Read New Year's scenarios for 2 youngest band. "Mitten of Santa Claus"

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Children under music are included in the hall and become a semicircle.


We have a fun winter holiday,
Green Christmas tree came to visit us!
Let's guys look at toys -

They hang everywhere to the Makushka itself!

Children view toys.

Leading: Comes the new year that he will bring children?

Children read poems:
1. Things fluffy, silver candles,
Multicolored balls, laughter of cheerful defones.

2. Mountains of snow outside the window, congratulations in every house,
Many sweets, toys, books of wonderful and slapper.

3.Well came guys, tree ,
To us for a holiday in kindergarten.
Lights, how many toys!
How beautiful her outfit!

3., Christmas tree,
Bright lights,
Blue beads,
Christmas tree, link!

Leading: Stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly dance
Fun having fun to meet the new year!

Horovodel "Split dance" - T.V. Bocach

Children sit on chairs.


Guys, hear music?

It is a visit to us. Zimushka- Winter!

In the hall to the music enters winter.

Winter: Hello, kids! Girls and boys!
Snow fluffy stele, street Bela.
I am Winter-Metelitsa, I came to visit!
Fly, snowflakes, soon in the dance,
Flow, girlfriends, Winter WILL WILL!

Snowflake 1: We are funny snowflakes, golden guns.
We fly, fly, fly, we sparkle and glue!

Snowflake 2: We are snowflakes refriges, we are on the holiday to you in a hurry,
We want to dance Waltz!

Snowflake 3: Snow, snow is spinning, White all street!
We gathered in a circle, spinning like a snowball!

Winter and snowflake dance

Leading: Here thank you, winter! Thank you, cute snowflakes,
for wonderful snowfall! And now let's dance-play.
Zimushka-winter, collect everyone in a fun round dance.

Song-game "Forward four steps ..."

After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Winter: Here you go! It's time to say goodbye to you.
Happy new year you congratulate you!
With a new joy of you all! Let it be ringing under this arch
Songs, music and laughter! Bye!
Children: Goodbye!

Winter goes to the music from the hall.

Leading: In the New Year everywhere, everyone dance and sing,
Even in a fairy tale with impressive this holiday is waiting for.
Our windows brush White Santa Claus painted
Snow the pole dressed him, Sadik snapped snow.

Father Frost enters

D. M:: Hello, kids! Happy New Year!
To be healthy! Only joy and laughter
Only happiness and success!

Lead : Grandfather Frost, our children were waiting for you and now the song will sing for you.

Song "The Good Grandfather" - L.A. Starchenko (Yablodka)

Song "Santa Claus" - A. Filippeenko (River, Bell)

D. M:: For many years I live in the world and did a lot,
But I have never met such a wonderful tree!
Well, the Christmas tree, grow, well, the Christmas tree, revive,
Well, the Christmas tree, time, two, three, the light of the fairytale burn!

Oh, guys, our Christmas tree is not lit, we need to say together: "Once, two, three and a little worry."

Lights are lit on the tree.

D. M:: There are a lot of games in the world. Want to play, children?
Are you not afraid of frost? How do I mean on you - the corrule all now!

Game "Corroku-Zoom"

Santa Claus goes in a circle with words:

I go, I go, I go, nose little looking for.

Who did not hide warm nose - the crocherum, and got it.

(Children hide her nose)

I go, I go, I go, eyes sly looking.

Who did not hide these eyes - the crocherum, getting stuck.

(Children hide eyes)

I go, I go, I go, the ears are warm looking.

Who did not hide these ears - the corrule, got it.

(Children hide ears)

I go, I go, I go, the handles are warm looking.

Who did not hide these pens - the crocherum, getting stuck.

(Children hide hands)

D. M:: Meet the song New Year! Meet a dancing new year!
And who knows the poems about the holiday, let them read them now.

Children read poems to choose from. (no more than 5 children!)

Leading: The glorious holiday of the New Year wonders to our house carries.

(Snowman because of the tree. Sypton on D. M. "Snow dust".)

