New Year candlesticks do it yourself. New Year's candlestick from the glade

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Build a festive table and create a New Year's atmosphere in the house and without a living tree. You can do this by creating very simple elements with your own hands. Today I will tell you as possible in 15 minutes to create fabulous candlesticks from glasses for the new year 2020. The symbol of the upcoming year can be changed to the one, whose year comes or do just beautiful Christmas decorations. A step-by-step decorated master class with a photo will demonstrate how fast, easy and easy to make a New Year's candlestick out of the glade.

To work, you will need:

  • wine glass;
  • foam ceiling tile;
  • dog figurine or any other;
  • spruce twig;
  • golden tape;
  • beads or rhinestones;
  • adhesive pistol.

How to make candlesticks from glasses for the new year 2018

I wind the circle of the desired diameter.

I cut off the stationery base.

If the animal figurine you use requires an additional decor, then execute it immediately. I additionally fix the Christmas ball on my dog.

I stick the dog figurine on the foam base with hot glue. Decorating a fir branch and a bowl of golden ribbon with rhinestone.

I insert the composition in an inverted glass glass.

What is good to use foam for the base? It is soft, obedient and tightly adjacent to the walls of the glade. Due to this, it is not falling out, it can even be additionally not fixed if you want to keep a glass. I stick the base across the entire circumference of the glass of hot glue.

My decorative New Year's candlestick is ready. Similarly, you can perform a candlestick with figures of any other animals or bright elements of the New Year's decor.

It can be a Christmas tree, bumps or small Christmas balls. By the way, you can also do with your own hands. 🙂

You can decorate not only wine glasses, but also any items that serve as a good basis for creativity (banks, glass transparent vases, saucers, glasses). New Year's candlesticks made of glasses with their own hands quite simply. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic technologies and the dates will be the will of its fantasy.

For the magical transformation of simple dishes in real works of art use the simplest components. The decor can be found in any house or purchase for a penny in the store.

Candlesticks from glasses do it yourself for the new year: a simple glass decor

We select glasses or cups. Clean, wipe dry. With the help of brushes and conventional PVA glue draw patterns. This may be suitable curls, snowflakes, inscriptions, fun figures and more. Fantasy should not be limited.

Now the traces of glue fall asleep with ordinary kitchen salt. In any container fall asleep salt and carefully cut the glass. Removing the surplus of a bulk decor, a glass is sent to drying.

The resulting cup can already be used as a candlestick. If the soul requires shine and luxury, the ornament on the glass is complemented by buttons, rhinestones, pebbles or fox snowflakes.

Another option brightly decorate a glass: use paints. It should be extremely neat, especially with bright intense colors, since one extra smear can spoil all the idea. With the help of a tassel and any type of paints, styardly apart all the details.

A good idea: paint the glass surface with fir branches. Emerald lines with textured saline coverage will look very impressive.

The easiest way to do is to deceive them with glue, and to dip in the glitter. It turns out very beautiful and original.

We select the appropriate filler for homemade candlesticks

New Year's candlesticks from fuels can be decorated not only outside, but also inside. After all, the original filler will look original, corresponding to practical needs.

As a filler for candlesticks, you can use:

  • Any natural materials whose texture will be combined with the basic idea of \u200b\u200bdesign (sand, clay, pebble, clamzite or even crushed stone);
  • Lubility types of croup (buckwheat, wheat, millet, flakes, peas). To create a "ideal white" or "snowy" candlestick, rice is suitable due to its natural texture and color. The original idea is to choose the pasta of an interesting form and paint them into white. Such a "flour" filler will look simply amazing;
  • Coffee grains "play" in compositions with fir branches (they repeat the texture of wood);
  • Beans, Pumpkin Seeds and other seeds can be a spectacular filler for individual design ideas;
  • Peeling with grapefruit, lemon, mandarin and oranges can become an excellent fragrant base for a candlestick. In addition to the magic aroma and a pleasant appearance, such a filler will form a kind of New Year's atmosphere;
  • Very original and "rich" will look a filler from beads, beads, pebbles, pearls and other similar decorations. In this case, the ornament on the glass is reasonably minimalistic to "glamorous" the contents of glasses and wine glasses can be clearly viewed.

The basis of the candlestick is covered with the selected filler and placed a candle. The spectacular and original candlesticks from the glasses are ready for the new year.

