Conception with papillomavirus infection. A pregnant woman has papillomas or existing ones have increased - what should I do? What methods are used for the destruction of papillomas in expectant mothers

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papillomavirus during pregnancy(HPV, papilloma, papillomavirus infection) does not pose a particular threat to either the woman or the child. The probability of infection of the baby during childbirth exists only with the manifestation of papilloma in the vagina. This infection is not transmitted in utero.

The external manifestation of this disease is the appearance of warts on the body and mucous membranes. This condition occurs in 92% of the world's population, that is, almost all people have the human papillomavirus in their blood.

The danger to humans is not the virus itself, but the consequences that it causes. The worst of them is cancer. This, of course, does not mean that if you have warts, you will definitely get cancer! Of the 65 known varieties of HPV, only 17 have a high risk of oncogenicity (that is, it can provoke the development of a malignant tumor). In this regard, papilloma requires careful attention and medical supervision.

If a person becomes infected with papillomavirus infection, then he will remain its carrier for life. The disease may not manifest itself at all, or it may manifest itself as new benign neoplasms on the skin or mucous membranes. The main method of treatment is cosmetic reduction (burning out, removal) of warts, papillomas and genital warts.

In the case of carriage of the virus, its form from latent can become active against the background of a decrease in immunity. The latent course of HPV can last for several years. But under the influence of any factors that weaken the immune system, papillomas that have not previously manifested themselves and are dormant in the blood of the carrier will definitely declare themselves. In such cases, the disease becomes active and affects the epithelial tissue. When such lesions appear, a person should seek the help of doctors to choose a method for treating papillomas.

Some forms of HPV can develop into a malignant (cancerous) neoplasm, namely squamous cell carcinoma. This disease most often manifests itself as cancer of the cervix, vulva (external genital organs of a woman), perineum, anus and penis in men.

For women, in addition to a cosmetic defect, the presence of papillomas is more dangerous than for men. According to WHO, when a woman becomes infected with the HPV virus through sexual contact, she has a 60% increased risk of cervical cancer. Therefore, in case of detection of neoplasms on the cervix, their mandatory removal is required.

The transmission of human papillomavirus infection occurs mainly through sexual contact, as well as through infected blood, in contact with affected skin and mucous membranes, and transmission of the virus from a mother suffering from HPV to a child during childbirth is possible.

Risk factors for HPV infection are promiscuity, drug and tobacco addiction, HIV infection and other viral infections, alcohol abuse, and stress.

papillomavirus and pregnancy

If a woman is found, then in principle, this does not pose any significant danger, except that the child can become infected during childbirth.

Of course, it is best to be tested for HPV before pregnancy, and if detected, receive appropriate treatment. True, pregnancy will have to be postponed a little, since the antiviral drug "Podophyllotoxin" is usually prescribed for the treatment of papillomas, which leads to necrosis (dying off) of the warts and is during its use. Therefore, it will be possible for a woman to become pregnant some time after the end of treatment (usually in the second menstrual cycle).

If a woman is already pregnant, then the treatment of papilloma is postponed until (until this time, the woman is under the special supervision of a gynecologist). But since the use of Podophyllotoxin during pregnancy is absolutely contraindicated, a more gentle and conservative treatment will be selected for the woman.

Can HPV affect the fetus in any way? No, it can't, except if there are papillomas in his mother's vagina. In such cases, it is possible for the baby to become infected during its passage through the maternal birth canal. Then there is a serious risk of developing a disease in a newborn child such as condylomatosis of the larynx. In the presence of vaginal papillomas, a woman is advised to refuse to give birth naturally and resort to delivery by caesarean section. If the localization of genital warts in the expectant mother is not in the vagina, then the child cannot become infected.

The main danger that papilloma carries for a pregnant woman is that with a decrease in immunity in combination with viral infections, various diseases can worsen (or new ones appear) in the expectant mother, which in turn can cause pregnancy complications and health problems. at the baby. Such women are advised to take enhanced measures to strengthen immunity and adhere to a sparing regimen.

In addition, it can provoke the appearance of other infectious diseases in a woman, especially, which can also penetrate to the fetus. Therefore, monitoring the health of a woman, especially on the eve of childbirth, avoids problems in childbirth and infection of the child.

