Valentine's day extracurricular activity for elementary school children. Report on "Valentine's Day" in the libraries of Novokuznetsk Description of the event Valentine's Day

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Larisa Nikolaevna Zolotukhina
Open event "Day of Love and Friendship" (holiday "Valentine's Day")

Target: the formation of concepts about the aesthetic norms of communication between boys and girls:

1) personal (development of moral and aesthetic orientation);

2) cognitive (awareness of speech utterances);

3) communicative (possession of monologue and dialogical speech).


Familiarization with history holiday, symbols and traditions celebrations residents of other countries; - broadening the horizons and improving the general culture; - the formation of skills to apply creative intellectual abilities; - upbringing friendly relationship to others. Equipment: laptop for slideshow, pictures with congratulations for the day Saint Valentine's, hearts, "Daisies" for the competition, balloons, valentines.

Stroke Events... V Valentine's Day all birds are connected in pairs. " (Slide 3)

I. Preparatory part.

Leading. You love holidays? Today is our event we dedicate to the wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Holiday “Valentine's Day”Came to us from Europe, where his celebrate with great pleasure. Celebrate its all - both adults and children, so we named our celebration« Day of love and friendship» . (Slide 1, 2)

Inspired by a high feeling,

Once upon a time

Invented by someone Valentine's Day,

Without knowing then,

What will this beloved day,

Desired a holiday of the year,

What's in the afternoon Saint Valentine's

He will be named with respect.

Smiles and flowers are everywhere

V love recognition again and again ...

So let a miracle happen for everyone

Let only love rule the world! (Slide 4).

This celebration associated with a touching and sad story. Let's get to know her. (Slide 5) II. Main part.

Cognitive part. 1. History holiday.

Leading. In the days when the Roman calendar counted the last days of the outgoing year (according to the Roman calendar, it was in mid-February that the New Year was celebrated) to the young bishop Valentin a couple in love came. They asked Valentine marry them secretly because the guy was a warrior, and the emperor forbade his soldiers to marry. In none of the temples did they agree to bless their marriage, and Valentine and earlier he helped couples in love, united their ardent hearts by marriage. In this moment Valentine were arrested by the emperor's guards for breaking the law and imprisoned. (Slide 6)

In one of the last days of his life, when the young bishop was in prison, the jailer's daughter came to him, she brought him food. But her eyes were blindfolded because she was blind. Valentine called her closer, put his hands to her eyes, and when he removed a miracle happened, the girl regained her sight. She was very grateful to him, because no doctor could help her. When the girl asked how he did it, Saint Valentine answered: “I just really love life, the world and the people around me. I really wanted you to see the light. If you truly believe and love, then any miracle can happen. " (Slide 7) Before as Valentine was executed, he asked the girl to distribute it to friends and family

little letters that he prepared for them while in prison. Among these notes was a letter addressed to a girl, the jailer's daughter. It contained written: "Be happy. Your Valentine» . (Slide 8) Pupil 1.

Valentine was executed on February 14, 270. Since then day it is customary to call all lovers by his name - during the day Saint Valentine's... In that day it is customary to congratulate loved ones and dear people. Postcards and the notes exchanged with each other are called valentines... Besides postcards that day give chocolate, flowers and small symbolic gifts. (Slide 9.10) Leading. Valentine's Day for this, there is for people to remember that each other must be treated with care, with love. (Slide 11)

2. Symbols holiday... Leading. Symbols of the Day Valentine's are considered: (Slide 12) Children: 1. Heart. Previously, people believed that a feeling like love is in the heart. Over time, the heart became a symbol love and Valentine's Day. (Slide 13, 14)

2. Cupid is the son of Venus, the goddess love... It is believed that he can make a person fall in love with an arrow shot from his bow. (Slide 15, 16)

3. Rose is the favorite flower of Venus. Red is the color of strong feelings, and a red rose is a flower love. (Slide17)

4. Doves. In our country, love is traditionally symbolized by doves - the beloved birds of Venus. They do not change mates all their lives and together take care of the chicks. These birds are symbols of fidelity and love as well as symbols of the Day Saint Valentine's. (Slide 18)

5. Lace. In the 17th and 18th centuries, ladies wore lace scarves with them. If a lady dropped a handkerchief, then the man standing next to her had to pick it up. Sometimes the girl dropped her headscarf on purpose to meet the young man she liked. (Slide 19)

