Bloody discharge during pregnancy. Spotting in early pregnancy

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The best period in the life of every woman is the period of waiting for a miracle, waiting for the birth of the most dear person in the family - pregnancy. But this is also a time of trouble and surprises. And not always pleasant - often during pregnancy, the female body begins to malfunction. For example, blood secretions, which can enter into a panic even the most persistent woman.

But don't panic. Bloody discharge is a fairly frequent phenomenon, especially in. And, by the way, according to statistics, 80% of women at the same time completely calmly and safely wear their baby.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of bleeding. For example, the sensitivity of the internal genital organs or their active blood supply. This usually happens after an ultrasound scan, if it was performed with a vaginal probe, or when using a gynecological speculum for examination.

This kind of discharge may appear after exercise, because there was an irritation of the cervix and the vaginal mucosa. Discharge begins due to a slight detachment of the placenta: blood accumulates under it. Outwardly it stands out pinkish.

Often, women notice discharge on the days when they had menstruation before pregnancy. In addition, they are also accompanied by. This happens due to hormonal disruptions in the body in the early stages of pregnancy, and this is completely harmless.

As a rule, such discharge quickly disappears.

If you do not panic, then at least you should worry when the bleeding is so abundant that the pad has to be changed once an hour. Blood clots are also a signal to take urgent action. You need to contact a doctor immediately, because the face is the threat of termination of pregnancy. If the bleeding is also with, then somewhere in the body blood clotted. It is possible that there is.

When a woman also has bleeding. Unfortunately, in such a situation, the tube can be removed and the abdominal cavity washed out.

Another reason - . In this case, a week after intrauterine fetal death, a spontaneous miscarriage will begin.

The causes of bleeding can be an ectopic pregnancy, and inflammation in the cervix, and implantation of an embryo into the cervix. By the way, in the case of the embryo, the pregnant woman does not complain about anything, and her discharge of a seemingly "harmless" color is pale pink.

With a frozen pregnancy, bleeding is also observed. In this case, a week after intrauterine fetal death, a spontaneous miscarriage will begin.

Spotting spotting can also be a signal of miscarriage. They are often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The sooner you consult a doctor in such a situation, the greater the chances of saving the baby.

The cause of bleeding can also be cystic drift - the proliferation of placental tissue. The discharge is profuse, but absolutely painless. Unfortunately, the woman will lose her baby: she will undergo curettage and will closely monitor the hormonal status for about six months.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, bleeding is especially dangerous. They can testify to pathologies, threaten the life of both mother and baby.

Firstly, placental abruption is possible, especially for women with gestosis, abdominal trauma, and polyhydramnios. It is also common: a condition when the placenta is located in the region of the internal os of the cervical canal. The wall of the uterus becomes thinner, blood vessels rupture, this is dangerous for the woman's body, but the baby does not suffer.

Fibroids, cervical erosion, polyps, genital trauma - all this can also lead to bleeding.

Despite the fact that bleeding is often in itself harmless, it is still worth contacting a doctor at least to be on the safe side. The gynecologist needs to be completely trusted - to describe in detail the color of the discharge, the nature of the pain sensations, their intensity.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

About 70% of pregnant women experience bloody vaginal discharge, and only 12% of them have a miscarriage. In other cases, women carry on safely and give birth to a healthy baby. Why does bleeding occur, what does the discharge look like and is this condition dangerous? Do I need to go to the doctor if the blood has gone suddenly, but insignificantly, and the patient feels well?

What is normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy?

Any vaginal discharge can be a variant of the norm or a sign of pathology; a gynecologist can differentiate one from the other, based on the results of the diagnosis. In the early stages of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone is responsible for the work of the reproductive organs, and in the second trimester, estrogen. They are responsible for the nature of the secretion secreted from the vagina.

