The dog is expectorated with white mucus. The dog fed to the bone

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Cough in dogs can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some reasons are non-serious and do not require treatment to a veterinary doctor, others can represent the danger to the life of the dog. The cough may appear in the event that the dog suppressed something and with serious problems with the lungs and heart in the dog. Therefore, for helping the animal, you must first answer the question - why does the dog cough?

To clarify the cause of cough, it is important to know:

What kind of breed and what age is a dog;

Dog cough symptoms - how long it lasts, as expressed - hard, dry, wet, expectorant, etc.;

Cough is manifested during recreation or exercise;

Is there a discharge of the nasal sinuses of the dog;

Whether she lost it;

Did not become more sluggish and depressed;

Whether dogs have no cough and snot at the same time.

All changes that have occurred lately with the dog must be taken into account when establishing the causes of cough.

An important element of the diagnosis is the inspection of the animal. First of all, you need to look at the gums of the animal and find out if they did not acquire a pale or bluish-blue tint if they had ulcers or hemorrhage. In addition, you need to forgive the trachea, neck, the stomach of the dog. In addition, it is necessary to check for an increase in the lymph nodes of the animal and measure the temperature of the dog.

In most cases, dog cough is caused by one of the following reasons:

Features of some breeds of dogs (Brachicephalov, that is, dogs with shortened jaws - bulldogs, griffons, etc.);


Adenovirosis (infectious tracheoobronchitis);

Teeth diseases;

Infections in the oral cavity;

Collapse, or falling the trachea;



Irritation of the respiratory tract;

Heart disease (especially heart failure);

Dilatation cardiomyopathy;

Tumors of different genes in the lungs (including lung cancer and adenocarcinoma)

Viral cough

The cough of infectious nature most often appears due to the dog infection with infectious tracheosobril, or nursery (aviary) cough. The disease is caused by the causative agents of Bordatella Bronchiseptica and several more groups of organisms, including mycoplasma.

Infection occurs after contacting a healthy dog \u200b\u200bwith a patient or recovering. The first symptoms arising are a strong dry cough of a dog. He appears within a few days after infection - the dog begins to cough so, as if her throat was stuck in her throat. Sometimes the enclosed cough is manifested only when stress - for example, if the dog is too excited and tense. The difference between this disease, for which it got the name "nursery cough" is that it is common in places of collecting dogs, especially where they are facilitated in the grindiness - that is, first of all, in the nursery and shelters. There is a risk of catching the disease and pet stores, on dog trainings, at exhibitions, in veterinary clinics, on sites for dog walking, etc. - Quite a simple stay next to the contaminated dog for a few minutes to have passed the infection.

Other symptoms of this disease are the refusal of food, an increase in almonds, tracheal irritation, in more rare cases - foaming the foam liquid (the dog coughes foam). Usually such a cough continues for one to three weeks, but if they are infected with a dog with narrow tracheans, prone to falling, cough can continue much longer. Sometimes the disease causes cough and a runny nose in the dog. The dog of any breed and any age can be sick, but most often it affects dogs with congenital abnormalities in the development of the respiratory system, causing bronchiectases and chronic bronchitis.

The nursery cough can flow in light and heavy shape. In the first case, it does not pose a threat to the life and health of the dog. If the disease proceeds complicated, the dog appears apathy, separation from eyes and nose, loss of appetite, increasing body temperature and even signs of pneumonia. Sometimes the symptoms are similar to signs of the plague of dogs. In this case, the nursery cough requires urgent appeal to the veterinarian. For weakened animals and especially for puppies, lethal outcomes are possible. With timely treatment for the help of a beneficial treatment prediction, however, it may require a chest x-ray to eliminate complications.

For the treatment of the disease, expectorant means and anti-leaving drugs are used, antibiotics are prescribed during the severe course of the disease. It is important to remember that the means against cough cannot be appointed without an expectorant, because it will begin the wet wet. And if you install the house humidifier at home, the dog will recover even faster, because the mucous membrane of the throat, thanks to it, will be constantly moisturized, which will facilitate the dog breathing. In addition, it is necessary to provide an animal to peace, and in the room where the dog is contained, the air should be warm, but not too dry. The contact of the infected dog with others is unacceptable.

