Presentation on the topic "psychological corner in a kindergarten group". Consultation "Creating a corner of psychological relief in a kindergarten group Psychologist's corner in kindergarten materials

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To carry out preventive work aimed at creating favorable psychological conditions at the preschool educational institution group, it is necessary to organize psychological corners in each age group, because the psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of educators for effective psychological support of children during the day.

When choosing material for psychological corners, it is necessary to take into account the various needs of children. Someone wants to take a break from the children's team, think about their mother, sit in silence, someone needs psycho-emotional relief, some child is aggressive and he needs help to throw out aggression so as not to harm other children and not keep it in himself. After all, the containment of aggression, emotional stress leads to various disorders of the central nervous system. Therefore, teachers are faced with the task of teaching children acceptable forms of expression of aggression and creating all the conditions for this. Thus, in the psychological corner it is necessary to organize zones for relaxation and self-regulation.

Equipping a psychological corner:

  1. a corner for privacy;
  1. a droplet chair or upholstered furniture. Photo albums with group and family photos;
  1. phone "Call Mom". The child can "call mom" and talk to her;
  1. whipping pear, bats, foam cushions. When a child fights, we explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and insults them, but it is very possible to beat a punching bag or a pillow;
  1. targets, bags with foam rubber for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;
  1. tearing paper set,
  1. basket or ring for throwing paper;
  1. rug of anger. Our children know that if they are angry, you need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass;
  1. "disposable" cups for shouting. If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his resentment in a glass and it will become easier for him.
  1. a chair for thinking serves so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take away toys, but wait for another child to put them in place after playing, etc. Most importantly, the chair should not be a punishment for children;
  1. magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, crumple plasticine, which also helps to calm down;
  1. Balls "boluses" will help children to practice regulating their breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warm them with our warm breath;
  2. didactic game "Collect the beads";
  1. colored balls of yarn of different sizes. By unwinding and reeling balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;
  1. massage balls - "hedgehogs". We teach children different ways of rolling balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. This "hedgehog" game helps the child to relieve muscle tension and calm down;
  1. bags of moods. If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” him in a “sad” bag, and from a “funny” bag he can “take” a good mood. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing with the palm of the chest, the child improves his mood.

The problem of children's communication, their ability to understand each other, to distinguish the mood of their comrade, to come to the rescue, etc. is very important. Therefore, in the zone of communicative development, we have games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

- Games "Emotional Flower" and "Mood Cube" teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures;

- "Friendship rug" and "Box for reconciliation" help quarreling children in a funny way to make peace with each other and after such a reconciliation, children quarrel much less often;

- booth "My mood". In the morning and during the day, the child can use emotional pictures to show his mood. This makes it easier for the educator to approach and support a sad, upset child;

- paired puzzles will help children to split into pairs if there is a problem with this.

So, in the psychological corner, three zones turned out:

- self-regulation and relaxation;

- to improve self-esteem;

- development of communication skills and emotional sphere.

Materials for corners are selected taking into account their main purpose, namely:


Materials (edit)

Zone for psychological relief

A corner for privacy (marquee, tent), upholstered furniture, photo albums with group photos with family photos, soft toys

the presence in the corner of the tent allows children to "hide" from the outside world, to keep secrets, to look at an album with family or group photographs

Teaching aggressive children to express their anger in an acceptable way

Punching bag, dolls "BO-bo", foam cushions, cups for shouting, targets

Punching bags and punching pillows help preschoolers cope with negative emotions, relieve stress, and throw out the accumulated energy.

Teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques

A variety of magical objects: a hat, wand, cloak, shoes, etc. help the teacher, together with the children, to make wonderful trips and transformations, to make communication with preschoolers fabulous, full of pleasant surprises, and not only during SD, but also in free play activities ...

Teaching children conflict-free communication with the help of emotionally developing games

"ABC of Sentiments", "Mat of Friendship", real-didactic games "What is good and what is bad?", "Pillow of Reconciliation", "Box of Reconciliation", "Board of Moods"

Determining the emotional state of each child in the group, identifying children who need emotional support, finding out the reasons for a positive or negative emotional state and planning work to eliminate negative influences both in the family and in the pre-school institution.

Increased self-esteem in anxious, insecure children.