Original candlesticks from inverted glasses

In any house, you can find old, lost "commodity" species, wine glasses and glasses. They will become an ideal base for the future masterpiece Hand-Maid.

The dishes are carefully soaked and dried. Big glass turn over. Any decor is placed inside the glass cap. For example: Christmas toys or candy, cookies, nuts.

With the help of bilateral appliances, we decorated the edge of the structure. At least the adhesive strip is framed by the upper, the lower edge and the "waist" of the glade. On the specified zones are fastened by the New Year snowball. To the top of the glade (in our case, the leg) drip a little glue and gently put the candle tablet. In principle, the candlesticks from the glasses are ready for their own hands.

Make a homemade candlestick more colorful and original, combining technology. For example, a sequel-free zone can be disappeared with salt patterns or glue beads and rhinestones.

The decor is more delicate if instead of the "snow" use other materials. Here are some options:

  • Textural lace. Can with uneven edges, but necessarily a clear contour and a distinct texture;
  • Paper garlands. They must be miniature and neatly executed. The scattering of carved snowflakes should cover the entire adhesive surface, but do not hang around in different directions;
  • Satin or silk ribbons. Decorations get bright and fairly elegant;
  • Natural decor. For example, rose petals, dried leaves.

New Year's candlesticks from the glasses, the photo of which flooded the Internet on the eve of the holiday, allow you to breathe life into old outstanding elements. A variety of forms of wine glasses and sizes of glasses guarantees the embodiment of the most bold ideas in reality.

The new year is a wonderful time to which they are preparing in advance. By this time, many different crafts are created, which are used to decorate the house or for gifts. The most original decoration for the new year is a candlestick out of a glass that is very easy to make with your own hands for the new year. Indeed, this interesting handicraft will be able to raise the mood to everyone and decorate the New Year's table.

How to make a candlestick for the new year

Candlestick with thui sprigs.

If you learn our master class, then you can easily make Christmas candlesticks from glasses. Now we will offer you a simple version of the manufacture of a candlestick. We hope that this exercise will be able to like and you will love it with pleasure. In order to make this candlestick, prepare:

  • small thuly sprigs
  • newspaper or paper
  • high glass
  • scissors and glue.


  1. The manufacture of a glass is worth starting with the fact that the bucks of the car must be cut to the desired size.
  2. Spread them on paper.
  3. Next, apply glue with a tassel.
  4. Now these twigs should be placed a glass in a circle. Perform work quickly. The glue should not get sick.
  5. If the glue is dry, then do the scissors gently cut everything too much.
  6. Now you have to find a candle of suitable size that you should put in a glass. As a result, you can get a beautiful candlestick that will greatly decorate your interior.

Inverted candlestick.

If you do not know how to make a candlestick out of a glass with your own hands, but you really want to decorate your interior with a similar product, then you should pay attention to the next original product.

Original decoration for the decor of the table to make it easy. You must turn the glass top bottom. Based on the glass, it is worth installing a candle of suitable size. At the same time, the glass can be decorated in any way. It may be some twigs or New Year's balls. Look at how many options can make your own hands.

But for the manufacture of this composition, take the old CD to which you are gluing 3 glasses. Inside the glasses, place the Christmas balls of small sizes.

Glass painted with paints.

If you carefully looked at the photo. We understood that candlesticks from inverted glasses in the New Year decor look very beautiful.

If you use acrylic paints, then simple glasses will become a real work of art. You simply include your fantasy and sign the data glasses at your discretion. It can be: snowmen and grandfathers frosts, as well as other fabulous characters. Look at all the options that we offer you.

Candlestick with a candle that floats.

Romantically and very unusual looks candlestick with a floating candle. In the middle of such a candlestick, you put in this case a variety of balls, berries and twigs. Fill it all with water, and to the surface it is worth letting a small candle tablet.

Candlesticks with pebbles and beads.

If you place beads in a transparent glass and install a candle in them, then the result is a very beautiful product. The transparent glass can be filled with a completely any decor that will be suitable for the decor of the holiday. Look at some options for such candlesticks.


As you can see, today there are many options with which the usual candlestick can become a whole piece of art. Take advantage of some decoration technique. As a result, you will get an interesting product that will be an excellent decor of the New Year.