D. M:: What a strange sense? (Looks in one, then in the other way.)
Now everything is clear to me. Cute, kind snowman,
Fidget, mischievous, where are you?
Snowman: (Because of the tree) I'm here.
D. M:: (goes for the Christmas tree) Where is there?
Snowman: (Already before Christmas tree) I'm here! (again hides behind the Christmas tree)
D. M:: (coming out because of the tree) where is it here? (goes for the Christmas tree)
Snowman: I'm here!
D. M.: Where are there?
Snowman: I'm here! (etc.)
D. M:: Oh, what is it? Oh, how is it?
D. M. It realizes that the snowman is playing him and, in turn, decides to jerk on a snowman himself.
D. M:: Peer, how are you there ...
Yatuut, I used a snowman gift, yes, you can see the address made a mistake.
I'll go, I will go further to search (loudly keeps his legs in place).
Snowman: (runs away from behind the tree) Wait to leave, Grandfather Frost, I'm here!
Uh-uh ... that is, I'm here! I am a snowman! I!
D. M:: Well, hello, snowman! (hugs it)
Hello dear! (hugs him 2 times)
I'm glad to see you! (hugs it 3 times)

Snowman: Snowman I'm not simple, I am funny, mischievous.
I love to play, sing songs and dance.
All winter white-white, a lot of snow has a lot.
I prepared lumps, from snow white snowballs.
Leading: You look at the chairs, take the snowballs.

Snowman: Dance with snowballs, arrange a snow dance!

Dance with snowballs

on chairs

Snowman: (weak voice) Tay, Tay, help ...
Leading: (frightened) Children, blow row to become cold!
Children blow on a snowman.
Snowman: Oh oh oh! Now we grow up!
Leading: And now more machine!
Children are mashed and blow on a snowman, he rises.
Leading: What's with you a snowman?
You are very pale. You are not sick?
Snowman: (Lifting) I am healthy. I do not need doctors.
Leading: You have frightened us very much.
Snowman: (naughty) I'm just Ra Zyyg-Ral!
D. M:: Planned? Here is a sly! Representing the end!

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, and where is your bag?
D. M.: Which bag?
Snowman: How is it? With gifts, of course.
D. M:: Oh, with gifts! Well! Where is the bag? To come here!
The presenter serves Bag Santa Claus.
Snowman: Your bag is painfully small. Have you gifts then at least took?
D. M:: (Snowman) View.
Snowman: And climb. (Looks into the bag.) What is? Well, well ...
(It takes a huge carrot, sticks it to his nose.)
Is it me a grandfather frost?
D. M:: You, snowman, won't be on health!
Snowman: (enthusiastically) here is so awesome, that's so nose! I will be like Pinocchio,
With nose long and beautiful.
Leading: D. M., Can I also look into your bag?
D. M.: Ploy.
Leading: (looks into the bag) oh, and there is nothing more in the bag ...
Santa Claus, there is no gifts!
D. M:: No gifts? No problem! Snowball coming here!

Snowman drags a big snowball.
D. M:: I'll put a little (makes passes with my hands),
At him slightly subsided (blowing),
I will touch with your staff (concerns staff),
All guys smile (smiles)!

That's ready!

It takes the gifts to children.

Snowman: Blimey! There was one, and there was a lot
Look, everything is ready!

Santa Claus and a snowman congratulate everyone on the New Year and distribute gifts to children. Children to music go to the group.

What impatiences are waiting for his children. For them, it is a window into the world of beautiful, in the world of exciting music, poetry, into the world of bright visual perceptions, exciting perceptions, exciting games and clauses.

Holidays contribute to the most emotional effects to an effective solution of a number of developing tasks. Festive events develop the speech of children, aesthetic taste, contribute to the manifestation of a creative initiative, the formation of the child's personality, the formation of moral ideas.

Systematically conducted matinee and entertainment in kindergarten enrich the lives of children, contribute to more complete and harmonious development.

The practice of my work has shown that holidays and all kinds of evenings of entertainment give the greatest effect if:

- Bright not everyday attributes are used, the hall is beautifully decorated, the effect itself is not tightened.

- include elements of novelty and enraged.

One of the main factors of successful holidays is the ability of the lead emotionally to set up children, enthusiastically be in the world of music, fairy tales and feel like artists.

Children are looking forward to the holiday, they know that he will bring them joy, fun, burdens, will enjoy, will allow to show everything that has learned and what they have purchased. Empty no came!

For parents, this is also an important event, a certain step in the life of his child.

One of the scenarios of my own essay I suggest:

Meeting of the year.

Under the merry music, children enter the hall, get up around the tree.

Host: - visited the Christmas tree of all children today,

And he holds a New Year's holiday with us.