6. Rings. V day engagement lovers exchange rings. At all times, it was a popular tradition to arrange engagements on February 14th. (Slide 20)

7. Gloves. Once upon a time, if a young man wanted to marry a girl, he "Asked for her hand in"... The hand has become a symbol love and marriage... Gloves soon became a symbol of marriage. (Slide 21)

3. Tradition celebrations... Leading. February 14 is celebrated in many countries of the world as not quite official, but still holiday “Day all lovers ”or Valentine's Day... In Europe, this celebration has been celebrated since the 13th century, in the United States since 1777, and in Russia since the early 1990s. Traditionally, this day people exchange valentines, sweets and various souvenirs in the shape of hearts are presented. And in many countries there are also their own, different from others, unusual traditions. (Slide 22) Children:

1) The British congratulate not only their beloved people, but also their beloved pets - horses, dogs, cats.

2) In America at the beginning of the last century in this day began to send marzipans to their brides. Candies with congratulatory words were placed in heart-shaped cardboard boxes. (Slide 23)

3) In Britain, it is customary to give Teddy bears and postcards.

4) In Italy, lovers give each other "Kisses"(soft hearts with chocolates attached to them. (Slide 24) 5) Finns give each other heart-shaped gifts. (Slide 25) 6) Hearts to holiday can be sewn, sculpt, paint, knit and even bake. Material for their manufacture various: beads, shells, feathers, dried flowers, pieces of fabric, fur. (Slide 26) 7) By February 14, many greeting cards are issued valentine cards, from

simple, with touching images, before unfolding. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace. (Slide 27) 5. Rules friendship.

Leading. For adults it is Valentine's Day, and for children it is friendship holiday... Let's talk about the rules friendship... What do you think will happen if we don't follow the rules friendship? What do you think are the rules friendship we must observe? (Slide 28)

Rules. Help a friend: if you know how to do something, teach him too; if a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can. Share with friends: if you have interesting toys, books, share with other guys, with those who do not have them. Play and work with your friends so as not to take the best for yourself. Stop your friend if he does something bad. If your friend is wrong about something, tell him about it. Do not quarrel with your friends; try to work and play with them amicably do not argue over trifles; do not be arrogant if you are good at something; do not envy your friends - you need to rejoice at their successes; if you did something bad, do not hesitate to admit it and correct yourself. Be able to accept help, advice and comments from other guys. (Slide 29)

Boys and girls sing a song to the tune "A song about a good mood" from c / f. "Carnival Night"

V such a wonderful day

Leave the house.

Your feet are on your own

You will be brought to us

And into each other's eyes

Look boldly

And the words love tell

Right in the hall here.

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

What are you Seryozha

Are you not coming up to Lena?

Don't be afraid directly

Feelings show!

Everyone needs today

In that magical day

Without hesitation and excitement

O love to say!

And a smile without a doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes.

And in love mood

Will not leave you anymore.

Game part. Competitive program. Leading. Like any celebration, « Day of love and friendship» cannot pass without contests. Today two teams will participate in the competitions. Let's split into teams. Teams must have an equal number of participants. Come up with a name for your team. The jury will monitor and evaluate the contests. (Presentation of the contestants and the jury.) 1. Competition "The most and the most ..." This competition is not evaluated in any way. Everyone takes part in it. There are two daisies in front of you - one with petals for girls, the other with petals for boys. Have "Flower"

for girls, the boys take turns tearing off one petal and giving it to the girl who, in his opinion, suits what is written on the petal. Then the girls do the same. (On chamomile petals for girls written: beautiful, smart, princess, most charming, etc; on chamomile petals for boys you can to write: kind, nice, cute, etc.). 2. Competition "Find a Pair"... Hearts made of colored cardboard are cut into 2 parts in different ways. These halves are distributed to children. Music sounds and each child must find his soul mate. The couple that connects the fastest gets 1 point. 3. Competition "The smartest couple"... So, the next competition is for all couples. Each couple is asked in turn 5 questions, which they must answer as quickly and correctly as possible.