Podium medals, "sleepy toys"

Systematic games of children using soft toys of various sizes after classes or during periods of negative emotions (after conflicts, parents leaving, etc.) serve as a means of relaxation. "Sleep toys" are actively used during the period of adaptation of pupils to a preschool institution, its regime and requirements, when emotional children experience feelings of anxiety, anxiety, and sometimes irritation, and show aggression.

Teaching children the skills of cooperation and coordinated team action.

"Twister", "Caterpillar", "Funny rug"

On a cheerful rug, pupils develop dexterity, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to act in a team.

The game "Caterpillar" forms children's ability to interact with peers, helps to unite the children's team.

When selecting the material for the corners, we used the developments of Ya.A. Pavlova, L.V. Panfilova and L.V. Kuznetsova, O. V. Khukhlaeva, G. D. Cherepanova.

Corners of emotional unloading of children.

Working with preschool children to overcome negative emotional mood.

author: Zoya Grigorievna Sidorova, teacher MBDOU "Combined type kindergarten No. 8" Aistenok "Michurinsk.

Material description: this material is of practical importance for educators and parents in that it is aimed at adjusting the emotional sphere of preschool children by creating a positive emotional climate in the group. Methods for correcting emotional distress are presented.

Target: overcoming the emotional distress of preschool children.
- create a positive emotional climate in the group and ensure a positive attitude of the child towards adults and peers;
- to organize systematic work on the correction and development of the emotional sphere of children;
- to form friendly relations, to promote the rallying of the children's team.

The whole life of a child of early and preschool age is subordinated to his feelings. He still cannot control his experiences. Therefore, children are much more susceptible to mood swings than adults. It is easy to cheer them up, but it is even easier to upset or offend, since they almost do not know themselves at all and do not know how to control themselves.
Emotions are the inner experiences of a person. Naturally, emotions can be both positive and negative.

What are emotions?
1. Positive emotions.: joy, love, respect, pleasure,

2. Neutral emotions: surprise, curiosity, indifference,

3. Negative emotions: fear, fear, resentment, despair, hatred, anger, envy,

The causes of negative emotions in children.
-usual childish jealousy, resentment, envy.
- the child tries to protect himself from the attacks of others;
- guards its own territory;
- fear of separation from parents;
- excessive control,
- lack of attention,
- overwork;
- disrespect for the personality of the child;
- a ban on physical activity;
- tense emotional climate in the group.

To overcome the negative emotional mood in a child, it is necessary to create conditions for a happy emotional climate in the children's team,

organize a subject-development environment,

organize "Mood Corners"

"Island of Reconciliation".
In the event of a conflict situation, quarrel or fight, children come to it and sort out their conflict according to "Mirilka",

"Mood board"

On it, each child can draw his own mood, feelings experienced, etc. Children are given the opportunity to retire, look at illustrations depicting different moods, think and choose the picture that matches his mood

Game "Magic Chair".

- To activate positive emotions, to eliminate or reduce the intensity of the experienced sadness, sadness, we often use this game in our work.
I suggest a sad child to sit on a chair, and the rest of the children take turns approaching the magic chair, stroke the child sitting on it, say affectionate words to him, give him fun games that have the ability to "make" the child smile, come up with their own ways of how to cheer up comrade.

"Mirror of my mood"

If the child is in a bad mood, he sits down in front of the mirror, looks at himself, smiles. The mood will definitely improve.

"Color painting"

To relieve emotional stress, negative emotional experiences, strengthen friendly relationships. From a basket with multi-colored petals, each child chooses a petal corresponding to his mood, and all together we make one flower (in the form of a chamomile) in our meadow. As a rule, it all ends with a spontaneous "dance of mood".

"Rug of anger."

also helps children get rid of anger. It is a factory hallway rug with a rough surface or knitted from coarse threads, with small multi-colored bows on it. The child takes off his shoes, goes onto the rug and wipe his feet until he wants to smile.

"A glass for screaming."

It is a dark opaque glass, beautifully designed. For example, if a child shows aggression, the teacher invites him to go to a secluded corner and leave all the "bad" words, all his anger, anger in this magic glass. After the child has spoken out, the glass is tightly closed and hidden.

Conclusion: our pedagogical activity should be based on the confidence that every child has the right to be who he is, and every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy ...

Relevance the problem of preserving and strengthening the psychological health of preschoolers is obvious. We live in an era of crises and social change. The economic and value instability of society has a negative impact on our preschoolers. This is confirmed by children with impaired psychoemotional development, expressing the emotions of anger by aggression, unable to negotiate, having difficulty adapting to life in the children's team, not respecting their comrade, his feelings, mood and emotions.

