How to listen to the heartbeat of the child at home. Fetal heartbeat standards and reasons

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Fetal heartbeat is the main indicator of its viability. Any changes in the rhythm indicate the emergence of adverse factors. Therefore, doctors control this process throughout the entire pregnancy and during childbirth.

Heart features from the fetus

Approximately 4 weeks are laid primarily of the heart, which is a hollow tube, but after 7 days the first ripples appear. By 9 week, the body becomes four-chamber. However, in the womb, the baby does not breathe himself, but receives oxygen from the mother, so his heart has some features, for example, a hole between the atrialists and the arterial duct, which are closed after birth.

How to hear the heartbeat crumbs?

Listen to how the heart beats your baby, you can in several ways:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound research);
  • Echocardiography (echocardiography);
  • Auscultation (listening);
  • CTG (cardiotokography).


In the first trimester, the fetal heart rate is determined by weeks using ultrasound. Normally, during a transvaginal ultrasound, the reduction of the heart is detected by 5-6 weeks, and during transabdominal - from 6-7.

The heart rate in the first trimester depends on the timing:

  • Up to 8 - from 110 to 130 shots per minute;
  • Fetal heartbeat in 9-12 weeks - 170-190;
  • From 13 to childbirth - 140-160.

Frequency changes are associated with the formation of the function of the nervous system, or rather, the part responsible for the operation of the organs. An adverse signs are the impact of frequency up to 85-100 beats per minute, as well as significant increase (up to 200).

In such cases, the reason that caused a violation of the heart rhythm is determined. If the embryo reached 8 mm, but there are no heart abbreviations, it testifies to undeveloped pregnancy. In order to confirm or disprove the diagnosis, a re-ultrasound is again 5-7 days later.

In the second and third trimester, during the passage of planned ultrasound studies, it is determined:

  • Heart location. Normally, it is placed on the left and takes about a third of the sternum during transverse scanning;
  • Frequency (heart rate of the fetus - 140-160);
  • The nature of abbreviations (rhythmic / arrhythmic).

The frequency of abbreviations in late terms largely depends on foreign factors, for example, the movements of the fetus, physical exertion of the mother, the impact on the pregnant variety of factors (heat, cold, diseases).

If the fruit does not receive enough oxygen, then the first heart rate increases above the norm (tachycardia), and then, after the deterioration of the child's condition, falls below 120 (bradycardia).

To reveal the vices of the heart, use the so-called " four-chamber slice"- ultrasound, allowing you to see all 4 organs of the organ. With this method, about 75% of pathologies are found. If there is a need for additional studies, then the echocardiography of the fetus is prescribed.


This procedure is a special type of ultrasound research. Ehocheg is a complex way that allows you to fully explore the heart. It includes in addition to the standard two-dimensional ultrasound and other scanner operation modes: M-mode (one-dimensional) and dopar mode (for the blood flow in different departments). Echocrine allows you to explore the structure of the heart and blood vessels, as well as their functions.

This event is carried out according to the testimony:

  • Sugar diabetes in the future mother;
  • Infections transferred during the battery period;
  • Age of pregnant more than 38 years;
  • Congenital heart defects (UPU) in mothers;
  • Child growth delay;
  • In the history of the birth of children with UPU;
  • Changes in the heart, discovered ultrasound (disturbed rhythm, increase in size, etc.);
  • Other pathologies, including genetic diseases that are often combined with heart defects.

Optimal deadlines for ECCG - 18-28 weeks. In the future, the visualization of the heart is difficult, as the number of accumulating waters is reduced, and the child is increasing in size.


This method is the easiest. To do this, a simple device is needed for listening to the fetal heartbeat - an obstetric stethoscope. From the usual, it is distinguished by a wide funnel, which is applied to the belly of the future mother, and on the other hand they listen.

Since the invention of the stethoscope, its form has almost changed. The standard device is made of wood, but now there are plastic and aluminum products.

Cardiac tones begin to listen about from 18 weeks. As the child develops in the womb, they are heard more and more. On each planned inspection, when the palpulation appears in a stethoscope, the doctor necessarily conducts listening, and this phenomenon is controlled by an obstetrician during childbirth.

With auscultation, other sounds are tested:

  • Intestinal noises (bubbles, iridescent, irregular);
  • Reduction of uterine vessels, aorta (coincide with a woman's pulse);
  • The point of the best listening to heart rate, the nature and rhythm of the heart abbreviations is determined;
  • With a head preview, the tone is clearly audible below the navel, with a transverse one level with it, when pelvic - above;
  • Listened to rhythm. Arrhythmical are characteristic of heart defects and oxygen deficiency (hypoxia);
  • Tones can not be bad due to many or low, obesity, multipleness and enhanced fetal activity.

