What to choose the first shoes for the child. When should shoes change? Possible problems of the child when choosing an irregular shoe

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In soft wicker booties, beautiful decorative white shoes shook babies almost from the first day. But the first "adult" and "real" shoes for a child are shoes and boots for the first independent steps, in an apartment or on the street. Let's find out what you need to pay attention to, choosing shoes for kids who are just starting to walk.

Model and fullness of shoes

Children's leg should be in shoes well fixed, and for this you need straps that can be adjusted. If you choose between closed fingers and open, better when they are covered at least a bit. Therefore, physiologically for fingers is just the main load.

Material and sole for the first shoes of the child

The material from which shoes are made should be natural. The legs of the child should breathe, and not sweat. The regulation of the growing nervous system of the kids has not yet been established, thermoregulation centers too, because kids often sweat. From a walk with wet legs will not be used. Sight fingers can slide inside the shoes, and wet socks - to give a feeling of discomfort. The shoe sole must be flexible (moderately soft), corrugated and not slippery.

The size of the first shoes for the child

The kids are growing legs very quickly, so many take a big size as a grow. But the stock should be no more centimeter on a small leg (excluding sock). Of course, shoes can not span from behind. And most importantly - so that she does not compress her leg, especially on the sides, in the widest part of the foot.

New, but cheap, or branded, but used?

Of course, branded children's shoes are expensive. It is not surprising that pragmatic mothers seek to save. In addition, many women have older children or girlfriends with children, from which there are many things that can still be used.

But there is a rule: shoes for small children should be only new. Children's leg grows, a gait is formed, and in the shoe, which someone wore a child, already has its own form peculiar to the predecessor. In addition, it can be wrong.

The sole of the shoes is erased in different ways. As they say, the child must unwind shoes for itself. Therefore, it is better to buy a new inexpensive version of the shoes than to desire for someone.

Need a supinator

As the supinator (built-in bump insert in the inner edge of the sole) among orthopedic and mothers there are different opinions. On the one hand, the supinator helps to form and maintain the right rise in the foot. On the other hand, many kids have a different degree of flatfoot (when the fingers are directed during walking inside), at which the supinator is contraindicated. And many of the manufacturers of shoes make a supinator by Boutaphor: visually he, but in fact the leg does not support anybody.

It is better to choose shoes with the child to try on both legs, and that the child makes in it at least a few steps. You can also buy a pair, focusing on the children's "trace" legs on the cardboard. But just in case, check with the seller, for how long it is possible to return the purchase, if you do not guess with fullness or something will not like it with a thorough fitting at home.

Let your first shoes be comfortable and successful.

From the very birth of mom shove their cuts into cute booties, but they cannot be considered shoes, it is a beautiful accessory. But as soon as the crouch begins to confidently stand on the legs, the mother has a question: what to walk the son or daughter now? The first children's shoes should be high quality, but only then fashionable and attractive. When is it worth going to the store for the first pair of shoes and what models to give preference? In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right shoes to a child of 1 year.

At what age should buy the first shoes?

Orthopedists converge in the opinion that the baby should appear the first pair of sandals when he will confidently stand on his legs. At the first independent rises to the feet, children often incorrectly put a foot, closing or standing on the socks. To prevent it, it is worth buying the first home-use boots that will help the baby to properly put the rapid legs. If the child does not go, then dressed homemade shoes can be just a few hours a day, during active games.

If you did not have time to buy sandals by age when the child began to get up, then do it at the first attempts to go. Even if the Kroch confidently walks around the apartment only with your support, he already needs the first pair of home shoes. In the summer months it is necessary to immediately purchase and street boots, the baby will gladly stash on the grass, albeit with mom for the handle.

How many pairs of shoes are needed for the first steps?

The joyful moment has come, the child made independent steps, he no longer needs support for parents, which means it is time to expand his shoe wardrobe. Croche, who already confidently walks around the apartment, you still need to wear homemade moccasins or sandals. Fixing a baby's foot, they will not allow the foot. For the street during this period it is better to have two pairs of shoes suitable for the season. Why two? Firstly, the baby can step on a walk in a puddle, to drain the shoes or make them up, in this case you will have a spare steam. Secondly, the weather often changes, the child's feet should always be warm, but do not overheat. In winter, the kid can wear boys in the colder weather, they are warm, but they are not very comfortable in them. In less cool days, it is worth putting comfortable shoes with fur inside, it will be more confidently walking through the snow.

How to choose the appropriate size?

Many mothers fall into a predicable position when choosing a suitable shoe size for their crumbs. The kid is still too small to drive it on shopping and try on a couple of pair, so the mother is forced to go for buying alone.