The approach of the New Year holidays makes us think not only about the selection of original gifts for your relatives and friends, but also about how beautiful and refine the table decoration. After all, not only dishes, but also the dishes from which we eat should shout about the celebration and cause joy in our eyes. Plates of different shapes and colors, vases for fruits and sweets, forks, knives, spoons, harmoniously supplemented with small compositions of spruce twigs, cones, figures from felt, including wine glasses, glasses, should remind us of the immediate onset of the long-awaited Fabulous holiday. But the most important thing is what you should turn your close attention is the glasses. After all, they sparkles that charming wine drink, which we used to meet a new year from a long time, makes the cherished desire and sincerely congratulate their gathered guests. In such a magnificent and cheerful atmosphere, hold in hand. An ordinary fragile feuder somehow looks boring, so it is worth working for their decor. If you have never been engaged in this and have no idea how to do it, then our article will provide you with 65 photos of the ideas of a beautiful and inexpensive decoration of glasses for the new year 2020 with your own hands at home, using the simplest and affordable aesthetic agents. In order for any difficulties in your creative work, we have prepared for you, dear friends, interesting videos with useful and intelligent wizards classes, which will help you easily and, moreover, in the shortest possible time to deal with this exciting activity.

Decor elements for decoration of glasses

In order for your glasses to become a focus on the new year 2020, it is worth choosing the appropriate decoration. This type of activity is advisable to engage in advance, as it is necessary to collect missing materials for the New Year decor and produce the direct transformation of the fuels, it will take you a certain amount of time and strength. But despite this, you as a result of painstaking work will get miniature masterpieces of world art, which you will reproduce with your own hands from such simple and inexpensive items as:

  • multicolored sugar;
  • stained paints;
  • glitter;
  • ready New Year's stickers;
  • sequins;
  • rhinestones;
  • beads or semi-grayscake;
  • beads;
  • feathers;
  • rice napkins;
  • paper elements;
  • festive tinsel and rain;
  • small fragments of christmas toys;
  • loskutka fabric;
  • salty dough;
  • polymer clay;
  • satin and other elegant ribbons;
  • sprigs ate;
  • small bumps;
  • berries of the ostolist;
  • bows;
  • artificial flowers and snow;
  • decorative spray;
  • ryushi;
  • beads of small configuration;
  • chocolate;
  • almond powder;
  • color powder and much more, which will have to do you like.

Here are such simple ways to decorate your glasses for the new year 2020, using your skillful hands for this purpose. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in this process, even on the contrary, it will seem very funny to decorate the wine glasses with a different magic decor, which will significantly transform and revitalize them. Browse our selection of photos of ideas that will provide you with "food" for reflection and creativity in this direction.

If you decide to surprise your relatively charming Christmas glasses, then our video tutorial will tell you about it in detail.

Master class on the decoration of the glasses do it yourself

Snow-covered New Year's bottles

This version of the decoration of glasses for the new year 2020 will be traditional for you if you at least once use it. After all, such a decor is created with his own hands quickly and looks truly superb. It seems that your wine glasses are shed a little snow. A real winter fairy tale right on your holiday table.

  • jar with artificial snow;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • alcohol for degreasing;


  1. Before proceeding with the design of Fozher, it is worth it to clear it from various pollution and degreased for better clutch with glass. To do this, you need to take alcohol and process our product.
  2. We proceed to the decor of the glade. To this end, we will use artificial snow bought in the store. We apply a snowy mass on a slim layer on a fuer, intentionally creating irregularities and roughness on the surface with a brush.
  3. Without waiting for snow cover drying, sprinkle with sparkling sparkles. When flickering garlands for the new year 2020, your creations will be blocked by bright pearl flares, which fascinatingly affects your loved ones and friends.
  4. Surplus snow must be slightly smeared with a brush. Here, in principle, our decoration produced by your own hands is ready. For a festive mood, it is just what you need.

Artificial snow with their own hands

If you have any difficulties in finding a decor in the form of artificial snow to decorate glasses for the new year 2020, then you should not get upset immediately. It can be easily made with your own hands at home. The structure will be so similar to natural - cold, fluffy and very soft, that you are amazed. How to do this, we will tell you everything in detail now.

