Ditties for a silver wedding are cool. Chastooshkas at a wedding: traditions and entertainment

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Going to your 25th wedding anniversary? Then this is a great excuse to perform wonderful ditties for a silver wedding. Funny, funny and life-like ditties will decorate a silver wedding with "gold"! There is a large selection of ditties for you that your birthday friends will definitely like.

Eh, young
What beautiful!
Congratulations to you friends,
Twenty-five for you, hurray for you!

Everything seemed like yesterday
You got married then.
Now look
Already a quarter of a century behind!

Anniversary you have friends,
You have not lived in vain.
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you a golden wedding!

Oh, how the harmonica plays,
Legs themselves go to dance.
And the young are annealed
Just super, top class!

We have fun, we have a rest.
We congratulate the young.
Already a quarter of a century behind
But the best is yet to come!

Also, don't forget to say. Beautiful and unusual words with a hint will decorate this already chic holiday.

We have fun, we sing
And we shout ditties to you!
We have more than enough strength,
Pour another glass!

We said a toast for you,
The glasses were raised full.
One, two, three and drank
And we ate right away!

Hey husband, take a wife
Show yourself to us.
We will sing and you will dance
It’s not in vain that we came to you.

Bitter, bitter, we shout to you,
And we are looking at you with might and main.
That the groom are you confused?
Haven't you trained in a quarter of a century?

We wish you many years
We promise from ourselves.
At your wedding, golden,
Sing ditties to lights out!

Although the spouses are no longer young, they are still cheerful and cheerful, therefore

Ah, this Russian wedding, its unique scope and flavor. What kind of wedding would do without an accordion (without an accordion) and without ditties: funny, dashing, mischievous. Moreover, not only people of age are inherent in the desire to throw out knees, beat fractions and fervently sing these national quatrains. And the youth, overwhelmed by universal fun and went into a rage, abandons the rhythms of modern music in order to show themselves in all their glory and shine with wit. After all, each ditty carries humorous notes and a playful form. But at the same time, there is some truth in every joke.

There are many ditties on various topics, but not all of them are suitable for wedding fun. Many of them may seem inappropriate and taken with resentment. I bring to your attention a selection of wedding ditties, which can be conditionally divided into several parts. So…

Chastooshkas for a wedding for guests

These ditties can be performed by all guests, regardless of their status and degree of kinship. Universal ditties, which can later be used annually, at every wedding: from paper to wedding (and, if you're lucky, even platinum).

How beautiful we are

Both the bride and the groom.

I will collect all my strength

I will drink a liter for them.

Tables are breaking from food,

The floor is shaking from dancing.

All relatives, friends, neighbors

They drink wine for the young.

I danced at the wedding

Legs ached.

My skirt is ripped

Stretch the accordion wider

Unfold her furs.

Let's break out together "three-four"

To the health of the groom!

Oh beautiful bride,

How good you are.

Everything is so fine, everything is in place,

And a lovely soul.

Ditties congratulations for guests

When all the words have been said, all the toasts are listed, and the soul is still torn, these ditties will come in handy. The honored wishes will be appreciated by the heroes of the occasion and all those present at the wedding.

May love always live

In your pure souls.

And nothing dreams fly

Yours will not break.

We are our newlyweds

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

Happiness to you, may all moments

They will be good in life.

Don't swear, don't get sick

And live to be a hundred.

Save and cherish

Your loving, bright light.

May a son be born to you

And daughter too

And let there be tomboys

Everyone is like you.

Wish you prosperity

I want a big one.

And let your life be

Bright as a show.

Ditties for the bride

This selection of ditties is quite suitable for a bride to perform. But it is not forbidden for guests to sing these unpretentious couplets on behalf of the bride.

Ah, my mother-in-law

Be kind to me.

I will call you mom

Just don't touch us.

I am my mother-in-law yesterday

She called her mom.

And for that she told me

She drove the jeep.

I will respect my father-in-law

He will be my dad.

