How to use a beveled blush brush. Angled vs. Rounded Blush Brush: Which Option To Choose And Why? What shape should the blush brush be?

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The choice of brushes, like cosmetics, is determined by an individual request: a spatula for a dense foundation is not useful for those who use only powder, and the softest brush may be useless against tightly knit blush. But according to general recommendations, it will turn out to collect a good basic set of brushes, which then, having gained experience, can be supplemented. And yes, it is important to remember that brushes can be used for other purposes (concealer - for lipstick, and vice versa), and this is the main charm.


Strictly speaking, duofiber is a class of brushes for different types of products: eyeshadows, blush, foundation, highlighters and others. Brushes with both natural and synthetic bristles can be of different shapes and sizes, but they are all very delicate, so there is no better tool for fine application and thorough shading. Perhaps starting your acquaintance with them is with the famous MAC 187 - with it, even a blood-red pigment like Nars Exhibit A can be imagined as a natural blush.

Beveled brush

Arrows are most often drawn with a beveled brush - this shape is really ingenious and allows even beginners to draw fairly straight lines. Of course, it is also possible to simply bring her eyes down to her, and she is also the best suited for drawing eyebrows. You can find a similar brush in the appropriate department of almost any brand: even in the well-proven L'Etoile, even in Bobbi Brown.


Funny short kabuki brushes are designed to work with tightly compressed media. A thick, ball-shaped pile, like this Givenchy, applies bronzers, powders, blush well, and he also manages, as they say, to polish the skin - therefore, it is especially convenient to rub complex textured things like cream powder with such a brush.

For a dense tone

The most common form of brush for such tools is a spatula, or "tongue"; every brand, even a small one, has such. But the "star" brush Shiseido 131 for a dense tonal unexpected shape: dense, artificial fiber, with a completely flat cut, as if the top of a kabuki was cut off. She perfectly drives in the most viscous textures, and it is physically impossible for her to leave untouched strips of cream - and this is often the sin of spatulas.

For shading shadows

The right eye shadow blending brush can inspire experimentation for those who have never thought of eye makeup before. Difficult gradations of shades and that very haze in smoky eyes cannot be done with a bad - or inappropriate - brush. Softness, elasticity, some fluffiness, not trimmed, but gathered edge and small size are important at the same time. Many people call the classic MAC 217 the best option, but Evgeny Cosmetics Crease Brush, created by makeup artist Evgeny Lukyanenko, is even more praised by experienced ones.

For blush

In general, the blush brush, as we will explain below, can be replaced with a neat powdery one. But if you find one, a specialized one is still worth purchasing. If you choose a fluffy beveled one, it will be comfortable for contouring and, and a more sophisticated concept with a “broken” handle, like Japonesque, will not only simplify life, but also open up new horizons - the tools inspire no less than the shades.

For a manicure

Nobody ever succeeds in painting nails with a brush from a bubble ideally, but not everyone is unhappy with this. Particularly critical to the quality of application is to get a brisk, flexible and flat brush made of artificial fiber to touch up the cuticle border and remove varnish from the skin around the nail. If the plans are also, a brush for fine lines will also be useful - they are usually marked "for eyeliner".

For powder

This brush should be large and soft so as not to pick up too much product and quickly spread it over the face. She, of course, can be applied not only powder: for a bronzer and highlighter, it is also quite suitable, and if you choose a medium-sized brush, you can apply blush to it - some quite convenient blush brushes are just reduced copies of powdery ones.

For lipstick

It is convenient to apply new lipstick straight from the tube, but when it is grinded, it takes a long time to paint it neatly. To avoid the latter and approach lipsticks and glosses of complex texture, you should get a special brush. You can choose any artificial pile and a suitable shape: it is convenient to paint over small lips with a small brush. A separate bonus for lipstick brushes is their compactness: most often they are made folding and equipped with a cap that allows you to carry them with you everywhere.

Eyebrow comb

How important shaped eyebrows are, we already. If a suitable brush was not included in the set with gel or wax for eyebrows, you should buy a separate one (however, if you do not use gel or wax, it is also worth buying). From the entire list, it is perhaps the least versatile and will fit only for combing eyebrows and eyelashes. On the other hand, you cannot replace it with any other brush.

When applying makeup, you just need to use makeup brushes. There are many reasons for that: firstly, high-quality brushes blend any layer of foundation or powder, due to which there is no mask effect, and secondly, you will ensure yourself complete antibacteriality, since when you make a make-up with your fingers, you can apply a large amount of bacteria to the skin, which subsequently leads to acne and blackheads, and thirdly, brushes provide comfort and convenience both when using a foundation and when shading eyeshadows and blush. In the article below, we will take a look at the best makeup brushes, study their characteristics and reviews.