For work it will be necessary:

  • corn starch - 2 packs;
  • shaving cream;
  • mint extract (at your discretion);
  • sequins or mica.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a deep container and pour our corn starch into it.
  2. We add a shaving foam in small quantities to form a lot and looseness, as in nature. We mix carefully with a spoon.
  3. To achieve the effect of flicker, it is desirable to use some sequins or mica.
  4. Freshness and fragrance will give extract of peppermint. Decor for decorating glasses for the new year 2020, created with your own hands, ready!

There are many and other ways how artificial snow can be made, but the time is to describe all this, a lot will leave. Therefore, we suggest you view our learning video that will provide several excellent ideas on this topic.

Master class on the manufacture of artificial snow

Decoration of glasses beaded

If you do not know how to decorate glasses for the new year 2020 with your own hands easily and effectively, then use our regular offer. We advise you to take advantage of the beads, which will work perfectly with your glands and make them just irresistible. There is nothing complicated in this work, you should only choose a gentle - white or pearl decor in a specialized store.

For work it will be necessary:

  • middle size beads for decoration;
  • pVA glue;
  • brilliant glue for decoupage;
  • wineglass.


  1. In order to decorate our festo, you should think of a new year pattern in advance, and then then proceed to subsequent work.
  2. We apply a small amount of PVA glue on the glass and, without waiting for its ambulance, fix the beads selected by us. We try to fill them all the space so that there are no clearance.
  3. Complete our decor with the latest strokes: we carry out the missing lines with brilliant glue for decoupage. Your fantasy will tell you how to do it. It is so easy to transform your glasses for the new year 2020 with your own hands, and without much effort.

There is another simplest way to decorate the fuels in the New Year's spirit. It differs from all its speed of execution. It is not necessary to sit for a long time, sticking small beads or beads, but you just have to draw with a contour on glass and ceramics any pattern that came to your mind. It is possible in the form of snowflakes, bells, christmas balls, spruses ate and so on. Browse our video if you are interested in our idea.

Master class on the New Year's decoration of glasses

Decoration of glasses sparkles

To the new year 2020 your glasses looked irresistible, you should decorate them with sparkles. Such an idea will like many of you, dear friends, because playing shine and luxurious chic are essential satellites of New Year's Eve. Decor expedient will produce sparkles in brown, gold and silver colors. After all, the owner of the coming year is the yellow earthen pig, gives them a special preference. Yes, and doubt not standing in the selected colors, because beauty will be really incredible. Such a decoration created by your own hands is perfect for both at home and for a gift to anyone. Be sure your efforts will be appreciated.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • glasses;
  • alcohol;
  • sequins of several colors;
  • glue on glass;
  • brush;
  • pVA glue with a sharp dispenser;
  • varnish in the canister (as a fixer);
  • polyethylene;
  • scotch.

Work process:

  1. Before starting work, the glasses should be washed, dry and treat with alcohol to degrease.
  2. As can be seen in the photo, the edge of Fozher remained transparent. To do this, we have prepared the scotch that we need to close its upper part.
  3. After that, it is necessary to treat glue for glass all the unclipped surface of our fragile product, using a comfortable brush.
  4. While the glue did not have time to dry, we quickly sprinkle the treated part of the colors you like. At this stage, we leave our billets for a couple of hours to fix.
  5. After the last time, we remove our tape, but very carefully, so as not to hurt the reedy part of the Fugera. PVA's sharp spawn make peculiar flux directly on the surface of the sequin. In the photo you can see the final result of this process.
  6. After the whole circle of our glass product is treated with glue, we should immediately pour it with sparkles, but a contrasting color. We let me dry for several hours.
  7. At the end of the decor, created by your own hands, we need to process our product by a fixer. In order not to spoil the transparent part of the Fugera, it must be closed at the time of polyethylene. Lacuate only a brilliant surface.

In the same way, it is possible to decorate not only the glass itself, but also its legs. Such registration for the new year 2020 will look much more interesting and richer.

On New Year's Eve do not forget about children's tastes. After all, we all know perfectly that the kids simply adore sweets. Therefore, we advise you to embody their dream into reality, but quite an interesting and creative way. Armed with the necessary products, you can make charming sweet wine glasses from Ising and make their design as you like your kids. But it is necessary to transform together, since these pastry products have a fragile structure and can be easily broken. Supplement such beauty follows the Marshmello multi-colored Marshmallows, which in our time make the eye with their bizarre forms, slightly pour chocolate and sprinkle with any nuts. No avid sweet tooth can stand in front of such a dazzling and fragrant yummy. To perform cooking technology as you should, check out our video tutorial. It contains a lot of useful information for you.

