What to write a girl in the first post: original examples. Where to get acquainted with a good and normal girl? How to meet for

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The advantages of dating in the network are obvious. First of all, saving time, because nothing bothers to communicate immediately with several candidates. In addition, you can communicate without leaving your apartment. You do not need any material costs, which is an obvious advantage.

Such a form of dating great for shy guysTesting embarrassment in conversations with female representatives. If the girl tasks a tricky question, at your disposal will be enough time to find a worthy answer and even get a number of valuable tips from more experienced friends or Internet users.

Dating in the network can be reduced with residents of other cities and countries. But the most important thing is that the Internet conversation does not oblige anything, and if communication has passed into the unsuitable direction, you can easily stop the correspondence, not explaining anything.


Rivalry for the attention of beauties is no less, but maybe even more than in real life. I get acquainted with the next charming, remember that she probably writes other men, so they should be very trying to stand out from the crowd of other fans.

But the main disadvantage of this form of dating With girls, it is that it is possible to reliably evaluate the appearance of the girl only after a personal meeting, because the existence of special programs for editing photos is not a secret.

Not only appearance, but also behavior itself.

Usually, in life, people behave more fastened. In addition, the new "girlfriend" may be a fake or joker-troll, imagined above you.

Where to start or prepare

First of all, it should be clearly decided on the purpose of acquaintance before you meet the Internet with a girl. Dream to find your half? Look for a girl for sex? Maybe you just want to push the skill of communication with the opposite sex? Think of what qualities of the girl for you are preferable. Awareness that is expected from new acquaintances, will allow you to narrow the circle of searches and save time.

Carefully examine the reviews of real people about numerous dating sites. So you can determine which sites you deserve attention, and which is better not to waste time. When filling out the questionnaire, try to give her individuality. When choosing photos for the profile it is better to listen to the opinion of your friends.

Appearance of the social network page

Before getting acquainted with the girls on the Internet, it is not necessary to register on special sites, there will be enough page in classmates, or Facebook. But we need to issue a page correctly. First, there must be your photos on the page.

Otherwise, all your messages will remain without answers. You would not have caused concerns the appearance of a girl who exposes only pictures from the Internet? But photographs of Popoch with friends and walks with former girlfriends better remove or at least hide.

Publish interesting photos (Travel, cultural events, etc.), they can become additional reasons to tie a conversation. Do not post statuses with vulgar jokes. But avoid and highly miserable quotes - risks to seem the Hange and boring.

How to write the first message?

Before writing a message, carefully examine the profile of the girl. Having learned about her interests, you can find a preposition to start communication. Noticed that the girl's page is a shot by photographs of dogs? So, the topic for the conversation was found! Now the main task is to correctly use the information received. So, what to write a girl when meeting?

Do not write "What cute dogs". But the message "I noticed that you have 3 York (Husky / Spitz / Labrador). I have long wanted to start, but heard that they are very difficult to care for them. Could you give me a couple of tips? " It has a chance to attract attention. Have you seen photos of girls from a recent vacation?

Ask for a wonderful hotel in her photos, After all, you are also planning a trip to this city. Pay attention to its playlist on a social network or information about your favorite music in the questionnaire and write that you will match the musical tastes, see a little-known fact about the music group, ask is not going to the girl for the next concert.

The theme for the first message can be her favorite films and books. Just do not limit the missing message "I look, you like such a movie / book, me too," write, why do you like it (write emotionally, the girl should believe that this is your favorite work) that she thinks about Either the action of the main character, create your own alternative ending options and ask her opinion.

Write a stranger that you paid attention to her sense of style, maybe she, as the owner of a sophisticated taste, will help with the choice of a gift to mom or sister, otherwise you can't decide on the choice of any thing. Here is something else to write a girl when you meet, an example:

Wake up curiosity in it. On the most ordinary day write "Happy Holiday!". With which? So she wants to know. Your subsequent answer can be the beginning of the conversation. For example, congratulations on the feast of snow, and she will say that this year it is not. To increase the probability of response, lists several unusual options.

And after the intriguing message, the "Two Beauty in the World" message will certainly want to find out who is the first. Write that the unusual feature noted in the girl, which usually do not like guys. But she fell to taste. The girl, of course, will interest what kind of damn it is.

You can use already ready-made phrases What to write to the girl to meet themselves. For example, "could you help? I write a book about,? "," Believe in love from the first letter? Or should I write a second? "," Tell me, and I could not see you in Rome (any other place)? "," I have an important question to you. How would you refuse a guy who wrote "let's get acquainted"? ".

However, there is a possibility that these phrases have already been treated.