In the process of childbirth, the obstever conducts listening to the fetal heartbeat every 15-20 minutes, while at the same time assessing the rhythm before and after the fight to determine how the fruit reacts to it. The doctor also listens to the heart rate after each sweat, since at this time the muscles of the uterus, the pelvic bottom and the abdominal wall are reduced by the woman in labor, which leads to a decrease in the access of oxygen to the fetus.


The method allows you to objectively explore the heart of the child after 32 weeks of pregnancy. Cardiography registers not only heartbeat, but also reduce the uterus. In modern devices there is a function of recording the motor activity of the baby in the womb.

When conducting a procedure, a woman should lie on his back, side or sit. The procedure is carried out both before delivery and during those. The sensor is fixed in the place of best listening to the tones and leave for 1 hour. The results allow the doctor to evaluate the heart rate, its change in response to the fight and the movement of the child.

The need for CTG appears in the following situations:

  • Fever in a pregnant woman with a temperature above 38;
  • Severe gestosis;
  • Scar in the uterus;
  • Chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes);
  • Calling of childbirth (induction) / relaxation with weak generic activities;
  • Low or multi-way;
  • Premature aging placenta;
  • Intrauterine delay in development;
  • Change in the frequency and character of heartbeat with auscultation;
  • Violation of arterial blood flow.

After the CTG, the doctor assesses: the average heart rate (norm - 120-160), the rhythm variability (permissible oscillations - 5-25 beats per minute), change in frequency due to bouts or movements of the fetus, the presence of rhythm and its movements.

The increase in the heart rate in response to the contraction of the uterus is a positive sign. Defense testifies to hypoxia, fruit-placental insufficiency, but normally occurs in the pelvic position of the child.

According to heart heartbeat in the uterus, a gynecologist can determine whether the kid receives a kid and which is its general condition. In the early periods of pregnancy, the heart beat can only be heard from the child only with the help of special devices, whereas from the middle of the second trimester, the doctor listens to the heart with a wooden tube with an obstetric stethoscope.

Young future mothers care if the heartbeat has heartbeat during pregnancy? The pulsation of the heart at the unborn child begins on May 21 after conception, the frequency of its cuts is different on different weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal heart rate at different times of pregnancy

From each week of the development of the embryo in the uterine cavity, the frequency of its heart abbreviations is changed, which is caused by the progressive development of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the work of the heart. Below is the fetal heartbeat table for weeks of pregnancy.

At 5 week of gestation, the frequency of heart abbreviations at the future child is approximately the same with the CIS of the mother, that is, 80-85 UD / min. During the month, this figure is increased by several shots, thus, by the end of 1 trimester of pregnancy, the Church of the Child is 170-175 ° C.

Starting from 15 weeks of pregnancy and before the end of the entire period of tooling, the gynecologist regularly at each admission to the female consultation checks the work of the child's heart in the womb - listening to a stethoscope through the front abdominal wall, with the help of an ultrasound, portable doppler. From the 15th week of pregnancy, the number of blows of the fruit of the fruit per minute should not exceed 160-170 UD / min, if these indicators are higher, then it is possible to suspect the beginning of oxygen starvation in the baby, and if the heart is reduced less than 130 ° C / min, they talk about acute Hypoxia, which can threaten the development and even a child's life. Strict CSS control is needed in the process of delivery, especially in the moments of battles and fence, normally 140-160 ° C / min. There are evidence that require continuous control of heartbeat in the child in the process of labor of the KTG apparatus, they include:

  • delay in the intrauterine development of the child against the background of severe hypoxia;
  • multiple pregnancy (natural childbirth 2 and more fruit);
  • stimulation of generic activity dropper with oxytocin;
  • epidural anesthesia of the woman in labor;
  • transferred pregnancy;
  • births that began up to 37 weeks of pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases of the mother, violations in the work of the nervous system.

What should I pay attention to when listening to the heart of the fetus?

The formation of a heart in the embryo begins in the earliest stages of embryogenesis, and the work of this body is an important indicator of the development of the future child and the state of his health. HEARDING OF CSS Fruit is necessary throughout pregnancy and in the process of childbirth, since it is these indicators that make it possible to assume various pathologies of the child's body at an early stage of their development.

When can hear the fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound? Despite the fact that the pulsation of the edge of the heart at the embryo starts from 21 days, on the ultrasound you can listen to heart blows only on the 6-7 week of gestation, since this time the hollow tube begins to turn into a full-fledged four-chamber organ with two ventricles and two atrials.