If it offends,

The mother-in-law will judge us.

Eh, you are our parents,

Soon the grandchildren will go.

You will cook porridge for them,

They won't give you rest.

Mom, dad, father-in-law, mother-in-law,

Start dancing.

Do not spoil the blood of the young,

Throw in a stroller.

Ditties for the groom

These ditties could be sung at a wedding by a representative of the strong half of the family tandem - that is, the groom. If he is not endowed with vocal abilities, or for other reasons refuses to perform them, then the male guests can do it for him.

My mother-in-law is good

Kind, like mom.

Just don't bother us,

We can handle it ourselves.

I think we'll get along with my father-in-law

We will find a common language with him.

About hunting, about fishing

Let's start talking.

I called my mother,

Made her feel good.

And he became a beloved son-in-law

Immediately, probably.

I will love my wife

Long time, purely true.

Will bring out - I will not beat,

I will abstain, probably

Our dear guests

Do not skimp on gifts.

We will accept any:

Ruble, dollars, euros.

You can also compose ditties yourself, using information about your newlyweds. Here, for example, which my husband and I composed especially for them.

And here for a snack Chastushka for a wedding from the Balagan group

And wedding ditties from Putin and Medvedev


Well, what kind of wedding is complete without fun, without jokes, jokes? And among the folk wedding humor, an outstanding place is occupied by wedding ditties - funny, perky, sometimes even a little obscene, with oily jokes - but still beloved and capable of cheering and entertaining guests. We present to our readers a collection of wedding ditties.

Like a butterfly, I flutter
Like a bee buzzing!
Because I am today
Girls, I'm getting married!

Oh, the matchmakers took over,
Yes on Sunday,
Still you love me
And not this Xenia!

Sweetheart gave me a ride
On your Land Cruiser,
There are still traces
On his body!

I'm not afraid of my mother-in-law
I'm a brave girl!
And I'll walk down the street
Like a white swan!

The groom wore flowers to me,
Roses and lilies
I was wailing under the window,
Unloved songs!
I then told him:
"If you want, then get married"
And from your vocals
I am not at all happy about life!

Oh my mother-in-law
Look at me!
I'm such a good son-in-law
Better yet - nowhere to take!

I'm marrying my daughter
I dance and sing!
Since this day,
Mother-in-law will call me!

Blood boils in my veins
I am happy for my son
I am now called mother-in-law,
And my son is a man!

Sing and have fun
Dance until you drop
I gave my daughter in marriage,
The groom as a reward!

Don't look for me, mom!
I fell in love with a gypsy
I'll sit with him on a horse,
Remember, please, me!

Oh, daughter-in-law, take care,
My son,
Tea for him and pies
Serve, darling!

Eh, walk, have fun,
Dear guests!
I became a young wife,
By marrying Kirill!

I'll clap my hands
How good he is!
I frolicked for a year
Finally got married!

If I show mom
I am my beloved
My mom won't give up
Our surname for her!

Your beloved
I met on the Internet.
It turned out to be my neighbor!
How did I not notice?

I have big plans
I want to get married very much!
I'll get up early today
I'll go look for my husband!

How many boys are around
Eyes run wide!
I'd rather not get married ...
I like them all!

Sweet invitation to me
For viewing in the cinema!
Said we would pamper
On the ground for kissing!

My dear father-in-law!
Let's go fishing!
You will take your wife
I'll take Natalka!

I will make friends with my father-in-law
He's a good guy!
I'll buy myself a skirt
And he had galoshes!

I dreamed about children
I didn't eat or drink.
My dear tried
I gave birth to triplets right away!

I'm early this morning
Married Ivan!
I will be a faithful wife
Only be gentle with me!

I can't live without you
My dear!
Your father is a tycoon
And who is mine - I don’t know!

I'm on a date today
I won't go to my darling.
To me it is about the universe
Always scratching nonsense!

Today I finally
I'm going down the aisle with my darling!
For a very long time I didn’t want
Finally flew in!