I want to see the guys to see toys,

View the whole tree from below to the top of the top.

(bypassed the Christmas tree, consider toys)

Children: 1.New year goes to us, the joy of all he carries,

The Christmas tree came to visit us, and the fun brought.

2. Hello, the Christmas tree is dear! Again you are visiting us!

The lights sparkle on dense your branches again!

3. We all very good, fun today,

Because the New Year's holiday came to us!

Vedas: In the circle, guys, become,

Hold on your hands tightly.

Horror we start up

Song ringing!

Performed "The white snow fell" R.N.P.

Children: 4. Near the Christmas tree, we dance, slam in your hands,

No anywhere like our Christmas tree!

5. How fun, how fun, how fun around!

We have met the Song of the Christmas tree, we will sing on her!

6. What is your elegant, with a silver star!

What are you huge, how fun with you!

Performed song "Christmas tree".

Children sit on the chairs.

Veda: New Year all waiting for us,

The fairy tale goes to visit us!

Music sounds.

Veda: Bunches New Year!

There will be dancing, dance.

On the porch at the door,

Hares are waiting for guests!

(Bunks are covered with a festive table, jump to the music around the table.)

Vedas: Mödo Sweet Barrel barely drags the bear.

He barely legs, ran away from the evil OS.

Performed dance "Bear and Osa".

(Bear goes to the turn, carries a barrel with honey.)

Bear: Not a gift, just treasure, bunny will be very happy!

Ved.: Go, Bear, to us for a holiday!

On the path of the wilderness, the squirrel to the bunks in a hurry.

Squirrel: I'm hurried, I carry very sweet nuts in the trolley!

Ved.: Come, squirrel to us for a holiday!

I knew the clever fox that I would come in handy.

Fox: I caught karai for bunny friends!

Veda: Come on, fox to us for a holiday!

In the morning, a cat was released from the village in the far path.

Cat: I carry from the far bunny king of milk!

Veda: Well, treats, everyone in surprise.

We will celebrate the new year, have fun and dance!

The dance "Tik-so" is completed.

Ved.: We guys gathered here,

The tree is, but the question is:

Where is our beloved,

Our cheerful Santa Claus?

Let's loud calling - Grandfather Frost, Ay!

Music includes Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Hello, guys!

Went to you for a very long time

Fallen road.

I sit down in the Christmas tree,

A little bit.

Who will read the poems now?

I am ready to listen to you!

Children read free poems.

Ved.: And now on our Christmas tree lights to light it!

Let it become an elegant and shines until the morning!

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Well, together: Once, two, three - our Christmas tree, Gori!

Lanterns on the Christmas tree, sparkle,

Lanterns, live in! (Lanterns under Christmas tree)

Dance with lanterns. (After dance lanterns under the Christmas tree)

Santa Claus: I'm at least grandfather and old, and I love to stitch,

Like small.

Pens exhibit, but do not let me.

Game "Corrosion"

Santa Claus: - Oh, I'm tired, you worry me,

Ved.: And we will not rest

We will be surprised by the grandfather.

Game on maracasics.

Vedas: Santa Claus, but everything is waiting for something from you!

Santa Claus: I know, I know right now. (Gets a little bag, there confetti, turns over)

Ved.: And we are not waiting for this, truth guys?

(Santa Claus takes a bigger bag, pouring out, and there snowballs,

begins to throw in the guys.)


Santa Claus: Don't you need snowballs?

Veda: Santa Claus, again, you got it.

Santa Claus: I'm though old, and the chalet, like a small one.

Here are your gifts. Presenting gifts.

Ved.: Many, many years in a row the song pleases the guys.

Our dads, our moms, grandparents

Drove also dance near the tree in the New Year!

From flashlights of colored needles glow,

So we sing everything together the song "Little Yelochka".

Guys, invite your parents to the New Year's round dance!

(Children along with their parents sing the song "Little Yelochka")

The article sent music Head of Madou "Child Development Center - kindergarten №35" Mukhacheva Elvira Eduardovna.

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Scenario of the New Year holiday in the 2nd younger group "New Year's meetings"

FULL NAME: Tashkin Lyubov Nikolaevna, tutor, MBOU "Yullenskaya secondary school. L. Barysheva" Structural division "Yullenskaya Primary School-Garden" with. JURAL.
Purpose. Make a holiday unforgettable.
Characters. Leading, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Parsley, Hare, Bear.
Equipment. Requisites - mittens, bell, bag with rattles.

