How to memorize a large amount of information in a short time? How to quickly remember information.

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Throughout our lives, we perceive a lot of information, we learn poetry, learn new languages, understand formulas and theorems. And all thanks to what? Thanks to our memory! The brain is an organ that needs to be constantly trained and developed, then everything that you perceive will be firmly fixed in your memory.

So, there are several ways that will tell you how to better memorize information, learn a large amount in a short time, learn to retain the information received in memory.

Why use memorization techniques?

According to experts, cramming dates, facts and any other information will do nothing good. It won't help anyone get smarter or learn the data they need. These methods are ineffective and will hinder rather than help us. That is why scientists have developed more effective techniques, thanks to which you can "negotiate" with memory and get a good result.

You can teach your brain to absorb a large amount of data like a sponge, always shine with your mind and be at your best. At the same time, she herself will not strain and seem difficult.

Well, let's look at a few techniques that will help you remember a large amount of information:

Multi-sensory perception

Each person reacts differently to stimuli, it is thanks to them that we can learn to perceive different information. So, by irritating the sensors on the skin, we feel cold and warm, damaging the receptors of the tongue, we can feel the taste. Accordingly, the more feelings we use in perception, the better the material is remembered. For example, if you need to remember the names of exotic birds, then it is best not only to read their names, but also to watch a picture, and ideally find singing on the Internet or watch a video. And if it turns out to touch it, then it is unlikely to forget when it will work out.

Presentation on the topic: "Laws of Memory"

Linking with objects of art

Due to the fact that the subconscious is perfectly stimulated by a variety of objects and works of art, you can learn and memorize the necessary things perfectly. This will happen when the fact, the date is associated with either a piece of music, or a sculpture, or any other masterpiece. The subconscious mind will open a special gateway in order to remember this information. This is very easy to learn.

Repetition before and after sleep

It is not for nothing that they say that if you put a book under your pillow, the information will "leak out" by itself. We do it a little differently, but nevertheless. If you learn something before bedtime, you can strengthen the memorization process, because when we sleep, our subconscious mind synthesizes information. Accordingly, while a person is sleeping, the brain is more willing to work on memorizing information and will be able to remember faster.

These methods are very effective, they work with the subconscious. But there are also methods that work directly with consciousness and memory, training them. Let's consider them below.

Ten tricks "Quickly memorize everything!"

  1. Write down your thoughts. One is not the most pleasant way, as it involves writing down negative events and thoughts on paper before directly studying the material. Our consciousness is very much concentrated on the negative, therefore it automatically remembers it. If you start studying immediately after writing down small negative details, then it is better to deposit the material in your memory.
  2. Trust in nature. It is not for nothing that many students prefer to study material outdoors. Nature increases the function of perception by 20%. If you do not have the opportunity to go out into nature, then give your brain a rest and look at pictures of beautiful nature, and only then start teaching. This will help you learn a lot of information at a time.
  3. Speak louder. If you need to learn foreign words, then pronounce them clearly and loudly. The volume of the pronunciation increases the memorization of information by 10% when learning by heart.
  4. Add some expression. As we said, the more senses are involved, the better we remember. Add more emotions, gestures, facial expressions if you want to quickly learn to memorize information, terms and foreign words. And learning will become more interesting!
  5. Use a voice recorder. Write down what you need to learn and include in transport, before bed and at night. You will sleep and your brain will memorize. The amount of information can be unlimited.
  6. Move constantly. Move as you perceive and learn information by heart. Run circles around the room, walk. Movement activates the work of our brain and you will be able to learn and remember everything better and faster.
  7. Change the picture. Let's say you need to prepare quickly for two talks (in one evening). Do this in different rooms. This way the information will not get mixed up when recreated.
  8. Write down the first letters. In order to quickly and efficiently memorize any information (for example, a song). Write it down on paper, and then write out only the first letters, trying to remember the word. Practice remembering by looking at the first letters, and then without this "cheat sheet". Check, the song is much better remembered.
  9. Don't neglect sleep. The more you sleep after studying the material, the better you will be able to remember it.
  10. Go in for sports. Before studying the material, actively study, then even "War and Peace" will be within your power.

We have considered effective methods for memorizing this or that information, which allow you to study a large amount of material, do it efficiently and quickly. Now there is practice. Go for it, the more workouts - the better the result! And remember, anything can be learned.