Do not robet, but not too impose. Use your strengths. We joke more, tell interesting facts, intriguish your interlocutor. Be original when thinking about how to get acquainted with a girl on the Internet, what to write.

Beautiful and original methods of dating

Apply your talents. If you are not bad, then make a pencil sketch of the girl's portrait and send it a photo of the result of his creativity. The answer will not make long wait. You can send a message with a photo explaining what motivated you to such an act, but avoid template phrases about music and inspiration.

Do you have literary transshipment? Excellent! Dedicate a small poem to the girl. Just do not praise her beauty. It is better to come up with a humorous work about dating on the Internet, and at the end ask if it does not want to take a chance.

Write your favorite young person every day. At the same time a small compliment. Nothing terrible if she won't answer. Do not stop writing for 14-20 days. But one day leave her without attention. The girl wants to know what happened to the persistent fan today.

Come to business with humor. As a template for the first message, you can use, for example, a job acceptance application. It will look like this: "I ask me to work for the post of attentive friend and an interesting interlocutor from November 10, 2015 with a full-time work mode from Monday to Friday from 18.00 to 02.00"

How to start an acquaintance with a girl on the Internet?

How to get acquainted with the girl on the Internet - what to write, when and how?

  • Do not begin to communicate with banal "hello. How are you? "," You are beautiful. Get acquainted? ". You will not receive an answer to such a message. Write original, but do not overdo it, otherwise the impression will be created that you are in a state of intoxication or have a problem with the psyche.
  • Do not try to meet, using vulgar compliments. Do not hint at sex.
  • Do not tick yourself.

    No need to write what kind of smart, beautiful and wonderful and how lucky she was that she receives a message from you. Excessive self-confidence only scares.

What to write a girl when meeting - an example on video:

Miscellaneous approaches and features of the beginning of exploring the Internet

Conditionally, all approaches to the beginning of the dating can be divided into two categories - active and passive.

With an active approachYou immediately send a message and wait for the answer. Everything is simple.

Passive approach It is to affect hearts and leaving comments under the photos of the girl you like. But hoping greatly that the girl will write the first after that, it is not worth it. Reception, maybe worked 5 years ago, but now hopelessly outdated. At best, you will receive a counselor.

There is a more cunning option. Learn the list of groups in which the girl consists, find her comments and leave her to her. On the comment in style: "I agree with the author who have unsubscribe above, do not wait for the answer. But the provocation method will work perfectly. Challenge the opinion of the girl - and immediately get her answer (everyone wants to prove his right thing). The main thing is not rude, be polite. A couple of comments in the group - and you can safely send private messages.

How to continue to communicate after your acquaintance? Topics for communication

Discuss everyday affairs or world news. If a girl showed herself an educated interlocutor, discuss history, art, philosophical questions, of course, if you understand it.

The main rule is not focusing on yourself, and more often you are interested in the opinion of a new girlfriend.

What should not talk?

No need to share extra details about your personal life. Themes about former girls and sexual experiences under the ban!

Avoid male topics. A rare girl will be interested in a story about tuning nine, assumptions about why Arshavin "blurted out" in Arsenal or advice how to quickly pump the deltoid muscle.

Beware talk about religion and politics, do not raise national issues even.

  • It should be remembered that not all girls positively belong to the idea of \u200b\u200bdating on the Internet, unless, of course, we are not interested in users of special dating sites. Therefore, it is not necessary to defeat very much if your messages are ignored.
  • If you have nothing to answer, it is better to keep silentthan send "Clear" or Smiley. Wait until you think about a worthy topic.
  • Do not try to look at whom you are not. Do not embellish the data about yourself.
  • For a long time, do not tighten with a personal meeting, otherwise, there is probability, to forever remain only "by a correspondence".

We hope that our advice will help avoid failures and succeed beautifully. Know how correctly meets the girl on the Internet! Be original, and girls must notice you!

The courage is the quality that has helped many girls with them. After all, men sometimes are so shy and indecisive. Of course, no one would like to impose herself to someone, and then worse - to be rejected, so we have prepared proven ways for unobtrusive acquaintance with a man of your dreams.

The widespread belief that the girl should not get acquainted the first, went into oblivion for a long time, but the saying about the lying stone, under which water does not flow, remains relevant until now. But what if you were and be happy to show the initiative, but just do not know where to start? On how to get acquainted with a man so that it was not intrusive or stupid, we found out from psychologists and sexologists of the Center for Family and Sexual Education Secrets.