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. I pair. The animal that the controllers hunt on the bus? (Hare.) What is always fashionable for fish and mermaids? (Tail.) Jin's one-room apartment? (Lamp.) How many people pulled a turnip? (3 persons.) Mowgli's smartest friend? (Kaa.) II pair The name of the popular hero of school jokes? (Little Johnny.) What did Eeyore's donkey lose? (Tail.) Thumbelina's blind groom in a chic fur coat? (Mole.) The name of the 1st person on earth? (Adam.) Not a good person for "Gentleman of luck"? (Radish.) Pair III Who was the mouse eaten by the puss in boots? (A cannibal.) How many Dalmatians did it take to make a movie heroine's fur coat? (101) How many kids did the gray wolf eat? (6) "For myself, a little bit of a carrot sticks out of my nose.". (Snow woman.) What was the name of the fabulous hostel? (Teremok.) IV pair "Bite" bees and wasps? (The sting.) In this white chest, we store food on the shelves. (Refrigerator.) The cat who called in vain to live amicably? (Leopold.) What were the names of Cinderella's wooden shoes? (Sabo.) What did the Tin Woodman get from the Wizard of the Emerald City? (Heart.) V pair What is the name of the little brownie? (Kuzya.) Which bell doesn't ring? (Flower.) What's in Winnie the Pooh's head? (Sawdust.) The first miracle of the goldfish? (Trough.) Emelya's favorite transport? (Stove.) 4. Competition "Sweet tangerine".

The couple stands opposite each other. A tangerine is placed in the right hand of the girl and the young man. With his free hand, the participant covers the partner's hand. The task of the contestants is to peel the tangerine without changing the position of the hands and eat it. The pair that completes this task first wins. The couple gets 3 points. 5. Competition "Dance"... There are so many dances in the world!

Just know how to choose them! There are also new items in mind.

So let's dance! The couple should dance, holding a balloon between them, while their hands should be clasped behind their backs. Who does not drop the ball within a minute during

dance will earn 3 points. 6. Competition "Culinary".

And now we invite all the guys to become cooks for a while. I will call the teams one by one the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what kind they belong to. (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.)... for each correct answer - 1 point.

1. Artichoke (vegetable)

2. Carp (a fish)

3. Pistachios (nuts)

4. Lingonberry (berry)

5. Persimmon (fruit)

6. Gobies (a fish)

7. Cherries (berry)

8. Watermelon (berry)

9. Coconut (nut)

10. Kiwi (fruit)

11. Kvass (drink)

12. Blueberries (berry)

13. Parsnip (vegetable)

14. Melon (vegetable)

15. Mullet (a fish)

16. Parsley (vegetable)

17. Kohlrabi (vegetable)

18.Rice (cereal)

19. Kumis (drink)

20. Grouse (bird) 7. Competition "Chairs"... Participants from a team of 3 people. Chairs are put (there should be one less number of participants)... While the music is playing, everyone walks around the chairs. When the music stops, then everyone should sit on chairs. Anyone who lacks a chair leaves the game, and so on until one participant remains, who will bring his team 2 points. 8. Competition "I will tell you everything in verse ..." Leading. On February 14, everyone rushes to give each other gifts, exchange heart-shaped cards, on which they write lyric poems. So now we will congratulate each other. Each team member reads a congratulation poem and gives valentine a member of another team. It is necessary to read it as expressively as possible. The team that does it better will receive 2 points. 1 team. 1. I give my love and valentine To melt the February sadness! I wish you the best impressions. Sincere and kind congratulations! 2. I am usually like this - Serious and very cool, When I meet you ... I bloom at the same moment. 3. Love mutual and beautiful I wish you this celebration! 4. Let Day Lovers will bring On all the ready-made answers! Let love find you, Filling your heart with bright light! 5. Let the sun shine, ice melt And soon spring will come. And this valentine Will show her the path!

6. May your dreams come true! Smiles, tenderness, love! Team 2. 1. For you - wonderful and beautiful - Happiness and fun in this celebration!

2. Let the days wait for joyful, bright,

Dreams will come true cherished!

3. May your life be very sweet

And not a day will pass without luck!

4. Valentinochka, fly!

There is no obstacle on the way!

Get down in the palm of your hand

And turn into a heart!

5. I send greetings little,

Like a scarlet flower!

Know that there is none more dear

He will help you in everything. 6. I give you a heart on a white leaf, I give you a heart - do whatever you want with it. Walk with him everywhere, Draw whatever you want, I will not get angry. But you better not learn to draw on it, Let my heart remain pure. (Slide 30)

III. Summarizing.

Leading. While the jury sums up the results of the competitions and calculates the number of points scored, let's watch a video. (View video.)

The jury will announce the results. Rewarding of the participants of the competitive program. Teams receive certificates and prizes.