Master class for the manufacture of New Year's glasses from Ising

New Year's glasses "Snow Bezel"

In order to surprise its guests and relatives for the new year 2020, the overall uses various methods of decorating glasses with their own hands. One of these widely used decors is a snow bezel. Many women give him their preference because of the ease of performing and accessing the ingredients.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • granulated sugar;
  • egg white;
  • wine glasses;
  • bright candy powder or multicolored sugar.

Work process:

  1. Clean our glasses from stains and any contamination, rubbing glass to shine.
  2. We take one egg and separate yolks from the squirrel. The latter is thoroughly whipped by a fork and dip our fuyster in it, slightly touching the protein mixture, so that it turned out a peculiar bezel.
  3. After that, we need sugar sand. In it, we also omit our feuds to form a snowy crust. Ready! When our product freezes, you can serve cold champagne in them.

By the way, if you want a bright and original decoration for the new year 2020, then instead of ordinary sugar, you should use multi-colored sand, which is obtained by adding the colors you like to add to it. The tricks here are not at all, it is worth just a little dilute the dye with water and mix with sugar. Dry at room temperature, periodically stirring so that frozen lumps are not formed. That's all! You can transform your glasses, glasses, saws for ice cream and the like. Such a decor made by your own hands will delight not only children, but also adults. But it is worth remembering that it has a property of the situation, as guests, without waiting for the completion of the holiday, will soon eat it in a short time and there will be an ordinary wine glaze for a wine sparkling drink. To make an aesthetic look, you can try another wonderful option, more reliable and durable. This is a point painting, with the help of which real masterpieces of fine art are created. If you want to try good luck and you in this area, then browse our video tutorial.

Master Class: Point Painting of Fumes

Decoration of glasses with New Year's compositions

Your glasses for the new year 2020 will look quite exquisite, if they arrange them with small compositions consisting of miniature cones, berries, spruce spruce, artificial motley colors and leaves, decorative wires with beads, feathers, satin ribbons, nuts, latter souvenir gifts In brilliant packaging and much more. In general, how developed your fantasy is so and will look like a decoration made by your own hands. But you should not immediately get upset if nothing comes in the head. Peel in your camorks and, I assure you, finding some cool thing, your imagination will immediately play. Moreover, such a decor is created very easily, the main thing is to choose interesting materials for your creativity.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • fuuder;
  • alcohol for degreasing;
  • glue on glass;
  • decorative elements: cones, artificial openwork sprigs for decoration, cinema wire or any other, but elegant, beads, gold ribbons, bright pebbles and so on.

Work process:

  1. We wipe carefully our glass, degreasing it and rubbed to the brilliance.
  2. Take the Golden Ribbon or the one that you will like the most, make a bow from it and with glue, designed specifically for working with glass and ceramics, fix our workpiece to the surface of the Fugera. Watch in the photo and perform just or like.
  3. After that, we also glue the openwork twigs, bunches of red berries, elegant mustache made from elegant flexible wire with beads or beads. We complement the New Year's composition with cones, painted in golden color. If this work is not quite perfect for you, then enrich it through fir or pine twigs, fixed in a peculiar brush with a cinema brilliant wire.

This simple way can be made with your own hands a wonderful decoration for your glasses for the new year 2020. Festive decor you have the right to choose any, referring to your own preferences and tastes. But it is necessary to remember that the flickering elements should be as much as possible in your products, because this holiday is in itself a lot of mysteries and magic. This should be displayed explicitly.

Our photo ideas will be the source of inspiration in your creative work.

Browse our video tutorials and you will familiarize yourself with the next excellent idea of \u200b\u200bthe transformation of your feuds for the New Year holidays in the technique of matting using a special pasta.

Master class on the decoration of glasses do it yourself

New Year's decor of glasses rhinestones

If you like glamor and luxury, then you should do the decoration of glasses for the new year 2020 rhinestones. Of course, such a lesson will seem for some of you, dear friends, quite painstaking and tedious, but if you have preferably and patientity, then this type of decoration is suitable for you. Create your own hands the gorgeous glasses that will turn in your hands on New Year's Eve.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • glue for glass;
  • rhinestones;
  • tweezers or toothpick;
  • degreaser (alcohol);
  • wineglass.

