Cough in puppies: reasons and what to do in this case. Dog cough: causes, additional symptoms, treatment, what to do

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Dog cough as in other mammalian species, there is a very important physiological reflex mechanism, which manifests itself in the form of a sharp exhalation of air through the mouth.

Normally, in dogs, coughing plays a protective role, in particular, when liquids, foreign objects, irritating substances (dust, smoke gases) enter the respiratory tract, in addition, it is necessary for coughing up and removing inflammation products that are formed and retained in the respiratory organs. path for various pathologies.

Cough in dogs as in other animal species is a very typical symptom for a veterinary doctor, since the presence of this symptom directly indicates the presence of pathology of the cardiovascular or respiratory system.

In some cases, a normal dog's cough can be caused by greedy intake of water and food.

In other situations in dogs, coughing is a symptom of an illness, which in some cases may require emergency treatment from a veterinarian.

What are the causes of cough in dogs?

The causes of cough in dogs are extremely common and variable (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Causes of cough in dogs

P / p No. The main causes of cough
1 The causes of a dog's cough can be caused by the ingress of fluids, nutrients, medications, and foreign objects into the lumen of the respiratory tract. For example, inhalation of vomit, cereal spines, toy fragments, or bones
2 Massive lung lesions, such as pulmonary edema, pneumonia, or neoplasia.
3 Inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of sputum or a delay in its evacuation. Tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, aviary or kennel cough syndrome in dogs.
4 A dog's cough can be caused by a buildup of air or fluid in the pleural space (pneumothorax and hydrothorax).
5 Compression of the organs of the respiratory tract from the outside (hematomas, hemolymphoextravasate, neoplasia and masses of other types in the chest and neck area, as well as foreign bodies in the chest, expansion of the left heart chambers and compression of the left atrium of the main bronchus or congestion in the pulmonary circulation in cardiopathology ). The so-called cardiac cough in dogs.
6 Congenital or acquired defects in the structure of the organs of the respiratory tract (for example, hypoplasia of the trachea, brachycephalic syndrome, collapse of the trachea in decorative dog breeds).

Based on the foregoing, cough in dogs is a symptom of more than sixty nosological forms of pathology.

If a dog's cough is accompanied by tachypnea, shortness of breath, orthopnea, severe weakness, deterioration of the general clinical condition, decrease or complete lack of appetite, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

As first aid for coughing dogs, complete rest and an influx of fresh air can be recommended. In some cases, the general clinical condition of a coughing dog can be improved by placing a humidifier in the room, or placing a damp towel on a central heating radiator.

You should not treat a cough in a dog at home - this can smooth out the clinical picture of the disease and significantly complicate the diagnosis of the pathologies that caused it. Irrational and thoughtless use of drugs in most cases harms the sick animal!

To diagnose and establish causes of cough in a dog it is necessary to collect a thorough history, history of the development of the disease, information about the conditions of feeding and maintenance of the dog, the picture of the development and occurrence of cough. Then, it is necessary to conduct a thorough clinical study of the sick dog, with an emphasis on the examination of the cardiovascular system, upper and lower respiratory tract, auscultation of the larynx, bronchi, trachea and lungs. An important step in diagnosing the causes of cough in dogs is taking an X-ray and taking blood samples for general clinical analysis.

In especially severe clinical cases, in order to conduct a differential diagnosis and exclude concomitant pathology, as well as complications of the underlying disease, additional research methods may be required:

  • radiopaque examination of the esophagus
  • esophagoscopy
  • bronchoscopy
  • laryngoscopy
  • tracheoscopy
  • bacteriological inoculation of bronchial secretions on microflora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics and antimycotics
  • bronchial biopsy

Also, in a number of clinical cases, to diagnose the causes of cough in dogs, consultation of a narrow-profile specialist is required: a surgeon, oncologist, cardiologist, allergist, pulmonologist.

