be with her. Fine sex representatives think somewhat differently. Many of them simply can't calmly enjoy developing relations And constantly looking for signs that love has passed. There are several reasons to such thoughts:

  • low self-esteem;
  • unsuccessful previous relationships;
  • increased emotional excitability;
  • lack of attention;
  • jealousy from the girl.

Relationships should build two, and the guys do not need to forget about it. It is also important to know that girls think somewhat differently, and sometimes there are erroneous conclusions from a simple situation. For example, a guy at work was entrusted with an important thing, and he reflected all evening over his performance, silent and looked slightly removed. The girl may regard such behavior of his beloved person as a threat to a relationship. As long as the guy tells what the cause of his thoughtfulness and removal, the girl is ready to make different conclusions for himself and come up with his own version explaining his behavior. In this regard, the primary task of the guy is to be able to establish a dialogue in any situation.

Woman loves ears

For women, the behavior of a young man, his actions and words are important. A fine sex representatives are several vains in nature, so it is often important for them to hear compliments and recognition in love. From the mouth of a loved one, hearing gentle words is undoubtedly nice. The words of love attach confidence, improve the mood and stabilize the emotional background.

It is especially important to say compliments and confess in their feelings, if at the initial stage you did it all the time. As a rule, at the stage of development of relationships, guys are given significantly more attention Girls. They make gifts write love SMS, Say pleasant words. Next, love goes to new level and number gentle words significantly decreases. The girl is used to constantly hear that she is loved, desirable and indispensable.

A decrease in the number of pleasant words subconsciously is regarded as a crisis that can lead to a pair of decay. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly give the girl the same amount of attention as at the courtship stage, it is worth explaining the reasons. In the process of the conversation, you must convince your half that I have not changed anything, and you still love her. It is important to choose the words and reinforce them with action.

From the word to the case

It does not matter what words you will express your feelings if the girl will not see specific actions from you. It is an erroneous opinion that modern representatives of the beautiful sex are primarily waiting for gifts. Of course, presented without reason the bouquet will become pleasant surprise And I will prove the girl that she is loved, but you can express your feelings otherwise.

Such little things like a handful hand with a ladder or outlet of the car, help in solving domestic issues or a presented cup of tea in the morning - will say much more about feelings than even the most expensive gift.

What you need to do so that the girl does not need evidence

Most people who do not have psychological education are to the question "How to prove to the girl, what do you love her?" They will answer simply - words and actions. Partly this is the right answer, but it can not be called universal recipebecause it will not work if you do not respect your girlfriend and take care of it. After all, the price is beautiful wordsIf you make iten the shortcomings of your chosen or do not accept it as it is. Gifts I. beautiful deeds There will be no values \u200b\u200bin the eyes of a fair sex, if you do not show sincere care for her.

In the section on the question of how to prove the girl that I need her and only she! Posted by the author Wake up The best answer is you have to fulfill your promises, try to predict her desires, be a real friend, you care beautifully, and she will see that you are the most! Eh, I would like this as you !!!
Source: Laura.

Answer from * Rosary at @ tely *[guru]
Better, of course, it is better for her to say about it, but if you could-want it, you would not ask this question :)
1) just need to not reduce the eye from it;
2) tell her that she is unique and no one except her for you
3) Good luck! :)

Answer from ЎLiy Gaynetdinova[guru]
More business - less words!

Answer from Prosody[guru]
Give this whole world to her !! !
It is possible to prove different ways! Just be caring, affectionate, respect her and her interests, love after all, attention, adoration, you can list a lot!
Yes, much more importantly, how does a man belong to you, and not what kind of gifts he gives you!
The main thing is to feel! Words this one !! ! You can say "love", but this will not be felt or in a voice, nor in the actions!
And prove ... How I once said the MCH when he confessed me in love, and I only told him "Prove, prove, prove!"
To what he answered me "Now I will prove it to you, I will make some kind of thread a super act, and then it will suddenly appear on the horizon another, and make an act much more cooler. And you will find me, and love him!"
So, love just her!

Answer from Vrown[active]
tell her (you're so sweet I will do everything you love me)

Answer from Nina Bulayev[newcomer]
aga Blya said

Answer from Evgeny Kargin[newcomer]

Answer from APHINA PALLADA.[guru]
... words and actions.