The course of the event.
The hall is festively decorated. Under the branches of the tree lie bright mittens. Sounds of funny music, children with a tutor enter the hall. Everyone get up around the tree.
Wider circle, wider circle!
Hello, our green friend!
Go to the tree closer ...
Look above, above!
How beautiful and slim!
She came from the forest to us!
Well, kids, each other
Around the Christmas tree bold
And look at all the toys that bang on it!
(Children walk around the tree to the music, consider toys)
Our Christmas tree and fluffy,
And Slim, and Zelen.
Just something lights
It does not burn with us!
Disorder we will fix
Fights to burn!
Let's say loudly: once, two, three
Nu, Christmas tree, burn!
Children. (Together with adults)
One two Three! Well, a Christmas tree, burn! (Lights do not ignite)
Nothing happens.
The lights do not ignite!
Well, girls and boys,
Cold We Tree Filter (threaten with your finger)
And now we all praise (clap your hands)
And legs all sweep (Top)

What? How so?
It does not come out, well!
We need to ask our Christmas tree quietly:
"Beauty Christmas tree, play-ka with us,
Beautiful Christmas tree, lit up with fires! "
Let's say friendly: once, two, three!
Our Christmas tree, Gori! "
Children.(Together with adults).
Once, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!
(On Yolk e the lights light up)
It turned out, it turned out!
Our Christmas tree lit up! (everyone claps his hands)
Around the Christmas tree go
Tree Song Song.
Performed dance "Little Christmas tree cold winters oh"
Lead schichaya notices a mitten lying under the Christmas tree, raises e e.
Leading. Oh, see, guys.
What under the Christmas tree lies!
Mitten! Here is another ... (Rises from the floor mittens)
And in just three trees!
Well, a kid, look.
Maybe your? So take!
Shows the find to children, passing in front of them, but no one recognizes its mittens.
Who has a Christmas tree danced - a mitten lost?
A bunny (child) is suitable for leading music.
Bunny. I danced the Christmas tree,
Lost mitten! Shows hands
Here, one remained,
Other lost!
Oh, really, this is a bunny municipality!
Makeup get
She is no longer losing!
We will play with Zaine
Let's jump and jump!
"Dance bunny s »
Leading.I wonder, and whose is this mitten?
Who else danced here,
Lost mitten?
Mishka fits to the music.
Bear. I danced here,
Lost mitten!
Leading. Oh, however, this is a might of a bear!
Mitting get
She is no longer losing!
Bear puts on a mitten, admires on hands in mittens, turning them in front of them.
Bear. Mom will be very glad
What failed the loss.
Something cold I became, and you are not afraid of frost?
Children: Not!
And if the handles are littered?
Children: We praise! (clap)
And if the legs are frozen?
Children: We swell! (Top)
To be warm to us,
Get out to dance soon!
Performed dance "Power ka
See, children, what a beautiful mitten!
Mitten blue,
Glitter decorated.
Who lost such
Near our trees?
Music in the hall included Snow Maiden.
Leading.Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you on our holiday!
Snow Maiden.
Hello, kids!
Hello, adults!
I am very glad to meet with you!
What are you all elegant and beautiful!
Wonderful Christmas tree, fluffy!
And how many different toys on it!
Hang here forty balls
And twenty five lanterns,
Ten cones are gold,
Six blue icicles,
Birds are also exactly six,
Yes, not to count!
Leading. How did you know that?
Snow Maiden.
The cheerful tree nailed (looks around) Lost mitten!
Leading. (Shows a mitch) Isn't that?
Snow Maiden. (Joyful) This! Found my mitten!
(Suitable for the lead, to pick up a mitten)
Leading. Mitten to pick up
You have to steal for us.
Snow Maiden.
I babies from the soul
Together with you, kids!
(For folk music, the Snow Maiden dancing.)
Snow Maiden.
Long grandfather we are waiting
Maybe loudly calling?
Oh, I worry about seriously,
Where are you grandfather frost?
Snow Maiden offers children everyone together to call Santa Claus for a holiday: "Grandfather Frost, go to us!"
Hear a knock of the staff and voice of Santa Claus: "I go! I am going! Merry music sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall.
Santa Claus.
Congratulations to all guests!
Congratulations to all children!
I was here I'm a year ago
I'm glad to see you again.
Grown, big steel.
And did you know me? (Yes!)
Become, guys,
Quick in the city.
Song, dance and fun
Meet with you New Year!
Horror is held with Santa Claus.
Song "Santa Claus"
Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus, let's play
Kissing kids fun.
Santa Claus.
There are a lot of games in the world.
Want to play, children?
Merry music sounds. Conducted game "Corroku » .
- Show your pens, love pens
I am now a frozen, you need to clean the handle!
- Show your legs, love feet
I am now a frozen, you need to clean the legs!
- Show your ears, the ears love to pay
I am now a frozen, you need to clean your ears!
- Show your cheeks, love cheeks.
I am now a frozen, you need to clean the cheeks!
(Children hide their hands, close the noses, ears, and Santa Claus tries to touch them).
Santa Claus.
Nicely, played nicely!
Just see that they are tired.
I know that the poems are educated
Here I b and surprised!
We knew a lot of poems
And now they read them.
Children alternately Santa Claus and tell poems.
Because of the tree there is a ringing of bells. Parsley appears. He quietly comes up to Santa Claus on the right and rings the bell over the ear.
Santa Claus.
Something in the ear squeezed
Can fly flying?
(Turns to the right, looking for a mug) Parsley rings on the left.
Santa Claus.
And now, in the other rings ...
This is who shawit here? (Sees parsley)
Are you shawl, parsley?
Here I grab you for the eye,
Krokoroku I am your nose!
After all, I do not in vain Santa Claus! Trying to freeze parsley. He faded from him.
Grandfather Frost, do not be angry
You are not angry with me!
I parsley - mischievous,
I, friends, you used to joke!
To you on the tree hurried
The cap was decided.
On him, bubrels ring,
They are cheerful guys!
Vedas Hey, Parsley - Meschak,
Where is your second shoe?
Parsley. I flew to you for a holiday
And the foot fell into a snowdrift.
I took the leg, ran ...
Seen there and lost!
One leg top-top,
Other leg slam - slap!
Music sounds. Petrushka performs several comic movements. In conclusion, leans and finds a shoe under Christmas tree.