At different times, discharge is normal (by week):

  • 1-3 - mucous discharge with red streaks or yellow, brown discharge, lasting several days;
  • 4 – thick white secret, reddish blotches are possible;
  • 5–12 - transparent or white discharge, which sometimes can have a slight sour odor;
  • 13–25 - liquid transparent secret, the amount of which, compared to the 1st trimester, is increased;
  • 26–36 - copious white discharge with a sour odor;
  • 37–40 - moderate volume of secretion with a whitish color;
  • before childbirth - mucus with blood streaks.

Bloody discharge, which appears from 4-6 weeks and lasts until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, can be:

  • transparent with 2-3 drops of blood;
  • pink;
  • brown;
  • scarlet.

If they go once and are not accompanied by painful sensations, then there is nothing to worry about. However, the ideal option is light, almost transparent discharge. They indicate the normal functioning of the genitals, a change in the epithelial layer of the uterus and the absence of signs of the presence of pathological microorganisms.

The reasons for the appearance of blood in the discharge in the early stages of gestation

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Bloody discharge during pregnancy can be roughly divided into two types:

  • physiological, arising from a change in the ratio of hormones;
  • pathological, indicating an abnormal course of pregnancy.

A woman may have a secret of different volume with red, pink or brown blotches, which indicates the presence of blood in it. They may also contain blood clots or tissue particles.

Bleeding during implantation of the ovum

One of the common reasons for the appearance of a bloody secret in early pregnancy is the introduction of the ovum into the uterus. Implantation bleeding is typical for the first - beginning of the second week after fertilization. Detachable pink, brown or transparent color with bright scarlet streaks is the result of damage to small blood vessels due to the introduction of the embryo.

Often the appearance of implantation bleeding is taken by women as the beginning of menstruation, but it lasts much less - from 1 hour to 2-3 days and is characterized by insignificant discharge. The presence of such a discharge without accompanying abdominal pain is considered the norm.

Implantation bleeding can occur earlier or later than the specified period, but not earlier than a week after conception. Blood is never dark in color.

Microdamage to the mucous membranes after intercourse or examination by a gynecologist

Bloody discharge in pregnant women after sex appears quite often. The cervix, due to the changes taking place in the body, acquires a loose structure, becomes edematous and susceptible to any pressure, which is why microdamages appear on it during coitus. These injuries are not serious and will not harm the fetus. Their appearance is not a reason for the termination of intimate relationships, but subsequent sexual intercourse should exclude sudden movements.

Blood can also flow during a gynecological examination. At 4–5 weeks, many women, suspecting pregnancy, go to the doctor for the first time and he can accidentally injure the cervix with a mirror. Such damage does not threaten the development of the baby.

A similar situation is sometimes observed after transvaginal ultrasound. Discharge occurs due to hypersensitivity of the reproductive organs, lasts no longer than 2 days and does not recur.

Menstruation against the background of a normally developing pregnancy

During pregnancy, a very small number of patients may have their periods. In the people this phenomenon is called "washing the fetus", in medicine - breakthrough bleeding. Discharge appears on the day when menstruation began earlier. In addition to the discharge, the patient also complains of other symptoms of menstruation: pain in the back and abdomen. The bloody secret is quite abundant, menstruation lasts several days.

Usually, hormones released during pregnancy prevent your period from occurring. However, sometimes a failure occurs, and their concentration in the body is too low to stop the adjusted monthly cycle. Usually bleeding stops by 3 months. In rare cases, "washing the fetus" is possible even at a late stage of pregnancy.

Doctors are wary of such anomalies and carefully monitor the patient's condition throughout pregnancy. In women with this feature, childbirth often takes place on time, and babies are born healthy, so there is no reason for alarm.