I want to proclaim love as a country,

So that everyone there lived in peace and warmth,

So that her hymn begins line:

"Love is above all on earth!"

May love be a great sky for you,

Living water, daily bread,

Spring with a call, a warm wind,

All the best, the brightest!


  1. Acquaintance with the history of the holiday, broadening the horizons of students.
  2. Uniting a team of students and teachers in collective creative activity.
  3. Involvement of students in the social life of the school, raising the status of students of the school.

Equipment: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, fragments of a cut paper apple, scissors, threads and a needle, buttons, balloons (according to the number of pairs), words cut into letters (in balloons), Whatman paper.

Guidelines: this event can be held as a general school (school-wide) event with the involvement of a team of students. From groups (classes) pairs are formed to participate in the competitive program. It is held in the form of a competition with six nominations. After summing up the results, the winners are awarded with diplomas and incentive prizes (subject to the availability of sponsorship funds).

Event progress

1st presenter: Good day.

2nd presenter: Hello dear "Valentines" and "Valentines"!

1st presenter:

Inspired by a high feeling,
Once upon a time
Someone invented Valentine's Day,
Without knowing then,
What will this day be loved
A welcome holiday of the year.

2nd presenter:

That Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers everywhere
Confessions of love again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone
Let only love rule the world!

1st presenter: It is no longer possible to establish when this holiday appeared and why it is celebrated on February 14th.

2nd presenter: There are many legends and guesses. It seems that the holiday of love - like love itself - has always existed, it is not known where it came from and will be celebrated until the very end of the world, if we do wait for it. 1st presenter: Who was this Valentine?

2nd presenter: In ancient Rome, in the 3rd century, there was once a physician named Valentine, who was also a secret Christian preacher. At that time, Claudius II ruled, who was an obvious opponent of marriage. 1st host: The Emperor believed that the family distracted men from their main business - military service, and issued a decree banning weddings and engagements. Only the priest Valentine was not afraid of the wrath of Claudius and secretly began to marry the Romans.

2nd presenter: By order of the emperor, the priest was sentenced to death and thrown into prison. While in prison, Valentin himself fell in love with the jailer's daughter. 1st presenter: The girl was blind. A miracle happened after his death. Before the execution, Valentin wrote his beloved a farewell letter: “Forgive me. Your Valentine ”and wrapped a saffron flower in it.

2nd presenter: Valentine was executed on the same day on February 14, 270. The girl opened the note and was able to read it and see the flower. A miracle happened. 1st presenter: A few years later, in 496, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church and named the patron saint of lovers, and Roman Pope Gelasius declared February 14 Valentine's Day.

2nd presenter: Yes, in my opinion, it is very touching and romantic. But today we will still refer to the legends of this holiday and its traditions, and now it's time to invite and introduce the participants of our game program. 1st host: And we invite our couples.

2nd presenter: We are starting the first competition, it is called "Warm-up". (hand out sheets of paper and felt-tip pens to couples) (write answers on sheets and who is faster).

  1. Name the most jealous man. (Othello)
  2. Who was the first apple taster? (Eve)
  3. What flower is a symbol of love? (the Rose)
  4. Which celestial body has two names? (moon-month)
  5. List the famous women who left their mark on history. (Which couple will write more. Answer examples: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Zhanna d, Ark, Valentina Tereshkova, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Valentina Matvienko, Irina Khakamada, EkaterinaII, ElizabethII, etc.)
  6. Who can force a man with a shot of one of his magic arrows. (Cupid)

The results are summed up. The jury reads out the result.

1st presenter: Let's move on to the second competition. "Bird made of paper" there is an ancient English belief that on February 14, on Valentine's Day, when nature turns to spring, the birds begin a period of mating games: they are divided into pairs and thus open the “season of love”. Since this holiday, according to tradition, is associated with birds, I suggest each pair to make birds right here on stage. (Each pair is given 4 minutes to perform. During this time, the couple must make at least two birds.

2nd presenter: While the couples are preparing the birds of love, the fans will play. Answer the questions using a well-known proverb or saying.

  1. What horse will not spoil the furrow? (old)
  2. Who will the Cossack become if he endures? (chieftain)
  3. What can't you knock out with an ax? (what is written with a pen)
  4. Why is debt red? (by payment)
  5. When does the appetite come in? (while eating)
  6. Where the hell are found? (in still water)
  7. What does money love? (check)
  8. What does a cat know? (whose meat did you eat)
  9. What should be done when he called himself a load? (get into the back)
  10. Don't put on a handkerchief? (to someone else's)
  11. Which sled should not be taken? (not in yours)

And the valentines you earn can be given away to the couple you are rooting for.