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Many women find bumps and growths on the skin - papillomas. Such an unpleasant surprise upsets any woman, and even the expectant mother just scares. Why papillomas sometimes appear on the skin during pregnancy and how to deal with them - let's talk today.

At the very beginning of our article, it is important to understand that papilloma - that is, the pathological proliferation of epithelial skin cells in the form of tubercles, spikes, threads - is just an external manifestation of human infection with a special virus. The human papillomavirus, also known as HPV or HPV, is not the only malicious virus, but a large group of viruses, in which several hundred representatives have been discovered at the moment. Each of them is called a strain in microbiology and causes various diseases in humans and animals. Some of them cause diseases of the skin and mucous membranes only in animals. Other strains of the virus affect only humans, causing both skin manifestations - warts, papillomas, condylomas, plantar warts, and oncological diseases. The role of HPV in malignant processes of the cervix, rectum, larynx, and skin has been proven.

Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus

As a rule, the virus is transmitted through obvious or hidden defects of the skin and mucous membranes. We list the main ways of infection:

  1. Sexual way. Through invisible microdamages of the mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs, which are always present during any sexual intercourse, the virus penetrates the dividing epithelial cells and infects them. As a rule, sexual transmission is characteristic of papillomas of the vulva, foreskin and condylomas of the penis, anus and vagina.
  2. Infection of the child when passing through the genital tract of the mother with a massive lesion of the genital organs. In an infant, the virus often affects the larynx, vocal cords, and the anus.
  3. With household contacts. This area of ​​infection is the most extensive and least controlled. This includes touching, shaking hands, using common household items, including hygiene items, linen. Often there is an infection with plantar warts when visiting the pool, sauna and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

It is important to understand that it is very difficult to prevent infection, since about 80-90% of the population is infected with HPV, but not everyone has obvious external manifestations of it. The reason for this is the peculiarities of antiviral immunity of each individual patient.

As we have already understood, the main reason for the appearance of clinical manifestations of the virus in the form of papillomas, warts and other unpleasant cosmetic defects is a consequence of the active reproduction of the virus against the background of a weakened immune system.

  1. period of severe illness. Often the body's immune response drops after a sore throat, flu, severe food poisoning, operations, blood transfusions, and so on.
  2. Diseases associated with immunodeficiency - HIV, hepatitis, oncological diseases, especially against the background of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  3. Chronic alcoholism, drug addiction.
  4. Pregnancy, postpartum period - during these periods, there is a physiological decrease in immunity, which is aimed at maintaining pregnancy. Otherwise, the mother's body will reject the fetus as a half-foreign object.

Impact of human papillomavirus on pregnancy

It is in connection with the absolutely necessary temporary immunodeficiency that a pregnant woman first develops manifestations of HPV infection. Very often, expectant mothers are concerned that during pregnancy they have papillomas, which are most often localized on the neck, nipples, halos, and body. Papillomas can be single or become massive. Such an extensive lesion is often characteristic of vulvar and perineal papillomatosis. Most expectant mothers have heard about the close relationship between cervical cancer and HPV. We hasten to reassure, cervical cancer and skin growths are caused by completely different types of HPV.

Why are papillomas dangerous during pregnancy?

  1. Combined defeat. Despite the fact that each disease, be it plantar warts, skin papillomas, warts, genital warts of the anus or vagina, cervical and rectal cancer, is caused by different strains of the virus, no one can judge how many strains a particular patient is infected with. Therefore, it is very likely that in the presence of such "alarm signals" in the form of HPV skin manifestations, there is a lesion of the cervical mucosa.
  2. The possibility of infection of the fetus. The fetus can become infected during childbirth, passing through the birth canal of the mother. It is also possible cases of infection after childbirth, during the care of the baby. This is observed less frequently, most often in premature, weakened children, as well as with a massive lesion of the mother.
  3. Mechanical damage to papillomas. Often there is traumatization of skin growths on the neck, in the friction zones of underwear and shoes, on the fingers. Papillomatous outgrowths are well supplied with blood and bleed quite abundantly when damaged.

Diagnosis of HPV infection

Special diagnostic methods are most often not required. Papillomas and warts have a fairly typical appearance. These are growths raised above the surface of the skin from beige to dark brown in the form of tubercles, spines, cones, threads.

