How to learn to be a weak woman. How to get what you want from men? The story of female transformation How a strong woman looks weak

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They say weak women attract strong men. And what woman does not dream of a strong man who can solve all her problems, and not vice versa, as is often the case now? How can you learn to be weak if life itself dictates such conditions that you are both a woman and a man in one person: in a hot hut ... and a galloping horse ... and caress your husband? And there is no suitable example to follow. Where are you, weak women? And in general, the concept of "weakness" somehow disappeared, because you solve all the problems yourself: there is no time to cry, not to play any roles.

Well, okay, let's learn a little how to show weakness. Until recently, I myself did not know what it means to be weak, but now my life often pleasantly surprises me.

How to learn to be weak. Instructions for use.

1. First, you need to understand that weakness is not a vice, it is a normal desire to manifest the feminine principle in oneself. As our parents taught us, the strongest survives in this life, that all problems must be solved by herself, and if you cannot, you are a failure. And there is no need to upset your parents, because they wanted to see a strong person in you, and you did not live up to their expectations. So the girls grew up with the name "I myself".

2. One of the manifestations of weakness is asking for help. How can you ask if we are so proud and independent! We pull, pull, and we pull out everything, even the veins. And why bother so hard when you can simply ask. But it's uncomfortable and ashamed to admit that you can't do something yourself. How not to disappoint people! And there is also one position: “I asked, I was ignored or refused, so I won’t ask any more, why should I be so humiliated”? I wonder who needs your pride? Or do you need help? on new shoes, ask your parents for help, and be sure to thank them - no one canceled politeness.

3. Take care of yourself. Take care of your body. Be yourself, don't be something. When you are harmonious on the inside, you will feel your strength in yourself, you will open a spell in yourself, and you may even like that you are a woman, weak and tender.

4. Wear dresses and skirts, stand on your heels. In such an outfit it is easier to feel like a woman, and you will not, for example, move cabinets in a skirt, change taps, carry heavy bags and glue wallpaper. When you are in a skirt, you cannot run, but walk in small steps. And men pay attention to you: they open doors for you, offer to bring bags. And don't run ahead of the locomotive. If you paid for groceries at the checkout in a supermarket, don't grab your bags first when a man is next to you. I once had such a moment in my life. And the man who was next to me said: "I love Russian women: all by yourself." And I even felt ashamed. Approaching the hanger at home, do not grab the coat first, but get up and wait. A man, whatever he may be, will still figure out what is expected of him, and will justify your expectations - he will give you a coat. And let him feel needed in such little things! Further more. If he thinks that you cannot cope without his help, everything - he is yours forever.

5. Some will think, why pretend to be an incompetent sheep? The point is that you don't need to portray anything. When you portray something that contradicts you internally - this is the position of the victim, a person with low self-esteem. You need to make it clear to yourself that you are a woman and worthy of help.

6.. Life is very exciting and interesting. Do not forget about yourself in the race for results. Try to get the most out of life. So you will come to harmony with yourself, and to strengthen your feminine principle.

Learning to be weak is a fun process with overwhelming results. Overpower yourself. Start asking. Not being able to ask is not your strength, it is your weakness. Enjoy yourself, and life will sparkle in a new way. A man will show his strengths to you, and will be able to get a star from the sky for you. But do you want this? Success to you!

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“A strong woman understands everything and tries.
A strong woman also knows how to be gentle and loyal.
Even beloved and even desirable is considered.
Smart, funny, beautiful and brave, I guess.
He will not shed stupid tears on a loved one,
Quietly close the gate behind him and again - alone.
He will never see such an unsightly picture _
Like a strong woman crying at the window ... "

Svetlana Kim

She occasionally allowed herself to cry. In the kitchen in the middle of the night, looking into the night void outside the window. When the whole family was fast asleep. No one should see the tears of a strong woman. What is the cause of her suffering? Why, with all the external success and invulnerability, ordinary words from a man hurt so much: "Do it yourself, you can do it."