These techniques allow you to quickly memorize the information received and train the brain to improve its performance.

  1. Rhyme. This method consists in a different interpretation of the data obtained.
  2. Create phrases from the first letters of the received data. For example, a letter came and the first lines read - Good day. Take the first three letters "dob" and create a new one in any form - a very cheerful day.
  3. Bundle. Based on the name, you can understand that we are talking about information associated with a vivid illustration. For example, the subjects that you strive to remember in English can be linked to actions. For example, a fat cat is replaced with a large cat.
  4. Hooks. The essence of the technique is to replace numbers with objects. Let's say 0-bagel, 1-stick, 2-goose, etc.
  5. Technique of Cicero. Consists of presenting items to be memorized in a familiar setting. For example, to memorize words-objects in a foreign language, you need to put them in your bedroom. If necessary, remember a particular word - the association comes with a familiar setting. This approach allows you to learn new words by heart with a minimum of effort.

We will not be surprised that some of the methods of mnemonics will be familiar to you. However, this is a whole science that allows you to strengthen your memory.

  1. Delve into what you read. If there is difficulty in memorizing the material, then often this is the reason for misunderstanding of what has been read. Many people need to understand the data in order to remember it. Here it is necessary to use logic and associations that will remain in memory.
  2. Abstract. Do not stop writing and preferably thesis. Let's say an important meeting is underway and you need to remember a large amount of information - write your abstracts, i.e. highlight the main thing. This will allow you not to miss the nuances and have complete information.
  3. Structure. If you don't like writing, then this technique will definitely suit you. Read the information, delve into it and sketch in the form of a diagram. It's simple - there will always be beacons in front of you.
  4. Painting. Perhaps the most common memorization method. How it will manifest itself in you personally is difficult to say, because we are all individuals. The main thing is that the drawing matches the received data.
  5. Slide show. Such presentations are a powerful method in business. For a competent, interesting and effective presentation of the material, it is enough to draw up a text outline using smart cards. There are many online programs for this.

Note that it is rather difficult to describe in one article all the methods that will make it possible to better perceive and memorize information. Therefore, we will give a simple advice - theory and practice are the basis of an excellent memory!

Are you reading fast? This is not so important if you cannot remember what you read.

The author of the book “Pump Your Memory. How to read and memorize large amounts of information ”, expert in the field of education and sociology Ron Fry.

The main test of the quality of your understanding is what you remember from the material you read. While you are a student, most of your reading is related to, and sooner or later you will be required to spew the information received outside in one form or another - whether it be an essay, test, term paper, a test with multiple answers, a true / false test, a final testing.

So you need to not only complete your task, but also be sure that you remember what you read.

Probably, everyone has such an experience when at the most crucial moment you forgot something, and it was this escaped little detail that turned out to be decisive for the assessment, balancing on the verge of 5 and 4+ (or 4 and 3+). The necessary fact was somewhere very close, sat on the edge of your consciousness, but you could not remember it.

Memory can be improved

You probably know people with photographic (or near photographic) memories. They know the lyrics of all the songs recorded in the last four years, remind you of what you told them three years ago, and never forget anyone's birthdays (or anniversaries of “the day we met” or “the day of our first kiss”, etc.) ...

And while some people seem to be naturally endowed with the gift of remembering information, a good memory - like good concentration - can be developed. You will be in control of what to leave in your head and what is permissible and forgotten.

Some people memorize relatively easily and have no difficulty holding large amounts of data. Others lament their leaky memory, which seems to lose more than it retains. Several factors can contribute to improving your ability to remember absorbed information.

  1. IQ, age and experience affect how well you remember. You need to identify how these factors affect your memory and learn how to maximize the return on your efforts.
  2. Lay a solid foundation- very important for a good memory. Much of the learning process is just an addition to what you already know. So, for example, it will be almost impossible to master organic chemistry without learning the basics. By expanding the foundation of basic knowledge, you will improve your ability to remember new information.
  3. Motivation is a key factor in improving your memory. An absolute baseball fan friend of mine seems to know all baseball statistics from the beginning of time. It can give you the level of training and conceded goals of almost all players, the schedule of games of your favorite team for the entire season ... and other teams too!