For the prevention of dog infection, the nursery cough is recommended to vaccinate dogs against adenoviral respiratory infection. Special attention should be paid to puppies, first of all taken from dog shelters - due to crowded aviary, such dogs are particularly often infected with a viral tracherthite.

Cough caused by mechanical damage or foreign bodies

Foreign bodies are detected in dogs in the upper respiratory tracts, it is infrequent, but they can also be caused by cough. Getting into the respiratory pathways of the dog. Foreign bodies may if it exists in swallowing - for example, with the defeats of its central nervous system, an angina or simply with fast and greedy ingestion. As a result, in the larynx, the trachea, the lungs or bronchi dogs the inflammatory process, causing cough with blood from the dog.

It is possible to suspect foreign objects to enter the hitting of foreign objects in the respiratory tract, turning attention to the character of the cough - it is repeated by the attacks, convulsive, sometimes with a blood impurity and wheezing, suffocate, is accompanied by a refusal of food and water. Also can appear foam allocations from the nasal sinuses of the dog. The dog coughs as if he was suppressed, trying to "jump off".

Extract foreign object is possible only in the conditions of a veterinary clinic, under general anesthesia. Endoscope is used for this purpose. However, in particularly difficult cases, it is not necessary without tracheotomy or an operation on an animal chest. If the foreign body is in respiratory tract for a long time, there is a danger of the development of bronchopneumonia, emphysema of the lungs, pleuritis, bronchial asthma. In addition, the sharp edges of the subject can scratch the respiratory tract and lead to pneumothorax. Therefore, it is important to directly seek help to the veterinarian. It is necessary to remember that in no case in this situation can not be poisoned by an animal with oil or laxative means.

In addition, the cough can be caused by mechanical damage, or obstacles when air access to the animal respiratory tract is limited - for example, when squeezing the throat (stroke, a chain or a leash), the occurrence of a tumor or the presence of a liquid in the respiratory tract of the dog. In this case, often the dog coughes blood, often the dog coughes and tears at the same time.

With solar and thermal beaches, traumatic shock may also have problems with breathing coughing. In addition, if the dog inspired poisoning substances, carbon monoxide or light gas, as well as when swallowing a poison, a dog can start coughing. Such cases require immediate reference to veterinary help, because it is a big risk for the life of the dog.

Allergic cough

As a rule, accompanied by sneezing, tearing, gum blueness, redness of the eyes, sometimes - rash on the skin. Often wears seasonal. It can be caused by both food allergies and a reaction to dust, chemicals, plants, insect bites, repellents and sprays from ticks. To treat the allergic cough in the dog separately does not make sense - it is necessary to examine for the identification of the cause of allergies and comprehensive treatment.

Cough because of heart disease

Heart diseases often show themselves as a symptom as coughing. Diseases of the heart in dogs, as a rule, begin with damage to the mitral valve located on the left side of the heart. When conducting X-ray or ultrahography, a veterinarian will notice a round-round, enlarged heart shape. In the lungs of dogs, liquid accumulates, which, together with an enlarged heart, squeeze the trachea, causing permanent cough from the animal. In this case, another symptom is added - the gum of the gums of the dog. Most often, old dogs suffer from a mitral valve deficiency, causing heart cough in dogs.

Another problem causing a cough dog may be a dilatation cardiomyopathy, which suffer most often dogs of large breeds. Dogs whose weight is less than 7 kg is very rarely carriers of this disease. The disease is developing with a rapid pace, the dog coughs strongly, you can reveal arrhythmia.

Cough as a result of oncological diseases

If the dog is an elderly, then the probable cause of cough can be a tumor in the lungs. It can be primary or secondary if it is metastasized from other neoplasms. In addition to cough, in such cases there are the appearance of shortness of breath, as well as a reduction in mobility and general activity.

Most often, the dogs are encountered by type I adenocarcy, in this case the condition of the dog can be improved when using bronchodilitics, steroids and bronchus.

What to do if the dog cough is help and prevention

Of course, if your dog coughed several times, with her good health, and it does not contain blood or worms in the cough - it is not excluded that there is nothing worried about, although it is still worth a couple of days behind the pet. If the cough convulsive, not allowing the dog to breathe if the dog coughs constantly more than a day, if the dog cough and vomiting, if the animal is given or chips, or the cough is accompanied by an increase in temperature, diarrhea, refusal from food, etc. - You must immediately take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

Turning on time to the vet, the owner increases the chances of dogs to cure from cough and avoiding complications.

