When to start feeding a newborn. The postpartum period and all the most important about this time

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The probability of conception after childbirth is mainly of interest to those who are not in a hurry to immediately acquire the next one after the birth of one child. However, there are (although much less frequently) other situations: parents want the difference between children to be as small as possible; unfortunately, tragic circumstances occur (for example, artificially induced premature birth due to severe fetal deformity or high risk to the mother's life). Regardless of the reasons for which you are interested in the probability of conception after childbirth, it is useful first of all to understand what happens to a woman's ovarian-menstrual cycle in the postpartum period.

Even during pregnancy, the pituitary gland of a woman begins to actively produce the hormone prolactin, which prepares the mammary glands for lactation, stimulates lactation and at the same time suppresses ovulation. The moment the baby is breastfeeding, the secretion of prolactin intensifies, and as the time between feedings increases, it decreases. As a rule, while a woman is only breastfeeding, prolactin completely suppresses ovulation - lactational amenorrhea occurs (absence of menstruation during breastfeeding). However, there are, and often, cases when, with sufficient lactation, the menstrual cycle is restored relatively quickly.

The following can be said about the probability of conception.

When can you get pregnant after giving birth?

First, it is almost impossible to establish any regularities in the timing of recovery of the ability to conceive. That is, of course, it is known that breastfeeding causes a delay in ovulation, but it is impossible to accurately predict the timing of the first postpartum ovulation. The timing of the resumption of ovulation after childbirth is very individual. Moreover, they may be different for the same woman after different births, so you should not rely on your previous experience in this matter. The main indicator of ovulation recovery is the first postpartum menstruation. Non-lactating women start menstruating earlier than lactating women. It is known that the earliest ovulation is recorded in the fourth week after birth in non-lactating women and in the seventh week in lactating women. In order not to miss the first postpartum ovulation, it is recommended to use the temperature test1. Lactating women should start measuring basal temperature from the 6th week after childbirth, and non-lactating women from the 4th week: so as not to miss the moment of its increase, indicating ovulation.

Second, anovulatory cycles (i.e., menses without ovulation) may occur after menstruation is restored.

Thirdly, the absence of menstruation does not mean that a woman cannot conceive a child. The fact is that the moment of conception may fall just in the middle of the newly recovered cycle.

It has been noticed that at the onset of the next pregnancy, the child often refuses breast milk. It is assumed that one of the mechanisms of a child's refusal to breastfeed in this situation is the following. The moment the baby begins to suckle, the mother reflexively releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates smooth muscle contraction. This leads to a contraction of the end ducts of the mammary gland (milk is "injected" into the baby's mouth). At the same time, the muscles of the uterus contract. This is very useful after childbirth, but in the case of a new pregnancy, an increase in the tone of the uterus can lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, apparently, with the onset of the next pregnancy, the secretion of oxytocin is suppressed, and the baby becomes unusually difficult to suck. In addition, under the influence of hormonal changes in the body that accompany the onset of pregnancy, the taste of milk may change. However, there is no logical connection between a child's refusal to breastfeed and a second pregnancy.

How long does it take to recover from childbirth?

Modern medicine claims that for the full recovery of the female body after childbirth, the interval between childbirth and the next pregnancy should be at least two years, although, of course, this should be considered more of a recommendation than an immutable rule: many women have safely given birth and give birth to weather children.

Mom, take your time. How long to wait before planning your next pregnancy

Agree, if there are certain WHO medical recommendations on the length of the break between childbirth, then it was not without reason that they were developed and written? In addition, unfortunately, not all women who want to have a bunch of children can be called practically healthy. For them, a certain period of break between children is far from the last thing.

Why is the deadline measured: what should be the break between pregnancies?

From the point of view of physiology, nothing prevents a healthy woman from becoming pregnant again literally immediately after childbirth (as you know, lactation does not prevent this at all). Often this is how it happens, and the weather is born - brothers and sisters with a difference of only a year or so. If the mother is healthy, the previous pregnancy was going well, then everything this time will most likely go smoothly.