She can, she basically can do everything. And to earn, and to cook, and to cope with the child, and to put things in order in the house. But you never know what things a strong woman can have? The only thing she cannot afford is to be weak next to her beloved man. She can only dream that her husband himself would want to become a strong man.

Women get stronger than men

Psychologists teach that a woman's strength lies in her weakness. Even in a commercial: “Start drowning, let him save you! Make him feel like a strong man. And then you will receive love and tenderness as a reward not for courage, but for weakness. " Should I become weak, or at least pretend that you are?

You don’t think she didn’t try. Only it turns out completely unnatural. And this makes both of them bitter. She does not know how to pretend. But sometimes she feels really weak, in moments of fatigue and loneliness, when it is so necessary for a loved one to simply show his concern and say warm words.

What kind of women do we call strong? What is the nature of their strength? Where does this phenomenon come from? Why is this power more often disappointing than joy? Let's try to figure it out with the help of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

We most often define people by their appearance. If she is crying, hysterical or complaining, then she is weak. If she overcomes difficulties alone, does not whine, does not ask for help, she is strong.

We grew up at a time when our parents told us: “To survive in this world, you need to be strong. Life is a struggle. Don't be offended. Know how to stand up for yourself. Don't cry, dry your tears and fight for your bright future. " And we survived and continue to survive to this day.

At the training of Yuri Burlan, it is very clearly revealed what it really means - to raise a girl as a woman. How detrimental for many of us is the desire of our parents to protect and protect from "bad" people and, unfortunately, from ourselves. From their own needs and desires.

Saying: “You have to be able to stand up for yourself. Give me back! " - no parent even suspects what hole they are digging for the happy future of their child. Instead of learning to live in the world of other people with full awareness of herself as part of a larger whole, the girl learns to defend herself. She defends herself from people, from circumstances, and sometimes even from herself. From their "weaknesses".

And many of us do well in the end.

Strong woman - reward or punishment?

“Everything is usual in my dream, I wish - not at all suddenly -
To be crucified on the cross with careful and strong hands! "

Read often

Probably many people are familiar with this joke: "I really want to be a weak woman, but as luck would have it, the huts are burning, then the horses are galloping!"

Of course, this does not apply to all women, but it just so happened historically that we take on a lot. We take on our fragile shoulders not only our own, female, but also male responsibilities.

How does this exhaust us, there is irritation on men that they are irresponsible, not caring, etc. !!! You have to take everything into your own hands. And since the Universe is very wise, then “ May it be for you according to your faith»!

Why, one wonders, after such applications from our side, should a man strain at all: “Darling, you yourself are“ strong ”, you can cope with everything yourself. I'd rather watch football, drink a beer, ”the men argue. But this is only one of the options, and there are many of them.

She herself

Once upon a time I also reasoned like that, and took too much on myself, and complained about men. And I came across not caring ones, and you will not wait for gifts, and they do not know how to earn money! Well I had to do everything yourself.

And take care of yourself, and help yourself, and earn money. A convincing conclusion was made: I choose the wrong men! I forgot how to accept care, I just did not notice her around. I myself can do everything !!!

Men were classified as “my man”, if they show attention and care, then if it ended at some stage, then this is “not my man”. So I lived with the conviction that I came across wrong men.

Although I read a bunch of books, watched various webinars, somewhere with my mind I understood that there was a reason in me too. I worked on myself, I even started to change something in my picture of the world, and already men began to come across more caring ones, but something was missing for me to fully understand my problem at that moment. Until I got to the Institute of Reincarnation and consulted with the captain.

All the men are mine

During the consultation, we worked through several requests, one of which - relationships with men. The session was there and lasted more than three hours.

Consultant Natasha collected all the information from me about my relationships with men, different situations from life. Different realizations came, both looking through this life, and realizations from the world of souls.