When a person has a cough, it means that the body is trying to clean the throat or indicates the presence of a cold. Sometimes cough can talk about the presence of more serious problems, such as pneumonia or lung cancer. Cough in dogs may indicate a number of problems. Cough type, sometimes depending on, may indicate different problems. Consider the moments you need to know about the cough in dogs.

Dog cough and its causes

Cough in dogs, as a rule, manifests itself in the form dry deep cough. Usually the cough is enhanced during loads. If your dog has in contact with other animals, it is possible that there is an infection with a highly contagious viral or bacterial infection.

Sometimes domestic pets are observed dummy coughwhich can provoke even vomit reflexes. If the dog makes swallowing movements, licks, then the veterinarian can diagnose an angina, less often - tonsillitis. In addition, with such a type of cough is possible an option that in the throat of an animal something is stuck.

Tiny dwarf dog breeds with cough can produce a rather rough sound, resembling sounds that make up an adult goose. Proposed to such death as the destruction of the trachea. Like a hoarse goose sound you can often hear when the owner is trying to pull the dog for a leash.

Does your favorite cough mostly at night when it is in a lying position? If you have a dog breed "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel" or any other dog, inclined to heart disease, then such a cough can speak exactly about the progressive heart disease.

What to do and how to treat cough dog?

Of course, you can say that all the above problems are serious. In this you will be right. If the dog coughs quite often, if the cough is very strong, then try to show the veterinarian animal as soon as possible. Most diseases are easily treated if the therapy has begun in the early stages. Veterinarian will appoint antibiotics to help cure cough. At the same time, the dog should be isolated to not infect other animals.

Most likely, you also suffered from cough, so you know well how painful there may be a dry cough. In this case, the air indoor with animals should be well moistened. Sometimes it is even enough just to take a dog with you in the bathroom, so that she rinses with wet air while you take a shower.

Cough can also be caused by the presence of a foreign body, sometimes the usual lawn grass is such a foreign body. If the dog walked on a high lawn and began to cough, there is a huge chance of presence in the respiratory tract of particles of plants. Sometimes, the grass, shining in the respiratory tract, may not cause cough, while it causes a bacterial infection, which eventually goes into pneumonia. With the slightest suspicion of the presence of an extraneous subject in the respiratory tract of the animal - contact the veterinarian.

The pain in the throat, tonsillitis and pneumonia, as a rule, can be treated with antibiotics. In rare cases, the treatment of tonsillitis costs without antibiotics, limited to the fact that the dog does not give cold.

The tracheal collapse (trachea destruction) is only found in elderly dogs of dwarf breeds with overweight. Often, such dogs have a cough after eating or water. To prevent the possibility of the occurrence of this ailment, you must comply with the diet and control the weight of the pet. It will not be superfluous to give an animal regular physical exertion. The same actions must be taken in the case when the animal is already sick. With such a notem, the use of collar is undesirable, because it will provoke the occurrence of cough.

Cough in dogs It may also indicate the presence of such a problem as heart failure. In the occurrence of the disease in the lung animal, liquid accumulates. In severe cases, the veterinarian will send you to a cardiologist or another profile specialist. The use of drugs will be able to maintain the normal quality of life of the animal for several months, or even years, but only in the case when the doctor's appeal occurred at an early stage. If the cough is accompanied by rapid and difficult breathing, blood discharge - immediately contact the clinic!

To other problems that may provoke cough occurrence include: chronic bronchitis, diseases caused by worms, influenza, some types of cancer. Sometimes the cough is not very worried about the animal, but in any case, it is better to consult with the veterinarian.

Causes of cough in dogs can be the most diverse. Conditionally, they can be divided into two groups: associated with diseases of internal organs and household. Among the first are often found:

  • bacterial, viral, fungal lesions of nasopharynses, respiratory tract, lungs;
  • heart diseases;
  • allergies;
  • neoplasm;
  • helmintoses.

The factors of the second group provoking the cough reflex in the animal include the following.