Based on the above, diagnosing the causes of cough in a dog is a very difficult process and can take a certain amount of time. Symptomatic therapy is often prescribed until the main etiological factor is identified and eliminated, against which the dog developed a cough symptom. The veterinary doctor will prescribe supportive symptomatic treatment for a sick dog in order to alleviate the clinical condition of the pet. In some cases, to clarify the nature of the cough, the dog may be prescribed diagnostic treatment, which makes it possible to make a final diagnosis:

  • glucocorticosteroid test
  • furosemide test
  • antibiotic test
  • pimobendan test
  • bronchodilator test

It should be remembered that coughing is a symptom or clinical sign, not a disease. Therefore, in order to provide maximum assistance to a dog with a symptom, it is necessary to find its true cause in order to determine the strategy and tactics of therapy as accurately and purposefully as possible. Estimation of sleep respiratory rate is important in diagnosing cardiogenic cough symptoms in dogs. An increase in this indicator (higher than 27 times per minute) may indicate the presence of congestive heart failure.

Treating a dog's cough

Therapeutic assistance to a sick dog consists in prescribing a spectrum of drugs that eliminate the cause or mechanism of its development. Treatment tactics depend on the nature of the disease. If a dog's cough occurs with heart failure, then drugs that improve the function of the cardiovascular system are prescribed - ACE inhibitors, pimobendan, diuretics. For open-air coughing of dogs, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are shown parenterally (it is desirable to determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics and antimycotics), immunostimulating drugs, oral antiseptics for disinfection of the oral cavity and pharynx. Chronic bronchitis may require aerosol or parenteral glucocorticosteroids, bronchodilators, antitussives, mucolytics, possibly antimicrobials and immunostimulants. If the cause of cough in dogs is acute bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis, then antibiotic drugs, oral antiseptics and immunomodulators are prescribed. With collapse of the trachea, brachiocephalic syndrome, there can also be a cough - decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs, in some cases antibiotics, sedatives and oxygen therapy are prescribed.

The most common reasons are:

Compression of the airways from the outside (injuries and masses of the organs of the neck and chest, enlargement of the heart chambers in heart disease, foreign bodies in the chest)

The ingress of foreign objects or liquids into the lumen of the respiratory tract (fragments of bones or toys, spines of cereals, vomit)

Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of sputum

Congenital or breed defects of the respiratory system (for example, collapse of the trachea in decorative dog breeds)

Lung damage, such as pneumonia or pulmonary edema

Accumulation of fluid or air in the pleural space

Therefore, if you really want to help your pet, the first thing you need to do is try with all your might to establish its true cause, in order to precisely, on target, strike at the disease. In this matter, a veterinarian will undoubtedly be an indispensable assistant. The doctor you contact will carefully take an anamnesis, asking you about the conditions of keeping the dog and feeding, and will restore from your words a picture of the onset and development of cough. The doctor will then examine the animal, examine the upper respiratory tract, listen to the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, and most likely take an X-ray and CBC. If certain pathologies are suspected, an X-ray contrast study of the esophagus, laryngo-, tracheo-, broncho- and / or esophagoscopy (examination of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi or esophagus using an endoscope), sowing of bronchial secretions for microflora and bronchial biopsy may also be required. In some cases, you may need to consult a specialist: cardiologist, surgeon, oncologist, allergist. And only after that, based on the results of the study, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Before visiting the doctor, you need to provide the animal with peace and fresh air. In some cases, an indoor humidifier or, if not available, a damp towel placed on the central heating radiator can help alleviate the condition of a coughing animal.

Attention! You should not give the animal any medications - this can smooth out the picture of the disease, making it difficult to diagnose it. In addition, the ill-considered use of drugs, as a rule, causes harm to the patient!

If, for one reason or another, you do not have the opportunity to seek a full-time consultation with a veterinarian, we recommend that you resort to the methods of traditional medicine.

For centuries, healers have used honey and lemon juice to treat dog coughs and sore throats. This combination is equally effective for dogs with bronchopneumonia and coughing. To prepare the "medicine", mix two tablespoons of honey with a teaspoon of lemon juice in half a cup of water and give this solution to your dog several times a day. And remember! Honey and lemon are completely harmless, so you can give both high and low doses, depending on how your pet reacts.