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results.

2nd presenter: And now our third competition "Your apple"... There is an ancient legend that the apple became the reason for the love of the first men and women. The Lord, terribly angry, tore the apple into small pieces and scattered it on the ground, and now the lovers walk and look for those pieces that best fit each other.

Couples in one minute must collect their apple, we give you the first part. And the fans support their favorite couples.

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results.

2nd presenter: And the fourth competition is called "Cinderella's Ball"... There, at the ball, she first met with the prince, but at this ball there was another little noticeable incident. When the king is merrily dancing a mazurka with Cinderella, his button suddenly comes off. A trifle for a common man, but not for a king. There would be a scandal if it were not for the skillful hands of Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls had been in Cinderella's place, she would have done the same. I think that there are no white-handed women among the participants, and they will prove it to us now. Among the many different buttons in the box, you should choose the one that you think is suitable for a royal jacket, and quickly sew it on to your companion. Time is one minute. Speed ​​and originality are assessed.

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results.

2nd presenter: Fifth competition "Make up a word"... Each bundle contains six balloons. At my command, the participants need to inflate and pierce these balloons, extract letters and put together a word from them, which is directly related to our holiday. Then you need to carefully pin the letters and read the word.

The competition is evaluated as follows: as soon as one of the couples is the first to complete the task, the presenter says “Stop”. All others receive the number of points that corresponds to the number of letters on the sheet.

1st presenter: The final sixth competition for couples "Cut out the image of the heart"... Each pair is given a sheet of Whatman paper, which depicts a heart. Participants need to take scissors - girls, one ring in the right hand of the young man, and the second ring, also in the right hand. Now try to cut out the image of the heart with a joint effort. As soon as your "heart" is ready, you lift it up so that everyone can see. (it is estimated who is faster)

1st presenter and 2nd presenter: We wish you everyone this year to meet your beloved or beloved.


  1. Acquaintance with the history of the holiday, broadening the horizons of students.
  2. Uniting a team of students and teachers in collective creative activity.
  3. Involvement of students in the social life of the school, raising the status of students of the school.

Equipment: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, fragments of a cut paper apple, scissors, threads and a needle, buttons, balloons (according to the number of pairs), words cut into letters (in balloons), Whatman paper.

Guidelines: this event can be held as a general school (school-wide) event with the involvement of a team of students. From groups (classes) pairs are formed to participate in the competitive program. It is held in the form of a competition with six nominations. After summing up the results, the winners are awarded with diplomas and incentive prizes (subject to the availability of sponsorship funds).

Event progress

1st presenter: Good day.

2nd presenter: Hello dear "Valentines" and "Valentines"!

1st presenter:

Inspired by a high feeling,
Once upon a time
Someone invented Valentine's Day,
Without knowing then,
What will this day be loved
A welcome holiday of the year.

2nd presenter:

That Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers everywhere
Confessions of love again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone
Let only love rule the world!

1st presenter: It is no longer possible to establish when this holiday appeared and why it is celebrated on February 14th.

2nd presenter: There are many legends and guesses. It seems that the holiday of love - like love itself - has always existed, it is not known where it came from and will be celebrated until the very end of the world, if we do wait for it. 1st presenter: Who was this Valentine?

2nd presenter: In ancient Rome, in the 3rd century, there was once a physician named Valentine, who was also a secret Christian preacher. At that time, Claudius II ruled, who was an obvious opponent of marriage. 1st host: The Emperor believed that the family distracted men from their main business - military service, and issued a decree banning weddings and engagements. Only the priest Valentine was not afraid of the wrath of Claudius and secretly began to marry the Romans.

2nd presenter: By order of the emperor, the priest was sentenced to death and thrown into prison. While in prison, Valentin himself fell in love with the jailer's daughter. 1st presenter: The girl was blind. A miracle happened after his death. Before the execution, Valentin wrote his beloved a farewell letter: “Forgive me. Your Valentine ”and wrapped a saffron flower in it.

2nd presenter: Valentine was executed on the same day on February 14, 270. The girl opened the note and was able to read it and see the flower. A miracle happened. 1st presenter: A few years later, in 496, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church and named the patron saint of lovers, and Roman Pope Gelasius declared February 14 Valentine's Day.