I will not describe everything that I managed to see, but there is one key moment that changed my understanding of myself and of men in general. And this was exactly the impetus to write this story.

By the way, we found out that one of my destinations in this life is use your feminine energy and that my main cash flow is through men.

And all my life I have used mainly male energies in myself, I just didn’t know how take care of men. It was really difficult for me to ask men for something. Suddenly they refuse (the strings are drawn from childhood). Moreover, I myself can do everything !!!

What happened is this: Natasha heard in my stories that I often repeat “my man”, “not my man”. And she offered this alternative: Imagine that all men are Yours !!!

Just assume and try to see in every man potential helper without expecting anything from him, just radiate your feminine energy - the way you can. She shared her life examples of how she worked on herself.

In general, I am a Practitioner by nature, I always try to check my knowledge in action. Here and here it was not long in coming. I wrote inside myself that all men are Mine, and, most importantly, believed it!

How I felt good from this thought !!! This became my resourceful state when translating this idea into reality.

Miracles are everywhere

Almost the next day, miracles began. In general, they always happen, we just often do not notice them in our daily worries.

First, I started asking a man, with whom I was then in a relationship, about almost all the little things, trying not to turn on my mind, so that he would not lead me into doubts again, that I myself can do it

And in almost all cases, he did not refuse me. And I even noticed that his shoulders straightened when I said that I want you to do it because you do it better than me.

Well, there are such female tricks, there is also a lot of information about them on the Internet. She could ask for money without trembling in the knees. In short, I applied the received realizations in practice.

But I especially want to tell you about one day that happened somewhere 2-3 days after the consultation.

I went to Moscow. Heavy bag. I am alone, on my own, without an assistant.

I got to the bus stop. The one I needed drove up, I went to the door and….

I would have started to drag this suitcase into the minibus myself, but there were men nearby. Something no one was eager to help me, but I can ask now !!!

And I asked the man closest to me, he seemed to be asleep and woke up. Of course, of course, he says, he was in his thoughts. I took this moment with joy. This was the only time that day that I had to ask.

I went to Moscow by car, I took a minibus to get to the appointed meeting place with the car. I arrived in Moscow, and then continuous miracles began, there is no other name for it.

I went down to the subway, carrying a suitcase on wheels, but it's heavy. And men began to open the doors in front of me - both young and old. I never touched a single door.

Climbing the stairs with a suitcase, if there was no escalator somewhere, did not exist for me at all. For some reason, some man's hand always grabbed my suitcase at the bottom of the steps, and I walked light.

The resource state turned on, I smiled from ear to ear and thanked everyone around me and the Universe. I had a friend with me, she made surprised eyes and said: "Does this happen?" This happened several times while we were getting to the desired station.

Then I got on the train and left for the Moscow region. Leaving at the right station, I found that I got out alone, no one was around. And it was necessary to climb the high stairs, cross the railway tracks and go down. Well, I think I'll have to do it myself.

Approaching the stairs, I was about to lift a suitcase, suddenly I hear a voice from behind: "Let me help you." I turned around: there was a man. Where did he come from? But before I had time to think, he was already climbing the stairs with my suitcase. I followed him as if spellbound. Wonders!!!

He lowered my suitcase, I thanked him, and he just smiled. I went to the taxi stand, I had to get to the place, and suddenly it started to rain.

There were no cars, but a man was standing in the parking lot first in line for a taxi, and I just thought: even if he let me go ahead, I am without an umbrella. A car drove up, but he did not let me go, he went himself.

I was about to come to terms, but suddenly the driver got out of the car and asked where I should go. I answered and he asked the man to wait for the next car, because he was going in my direction. A minute later I was already sitting in the car and was just stunned with a smile on my face!

Being a woman

I joined this game, I liked being a Woman, I began to observe myself more often, to pay attention to men exactly as Men. I changed my beliefs, expanded my worldview and attitude. I studied my past incarnations in male bodies, tried to understand what men feel, what they think, what they want.