  • Tight collar. The dog coughs with excessive tightening ("to not run away") if the collar became small, while pulling a leash. The latter is especially characteristic of young, too active pets. Often with a leash linked cough in dogs, possessing too short or, on the contrary, a long neck. In the first case, it is preferable to use a footing, and in the second, it is thoroughly pick up the width of the accessory.
  • Casting wool in the esophagus and stomach. The problem is characteristic of four-legged having long wool. When climbing (although not frequent), the dog involuntarily swallows hair, which are not moving along the digestive tract, and gradually collected in a lump in the stomach or esophagus. Such clusters lead to a lot of robust and cough reflex. At the same time, the dog coughs as if he was suppressed.
  • The throat was stuck in the throat. It can be stuck anything: thread, New Year's "rain", a bone from fish, chicken. Thread, if it is swallowed not to the end, it will be for a long time to annoy the mucous membrane of the rotogling and esophagus, causing cough and vomiting. Sweet bones, stuck in the oral cavity tissue, pharynx, esophageal wall, not only create a feeling of interference, but also lead to inflammatory processes (suppuration, pain, puffiness of mucous membranes and others).
  • Features of the anatomical structure of the respiratory tract, the rotogling and esophagus of the pet. For short animals, the so-called reverse sneezing is characteristic. This parlor cough, not associated with diseases, occurs sharply and passing quickly, without help from the side.

Types of cough in dogs

Coughs in dogs are classified on the basis of several characteristics. It is important that the owner, turning to the veterinary clinic, could tell us enough about each of them.


View of cough

Availability / lack of sputum

  • Wet (with mucus)
  • Dry (without it)

Character of flow

  • Acute (appears sharply, pronounced)
  • Subacute (develops by increasing, gradually enhanced)
  • Chronic (long)

Severity manifestation

  • Minor
  • Strong
  • Potted

Cough frequency

  • Rare
  • Frequent

In addition, there is a seasonal cough - the allergic reaction of the pet organism on changes in nature.

Related symptoms

Cough in dogs can flow by itself or accompanied by other symptoms. Among them:

  • vomiting;
  • blend of blood in sputum;
  • fencing allocations from grazing;
  • temperature increase;
  • refusal of food;
  • weakness in the muscles (the animal is hardly moving);
  • breathing disorders, shortness of breath and so on.

Some diseases develop rapidly, can lead to pet death. In case of a sudden deterioration of the state of the dog, you need to immediately contact the veterinarian.

Diagnosis of cough dog

At the reception at the veterinary doctor, the pet is examined, and the owner will ask. It will be necessary to tell about the peculiarities of cough, its limitations, conditions concomitant. It will be necessary to provide information on the age of the dog, the presence of any diseases, vaccinations, conditions of detention and other. The complex of diagnostic procedures may include such methods as:

  • x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • cytological, bacteriological examination of sputum.

Cough when ingestion in the respiratory tract of the foreign body

As a rule, if the dog choked or swallowed something more superfluous, it copes independently with the situation by expectoration. At such a moment, cough begins suddenly, sharply, accompanied by the appropriate movements of the neck and head, a characteristic pose.

There may be another situation: the animal was suppressed by an acute bone, the subject that, by virtue of his form or size, clinched behind the mucous membrane. Then such symptoms may appear:

  • cough attacks, long, exhausted;
  • during the cough reflex, the pet is trying to push the foreign body from the pharynx;
  • wheezing;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • foam from nostrils;
  • cough with blood, foam;
  • failure to drink and eating.

Hope that the dog will cope herself, it is impossible. Try to pull out (or even see) what I got into a throat is almost impossible without special tools. Animal should be urgently taken to the clinic. Deletion threatens the development of emphysema, inflammatory processes in bronchi, lungs, pleura and other complications.

Woller (nursery) dog cough

The enclosed cough is a symptom of some infectious (mostly viral) diseases of the dog, named so because of the most common cause of infection - co-residence or frequent contacts of animals with each other. Source of infection - a patient or a broken dog.

Signs of illness are due to the peculiarities of the causative agent (paragripp, herpes dog, Bordella), as well as the state of the immune system of the animal. After the incubation period (up to 10 days) passes, the following manifestations of pathology are possible:

  • a minor parlor cough, similar to the fact that the dog is suppressed, but to a lesser extent pronounced;
  • cough with white foam;
  • an increase in lymph nodes;
  • increase temperature indicators;
  • tear;
  • selection from the nostrils.