    And while I wouldn't say he's the smartest guy I've ever met, he obviously loves baseball and is extremely motivated to remember everything he can about his favorite sport. Probably, you also have your own interest. Whether it's movies, music, or sports, you fill your brain with a ton of information. It turns out that if you can learn so much about one subject, you can remember a lot about another - even about chemistry. You just have to learn to motivate yourself.

  4. Method, system or process memorization of information is extremely important for improving memory. These can include your thought organization, good educational habits, mnemonic formulas — tools you use when you need to remember something.
  5. ƒ Use Learned Immediately- just as important for memorization. It is good to memorize a list of terms so that you can quickly find them, but if you want the information to stay in your head for a long time, you must contribute to memorization by applying this knowledge. For example, you can add a new word to your everyday vocabulary and use it correctly in conversations.

Learning foreign languages ​​is a frustrating experience for many people if they do not have the opportunity outside of the classroom to put their conversational skills into practice. That is why students of language groups often join discussion clubs or study abroad - in order to consolidate the memorization of the material studied, using their knowledge.

Why do we forget

The elements necessary for developing a good memory are also important for understanding why we forget something. Poor memory is usually rooted in one of these reasons:

  • We are unable to determine the significance of the material.
  • We have not mastered the previous material.
  • We fail to understand what exactly needs to be remembered.
  • We have no desire to memorize.
  • We let apathy and boredom dictate how we learn.
  • We must make learning a habit.
  • We are disorganized and ineffective in our use of study time.
  • We do not use the knowledge gained.

Use your own words to summarize key points. Use selections, diagrams, idea trees to reveal relationships and patterns.

All of us are bombarded with facts, concepts and opinions every day. We are able to absorb some of this flow simply because the media immerses us in it.

But to remember more data, we need to make a conscious effort. We must put the same effort into the material we read.

How to memorize?

Here are some basic tips to help you remember what you read.

  1. Understanding. You will only remember what you have understood. When you grasp the message in the text, the memorization process has already begun. A way to test this is to rephrase the point in your own words. Can you highlight the main point? If you do not understand what was said, you will not be able to determine whether to remember it or simply delete it from the memory card.
  2. A wish. Let me repeat: you remember what you choose to remember. If you do not want to record some information or do not believe that you can do it, then you will not succeed! To memorize material, you have to want to memorize it and convince yourself that everything will work out.
  3. Cramming. To make sure you remember important information, you need to go beyond just completing a task. To truly remember what you have learned, you need to memorize or even memorize data thoroughly.

    This includes pre-reading the text, critical reading, and the use of special repetition aids that reinforce what you should have learned.

  4. Systematization. Random thoughts and numbers are harder to remember than data organized into a system. For example, which number will be easier for you to remember: 538-6284 or 678-1234?

    After you recognized the system in the second issue, it became much easier for you to learn it than the first one. You need to develop the ability to highlight the structure that exists in the text and recall it when you try to reconstruct the content. Let the system help you remember how the information is organized and coordinated.

  5. Associations. It is helpful to associate or associate what you are trying to remember with something already living in your memory. Mentally connect new material with existing knowledge so that new thoughts fall into your head in a certain context.

Methods for improving memorization

Each time you start reading what you need to remember, use this six-step process:

  1. Rate the material and define a goal. Rate your level of interest and try to understand how difficult the text is.
  2. Choose the right technique reading according to the purpose of your reading.
  3. Identify important facts. Memorize what you need. Find associations, connecting details necessary for memorization.
  4. Take notes. Use your own words to summarize key points. Use selections, diagrams, idea trees to reveal relationships and patterns. Your notes will become an important reserve for your memory. Writing down the main points in the future will help improve your ability to remember.
  5. Repeat. Ask yourself about the things you need to remember. Develop a system by which you will review the records at least three times before you are required to remember and reproduce the information. The first repetition should be shortly after reading the material, the second should be a few days later, and the third should be right before you need to answer. This process will help you avoid a stressful "last" night before the exam.
  6. Apply. Find an opportunity to use what you've learned. Study groups and class discussions are invaluable opportunities to apply what you have learned.

Cramming and mnemonics

There are some special techniques to help you remember what you need from a variety of different facts. The first one is rote cramming when you are trying to memorize information word for word.