When listening to the heart, the child pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. The heart rate is a reduction in the heart of more than 185 rd / min called the tachycardia of the fetus, less than 100 UD / min - bradycardia. Both of these states are not indicators of the norm and require clarification of the cause. The frequency of palpitations in the fetus should not exceed 170 beats / min in the second and third trimesters.
  2. Heart tones - normal in a healthy child, developing intrauterine full, cardiac tones are clear and ringing, if there are defects or abnormal abnormal anomalies, it is not clear and lubricated.
  3. Cardiac rhythm - In a healthy fetus, developing according to the term gestation of myocardium reduction is repeated at equal periods of time rhythmically. Under acute hypoxia or the anomalies of the development of heart valves, arrhythmia, the rhythm of the "gallop" is listened.

Methods of listening to heart abbreviations in the child in the womb

There are several ways to listen to the reduction of the heart in the fetus in the uterus, depending on the term of pregnancy.


Starting from 5 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to appreciate the work of the heart from the future child only with the help of an ultrasound sensor - transvaginally and transabdomomomotional. In the early grades of pregnancy, the ultrasound method is determined whether there is a reduction in the heart, whether the embryo develops how many blows per minute myocardium pulses. From 12 weeks and to 20 week, the doctor assesses not only the heart rate, but also the location of the organ, the presence of all cameras, the operation of the heart valves. It is at these terms of gestation that the fetus reveals most of the heart defects.


An obstetric stethoscope is used to assess the parameters of the reduction of the heart muscle after 20 weeks of pregnancy. At each reception in the women's consultation, the doctor first determines the location of the child's head and its position in the uterus, and then applies the tube to the front abdominal wall of the mother and listens to the tone of the fetus heart. From the second half of pregnancy, it is also possible to use a steltidendoscope, but it rarely resorted to it in obstetrics. In childbirth, the heartbeat is listened to an obstetric stethoscope every half an hour, and necessarily pay attention to the tones of the heart before contractions and immediately after it.

Cardiotocography (CTG)

Since the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the parameters of the fetal heart rate on the CTG at least once each pregnant woman is evaluated. During childbirth, this is a mandatory procedure that shows not only the number of heart blows per minute in a child, but also registers the reaction of the heart muscle of the fetus for each fight.

Listening to heartbeat in a child for weeks

At what week of pregnancy can you calculate the number of CSS from the fetus? The only way this can be done in the early deadlines only with the help of the ultrasound apparatus. If for 6 weeks on the monitor screen there is no heart pulsation, that is, the likelihood that pregnancy froze in such situations a woman needs to be re-examined on another apparatus.

What week can hear the abbreviation of the heart in the fetus through the abdominal wall? Hear how the baby's heart is reduced through the maternal abdomen from 20 weeks of pregnancy, putting an obstetric stethoscope to the front abdominal wall, just first need to determine the location of the fetus in the uterus and its position to know which side exactly and at what height to apply the pipe in No matter how you hear anything.

Sometimes with the help of an obstetric stethoscope, it is impossible to listen to the heart of a child - this may be due to some states:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • multi-way;
  • heart defects at the future child;
  • overweight and swelling in a pregnant woman;
  • attaching the placenta on the front abdominal wall.

In such situations, another method of listening to the parameters of the health of the fetus is used. If, during an ultrasound study, the doctor suspect the defects of the heart from the future child, then additionally prescribe the implementation of the echocardiography of the fetus procedure will be informative from 20 to 28 week of pregnancy. Echocardiography allows you to study all the children's heart departments in a child, evaluate the blood flow and work of valves, this procedure is a mandatory study for future mothers whose age is over 35 years old and for those pregnant women who already have born children with heart defects.

Starting from 28-30 weeks, all future mothers prescribe the CTG procedure to the anterior abdominal wall attached a special sensor, which registers the parameters of the fetal heartbeat during pregnancy for a certain period of time. Repeated execution of such a procedure requires women with complicated pregnancy, namely:

  • late toxicosis;
  • the presence of scars in the uterus after the transferred operation and cesarean section in the past;
  • aging placenta former time;
  • chronic diseases in the future mother;
  • reducing or increasing the number of arrogant fluid;
  • delay of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • migration of pregnancy more than 42 weeks.

CTG indicators are estimated by a 12-point scale: 9-12 points - the normal state of the child, it receives a sufficient amount of oxygen and develops full, 6-8 points - there are signs of oxygen starvation, KTG should be repeated in a day and, if necessary, assign treatment for a pregnant woman , 5 points and less - there is a threat to the child's life, he suffers from acute hypoxia, a woman needs to hold a cesarean section. When carrying out KTG, the basal rhythm and its changes in the movements of the child are determined. Normally, the first indicator of the heart rate should be 130-160 shots in the calm state of the fetus and up to 190 strokes during movements. Rhythm changes shows how average the parameters of the heart rate from basal indicators are rejected, normally in a healthy fetus no more than 5-25 ° C / min.