Large nursery cough about 2 weeks. The stronger the immunity in the dog, the easier it transfers the infection, sometimes even without requiring special treatment. In severe cases, the reception of antibacterial agents, antiviral, expectorant, immunomodulatory and other (according to the results of the survey) is shown.

Features of cough in dog in some diseases

The cough reflex only indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body, and not an independent disease. What a cough is in dogs - depends on the main disease. Knowledge of the peculiarities of the cough syndrome and the accompanying symptoms will speed up the diagnosis, will allow the petition to provide a timely treatment and first aid.

Allergic reaction

Allergies in dogs are manifested by a variety of symptoms. Cough may be accompanied by:

  • discharge from nostrils, eyes;
  • effect of mucous membranes;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • sneezing;
  • skin rashes;
  • itching and other manifestations.

The owner should watch the pet, possibly cough and other signs appear after using certain foods, after the walk, have seasonal. When the allergen is detected, it is excluded from the life of the dog, carry out appropriate therapy.


The inflammatory process in bronchi - bronchitis - at the initial stage is accompanied by a dry heavy cough of the pet. It is most pronounced in the morning: wheezing wheezing, whistling. After a few days, the cough becomes wet, a whitic or yellowish mocade appears. Among the additional symptoms of the disease should be noted shortness, breathing difficulties, an increase in body temperature.

The owner must know that bronchitis happens both viral nature and bacterial, so the treatment in the other case will be different. It is possible to determine the pathogen "on the eyes" in the severity of the symptoms: in a bacterial form, they are stronger, and the state of the dog is much worse. In addition, if the bronchitis is caused by bacteria, the body temperature of the pet will be higher than the norm by 2 or more degrees (with a viral infection, it rises within one degree).


Being in light dogs, gloves lead to such symptoms:

  • wet cough with blood admixture;
  • difficulties with breathing, shortness of breath;
  • increase temperature, sometimes quite strong, up to 43 ° C.

Sneaker light

In dogs with cardiovascular pathologies, there is a risk of the development of a lung infarction. This may happen due to the tomb of the thrombus. A characteristic feature is a strong sharp pain, in which the animal jumps, can shrink. Almost immediately, shortness of breath and cough with blood mucus begins. The dog weakens in front of the eyes, the mucous covers are pale, the heartbeat is disturbed, hell drops, the temperature rises. Pet should be urgently taken to the clinic.


The inflammation of the dog's pharynx is also accompanied by a cough. At an early stage of the disease, he hurts the animal of torment: dry and stubborn cough causes pain, so a pet can abandon meals, stop barking (or make hoarse, husky sounds). Gradually, the cough reflex becomes productive, a small amount of sputum is distinguished, as the inflammatory process is elected in the mucous membrane disappear. The body temperature remains in normal limits or slightly rises.


This disease has a viral origin. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is exposed to the striking. Symptoms of adenovirosis:

  • the pain in the throat (the animal reacts accordingly when attempting to palpation);
  • an increase in lymph nodes under the jaw;
  • productive cough;
  • cough discharge can be transparent or muddy;
  • tear;
  • discharge from nostrils;
  • a slight increase in temperature indicators;
  • refusal of food;
  • in case of intestinal form, vomit is the urge, nausea, digestion disorder, diarrhea and intestinal pain.

Diseases of the heart

If the dog has vices or heart disease, a heart cough may develop. It is characterized by pink color of sputum due to blood leakage into the lungs through the capillary walls. Fencing pink discharge from respiratory organs are accompanied by other symptoms of heart failure:

  • emphasis of cough after physical activity;
  • animal weakness;
  • labored breathing;
  • mussels acquire a bluish shade.

Candy cough in four-legged friends, unfortunately, has a bad forecast. At best, the dog will be able to live 2-4 years. Pathology is treated only by the operational way, but, due to the complexity and high cost of operations, they are not carried out.