A special examination is required in the following cases:

  1. Massive lesion implies severe cases of immune suppression. In this case, it is necessary to exclude HIV, blood diseases and other background diseases.
  2. Damage to the genital area. It is important to conduct a parallel diagnosis of HPV strains that can cause cervical cancer. To do this, smears are taken from the cervical canal and examined by PCR or polymerase chain reaction for a certain group of viruses - high-oncogenic HPV types.
  3. Suspicion of malignant degeneration of the skin formation. Sometimes some of the papillomas change their appearance, bleed and grow rapidly. Such formations require a mandatory biopsy for a malignant process.

Treatment of papillomas during pregnancy

As a rule, single papillomas do not need special treatment. With a massive process, especially in localization in the genital area, special treatment methods are required. During pregnancy, doctors try as much as possible not to interfere with the processes of the immune response. But in cases of combination of HPV with precancerous diseases of the cervix, herpetic or cytomegalovirus infection, extensive processes during pregnancy and on the eve of childbirth, courses of interferons are prescribed. These include drugs such as Viferon, Genferon, Ruferon and so on. These drugs over the years of their use have not shown a harmful effect on the fetus, but, despite this, they should be prescribed only under strict indications and under the supervision of a doctor!

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question: is it possible to remove papillomas during pregnancy? The answer is rather ambiguous and depends on the localization of papillomas, their number and.

As a rule, doctors prefer not to remove skin growths before the baby is born and even during breastfeeding. This decision is made not so much because of the potential harm of chemicals (acids, alkalis, liquid nitrogen) or physical methods (radio waves, laser). With a single use of all these methods at a gestation period of more than 22 weeks, the harm to the child is doubtful. However, sometimes it’s worth just waiting with these manipulations, because after the birth of a child and lactation, a woman’s immunity is quickly restored, and often papillomas go away on their own.

From traditional medicine during pregnancy, an extract or extract from celandine works very well. In the summer, you can use the juice of the plant itself. They lubricate the affected areas several times a day. With this method, many pregnant women remove papillomas on the nipples, which after birth will be constantly traumatized.

Features of delivery in human papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus infection is usually not a contraindication for natural childbirth. Only sometimes, with a massive lesion of the anogenital region, premature birth, as well as a combination of papillomatosis with herpetic or cytomegalovirus infection on the eve of childbirth, is an operation option considered.

Prevention of human papillomavirus infection

  1. The culture of sexual relations, the use of barrier methods of contraception, regular visits to the gynecologist.
  2. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially in public places.
  3. Hardening, healthy lifestyle.
  4. Pregnancy planning and proper examination before its onset. More about .
  5. Breastfeeding a child. This is a very important point in the prevention of infection of the baby! Breast milk contains a huge amount of immune factors and antibodies that will help a child who has had contact with HPV to defeat the virus.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for

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The human papillomavirus is present in the body of 90% of adults. Infection occurs in different ways: intrauterine, sexual, contact.

It's almost impossible to protect yourself from it. There are more than 180 varieties of this virus, but only a few of them are really dangerous: they can cause cancer and serious complications during pregnancy.

The correct name for the disease is human papillomavirus. It manifests itself in the form of skin neoplasms. In most cases, these are small skin-colored growths, sometimes brown.

HPV during pregnancy is not the worst diagnosis. The appearance of the virus in the female body does not affect the health and development of the fetus. In addition, doctors have not yet proven that papillomas can affect the course of pregnancy itself. The virus does not lead to intrauterine malformations of the child, does not provoke premature birth or miscarriage, and does not cause other pathologies.

The only case when a virus can be life-threatening for a baby is the presence of anogenital papillomas or genital warts. The cause of such growths is the defeat of the body of a woman with HPV type 11 or type 6. If at the time of conception in the female body the virus was in a latent form, then when carrying a baby, it is likely to appear in the form of papillomas.

If the warts were already present on the body of the pregnant woman before conception, in the process of bearing the fetus, they can grow and change shape. Most often, infection of a child with HPV occurs if papillomas are localized in the genital area and anus. In this case, during childbirth, the infection enters the child's body. But you should not worry about this, since the immune defense of the newborn is able to cope with the virus.