Determine the size:

  1. Put the baby's leg on a tight cardboard and circle a pencil.
  2. Cut the stop from the cardboard, adding 2 mm from all sides.
  3. Schedule with this template in a shoe store, try on the sole of the models you like.
  4. If you choose winter shoes, then its sole on each side should be wider than a template for another 2-3 mm, this is a stock for a warm sock.
  5. Do not choose the model, the sole of which is slightly less than the template, if you doubt - take one size more.
  6. Do not chase savings and do not buy boots for several sizes more, while consider that the children's foot increases about the centimeter every three months.

Where to buy baby shoes?

Young parents are not easy to navigate in a large assortment of children's products. Orthopedists advise buy shoes for a small discoverer only in specialized shoe stores. Do not trust online shopping, as you personally make sure the boots and the safety of the material from which they are made are.

First shoes: what are they?

Forms of shoes Parents can choose independently, taking into account the season and road surfaces, which will walk the baby. But regardless of the price and model range, the first sandals or boots must comply with such requirements:

  • Discard models with a flat sole, especially if it is too soft.
  • Slippers or boots should have a small heel, its optimal height is from 5 to 15 mm. It is not necessary for the sake of beauty and not even for the prevention of flatfoot, as many parents think. Heel protects the baby from a dangerous fall back, which can lead to serious head injuries.
  • Regardless of the model, the shoes for the smallest should be a hardband, it is well fixed and prevents dislocation.
  • Be sure to check the presence of the insole, it should be removable and soft, it can always be replaced with a new one if necessary.
  • Discard the very thick soles that are poorly flex and hardly repeat the movements of the legs.
  • You can buy boots "on the grown", but you can not wear them if the leg of the crumbs "hangs" inside the shoes.
  • For children, models are not suitable with a tiny sock, the crumb should be able to calmly move their fingers, it is important for the proper formation of a healthy foot.
  • Choose footwear from natural fabrics or skin, pay attention to the presence of a supinator.

Should I buy orthopedic shoes?

And finally, will answer a popular question - should the first shoes of the child be orthopedic? Many parents buy babies exclusively orthopedic shoes, explaining this desire to prevent possible deviations in the formation of legs. But experts note that orthopedic shoes are not needed for prevention, but for the treatment of foot or ankle joint. Thus, we can conclude: orthopedic boots worth buying only on the recommendation of the doctor.

We talked about the basic rules for choosing the first children's shoes, interesting, and what were the first boots of your baby, and what were you targeted when buying?

The choice of shoes for the kid is very important, since the future slender posture of the child and his confident gait is largely depends on the first shoes. There are several important points to pay attention to when buying the first children's shoes.

When the child dress first shoes

At the very beginning, when the child begins to make the first steps of the house, he is enough socks, but when you go to walk with the baby, who already masters walking, without special shoes do not do. All kids pass this stage at different ages, so we can give only approximate age borders.

Starting from 7-9 months old, the baby may want to get out of a stroller on a walk and stand on Earth. Can try to stand near the support. Some kids are already doing the first steps (with the help of parents) in 9-11 months.

As a rule, at the age of about a year, the kids begin to try to walk on their own. And if the shoes needed before, "in order to stand on Earth," now the child needs the right shoes so that he can develop self-walking skills.

Initially buy the right high-quality shoes:

  • qualitative.

How to choose first baby shoes

To begin with, we define what features the shoes should have shoes for the smallest.

  • Provides a steady position of the foot while walking;
  • Contributes to the proper development of the foot;
  • Fixes the heel;
  • Protects fingers from bruises;
  • Protects the legs from the conveying (not "short", fully fixes the ankle joint in the autumn-winter period);
  • Forms all the points of the support;
  • Gives all the anatomical features of children's legs.


Important! Children's shoes should be made of natural materials. Due to the imperfect system of heat exchange legs of small children, and especially the feet, they sweat. Therefore, the material from which shoes are produced, must "breathe".

Cool weather is preferable to soft. In the summer you can stop your choice on the firmware canvas.

The first steps of the baby can do already at the age of 8-10 months. By 1-1.5 years, they become more stable and confident. Interestingly, each child is born with a flat-growing, and the stop is formed as crumbs grow and the development. By the year it becomes clear whether the baby has this disease or not. To avoid flatfoot, it is recommended to teach a child to walk home barefoot.

Try to the kids periodically walked bare on earth and grass. It will not only prevent flatfoot, but also strengthens the immune system. Let's consider in more detail if you need to walk a child at home in shoes. And find out how to choose the right shoes for children.