2nd presenter: Yes, in my opinion, it is very touching and romantic. But today we will still refer to the legends of this holiday and its traditions, and now it's time to invite and introduce the participants of our game program. 1st host: And we invite our couples.

2nd presenter: We are starting the first competition, it is called "Warm-up". (hand out sheets of paper and felt-tip pens to couples) (write answers on sheets and who is faster).

  1. Name the most jealous man. (Othello)
  2. Who was the first apple taster? (Eve)
  3. What flower is a symbol of love? (the Rose)
  4. Which celestial body has two names? (moon-month)
  5. List the famous women who left their mark on history. (Which couple will write more. Answer examples: Sofia Kovalevskaya, Zhanna d, Ark, Valentina Tereshkova, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Valentina Matvienko, Irina Khakamada, EkaterinaII, ElizabethII, etc.)
  6. Who can force a man with a shot of one of his magic arrows. (Cupid)

The results are summed up. The jury reads out the result.

1st presenter: Let's move on to the second competition. "Bird made of paper" there is an ancient English belief that on February 14, on Valentine's Day, when nature turns to spring, the birds begin a period of mating games: they are divided into pairs and thus open the “season of love”. Since this holiday, according to tradition, is associated with birds, I suggest each pair to make birds right here on stage. (Each pair is given 4 minutes to perform. During this time, the couple must make at least two birds.

2nd presenter: While the couples are preparing the birds of love, the fans will play. Answer the questions using a well-known proverb or saying.

  1. What horse will not spoil the furrow? (old)
  2. Who will the Cossack become if he endures? (chieftain)
  3. What can't you knock out with an ax? (what is written with a pen)
  4. Why is debt red? (by payment)
  5. When does the appetite come in? (while eating)
  6. Where the hell are found? (in still water)
  7. What does money love? (check)
  8. What does a cat know? (whose meat did you eat)
  9. What should be done when he called himself a load? (get into the back)
  10. Don't put on a handkerchief? (to someone else's)
  11. Which sled should not be taken? (not in yours)

And the valentines you earn can be given away to the couple you are rooting for.

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results.

2nd presenter: And now our third competition "Your apple"... There is an ancient legend that the apple became the reason for the love of the first men and women. The Lord, terribly angry, tore the apple into small pieces and scattered it on the ground, and now the lovers walk and look for those pieces that best fit each other.

Couples in one minute must collect their apple, we give you the first part. And the fans support their favorite couples.

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results.

2nd presenter: And the fourth competition is called "Cinderella's Ball"... There, at the ball, she first met with the prince, but at this ball there was another little noticeable incident. When the king is merrily dancing a mazurka with Cinderella, his button suddenly comes off. A trifle for a common man, but not for a king. There would be a scandal if it were not for the skillful hands of Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls had been in Cinderella's place, she would have done the same. I think that there are no white-handed women among the participants, and they will prove it to us now. Among the many different buttons in the box, you should choose the one that you think is suitable for a royal jacket, and quickly sew it on to your companion. Time is one minute. Speed ​​and originality are assessed.

1st presenter: The jury sums up the results.

2nd presenter: Fifth competition "Make up a word"... Each bundle contains six balloons. At my command, the participants need to inflate and pierce these balloons, extract letters and put together a word from them, which is directly related to our holiday. Then you need to carefully pin the letters and read the word.

The competition is evaluated as follows: as soon as one of the couples is the first to complete the task, the presenter says “Stop”. All others receive the number of points that corresponds to the number of letters on the sheet.

1st presenter: The final sixth competition for couples "Cut out the image of the heart"... Each pair is given a sheet of Whatman paper, which depicts a heart. Participants need to take scissors - girls, one ring in the right hand of the young man, and the second ring, also in the right hand. Now try to cut out the image of the heart with a joint effort. As soon as your "heart" is ready, you lift it up so that everyone can see. (it is estimated who is faster)

1st presenter and 2nd presenter: We wish you everyone this year to meet your beloved or beloved.

Extra-curricular activity for St. VALENTINE'S DAY in primary school. Scenario

1. Deepening students' knowledge about the culture and traditions of people from other countries
2. Formation of students' understanding of the essence and meaning of friendship
3. Fostering a friendly attitude towards others
4. Broadening the horizons and improving the general culture of students.