Use this method only when you need to memorize something for a relatively short time - if you have a control by dates of battles in history, a test in chemistry using special formulas, or a vocabulary dictation in French.

When memorization is required, you must do your best to memorize accurate information. Perhaps the most effective way is repetition. Write down the most important things on small cards and use them as didactic material. You need to check yourself regularly to make sure you have excellent knowledge of all of this data.

The second technique for memorizing extensive detailed information is mnemonics... It allows you to capture large amounts of data that may or may not be logically connected. The mnemonic technique is invaluable when you need to remember information that is not organized into a clear structure, complex topics and many facts that add up to a chain of events.

One of the easiest ways is to try to remember only the first letters of the sequence. This is where Roy G. Biv (the first letters of the names of the colors in the rainbow) came from in English. The phrase Every Good Boy Does Fine is used to memorize the names of the notes on the stave, and FACE is used to memorize the notes in between.

(This method is the opposite of Roy and uses the word to memorize letters.) Of course, not all sequences work out so well. If you tried to remember the Latin names of the zodiac signs, you would come across Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). Of course, many of you could make a name, place name or something else out of ATGCLVLSSCAP, but I can't ...

One of the solutions- make a simple sentence using the first letters from the list you are trying to remember as the first letters of words, as in our "hunter" who "wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." To memorize the order of the zodiac signs, memorize the phrase “A Tall Giraffe Chewed Leaves Very Low; Some Slow Cows At Play "(Or, for example:" Very fat badgers dig trees with their paws in the garden of Svetlana, who grows roses. ").

Stop! After all, it turns out the same number of words. Why not just find a way to remember the signs themselves? Why is the second option better? There are a couple of benefits.

  • First, it’s easier to imagine a giraffe, a cow, and badgers and what they’re doing. Mental imaging is a very powerful way to remember just about anything.
  • Secondly, the words in our sentences are related to each other, and therefore it is also easier to keep them in memory.

Come on, try it! See how long it will take you to memorize a sentence and how long it will take for all the signs. This method is especially easy when you have learned all or some of the items in a list but cannot fix their order.

Remember: you need to compose your own, convenient for you phrase (or a group of phrases). Any sentences and phrases that can help you will do. For example, here are two more examples that I came up with in a few seconds: A Tall Girl Called Lovely Vera Loved to Sip Sodas from Cans And Plates. Any Tiny Gerbil Could Love Venus. Long Silly Snakes Could All Pray, or “Giant TV Will Work. People Crush Cherry Juice. Sasha Bought Boiled Crayfish "(After all, how easy it is to imagine catchy silly pictures!)

You will notice that such mnemonic techniques make it easy to remember special information that you need to keep in your head for a long time in order to use it both in lessons and in. They are especially useful when you need to learn chemical classifications, musical drawing, or anatomical terms. But as effective as mnemonic tricks are, don't try to use them for anything you want to remember.

Why? These techniques take more time to create than a human being can. And sometimes problems arise with memorizing not the material itself, but the invented auxiliary phrases! Too many of them can make it difficult to memorize and prevent you from remembering everything at the right time.

Complex mnemonic codes are not very useful - they can be difficult to retain in memory. When you decide to use mnemonics, you need to keep it simple so that you can quickly recover the material that you expected when memorizing.

Many people complain that their heads are like a sieve, that everything they read immediately flows out and they cannot remember anything. Hope you can now understand that this is a solvable problem. You don't need to be a genius to have a good memory, but you do need to be willing to work on acquiring the skills needed to memorize effectively. As you hone these skills, you will improve your reading performance by raising your memorization level.


Calculate the time it will take to prepare for the exam. Never leave everything for the last day. The human body has a limit to which it is able to perceive information, and this should be taken into account. Plan how many topics, pages, or paragraphs you need to study in a day. Leave the last day before the exam to rest and light repetition.

Understand what type of memory you have better developed. Distinguish between visual, auditory and motor. If you remember what you saw better, read more and highlight important places in your notes with a marker. If auditory memory comes first, read or speak the main points out loud. And if tactile - write notes or cheat sheets. By the way, they will be useful for almost everyone, even if you do not use them in the exam.