To reduce laryngeal edema, you can use the herb mullein (Verbascum thapsus). It is recommended to give it twice a day until the dog coughs less. For dogs weighing up to 7kg, a quarter of the human dose is recommended; dogs weighing from 7 to 18 kg. you can give half the human dose; and for dogs from 19 to 30 kg - three quarters of the human dose. Larger dogs may be given the full dose. It is best to empty the capsule into the food of the animal.

Vitamins can also help treat coughs in dogs. Vitamins E, C and A strengthen the immune system and help dogs heal faster. Dogs weighing up to 7kg can take between 30 and 100 IU of vitamin E, 250-500 milligrams of vitamin C and 500 IU of vitamin A per day. Dogs weighing 7 to 20 kg can take 200-300 IU of vitamin E, 500 milligrams of vitamin C and 1000 IU of vitamin A per day. Larger dogs can take 400 IU of vitamin E, up to 1000 milligrams of vitamin C, 5000 IU of vitamin A per day

Cough (Tussis) is a sharp jerky exhalation following a deep breath; The glottis closed before this, under the pressure of the air of the lungs and contraction of the respiratory muscles, opens with a noise, and the mucus contained in the larynx, trachea and bronchi is thrown out.

In dogs, a cough of reflex origin is caused by irritation by mucus or foreign bodies of the sensitive endings of the vagus nerve and its branches located in the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi. From here, irritation is transmitted to the area of ​​the cough center, located in the medulla oblongata. In this case, the cough plays a protective role, as it helps to clear the airways. Irritation of a reflex nature can be transmitted by interoreceptor from other organs - pleura, liver, stomach, spleen, uterus, mucous membrane of the pharynx, cerebral cortex, etc.

Coughs can be infrequent, frequent, or persistent in duration. At the beginning of the inflammatory process, when the mucous membrane of the larynx is slightly inflamed, the dog's cough is ringing, with a swollen state of the larynx - hoarse. In dogs, it is customary to distinguish between wet and dry coughs.

A wet cough is observed in acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, when a large amount of mobile mucus accumulates in them.

A dry cough in a dog is caused by the accumulation of viscous mucus in a small amount or films. It usually occurs with the development of chronic processes in the respiratory tract.

Depending on the elasticity of the lungs and the energy of the expiratory muscles, the dog's cough can be weak, strong, shallow or deep.

Soreness of a dog's cough by its owner is determined by the specific movements of the dog (head shaking, chewing and swallowing movements, stretching the head and neck, sometimes the dog whines, etc.), with the help of which the dog tries to suppress its cough. A particularly painful cough occurs with acute laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy.

Causes of a dog's cough

The cause of a cough in a dog may be one or another disease of the dog:

Most often, a cough of an infectious etiology in dogs occurs as a result of an infection of a dog - infectious tracheobronchitis(kennel cough). The causative agent of the disease is mainly Bordatella bronchiseptica, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and mycoplasma.

Infection of a healthy dog ​​occurs as a result of direct contact with a sick or infected dog.

The disease begins with a frequent, deep and severe dry cough. Owners notice a cough in a dog just a few days after her contact with a sick dog, when she begins to cough, as if a small bone is stuck in her throat. In some cases, infectious tracheobronchitis in a dog may appear after stress. The difference between this disease, for which it received the name "kennel cough", is that it is most often spread in places where dogs congregate, especially where they are kept in close quarters by their owners - these are kennels and shelters.

The disease in a dog is accompanied by refusal to eat, when examining the oral cavity, we find an increase in the tonsils and irritation of the trachea, in some sick dogs there is a spitting up of a foamy liquid. Cough symptoms in dogs usually last for 1 to 3 weeks, but dogs with narrow tracheas prone to collapse of the trachea may have a longer cough. In some dogs, the disease, in addition to coughing, is accompanied by a runny nose. Infectious tracheobronchitis can get sick in a dog of any breed and at any age. Most of all, this disease affects dogs with congenital anomalies in the development of the respiratory system, leading to the development of chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis in them.