Event progress:

Teacher: Do you like holidays? And I love, especially the old ones. And how many old holidays we have forgotten! Each of them had his own custom. The holiday "Valentine's Day" came to us from Europe, where it is celebrated with great pleasure.

Apprentice 1: Inspired by a high feeling,
Once upon a time
Someone invented Valentine's Day
Without knowing then,
What will this day be loved
A welcome holiday of the year
That Happy Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers are everywhere
Confessions of love again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone -
Let only love rule the world!

Teacher: Who is Valentine, you ask? There are many beautiful legends and versions. Listen to one of them. In the days when a young Christian - a doctor named Valentine - went to prison, the Roman calendar counted the last days of the outgoing year. According to the Roman calendar, it was in mid-February that the New Year was celebrated. And Valentine at this time was eating prison cakes, praying and knew that he would never see the real spring. His prison warden was harsh and hated Christians. Once he intercepted several notes addressed to Valentin, which were thrown to him by the children who stood under the window of his cell. The notes contained all sorts of things: congratulations on the holiday, greetings and wishes from the townspeople who knew him.

The warden drove the children away and thought. His beloved daughter was blind. Who needs a blind bride? The jailer brought his daughter to the imprisoned doctor, not knowing that the grief of the blind girl would turn into the grief of a lover. A miracle happened: Valentine restored her sight, and she fell in love with him. Soon he was executed. Only one testimony remained of their love, a small letter, which the young man wrote for her, modestly signing at the end: “Your Valentine”.

Here's a not very funny story.

Valentine's Day exists for this, so that people remember that each other must be treated with care, with love.

For adults, this is the day of lovers, and for children, it is a holiday of friendship.

Teacher: Let's talk about the rules of friendship. What do you think will happen if we do not follow the rules of friendship? What rules of friendship do you think we should follow?
* Help a friend: if you know how to do something, teach him too; if a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can.
* Share with friends: if you have interesting toys, books, share with other guys, with those who do not have them. Play and work with your friends so as not to take the best for yourself.
* Stop a friend if he does something bad. If your friend is wrong about something, tell him about it.
* Do not quarrel with friends; try to work and play with them amicably, do not argue over trifles; do not be arrogant if you are good at something; do not envy your comrades - you must rejoice at their successes; if you did something bad, do not hesitate to admit it and correct yourself.
* Be able to accept help, advice and comments from other guys.

On February 14, everyone rushes to make gifts to each other, exchange kisses and postcards in the shape of hearts, on which they write lyric poems.

And you can present this postcard with the words of A. Barto.

Student 2.
Poem by A. Barto.
I give you a heart on a white leaf,
I give you a heart - do whatever you want with it.
Take a walk anywhere
Walk with him everywhere
Draw what you want
I will not be angry.
But you better not learn to draw on it,
May my heart remain pure.
Teacher: Different poems are written in Valentines:

Student 3:
Sending a valentine
In the form of my heart.
But look quickly at the picture -
You will find yours there too.
After all, there are miracles:
There was a heart, now there are two.

Teacher: Let us and you and I sign cards - valentines. (Children sign the valentines that were made in the labor lesson).

How many different valentines
Whirls in snowy February.
One of them is mine to you.

We have a flower on the postcard, because it is customary to give flowers on this holiday. The custom of presenting a bouquet with a special message on St. Valentine's Day was borrowed by the British from the French. It is believed that the beginning of the tradition of giving roses was laid by Louis XVI, who presented red roses to Marie Antoinette that day. In England there is a tradition of giving pansies on this day.

Review questions:
1. Where did this holiday come from?
2. What is customary to give on this holiday?
3. What makes this holiday interesting for children?
4. What should we do to keep the friendship?

Celebrating at school helps create a friendlier classroom atmosphere, but only if the event is well prepared. Nowadays, February 14 is celebrated not only by couples in love, many schools organize festive events.

This holiday is especially interesting for high school students, since at this age love already arises.

How to spend Valentine's Day at school to make the event fun and memorable? This will require serious preparatory work.

If a short extracurricular activity is enough for elementary school, at which children can be introduced to the stories of the holiday or hold a couple of outdoor games, such as a relay. Then for high school students it is worth preparing a full-fledged event.

Children should prepare in advance for the event. Each class prepares a bright festive wall newspaper, students can prepare scenes, learn songs and dances. Older children can even prepare a massive flash mob in the school lobby or school corridors.