Although, probably, there are very few parents who deliberately plan exactly the weather. Because, having barely given life to one baby, immediately carrying the next is not a lifting burden for all modern women (and their husbands). And the reasons do not always lie in body fatigue after a recent birth. The fact is that both physically and psychologically, the female body at this time is not yet fully adapted to external life. A woman who has given birth together with a child has been in a rather closed system "mother - child" for a long time. All the powers and feelings of a woman are directed at the baby, for whom, in turn, the whole world is concentrated for a long time in one single person - the mother. This relationship lasts as long as the baby is breastfed, which means at least a year or two.

Officially, doctors believe that the optimal break between childbirth should be at least two years. Note that this is the period between childbirth, that is, before the next conception and pregnancy, the body needs a little more than a year to rest. A number of anatomical, biochemical, hormonal and other studies served as the basis for such medical recommendations. According to doctors, the body must be given at least a year and a half (before conception) to finally restore the work of all organs, the vascular system, blood flow, and the hormonal background returns to normal.

All the will of God?

It is quite natural that women who intend to withstand a certain period of time and how to recover should be protected. However, there are many in Russia who do not do this for fundamental, most often religious, reasons. Some of these women are already experiencing their sixth or seventh births by the age of 25. Unfortunately, almost all of them are at risk. In practice, this means the threat of bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period, the development of diseases such as anemia, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of the lower extremities and external genital organs (since the veins that are at the same level with the inferior vena cava experience a constant compression syndrome).

Due to the short break between pregnancies, the uterus does not have time to build up the necessary basal layer, to which the placenta should normally attach. As a result, fetoplacental insufficiency, or impaired blood flow between the placenta and the baby, is formed. Children born to such mothers are often prone to malnutrition (growth retardation in the womb and low birth weight).

And all these problems are caused by one thing - not enough time between births. Indeed, even if an absolutely healthy body is not given rest, at some point, violations cannot be avoided. Someone may argue that before children were given birth one after another, without thinking about the timing. In general, it was believed: if a woman is able to become pregnant immediately after childbirth, this is normal. So be it. However, it is also known that not all children survived, and many were born weak. It would seem that in our days certain hopes are inspired by the progress of medicine. But on the other hand, the ecological situation and living conditions leave much to be desired. All this does not make a person healthier.

What issues need to be resolved before re-pregnancy

Of course, family expansion plans are a purely personal matter. And yet, the recommendations of doctors should not be neglected. They are usually based on how your first pregnancy went. When making predictions for the future, doctors must take into account the difficulties that a woman faced the previous time. The patient may be suffering from a general illness. In this case, they need to be eliminated and only then think about a new pregnancy. If serious anomalies have affected labor, you need to carefully understand the reasons. Women who undergo surgery during childbirth are automatically at risk. For them, there is a certain order of mandatory examinations. It also applies to those who suffer from chronic somatic diseases, blood diseases (coagulation disorders, chronic anemia). Patients with nephropathy require special attention. Against the background of this disease, in the last trimester of pregnancy, pressure increases significantly, edema and adverse changes in urine appear. If a woman is not cured, or at least did not undergo the necessary examination, her new pregnancy will be more difficult than the previous time. Old sores will inevitably overlap with the problems of the new. And of course it is better to get rid of them before the next pregnancy.

When to wait before planning another pregnancy

Preparing to become a mother again, a woman with an Rh-negative affiliation should be especially careful. It is not uncommon for the first child to be born with a positive Rh factor. And doctors do not conduct the necessary examinations, in the first 24 hours after childbirth, they do not inject the anti-rhesus immunoglobulin necessary in this situation. The consequences of such mistakes are quite serious. Firstly, antibodies that enter the baby's body through breast milk can cause serious changes in the nervous system in him, up to nuclear jaundice. Secondly, if antibodies are detected already during the next pregnancy, artificial childbirth has to be called ahead of time so as not to aggravate the situation.