Rating TOP 7 best makeup brushes

  • SIGMA F65.
  • NYX Makeup Pro Kabuki.
  • QVS.
  • ZINGER SB1004.
  • Zoeva 101 Luxe Face Definer.

Let's take a closer look at the assortment presented.


Introducing a large concealer brush designed to apply creamy textures to wide areas of the face. The model is made of synthetic bristles, but despite this, it does not cause allergies at all and is pleasant for sensitive skin. Liquid or cream blush can also be applied with this product. The main feature of the model is soft shading and professional purpose, which makes the makeup effective and attractive.

Price: from 1450 to 1670 rubles.

  • comfortable to hold in hand;
  • high-quality shading the first time;
  • suitable for professional use;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction.
  • not found.

A very high quality model, I have been using it for 2-3 years already. The villi are not frayed, although I only use this brush for applying makeup. Does not cause allergies, even though it is synthetic. Just remember to wash it every time you apply the make-up, otherwise you can get sore acne. I am satisfied with the product, I recommend it.

makeup brush SIGMA F65

Greetings, dear readers!

Do you use blush? What do you usually use? Maybe this is a strange question, because usually a small brush is applied to their compact version. But, believe me, this is not at all the same.

If you want to achieve ideal application, you need a professional blush brush. It is not cheap, but I can say with confidence that a good brush “does the whole business,” that is, makeup.

Applying blush on your face is also a kind of art, and quality accessories simplify this business several times. Therefore, further I will try to talk about what should be paid for when buying brushes, what materials they are made of and which ones are better suited for this or that type of blush.

Perhaps some of you have tried applying blush with your finger or even a puff, but this decorative tool requires a more delicate approach to its use. Usually blush brushes are slightly different from those used for applying powder, they are usually a little less.

Depending on what kind of result you want to get on your face, brushes are divided into the following types:

This marching an option that you can easily carry with you in your purse. It can be produced with both natural and synthetic "bristles". Such a brush has a retractable mechanism, with the help of which the pile is hidden in the case, and can be easily removed at your request. By extending, you can adjust the length and density of the pile.

You can often find a brush two in one, that is, intended for application and blush.

This saves money, just do not forget which side you are picking up the blush, and which powder, it is best to make a mark on the handle of the brush, for example, with nail polish.

The makeup artist will tell you more about the trick in the next video.

A little about the pile

Basically, blush brushes are available with natural and synthetic bristles, and as in the case of duofiber - double. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

  • Natural.

Such brushes are made from wool of various animals, it can be ponies, goats, squirrels, martens and sables. Usually their pile is much softer than synthetic, and it is a pleasure to apply blush with them, such makeup looks more natural and delicate.

Giving preference to a natural brush, you should know that it works well only when paired with crumbly blush, liquid and cream will only glue the entire pile and ruin the application of cosmetics on the face.

One of the main disadvantages of natural materials is their ability to cause allergic reaction... Therefore, if you know in advance that you are allergic to wool, then it is better to choose the synthetic option. Also, it is worth noting that the price of a brush for blush with natural bristles can be high, the most expensive reaches about 10,000 rubles.

  • Synthetic.

The artificial material allows the brush to last much longer than its natural counterpart. It is easy to clean using soap or any shampoo. She has more low the price and copes well with creamy and liquid blush consistencies. Such a brush is made mainly from plastic and acrylic fibers.

Cheap options can create discomfort when applying cosmetics. tingling... Basically, it depends on the manufacture of the brush, if the pile is typed by hand, then it is softer, if it is simply cut off, then it is tougher. Therefore, even when purchasing synthetic brushes, you need to give preference to more expensive and high quality ones.

The main criteria for choosing a brush

If you decide to buy yourself a high-quality blush brush, then this matter should be approached responsibly. When buying this accessory through the online store, carefully read the reviews. When buying a blush brush in a regular store, pay attention to the following parameters:

If you want your brush not to fall apart after a week, pay attention to the part that you will be holding in your hand. Firstly, so that it is comfortable, and secondly, so that the metal tip does not come off. Examine your potential purchase from all angles. If something is wrong, then put the tool where you took it.

These were the main quality parameters, but there are also other criteria for choosing a blush brush. For example, if your blush is too bright, then the brush must be chosen with a loose bristle to make the coating more natural. But for gentle, unsaturated with pigment, shades, on the contrary, can be given preference to a thick, harder pile.

That's all, in general. I hope that now you have no problem pick up yourself a great blush brush. It will help you create flawless makeup, and with it a great mood.