Ask help

What do men like more than women? Perhaps only the feeling that they are needed and important. To give a man to feel its importance, even in the life of a completely unfamiliar woman, just ask him to help. You can not get the goods from the top shelf in the store or are afraid to go on the road on a busy street - a decent man will not refuse a woman in such minor trifles. And in the fact to get acquainted, especially.

Help him

Although men do not like to admit that sometimes they also need someone's shoulder or hand, but it is, without exaggeration, that's what. You can offer it to hide under your umbrella from the rain or help collect papers that scattered wind. A man will surely hurry to express his gratitude. And here is the reason to exchange phone numbers!

Treat his coffee

Or tea. Or dessert. This step is good if a man appears every morning in your favorite coffee shop, for which you have already laid eyes. And if you put it, you probably already know what drinks he prefers. The next time you can come before usual and order in addition to your coffee what he loves, and pleasantly surprise him. After such a getting into the apple, the conversation will surely establish.

Pick up the right first words

All these pickup techniques from the category "Are you needed by your mom's daughter-in-law?" - This is the last century and the option is more for the series on the federal channel than for real life. Neutral phrases or light compliments that will not damn you or a man will help to start. If you still lose in search of the desired phrase, try to just say a man that he is pretty you and you would not mind with him to meet.

Find common interests

The perfect option is to go to the lessons of pair dance or sign up to the Club to study English. People with similar interests are much easier to find a common language or begin to communicate, because they already know each other at least one thing - passion for the chosen hobby.

Create a situation in which a man will want to meet you

Men, as you know, hunters and much more like to seek a woman themselves. But in order for a man to show the initiative, it is necessary to give him to understand that it will not be in vain. Therefore, if you saw a man with whom you want to meet, let him understand that you yourself do not mind. All you need is a bit of coquetry. And who, if not women, are able to shoot through her eyes and seduce, without doing anything?

Just start talking first

Imagine this situation: you dine in a cafe, drive in the train, sit in the park, and on the contrary - a handsome, what not to drink light, charming and sexy. But if he is in no hurry to speak with you, why should you miss the opportunity? In such situations, it is better to start with a simple flirting without words to understand whether you are interested in a man. You can overnight and smile to each other for a long time, the main thing is not to miss the moment when someone joins him for a lunch or an electric train will deliver it to the desired station.

Ask you to take pictures

Usually photograph women for men solid torture, unless, of course, these are not professional photographers, but you do not positive topless. But, keeping you "on the Flying" of the camera, he most likely will have time to evaluate all your charms: both shape, and hair, and eyes. And after you can go to acquaintance.

While standing in traffic

Lose precious minutes, standing in a huge traffic jam, while you are going on affairs, not at all. Especially when your "neighbor" is a pretty cork and also a bored man. In addition, wink to him by the headlights is a completely new level of flirting.

Come to him on the street

This method may seem tedious and ancient - indeed, you will not, like a cat, catch men like mice. But if suddenly somewhere in the city you will see an attractive guy, then why not try to approach him right on the street? In fact, the courage takes the city, and the man who at least once got acquainted with the girl, will highly appreciate this step on the part of the French representative. For such dating, it is better to choose the weekend and time after noon, when no one hurries anywhere and are all tuned to relax and rest.

In the elevator, too, can you meet?

You can not, but need. Especially when you overcome silent, full voltage from one floor to another in one morning in the same lineup. If you do not know how to start a conversation, ask a man to press the button with the desired floor instead of you - this will start the conversation. Well, then proceed by circumstances.

Meet the Internet

This, of course, is not the most reliable way - someone else can be hidden behind the avatar in social networks - but at the same time the less energy-cost. Writing messages emotionally lighter than to answer the question asked in real life. In social networks you have time to think about the answer and do not flaunt some nonsense in the attack of constraint. In addition, now there is a huge range of learning applications for dating online, which are intended for those who crave to communicate.

Everyone knows how important it is to make the first impression. If you want to make new friends, but you do not want to seem like a "eccentric", you need to learn to show interest in people, without expressing excessive desire or even despair to meet. If you want to learn how to get acquainted and not look strange, the following tips for you.


Right attitude

  1. Live the moment. First of all, you should stop worrying about what they will think about you, and just start enjoying a new conversation. Forget about your expectations and fears, give a conversation naturally and organically. Learn to concentrate on other people not to miss the thread of the conversation and follow the discussion lines.

    • When you come to a new person, do not ask yourself: "How do I look? How does my voice sound? " Better ask yourself: "What does this person want to talk about? What are his interests? "
    • Try to be one step ahead, thinking about what to say then, instead of scrolling, in my head, the stupidity that you just (or five more minutes ago) accidentally dropped.
  2. Stop being insecure in yourself and constantly seek the approval of the surrounding . The need for emotional support is a harbinger of obsession, and this is abnormal. Such people are unbalanced and unstable, as their happiness depends too much from someone else. If you feel that you are crushed, if a person does not want to be your friend or partner in a relationship, it is time to stop, gain patience and analyze yourself.