Gynecological diseases not associated with gestation

Pregnancy does not protect against gynecological problems, many of the chronic diseases, on the contrary, are exacerbated during this period, while others are discovered for the first time. A decrease in immunity and a change in the amount of hormones produced lead to the emergence of various pathologies:

  • Cervical erosion. The ulcers formed on the mucous membrane make it very sensitive. The organ's capillaries overflow with blood, red spots on underwear can appear both after intercourse and when sitting with tucked legs. Discharge comes out once after damage to the epithelium, treatment is prescribed after childbirth. This condition does not pose a threat.
  • Varicose veins. Since pregnancy puts more stress on the veins in the vagina, it can affect the labia area. The perineum hurts, the secretion of lubricant is disturbed, sexual intercourse becomes painful. Discharge with bloody inclusions can be found after sex or for no reason. The disease slightly complicates the course of pregnancy, but is not dangerous.
  • Polyp or cyst. The blood is released in small amounts, there is no pain. The neoplasm does not pose a threat to the fetus, but if it has been severely damaged, infection can occur. The polyp can gradually exfoliate on its own, the cyst is treated after childbirth.
  • Venereal disease. Activation of Trichomonas or other microorganisms leads to the appearance of vaginal discharge with a specific odor and bloody spots. The disease is accompanied by itching in the perineum and an increase in thermometer readings, increasing the likelihood of miscarriage.

Pregnancy pathologies (fading, termination, placental abruption, etc.)

If a woman has uterine bleeding, it can pose a serious threat to her and her baby. The reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy are the following conditions:

  • Abortion. Perhaps in any period for various reasons - from pathologies incompatible with further development and extrauterine life of the fetus to an infectious disease of the mother. It is characterized by sudden painful sensations, bleeding.
  • Frozen pregnancy. Often seen for 6-7 weeks. The stomach hurts, the toxicosis and soreness of the chest disappears. The pathology is characterized by intrauterine fetal death and can be detected during ultrasound, by palpation of the uterus, or by analysis of the plasma hCG content for up to 28 weeks. Pain and bloody discharge do not appear immediately, but after a few days. Sometimes the uterus manages to reject the frozen fetus on its own, but more often cleaning is required. Delaying a visit to the doctor can lead to sepsis. With a frozen pregnancy, the risks of miscarriage during repeated conception increase by 15%.
  • Placenta previa. When it is located close to the uterine pharynx, the muscles are not able to hold it, which leads to the detachment of small areas of the placenta. The blood goes as with menstruation. The condition occurs in 2% of women and manifests itself after the 20th week after conception.
  • Detachment of the placenta. The phenomenon is diagnosed in 1 out of 200 patients. The process is accompanied by the discharge of blood clots and cramping pain in the abdomen. Even with partial detachment, there is a threat to the child's life.
  • Tearing of the umbilical cord. A rare occurrence in which the death of the fetus is possible. If he is able to survive outside the womb, doctors perform an emergency caesarean section.
  • Bubble drift is a pathology accompanied by abnormal growth and an increase in the volume of placental tissues (for more details in the article:). A woman has bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy (before the 11th week). Pathology is rare, the cause of its occurrence lies in genetic factors. You cannot save the pregnancy.

Pregnancy outside the uterus

An ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed early and occurs due to the fact that the ovum is attached to the fallopian tube (most often), ovary, cervix, or in general in the abdominal cavity, and not in the uterus, as it should normally be. Vaginal bleeding occurs in the 6th week of gestation, when the fallopian tube is stretched to its limit. In parallel, the woman is worried about nausea and abdominal pain. The discomfort may disappear when the pipe ruptures, but after a couple of hours the patient will feel many times worse.

Pregnancy outside the uterus can cause internal bleeding, so it is important to diagnose it on time and prescribe therapy. Sometimes this pathology leads to infertility.

Causes of heavy bleeding and the likelihood of maintaining pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is by no means in all situations a sign of fetal death. A woman should not panic - an urgent need to see a doctor.

Severe blood loss can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • rupture of the uterus (a very rare anomaly that occurs with cystic drift or after a previous delivery by cesarean section);
  • rupture of the fallopian tube;
  • lack of hormones;
  • spontaneous abortion.

Most often, with timely hospitalization of the patient, doctors can save the pregnancy. With a high risk of miscarriage, she is placed in a hospital. Doctors always strive to preserve the life of the baby, but if there is a choice, it is made in favor of the health and life of the mother. However, the consent of the woman (or her relatives when the expectant mother is unconscious) is mandatory.