Ruddy cheeks for you! See you!

Blush is the key to high-quality makeup. They correct the facial features and refresh it, giving a healthy tone to the cheekbones. With the question: "How to choose a brush for blush?" sooner or later, every girl comes across who wants to emphasize her beauty. In order not to look like a matryoshka, you need to choose a tool for the pigmentation of blush and also know the correct technique for applying decorative cosmetics. How do professional brushes differ from the "mass market" category and what is their cost? All of this will be covered in this article.

Manufacturing material

Make-up tools manufacturers use artificial and natural materials. If using synthetic bristles, this blush brush can be used to apply concealers, concealers and creamy products. O Artificial brushes are more durable and easy to clean. The second important advantage is the price, which is lower than natural counterparts. Another important advantage of synthetic bristles is the lack of allergies among users.

Taclon brushes made of synthetic material are indistinguishable from sable or squirrels. They are elastic and retain their original shape for a long time. At the same time, natural pile is made from squirrel, goat, marten, pony, sable wool. In this case, the structure of the brush is porous, so it is impossible to achieve uniform application of liquid products. But for blush and such a tool is exactly what you need. In addition, the sensations from the distribution of a decorative product with a natural bristle are much more pleasant than a synthetic "fluffy" instrument passing over the skin.

Execution options

The shape of how the hairs of the brush are grouped determines the technique of applying the blush and the visible effect of makeup. The working area of ​​the tool can be round, beveled, oval and trapezoidal. The round blush brush (photo below) is suitable for a natural effect of coloring the apples of the cheeks. The application technique is standard: from the temple to the center of the face along the cheekbones.

Oval and beveled tool heads can be used in pairs. The one-sided angular arrangement of the pile helps to achieve a neat pigmentation of the cheekbones. But the oblong brush is able to qualitatively shade the applied product with a tool with a beveled pile.

Trapezoidal brushes are often found with bicolor hairs. They are universal in that the lower layer is made of natural material, and the upper one is made of artificial material. This tool is used for both creamy textures and dry blush. The technique of applying a decorative product with trapezoidal brushes is point, flat edge, after which shading is applied.

Blush brush: how to choose?

When the need to purchase such an indispensable tool for every girl's makeup bag came, first you should decide on the choice of blush. The fact is that the density of the filling of the brushes depends on how the decorative agent will be recruited and distributed over the cheekbones. It is important to use not too harsh for bright blush, otherwise there is a possibility of overdoing it with the color on the face and focusing on the cheeks. And high-quality makeup should look harmonious.

Therefore, before purchasing a "fluffy" assistant, you need to focus on the choice of blush. If they are of a hard texture, then the bristles of the brush should be stiff, but in the case when the color of the selected product is not bright. Soft bristles are suitable for natural shades. The dense padding of the brush is convenient for products with small to medium pigmentation.

The shape of the tool for the first experience of applying blush is better to choose a flattened oval. The same as in the photo above. It is ideal for easy distribution of not only pigments, but also loose foundations.

How to define quality?

As it turned out, if the pile of a make-up tool is artificial, then this does not mean poor quality. But when a natural brush is purchased for a considerable amount, naturally, one wants to buy not a “pig in a poke”, but at least a “goat on a rod”. By the way, the most expensive brushes from the natural category are made from sable wool and gray squirrel.

Your best bet is to purchase from a certified blush brush point of sale. Which is better? Self-observation on the spot will prompt you. First, you should visually inspect the tool. The handle should be smooth, especially wooden handles. There should be no cracks or chips on them. The next control element is a metal clip, which serves as a base for the pile. It should firmly press the "bristle" of the tool. When tilting the hairs to the side, you need to look at the size of the gap between the pile and the clip - it should not be more than 1 mm. It is important when buying to determine the hardness of the brush. To do this, you should hold it in the palm of your hand. If unpleasant sensations arise, then this purchase option is not preferable.

Popular firms and cost

The perfect application of cosmetic decorative products often requires the use of quality tools. Firms MAC, Yachio, Suqqu, Bobbi Brown, Dior produce brushes for professional makeup. Their cost varies from 2.5 thousand rubles. The most expensive example is the Japanese version of the professional tool - the Suqqu cheek brush. Such a blush brush costs more than 10 thousand rubles! And what is most interesting, even for that kind of money, it is not so easy to get it.

The cost of a tool from the MAC company varies from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles. Popular models for applying blush: No. 116, 129, 168, 130.

The Nars Yachio product has a very attractive design by François Nars. The Japanese brush is preferred by lovers of unusual and stylish things. It costs 5.5 thousand rubles. The accessory is shown in the photo below.