Don't start cramming right away material... Review it first, identify key ideas and facts. Write a short outline or outline of the answer based on the key words. And try to use it. Start with the most difficult and incomprehensible topics. Set aside the morning hours for them, even if you consider yourself an owl.

Alternate between work and play. It is best to use school mode: 40-45 minutes of cramming and 10-15 minutes of relaxation. When resting, be sure to change the type of activity: take a walk, do exercises, do not burden your eyes and ears with other images.

Repeat learned material on examination questions. Their list is usually known to students. Simulate a test: write questions on pieces of paper and drag. After reading the assignment, briefly outline the answer. Those moments that are especially difficult, tell aloud to someone close to you. This will give you confidence.

Use a mirror to repeat: tell material your reflection. Try to look confident and sound firm. If you have not found the answers to some questions, ask the teacher at the consultation before the exam.

Use mnemonics or association to memorize complex concepts, formulas, or dates. For example, the anniversary of a battle can be related to the birthday of a friend. Come up with a rhyme or funny phrase in which each word matches a symbol in the formula. Such a creative approach will allow you to firmly assimilate the necessary information.


  • How to quickly learn the material

A student session usually comes unexpectedly, and preparation for exams passes quickly. You can quickly learn the necessary information and not fail the test only if you are fully focused.


Start preparing at least a week in advance. It will be impossible to learn the exam in one day, especially if you did not attend classes for the whole semester or did not pay attention to the words of the teacher. Dosing information will lead to better assimilation and memorization.

Estimate the amount of information you need to learn and make a schedule. Divide all information by tickets, count their number and distribute to the remaining days before the exam. Set yourself the task of reading a certain number of tickets every day, and in no case give up on this goal, otherwise in the end you will have to learn many times more, which will not work.

Do not be distructed. It is better to read for just an hour in silence than a few hours in a noisy stop. Turn off your TV, radio, player and computer. Resist the temptation to check social media for a moment or call a classmate. Concentrate on the material, reflect on what you read, if something remains unclear - go back and read it again. Don't try to memorize the text by heart. The main thing in preparation is to understand the material, assimilate it and tell it to the teacher during the exam.

Not only schoolchildren and students are faced with the problem of the need to memorize a large amount of texts, but also people of various professions: lawyers, doctors, actors, etc. However, most people are used to memorizing texts using ordinary cramming and endless repetition of text material that flies out of their heads the next day. We will show you how to quickly learn the text, but at the same time meaningfully and for a long time.

How actors memorize lyrics

If you need to learn how to quickly memorize a text, you should take advantage of the experience of actors who have to memorize scripts for films and theatrical performances almost word for word. Each of them has their own ways of memorizing information that help them cope with this task, so psychologists obtained generalized research results on this issue and found out what helps actors learn the text quickly and efficiently.

Division into fragments

The first thing anyone who wants to quickly learn a text should do is to read the entire material once, and then divide it into parts. At the same time, it is important that they have a complete thought and are easy to remember. Dividing each paragraph into sentences will be most effective.

Grouping text

After you have divided the text into parts and learned the first sentence, start grouping the material. Learn the first and second sentences. Once you've mastered this, memorize the first, second, and third. Continue to combine sentences until you have learned the first block — it could be the introduction or the first appearance on stage, etc. Then do the same combination again, putting together even larger fragments, for example, the first and second paragraphs.

Continue grouping with enlargement of parts until you have learned the whole text.

Quality checking

Each stage of memorizing the material should be accompanied by a verification of the text without peeping. This allows you to highlight those fragments that are difficult to work with, so that later you can focus more on them. In addition, this step will help you consolidate what you have learned.

Immersion in context

If you have the opportunity to study the text in the very environment where the performance will take place, then be sure to use it. So, for example, you can connect parts of the text you pronounce with the movements performed on stage by you or your partners, interaction with props and decorations, which will make it easier to quickly learn the text.

Automatic memory

Although the main goal is to consciously memorize the material, you can use another mechanism of our memory that allows you to automatically reproduce the memorized text. Thus, for example, some people memorize prayers or texts that have to be repeated frequently in line of duty, such as the speech of a flight attendant. Although this performance is not always felt and emotional, it allows you to remember the material well even in stressful situations.

Business is time

A very important role in memorization is played by the time spent not only on study, but also on rest. Many people cannot effectively focus on material for more than forty minutes, so do not wait for fatigue and do not force yourself to quickly learn the text in one sitting. Take a break, take a walk, or change your activity for a while.