Why the child does not need to wear shoes at home

Healthy kids who already know how to stand and walk, it is not recommended to walk at home in shoes, even in comfortable and comfortable. Walking on the surfaces barefoot strengthens and develops nut muscles. If the child constantly walks in shoes, although correctly selected, the muscles will be in a relaxed state, which causes transverse flatfoot. In addition, such a disease arises and due to incorrectly selected pair.

The popular pediatrician Komarovsky believes that the child can and should learn to walk without shoes. And already when he learns to move independently, you can pick up a couple and teach walking in boots or sandals that will come in handy when hiking to kindergarten, clinic, store or walk.

The pediatrician recommends the parents so that the baby always walked home barefoot without slippers and other shoes. It is important that the floor is not slippery, dirty or cold. In addition, small objects and cords should not lie on the floor. When walking barefoot, do not be afraid of supercooling and the fact that the crumb can get sick. The vessels in the footsters are able to narrow and keep warm. Therefore, walking barefoot is useful, but it's impossible to sit on a cold one!

It is important to understand that shoes do not adjust, except for a special orthopedic. It does not affect the development of the foot, curvature or straight feet. Sandals or shoes do not teach a child to walk. Products only protect legs from cold and mechanical exposure. Therefore, the child is not recommended to wear home shoes. And if indoors are cold, put the socks in the crude.

To the feet and legs, the baby develops correctly, you need to more often walk barefoot on uneven surfaces. It can be grass, earth, sand, pebbles. Of course, it should be in warm weather. At the same time, it is important that the bottom is not sharp and other items that can damage the crumb.

When the shoes are needed

  • The products will be required when the crumb will learn to walk and will leave the house. In this case, the strong and hard shoes will be required, which will be securely fixed and maintained a foot. Such products are recommended for children up to three years;
  • Shoes for the house and for the street are necessarily recommended for children who are predisposed to various diseases, among which acquired or congenital deformation of the feet, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc.;
  • The pediatrician can prescribe a child special medicinal shoes. Orthopedic shoes are shown only to children with appropriate confirmed diagnoses. Such sandals or boots often have to be made to order, taking into account the disease, the angle and the degree of curvature of the foot. Healthy children orthopedic shoes are not needed!

What shoes choose a child

When the baby learned to walk and begins to go beyond the city, you need to pick up the child first shoes. It should be comfortable and durable. The most important thing is that the sandals or boots do not harm the health and development of the feet or legs. Products must approach the size in size, should not put pressure or, on the contrary, hang out.

Be sure to try on a pair. Socks and products in general should not be cramped. Fingers on the legs should not be edited. Choose models with strap, velcro, lacing or other detail that fix the leg. After fitting on the skin of the child should not be irritation and stains. Choose products from high-quality, durable and reliable, safe and environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergies and allow the skin to breathe freely.

The first shoes should be with a thin, flexible and semi-rigid sole, so that the child does not stumble. Flexible sole will generate proper gait. At the same time, it should not be too soft and slippery. The presence of a low heel from the product develops muscles faster. Smooth sole will not provide full-fledged muscle and feet ligaments.

For children who still go unstable and uncertainly, often fall, you can buy a pair with a high supinator and a back. They will ensure confidence and sustainability when walking, prevent the bumps back or to the sides. If the crumb goes out normally, you can choose any model.

Do not buy shoes to grow. In shoes not in size, the kid will stumble and fall. Even if he adapts to walk in such products, the rhythm of walk will slow down, and the gait will be formed incorrectly. So the crocha will convert socks inside and will walk with semi-bent knees. Do not take too heavy winter or demi-season shoes.

We learned how it is better to move to a child at home, barefoot or in shoes. Note that it is not necessary to hurry and teach crumb to go, as quickly as possible. For each kid is characterized by its own development. Some kids make the first steps for eight months, others are mastered only by one and a half years.

The first steps of crumbs require confidence, ensure it can correctly selected shoes. No specialist will give an unequivocal answer to the question of which shoes will be high quality, but any experienced orthopedic doctor will confirm that important attributes of shoes for kids are convenience and safety. How to approach the question about choosing shoes for carapus and not mistaken in this difficult case? How to find out the required size? What materials are suitable for first shoes? What do doctors relative to the heel, the supinator and soles advise? Let's discuss all the nuances of the choice of shoes for a child of 1 year.

The first kid shoes must certainly be high quality, so it is necessary to select it on the recommendations of specialists

When to buy first shoes?