Infectious tracheobronchitis can be mild or severe in dogs. With a mild course, the disease goes away on its own, sometimes symptomatic therapy is enough. With a complication of the disease in a dog, we note general apathy, lack of appetite, symptoms of conjunctivitis and rhinitis, fever, sometimes pneumonia develops. Sometimes the disease becomes similar.

Treatment... There are no specific treatments for this disease caused by several types of microorganisms today. In treatment today, expectorant and antitussive drugs are used. When treating a cough, it must be borne in mind that antitussive drugs must be given in conjunction with coughing up, because otherwise the dog's sputum will stagnate in the bronchi. In severe cases, antibiotics are used. For a faster recovery and to make breathing easier, it is recommended to install a humidifier. The sick animal is given rest, the air in the room should be warm.

Prevention. Dogs need to be vaccinated against adenovirus respiratory infection.

A dog's cough caused by fluid and foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract

Foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract in dogs when the swallowing reflex is disturbed in the dog. This happens with damage to the central nervous system (), sore throat, or hasty eating. As a result of the ingress of a foreign object into the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, the dog develops an inflammatory process of these organs, as a result of which the dog coughs up blood. The dog's cough is paroxysmal, accompanied by wheezing, choking. This type of cough in a dog usually occurs suddenly and is accompanied by vomiting and vomiting.

Treatment. If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, the owner of the dog should urgently go to the veterinary clinic, since the only effective means is endoscopic removal of the foreign object from the respiratory system. This operation in a veterinary clinic is performed under general anesthesia. In the event that the foreign body is large or stuck in the airways, one has to resort to direct surgery. Often, in order to save a dog's life, an urgent tracheotomy has to be performed, followed by surgery to remove a foreign body.

Cough caused by inflammation of the tonsils - sore throat

Dogs, like humans, have tonsils in the pharyngeal cavity, which are located on the sides of the pharynx. By their function, the tonsils are part of the lymphatic system. Their inflammation in a dog can be triggered by a number of diseases - infection from the external environment, and through the lymphatic system from internal organs. Infectious tracheobronchitis, dental diseases, and a foreign body in the pharynx can lead to inflammation of the tonsils.

With inflammation of the tonsils, the dog refuses food, often coughs, while the cough causes them severe pain, which is why the dog does his best to restrain its cough. A dog's cough with sore throat is dry. In order to relieve pain, dogs, like people with angina, make constant swallowing movements. In the chronic course of the inflammatory process, the dog often has vomiting, as a result of reflex stimulation of the vomiting center. In some dogs, during a clinical study, we note an increase in body temperature. When examining the oral cavity, swollen, reddened, sometimes with the presence of purulent plugs of the tonsils are visible. An unpleasant odor emanates from the mouth in dogs. With purulent sore throat, as in humans, a dog may have various complications. Catarrhal sore throat usually goes away in a dog without any complications.

Treatment. Treatment of angina begins with a thorough examination of the oral cavity. If there are foreign bodies (fish and chicken bones), they are removed and antibiotics, including those of the cephalosporin series, are prescribed to prevent the development of a secondary infection. Rhinitis and stomatitis are treated. Tartar is removed using chemical solvents or by ultrasonic destruction. In chronic tonsillitis of unknown origin, surgical removal of the tonsils is sometimes resorted to.

Recently, a new disease has begun to be registered in dogs, the infection of which occurs through a mosquito bite. With this disease, as a result of the development of inflammatory processes in the lungs, the dog develops a dry or moderately moist cough. The dog's cough is worse when he lies down to rest.

Dog Cough Caused by Allergies

An allergic cough in a dog is usually triggered by an allergic reaction and is manifested in the dog by sneezing, blue discoloration of the visible mucous membranes, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, and a rash on the skin. This allergic cough in dogs is usually seasonal during flowering and is also caused by chemicals, insect repellents and mite sprays.