In the early stages of gestation, it is important to stop bleeding and prevent miscarriage. To do this, appoint:

  • means for increasing the secretion of progesterone (Utrozhestan and Duphaston);
  • vitamins (E, B6);
  • sedatives (valerian tincture);
  • hemostatic medicines (Ditsinon);
  • antispasmodics (No-Shpa).

When the first positive results of treatment appear, the woman is shown rest, bed rest and the termination of intimate life until the moment of childbirth. The drugs are often prescribed for a long course and must be taken even if there is no bleeding. Having overcome the threshold of the 12th week of gestation, you can calm down - the risk of termination of pregnancy is significantly reduced.

Therapy for placenta previa depends on the amount of discharge. If there is little blood and the time of labor is close, a puncture of the fetal bladder is performed. With abundant discharge, a cesarean section is indicated, even if the fetus is not full-term. Surgical delivery is also required in case of blood loss due to placental abruption.

If the blood comes as a result of pregnancy outside the uterus, a frozen fetus or a miscarriage, then one cannot harbor illusions - it is impossible to keep the child in these situations. Surgical treatment: a woman is removed the embryo (or fallopian tube) or curettage of the uterus, respectively.

What symptoms should you see a doctor immediately?

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy should be treated very carefully. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, such pain can indicate severe complications. There is a complication or not, and the pain is simply a consequence of intestinal colic, only a doctor can say.

Ectopic pregnancy

Lower abdominal pain on one side can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is the development of the embryo in the fallopian tube, ovary, or abdomen instead of naturally developing in the uterine cavity.

In the first weeks, such a pregnancy develops as normal, until the embryo is enlarged enough to rupture the fallopian tube. This usually happens 1.5 months after conception. Therefore, it is advisable, after the woman has conducted a pregnancy test, to see a gynecologist in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

An obstetrician-gynecologist can determine a normal pregnancy by an increase in the uterus, but sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, he sends a woman for an ultrasound scan, which will determine exactly where the ovum is fixed.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy can be different, but pain is always present. Sometimes these are very sharp sudden pains, dizziness and loss of consciousness - a sign of a sudden complete rupture of the fallopian tube and severe internal bleeding. In this case, the woman can only be saved by timely admission to the hospital and surgery.

Sometimes the pains are mild and are accompanied by a slight bleeding - the bleeding is not very abundant. This is a sign that a partial rupture of the fallopian tube is occurring. This condition also requires immediate hospitalization, as it can be complicated by significant internal bleeding.

If a woman was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy before the onset of pain and bleeding, then it is possible to remove the embryo by the endoscopic method without removing the fallopian tube. This will allow the woman to maintain fertility.

If the operation is carried out for emergency indications, that is, against the background of a rupture of the fallopian tube, then the operation is carried out in the usual way, the fallopian tube or part of it is removed and in the future the ovary from this side can no longer take part in the process of childbirth.

Risk of miscarriage

In some cases, a woman may have a spontaneous miscarriage. Most often this occurs against the background of hormonal deficiency. The main pregnancy hormone is progesterone, which suppresses the contractions of the uterine muscles.

With insufficient production of progesterone, the uterus begins to contract and pushes the embryo out of its cavity. Therefore, many women in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy are prescribed synthetic analogues of progesterone (morning).

Some women are prone to recurrent miscarriage. Most often this happens with isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). ICI is a condition in which the place of transition of the uterine body to its cervix (isthmus) and the cervix itself cannot cope with the increasing load from the uterus and begin to open prematurely.

The most common cause of ICI is injury to the isthmus and cervix during previous childbirth and abortion. The site of injury is overgrown with a connective injury, loses the ability to stretch, which leads to a miscarriage.

With the threat of spontaneous miscarriage, aching pain of increasing intensity appears in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back and groin region, and spotting from the genitals, and sometimes full bleeding. If a spontaneous miscarriage is suspected, a woman should be hospitalized as soon as possible. With timely assistance, pregnancy can be saved.