The presence of HPV in a pregnant woman is not a direct indication for caesarean section. A woman may well give birth on her own without dangerous consequences for the child. An exception is the presence of a huge genital papilloma, which complicates the process of childbirth.

What is the danger for women and children?

The human papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus at all. But pregnancy itself often causes the onset of the development of this disease.

If a woman had genital papillomas before conception, then during the bearing of a child they can grow more actively, and at the same time, vaginal discharge will increase. In this way, the virus provides itself with favorable conditions. However, as a rule, warts do not threaten the child.

HPV cannot affect the fetus, except in cases of spread of papillomas in the mother's vagina. In this case, there is a risk of infection of the child during his exit through the birth canal. In this case, a serious disease develops - condylomatosis of the larynx. If the papillomas are on other parts of the body, then the fetus cannot become infected with the virus. According to statistics, HPV is transmitted from mother to fetus in 4% of cases.

HPV detected during pregnancy usually does not show up after childbirth. In most cases, spontaneous self-healing occurs.

Causes of papillomavirus infection during pregnancy

HPV transmission occurs in the following ways:

  • During intercourse.
  • Through contaminated blood.
  • Upon contact with affected mucous membranes and skin.
  • In rare cases, from mother to child.

Risk factors:

  • Low immunity.
  • Chaotic sex life.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • The presence of HIV infection.
  • The presence of viruses in the body.
  • Frequent stress.

Locations of papillomas

Papillomas in pregnant women are often localized in such places:

  • Face.
  • Armpits.
  • Breast.

It is important to note that the condition of a woman's skin before conception does not directly affect the appearance of papillomas during pregnancy. It is more correct to say that the very fact of pregnancy is a provoking factor in their appearance. If papillomas were already present on the body, then the risk of their increase during gestation is very high. Most neoplasms occur after the first trimester.

Modern diagnostic methods

Often, the presence of a virus can be judged by the appearance of small formations on the skin and mucous membranes. However, it can be present in the body in a latent form, in which case the infected person does not even know about his disease.

Modern diagnostics is aimed at identifying oncogenic types of papillomavirus:

  • Determining the type of virus and specific .
  • Identification of the duration of HPV persistence in the body.
  • Determination of viral load and degree of HPV integration into host cells.

When genital papillomas appear in a pregnant woman, they will be determined by a visual examination by a gynecologist. The following methods can be used to confirm the diagnosis:

  • biopsy with histological examination;
  • cytological examination of smears to detect malignant cells;
  • colposcopy;
  • PCR to identify HPV types;
  • acetic acid test.

Laboratory diagnosis of the presence of HPV is also prescribed in the case when a pregnant woman has cervical erosion or ectopia.


Modern medicine offers HPV treatment with surgical and conservative methods. Therapy is carried out with the help of medications:

  • cycloferon (Reaferon and Cycloferon);
  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunomodulatory agents.

However, drug methods do not help to completely overcome the virus, but only reduce its amount in the human body.

The expediency of surgical intervention is determined by the localization of papillomas. If neoplasms have spread in the uterine cervix, their prompt removal is mandatory. Methods can be used for this:

  • cryotherapy - freezing;
  • cauterization - diathermocoagulation.

Removal of warts on the body is an exclusively cosmetic procedure, since it does not rid the body of the papilloma virus.

Papillomas and childbirth are not always compatible, since it is quite possible that the child will become infected with the virus from the mother while overcoming the birth canal.

Many antiviral medicines for women carrying a child are strictly prohibited. If HPV was detected before conception, then pregnancy can only be planned after the completion of the therapeutic course. The body must fully recover. Immune protection is the main barrier against infection and pathogenic microorganisms. And it is important to pay due attention to the state of immunity.

If papillomas occur during pregnancy, they do not need to be treated immediately. During the first 28 weeks of gestation, the most important internal organs are laid and formed in the child, and women are forbidden to drink drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

There are medicines approved for use during pregnancy, for example, Viferon. This ointment contains interferon, a substance that strengthens the immune system. Viferon is suitable for removing neoplasms. But it is not recommended to use it on your own without the permission of the doctor.