Don't forget about regular, full 7-8 hours of sleep. Although the memorization and reproduction of information occurs during wakefulness, its processing continues even in sleep. Lack of sleep leads to stress, as well as impairment of memory and performance.

The four-step method, or the GDD method

There is another way to learn how to memorize a large text quickly and effectively. Use one of the most effective methods of memorizing texts called GAD, consisting of four stages: Main idea, Careful reading, Review and Refinement. It allows you to quickly learn the text - in just 4 repetitions. GDD differs from unsystematic memorization and repetition by a meaningful, analytical approach to the text. So:

  • First of all, you need to read the text and highlight the main idea in it. Do not try to immediately remember it from beginning to end, focus your attention only on what reveals the main idea of ​​the material. You can write these thoughts in the form of abstracts. When the reading is finished, put the text aside and try to reproduce it orally.

  • Next, you should read the text a second time, this time more carefully, taking into account all the details of the narrative. Remember the main idea of ​​the text and try to connect it in your mind with the details that you have just identified. How do they help reveal the main point, what do they add to the story? Now try to repeat the text taking into account both the main idea and the details.
  • Review of the text is to create an approximate plan for what you read. Read the material back and ask yourself questions about the points in your plan. They will help you remember what information is contained in each part of the text.

  • Refinement means finishing work on the text, bringing the memorization process to the end. Remembering the text, go from general to specific: start with the main thoughts, subsequently complementing them with details. Slowly repeat the text out loud, if possible, ask someone to check you. Do not peep under any circumstances. If you have forgotten something, then try to analyze this segment, to understand why you missed it.

After a few hours, repeat what you learned again. If necessary, fill in the gaps that appear, again using this four-step scheme.

How to learn text as quickly and efficiently as possible

If you need to learn the text as quickly as possible and not necessarily verbatim, then this method will help you.

  1. Break the material down into meaningful phrases or sentences. Determine the main meaning of each passage.
  2. Now describe each of the fragments with a small phrase, if possible, then with one word with which you associate each specific block. The main thing is to create a memorable image.
  3. The last step is to memorize a sequence of images that will allow you to recall the contents of the text step by step.

An example of a non-verbal memorization method

Let's see how this method works using this passage as an example:

The paradox is that people nowadays receive an excellent education, but they cannot boast of great intelligence, they have sufficiently broad knowledge, but they are not always able to assess the situation well. We have many experts, but there are even more problems, medicine is one of the best, but most cannot boast of health.

Now we will divide this passage into fragments-phrases and select our own vivid image for each:

The paradox is that people nowadays receive an excellent education, but cannot boast of great intelligence ( Psychiatric patient holding a red diploma). We have many experts, but there are even more pressing problems ( A man in a business suit holding a screwdriver). Medicine is one of the best, but most cannot boast of health either ( A doctor in a dressing gown lies with a plaster cast).

As a result, you do not need to memorize the entire text at once, but memorize only the following images associated with it:

  • Mentally ill with honors.
  • Business man with a screwdriver.
  • A doctor in a cast.

To remember the sequence of images, combine them by coming up with your story, in which the first image will interact with the second, the second with the third, etc. Our example was small and familiar, so for a large text volume you will need more images. All this will take you less time than learning the text itself, and most importantly, thanks to vivid images, it will remain in your memory for a long time.

And if you are interested in how to develop memory and learn poetry by heart, then you can get acquainted with one interesting technique in the following video:

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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January 23, 2014

Good afternoon dear friends! When I was preparing for this post, it turned out that there are much more areas in which you need to quickly memorize something than I expected, so I split the article into two parts. Who knows, maybe a third will appear.

The topic is actually very interesting. I got carried away with experiments with memory in high school, when I was already actively working on the Internet, and I did not have much time to study subjects. Having stumbled on (literally) hundreds of books on the Internet, I already sifted out any slag by titles like "How to develop super memory in a day" or "A quick way to learn a school course in one week." Leaving 8-10 pieces, I began to study them, writing out especially valuable thoughts and practical exercises for memorizing by heart.