Answer from Unique harm))[guru]
just once talk about it))

Answer from Alesha[guru]
well, in vain.

Answer from Lyudmila Lyudmila[newcomer]
Your question is very complex. If you just want it to prove it, then quite enough words and some actions. . But if it is in the Jel itself so that you need only this girl, then in this case you will have to work both. Trust does not arise from scratch, it comes with time when not a couple of actions, but all actions are directed to it from a pure heart
(I hope you caught my thought ...)

When the guy falls in love, at first it is not difficult to prove my love. The girl gladly gets compliments, gifts, hugs and kisses from the guy who likes mutually. However, with the time the girl it becomes little. She begins to argue that he does not believe in love guy. How to prove your love to the girl if she is really present, in words and actions, will tell the Website online log.

It has long developed that men must conquer their favorite women. To date, the trend has not changed. Each girl is waiting for her to love and start making various pleasant deeds In her address to show their feelings.

Since men by nature are more rectilinear and practical, they are always ready to surprise, take care, protect and delight women to which they are not indifferent. That is why women are waiting for the appropriate steps from men to make sure they love them.

The topic of how to prove his girl, extensive, since each lady needs their evidence of love. Each in the head is a whole scenario of actions that the guy must make for the girl to prove her love. This can be found in the communication process. In the meantime, you can resort to your ways to proof feelings.

A banal theme that you need to give to get known to many. Despite this, people continue to live unfortunately and out of love. They know about the law "Give and receive", but trying to fulfill only the second condition "get", without fulfilling the first "give".

Men and women continue to look for themselves the second halves in the hope that they first give them anything good, and only then they will begin to meet reciprocity. Imagine the situation: there are two people, both are waiting for them to be given. They are waiting, waiting, waiting ... and eventually diverge. This is a clear process, since both desired first to get to give. Both were ready to give. But at first they were waiting. As a result, none of them got the love that was hoping. Who is guilty? Both. Therefore, it is enough to blame everyone who has ever doded you. For our part, you most likely, too, did not give something to the girls.

You are waiting for you, you will come to make it, say "sorry." And at the same time do not do anything towards this person. Here you have a thought: "Everything! She does not love me". Why? "Because it does not call, does not write, not declared." Do you write, call, declare?

People accuse others in their own unrealizations and suffering, while they themselves do nothing so that the partners do not arise the same feeling. What did you do in order for another person to understand what you love him? Did you call him? Have you come to talk? Not. Then, how can you judge someone's feelings, if you can say the same thing about you?

Want to love you? Learn to give before you do something good. You after all, having arranged to work, first work for a whole month and only then receive a fee for your work. You first give, and then get it. Then, why do you think that in love this law does not work?

People know simple truth The fact that love occurs when the partners give and get. Just need to first give it to get. And you want people first get to give. And if no one gives anything? Then no one gets anything. These are uncomplicated results.

If you want to love and be loved, learn first to give. Do not remove all, but just rejoice, make a pleasant girlfriend. At the same time, do not forget to receive. If you give you a girl, take without any "but" and "if". You give and give you - this is love. But if you give, and in response there is no mutual return, then understand that there is no love between you and can not arise! Look for those who want to give you mutually. Only in such respects love can develop.

How to prove to the girl, what do you love her?

If the guy loves the girl, then his feelings are tormented out. This impulse should not be stopped. If you want to write poems, then write. If you want to sing, then sing. If you want to give gifts, then give. Love itself pushes you to accomplish actions.

However, the guys often face such a situation when they make love actions, and the girls tell them: "You do not love me!" How so? You all do for her, and she does not see it. Here psychologists recommend contacting her past experience of relations. Perhaps in the past she survived a heavy gap, so it does not believe in the existence of love or that men can love her.

The girl who is more looked at the pain that happened to her in the past than on the real actions of the guy, will periodically make actions and say words aimed at breaking relationships. Any difficulty and even a quarrel will force her to give up and prepare for parting with a guy. If you see that the girl seems to provoke you to parting, the evidence of your love will be preserving the Union. Do not be fooled on the provocations, continue with the girl to stay. Over time, she calms down.

To prove your love, the girl should know that you will never betray her. This is proved only in practice. In any difficult situation, protect and maintain the girl, let her feel that you are standing for her mountain.