For an American product from Bobbi Brown, a Russian user has to pay 4 thousand rubles. At the same time, the domestic firm Roubloff produces brushes for both artistic and makeup. An oval-shaped tool for blush made from squirrel hair costs 2–2.5 thousand rubles. By choosing goat hair, you can save up to 1.5 thousand. The Russian manufacturer claims that special processing of the artificial material helps to achieve a similar structure to natural hair. Such brushes, imitating natural bristles, cost up to a thousand rubles.

Blush brush: reviews

After reading the opinions of users on the use of tools for applying blush, we can conclude: if the product was bought in specialized stores and the product met the quality requirements, then during its use there were no problems. Negative reviews indicate primarily the high cost of a foreign product. But domestic brushes, especially the Ha-24 with beveled bristles, received only positive ratings. It is noted that they perfectly pick up the product and give it away, and it is a pleasure to shade them. Among the reviews, there is also the opinion that goat brushes are a little prickly, but artificial ones with a pile that imitates squirrel wool are very soft and pleasant.


In order to always have the best blush brushes at hand, you must follow some rules for their use:

  • Makeup tools are considered individual items, so only one person is allowed to use them.
  • When applying liquid textures, the brush must be rinsed after use.
  • Tools made from natural bristles need special cleaners; artificial brushes can be washed with water and shampoo or soap.
  • After water treatment and before the next use, the instrument must be completely dry.
  • It is necessary to store brushes in cases or stands.


Applying blush in one stroke is a common and simple technique. The swab should start from the temple and end in the middle of the cheek towards the nose. You cannot apply blush without foundation and powder - they turn out to be uneven. In addition, the emphasis on the cheeks made on a face of a heterogeneous color is bad manners.

Remember that the technique of applying the number three will give relief to the image. Such a blush outline looks great on the face without bright makeup. The starting point of the brush movement is the temple, then there is the cheekbone and the last curl - along the edge of the face to the chin.

Many women suffer for years using the included brush to apply blush. But using it is pointless. It's like eating the first course with a fork. If the blush on the face looks unnatural, then the whole "make-up" will look comical.

Choosing a quality brush

We go to the store. Our task is to choose a wide brush with natural bristles. With its help, you can evenly apply the decorative agent. This means that the makeup will be as natural as possible. When using a quality tool, you will hardly be able to overdo it. However, one must approach his choice wisely.

Despite the large number of online stores, you shouldn't blindly purchase a set of makeup brushes. To understand whether a tool is suitable, you need to personally inspect it, estimate the width, check the quality of the hairs.

Natural and synthetic bristles

What should you consider first when choosing a set of makeup brushes (including blush)? This is a pile. It can be natural or synthetic. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Now we will tell you about them.

The main advantages of synthetics are economy and durability. In addition, it does not require special care (easy to clean). Synthetic brushes are great for creamy, oily and viscous textures. Such cosmetics will clog and glue the natural pile. But they can't beat synthetics.

Natural bristles are soft and delicate, which makes it more beneficial to the skin. For the manufacture of such brushes, sable fur, squirrels or a column are often used. This pile is characterized by fluffiness and porosity. It is more suitable for dry and loose blush.

It should be noted that there are also mixed brushes in which natural bristles are combined with synthetic ones. They are recognized due to the fact that the artificial pile will always be lighter. These brushes are recommended for oily blush.

Pile hardness and density

These characteristics should directly depend on the cosmetic product you choose. The denser the brush is filled, the more particles of the cosmetic product it will capture. This is undesirable for too bright and dark blush. Bright cheeks are considered bad form even for evening makeup.

Dense and tough bristles work well for light blush and pastel shades. It is most convenient to apply ball decorative products with a wide fluffy brush. For a compact blush, a soft natural bristle is preferred.

What are the shapes of brushes

So, we have decided on the materials. Now you need to understand what shape the blush brushes should have. This is also important for perfect makeup. There are several of the most versatile brush shapes. They will be discussed below.

Round brushes great for feathering blush, as well as perfectly camouflaged feathering of borders. However, she will not succeed in making thin lines. What is the main task of such a brush? In a uniform application of the product to the selected area of ​​the face.

Beveled brush for blush - a real salvation for the ladies. The special cut of the pile allows for well-defined lines. With this brush, you can accurately apply blush, draw verticals, create borders, highlight accents and emphasize all the necessary nuances. Also, a tool of this shape will provide a soft feathering.