For me, practice is very important, because in theory you can really do anything you want, but putting it into practice is quite problematic. Therefore, I try to check any advice and recommendations on my own skin. It turns out quite interesting, and a lot of new skills are being recruited.

I try to judge as objectively as possible, but that does not mean that I am disclosing the ultimate truth. I recommend only what helped me and you, I hope it will help too.

Fundamental principles

There are basic principles that will help your brain memorize information much more efficiently. It doesn't matter if you want to know how to quickly learn a poem or just wondering how to memorize.

  1. Maximum concentration;
  2. The physical state;
  3. Brightness of images;
  4. Motivation;
  5. Understanding;

Already just from the names you can find out up to 90% of the whole essence of each principle, but let's look at each point in more detail.

Don't be distracted when memorizing.

It seems to me that anyone can confirm that they are more focused on the task, the faster you can get the result. There are even many techniques that can improve this process, but we will talk about this in the following articles, if you don’t want to miss - subscribe (form at the bottom of the article).

Our brains are designed in such a way that the fewer tasks we perform, the more effective the result will be. It's not for nothing that our head is often compared to a computer. By limiting the number of tasks to be performed to one or two, you can get a truly incredible result. Your best bet is to find a quiet room where no one will distract you, turn off all irritants, and start practicing.

Breathing techniques and personal attitudes will also help you concentrate quickly. Take 10 deep breaths, during which repeat to yourself something like "I can learn everything, quickly and not hard." As soon as you have made the last exhalation, immediately begin to memorize the necessary material.

Concentration will help you in many areas of your life. I already talked about this in the article "". This is a very valuable skill that needs to be constantly trained.

Get a good rest.

If you feel unwell, have a headache, or are terribly sleepy, then you are unlikely to be able to quickly learn the material. Firstly, you will be constantly distracted by your sores, and this already contradicts the first principle. Secondly, ailments affect the efficiency of the body as a whole. So if you want to be productive with mental activity, you have to get rid of these problems.

In most cases, normal sleep will help. It will allow your body to relax, your brain to recover a little, and you can start learning with a full supply of energy. As far as I remember, this advice was given by one of the authors of the books when students asked how to quickly learn English (German, Italian, French) or some kind of language. Half an hour of sleep will allow you to increase efficiency by 2-3 times. As a result, you can get much more done in less time.

Come up with striking looks.

We remember what seems to us unusual and, as a rule, lose sight of what we are used to seeing every day. Will you be able to remember what colors were at the traffic lights today along the route you move every day? Unlikely. But if you saw a tiger playing with a huge ball on your way to work / school, you would probably remember it for life. So why not take advantage of this feature of our brain to your advantage?

Let's say you are wondering how to quickly learn the verse "Borodino". As we know, this poem literally consists of vivid images and actions. This greatly simplifies our task. Just while reading, try to imagine the pictures that Lermontov describes as vividly as possible. Only this exercise will increase the efficiency of memorization at times, but imagine what will happen if you use all the principles?

You must understand why you need to learn this material.

The main problem of schoolchildren and students is that they do not understand at all what they are studying for. That is why many are able to read one line 10 times and not remember anything. If a person is completely sure of the need for the material being studied, then he will be able to master it, just by running his eyes. For example, if you were asked to quickly learn chords or a million dollar instruction manual, then you could surely be able to do it almost instantly.

The secret is that motivation really exists. And always. A poem can be taught simply to develop memory or to join the art. You can learn Japanese to watch anime in the original or quietly leave for this eastern country. And the definitions need to be memorized for better mastering of the subject or successful passing of the exam. It is only important to find motivation and really believe in it. This is not difficult to do.

You must understand the information you are teaching.

The material that the aliens probably made up, you will learn for a very long time. And you will most likely forget it in a few hours. There is a real relationship between understanding and the speed of memorization. Therefore, before you memorize the definition, try to thoroughly understand the essence of what you are reading. Then, perhaps, you will not have to look for information about how to quickly learn some information.

I'll start with perhaps the most common use of rapid memorization - a poem. Personally, I love poetry very much (I remember even taking the 3rd place in the oblast in the Olympiad), but I always had problems memorizing them. School was the first place where I began to be interested in how you can quickly learn a verse... I remember that it was Pushkin's poem "The sky covers the sky with darkness ...".