Possible Complications

The most dangerous HPV types are 16 and 18, which cause cervical cancer in women. The appearance of HPV during childbearing can pose a threat to the health of not only the woman, but also her baby, if the papillomas are located in the uterus and on the walls of the vagina.

During childbirth, the child may take a breath prematurely, and with it, the infection will enter the child's body through the respiratory tract. In most cases, the immune defense of newborns copes with the virus. But some babies may develop a rare disease - laryngeal papillomatosis. Thus, complications will be dangerous for the baby.

It is allowed to give birth in the presence of formations in the genital area. But if the papillomas are too large and cannot be cured, doctors will offer another method - a caesarean section. This decision will protect the mother and child from the penetration of HPV into his body.

However, papillomas can also be located in other places on the skin. If they are not in the uterine cervix and vagina, then they do not pose any danger to the fetus, and there will be no complications for the pregnant woman.

If a woman has the opportunity to recover from the virus before pregnancy, this definitely needs to be done. Some strains in advanced form lead to adverse effects. But the baby needs a healthy mother for full development.

The main danger of HPV in a pregnant woman is that in the event of a decrease in immune protection in combination with other viral infections, there is a risk of exacerbation of old or the emergence of new diseases. This can lead to complications of bearing health problems in the fetus. Such patients need to pay attention to enhanced measures to strengthen the immune system and observe a sparing regimen.

In addition, in position they can provoke the development of other infectious diseases, for example, thrush - candidiasis, which, in turn, can be transmitted to the fetus.

Monitoring the health of a woman, especially before childbirth, will make it possible to prevent many problems with the birth and development of the child.


It is possible to prevent the appearance of papillomavirus in a pregnant woman, but not completely. There are a number of ways to reduce risks:

  • Do not gain excess body weight.
  • Do not wear tight clothing that irritates the skin.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Provide protection against colds and penetration of other viruses and infections into the body.
  • Get regular medical check-ups.

However, all these methods do not provide a full guarantee of protection - no one is immune from the appearance of papillomas.

There is no specific treatment for HPV in the world yet. However, a vaccine is now available that prevents damage to the most dangerous types of papillomavirus. It's called Gardasil.

You can buy a medicine in 60 countries of the world, including Russia. However, vaccination will only help as a preventive measure, not as a cure. The vaccine helps protect against the four most dangerous types of HPV.

It is rational to carry out vaccination before the appearance of conditions of infection, that is, before the onset of sexual activity. Young women are recommended to be vaccinated between the ages of 17 and 26.


Human papillomavirus is not treated during pregnancy, as any antiviral medicines can harm the baby in the womb. This disease is not dangerous, and it is quite possible to give birth to a healthy baby with it. It is recommended to follow preventive measures aimed at protecting the body and strengthening the immune system.

HPV is a disease of a viral nature that causes the appearance of various vegetations on the skin: warts, papillomas and genital warts. Due to the lack of information about the virus, a lot of myths and superstitions have appeared. One of them is HPV and pregnancy.

A feature of the papillomavirus is a long latent stay in the human body. For many years, HPV may be present in tissues, but with strong immunity, growths on the skin and mucous membranes do not appear.

During pregnancy, physiological immunosuppression occurs, which prevents the rejection of the embryo, then the fetus from the woman's body. HPV is activated, unpleasant formations appear.

If vegetations have already formed, during the gestational period, papillomas may increase in size or new foci of a benign tumor may appear. Against the background of HPV, immune protection is reduced, a woman may activate others: viral, bacterial or fungal infections.

Infection of a child can occur only during childbirth. During delivery, the virus can enter the baby's throat. Danger for the baby is represented by oncogenic types of the virus. These are strains No. 16, 18, 31. They provoke the appearance of warts on the mucous membrane of the genital organs in the mother.

HPV 16, 31 and pregnancy are quite compatible concepts. Infection with these strains is not an indication for abortion.

Is it possible to plan pregnancy in the presence of HPV

Planning pregnancy with a proven fact of the presence of the papillomavirus is undesirable. When genital warts appear, you should undergo an examination to identify the strain of the virus, undergo complex treatment, and remove all formations.

When a highly oncogenic type of virus is detected, an examination of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bto identify areas of dysplasia, erosion, and cancer.