Fan brushes are no less demanded product. The special structure, softness and elasticity of the pile - all this allows you to successfully complete makeup and remove excess blush, without damaging the work performed. This sophisticated fan fancies the face, removing all the excess particles of crumbling decorative cosmetics from it.

Popular firms

When thinking about how to choose a blush brush, all girls face one important problem. Each manufacturing company offers its own ideal product, which in fact can be very disappointing.

To purchase a high-quality and comfortable brush, first you need to familiarize yourself with the main products that the cosmetics and services market offers. But, leaning towards one choice or another, you need to understand that each tool has an individual pile structure and its own unique nap cut, which allows you to apply blush in completely different ways.

BrushesMAC- This is a great option for both home use and professional makeup. The hairy part of the tool has a radial cut, forming a circle shape. The pile keeps its shape perfectly due to the density and elasticity of each hair. This, in turn, is very convenient in the process of applying cosmetics. When using a brush of this brand, the blush is applied in an even and thin layer, regardless of the direction of movement of the tool.

BrushesBobbi Brown are especially popular. And all thanks to the soft bristles and rounded shape. This tool allows you to apply the optimal amount of blush and distribute it evenly over the selected area.

"Avon" beveled blush brush... It is not hard to guess what is the peculiarity of this tool. It is a beveled pile shape that allows you to perfectly accentuate your cheekbones. The brush is soft and skin-friendly. Its pile is made from natural materials. The concentration of hairs is sufficient to achieve the desired cosmetic effect.

What else do beautiful ladies need to know? They spend a lot of money on the purchase of brushes. Of course, they want the tools to last as long as possible. It all depends on the quality of the pile from which the brush is made. Before buying a product in a store, we carefully examine it. It doesn't matter if it's artificial or natural. The main thing is that the hairs are firmly attached to the handle. Be sure to sniff the pile. It should not emit an unpleasant chemical odor.

What else should you pay attention to? Check if the pile is falling, if there are any “holes” or “bald spots” in the brush. This is a very important point. The pile should be dense, thick and soft - only thanks to these qualities, you can make an ideal visage.

If we talk about hypoallergenicity and the quality of materials, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to check this in a store. These characteristics appear over time, after several uses. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is best to choose brushes from reputable manufacturers and brands. And the price and quality should be pleasantly combined with each other.

Brush care

The frequency of instrument maintenance is determined by their intended use. Powder and blush brushes are washed once a week (as needed). To prevent the pile from falling out, the tool must be handled with care, while washing the base requires special care. If suddenly it loosens, then it will be problematic to perform precise movements and strokes.

How to wash a blush brushright

Makeup tools must be kept clean. Today, there are a large number of special liquids for washing brushes. Thanks to their use, it will be possible to quickly and inexpensively clean everything. The liquid is simply applied to a napkin and the nap is wiped with it. Whenever possible, only professional cleaning products should be used to clean all tools.

If no product is available, the blush brush can be washed in another way. A small amount of warm water is poured into the palm, a little special product or shampoo is added there. The resulting solution must be slightly foamed and rinsed with a brush there. As a result, the pile is thoroughly washed under running water. When the cleaning agent is completely washed off, the villi are slightly squeezed out without disturbing their shape.

How to dry your brushes properly

The tool has been washed. The brushes should then be dried away from various heat sources. We place them horizontally. Be sure to put a towel on the surface, and wipe the handle dry.

Under no circumstances should you put undried tools in a glass, as water will get on the base and fasteners, which will lead to the destruction of the adhesive base. The most favorable conditions for drying brushes are gradual drying, without using high temperatures. Remember this.

How to use the blush brush

When performing makeup, you need to understand that applying blush, like other decorative cosmetics, is a conditional rule. The whole process is individual for each girl and the characteristics of her face.

However, make-up artists do not get tired of repeating that the blush line must be smoothly laid from the ear cavity to the nose (it is cut off without completing it). There are basic criteria for "sculpting" different types of faces:

  • Elongated. The look will be most harmonious if the blush is applied in a horizontal line from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear.
  • Round. The line should be drawn from the ear downward, thinning it. With this trick, the face can be visually made narrower.
  • Triangular. In this case, all lines should expand towards the center of the face. At the edges, they are made narrower (the cheekbones are expressive).
  • Square. A line of blush is drawn to the nose obliquely from the ear cavity.

The choice of a brush for blush depends not only on the quality of the make-up made, but also on the time it takes to complete it. Therefore, it is worth taking this issue seriously. If blush in a cosmetic bag can be inexpensive, then the brush must be of high quality (from a reputable manufacturer). Simple tips will help you make the right choice. Your task is to purchase an instrument that is optimal in terms of price and quality ratio.


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