Based on the foregoing, the problem of preserving not only the physical, but also the psychological health of preschool children, the formation of their emotional well-being is of particular importance. It is very important to teach preschoolers to accept themselves as they really are - a sign of mental health and an indicator of personal growth. After all, self-acceptance largely determines the nature of interaction with other people.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions, organize the subject environment. For this purpose, in November, in our kindergarten, a competition "Corners of psychological relief" was held.

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • creating conditions in groups of a preschool institution to preserve the psychological health of each child;
  • activation of the activities of the teaching staff for the design and competent use of materials for the corner of psychological relief for the full psychophysical development of preschoolers;
  • involvement of parents in providing comprehensive assistance to groups in the competition.

The psychological relief corner is used to achieve relaxation and rest. It promotes the mental development of children, harmonizes the emotional background, and arouses interest in research.

The ability to fully and properly relax is an important component in the formation of psychological health. Therefore, the material for the corner was selected taking into account its main purpose, namely:

  • for psychological relief of pupils;
  • training in ways to express anger in an acceptable way;
  • teaching preschoolers the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques;
  • teaching children conflict-free communication;
  • increased self-esteem of anxious, insecure children;
  • teaching preschoolers the skills of cooperation and coordinated

So, for example, teachers of the 2nd junior group No. 7 Styazhkina L.V., Shashova T.V. and senior group No. 9 Tsyganova N.V. and Dmitrienko S.E. first of all, we organized for children a "Glade of Mood", which meets them every morning at the reception. Each child has a photo on a loop, coming to the group, children hang their photo to match their mood. If the mood changes, the children outweigh their photo. " mood ”attracts children and helps them to understand their own emotions, emotional states of others, promotes mastering the means of emotional expressiveness.

The same task is performed by the mirror of emotions, the masks of emotions. The child sees himself and tells all the good about himself, with the help of facial expressions he learns to understand the state of his comrades. The rest of the children give prompts, learn to compliment each other, create their own positive image. To teach children conflict-free communication, didactic games “ABC of Moods”, “What is good and what is bad”, etc. are used.

The presence of upholstered furniture in groups makes it possible to relax, view a photo album with group and family photographs, which helps to relieve stress, raise the mood.

A variety of magical objects: a hat, caps, a wand, a cloak, etc. help the teacher with the children to make wonderful trips and transformations, make communication with children fabulous, full of pleasant surprises, and not only during classes, but also in free play activities ...

To relieve emotional stress and the ability to express such a negative emotion as anger in a form acceptable to others, soft pillows and BB-bo dolls are used.

In the corner there is a basket with balls of multicolored threads (preparatory group No. 5, educators Naymushina NV, Korosteleva IV). Their goal: to calm down the naughty children, to teach them one of the techniques of self-regulation. By winding bright yarn into balls, the child calms down. Another option for using tangles is to foster a sense of belonging to a group, security in a team. In this case, the teacher also participates in the game. Winding the thread around the thumb of his right hand, the teacher begins to sing a song (for example, "Kolobok", "Teremok"). Then he passes the ball to the child, calling him by name, and he continues the song. By the end of the song, everyone is connected by one thread. Everyone removes the thread from their finger and puts it on the table. The attention of the children is drawn to the fact that the thread has not broken, and the children in the group will also be friends and help each other.

An important attribute of the psychological corner, the purpose of which is to teach children various ways of reconciliation after a quarrel is the cube "Mirilka." No. 6, educators Shavochkina V.A., Farkhullina I.V. 2 junior group No. 7, educators Styazhkina L.V., Shashova T.V.)

In addition, there are sports corners in the groups, where games with a ball, colorful ribbons, ropes for rallying children, increasing inner goodwill and the formation of self-acceptance are added.

Breathing exercises are widely used. Even, calm breathing - the mind is at rest, frequent - the mind is disturbed. Breathing exercises are aimed at calming the mind, developing flexibility and smoothness of movements, so doing them you can relieve stress points in the body and relax. Performing exercises of any complex develops the ability to concentrate.

Children, playing in the corner of psychological relief, feel much better, and, moreover, it is fun, funny and rewarding. This not only helps to relieve stress and fatigue, but it is also useful for children in that it has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's vestibular apparatus.