I fell in love with the pilot
Nice fellow.
He was so brave.
Flew away once.

Wah save me allah
I saw a sweetheart in curlers!
In principle, beautiful!
It's a pity that she is jealous!

I got married early
I'm crying bitterly now.
Girlfriends have a graduation
And I'm babysitting twins.

I won't love you.
You have a long tongue.
I have even longer
But I'm used to it.

I decided to leave my husband,
I don’t want to see him.
Buys me toffee
I want chocolate!

My wife is sassy.
For me, she's sorry for the cutlets.
He wants to make me, brothers,
A new vegetarian!

I bought it in the store
I am all kinds of spirits!
And now I smell sweet
I attract grooms!

I gave my mother-in-law a "car"
So that she rolls!
And she's five days in a row
She was terribly indignant!

We are friends with my mother-in-law
Became bosom!
The relationship is
Very atypical!

He charmed me
Immediately offered to marry.
Didn't have time to agree
I decided to marry another!

In vain I shaved my legs today,
And plucked an eyebrow
My dear did not come to me,
Apparently, love is over!

I don't want a suit for a wedding
I'd be better in jeans
I don't care what to go in
Marry you!

I don't understand something, girls,
They don't marry me.
It turned out teeth are rare
Legs form a circle!

If I become a sex bomb
I can't hold back my feelings.
All male population
Stack it in stacks!

She has crooked legs
There is no waist at all
It's okay that the nose is big
But the house is in Italy!

I invited dear
Swim in the river.
How she undressed
I began to doubt!

I have a smart darling,
Climbs to kiss.
Well, I'm even faster -
I began to undress!

Sweetheart accompanied me
I shook my hand goodbye
I see that he is very worried.
And he is embarrassed to kiss!

Sweetheart hugged me
I was looking for a waist for a long time!
Carried any nonsense in my ear
Probably no experience!

Already married friends
I'm still a girl!
Fit figure
I can't find myself.

Darling doesn't kiss me
He says his nose is in the way!
And I'll put it out of anger
I'm a big sucker for him!

You and I got married
We got married in the church!
We're inseparable now
Why are you sad?

My mother-in-law is the best!
The lady is non-conflict!
There is only one drawback -
Too appetizing!

I'm at my mother-in-law's pancakes
I overeat heavily
And then in your pants
I can hardly fit!

Oh you, my dear son-in-law!
Be a good husband
Yes, work, do not be lazy,
We don't need a drone!

I was going to the wedding
I put on curlers
Already the neighbor was scared
Shouted: "Lord!"

I invited you on a date
Only the day was not specified!
And now every day
I prop up the fence!

I'm not twenty years old
And I'm not married!
My grandfather is wooing me
Lived, well, you must!

I fell in love with the sailor
You won't order your heart
I'm on the shore for now
And he's on a long voyage!

I will plant onions in a row,
Nearby carrots!
What a good hostess
I'll prove it to my mother-in-law!

I gave my daughter in marriage,
Tore it away from me!
You love her son-in-law
Like a mountain ash poplar!

Friend, you are YOUNG,
Just started shaving!
And I fell in love with all my soul,
And he managed to get married!

Darling invited me
Take a ride down the hill
So he drove my sleighs,
What am I now with the baby!

I wanted to get married
Only there is no one to choose
The girls have been married for a long time
For the Germans and the Greeks!

I was walking down the boulevard
I was walking by the river!
I am a bride with ardor, with heat,
Where did the men go?

I'm a pretty girl
Nobody takes in marriage,
I laugh at everyone loudly
The people are offended!

I was looking for a bride
Washed all the heels
I'll tell you to be honest
I like men!

Oh, you, my mother-in-law,
You are so kind
If you don’t lend a ruble,
You will become a cobra at once!