My acquaintance with the reincarnation method turned my whole life upside down, in the good sense of the word. More than six months have passed since that incident. And the miracles continue.

Now I can call myself a Happy Woman !!! I enjoy being cared for by men almost everywhere I go: at home, on the street, while traveling.

At the moment I am not working, but doing my favorite thing, I am studying at the Institute of Reincarnation in the 2nd year. And my cash flow is now from a man and from another source. But that is another story. And then we'll see!

How much we women forget that we should just be happy and we don’t owe anything to anyone else !!! That duty and duty are purely masculine energy.

And how, at times, shifting male responsibilities onto ourselves, we simply lose this feminine energy and cannot radiate it. Then we accuse the men of carelessness, that they do not notice us, do not care about us.

And they just do not feel they are needed, they don't understand what to do, there is no call to action. Because we smell like "husband's", forgive such a comparison. But does a man want to do something for a man, a man himself can.

Now I understand that first of all we need to remember that we are Women, what do we really want. And before blaming men for their mortal sins, you need to look at yourself and ask the question: "What am I doing to be treated differently?"

At first glance, this is difficult, but it is also simple. And most importantly - IT IS POSSIBLE. Love yourself, let men take care of you! Smile often! Happiness to you, Women!

You have read a lot of guides on the topic of seduction of men, completed trainings on pumping sexuality, you are aware of all fashion trends. But how to become an attractive woman, you still do not fully understand, because you follow all the recommendations, and there is no violent reaction of men towards you. You have long suspected that you are looking somewhere in the wrong place or that something is wrong with you. At the same time, the competition around is inexorably growing. The struggle for male attention goes not to life, but to death.

There is an exit?

They say that to become more attractive, you have to be smart and weak at the same time. How to become an intelligent woman? And at the same time - how to become a weak woman? How to find a balance between female independence and defenselessness? Everywhere there are the same type of advice on this matter. Every morning you whisper mantras that you yourself can hardly believe in. But they say - it should be so.

... Keep your emotions in check. (But how can you do this if your mood swings are so unexpected and defy explanation?)

. Be moderately capricious and moderately cold. (But how to define this measure?)

. Think positively and smile - they like it. (And how - if you constantly want to sob from your confusion?)

And nothing helped ?! In any case, it is impossible to become happier by following a general recommendation. We are all very individual.

In order to learn to see your own characteristics and ways of their best realization, Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology suggests starting with a more detailed study of his hidden properties, on the embodiment of which it is worth focusing.

So how to become a weak woman in a smart way?

As described above, you are the owner of the visual vector. The most important thing for you (as laid down by nature) is the ability to establish emotional connections. At work, with family, with friends - all connections should be sincere and filled with love. This is your weakness - and it's not worth looking for a long time!

After all, if it is not possible to create mutual comfortable relations, your sincerity is rejected, then fear, discomfort, lack of confidence in yourself and in all your actions in general arise. Then weakness develops into excessive vulnerability.

Spectators who are locked in on themselves, instead of raising emotions and love, experience the strongest fears. And only after learning to bring their fear out, into compassion and empathy for other people, they begin to create stable emotional connections.

How to become an intelligent woman without losing your defenselessness is not a question. It is important to learn to distinguish the way you create an emotional connection through trying to flout feelings for yourself from a real connection directed outward - when you love another.

Although this skill is formed largely before puberty, it also depends on the realization of your visual properties in adulthood. If you dig deeper, as system-vector psychology teaches, many more interesting reasons for self-rejection will be revealed. To become truly smart, you need to learn them first!

To understand exactly what your natural potential is, and really to become the most, by nature, feminine, cunning (while not losing your softness, emotionality - the so-called female weakness) you will finally be helped by a free online training in systemic vector psychology Yuri Burlan. To participate, register using the link.

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