Work process:

  1. Before starting direct work, clean and degrease the fuels with alcohol.
  2. Think up your future decor in terms of how it will be simple (rhinestones are pasted in an involuntary form) or with patterns (a certain drawing must be expressed by rhinestones clearly on the lines scheduled for your idea).
  3. We wash the surface of the Fozher with special glue, intended for glass and ceramics, covering only those places where your creation will be turned off, and then carefully, working with tweezers or toothpick, attach rhinestones where necessary. After you finish your decor, you need to give time to your glasses dried.

Such a decoration made by your own hands for the new year 2020 will look sophisticated and expressively, which will gather at the holiday many enthusiastic views among your surroundings.

Browse our small selection of photos of ideas on this topic and you can easily handle your task.

Beautiful look will give your fertoons and satin ribbons, from which you can make in the home of wonderful miniature bows for the New Year design. Our video tutorial will tell you about the technique of their simplest fulfillment.

Master class on making a variety of satin ribbons

New Year decor glasses lace

If you decide to meet the new year 2020 in the romantic setting, then you will need an appropriate decoration for glasses. In a specialized fabric store you can buy a gorgeous lace for every taste and color and additional decor elements for the transformation of your wizards. Also appropriate in your work will be silk ribbons, which will miraculously give your product of tenderness and grace. With your own hands, it is easy to make such a design of a glass surface, decorating the entire fuamer or only his fragile leg, covering the thin strip of the atlas. The most important thing is that this occupation does not take you much time. You will need only cut the strip of the lace of the required size and attach it using a transparent lacquer for this purpose or a special glass glue. Complete your creativity is all sorts of beads, rhinestones, pebbles, metal details, bows and the like.

Browse our selection of photos of ideas, and you will see the perfection of this design.

Here, this magnificence will work with you for the new year 2020, if you work out for glory. Performing the decoration of glasses is correct and without flaws, you probably will pass through this kind of creativity and maybe it will go into your life as an interesting hobby, thanks to which you will create with your own hands a lot of excellent and unique decor. Carefully learn our learning video to avoid all difficulties in your independent work.

Master class on creating lace glasses

Christmas decoration of baby glasses with stained in paints

If you do not know how to decorate glasses for the new year 2020 with your own hands, then let the stained glass paint. They will create an excellent festive decor and will raise the mood of your kids. The decoration is desirable to create in the form of cartoon New Year's heroes, using bright colors, and causing outlets of the entire environment. It is not necessary to be an artist in this regard, the main thing, pick up the drawing, depict it on a small sheet of paper or print on the printer, and then put in the wine glass itself, leaning tightly to the transparent wall, and bring the laid lines with multi-colored shades. That's all that is required of you. If a question of doubt is still present in you, then let's create a cheerful and colorful transformation together.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • wine glasses;
  • printout pattern or finished stickers;
  • stained glass paints of bright colors;
  • comfortable synthetic brush;
  • degreaser in the form of alcohol;
  • napkin;
  • hair dryer to accelerate the drying process.

Work process:

  1. At the initial stage, we produce degreasing glasses through alcohol and napkins.
  2. We attach ready-made stickers to the styled glass surface.
  3. We take stained glass paints corresponding to your drawing, and with a convenient synthetic brush, fill the voids of the image.
  4. The drying process accelerates the hairdryer, unless, of course, it will be necessary.
  5. We complete the decor with additional decorations in the form of ribbons, bows, sequins, iridescent pebbles and so on.

Here is such an elementary way you will create your own festive atmosphere to you and your children for the New Year 2020. Create more interesting works with our photos of the ideas that we provide you as a friendly help.

If you want, the already decorated baby glasses can be supplemented with chocolate rim, embellished with multi-colored candy powders, protein icing, crushed nuts, almond powder, fruit slices and much more. Such a delicacy in combination with the juice contained in the fuaster will seem for the kids delicious.