How to listen to the heartset of the fetus yourself at home?

Many pregnant women are interested, is it possible to independently listen to the heart of the child at home? It is not easy enough, especially in early pregnancy. Starting from 25 weeks you can apply a stetofendoscope to the stomach, so the mother can hear how his child's heart is knocking. The future dad can hear the heartbeat of the kid from the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, applying the ear to the belly of the spouse. In the first trimester, a woman can independently listen to the heart of the child with the help of modern fetal dopplers.

How to determine the heart on the heartbeat?

There is a theory that by the number of heart blows per minute of the baby in the womb You can determine its gender - as if the boys have a heart decreases less often than girls. Scientifically, this fact is unaffected by anything, although the ultrasound was really revealed that the fruit of the male hearts the heart beats evenly and rhythmically, while girls are somewhat chaotic. The heart rate may vary in the movements of the baby, changing his body position in the uterus and stress in the mother, therefore, at the counting of the number of hearts of the child's heart, you can only assume one or another floor.

Assessing the parameters of the heart abbreviations in the mother's womb is an integral part of controlling the normal course of pregnancy. By the nature and frequency of heart blows in the child, the doctor may suspect violations in its development and the availability of complications in the future mother.

The whole pregnancy is a future mother must follow the development of the baby. There are several ways to listen to the heartset of the fetus at home. But with an independent measurement, there is often a bad hearing of cardiac tones. Therefore, it is important to go to planned inspections to make sure there is no complications.

The embryo, the myocardial laying is formed and begins to shrink from 25-28 days. But you can hear the heartbeat without complex devices from 20 weeks. Doctors His activities check with the help of auscultation with stethoscope and equipment: ultrasound, cardiotokography, echocrine, ultrasound detector.

Before using devices, you need to get acquainted with contraindications, features of application. Before buying a home device, you will be consulted with your doctor.

To verify the development of myocardial, the fetus doctors use:

  • on early last period - a transvaginal transducer of an ultrasound scanner;
  • from the middle of the trimester - the transabdominal ultrasound sensor;
  • from 18 weeks - an obstetric fetoscope.

The first two methods are carried out according to the established survey schedule in the diagnostic office of women's consultation. Stethoscope uses gynecological obstetrices with every examination of a pregnant woman.

How to hear the palpitations of the fetus at home from 5 months:

  • through a cardiomonitor with a loudspeaker;
  • using a mobile application;
  • listen to a stedleondoscope.

Instead of instruments, you can simply attach your ear to the belly of a pregnant woman. This method is not used for diagnosis, as it does not allow you to qualitatively evaluate the work of myocardium.

CSS Future Child

Doctors are measured by heart rate during scheduled or emergency ultrasound scanning. Chess can also check fetal doppler, fetoscope. At home, the counting is carried out using a timer and a stethoscope, or a product with the presence of this function.

Measurement procedure Available, painless, takes up to 10 minutes of time and does not affect the fetus. The instrument models are with headphones or sensor.
Fetal Doppler doctor applies to the stomach, finds the location of the baby's chest and removes the testimony.

This device is also used to listen to the fetal heartbeat at home. The price of fetal dopplera at 17.10. 2017 begins from 2000 Russian rubles. It is still necessary to buy an ultrasonic gel to it to improve the quality of the signal transmitting through the skin of the abdomen.

Ultrasound use

From the beginning of the abbreviations of the myocardial laying, doctors use a device for listening to heartbeat from the cervix (transvaginal transducer of the scanner). Definition using a transabdominal ultrasound sensor is carried out in the II trimester. Doctors can check the clarity of tones, heart rate, rhythm, location of myocardium in the breast of the child, and reveal the videos of the ventricles of the heart or atrium. The procedure is painless, but listening to the beating is obtained only if there is a speaker.

Home observation options

The future mother can buy portable devices to control the cardiac activity of the child. Late pregnancy allows you to listen to heartbeat through a fetoscope, a smartphone using the application or without the use of devices.

Stethoscope or Phondoscope

These products have features of application. Is it possible to hear the palpitations of the fetus using the phoney? No, this medical device clearly catches high-frequency sounds: pulse, wheezing in lungs, like noise. The funnel-shaped structure of the stethoscope allows you to clearly hear the knock of the heart.