To foster aesthetic feelings and the ability to show your feelings on paper, a drawing corner has been organized. All works of children are displayed at the creative stand for parents.

And for parents in the reception there are consultations, recommendations and a “Box of Good Messages” in which they leave good messages and wishes to their children. The caregiver reads them to the child throughout the day as needed, thus reassuring the child.

Thus, the subject-developing environment we have created allows us to provide maximum psychological comfort for each child, to create opportunities for the development of cognitive processes, speech and the emotional-volitional sphere.

So, the administration of the preschool educational institution congratulates the winners of the competition.

The diploma for the 1st place was awarded to educators of the 2nd junior group No. 7, educators Styazhkina L.V., Shashova T.V.

Gratitude for the preparation of various psychological games, manuals announced

senior group No. 9 - educators Tsyganova N.V., Dmitrienko S.Ye.

group r \ in number 2 - educators Molchanova V.V., Talipova E.A.

preparatory group No. 5 - educators Naymushina NV, Korosteleva IV.

preparatory group № 6 - educators Shavochkina V.A., Farkhullina I.V.

early age group No. 3 - educators NP Beresneva, NA Vlasova

early age group No. 4 - educators Oskolkova TS, Koneva TN.

For the aesthetics of the design of the psychological corner

Middle group No. 10 - educators Khabrieva G.A., Reutova M.N.

For the creative approach and timeliness of the preparation of the material

senior group No. 12, educators Molchanova E.M., Chernetsova N.V.

Thanks to the teacher - psychologist S.A. Muzhikova, senior educator I.V. Novoselova, I.V. Cherepanova, L.V. Solokhina. for the organization and the jury of the competition.

Organization of psychological corners in a kindergarten group

In our turbulent time of crises and social changes, more and more children are appearing in need of psychological support. These are children with behavioral disorders, various neurological disorders.

We all know that correcting problems, treating neurological disorders is very difficult, sometimes it takes years, or even a whole life. Therefore, in our work, we pay great attention to the prevention of psychological disorders.

In practice, all psychologists are faced with the fact that their efforts, no matter how diligent they are, without the support of educators and, first of all, parents, unfortunately, do not achieve a positive result. Therefore, we pay great attention to improving the psychological literacy of parents and educators.

For parents, in addition to traditional visual information, various speeches at parent meetings, numerous individual consultations, we conduct joint parent-child trainings, in which parents learn to communicate with their children and not just communicate, but better understand and love them and themselves.

In order to expand the possibility of preventive work with children, we decided to organize psychological corners in each age group. The psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of a teacher for effective psychological support of children during the day.

When selecting material for psychological corners, we took into account the needs of children. Someone wants to take a break from the children's team, think about their mother, sit in silence, someone needs psycho-emotional relief, some child is aggressive and he needs help to throw out aggression so as not to harm other children and not keep it in himself. After all, the containment of aggression, emotional stress leads to various disorders of the central nervous system. Therefore, our task was to teach children acceptable forms of expression of aggression and create all the conditions for this. Thus, a zone for relaxation and self-regulation was created in the corner, which included the following materials:

A corner for privacy

A droplet chair or upholstered furniture. Photo albums with group and family photos;

Phone "Call Mom". The child can "call mom" and talk to her;

Whipping ball, bats, foam cushions. When a child fights, we explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and insults them, but it is very possible to beat a punching bag or a pillow;

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;

Tearing paper set;

The rug of anger. Our children know that if they are angry, you need to stomp on the rug and the anger will pass;

Screaming cups. If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his insult in a glass and it will become easier for him;

The thinking chair is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take away toys, but wait for another child to put them in place after playing, etc. The most important thing is that the chair should not be a punishment for children;

Magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, crumple plasticine, which also helps to calm down;

The bolt balls will help children practice regulating their breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warm them with our warm breath;

Didactic game "Collect the beads";

Colored balls of yarn of different sizes. By unwinding and reeling balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;

Massage balls - "hedgehogs". We teach children different ways of rolling balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. This "hedgehog" game helps the child to relieve muscle tension and calm down;

Mood pouches. If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” him in a “sad” bag, and from a “funny” bag he can “take” a good mood. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing with the palm of the chest, the child improves his mood.