Children's painted glands and miniature New Year figures made of colored polymer clay will look unusually beautiful. Such products best emphasize their solemnity and individuality of everyone separately. Suppose Funny Grandfather Frost can hold on to the thin leg of the Fugera, and a snowman, standing next to him and holding a dressing Christmas tree in his hands, as if to observe his actions. Also, it will look like our design, if some fabulous hero will hang on the wall of the Fozerer, as if she climbs up, and in the case when there are several of them, then in general perfect. Kids will not just enjoy a delicious cocktail or juice, and enthusiastically to see all these amazing pearls of your creation. To quickly understand this area, we advise you to view our video tutorial, which you will certainly like it.

Master class on the manufacture of New Year's miniature figures from polymer clay

New Year's glasses in the technique of decoupage

Not far from the mountains of the New Year 2020, and it is desirable for you to think through the smallest things about the decoration of glasses with your own hands. Some of you prefer in this regard for a long time not to mess around, but simply - it uses a rain, to produce an elementary decor, and for many it is a lesson, of course, becomes more extensive importance. In the event that you are an artist, naturally, your hands will draw up to create real art masterpieces from ordinary feuds, transforming them and re-breathing in them a new life. Yes, in principle, it is not necessary to be ASA in this matter if your desire to draw and something to improve overwhelms all your mental facets, then not sin and work. You can, for example, do a decoupage technique. Believe me, it is very interesting and not so difficult, as it seems in the photo. But it should be remembered that such creativity will definitely be worth your considerable strength and patience. So, proceed.

For manufacture, you will need:

  • beautiful New Year's napkins (rice or any other, but multi-layered);
  • solvent for degreasing your gland;
  • pVA glue;
  • brush;
  • a small amount of artificial snow;
  • contour acrylic paints of golden and silver color;
  • acrylic paint white, blue and blue;
  • solid urinary;
  • acrylic varnish water based.

Work process:

  1. As in all previous works, we first clean and degrease the glass surface of our festo.
  2. Next, you need to take our cooked napkin and tear the drawing on it with your hands, then attach it to our decorated product.
  3. We take a silent and, loyering her in PVA glue, carefully spend on the image on the glass. In this case, the hurry is not needed, as it should be carefully handled the surface, kicking out all air bubbles and removes all sorts of irregularities and bumps.
  4. So that our composition looks whole and harmoniously, it is required to refine the acrylic paints of blue, blue and white. To this end, we get a small washcloth and, foaming it into the paint, we applied tangent movements on the empty surface of the Fozera, capturing the edges of the glued pattern so that they should be masked.
  5. After the drying time expires, we need to cover our work acrylic varnish in two layers, and then dry again.
  6. Upon completion of our creativity, it is worth making some aesthetic strokes using the contour acrylic paints of gold and silver color for this. We carry them the rim of Fozher and sprinkle with artificial snow, creating imitation of snowstorm. It will also not be superfluous to make elegant patterns and in the figure, emphasizing the winter landscape.
  7. Additionally, we open acrylic varnish and give our product to fix it.

Such a simple way can be created with your own hands a wonderful decoration of glasses for the new year 2020. Review our ideas photos, and you will improve your abilities in this area of \u200b\u200bdecor.

Interesting and beautiful items to decorate the interior can be made from unnecessary old things. A familiar situation: several pieces left from a set of glasses, they are now unsuitable for serving the table, and it's a pity to throw good dishes. What can be done from unnecessary glasses? Do not hurry to remove them to the far shelf in the closet, we bring to your attention some interesting ideas, how to make a candlestick out of the glass with your own hands.

Miracles under a glass dome

If you have one or more unnecessary glasses / cups on the leg, you can make a very original candlestick. Turn the existing vessel upside down. Now his leg is on top - and it is the candle to be installed on it. The bowl of the glade is magically turned into a container for placing the decor. Take a sufficiently thick cardboard, circle a circle along the edges of the glade and cut out. At the request of the "plug" you can paint or even paint. Now you can proceed to the most interesting part - decorating. Declaring and well Sattail the inner surface of the bowl. It can accommodate any small figures, souvenirs and just beautiful little things. It may be marine pebbles and shells, artificial flowers, multi-colored beads or buttons. In this technique, you can make candlesticks from glasses simply select the desired decor - bulk snowflakes, miniature Christmas trees, Figurine of Santa Claus or just a gifts.