A simple phonenendoscope can be replaced with a stetofendoscope. The device on the head on one side is equipped with a flat membrane, and on the other - a dome-shaped element. It is a concave surface that the heartbeat is searched by the heartbeat at 8 points on the right and on the left of the navel. Their location will tell an obstetrician. How much is a stetoforendoscope? The price of quality product begins from 700 rubles.

Special applications for smartphone

It is advisable to apply after 28 weeks of pregnancy. The application "tiny heart" (Health & Parenting) must be downloaded for iPhone. Then run it, and the smartphone is used instead of fetal doppler.

Products of other companies will be called otherwise, but each has the same safe principle of operation. The cost of the program depends on the possibility of recording and other additional functions.

Home Cardiomonitor

This apparatus for listening to the palpitations of the fetus at home is used after 20 weeks.

The name of the fetal cardiomonitor:

  • Bistos BT-350 LED;
  • products of other manufacturers.

The device has contraindications, so at home it is used with the permission of the doctor. The cardiomonitor is easy to operate, its value begins from 5,000 rubles of the Russian Federation.

Listening without instruments

Is it possible at home without devices to hear the palpitations of the fetus? Yes, if a person performing auscultation, distinguishes the pulsation of the artery, intestinal peristalsis, other extraneous noises. A pregnant woman falls, and the assistant presses her ear, looking for a zone in which the baby turned his back, and begins listening.

CSS counting methods at home

When using a stethoscope, look for a tube place where the edge of the heart of the embryo is heard. Then includes a timer for 60 seconds, and consider the number of shocks for a minute.

Facilitates CSS Digital Doppler or Cardiomonitor. The amount of abbreviations is displayed on the product screen. A woman can measure the heart rate independently, following the instructions instructions.

What to do when violating the norm

Before measuring, a pregnant woman should not worry, engage in gymnastics, walk for a long time. It distorts the accuracy of diagnosis. After the procedure, the actual indicators are checked with standard frames set forth in the table below.

With an underestimated or overestimated single indicator, a pregnant woman needs to calm down. Deviation from the norm can cause:

  • workout;
  • cold, heat;
  • bad mood;
  • physical activity kid.

It is urgent to go to the hospital when re-fixing deviations to pass an unscheduled inspection with an obstetrician gynecologist and make an ultrasound. Bradycardia or tachycardia of the fetus may indicate its hypoxia, the development of voids of the cardiovascular system, other dangerous pathologies.

Many women are interested, whether to hear the heartset of the fetus at home and from what period. If mom is put on his stomach, she will not feel the blow of the child's heart on any time of pregnancy. Even if the pulsation is felt in the abdomen, you should not take it for heart cuts of the fetus. Most likely, this suggests that the pressure in the aorta is increased due to hormonal restructuring in the body of a woman due to pregnancy.

Listen to the heartbeat of the future child can be in several ways, but at home is difficult. As you know, cardiac abbreviations appear on the fifth week, but at such a term will need ultrasound. You can hear the head of the heart of the baby at home at later time, but without special equipment to do it is not easy. Fortunately, today is not a problem to purchase such devices for home use.

This apparatus can be used from 12 weeks. It is sold in a pharmacy or a specialized store. Release different models of Dopplers: simpler for listening to heartbeats in headphones and those that count the amount of heart abbreviations. They may vary by appearance, the quality of the display, the set of functions. The main components of most devices:

  • Display. It happens different sizes and most often color. In the simplest models there is no it, there is only a sound speaker.
  • Speaker. The sound quality differs depending on the sensor and signal processing.
  • Battery. It makes it possible to work continuously from 3 to 15 hours depending on the model.

Before purchasing such a device, many parents have a question about whether they will harm the future child if they will periodically listen to the knock of his heart. The ultrasonic device is considered harmless, but it is possible that the fruit feels and can move on the other side while trying to listen. In this case, it is better not to torment the baby and wait for that time when it is calm. So that the fetus does not have stress, you do not need to listen to his heartbeat for a long time. Doctors recommend not to delay the procedure longer than ten minutes.

If there is such a device at home, moms feel calm, having the opportunity at any time make sure that everything is fine with the child

These portable ultrasound detectors are in great demand today because of their convenience. From the explicit advantages of the device should be allocated:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to hear the head of the heart of the fetus in 12 weeks;
  • the opportunity for the future mother hears himself, as the child's heart works, without helpers.

He has disadvantages:

  • fairly high price;
  • restrictions when used (doctors advise not to use it for a long time).

How to work with the device

In the early time it is very hard at home to check the heartbeat of the fetus. It is necessary to start listening to it since the 12th week. During this period, the sensor is placed in the lower part of the abdomen, right at the pubic bone. With the growth of the fetus, the listening position will be shifted toward the navel.