Here is my yellow shoe,
Next to him lies bag (cunning),
And the bag is not simple,
He inside is not empty!
Vedas And what do you have in a beautiful bag,
Can candies in a paper cutter?
Parsley. And so I did not guess! (Suitable for children, opening the bag)
You look into the bag,
What you see - take! (children take one rattles)
Dance with rattage mi.
Parsley. How do I like you
I would play now!
Vedas Well, parsley, play,
Yes, children are killed!
With you in "Zhmurki" will play
Who is clever here, I find out.
You, Snow Maiden, Shacking Scarf
And the eyes of me tying.
Let rames thunder,
I will catch the guys.
Under the merry music is held game "Zhmurk and".
Well, guys, I have time!
I played with you.
To the music runs away, having fluttering with children with hand.
Vedas Grandfather Frost, I like our Christmas tree so much, in my opinion, it is the most beautiful!
D. Moroz. That's just on it there was less toys. Here the toy hung, here, on this branch ...
Vedas Do not look for their Santa Claus, here they are, our toys, they do not want to sit on Christmas tree, I want to pay!
Well, go out toys, sleep with Santa frost!
Dance with Santa Claus ohm.
Something for me the guys was hot. And I'm Santa Claus, I need it. Push me guys. Children blow on Santa Claus, he thanks them.)
Vedas -Dashka, did you dance today? Danced.
- And playing with the guys? Yes, played!
- You sang, and joked, and why did you forget?
D. Moroz. Now check!
Hat here and fur coat here
And bag in place.
Well, and the mitten one,
Her look together!
Under the Christmas tree we'll see, and for the Christmas tree we'll see, and see under the chairs.
Vedas Where are you grandfather I could lose a mitch?
Come on, repeat once again.
I was looking for a Christmas tree? I was looking for
And under chairs watched? Looked.
And on the Christmas tree watched?
On the Christmas tree, no, not watched. Let's guys, grandfather mitten on Christmas tree looking for. Mitten hanging on Christmas tree Santa Claus finds everyone treats everyone.
D. Moroz.Did you like my magic mitten?
It's time, friends, you need to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the soul!
Let the New Year meet a friendly
And adults and kids!
Everyone is forgiven and go to the music.