With a caesarean section, doctors recommend that you wait at least 2-2.5 years in order to then conceive and deliver the next child normally. Whether the mother will be able to give birth this time naturally depends on the reason why the caesarean was done. It is one thing if a woman had a large fetus, a foot presentation or the weight of the fetus did not match the size of the mother's pelvis. In this case, after passing the necessary examinations, she can give birth herself. If we are talking about diseases in which it is impossible to independently transfer such a load as childbirth (the testimony of a neurologist, traumatologist or ophthalmologist), then it will not be possible to avoid a second operation. It is clear that chronic diseases of the spine, an obliquely displaced pelvis or a fracture of the spine will not get better by the next birth.

Extensive ruptures of the cervix that occur during childbirth also limit a woman's desire to get pregnant again. In this situation, a plastic surgery of the cervix and an appropriate adaptation period are necessary. Moreover, in this case, natural childbirth is impossible. All that remains is a cesarean section.

With multiple pregnancies, the uterus of a healthy woman returns to normal at the same time as during normal childbirth. However, according to doctors' observations, mothers of twins do not soon decide on a second birth. Their workload is already considerable.

If a woman has suffered diseases such as syphilis and hepatitis, then several years should pass between present and future birth.

The golden mean: the optimal break between pregnancies

The interval between childbirth should not be too long. After all, when a woman decides to have a baby 15-20 years after the first birth, it is hard for both doctors and her. Over time, as a rule, sores appear in the form of infection, inflammatory processes in the appendages, often fibroids, mastopathy. Abortion is often added to this. Age cannot be discounted as well. The woman has become older, which means that in addition to medical problems, psychological ones also arise.

After so much time, they decide on a second baby, as a rule, for the sake of a new husband. It is fair to assume that a woman is tormented by questions throughout her pregnancy: how the stepfather will relate to the first child, and the eldest child to the newborn, etc. A woman is often forced to seek the help of a psychologist.

Of course, it's better to stick to the golden mean. However, it is quite obvious that you need to prepare and plan for a new pregnancy in the same way as the previous one. Again, you will have to take the same tests and undergo all the necessary examinations.

By the way, in schools for future parents, you can often meet experienced mothers who decided to have another baby in our difficult time. They want to do well this time too.

Elena Petrovna Ozimkovskaya, chief physician of the maternity hospital

Today there are a number of state aid measures aimed at families with children. Such measures indicate the interest of the state in the birth of new citizens. To be able to take advantage of the benefits and benefits in a timely manner, families need to know that they are legally entitled to a birth certificate and a range of benefits.

If not the first child was born, then the family will definitely receive a certificate for obtaining a mother capital. Families with many children have their own benefits. They are taken care of by the federal and regional authorities.

Childbirth allowance - a small contribution to his future

In the case when a woman expecting a baby has official employment, then she is entitled to the following payments:

  • for contacting an antenatal clinic during the first trimester (in the early stages) for the purpose of observation by a specialist. It is received by those ladies who began to attend antenatal clinics before the pregnancy reached 12 weeks.
  • ... It is paid like a sick leave. Outwardly, the document looks like a regular sick leave. It is issued by the doctor who monitors the pregnancy. The amount of this allowance is equal to the average earnings.
  • There are also regional support measures for women who have given birth to a baby.

Unfortunately, women who are not officially employed do not get paid. It is also deprived of unemployed pregnant women, this rule also applies to those who are registered in official employment centers.

The wives of military personnel also receive a one-time allowance when they become pregnant over 180 days. True, this applies only to the spouse of conscripts.

Lump-sum child allowance

Both the father and the mother can receive a lump sum at the birth of a child

This payment is one-time. It can be obtained by both mom and dad of the baby. If parents (mother or father) are officially employed, then they can receive money at their place of work. A different situation is when they are unemployed or full-time students, then mom, dad apply for this payment to the social security authorities.

If the parents live together, it makes no difference who gets the money. If the spouses are in, then the payment goes to the name of the person with whom the baby lives at the time the application is submitted.

When twins or triplets are born, the allowance is paid for each baby. If it happens that the child was born dead, the family will not receive the money. The amount of the payment per child is the same for everyone. Neither salary nor position increases the amount. For example, in 2015 this amount was equal to 14,497 rubles and 80 kopecks.