Before starting the procedure, you need to apply a special gel to the sensor area. It is desirable that the bladder is filled. Move the sensor should be slow. To better catch the signal, you need to fix the instrument knob.

The heartbeat should be ringing, the frequency of heart cuts is twice as often as mom, up to 160 beats per minute. The heart rate can change during the day and, depending on the activity of the fetus.

If the heartbeat is not heard

There are cases that the mother does not hear the beat of the heart of the fetus. Previously, you do not need to panic. There may be several reasons:

  • completeness - if there is a fat layer, listening is difficult;
  • chorion is attached over the rear wall (if it is located on the front, listen to the heartbeat much easier);
  • the fruit changes its location, so finding heartbeat is difficult even in the absence of excess weight.

Obstetric stethoscope or phonenadoscope

On the one hand, this method is available to everyone: you can buy this tube on any pharmacy for small money. On the other hand, consider heart abbreviations with this tool at home is not easy. For this you need an assistant, since one cannot cope. At the same time, he must have the skills that he most often does not. Moreover, listen to the tones at certain points. Correctly calculate the number of impacts will interfere with extraneous noise (mother's heartbeat, abbreviation of intestinal wall muscles and other sounds) that need to learn to distinguish from the fetal heartbeat.

Previously 25 weeks to hear the heart of the future child at home is unlikely to succeed

Applying ear to the stomach

This is the easiest and most affordable, but also the most inefficient way. Difficulties are possible if the woman is overweight. You need to listen at a certain point, which depends on how the fruit is located in the uterus:

  • biling below the navel, if the fruit is under the head down;
  • the heart is listening to above the navel, if the presence of pelvic;
  • if the pregnancy is multiple, the head of the heart of each fetus is heard in different places.

Listen to the beat of the heart of the future kid, putting the ear to the stomach, you can only in late terms (more than 30 weeks)

When you need to count the CSS of the Fetal House

There are situations when it is necessary to follow daily abbreviations of the heart of the future child.

  1. In case of bleeding on any lap period. The most common cause of such a phenomenon is the placenta detachment. It is usually necessary for strict control of the state of the fetus throughout the pregnancy.
  2. Utya has an increased tone. In such a situation, the vessels of the placenta compressed, and this can lead to a violation of blood circulation in it, while the fruit does not receive in sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrition.
  3. In the threat of the abortion of pregnancy, you need to constantly monitor the heart of the fruit of the house to seek medical attention in time.
  4. With anemia in a pregnant woman. In this case, the mother is usually reduced hemoglobin, and therefore the fruit does not receive nutrients in the desired amount of nutrients that are spread with blood.
  5. During the disease of the future mother, which can cause a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients.


If a pregnant woman wants to listen to the heart beat, she has not yet born baby, she can do it at home with a modern portable device - fetal dopar. But whether it is worth winning this if there are no special testimony. Do not trust whether the CSS control of the fetus doctors who will do it much better.

The head of the heart has not yet born baby - the most pleasant and long-awaited sound for a pregnant woman. It means the beginning of a new life, hope and joy of the future motherhood. But besides this, the heart patellies can tell a lot about his health.

Detection deadlines and frequency of cordial fetus

Detect the heartbeat kid can already be in early time. With the help of a conventional abdominal sensor, the ultrasound doctor will determine the heart blows in 5 weeks of pregnancy, and the vaginal sensor will allow you to do it already in 3-4 weeks, that is, almost immediately after the first strike of a small heart (see).

The frequency of palpitations in the fetus varies not only depending on its activity, but also changes with a period of pregnancy.

  • For a period of 6-8 weeks, the frequency of beats is 110-130 per minute
  • from 8 to 11 weeks may increase to 190 shots
  • starting from 11 weeks, it keeps in the interval of 140-160 shots, with small deviations in one direction or the other.

The doctor assesses not only what the fetal heartbeat on weeks, but also takes into account the additional factors (Mother and Child disease, listening time and the phase of the kid's activity).