Only after recovery, it is possible to resolve issues related to the conception of a child. Even the identification of a highly oncogenic strain is not a contraindication for future and present pregnancy. The doctor will pay more attention to such patients, they will have to undergo an additional examination.

HPV analysis during pregnancy

Research on papillomavirus is not included in the list of mandatory tests when registering a pregnant woman in a antenatal clinic.

Indications for the appointment of an examination for HPV:

  • the appearance of warts in the reproductive organs, anus, perianal fold;
  • the presence of symptoms of HPV infection of a highly oncogenic type in the past;
  • identification of partner infection, the presence of formations on the penis;
  • an increase in the number of vegetations, their size during pregnancy;
  • complex diagnostics for dysplasia, suspicious neoplasms on the cervix;
  • the patient's desire to be examined.

The study is carried out in any convenient and accessible way for the patient. This may be an ELISA, in which antibodies to the papillomavirus are determined. The material for the study is capillary or venous blood. The results will be ready in 7-8 days.

Standard and accurate methods are DIGENE-test and PCR analysis with virus DNA isolation. In this case, it is necessary to take a regular smear on the chair: scraping from the urethra, vagina, cervical wall. The result is ready within a day.

In the results of the analysis, the fact of infection with the papillomavirus will be noted, its type, viral load will be indicated. If there is no infection, there are no external manifestations of papillomatosis, and there are no indications for HPV testing. You don't need to check anything.

Papillomas removal methods and HPV treatment

Treatment of the disease is carried out by a gynecologist, with a partner - a urologist or andrologist, dermatovenereologist. Drug therapy is not carried out, most antiviral drugs are prohibited from using during the gestational period.

While waiting for the child, genital warts are removed on the mucous membranes of the reproductive organs, in the urethra, and in the perianal fold. If erosion, tissue dysplasia on the cervix or cervical canal is detected, dynamic observation is indicated - therapeutic measures are postponed until delivery.

Removal of genital warts during pregnancy is preferably carried out after the 28th week of the gestational period. Methods with proven effectiveness:

  • cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen;
  • laser therapy;
  • radio wave method.

Removal of benign formations is carried out on an outpatient basis using drugs for local anesthesia. Treatment of papillomas with aggressive liquids such as "Ferezol", "Superclean" on the mucous membranes during pregnancy is prohibited. These drugs can cause tissue burns.

Electrical destruction is not carried out. This procedure causes discomfort even with the use of local anesthesia. There is a risk of burning the tissues of the reproductive organs.

With extensive growths of papillomas, a significant size, surgical intervention is indicated. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The decision on the need for surgical treatment during pregnancy is made by the gynecologist together with the surgeon.

You should not treat the human papillomavirus during pregnancy on your own. Do not use unverified folk remedies, aggressive liquids, do not treat neoplasms with the juice of poisonous plants. This threatens with tissue burns, the development of complications, infection of the skin, mucous membranes.

The impact of HPV on the fetus

The virus does not penetrate into the uterine cavity and does not cause intrauterine infections. The diagnosis of HPV 31 and pregnancy are compatible concepts. The birth of a healthy child depends only on the desire of the woman to continue bearing, to follow the recommendations of doctors.

At the present stage of development of medicine it is proved:

  1. Infection during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the unborn child. The virus does not affect the fetus, does not penetrate into the uterine cavity.
  2. HPV is not mutagenic or teratogenic.
  3. The virus does not provoke miscarriage, fetal death, does not affect the onset of labor.

Only oncogenic strains with already diagnosed cervical tissue dysplasia and precancerous conditions of the reproductive system are dangerous. The consequences for a child with HPV during pregnancy are minimal, the patient will be under the close attention of doctors, give birth by caesarean section.

The consequences for women are more significant. Against the background of infection, there is a decrease in the overall immune defense of the body, chronic diseases may worsen, and conditionally pathogenic flora become more active. Genital warts are accompanied by itching, pain, burning on the reproductive organs.

Consequences and prognosis

With proper management of pregnancy, treatment of the disease, removal of formations, any negative consequences for the child should be expected, complications in childbirth should not be.