Treatment of this allergy must begin with eliminating the effect of the allergen on the dog's body.

Cough caused by heart disease

With heart disease, a dog's cough is one of the symptoms. When the mitral valve is damaged, blood stagnates in the pulmonary circulation, as a result the blood stagnates in the lungs, the volume of the heart increases, which presses on the trachea, as a result of which the dog constantly coughs, the dog's lips are blue when examined.

In large dog breeds, coughing is one of the symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy. This disease is characterized by an increase in the ventricles of the heart, as a result of which the ability of the heart to normally pump blood through the circulatory system of the dog is lost. When examining such a dog, in addition to changes in the heart on palpation of the pulse, we note its arrhythmia.

Lung Cancer Cough

One of the symptoms of lung tumor damage in a dog is a constant cough, sometimes the sputum contains dead tissue, shortness of breath, and a decrease in the general activity of the dog. Of lung cancer, adenocarcinoma is the most common. In order to alleviate the general condition of the animal, bronchodilators and bronchodilating drugs are used.

General principles of treating a dog's cough

Dog owners need to immediately understand that coughing is not a disease, but a symptom of a particular disease in an animal. Without establishing the specific disease causing the cough, its correct and effective treatment is impossible. Appointment of symptomatic cough remedies can not lead to anything good. Only a veterinarian of a veterinary clinic is able to prescribe the correct treatment for your dog, where you need to contact with this problem. A veterinary specialist, after conducting a clinical examination of your dog and other additional research methods (blood tests, fluoroscopy, ultrasound), will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Preventing a dog's cough

Prevention of cough in a dog, as in all diseases of animals, should be aimed at creating normal conditions of detention and full feeding. In order to prevent helminthic diseases, the dog must be treated for worms twice a year. Vaccinate the dog against infectious diseases that are accompanied by damage to the respiratory system. In order to prevent allergens, try to exclude their effect on the dog's body. For heart disease, use heart medications. In order to prevent any disease, the owners of the animal must periodically show it to the veterinarian in the veterinary clinic.