Each group has children with low self-esteem. Therefore, in our corners there are boxes of good deeds, where children put the "seeds of good" received from the teacher for a good deed done, be it a chair brought up for a girl or helping a friend with dressing and other good deeds. At the end of the week, the teachers together with the children summarize the results, and the photographs of the children who have the most "grains of good" end up on the "Good Tree" - a kind of honor roll. This helps to increase the level of self-esteem in insecure children, fosters such moral qualities as mutual assistance, kindness, responsiveness.

The problem of children's communication, their ability to understand each other, to distinguish the mood of their comrade, to come to the rescue, etc. is very important. Therefore, in the zone of communicative development, we have games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

Games "Emotional Flower" and "Mood Cube" teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures;

- "The rug of friendship" and "Box for reconciliation" help quarreling children in a funny way to make peace with each other and after such a reconciliation, children quarrel much less often;

Booth "My mood". In the morning and during the day, the child can use emotional pictures to show his mood. This makes it easier for the educator to approach and support a sad, upset child;

Paired stickers can help children pair up if they have a problem.

So, in the psychological corner, three zones turned out:

Self-regulation and relaxation;

To improve self-esteem;

Development of communication skills and emotional sphere.

And in order to interest educators, the administration and I decided to hold a review-competition of psychological corners and stimulate it not only with gratitude, but also financially.

A regulation of the review competition was developed with the conditions for its holding prescribed in it, the members of the jury and the criteria by which the corners will be judged were indicated. Among the criteria, the following are highlighted:

Availability of material by zone;

Aesthetics and originality of design;

Feasibility of use;

I would like to note that this idea attracted the attention of educators and everyone took an active part.

The jury included: the head, the teacher-psychologist, the senior educator and two educators.

During the organization of the competition, we encountered a number of problems. First, where to get a place for this corner. How to arrange it. Decided individually for each group.

Educators showed their creativity, treated with understanding. In some groups, the corners were located in the bedroom, in one group they made a folding corner, somewhere the zones were taken to different places.

Secondly, where to get the funds? The educators did a lot themselves. The parents were of great help. They did something with their own hands, they brought something from home.

During the competition, the most difficult task for the jury was to determine the winners. Each group had its own flavor. Therefore, the first place was one, and the second and third places were two.

The winners were awarded with cash prizes and certificates. We marked all other participants of the competition by name with thanksgiving sheets, emphasizing the individuality of each corner.

It has only been a few months since our psychological corners started working, but the positive result is evident. Now children have the opportunity, as necessary, to relieve an aggressive state, psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, calm down, and improve their mood. In addition, games from the psychological corner help children recognize and analyze their emotional state. Children learn the techniques of self-regulation, acceptable forms of expression of aggression, and the skills of communicative interaction.

Many children have increased self-esteem, decreased aggressiveness, irritability. They have become more friendly and help each other.

And educators now have the opportunity to competently and timely help children and provide an alternative to “bad behavior "width =" 229 "height =" 304 src = "> "width =" 236 "height =" 292 ">

The psychoemotional state of a preschool child is notable for instability: babies still do not know how to adequately express their feelings, break into aggression, close in negative experiences. This affects not only the mental, but also the physical health of children. In order to teach children self-control, self-acceptance, a corner (center) of psychological relief is organized in each group.

The role of the psychological relief center

Modern children find it difficult to adapt to life in a group of peers, which is expressed in:

  • inability to control your anger, expressing it with open aggression;
  • disrespect for your comrades;
  • inability to manage their emotions, moods, feelings.

In this regard, the teacher is faced with the task of creating conditions for the formation of the emotional well-being of children. The model of the subject-developing environment - the center of psychological relief - helps to solve this problem.

The Psychological Relief Center helps children learn to calm down their negative emotions

Goals and objectives of the corner

  • creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort and an atmosphere of positive emotionality for an active, creative person (children can not only be alone with themselves, but also read, draw, etc.);
  • providing conditions for the development of voluntary self-regulation of the motor activity of babies, as well as their psychophysical, emotional state (with the help of games, simulators);
  • organization of work to develop the communicative competence of children, that is, the ability to negotiate, find a compromise, learn to defend their opinion (through play, cognitive activity).

The tasks of organizing a corner of psychological relaxation are universal for all groups of a preschool educational institution (DOU), but there are still some nuances associated with the age of the pupils.