Chastushki - everyone's favorite kind of folk art. Previously, not a single holiday could do without them; funny ditties for a wedding were especially popular. Over the years, this tradition has not lost its attractiveness and today they can often be heard at the celebration both for newlyweds and for those who already have years of marriage behind them. This is due to the fact that wedding ditties are universal and touch on many topics that excite both young people and families who have come a long way. Another highlight of these quatrains is humor, without which they definitely would not have had such success. To make you have a lot of fun at the wedding, www.site has prepared for you a selection of funny and cool ditties, reading which, it is impossible not to smile.

Funny ditties about the bride and groom

Most of the funny ditties have been written about the bride and groom, as the main characters of the whole celebration, some of them aptly notice everyday difficulties, others - everyday disagreements that invariably arise in any couple, and still others give comic advice. But the main thing is that they all give a good mood.

The groom fell in love with the bride -
And now they are married.
From now on they will live together -
There is no one to blame!

How beautiful we are
Both the bride and the groom.
I will collect all my strength
I'll drink two liters for them.

Ah beautiful bride
How good you are.
Everything is so fine, everything is in place,
And a wonderful soul.

The music is playing with might and main
Let it not stop.
The groom will kiss the bride -
It becomes enviable!

There is no free space here
There is nowhere for an apple to fall.
Nice, sweet bride,
I just want to steal!

Our groom is not just a macho!
Subtle mind, stern look.
Like a prince, nothing else!
So everyone talks about him!

At the swan bride
The character is golden!
But now she has freedom
There won't be any!

The wedding dances and walks
Nobody sits in anguish!
Where is the young couple?
Shares money in the corner!

Chastushki-wishes for the wedding

Congratulations of young people is a responsible business, it takes more than one day to find beautiful words that sink into the soul. But you can go the other way and use cool ditties about the wedding for your wishes, which will definitely impress and amuse the young people with guests and will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

Groom advice a couple
I wish to give
So that a family member without "Viagra"
To live up to a hundred years with the bride!

We wish a young family
Honestly share in the house,
To whom garbage and dishes,
And to whom to beat the thumbs.

The husband must be protected
They stole everybody.
Put him on the stove
So as not to be stolen!

We, a young wife,
We want to wish you:
You and your spouse demand tribute
Weasel, money - all for yourself!

We all went mountains,
All steep banks.
We wish young people happiness
And two sacks of sweets.

(Name of the bride), you are early in the morning,
Eat banana and orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all.

Here's a sheepskin coat from Canada
From Algeria - fish oil.
We wish you a spouse
To travel the whole world.

Practice eloquence
Resolve any scandal
To make life look like
On the Brazilian TV series!

We wish you well-being
Money, happiness and kindness.
So that they stand on the table
Fruit, whiskey and caviar.

Young, you are obedient
Follow your husband's orders
Husband, wife always be faithful
And don't get on her nerves!

So that only euro, dollar, pounds
You were handed every time!
To count with six zeros
In every bank you had!

I don't know what to wish for
I'm afraid not to please
Pieces of five sons and daughters
I wish to give birth to you!

We will bring bread and salt
Our marriage couple.
Open your mouth wider!
Good luck to you!

Ditties for a wedding anniversary

Celebrating a wedding anniversary is a wonderful tradition that brings the family together even more, shows how much the couple has already achieved, being a single whole, and it is also a great occasion to get together with relatives and friends and have a grandiose holiday. When the family has already comprehended all the hardships of family life and endured them with dignity, witty ditties for the wedding anniversary will come in handy.

There was a time - I was having fun
Until the morning!
And now I'll walk a little
The husband shouts: "It's time to go home!"

The lumberjack cuts trees,
Slivers fly to the sides.
If he is jealous, then he loves,
That's what the people say!

Unreliable girls
Overcrowded the country.
In our time to rely
It is possible only for the wife.

Your ring -
Gold standard.
You look wife
For (Name) at both!

The guests are drinking and having fun
There will be a holiday until the morning
Husband and wife remember
How they got married on the sly.

To you under the very roof of paradise,
It's given to build your nest,
Your full house has become a bowl,
For all the years one hundred percent!