In order not to be aloof from such a payment, to receive everything that is required by law, you must apply for a lump sum at the right time. Today it is six months after the due date. The decision on payment is made quickly, the law gives 10 days for this. The specified period applies to payments received at work. The allowance is issued in social protection, which means you need to know that there will be other frameworks here: until the 26th of the next month. If suddenly there is a refusal to receive it, they must report it within a 5-day period.

What documents need to be prepared

In order to freely receive benefits at work, you need to collect the following documentation:

  • + copies;
  • application for benefits (the form can be downloaded);
  • child's birth certificate;
  • + copy;
  • certificate confirming that the 2nd parent has not yet exercised the right to receive the above benefits

If the appeal goes to social protection, then you also need to take care of the presence of SNILS for dad and mom, a certificate from the passport office, which lists family members. It will show that the child lives with the person who is applying for benefits. If we are talking about an unemployed person, then you need to make an extract from where it says about the last place of employment.

Payments after birth

Payments are made every month

After birth and until the baby reaches the age of 18 months, the child will receive payments every month. Both parents and any close relative can apply for such a grant. The main thing is that it will only be paid to one person.

There is a payout framework here. If the first baby is born, then the minimum size is 2718 rubles. 34 kopecks If the second, third, and so on, then the minimum is 5436 rubles. 67 kopecks Maximum - 19855 rubles. 82 kopecks for workers, the allowance is calculated based on the size of the salary. This will be an amount equal to 40% of the average earnings.

In a situation where an unemployed student draws up the allowance, the amount of payments is made minimal. The documents are drawn up in the social security authorities. The following package of papers is provided:

  • applicant;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • a certificate stating that this benefit is not being received by another family member;
  • .

    Non-working people bring a certificate from the central office, which indicates that they did not receive the allowance, and an extract from the labor book will also be required, namely, where the person officially worked for the last time.

One-time benefit. Timing features

The lump sum will be approved if the paperwork was submitted within 6 months of birth. If it is not possible to arrange everything properly for good reasons, then you can contact later. But you have to prove your case, and in the end you may not get anything. So it's better to do everything within the time limit set by the law. At work, such an allowance will be given within 10 days after submitting the necessary documents.

If we talk about a monthly allowance, then a woman should know that she can apply for it only after she leaves maternity leave. If the wife is unemployed, then she has the right to receive the above allowance immediately after becoming a mother.

When the allowance is paid to the wife of the one who is in the service (conscript), then as soon as the spouse is demobilized, payments stop. Therefore, when registering the allowance, they bring a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, which indicates until what time the husband will serve in the Armed Forces.

Payments for families with 2nd, 3rd and more children

Matkapital can be issued after the birth of the second child

If the family has replenished with a second child, as well as any other subsequent child, she has the right. This is a decent amount that provides tangible help. To receive material assistance, you need to issue the appropriate one. To do this, you need to visit the branch of the Pension Fund and bring the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of the person who writes the application + copy;
  • birth certificates of all children (relatives and adopted children are taken into account);
  • a document certifying the child's Russian citizenship;
  • applicant;
  • marriage certificate and registration

A feature of maternity (family) capital is the ability to spend the amount only in one of 3 directions. First, improving family living conditions. This can be done through the purchase of living space, through the repayment of the mortgage, through the construction of your house. Each of these cases has its own subtleties, which can be found in the PF. Secondly, moms. And also paid education of children who are in this family.

There is no need to pay tax on the funds listed for one of the 3 directions. These funds are received only once. You can apply to the local Pension Fund for these funds when the child is already 3 years old. The exception is when the mortgage is paid.

Large families are eligible to receive monthly financial support from the state. You can apply for such a benefit in social protection. It will be paid for children under 3 years old. The difference between this manual and others is that a package of documents is collected and brought to social protection annually.

The amount of these payments is calculated depending on the level of the subsistence minimum for children, officially recorded where the family lives. List of documents:

  • passports, copies;
  • for every child brought up in the family - a birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the passport office about the composition of the family;
  • income statement (3 previous months);
  • account number to transfer money

Each region in its own way tries to help families with many children. They can give land free of charge, pay in part, provide coal on preferential terms, provide subsidies for the purchase of housing, tax incentives are offered.