Another guy must remember that girls "love ears", but soon they are becoming necessary. You can talk as much as you like about your love. But if the guy makes the girl hurt and unpleasant, she will not believe in his love.

As if the girl he behaved and no matter how much believed in the absence of love for her, if the guy loves, he should be convinced that they were destined to be together. Need to show patience and stand up while the girl will be guided by his negative programs. She is convinced that you do with her as other men did. If you save the relationship going to the goal where you are with your beloved, then she will believe you over time.

How to prove your love to the girl?

If you fell in love with a girl and now you wish to prove your feelings on any actions, then you have to act. You can resort to typical methods of courtship (hikes in restaurants, gifts, visits to various places, etc.). but best way Prove your love will hear the wishes of the girl.

Every girl understands his own way when she loves her. It can be asked to find it on this topic. How does she understand that she loved her? Let it list all those actions that would wish to see in their address. If you do what is nice to your girlfriend, it will convince her in your feelings.

In other ways to proof their love will be:

  1. Help. Help the girl with solving her life problems. Do not leave it alone with them. The more you will help her, the more she will be tied to you.
  2. Speak compliments and other pleasant words. As they say, girls love ears, so do not refuse this method Demonstrations of their feelings.
  3. Time spent together. Girls need attention. It doesn't matter what you will do, walk or just communicate. If you spend more time to give your beloved, then she will believe in your feelings.
  4. Touch. Girls need touch (it should be distinguished from the paw). You hug, kiss, stroke the girl, make a massage to her to demonstrate your sympathy and relax.
  5. Presents. All girls like getting gifts. Only what gifts need to be given to your girlfriend specifically. Everything is already individually here.

How to prove your love to the girl at a distance?

If life has separated lovers, it should not become a sentence for their relationship. If you wish to prove your love to the girl, then even at a distance attempt to find ways:

  • Communicate on your phone or skype every day. Speak on various topics, including how the day went, etc.
  • Give her gifts. This can be done through the agency that will be through the courier on certain days to bring gifts and flowers to the house.
  • Speak about the future. Be sure to highlight the time when you can come to the girl to visit to see her. Discuss the dates when you see again.

How to prove your love in the end?

Lovers are often playing in such a game: "Prove your love." All people want to be loved. And in order to feel the love of another person, it is necessary to show His love for himself. If you only need love to yourself and yourself do not give the same partner, then naturally all the feelings that he experienced to you disappear, because they are not supported by confidence in your feelings. Everyone wants to be sure that he love him, because he only feels safe, realizing that his love would accept and appreciate.

How to prove your love? Little only to talk about your feelings, you need to actually demonstrate them. If you want a partner to believe in your love, start doing everything with love. Imagine that your favorite person needs absolutely in everything that you can only do for him. Give him it! Do all you are ready to give your beloved.

The first sign of your love will be the lack of demanding something to do for you. In other words, you make your girlfriend happy, make some actions in her address, satisfying her needs, but at the same time do not require anything in response. You have been good from what you make a happy girl, so do not require any actions from it.

The lack of demanding is observed after you have done something in relation to your partner, and he did nothing. How do you react in such a situation? If you are dissatisfied, outraged and criticize the partner for making something for him, and he doesn't, it means you don't love, but build a trade and market relations: "I am you - you". You do something for a girl not because of love, but from the need then get something in your address. And you outraged the moment when you fulfilled your duties, but it is not. It differs significantly from the behavior of those people who make actions with love. They do not require anything, but simply do only because they want to make silence their loved ones.

The second feature of your love in actions is that you try to show your love, and do not expect her from her girl. You do something for your loved one to show your love, and not to demand love for yourself. You are ready to do something for her, even if she, in turn, will not demonstrate his love. This is a kind of sacrifice that is based on the fact that you want to help another person live much better than it is on this moment. This is love when you help, and do not require help.

To be loved by people, you need to love yourself. If you do not like, then the partner will soon cease to show your love for you. This is natural in accuracy. But on the contrary: if you like, but you see that you do not like you, you will soon realize that it is better to find another partner who will treat you the same way as you are to him. No need to spend your time on those who do not want to love you. After all, love is not just a feeling, but also an action that is aimed at making life a loved one is happier and more complete than there is at the moment.


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