The prognosis and consequences for a woman depend on the strain that caused the appearance of neoplasms. If a low-oncogenic type of HPV is detected, warts should be removed and continue to live a normal life, and measures should be taken to improve the body's immune defenses. After giving birth, you should come for a check-up to the doctor 2 times a year.

If a highly oncogenic type of virus is detected, this is the reason for a comprehensive examination. With unchanged cervical epithelium, no signs of dysplasia, it is recommended to undergo a course of antiviral therapy after childbirth and breastfeeding. If warts are found in the vagina, on the cervix, according to the combination of indications, a caesarean section may be preferred. This will avoid possible infection of the child.

After childbirth, a long-term dynamic observation by a gynecologist is indicated. When signs of degeneration of the epithelium appear, surgical removal of the affected tissue is recommended. Chemo- and radiation therapy is indicated only with a confirmed malignant nature of the formations.

Papillomavirus is a dangerous infectious agent. But many live with him all his life, bear, give birth to healthy children. It is easier to check for infection even at the stage of pregnancy planning. If HPV is diagnosed already during the gestation period, this is not a reason for an emergency abortion.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman needs to especially closely monitor her health. In her hands is not only the state of her own body, but also the fate, and sometimes the life of the future baby. One of the threats is . If in the normal state, although it is capable of leading to serious consequences in the form of cancer, then during pregnancy the disease is especially dangerous, because it affects the health of the fetus. What types of HPV are especially dangerous for the unborn child and his mother, is it possible to get pregnant in the presence of this disease, and are there ways to cope with the disease, protecting yourself and your baby?

We will immediately reassure the reader - in most cases, the papillomavirus does not affect the development of the fetus and does not endanger his life, as well as the life of his mother. The main difficulty lies in the fact that at the time of birth and the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, the virus is highly likely to be transmitted to the baby. The subtlety lies in the fact that any types of papillomavirus are almost asymptomatic, so it is rather difficult to detect it before pregnancy or during gestation, this requires difficult and very expensive tests.

At the same time, the presence of HPV in a woman’s body does not in any way affect the likelihood of conception, as well as the successful bearing of a child. There is a popular belief that the chance of conceiving a baby is significantly reduced if the girl is a carrier of the infection. As a result, people do not protect themselves, unplanned pregnancies are obtained. This is where the main problems begin - measures should still be taken, because the transmission of the virus to the baby is undesirable. So it is allowed to have sex, you can get pregnant, but it’s worth limiting yourself a little in intimate life.

Sometimes HPV "reprograms" a woman's immunity. Because of this, conception becomes difficult. The mother's immune cells attack the sperm cells of her partner. As a result, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced.

How does HPV affect pregnancy?

With the exception of a few types, papillomavirus does not directly affect the baby. But this disease undermines the body's defenses of the expectant mother. As a result, the immune system weakens, there is a risk of contracting other infectious diseases. Frequent colds begin, even pneumonia is possible. These diseases, in turn, pose a serious threat to the health, and sometimes the lives of both.

Particular attention should be paid to those situations when it comes to strains such as:

These types of HPVs are oncogenic, they are especially active in rearranging the DNA of the cells of their carrier, and also change the characteristics of immunity. These viruses spread very quickly. Sometimes they completely “cover” with warts and warts the entire mucous surface of the vagina and cervix in just 4-5 hours. In the future, this will lead to problems about the time of childbirth.

But do not forget about the oncogenicity of microorganisms. Since the body of a woman during pregnancy and without HPV is very vulnerable due to a decrease in the ability of the immune system to resist disease, strain 16 is very likely to develop into:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • cancerous tumor.

That's not all - the types of HPV considered are especially contagious, they are transmitted not only sexually. This leads to the fact that at the time of birth, the baby becomes infected with almost one hundred percent probability.

Complicating the situation is that even if the disease has been identified, a full-fledged treatment will still not work. The use of antibiotics before the 28th week of pregnancy is prohibited - they can affect the development of the unborn baby. Yes, and at a later date, the use of only immunomodulators, vitamin complexes (limitedly) and interferons is permissible. The only thing that can be done without any special consequences is to mechanically remove overgrown condylomas and papillomas. In this case, a simple surgical intervention will not work here, you need to apply:

  • laser technique;
  • cryodestruction (exposure to extremely low temperatures on the affected areas).