Pets cough for so many reasons. Some of them are very minor and some of them are life-threatening. A cough can happen, for example, both due to the ingress of water into the larynx while drinking, and without external causes, if this is the first sign of serious heart or lung problems. Below are some of the most common causes of coughs in pets, but not all.
How does a veterinarian determine the cause of a cough?
When asking owners about their pet's cough, the conversation starts with the same questions every time. Doctors call this history. Is the dog really coughing? What breed of dog? How long does the animal cough? How old is your pet? Is the cough hard and dry, moist and productive with expectoration? When does the animal cough the most, when the dog is active, or when the cough occurs when resting while lying down? Is your pet becoming lethargic or more depressed than usual? Is the problem seasonal? Does the animal also sneeze and have nasal discharge? When was the last time the dog was examined and what was identified? Is the animal gaining weight or has it lost weight? Any other changes you noticed in your pet?
These questions provide a basis for starting an investigation into the causes of the cough.
Examination of the gums can reveal if they are pale or bluish, or if there are ulcers or hemorrhages.
Check your pet's tonsils. Enlarged tonsils often cause coughing. Inflamed eyes and a dry, crusted nasal speculum often accompany a nursery cough, while massage of the trachea of ​​an animal causes a cough in tracheitis, tracheal collapse, and tumors in the tracheal region.
Checking the animal's neck will also determine if it has an abnormal pulse, whether it is in the jugular vein, and the pet's abdomen should also be examined to look for fluid, an enlarged liver or spleen, which would indicate a cough associated with heart failure.
Using a stethoscope, you can listen to the heart and lungs. Dry and harsh breathing often accompanies upper respiratory tract infections. Wet congestive lung murmurs may indicate pneumonia or fluid buildup in the lung due to heart disease. Areas of lung tissue with reduced breathing sounds may indicate pneumonia or pleural fluid retention.
You should also check the superficial lymph nodes of the animal and measure the temperature of the animal. The presence of a temperature clearly indicates an infectious onset of the disease (bacteria and viruses), accompanied by a cough
The following are the most common causes of cough in dogs
The list is not complete - but it covers most cases.
Feature of the breed
Dogs are brachycephalics with short jaws that snore frequently and often have a cough associated with an elongated soft palate in the back of the mouth. It can cause coughing. Pekingese, Pugs, Bulldogs, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu fall into this category. In such cases, when severe flare-ups of the disease occur, a short course of corticosteroid and antibiotic therapy is recommended. You can also consider a surgical solution to the problem.
Tonsillitis is common among small breeds of dogs and puppies. The tonsils usually lie in deep folds.
With certain infections, such as a kennel cough, the tonsils enlarge, making it partly difficult for the pet to breathe. Usually both tonsils become inflamed. When the enlarged tonsils become inflamed and get in the way, the animal can cough for hours trying to clear the airway. In such cases, animals, sensing a "foreign object" in their mouths, try to remove it with their paws. An intense cough usually results in a strong opening of the mouth and spitting up of frothy phlegm. In most cases, this condition has to be treated with a two-week course of antibiotics. With a chronic cough, it makes sense to culture the sputum, and check the sensitivity of the pathogen to certain antibiotics. One of the commonly prescribed antibiotics to treat this problem is trimethoprim. If tonsillitis often returns, you have to resort to removing the tonsils. Many small breeds have enlarged tonsils, but removing them rarely prevents coughing. In these breeds, narrowing of the trachea is more common, which is the root of the problem.
Diseases of the teeth and oral infections
Small dog breeds, especially miniature poodles, Yorkshire terriers, and Pomeranians are very susceptible to gum disease and tooth damage with inflammation of the oral mucosa. This is due in part to genetic predisposition, but often also due to feeding disturbances. These infections of the mouth often lead to inflammation of the throat, which also gives rise to a cough. Such inflammatory processes are often aggravated by collapse of the trachea, which does not manifest itself in the absence of primary inflammation of the larynx and trachea. Tartar and stomatitis are dangerous because the infection often migrates to the heart valves (mitral valve), which damages the heart and disrupts the cardiovascular system.
In these pets, all diseased teeth and calculus must be removed. After removing the source of infection, it is recommended to take a course of antibiotics. Diet changes are also recommended.
Kennel cough
Kennel cough in dogs, also called infectious tracheobronchitis, is a group of diseases caused by a group of pathogens: Bordatella bronchiseptica, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus-2 and respiratory coronavirus. Often two or three groups of organisms go in tandem along with mycoplasma, causing a cough.
To get sick, your dog must have contact with a sick or recovering pet. Dry cough and sneezing are two of the most common symptoms of onset. They begin 2-7 days after the dog has been exposed. Some dogs with this problem only cough when they are agitated. Kennel cough is very contagious (infectious) and goes directly from dog to dog in kennels, pet stores, dog grounds, exhibitions, etc. The infectiousness of this disease is such that if the animals around your dog do not get sick (or vice versa), then speech is about something else, as kennel cough is highly contagious.
Dogs with this disease rarely feel sick, although they may refuse to eat and may spit up frothy phlegm due to enlarged tonsils and tracheal irritation. In healthy dogs, the cough lasts from seven days to three weeks. But it can persist much longer in breeds with narrow, collapsing tracheas.
A kennel cough rarely puts a dog's life in danger, and if the dog is seriously ill, the animal is likely to have something different. Antibiotics may not make an animal heal faster, but most dogs have to be prescribed antibiotics for a week or two mainly because owners require more aggressive treatment due to persistent coughs.
If the cough is not too severe, then a combination of expectorants with antitussives is sufficient. You can not prescribe an antitussive agent without an expectorant because of the danger of sputum stagnation. Humidifiers also often help the throat lining by moisturizing it, making it easier for the dog to breathe.