Causes of heart rate disorders

The first weeks of pregnancy From 12 weeks of pregnancy to childbirth Roda
Frequency of heartbeat below 120 beats per minute
  • Little time (less than 4 weeks)
  • Normal Embryo Status (100-130 beats per minute)
  • At frequency below 80 strokes - the risk of pregnancy loss
  • Chronic hypoxia fruit
  • The reaction of the fetus for the compression of the umbilical
  • Cord compression at the moment of contractions
Heartbeat frequency above 170 beats per minute
  • More - option norm
  • Sometimes - violation of placentage
  • Fruit reaction to their own movements, mothers stress
  • Chronic hypoxia fruit
  • Chronic or acute fetal hypoxia
  • Reaction to movement or fight
Deaf, poorly auditioning tones
  • Obesity in Mother
  • Fetal heart and vessels
  • Obesity in Mother
  • Placenta, located on the front wall (preview)
  • Multi-way or lowland
  • Uncomfortable to listen to the location of the fetus
  • Western Development Vices
  • Active fights
  • Hypoxia fruit
No fetal heartbeat
  • Little time or outdated ultrasound sensor
  • Measuring pregnancy
  • Starting abortion
  • Antenatal fetal death
  • CTG sensor defect or incorrect auscultation
  • Antenatal fetal death

Why determine the palpitations of the fetus?

Establishment of the fact of developing pregnancy

After the first delay in the menstruation and the appearance of two cherished strips, the future mother is usually directed to the ultrasound. With the help of modern devices, in the third week of pregnancy, you can hear a frequent knock of the heart of a small embryo. If the first ultrasound does not listen to the fetal heartbeat if there is a fetal egg in the uterus, then this is not a reason for panic. Usually, when re-examined a week later, the embryo allows you to hear the knock of your heart. But in some cases, the heartbeat does not appear, and the fruit egg is deformed. This condition is called frozen pregnancy. In this case, with the help of hormonal drugs, they produce a new attempt to become pregnant in 3-6 months.

Estimation of the state of the Future

The heart of the kid reacts to the slightest changes in its surrounding world. Stress, disease or physical load of the mother, state of sleep or fetal activity, the concentration of oxygen in the surrounding air is instantly reflected on the heart rhythm. But these changes are temporary. If the heart beats too fast for a long time, this indicates a violation of the blood supply to the fetus, the so-called fetoplacentage insufficiency. Most often it is chronic. In rare cases, the toddler's compensatory capabilities are depleted, the heart begins to beat slower than the norm, which indicates the deterioration of his condition. In such cases, emergency delivery is often required. From what week a fetal heartbeat has become pathological, the choice of treatment largely depends.

Monitoring the state of the fetus in childbirth

At the time of childbirth, the child is experiencing colossal loads, compression and deficiency of oxygen. In most cases, its cardiovascular system successfully copes with these difficulties. But sometimes the reboot of cord, or other emergency conditions, requiring immediate medical care. Therefore, in childbirth, the child's heart rate is checked after each fight, so as not to miss the signs of the beginning acute lack of oxygen.

Methods of listening to the palpitations of the fetus


This is the very first method used in pregnancy. When conducting a study, along with the definition of heart rate, the doctor estimates the size of the fetus, the state of the placenta and gives a comprehensive conclusion. Especially carefully listen to heart tones and study the structure of the heart with defects in the pregnant and birth of children with vices of the cardiovascular system in the past. It is very important to identify the abnormalities of the structure and work of the heart with a mother transferred during pregnancy infections.


This is listening to heart tones with the help of a special obstetric stethoscope. It is possible to determine the heartbeat in this way, starting from 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. An experienced doctor can determine the approximate frequency of heartbeat using a tube, the clarity of the tones, the place of their best listening. But even a person without medical education is able to detect cardiac tones and calculate their number per minute using the stopwatch.

In some cases, auscultation with a stethoscope is difficult or not possible:

  • with overweight pregnant woman
  • when the placenta is located on the front wall of the uterus (then the noise of vessels interferes with auscultation)
  • with too small or large numbers of arrogant water

Cardiotocography (CTG)

Very informative method, allowing to evaluate the heartbeat kid. Using this procedure, you can identify oxygen fasting fetus in the early stages and take appropriate measures (see).

The CTG apparatus is an ultrasonic sensor that sends and captures reflected signals from the health of the fetus. All changes in cardiac rhythm are recorded on the film. Together with the main sensor, the uterine contraction sensor is installed. It shows the activity of the uterus, which is especially relevant in the process of childbirth.

IN The devices of recent years exist special fetal motion sensors, sometimes with the help of a separate button, a pregnant woman can fix them independently. All information coming from the sensors is displayed on the tape. The duration of the CTG procedure is 50-60 minutes. This time is usually enough to catch the moments of activity and sleep baby. In special cases, the sensors are attached to the belly of a pregnant woman and leave one day.

To analyze the fetal heartbeat, the term of pregnancy plays a very important role. The first study of the CTG is carried out after 32 weeks, since the data will be unformative before this period. It was after 31-32 weeks that the connection between the motor activity and the cardiac activity of the fetus is formed. Usually for pregnancy, the woman passes the CTG twice (in 32 weeks and immediately before childbirth). According to the testimony, the CTG can be carried out an unlimited number of times, since the procedure is harmless.