In this case, it does not matter when exactly the mother was infected - before pregnancy or during, for example, during an active sexual life after the conception of a child or as a result of skin damage and infection entering the body.


The symptoms of papillomavirus are very sluggish, and this does not depend on whether there is a pregnancy or not. Obvious signs of the disease appear only in 10% of cases, the rest of the patients may not even suspect that a dangerous disease is progressing in their bodies. However, some symptoms may still be observed:

  • discharge from the vagina (less often than in the case of the disease in the normal state of the body);
  • the spread of genital warts and warts throughout the body, especially in the genital area and anus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back;
  • burning and pain when urinating (this is due to urine getting on condylomas);
  • discomfort during intercourse.

Also, sometimes there are signs of intoxication of the body. Women experience hyperthermia (high body temperature), weakness, drowsiness, nausea, and frequent dizziness. At the same time, sometimes the lady becomes irritable, which is not typical for the usual course of HPV of any type.

What to do with HPV during pregnancy?

In fact, the human body's own immunity is able to cope with the papilloma virus on its own. But this is possible only when the body is strong and does not suffer from other diseases. During pregnancy, the immune system is vulnerable, it cannot give a full rebuff to the virus. So it is impossible to let the disease take its course, it is necessary to be treated.

The main thing that should be done is to undergo a full examination. To do this, collect biomaterial (scrapings of the vagina, smears of the cervix) and send for analysis:

  • bacterial culture (it is accurate, but it is quite expensive, and it takes a lot of time - about three weeks);
  • digest test.

It is pointless to take a general blood test. At best, it will simply show the presence of an infection in the body. At the same time, it will not be possible to establish its DNA type and variety, as well as to determine the sensitivity of a microorganism to certain antibiotics; this requires a more detailed examination.

Please note that during pregnancy you need to constantly monitor the condition of the body.

When it comes to treatment, it's not that simple. They resort to drug therapy very rarely, since a significant risk is created for the baby - the normal course of fetal development may be disrupted. Most doctors agree that the use of any measures is justified only if there are obvious changes in the cervix. To control this situation, a woman should regularly undergo colposcopy - a visual examination of the affected organ. Another thing is the removal of genital warts. The methods used were described above, but this is an important matter, because the fewer neoplasms, the lower the risk of developing cancer.

Since HPV of any type depresses the immune system, you need to take care of strengthening the body's defenses. Suitable for this:

  • taking immunomodulators;
  • the use of vitamins, preferably in complexes;
  • adding vegetables and fruits to the diet (they will not be superfluous in any case).

The main thing is not to let the disease take its course. If you undergo a therapeutic course and be regularly observed by a specialist, then the risk of unpleasant complications for both the mother and her baby is minimized.

If in the rest of the situation the fight against HPV with folk remedies is permissible, albeit with a big stretch, this cannot be done during pregnancy.

Consequences of HPV during pregnancy

For the mother of the future baby, everything is simple, the complications are the same as in all other cases of infection:

  • cervical cancer;
  • visual impairment;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • infertility.

For a child, everything can end fatally even before the birth. The fact is that cells of mutated maternal immunity can attack not only sperm at conception, but also the fetus, which has already begun to develop. As a result, a miscarriage will follow, and with a high probability of developing infertility in the mother in the future. If this did not happen, then if the baby is infected, the disease will develop in his body according to the standard scenario that is typical for all other patients.

For girls, HPV is more dangerous than for boys. The risk of developing cancer in the female body is significantly higher.

How to plan pregnancy with HPV?

If this infection was detected in the body even before conception, it is not worth immediately refusing to give birth to a baby. If you follow the rules described above, then the risks for mother and child will be minimal. However, before fertilization should undergo a thorough examination. Its main goal is not so much to identify the virus as to determine its type. For example, if it turns out to be non-oncogenic, then there are no special risks, you can give birth.

But if 16, 18 or 31 HPV strains are detected, you should be additionally examined and listen to the doctor's advice. Be that as it may, but most doctors do not prevent the birth of children by an infected mother. With the right therapeutic tactics, there is practically no danger, the child will be born healthy and will certainly delight parents with their success in the future.

You can also watch a video where a specialist briefly explains how to prepare for pregnancy with HPV.


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