Taken from the website of the veterinary clinic VetCare

Owners of dogs who suddenly start coughing fall into two categories. The former do not pay any attention to this symptom. The second ones immediately rush to the veterinary pharmacy and begin to stuff the pet with medicines. But the first thing to do is to establish the exact cause of the cough. This symptom may indicate the course of a serious illness.

Cough refers to exhalation through the mouth caused by muscle contraction of the airways. The provocateur of this condition is the irritation of the receptors.

The cough is due to irritation of the receptors in the airways.

With its help, the respiratory tract is cleared of interfering substances. And also with the help of a cough, mechanical obstacles are prevented that interfere with the patency of the airways.

A wheezing cough is common in Bulldogs.

Sometimes a cough is caused by structural features. It refers to:

  1. The Griffons.
  2. English Bulldogs.
  3. French Bulldogs.

In other cases, the appearance of a cough is a serious reason for visiting a veterinarian.

The main provoking factors and possible causes

A dog's cough usually indicates:

Sometimes it is about an aviary cough... It is a viral disease that spreads from a sick dog to a healthy one.

Aviary cough is a contagious disease.

In addition, a cough may indicate the penetration of foreign objects into the respiratory tract. It is also provoked by the accumulation of air or fluid in the pleural area.

Viral cough

A dog can catch a viral cough at a dog show.

The cause of a viral cough is the contact of a dog with a sick relative.

This can happen on a walk, at an exhibition, or at a veterinary clinic. This is a rather serious pathology, the development of which threatens the emergence of dangerous complications.

Penetration of foreign objects

At risk are animals with impaired swallowing. This condition is observed with or damage to the nervous system. Foreign objects can get inside even when the dog eats quickly and greedily.

Eating food greedily, the dog may choke.

If the animal lives in a humid climate, then a mosquito bite may be the provocateur of this condition.

Heart cough

Cardiac pathologies begin with mitral valve lesions. This is revealed during ultrasonographic examination. An accumulation of fluid is observed in the lungs of the animal. Against the background of an enlarged heart, it contributes to the constant compression of the trachea.

Cardiac cough is detected on examination.

Other reasons

If the cough is accompanied by profuse sputum discharge, we can talk about:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cancer.

If bloody impurities appear in the sputum, this signals that the larynx was damaged ... And also this symptom may indicate the development of a dangerous pathology.

If the pet coughs only in the morning, we can talk about development of the inflammatory process in the larynx ... If the cough is observed only at night, then chronic bronchitis may be its cause.

When a dog coughs only outdoors, it is associated with penetration of particles of dust or exhaust gases inside that irritate the larynx.

Exhaust fumes are one of the causes of a dog's cough.

Sometimes a cough is symptom... This is observed when the situation changes. This condition is not considered dangerous. After a certain time, this symptom disappears.

Warning signs

Symptoms depend on the cause of the cough. The clinical picture can be either pronounced or rather weak. In addition to coughing, other symptoms may appear, signaling that the animal's condition requires urgent veterinary intervention.

The symptoms of the cough depend on the cause.

Signs of a viral cough

The main symptoms include:

  • discharge from the nose;
  • enlargement of the tonsils;
  • irritation of the trachea;
  • the appearance of foam.

With a viral cough, the dog has no appetite.

This condition is observed for 1-3 weeks.... Pathology proceeds both in a mild and in a rather complex form.

Signs of a foreign object

Choking occurs in the presence of a foreign object.

The following symptoms appear:

  • refusal of food and water;
  • the appearance of wheezing;
  • suffocation;
  • inflammation in the trachea or larynx.

Sometimes a bloody foam is released when coughing. Sometimes there is a specific discharge from both nostrils.

Symptoms such as:

  • lack of appetite;
  • hypersomnia;
  • apathy, lethargy.

The cough can be moderately moist or dry. In some cases, a "brutal" appetite awakens.

Features of cardiac cough

Representatives of large breeds and elderly individuals are most susceptible to cardiac cough.

The pet's gums take on a grayish blue tint. The cough can be very bad. This condition is accompanied by cardiac arrhythmias.