Reasons not directly related to pregnancy

Lower abdominal pain can occur with intestinal colic. Despite the fact that intestinal colic is not directly associated with pregnancy, they often occur precisely against the background of pregnancy, since when the hormonal background changes, the motor activity of the intestines always decreases and women throughout pregnancy are worried about constipation and bloating (flatulence).

Both of these reasons can cause intestinal colic - abdominal pain that can be localized on one side.

Abdominal pain in pregnant women may not have anything to do with pregnancy. For example, pain associated with appendicitis. These pains can also occur suddenly in the right side of the abdomen and radiate down to the groin area.

Similar pains can occur with other diseases of the abdominal organs that require emergency surgical care. A woman can only be helped by a timely appeal for medical help and, possibly, by a surgical operation.

  1. Cystitis and other diseases of the female excretory system

    The ureter is located next to the internal genital organs, so this pain is often confused with "gynecological". Usually pain occurs in such cases suddenly, has a "stabbing" character. Frequent and painful urination is associated with pain in the lower abdomen.

    The urologist treats the genitourinary system. You should not start the disease, because it is caused by an infection that is unsafe for the child. Folk remedies, like bearberry, do not help well, but the doctor can prescribe effective medications that are allowed for pregnant women.

  2. Bowel problems: diarrhea, constipation, bloating

    It should be noted that the last 2 are frequent occurrences in expectant mothers. Constipation is caused by a decrease in physical activity, a displacement of internal organs due to the growth of the uterus, unhealthy diet, and insufficient fluid intake.

The correct diagnosis can be made by the surgeon. If the pain does not go away within an hour or two, but only grows, you should not blame everything on an intestinal disorder and drink drugs like "smecto", it is very dangerous. A timely operation that is not performed can lead to peritonitis.

Unfortunately, there are phenomena that can really become very alarming bells, indicating that the pregnancy is not going very smoothly. For example, very often doctors hear complaints that in the early stages of pregnancy, women notice brown discharge and feel pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of bleeding

Of course, brown spotting and pain in the lower abdomen at any stage of pregnancy is an alarm signal, including m in the early stages. But does the appearance of blood always indicate trouble? Doctors say no.

Although this does not mean that it is permissible to ignore such a phenomenon - if you notice brown spotting, seek medical help immediately! But let's talk about everything in order. And first, let's find out what can cause spotting in the early stages.

  • Ovum implantation

Sometimes spotting appears very early, when a woman is not even aware of her pregnancy - a few days after conception. To be more precise, brown discharge may appear about a week before the expected start date of your period.

The discharge is dark brown in color and it is extremely scarce - it is impossible to confuse them with menstruation. And the reason for this daub is the introduction of a fertilized egg into the lining of the uterus. This is a completely normal physiological process and you have nothing to fear in this case.

But only if you do not feel any discomfort - pain in the abdomen and back, general weakness. And only if the brown discharge is scarce and lasts no more than a day. If the blood is red, or it is the same as during normal menstruation, sound the alarm!

The first thing you need to do is get a pregnancy test done to make sure it's not just heavy and painful periods. And if the fact of your future is confirmed, immediately consult a doctor - it is very likely that you have started rejection of the ovum.

And if you do not receive appropriate assistance in a timely manner, you may lose your child. And for God's sake, do not listen to advisers who say that bleeding is simply washing the fetus.

  • Beginning miscarriage

You found out about your pregnancy, made your future dad happy and just got used to the idea that you will soon become a happy mom. But only a few weeks pass and at one far from perfect moment you notice brown discharge on the linen.

There is only one reason - incipient miscarriage. Despite the rather unpleasant name, this process is reversible in most cases. But only if the expectant mother receives the necessary medical assistance as soon as possible. Doctors successfully save thousands and thousands of such pregnancies.

  • Frozen pregnancy

Sometimes brown discharge in early pregnancy can indicate a much more sad situation - a frozen pregnancy.