Lace motifs

An interesting romantic candlestick from the glass can be done using a lace or openwork braid for decor. Theoretically, any translucent fabric is suitable for such a decor or highly openwork. The candle in this case will be located in the bowl of the glass. Selected material gently cover the fujer. Start with fitting, and then glue the lace. Theoretically, your candlestick is ready, but it can be additionally decorated with rhinestones and beads. Tip: Using lace or tissue of different colors, you can make a craft bright and festive. To make the finished candlestick from the glade, with their own hands made in this technique, did not burst during operation, choose small candles, the minimum heating walls of the bowl.

Candlestick in a decoupage technique

Do not know how to turn an unnecessary glass into an interesting decorative subject? Try to transform it into a decoupage technique. Pick up three-layer paper napkins with beautiful patterns. Acrylic paint, PVA glue, varnish and special contours of your desire for the final part of the decor are also needed for work. Degrease the surface of the glass glass and apply as a soil the first layer of acrylic paint. It is more convenient to do this with a sponge, just one layer, but if it seems to you what happened not exactly, repeat the manipulation. While the paint dries, it's time to choose the drawings that you will stick. Cut out the most interesting and beautiful motifs from the napkin. Consider their location based on. After drying the paint, glue the selected items to the bowl of the gland using PVA glue. Gently smoothed the napkin with a tassel, try to glue the drawings without folds and wrinkles. When the glue dries, the craft can be squeezed with paints, emphasize individual lines with a special contour. Finally, do not forget to cover your work with varnish.

in Bokalch

You want to make a candlestick out of a glass with your own hands, but do not know if you need it after the selected capacity for use in direct intended purpose? The original decor using cups or glasses can be made in minutes. And, most pleasant, the proposed method will allow after a while to disassemble the composition and use glasses again for drinks. So, you will need floating candles and the mood decor. Fill the glasses with water half or 2/3. Place inside some decorations - small flowers, beads or something else. The decor can be chosen according to your own, suitable for it and one-piece small figures, descending under their weight on the bottom or simply an axampy of large curly sequins that float on the surface.

Painted glass

If you draw well, you can try to paint unnecessary fuyster. To begin with, come up with a drawing, you can draw a sketch on paper. Some techniques, for example, are performed immediately on the subject. Pick the desired paints and proceed to work. It is not difficult to make the New Year's candlesticks with their own hands from the glasses, having painted them with thematic drawings. For this, even the artist should not be needed - frost patterns, snowflakes or traditional symbols of Christmas, like a Christmas tree and toy bells, can paint each. Familiarize yourself with the recommendations for applying the selected paint. Some formulations do not need additional processing, others after drying are required to be covered with varnish.

Candlestick from a glass with your own hands: Master class "Draw on stencils"

What if you like, and you do not know how to draw? An interesting painting on glass can be done using stencils. Inferture drawing in advance and make a paper template. In order to get a sharp silhouette on the background, it is necessary to cut the desired figure, and leave the paper around it. Another figure drawing involves cutting the template forms of interest on the contour. Get the finished figurine to the surface of the glass and apply the paint on top. In this technique, you can make a candlestick from an inverted glade with your own hands. Try to experiment, combine several colors and layers of paint, draw different shapes and complement them with strokes made by hand. An interesting idea: the real leaves of plants or flowers can be used as stencils.

Glitter and chic

One of the easiest and most effective options for decor of the candlesticks is to cover them with sparkles. To do this, you will need transparent glue and decorative shiny dust. You can purchase such sequins in the store of goods for creativity or cosmetic department. How to make a candlestick from the glade with your own hands in this technique? Everything is very simple - rinse and degreased fuels or a glass. Next, apply glue to the surface with patterns or solid layer and sprinkle with sparkles. Surplus gently shake and leave dry. If you wish, you can repeat this stage. If you want your candlestick to stay beautiful as long as possible, and it could be washed, cover the product with a transparent varnish.

How else can you decorate the candlesticks from the glasses?

In fact, the ways to turn boring dishes into accessories for setting candles is much larger than is described in our article. If you seriously enjoy some kind of creativity, try to arrange both the candlesticks. For example, glass glasses can be tied with beads or even beautiful yarn with a hook. The bowl of the glade can be placed outside with artificial colors or rhinestones. How is the easiest to make candlesticks from the glasses with your own hands? Photos of various ideas you can see in our article, choose those that seem to be the most interesting and easy to you. Do not be afraid to use non-standard materials. For the decor, defective beads are perfectly suitable, jewelry scrap and many other little things that will be found in every home.


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