The video will help you understand the intricacies of receiving a one-time payment:

The appearance of a baby completely changes the life of a family. Expectant mothers are worried about how the birth will go, but one should also think about what will happen after the birth of the baby - how you will take care of the baby when there are no doctors and nurses around. When it is important to understand what your life will be like in the first days after the birth of the baby.

In order not to worry once again, mom should know what to expect. These truths will help you not to panic and “survive” the first week after giving birth.



  • Even if you are feeling overwhelmed, it's important to bond with your child right away.
  • Many doctors immediately after childbirth put the newborn on the mother's chest so that she can see the baby and begin to establish contact.
  • Start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible. While you are in the hospital, gain experience in this matter. If something does not work out for you or, you can ask for help from the nurses,
  • If you choose, you will notice that in the first week of life, the baby spends most of the time in your arms. Newborns tend to eat slowly and sometimes nap in between meals.
  • Even if you decide to go straight to it, it is important to maintain close contact with your baby. When the baby eats from the bottle, take him in your arms so that he feels safe.
  • Body contact is very important. Place the baby on your chest, let him listen to the heartbeat. This will even better establish contact with the baby. Especially close contact with the mother is recommended for premature babies or babies with low weight.


  • Be prepared for your prenatal routine to be drastically changed. In the first week after your baby is born, your life will consist of night feeds, casual sleep, and constant diaper changes.
  • Newborns are asleep most of the time, but they can be awake at any time of the day - and even at night. True, some parents manage to do so.
  • A breastfed baby wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours. And artificially fed crumbs - every 3-4 hours.
  • The most difficult thing in the first days of a baby's life is to understand its signals. Is he crying because he wants to eat or sleep? What to do when your baby needs to burp? Try to understand these issues.
  • Don't try to create "correct" and feeding. What mothers and grandmothers advise may not be right for your child at all. And trying to make you “behave” “the right way” will only lead to stress. Breastfed babies are best fed on demand.
  • Learn to anticipate your baby's needs and you can quickly set a routine that suits you and your baby.


  • Give yourself time to. Get more rest and socialize with your baby. Focus on this, not on the pile of linens and lunch-dinners. And delegate household chores to someone from the family.
  • Learn to accept help from others. When friends and family offer help, accept it. But at the same time, do not hesitate to tell people that you want to be without extra eyes and ears and let them know when you are ready to receive guests again. It is important for young parents to be alone with their baby, without grandparents. This will give you the opportunity to get used to being family and learn to take care of each other.

Good afternoon, dear readers! As you know, the first month after the birth of a baby is considered the most difficult. Indeed, life turns upside down! There were two of you, you were on your own, you could go where you wanted, go to sleep when you wanted, met with friends, went to the movies, enjoyed each other and the silence. And then a comrade appears, whom you have not seen before, and demands all your attention, time and energy. Sometimes you can't even go to the toilet without the approval of the new boss! Naturally, such changes do not go unnoticed, and it takes time to get used to it. Therefore, even if your baby sleeps most of the day in the first month, for some reason it is difficult for you. Well, babies actually do not sleep that much - in the first months after birth, most babies suffer from colic, gas, they react sharply to the weather and everything new. And, as a result, they scream, not letting you sleep and destroying the nerve cells of the parents. Rarely does a mother not turn into a zombie ... In this article I will talk about how to survive in the first month of a baby's life and not go crazy.

Rule number one - forget about your past life.

No, of course you can preserve bright memories of a childless life somewhere in the depths of your memory, but do not dare to constantly think: “Oh, I did so much without a child! I went for a manicure every week, and now I can't just wash my hair! " Yes, for a while you will have to practically forget about yourself. Humble yourself. Otherwise, the daily comparison today with yesterday will finish you off. Try to enjoy every moment now, children grow very, very quickly - the first months are literally every day! Time will fly by so that you will not have time to blink an eye, and problems will not haunt forever. Remember how quickly the pregnancy flew by? Surely then you wanted to give birth as soon as possible, but now you remember this time with nostalgia? Exactly.

May I call you in 5 years?