With a frozen pregnancy, for one reason or another, which in most cases remains a mystery to doctors, the fetus simply stops developing and, naturally, dies. In the early stages of pregnancy, this is not so easy to notice and brown discharge is one of these signs.

With a frozen pregnancy, brown discharge is not abundant, a viscous consistency. In addition, a woman may experience a number of other symptoms - painful aching sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, a sharp cessation of toxicosis, a decrease in previously swollen breasts.

Only a gynecologist can unambiguously confirm or deny the fact of a frozen pregnancy. And even then only after a series of studies - a blood test for the level of hormones, an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman will need medical attention. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save such a pregnancy, because it, in fact, is no longer there. And the only thing that the doctor will do is to remove the dead ovum from the uterine cavity by scraping. You will not be able to do without this unpleasant procedure, because otherwise inflammation of the uterus and sometimes even sepsis is possible.

It is very difficult to survive a frozen pregnancy, as it is a serious blow to the psyche of a woman. But you should not despair - in most cases, a woman soon enough becomes pregnant and gives birth to a beautiful baby. Cases of recurrence of a frozen pregnancy are extremely rare and the likelihood that you will be involved in this process is negligible.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

The most unpleasant reason why brown discharge may appear in the early stages is an ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, if bleeding appears, you cannot hesitate for a minute - it indicates that the fetus has reached a critical size.

This means that in the very near future the fallopian tube, in which the embryo develops, may burst. Such bleeding in almost all cases is accompanied by very intense pain, which is simply impossible not to notice.

And if the woman is not provided with immediate assistance, complications can be the most serious, up to and including death. But in fairness, it should be noted that such a reason for bleeding in the early stages is extremely rare - of course, if the expectant mother regularly visits the doctor.

The level of modern medicine is so high that it allows you to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the very first weeks. That is why doctors strongly recommend a woman not to wait until the last, but to consult a gynecologist as soon as they find out about their pregnancy.

  • Cervical erosion

If the expectant mother notices brown discharge after intercourse or a pelvic exam on a chair, most likely there is no cause for concern. In the early stages of pregnancy, under the influence of certain hormones, the cervix begins to bleed easily even from the slightest touch.

But this bleeding does not last long - a maximum of several hours. True, the doctor should still be warned - most likely, he will replace the manual examination with an ultrasound one.

  • Inflammatory process

Rarely enough, but still there are cases when brown discharge is the result of a severe inflammatory process of the pelvic organs. True, the shade of brown will be slightly different - closer to dark yellow. And besides, such discharge is almost always accompanied by a very unpleasant odor. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, fever, and general malaise are possible.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that during pregnancy all gynecological diseases bypass the expectant mother. However, in reality, this is not at all the case! It is during pregnancy that all existing chronic ailments become aggravated, and even new ones tend to cling to.

But even a harmless inflammatory process during pregnancy can negatively affect both the course of pregnancy itself and the health of your unborn child. Therefore, it is by no means possible to ignore ailments - the earlier treatment is started, the better for mom and baby.

What to do with discharge?

In any case, in order not to cause bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy, it is very important to follow the correct algorithm of actions. Of course, you will not provide competent assistance to yourself. But a lot also depends on you - if your behavior is correct, doctors will have a much better chance of saving the pregnancy. Well, or at least, minimize the damage to your health.

  • Do not panic

This advice may sound strange to you, but it is very important - stop panicking! It is only natural that you are scared, worried about your baby. But remember - your panic will not stop the bleeding. But it can very much strengthen it and with a high degree of probability will do it. Try to relax, breathe deeply - in a couple of minutes you will feel much better.

  • Call an ambulance

Did you notice blood on your underwear? Regardless of whether a lot of it or just a few drops, lie down immediately, or at least sit down if you have nowhere to lie down. You should not try to get to the clinic or hospital on your own - neither by car, let alone by public transport.