With a heart cough, cardiac arrhythmias appear.

Features of oncological cough

The following symptoms are observed:

  • loss of appetite;
  • decreased activity;

When coughing, bloody impurities may appear. Body temperature may be slightly elevated.

Body temperature rises with oncological cough.

Symptoms of an allergic cough

  • The dog begins to sneeze strongly, non-stop.
  • The whites of the eyes turn red, it is observed.
  • The gums can become bluish.
  • Specific rashes appear on the skin.
  • Sometimes the body temperature rises.
  • The dog may refuse to eat, but is thirsty.

A persistent sneeze is observed with an allergic cough.

Establishing a diagnosis

To clarify the root cause that provoked this condition, the veterinarian first carefully examines the animal, interrogates its owner. Then the specialist can prescribe:

  1. X-ray examination of the respiratory organs.
  2. Endoscopy of the trachea, bronchi, esophagus, pharynx.
  3. Bronchial biopsy.
  4. Sowing of bronchial secretions.

A blood test is needed to establish a diagnosis.

Therapy is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been established..

Treating a dog's cough at home

If no dangerous pathologies have been identified, the veterinarian may recommend changing the pet's diet and transferring it to new, more suitable conditions.

The owner is obliged to provide the dog with constant access to drink, a warm room and humid air. If the dog continues to cough after this, you need to re-contact the veterinarian.

The dog must have constant access to drink.

Aviary cough treatment

The veterinarian may prescribe the use of:

  1. Antibiotic drugs.
  2. Expectorant medicines.
  3. Antitussive medicines.

If the animal has already had an aviary cough, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the sternum.

This is necessary in order to stop the development of dangerous complications. Application is assigned Sizomycin, Cephalosporin, Bicillin ... Sometimes drugs are given intravenously.

Bicillin is a drug for the treatment of aviary cough.

If a foreign object falls

Therapy consists in removing a foreign object. In some cases, this requires surgery.

If a foreign object gets in, it should be removed from the mouth.

If you suspect that a foreign object has entered, do not give your dog laxatives. This can only make the situation worse.

It is advisable to check the puppy from the nursery for the presence of worms.

Treatment of oncological and allergic cough

If a cancer disease has become a cough provocateur, the animal is assigned to use:

  1. Steroid medications.
  2. Bronchodilator medications.
  3. Bronchodilators.

Allergic cough is eliminated antihistamines medicines... The use of Diprazine, Dexamethasone, Calcium Chloride is prescribed. And it is also necessary to find and remove the irritant.

The drug Dexamethasone is prescribed for allergic cough.

How to treat?

And also a sick animal can be prescribed an appointment:

  • expectorant drugs;
  • vitamins A;
  • vitamins C;
  • vitamins E;
  • echinacea.

The use of expectorant drugs is accompanied by the rapid excretion of sputum from the lungs.

Against the background of taking vitamins, immunity is restored. Echinacea has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. Its use helps to strengthen the body's defenses.

Echinacea is an antiviral agent.

If the dog weighs less than 10 kilograms, then you need to take the medicine 7 drops twice / 24 hours. If the dog weighs more than 10 kg - 15 drops twice / 24 hours.

Using folk remedies

If a cough is not a symptom of a dangerous illness, you can prepare the medicine yourself, at home. To do this, you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of fresh bee honey with 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For cough treatment, you can use honey and lemon.

The prepared mixture is poured into 1/2 cup of warm boiled water. This solution should be given to the dog 3-4 times / 24 hours.

Honey and lemon can trigger an allergic reaction.

Therefore, after 1 application, you must carefully monitor the pet. If allergy symptoms appear, you should stop drinking. The dog will then need to be shown to the veterinarian.


The room in which the sick dog is located should be regularly ventilated. In this case, drafts must be avoided. The food of the animal must be balanced. If his condition is interpreted by the doctor as serious, you should temporarily refrain from walking.

You should regularly ventilate the room in which the dog lives.

Video about coughing in dogs


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