The CTG tape decoding is carried out by a doctor who compares the results of this study with the data of ultrasound and analyzes. Cardiotocography itself is not a source of final diagnosis.

"Good" ktg includes the following parameters

All these parameters apparatus independently analyzes and gives the result as a special PSP index. Normally, it does not exceed the unit. But a lot of other factors affects the work of the heart of the baby, to evaluate which only the doctor can.

Causes of "bad" ktg

  • Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus is the most common cause of changes to the CTG.

If the kid lack air, then his heart begins to work hard, the frequency frequency increases. In response to a fight or their own movement, the baby can react with the genthetization resignation, which is also not the norm.

  • The pressing of the umbilical cord for the fetus head or bone causes short-term changes on the tape. They look just like with oxygen starvation, but the child feels good and does not feel the lack of oxygen.
  • Incorrectly attached sensors

If, when listening to the palpitations of the fetus, its hypoxia is detected, confirmed by other methods, the doctor prescribes treatment or conducts an emergency delivery (depending on the period and state of the fetus).


Echocardiography is used on the 18-28 week of pregnancy only if the development of heart defects in a child is suspected. This is an ultrasound method that studies the characteristics of the blood flow and the structure of the heart. It is shown if:

  • woman has already children with heart defects
  • there are congenital heart defects at the mother
  • transferred infectious diseases during this pregnancy, especially in 1 trimester
  • woman more than 38 years
  • in pregnant diabetes
  • delay of the intrauterine development of the fetus
  • detected malformations of the fetus in other organs and there is a suspicion of congenital heart defects

The echocardiography method is used both as a two-dimensional ultrasound, and other ultrasonic scanner modes are used: one-dimensional ultrasound and doppler mode. A similar combination of techniques helps to thoroughly study the structure of the heart, and the nature of blood flow in large vessels.

Is it possible to determine the gender of the toddler on heartbeat?

Most women in an interesting position and even some medical workers believe that the toddle's heartbeat in the womb can be determined by its floor. For some reason, there is a belief that girls have a "part" heart, that is, it becomes 150-160 times per minute, and the boys have a frequency of contractions of 135-150 shots. This hypothesis has no scientific justification, so the floor can be guessing with respect to only 50 percent.

The fetal heart rate reflects the ability of its body to cope with the oxygen deficiency. Sexuality for this ability does not affect this. If the future mother wants to know in advance, the diaper is what color to buy, you can contact a good ultrasound specialist who can determine the gender with great accuracy.

Can I hear the heartset of the fetus alone?

If the future mother appears a desire to listen to the heart of his baby, then it is not necessary to commit an extraordinary visit to the female consultation. There are several ways to listen to the sound of a developing life.


Auscultation with an obstetric stethoscope of access absolutely to everyone. This requires an obstetric tube (which is quite a bit), as well as a careful and patient assistant. If he is not a doctor, it is unlikely to succeed in hearing the heart earlier than 25 weeks of pregnancy.

The main thing is daily workouts. Then one day the husband, mom or other owner of a stethoscope can hear the long-awaited sounds of heartbeat. It is important to learn to distinguish them from the sounds of the fetal movement, pulse or mother's peristals.

Fetal Doppler - heartbeat detector

If there is no time for training in auscultation, you can purchase a portable ultrasonic detector - fetal doppler. This device works on the principle of a conventional KTG apparatus, but does not write a graphic image on the film. Often complete with the device for sale headphones for comfortable listening. You can hear the heartbeat by this device already on July 8-12, but doctors recommend to use it much later, when it is necessary, the study should last no more than 10 minutes.

Applying an ear to the stomach

When is heard the heartset of the fetus ear? In the late pregnancy (after 30 weeks), you can make sure that the fetal heartbeat is normal, simply putting the ear to the belly of pregnant, but depends on the fat stratum in a woman. Listen to the heart of the child is needed in a certain place of the abdomen, depending on the location of the fetus in the uterus. If the baby lies with the head down, then his heart is better audible below the navel of a woman, from the side of the child's back. With a pelvic preview, listen to the tones better above the navel. If the pregnancy is multiple, then the heart of each child is heard in different parts of the abdomen.

Cases of serious pathologies causeing heartbeat violation rather rare. Nature ordered that the overwhelming majority of pregnancies ends at the birth of an absolutely healthy and full-fledged child. Therefore, in parallel with the observation of the doctor, you need to listen to the emerging internship and rejoice at future motherhood.


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