Until the doctor permits, you must remain completely at rest. Therefore, it is most reasonable to call an ambulance team, which, if necessary, will take the expectant mother to the hospital, observing all precautions.

  • Follow your doctor's advice

So, the doctor found out the cause of the bleeding and prescribed the appropriate treatment for you. Your main task is to strictly follow all the recommendations. If the doctor is trying to maintain the pregnancy, much of your success depends on your behavior. If an accident happens and you lose your baby, the treatment will be aimed at restoring your health, so that after a while you can get pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby.

Very often, women make the same mistake - as soon as they feel better, they stop taking prescribed medications, violate the daily routine, and so on. And in the end, hurting themselves, pain in the lower abdomen is to be expected.

  • Refrain from sex

If the pregnancy has been preserved, it is very important to give up sexual relations for at least one and a half to two months, because sexual intercourse sometimes provokes an abortion. And besides, a man's careless actions can injure a very sensitive cervix, which can also lead to new bleeding. As a rule, men are sympathetic to this - the main thing is that you explain what the matter is.

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Discharge from the genitals during the period of bearing a baby is due to biological processes taking place in a woman's body. They are normal or pathological. The latter are caused by the appearance of microbes and bacteria that contribute to the development of inflammation. The hormonal background of the expectant mother depends on the gestational age, this explains the change in the nature of the discharge.

A woman is alarmed by spotting in the early stages of pregnancy. It is important to define the character.

Gynecologists do not count the period from the moment of conception, but from the first day of the last menstruation, so that the process of menstruation with typical manifestations refers to the secretion of the gestation period.

The following are considered normal discharge in the first trimester:

  • menstrual;
  • mucus during ovulation;
  • mucus mixed with blood at the time of implantation of the embryo to the uterus;
  • liquid colorless, caused by changes in hormone levels.

The norm is considered to be minor bloody leucorrhoea during the period of the arrival of the next critical days.

Further, until the end of the second trimester, the secret remains colorless. Gynecologists consider white color and liquid consistency to be the norm for the gestation period. A slightly sour smell appears. In the last month, there are clots of mucus, bloody streaks. These symptoms signal the preparation of the female body for childbirth. The appearance of a cloudy liquid indicates the discharge of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

The main causes of bleeding

Even minor spotting during pregnancy is a reason for immediate medical attention. They can be physiological in nature, but they can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. If the bleeding is profuse, accompanied by pain, an urgent need to go to the hospital.

Possible causes of the appearance of blood:

  1. - after taking smears from the cervix.
  2. Sexual connection. When carrying a fetus, the genitals are better supplied with blood, which comes out after intimacy.
  3. Implantation bleeding that occurs when the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, which are accompanied by profuse bleeding, cramps, pain.
  5. Vaginal infections.
  6. In the second half of the term, the cause of bleeding can be abruption or placenta previa, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  7. Preparation for childbirth, exiting mucous plug - contains blood impurities.

If a woman has noticed a discharge with blood, you need to consult a doctor.

Discharge in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most dangerous for the preservation of the fetus, during this period the majority of miscarriages occur.

Bleeding in early pregnancy can occur for the following reasons:

  1. The fixation of the ovum is accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of blood, this is a physiological process.
  2. aggravated due to increased blood flow, this does not pose a threat.
  3. Pathological conditions in the uterus - cyst or neoplasm. You need constant supervision by a doctor.
  4. Low progesterone levels. This hormone is essential for the proper development of the fetus. Its deficiency is the cause of leucorrhoea mixed with blood.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. The diagnosis requires immediate surgery.
  6. Endometriosis A change in the hormonal background causes its aggravation, constant monitoring and treatment is necessary.

You must notify your doctor about the detection of blood in the secretion. Painful bleeding at 6 weeks gestation may signal a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is the development of an egg outside the uterine cavity - in the fallopian tube, peritoneum, ovary. If the diagnosis is not made in a timely manner, a woman may die from blood loss and pain shock. In this case, it is not possible to save the fruit.