  1. Self-regulation training, communication, conflict resolution. This task is especially relevant for children of primary preschool age who have survived or have just entered a crisis of three years, when the characteristic “I myself, mine” is faced with the same message from peers, which causes inevitable conflicts about who will play with this or that a toy, who will be the "water" in the game, and so on.
  2. Improving children's self-esteem. Increased attention to this task of the center is paid in the middle and senior groups, when the kids are very dependent on the assessment of authoritative adults, that is, parents and a caregiver.
  3. Teaching socially acceptable ways of behavior, that is, how to respond to a request, how to refuse if it is unacceptable, etc. I don’t want to ”, then with age it expands to“ it is necessary, because everyone does this ”,“ an adult said so ”. The child must be taught to navigate in this system.
  4. Fostering the skill of cooperation, a sense of emotional unity with the team. This aspect is of particular importance in the senior and preparatory groups, as children prepare for the transition to a new stage of life - education at school, where the entire educational system is built on the principle of cooperation.

It is very important to teach girls to cooperate, to put up with boys and vice versa, as with age the kids begin to be ashamed of each other, and from this avoid joint tasks, increasing the number of mutual grievances

Designing a center for psychological relief

The scale of the tasks facing the organization of a corner of psychological relaxation determines the requirements that the teacher must take into account when filling this block of the subject-developing environment with content.

It is interesting. To make the corner unique, many teachers prefer to fill it not only with ready-made stands, posters and toys, but also materials made by their own hands or by the efforts of parents (for example, felt applications of a sad smiley on a "little pillow").

The psychological relief center can be composed of two zones:

  • places for solitude (a tent or a tent spread over a chair), where kids can keep secret, dream, look at pictures, photographs;
  • table (shelf, open cabinet) with materials.

It is worth dwelling on the latter in detail, since it is the means used to organize work on psychological relaxation that determine the success of the implementation of the tasks set by this center of the subject-developing environment.

Materials and their purpose - table

RelaxationAn upholstered chair or small chair for reading, viewing photos.
"A chair for thought" (so that the kid can remember the rules of behavior he forgot, if he offended someone). An important element of the center for all ages.
"Magic chair" (to cheer up a sad child sitting on a chair, comrades come up, stroke him on the shoulder, say sweet words). Younger and middle-aged preschoolers also develop an active vocabulary.
Photo albums, soft toys, "Mom's hands" (mittens sewn by mom), shells, sea pebbles to sort through these objects in your hands. In younger groups, such work is also an excellent option for the development of fine motor skills.
Learning to Acceptable Expression of AggressionPunching bag, "cushion-cutter", "chanting jars", targets for sublimation of negative energy. These materials are more suitable for older groups, in younger groups it is better to use an "aggressive rug".
"Piggy bank of bad mood" (bad words, actions "put" in a piggy bank / can / box).
"Aggressive rug" (a thorny rug, so that, putting his hand on it, the baby feels how unpleasant it can be from someone's anger).
Learning self-control, techniques to regulate your moodAudio recordings with the sounds of nature (the sound of the sea, rustles of the forest, etc.) for relaxation.
Colored balls for thread rewinding and soothing.
Magic items (hat, shoes, cape) to feel like a magician and cheer up.
Games with sand (it is better if it is a small ready-made sandbox with molds), water, buttons (to fill the plot of the drawing along the contour), cereals (for sorting).
"Bags with mood" (in the "bad" we blow out the bad, from the "good" we take the good).
“A box of good deeds” (in order to get away from negative emotions, remember what was done good today and “put” this act in a box). Working with these materials will be understandable for older preschoolers, who can already quite consciously assess others' and their own actions.
Emotional developmental games for teaching the skill of conflict-free communication"Peaceful box" (those who quarreled shake hands, passing them into a box with cut holes), "A pillow of reconciliation" with gloves sewn to it on an elastic band (children sit on the pillow together and thread one hand through a glove), "Island of reconciliation" ( the principle is the same as the pillows, but only a blanket is used as an island).
Games "ABC of Moods", "What is good, what is bad?"
"Mood board" (for example, in the form of a traffic light with pockets-emoticons expressing different moods - fun, sadness, neutral, the child takes his photo, attached to a stick, and puts it in a suitable pocket).
Decreased anxiety, increased self-esteemA podium where children who excel in a particular activity are invited. For example, the fastest runner in a walk event.
The “Hero of the Day” stand, where 1–2 photographs of children who have distinguished themselves with something positive today (at school, on a walk, etc.) are determined. In the younger and middle groups, it is worth changing the "heroes" twice a day, so that the children have the right motivation to try.
"Honor Chair" - an alternative to the podium (if there is a lack of space), for which a "magic chair" is used - just throw in a blanket.
Teaching collaboration skills in a teamGames "Twister", "Caterpillar", "Funny rug".
Education of aesthetic feelings, the ability to demonstrate your mood"Exhibition of drawings" (children express their feelings on paper and attach sketches with a magnet to a small magnetic board).