Rule number two - delegate.

Most likely you are not alone in this world. You have a husband, or mom, or mother-in-law, or girlfriends, or all of them combined. Entrust some business to those who care about you. Even if suddenly there is no one but friends, do not be afraid to attract them too! In the worst case, you will find out who is your friend, and who is a bunch of air.
Relatives are usually ready to help and often even impose their services. Away with pride and prejudice - agree! Even if they don't do everything exactly the way you would like it to be, stop it. If the case is done somehow, it is already wonderful!
What can you charge? In the first month of a child's life, you will have no time: to cook, clean, iron, and sometimes you will have to spoon-feed if the child does not get away with it. Well, and the most feasible help is to take a walk with a stroller while you are resting. From here we move on to the next point.

Rule number three - no business while the baby is sleeping.

Whether the child sleeps on the street, on the balcony, in his crib or beside you - seize the moment and rest too! Do not seek to redo all the affairs at this time, nothing good will come of it. Even if it doesn't seem like it, you need rest. The husband can also wash the dishes, but you will have to take care of the baby in the first month after birth to a greater extent. This requires a lot of physical and mental strength. If my daughter fell asleep in the afternoon at my side, I tried to take a nap with her, because you never know when you will be able to do it next time. If I felt completely sleepy, I would open a knitting or embroidery box and restore my peace of mind. I did the same if I sent my husband or mother-in-law for a walk - even 15 minutes with my favorite hobby added a fair amount of energy to me!

Rule number four - don't ignore your natural needs.

Often from a newly-made mom you can hear “no time to go to the toilet”, “I managed to have breakfast only in the evening,” “I didn't wash my hair for two weeks,” and so on. It is easy to assume that in such a mode there can be no talk of a good mood of the mother! But why such sacrifices? Who will benefit from a hungry and angry mom? Believe me, nothing bad will happen if you run out of necessity or have a quick breakfast. Perhaps you feel sorry for the child who, once in his bed, starts yelling like a cut, so take him with you! I quickly learned to eat with one hand, and it doesn't matter which one is left or right. Remember, you have to take care of yourself for the baby. The mood of the child depends on your condition. When I stopped ignoring my natural needs, began to eat when I felt like it, go to the toilet when it felt like it, and be sure to take a shower twice a day, my health improved, and the child began to cry much less, as if patiently waiting for me to do everything and will return to it happy and renewed!

Rule number five - get distracted.

If you get hung up on dirty diapers, breastfeeding, the eternal problem of colic and other things that accompany the appearance of a baby, you can go crazy. More precisely, you will definitely go crazy. You may not necessarily consider yourself Queen of Great Britain or a five-year-old, but the feeling that you put your life on raising a child will eventually crush you, and others will have nothing to talk to you about.

In the first months of a child's life, there is usually plenty of opportunity to read. Often feedings last an hour - so I had 6 hours a day! So why not spend this time usefully while the kid is busy with his business? Already in the first month I managed to read two books, besides, I started blogging on Instagram, wrote articles here, watched the series and just chatted with my girlfriends. Distraction is very important! And if at the same time you also develop, this is generally wonderful. Your baby will get a happy mom after feeding.

Some of these simple rules did not reach me right away, but as soon as I began to adhere to them, life sparkled with new colors! The house became much quieter and calmer, and I was already looking forward to the start of a new day with my baby :)

I wish you to leave only good memories from the first month with your baby, because this is actually an amazing time that will pass quickly and will never happen again ...

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of a woman. At this time, expectant mothers are interested in many questions: how to eat right, what physical activity is acceptable, is it possible to have sex, etc.

After giving birth, the situation changes slightly. The woman begins to worry about issues related to the newborn, as well as her own health. For example, one of them is when menstruation begins after childbirth.

All expectant mothers should know the answer to this question. This will make it easier to determine which changes in the female body are normal, and which indicate deviations and require medical attention.