In general, in any area, in addition to the fundamental principles, there are "chips", the use of which allows you to achieve weighty results in memorization. Literary poetry is no exception. I recommend using the technique I used myself.

  1. Read the poem several times, delve into its meaning, feel its essence. This is very important, do you remember the fifth principle? From the point of view of aesthetics, this is also very important, since you will gain more than five in literature, you will be able to enjoy truly great words, and this is worth a lot.
  2. After that, copy the piece onto a piece of paper. Be sure to do this with a pen. You can show your imagination and somehow embellish the lines. Not in the sense of changing the words, but in the sense of drawing some kind of drawing on the theme or depicting an exquisite capital letter. Imagine yourself writing this poem.
  3. Try to hum the tune. You've noticed at least once that songs are easy to remember. Sometimes it is enough to listen 1-2 times to memorize 90% of the song. It's all about melody. As a rule, the poems also have their own melody, but it is not expressed so strongly. Come up with your motive and start humming a poem. This will help you remember him even more.
  4. Start learning quickly. That is, read the verse once and try to retell it. Even if you don’t remember a word, don’t peep even for a minute. Put your brain to work. This will allow you to develop powerful neural connections, and you will remember these words for a much longer period.
  5. Do not try to repeat all the time, it is better to separately learn each quatrain, and then try to repeat the entire poem in full. Yes, it is more difficult, but the result is achieved faster and lasts longer.
  6. To figure out how to quickly learn literature, work with the author's biography. Yes, it will take you more time (irony), but you will understand the subject better and be able to show truly high-quality knowledge.
  7. Repeat the verse regularly. It is better to teach a little, but every day, than all at once and in one evening. You can spend a little more time on the first day and try to memorize as much as possible, and then repeat the poem 2-3 times a day. Together, this will take less time, and it will be much easier for you.

It is even easier with fables, since the images there are used are simple and understandable, and they are easier to remember, so this will not be too difficult.

Knowledge of a foreign language has great prospects, so its study is now gaining simply colossal volumes. Almost everyone now has the opportunity to get an education, but some have been learning the language for years, and some are fluent in it within a few months. What's the secret?

The two main ingredients for a recipe for success are practice and consistency. If everything is clear with the first points (the more often and more regularly you study, the better you will speak a foreign language), then the second will have to be dealt with in more detail. The more complete the incoming information and the more diverse it is, the better the material is assimilated. In the case of a foreign language, this is a great chance to quickly master the required material.

Reading, writing, listening, speaking are four areas in which you will develop. If you combine them all together, the effect will be simply unimaginable. Of course, if you do not know the language at all, then first you will need to learn the alphabet, basic words and irregular verbs, and only then proceed to systematic studies, although you can start talking right away.

  1. Read at least one page of text in a foreign language every day. Try not to look in the dictionary. This advice is given to anyone who wants to know how to learn English quickly and easily... I advise you to read books on the method of Ilya Frank. It is advisable to do this out loud. They can be easily found on the Internet.
  2. Set yourself a bar for the minimum number of words. It doesn't matter if you are going to learn Chinese, French or German. Let's say it will be 5 words a day. In a year, you will know 1,780 words, which is already enough to speak normally with native speakers. The most important thing here is regularity, do not pause even on the busiest days. Moreover, learning five words is a matter of ten minutes. The LinguoLeo service can be a great help.
  3. Download audio lessons and start practicing with them. You will not only be able to memorize stable constructions, but you will also understand how to pronounce a particular word correctly. This is important if a foreign language is needed for communication.
  4. Be sure to buy a grammar book, learn the rules, and do the exercises. Of course, if you do not plan to seriously master the language, you are unlikely to need it, but grammar will allow you to better understand the structure and become truly educated. In addition, it will be easier for you to express your thoughts.

By the way, in order to quickly learn English words, do not try to memorize them. Better imagine what this word looks like (for example, apple - apple) and pronounce the English name out loud. This way you will memorize the word much faster, and you can use it without rummaging through your memory. And to understand how to quickly learn English verbs - search for songs on the Internet. There are not so few of them, and they learn by heart faster.

Of course, the tips above have been given in general terms so that you can understand the basic principles and ways to memorize quickly. In this article, I'll cover more specifically the main areas of application for rapid memorization that you will probably find useful. Don't forget to subscribe to updates. Bye!


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