Scenario of the New Year holiday in 2 youngest group

"Visiting a fairy tale" 2017

Leading: Hello guys!

How beautiful in our hall

As if we got into a fairy tale.

Everywhere stars shine

And the lanterns hang.

Look, look

What kind of tree costs

On it beads and flappers,

The light is on the top burning.

Guys, what is this tree?


Leading:- Eight. This is a Christmas tree,

Green needle

Fluffy Christmas tree!

Christmas tree siny!

The Christmas tree came to visit us

The smell of needle brought.

We are singing her song, we will start the dance.

(Song about the Christmas tree "Little Christmas Tree Cold Winter")

And now, the defortion, in the fairy tale we are going to go (sit on chairs)

The tale time has come

Explore wider eyes

The miracle of everyone is waiting today

Fairy goes to visit us.

Under the dance with lanterns included fairy.

Fairy: I am a good fairy, came to you from a fairy tale

I have a magic wand.

Today around carnival masks,

Sea zador, fun fire,

Look at me, children and parents,

How do I do miracles, do you want to see?

I am a widder magic waist

Guests from different fairy tales Pozov,

1,2, 3, - Warm Gor!

5, 6, 7- Wish you happiness to everyone!

What will happen to us - no one knows

But how interesting, but how interesting!

The fairy tale begins, who will appear here?

But first guess the riddle:

We blind snowball

Hat done on it

Nose attached, and in a moment

It turned out ....... (Snowman)

That's right, guys, it is a snowman. Look, what a snowman we have under the tree . (Walking over a toy snowman for quiet music)

There was yes there was a snowman

Nice, cute fat man

Kindergarten he guarded

Snow pittance sweeping

(Snowman comes out of the tree. It is important to sweep the snow by mellowee).

Snowman: Frost and Study Lituya

I really respect

Icicles and ice cream

Simply adore.

My outfit all out of snow,

And snow i'm inside

Carrot instead of nose,

In the hands of the broom, see!

(Shows the broom)

Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Snowman: I love to play, sing and dance

Well, everyone get together together, and play with me!

(takes a basket with snowballs)

All winter white - white! Many snow has a lot.

I cooked lumps, snow white snowballs.

Well, try, guys, at least someone get into me!

Game "Get into the Snowman"

Leading: One, two, three, four, five. We finished playing.

(Children sit down)

Fairy:Nightly a strong frost

Snowman to the ground Prior

It must be heated

Friendly song to sing


Snowman:Thank you very much. As we played fun, sang songs, danced.

Soon, soon the new year, and Santa Claus does not go all.

Have you seen it?

Children: not.

Snowman:i will go to look for him and send it to you. Goodbye, guys!!!

Leading: Oh! Guys, look! Snowman left us a toy bunny!

Fairy, and you can show us a miracle and revive the bunny.

Fairy: Certainly can.

1,2, 3, 4, 5,

I start to conjure. (Under the quiet music, the fairy starts to conjure. Under the package begins to make a hare and appears).

Bunny: Hello! Here I am

Bunny all call me

I came to your holiday

Many animals found here

Run bunnies, we will dance.

Bunnies run away. Dance dance "dance of animals".

Bunny:You have so fun, good and warm. Do you know how to play?

Lead: Of course we can.

(The game

Bunny: You know how to dance and play. But I have time to the forest.

Leading: And for the fact that you with our guys danced yes played, get a bunny for the new year of the present (treats apple. Bunny says goodbye and leaves).

Fairy:Oh guys i hear

It seems here!

Praise more fun

Let us rather find us!

(Children clap your hands. Enters the music of the Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you

And big and small,

Chest, and delete

I -Snegurochka, all children

Friends have long been with me

I love frost and wind

And Mebelitsa Winter

Silver snowflakes

Flow in the dance!

And the Christmas tree is fluffy

Fires bloom

Leading: Snowflakes, you will fly back to us,

White snow Skill!

Dance "Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden: Thank you snowflakes.

Leading:Snow Maiden. And where is Santa Claus? We are already with the guys


Snow Maiden: Santa Claus does not go

But soon the new year!

It's time to come to him,

He was lost in the way

Snow Maiden: And let's all together call the grandfather Frost. Let's say magical words:

"Once - in your hands together!

Two - it all with a trifur!

Three - all smoke together!

Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!"

(Call Grandfather Frost)

Santa Claus: I hear! I hear! I hurry, hurry!

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all guests!

Congratulations to all children!

I was here I'm a year ago

Again to see everyone I am glad!

Grown, big steel.

Together with you at least now

I'm ready to go to dance!

Song, dance and fun

Meet with you New Year!

Become a dance.

Song-dance "She walked Forest Santa Claus "
(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden also dance and show movements).

Santa Claus:

Oh, I'm tired of the defortion.

I sit, but I will see for babies!


Grandfather Frost will rest

And we do it poems West.

(Children read poems)

Santa Claus:

Thank you guys. Pleased grandfather.


We are a frost grandfather fear!

Santa Claus:

And now we will check.

Get up around the Christmas tree

Play with you.

Game "Corrosion"

Santa Claus:

Well, deft guys!

Santa Claus:
Good with you, yes only
Do not burn lights on the Christmas tree.
Disorder we will fix
Fights to burn!

"Beauty Christmas tree, play-ka with us,
Beautiful Christmas tree, lit up with fires! "
Let's say friendly: "Once, two, three!
Our Christmas tree burn! "

Children: (together with adults). Once, two, three - well, a Christmas tree, burn!

Leading: Grandfather Frost, you went long ago

Sit at our tree

Relax a little.

And we have the Christmas tree

His ability to show!

(Children read poems)

Snow Maiden (Looking around): Grandpa! And where are the gifts for the guys?

D.M. (Begin to watch, search):

Yes now, now!

I carry them, I remember

Where to make a bag, I do not know!

Ile put under the tree?

No, I do not remember, forgotten.

Fairy: Guys. It is necessary to help find gifts. And to be faster

Let's go to the locomotive

(Game "Merry locomotive")

Snow Maiden:But our company. (Pull the bag from the tree of the tree. Distribute gifts to children).

Santa Claus: Here is the holiday of New Year

It's time for us!

Many joy today

I wish you a defense!

Fairy: So you grow big

So that you do not know care!

Snow Maiden: And my grandfather frost

Let's come back in a year!

Bye! (Go)

Leading congratulates Happy New Year. Forgive

Alena Kalganova
Scenario of the New Year holiday in 2 youngest group

New Year's holiday in 2 younger group

Children run and get up around the Christmas tree

Ved.: The window falls outside, the snow is fluffy new Year,

In the hall, music and laughter, holiday in children today.

Here came guys, tree to us on holiday in kindergarten,

Lights, toys, how much, how beautiful her outfit.

Happy New Year Congratulations, let me come to you,

Happiness, I wish you joy to all guys and guests!

There is no painful christmas tree in the world, admire the Christmas tree,

As a soulist, as a slim, as she is decorated. (Children walk any Christmas tree)

Reb: We all very good, fun today,

Because it came to us new Year's holiday.

Reb: US holiday Merry winter brought,

Green Christmas tree came to visit us.

Reb: Skipped branches fluffy snow,

Around the dance, we go with the song.

Song "Our guys"

Ved.: Our Christmas tree to the top was decorated with everything,

Here toys, here are icicles, here are the balls on it hang.

How fun, how fun, how joyfully circle,

We met the song songs and again to her.

Song "Christmas tree"(Children sit down)

Vedas draws attention to the house

Ved.: What a house by the road, he is not familiar to me,

Well, I now look into the window with one eye.

This house is interesting, this house is not simple,

Oh, who is it?

CHA: I am the grandmother of the grandfather Frost, I'm all of the snow, silver,

My friends blizzard and frost, I love everyone, to all the good.

Song Maiden song:

"I am all the animals know, the name Maiden is called

They play with me and sing songs.

And the stairs of the chaluncia and the raspiets panties are my friends, I love them very much. "

Sits in front of the Christmas tree sad

Ved.: What are you laughing, Snow Maiden?

CHA: I embroider the handkerchiefs, I left the corner,

I can see I do not have enough silk, how I will go to the Christmas tree (go fox and hare)

Hare: Jump Yes IC, jump Yes, I brought you a mixture.

A fox: You get the crosslock, yes handkeepers your blind.

CHA: Oh, thank you like I am glad, get a reward

A bunny of carrots, a fox of rattles, so that the fun lived on the edge. (gives)

I embroidered a handkerchief from the thread from the beast

Let's go as soon as the Christmas tree in kindergarten. (bypassed the Christmas tree)

Hello Forest Forest, Oh Elegant.