Bloody discharge during an ectopic pregnancy is of a different nature than during a normal pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the embryo is entrenched in an area with a large number of blood vessels. Profuse bleeding begins when the pipe ruptures, accompanied by severe pain, a decrease in blood pressure, and a weakening of the heartbeat. With the appearance of severe bloody discharge and the slightest suspicion of the presence of this pathology, the patient must be hospitalized.

Risk of miscarriage

In most cases, spontaneous abortion occurs early. Often a woman does not even know about her position - menstruation comes with a delay, it is abundant and painful. In this situation, you need to see a doctor for examination. The main signs of a spontaneous abortion are bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back.

A slight release of blood during pregnancy signals the threat of miscarriage, in this situation there is a chance to save the fetus. Excessive bleeding with fragments of tissue indicates that the miscarriage has already occurred. If the secretions are increased, accompanied by pain and spasms, urgent medical attention is needed.

To correctly determine the nature of the discharge, what it is: at an early date, we recommend reading additional information on this topic.


The appearance of bloody discharge is possible due to premature detachment of the normally located placenta. The condition is accompanied by significant bleeding that threatens the woman's life.

The causes of the pathology:

  • injuries - fall, blow to the stomach;
  • inflammatory process inside the uterus;
  • malformations of the genital organ;
  • large embryo;
  • the presence of two or more fruits;
  • polyhydramnios.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy, caused by placental abruption, is very abundant. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy has some distinctive features in comparison with a spontaneous abortion - the embryo dies, the process stops progressing, but the symptoms of miscarriage are absent for some time. This phenomenon is most often observed in the first trimester. For some time, the woman notes the disappearance. There are bloody or bloody discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy, associated with the incipient detachment of the ovum. They are accompanied by pain in the abdomen or lower back, a slight increase in temperature. An ultrasound scan is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

Diseases of the uterus

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy can be the result of uterine pathology - cervical erosion, trauma, tumor, inflammation. Most likely, all these diseases existed in a woman before conception. With erosion and inflammation, the amount of blood is insignificant, and trauma and swelling can lead to bleeding.

Insufficient secretion of progesterone

Progesterone is called the hormone of pregnancy, and it ensures a safe pregnancy. Its normal level allows conception and preservation of the fetus. Both an overabundance and a shortage of this substance negatively affect the condition of a woman. Progesterone deficiency is especially dangerous until mid-term, as it can cause a miscarriage. It is necessary to take tests to determine the level of hormones, to undergo a course of treatment.

With a low level of progesterone, a woman has bloody or bloody discharge from the genitals, the uterus is in good shape in the first trimester, the expectant mother may experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. A lack of progesterone is more dangerous than an excess, especially in the early stages.

During the fixation of the ovum in the uterus, a small amount of blood may be released and mixed with mucus. It looks like a very scanty period, the woman does not experience painful sensations, the temperature remains normal. The increase in progesterone levels allows the fetus to be preserved. The discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy does not contain bloody streaks, since the embryo has already taken root.

Bloody discharge at a later date

Bloody discharge after the 37th week of pregnancy may indicate the onset of labor. There is a process of softening of the cervix and preparation for its opening. The mucous plug with blood streaks is removed, which closes the cervix from the moment of conception. This is a physiological phenomenon indicating that labor is near.

Heavy bleeding in later stages can cause the following pathological processes:

  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of the normally located placenta;
  • rupture of the uterus.

In case of bleeding, urgent medical attention is required in a hospital setting.

Treatment of discharge during pregnancy

Pathological bleeding during pregnancy is an alarming symptom. In the early stages, this signals a miscarriage, in the late stages - the onset of premature birth. If bleeding is accompanied by severe pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back or sharp pain, go to the hospital urgently. It is difficult to keep an infant without accurate diagnosis and treatment. Based on the test results, the doctor will assess the condition of the woman and the unborn child, select a method of treatment - conservative or operational.

If there is a situation that is dangerous to the fetus, you should immediately seek advice from your doctor, because the health and life of the child and the mother is at stake.


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