Bronchial asthma

The development of bronchial asthma in a dog can be provoked by the long exposure of different allergens, chemical volatile compounds, nerve stresses, weather conditions, infectious diseases. The dog coughs as if he was suppressed, accompanying the attacks by the corresponding movements of the head and torso. Characteristic features of the disease are:

  • the appearance of attacks after physical stress, their absence during peace;
  • highlighting thick transparent mucus from the bronchi;
  • bluish mucous;
  • choking during an attack;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • sneeze.

Small dog cough

Cough in dogs of small breeds is a frequent phenomenon due to the characteristics of the structure of the pharynx, the respiratory tract, the maxillofacial apparatus, the location of the teeth. Thus, due to the accumulation of bacteria, insufficient hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth at the pet can develop gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory processes. The infection gradually moves to the mucous membrane of the larynx, the trachea, settles in sipstage almonds, descends into the lungs.

A greater role in the development of inflammation and cough plays the deep location of the almonds. Their increase in response to an infectious invasion leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. If such a situation is repeated often, the almonds are subject to removal. In preventive purposes, the owner of a small dog should regularly show a pet veterinary doctor in order to identify and eliminate problems with teeth and oral cavity.

Dog's cough attack: what to do to prevent chopping

It's one thing when the dog fed or coughed, but coped with the situation on his own. However, it happens that the pet requires help from the side - the attack may turn out to be long, and the animal begins to choke. You can prevent the capture by applying several recommendations.

  • If it is an attack of reverse sneezing, you should ensure ingestion of saliva accumulated in the oral cavity and deep breath. This is achieved by holding the nose four-legged friend or spending a palm on the throat several times.
  • It is advisable to turn the pet for the head to be lower than the body and limbs. You can shake the animal, make a row of cotton on the back. With a lot of favorites, you can raise the rear paws (the dog should stand) and also make some cotton at the level of the chest.
  • Short-purpose pets can cover the respiratory tract of surrounding soft tissues. If the dog is choking, you can check the free air passage with your finger.
  • If the animal does not breathe, you need to urgently proceed to resuscitation actions: ensure the flow of oxygen into the respiratory organs and make a massage of the heart.

ATTENTION: After such an attack, the animal must be shown to the veterinary specialist.

How to treat dog cough

Before you treat the cough of the dog, you need to find out its reason, because even the hospitalization of the animal may occur. Or another option - cough as a symptom of a cold. Such a phenomenon in most cases passes independently for two or three days, and any attempts of the owner "cure" with the antitussive means can only harm. However, if the symptom does not pass, it is enhanced, others join it, then you must refer to a specialist and make a survey.

When coughing in dogs, treatment is possible at home or stationary, but in any case it will be a complex character. Depending on the cause of pathology, therapy implies the reception of such groups of drugs as:

  • antibiotics (Penicillin, Levomycetin);
  • antiviral (fospmenil);
  • anti-inflammatory (dexamethasone);
  • immunomodulating and immunostimulating (interferon, ribotan);
  • cardiac (Cordiamine);
  • antiquia (Loperamide);
  • antipyretic (paracetamol, ibuprofen);
  • antihistamines (allerste, diphedrol);
  • anti-shine (polyterrem, arcoline);
  • expectorant (broncholitin);
  • antitussive (mubaltine, bromgexine).

In addition, the composition of complex therapy may include preparations from vomiting that improve digestion, painkillers, stuffing and many others.

Attention: in view of numerous options for the origin and further development of cough, the dog is extremely not recommended to treat an animal without prior examination and consultation with a specialist.

The treatment of cough in the dog is not limited to the reception of drugs. The owner requires the creation of the most comfortable conditions: ensuring full nutrition (if necessary, the reception of vitamins), the absence of drafts. If the street is cold, time walks must be reduced to a minimum.

It is possible to alleviate the condition of the dog by setting peculiar "inhalations." To do this, in urban conditions, the bath is filled with hot water so that the air becomes wet. Pet you need to start in the bathroom so that it is breathing with steam for 10-15 minutes. Such a procedure will not only facilitate the debit of sputum, but also eliminate the edema of the mucous membranes, reduce the pain, normalizes breathing. You can add flocheras of fir, eucalyptus, chamomile and other plants, seaside salt into water.

Since dog cough is just a symptom that talks about the presence of the disease, it is important to contact the clinic on time. Thus, the owner will prevent the development of complications in the pet, will retain his health, and also avoid additional material costs further.