I congratulate you, happiness to you, I wish you,

So that you always ring your laughter, Happy New Year to all, everyone!

I tried, I hurried, I sewed the handkerchiefs

I am very glad to play friends with you.

Player game

A fox: I'm chanterelle the tail of the redhead too I like to play

Help me a bunny of rattles to distribute.

Game with rattles

Hare: Come the bunny closer, I am a coating with a carrot,

Under the scented, slim fool dance on the snow.

Dance bunny

Hare: Oh, tired, very tired, so I have fun danced

A fox: Some bumps, bunny Sit down there, friend (hare sits)

Hare: That's so miracle! Oh, oh, oh bumps, then alive,

I won someone in the snow, that trouble, trouble, trouble, I am very much here,

Yes, the blades to seize the snow will rather disturb (roll)

A fox: Oh, yes this is a snowman, hey, snowman get up yes rather answer

How did you get to us here?

Sn-k.: Santa Claus sent me

Hare: You say a snowman, what did you bring the chest?

Sn-k.: In the chest a big secret, only the keys are no,

I asked me frost so that I would take the chest.

Entered the path in the forest, the grandfather came down from the road,

In the forest, you run behind him, yes, help.

Here you have a snowball, he will indicate the road (Hare and Lisa run away)

Sn-k.: Everything is stronger, a strongest frost, something brothers I froze,

I love to play snowballs, and now they will catch them.

You want to play with the snow, get ready, I start to conjure.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Everything is ready, you can take

Snowball game (At the end, the children throw Snow Snowballs)

Music is heard, Santa Claus is

D.M.: Hello, Children, Hello Guests, Hello my granddaughter!

How many persons around familiar, how many friends are here,

Good me here at home near your Christmas tree.

My friends gathered, in new Year's this hour,

We have not met for a whole year, I missed you without you.

Everyone would hug you today, but not enough hands,

So I love firmly tightly cute deubsions of my.

CHA: Grandpa, the Christmas tree to light it, is waiting for the fun of the bastard!

D.M.: What did I run, my magic mittens in the forest left, and without them the Christmas tree won't be lit.

Somewhere I have seen a Christmas tree here, now it will be promoted by my magic staff (adopt, bullet flies)

Here is a fluffy Snailing, in the forest fly more friendly,

Lay my mittens there, without them on the Christmas tree is not suitable (flies away)

CHA: I can no longer stand, music, go to dance.

Dance "Sapozhok"(at the end of the dance flies bullfinch with mittens)

D.M.: Oh, thanks to Snegire, here are the grains of you

Speakers in the forest Birds, it will be useful to them in winter (flies, D. M puts the mittens and claps in your hands 1, 2, 3 Christmas tree Gori, Tree Zazh-Xia)

Tree is glad, the Christmas tree is waiting invites to the dance.

Song "Santa Claus"

D.M.: Even calling me and frost, I'm not angry at all,

Which of you guys brave wants to play with me.

The game "Tearing ears, nose"

D.M.: Today I am very kind and guys friends,

No one is a corrosion, no one caught.

Well you all played and tired little,

You quietly sit and tell me the poems.

Reading poems

D.M.: Oh, how hot, Tyu, Tyu, I am now quite mad.

CHA: Wait, I will sketch on you snow.

Fly snowflakes soon in the dance,

Flue to girlfriends Snow Magnik calls.

Dance Snowflake

D.M.: Thank you as cool it became.

I also sprinkle you as a snowball, only unusual, magical.

Well, granddaughter bring me from the hut barrel (vancts on children confetti)

And where is the friend's snowman my magic chest?

Sn-k.: Here he is, Grandfather Frost, and where is the key?

D.M.: But the key I hid in a chiske under the Christmas tree,

So as not to stole his evil wolves (CH-K finds a bump on the Christmas tree, pulls out the key)

Well, the key is the magic chest up soon open.

1, 2 3-by (opens, pulls out gifts)

D.M.: That's new Year's holiday We are time to finish

We wish you a lot of joy in the New Year to you.

CHA: So that you grow big, so that you do not know care,

And my grandfather frost to you will return in a year.

Sn-k.: Forgive, goodbye, everyone is happy,

Cheerful, obedient and do not forget us. (go)


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