Bones and cartilage in children's legs have not yet fully formed and differ plasticity, which means there is a danger of their deformation under the influence of negative external factors. Erroneously selected shoes can cause the baby's foot deformation. Boots are necessary for a child only when he begins to master independent walking. Until this period, doctors recommend to wear only socks. So, the main council of orthopedists: stiff shoes - no earlier than 9-12 months.

Does it make sense to buy babes orthopedic shoes when he just starts to walk? Such specialized shoes is prescribed strictly orthoped. Preventive use of orthopedic shoes is not required.

Features of shoes

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  • Footwear for babies is made necessarily from natural materials. In such a shoot, the leg will breathe, and the material will most adapt to the shape of the foot. Leather products are the best option. They differ soft, flexibility, good breathability, the ability to maintain heat and absorb excessive moisture. The skin is a "smart" material adapting to the peculiarities of the children's foot.

One of the best options is the skin - comfortable, breathable, wear-resistant
  • Textile options, such as flax, Roger, jeans, make up the skin excellent sound competing in their hygienic properties, and at the price they are significantly lower. Lightweight materials - a favorite option for the summer. In the cold season, there is a drape, felt, felt, wool and cloth. Progress is not worth the place, and today you can find a number of plates based on polymeric materials, as well as connected options from natural and synthetic tissues. Such innovations allow you to preserve the natural air exchange. Rubber boots in this case do not go to the bill. Manufacturers confirm that they will certainly need to wear with cloth or felt boots / insoles, as well as simply come up with thin wool socks.


Hard back - a prerequisite for reliable fixation of the child's legs. Thanks to the high and hard back, the leg will be well fixed and will not slide. It is made of genuine leather, in most cases from a tougher compared to the rest of the sections. Do not use a hard backdrop, if your child has already been 11 years old. Previously, it is impossible to cancel it.

This element is although it is small, but at the same time it is very important. It is in his power to direct the development of the foot on the right track. The absence of a supinator can lead to a planefield appearance. The definition of the latter as a diagnosis will require the appointment of the purchase of a ramek with correctional supinators. They will help the Crochem learning to go again, putting the leg in other things.

The supinator supports the side bending of the foot and prevents the development of flatfoot


Pay attention to the sole. The following important conditions must be observed: density, integrity, the ability to be fluently bending, but at the same time the lack of excessive softness. Good sole perfectly repeats the shape of the leg. Excessive stiffness of the soles will lead to the fact that the leg will pop up from the boot. The presence of depreciation inserts will ensure reliable protection of toddled legs when jumping, especially on asphalt.

We list the materials most preferred for use as a sole: Natural rubber, polyurethane or porous rubber. In no case choose shoes on the plastic sole. She is very slippery. Typically, such a training manner is produced in non-specialized companies.


Flat sole is not suitable for a child. The lack of a heel will lead to a breach of gait and posture. Weight will be distributed evenly if the upper part of the shoes will be slightly raised. With such a rise, the child in the child will be correct, it will not scold and slouch. The height of the heel must be small: for the first in the life of shoes - 0.5 cm, for more adult children - 1.5 cm.

A small heel properly distributes the weight of the child's weight at the foot


The shape of the baby leg resembles a fan, so it is reasonable to make a choice in favor of a wide sock in shoes. Rounded and spacious, he must give your tea when walking the feeling of freedom. In proper shoes, the crumb is able to move their feet with fingers.

Single sock will lead to improper fitting. As for the choice between open or closed toe, preference give the latter, so you will avoid unnecessary injuries of children's fingers.

How to shoot measurements?

To understand what size it is required to buy, you can with the removal of measure, and it should be done like this:

  • Put the sheet of paper on the floor, put a children's foot on it. With the help of a pencil in a vertical position, circle a foot.
  • Note how many centimeters from the beginning of the thumb to the heel you got, and do the same with the second leg. Typically, the feet of the same length, but there are cases with a difference of up to 6 mm.
  • Consider the fact that the stop when walking is slightly lengthened, and the fingers slightly shifted forward, this is due to the pressure of body mass. For a comfortable wear of the shoes, it is necessary to add 1.5 cm to the resulting length of the foot, of which 9 mm goes to the elongation of the foot, and 6 mm - the stock for increased. Only one or two months and the leg of the crumbs will drive a full length. Refuse the desire to buy a child "backyard" shoes.

Initially used in Russia, the metric system today is replaced with modern Schtihmassova. Previously, the size corresponded to the length of the foot and measured in centimeters. Now the size is indicated in the shtiha. So, 1 calm is 0.66 cm. Understand what size you need is very simple. For example, the length of the child's foot is 12.7 cm. To this length, add 1.5 cm to this length \u003d 14.2 cm. This value is divided by 0.66 and we get 22 the size of the shoes (with rounding).