No love without a kiss
All love is in a kiss
We remember how you kissed
Right up to the first roosters.

Everything is in (Name) according to the mind,
He loves his wife!
And she answered him,
After all, he controls the budget!

Chastooshkas are a fairly simple genre, so the Les Noces.ws portal recommends that you try to compose them yourself, using the qualities and habits inherent in your familiar newlywed couple. And also do not forget to prepare a couple of the best drinking songs that will be known to everyone, because at the end of the evening, when the guests are tired and are sitting at the table, this is the best way to end the festive evening.


    What kind of wedding feast is complete without the performance and texts of funny and funny ditties? They are traditionally sung at the right moment at all Slavic weddings!

    They congratulate the newlyweds with cheerful and witty wedding ditties, playfully tease the mother-in-law and father-in-law, drive the groom's parents into paint and “reveal” to the young all the “delights” of family life. In a word, without ditties, a wedding feast turns into a boring event with a silent absorption of food and drinks!

    To prevent this from happening, memorize the texts of the wedding ditties published below. We have wedding ditties for every taste - for the groom and the bride, and for their parents, and for guests who want to sing some playful quatrain at the wedding. Meet -

    Funny ditties for the wedding

    We are a young family
    We celebrate the birthday
    And we'll sing ditties
    To everyone's surprise.

    Unreliable girls
    Overcrowded the country.
    In our time to rely
    You can only go to your wife!

    Guests were whispering at the table,
    I overheard the conversation.
    They say that couples are more beautiful
    Have not seen it yet!

    The groom fell in love with the bride
    And now they are married.
    From now on they will live together -
    There is no one to blame!

    Having skipped a dozen stacks,
    Everyone will dance and sing!
    Well, son-in-law, easy and simple,
    She will call her mother-in-law mom!

    The little son-in-law came to the father-in-law,
    And quietly:
    "Hide money from his wife
    This is very bad?"

    Our dear guests
    Do not skimp on gifts.
    We will accept any money:
    Euros, dollars, rubles!

    "Bitterly" - everyone is shouting today,
    And I just love it!
    I really like it, for sure
    This is your wedding!

    Funny ditties for a wedding from guests

    We walked up at the wedding
    We danced and got drunk!
    Only now they completely forgot
    Give you a gift!

    It's time for the young to go to bed
    Well, we have to worry
    Yes, to be tormented by the question:
    "Will they succeed?"

    And now we will shout: "Bitter!"
    And we will ask everyone to pour!
    We sang a lot of ditties -
    You need to wet your throat!

    We wish a young family
    Honestly share in the house,
    To whom garbage and dishes,
    And to whom to beat the thumbs.

    How beautiful we are
    Both the bride and the groom!
    I will collect all my strength
    I'll drink two liters for them!

    Do not swear, do not get sick,
    And live to be a hundred.
    Save and cherish
    Your family bright light!

    I was going to the wedding
    I put on curlers
    And the neighbor got scared
    Shouted: "Lord!"

    If the berry is ripe,
    We need to pick the berry.
    I'm tired of calling a bride -
    Know, it's time to call your wife!

    Not to cry about every sorrow,
    Not about everyone and grieve.
    Although married and ill,
    But even in girls it is bad to live.

    Chastooshkas for a wedding from friends and girlfriends

    We'll drink a friend tonight
    You have to get used to the fact
    But, as before, for each other
    We will stand uphill!

    Do not take from your mother-in-law in a barrel
    You are salty mushrooms
    So that with a smile on your lips
    Do not sit in the bushes afterwards.

    Take your time, girlfriend, get married
    Walk down the street.
    The feather bed is not yet ready -
    Chicken feathers.

    We wish you together
    A sea of ​​happiness and love!
    Without hesitation, if necessary,
    Call us for help!

    Played it out, played it out,
    Girls, danced!
    Without the best girlfriend
    We have stayed now!

    I ate and got drunk
    I'm tired of sitting at the table.
    Finish my ditty
    And I'll go to the hayloft!


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