Photo Gallery: Practical Application of Some Materials

Blowing anger into the bag, the baby splashes out his negative emotions, resentment One of the options for working with the ABC of Mood is a selection of pictures depicting the same moods.

Tools for decorating a corner

The organization of materials in the center of psychological relief follows the standard model:

  • a stand with pictures (about the rules of behavior, in older groups - with illustrated harmful advice by G. Oster), as well as free space for the exhibition of pictures (if a magnetic board is not intended for this purpose);
  • a table, chest of drawers or open shelves for placing materials;
  • boxes for storing small items (buttons, pebbles, etc.);
  • books (either in one way or another related to the issues of friendship, kindness, rules of behavior - poems by S. Mikhalkov, fairy tales by V. Suteev, etc., or those that are interesting to children at a particular age, for example, fairy tales about Moomins T Jansson for the preparatory group).

What you can do with your own hands

In principle, any means for organizing a corner of psychological relief can be bought. However, this approach will deprive the element of the subject-developing environment of individuality. For the aesthetic education of preschoolers, it is very important to see around you objects created by human hands, especially moms, dads, grandmothers. Therefore, in the design of the center it is possible (and necessary) to add elements made by the adults themselves, and in the senior and preparatory groups - by the children themselves.

How to name

Since the essence of the concept of "psychological relief" is difficult for children to understand, the corner is usually called so that it becomes clear to the kids its purpose:

  • "My mood";
  • "A small country of good people";
  • "The Land of Emotions";
  • "Island of Happiness";
  • "Land of Friendship";
  • "Corner of solitude".

Video: excursion to the corner of psychological relief

Photo gallery: sketches of the design of the psychological relief center

Usually, the center of psychological relief is arranged in the corner of the room. The center of psychological relief must have upholstered furniture so that the child can relax. emotionally developing and didactic games

Work in the corner of psychological relief

The goals and objectives of organizing a center for psychological relaxation, play activity is determined by the leading method of activity in this subject-developing zone. To create a situation of success - the implementation of the basic principle in working with children - individual, pair and group forms of work are used. As well as elements of theatricalization, when kids play the roles of both positive and negative characters, they try to evaluate both.

Table: types of games in the center of psychological relief

Game typeChildren's ageNameGoal and move
DidacticYounger preschool age"Birds"For the development of emotional sympathy for each other, training of facial muscles.
The teacher waves a magic wand, and the children "turn" into birds. After the words: "The sun has risen, the birds opened their eyes, flapped their wings and flew to greet each other."
Average"Good bad"To develop the ability to evaluate your own and others' good and bad deeds.
The teacher distributes cards to children depicting a bad deed (for example, a boy pours water from the balcony on the heads of passers-by), the kid must independently pick up a good deed adequate to the situation from the “bank” of cards (the boy watering the flowers on the balcony). As an option: the teacher distributes the cards into two groups, deliberately confusing the "good-bad". Children should take turns to sort the pictures correctly.
Senior Preschool Age"Affectionate name"For the formation of the correct attitude towards comrades, the development of the intonation side of speech.
Children sit in a circle and pass the ball from hand to hand, affectionately pronouncing the name of the neighbor.
Emotionally developingJr"Connecting thread" with glomeruliTo master the skill of working in a group, fostering a sense of camaraderie.
Children sit in a circle, the first kid takes the tail of the thread, gives the hank to the next, which passes the ball on, holding on to its part of the thread.
Average"Box of Secrets"For relaxation.
The kid closes his eyes. The teacher runs any object on his hand and asks: "What is this?" Alternatively, the child can simply take out objects and examine them. The game is played individually.
Senior"Glade of Mood"To determine your emotional state, to train self-regulation skills.
The child enters the "clearing" in the form of a blanket or a colored rug and talks about his mood. The game is for the whole group.

It is interesting. For the most part, games in the corner of psychological relief are universal for any age. Some of the emotionally developing fun are traditional in nature. For example, the use of "mood boards" or "peace cushions" to reconcile the quarreling.


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