Pediatricians assure that buying shoes for increased with a large stock - a serious parent error

With a precisely known value of the length of the foot, it is possible to determine the desired size on the table. Similar tables are in every children's shoe store:

Cm.9.5 10.5 11 11.6 12.3 13 13.7 14.3 14.9 15.5 16.2 16.8 17.4 18.1 18.7 19.4 20.1 20.7
R-R.16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Features fitting

The baby until the age of 5 years is difficult to adequately determine, tips it shoes or not. This is due to the fact that the whole stop of the crumbs is protected before this age a fat pad, which allows not to feel pain. Such an erroneous definition of a suitable size can lead to bone deformation.

It is important to remember the following points:

  • Foot length measurements need to be carried out only when the child confidently stands on the surface. When the kid sits or leg is on weight, the length will be less.
  • Measurement always spend with two footsteps. Remember that there is a difference of up to 6 mm.
  • It is better to carry out the measurement in the evening. By this point, the leg is slightly increasing due to blood-tied for the day.
  • It is important to know that each manufacturer's country can have its own standard range standards.

Dr. Komarovsky in his video transmission once again reminds all parents: "Never buy a child shoes on the grow out, as well as that shoes that will be cramped for him." All this will adversely affect the formation of the children's foot and the resulting defects will need to be corrected more than one year. Too big shoe is also better not to buy. The distance between the wall of the shoe and the thumb should be not more than 0.5 cm.

Parents, remember - the leg in the child grows very quickly. Tighten your leg every three months before buying a new shoe. Make it without errors you will be helped by photo animals on the Internet.

Rating of the best manufacturers


The "first step" specialized collection is created on the basis of unique pads developed in the scientific center. G. A. Albrecht together with the factory "Skoroshod". Children's Institute of Orthopedics. G.I. The Turner approved the model data, as they are equipped with a flexible insole, a small heel on the sole and have convenient velcro to fix the legs. Light sandals are regulated immediately in three positions, which allows them to buy both a leg with high lifting and slender feet. Boots, incl. And winter, made from genuine leather, which is perfect for a children's leg. Such correct parameters will make a walk of beginners to walk more confident and more pleasant.


The company has special models for the first samples in walking, which are manufactured taking into account physiological parameters. Such a training program will become an excellent option for CROs, which only learn to stupid. In each summer and winter model, a hard backdock, a Thomas heel, and an insole with a supinator, which repeats the bends of the foot was thought out. As a result, the leg in the ankle area is reliably fixed, and Kroch confidently stands on the legs. Accounting for the anatomical features of the foot allows you to distribute the load correctly, which will prevent the deformation of the bones. Muscles and ligaments of feet at the Karapuzov have not yet fully fastened, they need protection. In these models, it is an elastic sole. A wide toe does not squeeze your fingers, does not interfere with their formation.


In the models of the Collection "First Steps", the sole is made of genuine leather. The presence of a heel in 5-7 mm allows the leg to develop correctly. Some models are equipped with additional inserts from thermopolurethane, which provide even greater reliability and prevent slipping. Any model, summer or winter season, from the Baby Collection "First Steps", the manufacturer recommends that the manufacturer recommends several times at the place of the future folding legs, then the sole is developed and will be flexible enough when walking.


A wide range of shoes Minimen represents models for kids, and for teenagers. Among others you will find a shoe line for children who begin to walk. These models are equipped with a hardband supporting the leg, and the shoe toe is slightly raised, which does not allow the crumb to fall. The exercise for winter and summer days will become an excellent choice thanks to:

  • anti-slip embossed sole;
  • the presence of a supinator;
  • existing insertion from the foamy material that is responsible for the maximum convenience;
  • genuine calf skin.

Tashi Orto

The main task of this shoe is to help the feet of the child correctly form and prevent the development of pathologies. Each model is equipped with an orthopedic insole, which is weighty dignity (we recommend reading :). Thanks to this small detail, children are prevented by flatfoot, and pains are taken when walking.

Specialists of different directions confirm the high quality of this brand. Footwear is very comfortable, practical and modern. In addition to the hardband, there is insole with a supinator. Boots are securely fixed on foot using a number of devices. The heel is available, but small, as it believes at this age. Flexible sole does not interfere with the proper formation of the foot and can be considered therapeutic.

Footwear for the first steps must necessarily be high quality, so never chasing fashion and beauty. Find the best is not always easy. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the design of the shoes, how comfortable will be the kid in it go. Always think about how to keep your child's health.


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