The article contains current information today to familiarize yourself with a similar problem, which makes it possible to understand what you have to deal with veterinarians and how they can help the dog can cope with the disease.

Dog cough symptoms and reasons

Cough in dogs, if it is not caused by the characteristics of the structure, like griffons, bulldogs and other animals with a shorten jaw, should cause for a visit to the veterinary clinic.

From this incomplete list it can be seen that the harmless at first glance symptom may indicate the beginning of a rather serious illness.

Woller, nursery cough in dogs symptoms and treatment

Voller or nursery cough - a disease transmitted from the animal to an animal air-droplet. The symptom of the disease is the cough himself caused by inflammation of the larynx, trachies and bronchi.

The fallen animal isolate and spend antibiotic therapy, creating comfortable conditions for a sick pet.

Dog cough to vomiting, with urges to vomiting treatment at home by folk remedies

The cough of a dog with vomit calls can signal about infection with the disease, referred to as a nursery cough. This disease is able to be transmitted by air-droplet and can be picked up for a walk or with direct contact with the sick animal.

This disease in the people is cured with warm drink and rich in diet vitamins. Additionally, the dog can give children's cough medicines.

The dog's cough seems to be suppressed with white foam, how to help, drugs

A dog cough with a white foam discharge, a refusal of food, an increase in almonds is all the symptoms of the nursery cough. The duration of the disease is usually 1-3 weeks and most often they suffer from animals having an anomalies of the respiratory system, for example, narrow tracheas.

A light shape of the disease can pass on its own, it is important only for the animal to be warm and obtained full nutrition.

In the given case, when a foam is standing out when coughing, a dog is better to show a doctor, since this phenomenon may indicate the disease not to a nursery cough, but a chum.

Cardiac cough in the dog, due to heart disease, with heart failure, how and what to treat

Dyspnea and cough appearing in four-legged pets after active movement serve as the first symptoms of heart disease, and at an older age - heart failure. Dogs, suffering from heart disease, it is necessary to give a single physical activity for them, and often change the diet and power mode.
Specific medical drugs for the treatment of an animal can only be prescribed by the doctor.

Dog cough from worms, collar, supercooling, old age, stress, cold water

The appearance of cough in the dog should alert its owner. Cough does not occur for no reason, so it must be tried to figure out and eliminate.

If the cough due to too dense collar or transferred stress attentive host will eliminate on its own, then the cough arising from hypothermia and cold water can often be the cause of bronchitis, which means that the veterinarian will need.
In no less serious treatment, an animal suffering from worms settled in bronchi.

The cough at the old dog is most likely associated with cardiac activity, which means the animal will need to make an ECG and again take medicines, but now constantly.

Cough of a dog with foam, sputum, blood, dry only at night, in the morning

The cough of a dog with foam may indicate infection with the "nursery cough". The possibility is also not excluded that the cause of cough with foam was the hitting of a foreign body into the respiratory tract or other extremes - heart failure.

The cough arising from the dog in the morning signals the inflammatory processes occurring in the larynx, and cough at night - chronic bronchitis. In order for the specialist to make it easier to put the correct diagnosis, comprise the smallest details with him, in which your pet arises cough.

The dog's cough does not pass more than a week, a year, the bloating, on the nervous soil, on the street, exhaust mucus

The cough of the dog, which occurs on the street can be associated with dust particles or exhaust gases from cars, annoying the larynx animal. Also, the cause of the cough can be an excitement experienced by animals due to a change in the situation.

Such cough lasts for a short time and passes itself. Cough, which does not pass for a long time, for example, during the year, testifies to malfunctions in the health of the animal. If there are also other symptoms, somehow bloating, mucus isolation, and the like. - So you can not hear the comforting forecast.

Dog cough after drinking water, anesthesia, trachea or heart that can be given

The dog's cough after drinking water will be held itself and is most often caused by the ingress of fluid in the larynx. When coughing, which arose from anesthesia or in connection with the disease of the heart, the correct answer to the question "What can I give" will give only a doctor!

Dog cough bronchitis, allergic, no temperature, contagious or not

The bronchial cough in the dog, which flows even without a temperature can be contagious for the animal coughing dog.

Allergic hazel coughing does not represent.


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