Recovery period of menstruation after childbirth

After conception, the menstrual function is "turned off". For 9 months, a woman is not bothered by critical days. Their absence is associated with a change in hormonal levels. Only after childbirth, the body begins to recover: the hormonal background returns to normal, and menstruation begins again.
There is no specific time limit after which menstruation after childbirth can begin. The time of its occurrence for every woman individually... In most cases, your period begins after your baby has finished breastfeeding. This is because breastfeeding produces a hormone called prolactin in the pituitary gland.

It not only controls milk production, but also suppresses ovarian function. This is the reason for the lack of a normal menstrual cycle. If breastfeeding continues for a long time and complementary foods are introduced late, then the onset of menstruation after childbirth occurs after the baby is one year old.

Some women introduce complementary foods early. In the pituitary gland, prolactin begins to be produced in smaller quantities and ceases to suppress the work of the ovaries. Most often, menstruation in a similar situation begins six months after giving birth.

There are times when young mothers immediately after childbirth combine artificial nutrition for the baby with breastfeeding. This leads to the fact that the menstrual function 3-4 months after birth the child is recovering.

In certain situations, women cannot breastfeed their babies at all. In this case, menstruation may begin after childbirth in 6-10 weeks.

The restoration of menstrual function is influenced not only by the moment of termination of breastfeeding, but also by many other factors, both internal and external. Among them are the following:

  • day and rest regimen;
  • food;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, complications;
  • psychological condition.

The beginning of menstruation after childbirth: features

In most cases, after giving birth, the menstrual cycle becomes regular rather quickly. Only the first couple of months, critical days can come ahead of schedule or be delayed a little.

There are a lot of rumors about the menstrual cycle and the speed of its recovery. You can often hear that the recovery of menstruation after childbirth is directly dependent on how the child was born. In fact, this is not the case. The onset of menstruation has nothing to do with whether the birth was natural or carried out.

After the onset of menstruation, many women note that menstruation has become less painful, discomfort is no longer felt. This phenomenon is physiologically explainable. Typically, menstrual pain occurs due to bend of the uterusthat interferes with the normal outflow of blood. After childbirth, the location of the organs in the abdominal cavity changes slightly, the bend is straightened. In this regard, in the future, pain disappears during critical days.

Very often, menstruation is confused with a discharge, called lochia... They are a mixture of blood clots and mucus. The cause of lochia lies in damage to the lining of the uterus. For the first few days after birth, they are abundant and bright red in color. After a week, the lochia acquire a brownish tint, and their number decreases markedly. Gradually they become more and more scarce. This is due to the fact that the lining of the uterus heals. Lochia can be shed for 6-8 weeks. After that, they stop.

After childbirth, during breastfeeding and in the absence of menstruation, conception... It is known that the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovaries begins about two weeks before bleeding. There is a chance of getting pregnant a few days before and after ovulation.

The onset of menstruation after childbirth is not a sign that the female body is ready for the next pregnancy. It takes a couple of years to fully recover. It is advisable to plan the next child after this period. Therefore, before the onset of menstruation, you need to take care of contraception.

Situations when to see a doctor

After the birth of a child and with artificial feeding your period didn't come? A similar fact may indicate the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. After stopping breastfeeding, menstruation may also be absent.

The reason for this is postpartum pathologies, endometriosis, hormonal disorders, swelling, inflammation of the ovaries. In the absence of critical days, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

You should also consult a healthcare professional if periods are very profuse... If, with strong discharge, more than 1 pad is required for 2 hours, then this should be regarded as bleeding. Symptoms such as soreness, an unpleasant odor and a dark shade of blood should also be alarming.

If, 2-3 months after the onset of critical days, menstrual the cycle did not recover, then this is already a deviation. In such a situation, you should ask your gynecologist for advice. The cause may be hormonal disorders.

Sometimes women who become mothers complain of worsening PMS. The answers to the questions: why is this happening, and how you can deal with the problem, you will find in the video at the end of the article.

Personal hygiene when recovering from menstruation after childbirth

After the birth of a child, special attention should be paid to personal hygiene, because during this period the female body requires a more attentive and careful attitude.

It is not recommended to use pads with an absorbent mesh or tampons until the menstrual cycle is restored. These funds are not suitable for lochia. It is best to use pads with a smooth surface during them. They need to be changed every 3-4 hours.


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