Be sure to decorate the school for Valentine's Day. You can use balloons, it can be in the shape of hearts, bright posters on which famous statements about love are written.

Cupid's mail

The most famous holiday tradition is exchange of notes with declarations of love... In order for Cupid's mail to work, you will need to install a box with a slot (like a mailbox), and also choose a couple of letter carriers from each class.

Anyone can put a message in the box, not forgetting to indicate the name of the addressee and the class in which he studies. At recess, the letter-carriers check the contents of the mailbox, taking away letters addressed to their classmates and delivering them.

Organization of the evening

The holiday itself is usually held in the assembly hall. The event is divided into two parts. First comes the creative part, during which guests of the holiday are invited to see concert numbers prepared by the participants of the holiday. The second part includes contests, games and, of course, dances.

The creative part of the evening can include a variety of numbers. Of course, they should be thematic. The participants of the holiday can read beautiful poems about love, play scenes from famous literary works.

However, the greatest interest in children, as a rule, is the second part. When choosing contests for Valentine's Day at school, do not forget that a school evening is not a party in a club. It is necessary to take into account the age of the children, their possible shyness and the presence of personal antipathies and sympathies between the students.

Thus, games for Valentine's Day at school should correspond to the theme of the holiday, but at the same time not have the taint of vulgarity that is often present in contests held at "adult" parties.

Games for children in grades 5-7

Children of middle school age usually take part in mobile competitions with pleasure.

A balloon is tied to each player's ankle. A funny melody is turned on, to which the children dance, trying to keep their ball intact, but, at the same time, burst the balls of their rivals.

The game is played as a relay race. First, children are told that a heart pierced by an arrow is a symbol of falling in love. Then the game is played.

The teams line up near the start of the relay, and at the finish line they set up a chair on which the darts lie, and a little further on the wall a heart cut out of foam is fixed. Each participant in the relay runs the distance from start to finish, takes a dart from a chair and throws it, trying to hit the heart. The winner is the team that completes the relay faster and leaves more darts at the target.

Three or four people take part in the game at the same time. Players are given small mirrors. They should look in the mirror and compliment themselves, saying how much they love themselves. The main task of the player is not to laugh. And it will be quite difficult to do this, since others will roll with laughter, listening to what compliments the player is giving himself.

Each team receives a poster in the form of a Whatman paper, which depicts the outline of the heart. And also a large number of small hearts cut out of paper. The task of the team is to make a face out of small hearts for a drawn heart, "draw" eyes, nose, smile, etc.

Games for high school students

For high school students, you can choose funny contests that allow you to demonstrate your erudition, acting skills and dexterity. Here are some ideas for playing Valentine's Day games.

This game is played according to the same principle that is used in the broadcast of the same name. And in order for the competition to correspond to the theme of the holiday, love songs should be selected for assignments.

This game works well for a relatively small company, and is suitable if an evening is being held for one class. It is necessary to prepare notes with tasks - forfeits. For fun, sticky notes can be placed in Kinder Surprise containers, glued empty walnut halves, or balloons that need to be burst to retrieve the note.

Each player chooses a task for himself and performs it... Tasks can be as follows:

  • say a compliment to your neighbor;
  • list five famous couples in love from world literature;
  • fold a flower from a napkin and present it to someone present;
  • sing a song about love, etc.

If the player cannot or does not want to complete the task, then he is assigned a "penalty". The options for fines will also need to be thought out in advance. For example, a player with a penalty may be asked to read a love poem or jump on one leg.

For the game, you need to prepare cards on which proverbs about love, phrases from poems and songs will be written. The presenter explains the problem to the players: “Lovers often do not have enough words to be able to convey their feelings, so they resort to expressive language of gestures and facial expressions. Each player who received a card must convey without words what is written there so that the rest will understand what it is about. "

This game will reveal among the players the masters of giving compliments. Each participant must come up with a compliment for his beloved (or loved one, if the player is a girl). The difficulty lies in the fact that the invented phrase must contain the word that the player receives by drawing lots. Words for this game need to be chosen such that it is not easy to compose a compliment. For example, "refrigerator", "hockey", "puddle", etc.

The game is played by dividing the participants into two teams - boys and girls. The task of each team is to come up with as many pleasant adjectives as possible that characterize the opposite team (examples: amazing, cute, beautiful, original, etc.). Compliments are given in turn by each team. A team that cannot come up with another adjective is losing.


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