    • If you really hooked a new acquaintance, do not rush to speak right away: "I like you!" - Or: "You are just super!", If you do not want to move with the manifestation of positive fluids.
    • Do not ask the human phone number in the middle of the conversation or as soon as I ran spark. Better wait until the end - it will look more natural.
    • If you want a person to become your friend, you can say something in style: "We could look together this new film together," or: "I would like to visit these yoga courses that you said about." Try to choose a neutral lesson, to not seem too obsessed. Do not invite a person to immediately make a long walking bikes, visit the family dinner with you or help choose underwear in the store.
    • Try not to sound strange or desperately, avoid phrases in style: "I have some friends, it would be great to sharpen with you!"
  3. Keep self-confidence. Perhaps you doubt yourself, but keeping confidence, you will allow other people to feel that you are standing in order to communicate with you. Emit confidence before you went into the room with unfamiliar people, and increase it with a conversation. Just smile, talk about your favorite things, show the surrounding that you are satisfied with yourself, where you are and what do you do.

    • Save confidence will help you body language. Scatter your shoulders, save the visual contact, do not make fussy movements with your hands and do not look into the floor.
    • Do not check your reflection in the mirror or reflective surfaces - people can see that you are nervous.
    • When you imagine yourself, say clearly and loudly to hear you.
  4. Emit positive energy. However, do not try to look too inspired. Smile and from time to time laugh, do not stand with a strange grin on the face and do not laugh at what is not funny. Speak about what you like to do about your hobbies, about what makes you happy. It is not worth mentioning taxidermia or the fact that you are sitting in VKontakte.

    • If you tell about long hatred to a certain teacher, a colleague, celebrities and the like, you will exactly look repulsive.
    • Do not navigate and disagree with everything that the interlocutor says, every five seconds winding head like a dog. Just say: "For sure!" - Or: "I know what you mean!" It looks more natural.

    Maintaining a pleasant conversation

    1. Learn to lead secular conversations . They will help you to learn a person better, and also smoothly bring to more serious topics and more personal relationships. Talk about the weather or courses that you attend, can turn the conversation towards your interests or your favorite memories of a certain time of the year.

      • To lead secular conversations, it is necessary to put the interests of the interlocutor above their own. In other words, your task is interested in man, and not interest him.
      • Ask the interlocutor several ordinary questions about what courses he attends, or is he has brothers, sisters or a pet, where he is going on vacation or what is his future plans for the future.
      • Learn a response. For example, if a person complains about rainy weather, ask what he prefers to do when sunny on the street.
      • Listen carefully. Having learned certain details, you can continue the conversation or turn it into another bed.
    2. Do not overdo with the details. An awkward silence creates an uncomfortable atmosphere, as well as an inapproprifying chatter about your mom, a cat or a collection of beetles. The key to a good conversation in the ability to find something in common in a relaxed manner. For example, there is a big difference between questions: "Have you ever kept tarantula in your hands?" - And: "Have you ever felt like small hairy legs tarantula tickle your palm?" Yes, the last question sounds very poetic, but too intimate for the first conversation.

      • Learn to start a conversation and continue it in a positive and relaxed manner.
      • Once again it is necessary to recall that you should not be fused on our unique interests and hobbies, unless the interlocutor shares them or does not fall asleep you with questions. If you were asked a couple of questions, it still does not mean that the interlocutor is interested. Perhaps this is just an act of politeness, so do not capture a conversation with your enthusiasm.
      • At the first meeting, it is much more important to listen to what they tell you than talk about yourself.
    3. Find common interests. Try to find out that you can have a common one - even with stretch. For example, if you are from one city, talk about your favorite places of summer holiday or about your favorite sports teams. If you both learn in one educational institution, you may have general lectures.

      • Do not seek common in too obvious manner. For example, you should not ask a person to immediately call the top 10 of his favorite TV shows or musical groups.
      • Find something general is quite easy. For example, if you are in the bar, you may love the same beer grade, which serves here.
      • It is advisable to look for something in a positive sense, but you can also bring together joint hatred for Justin Biberu or history teacher.
    4. Speak relevant compliments. In the process of the conversation, you may not be enough to make a compliment to the interlocutor. For example: "I like your earrings in the form of shells!" - or: "Wow, yes you're just an expert in cars!" However, compliments in style: "You have the most amazing eyes that I have ever seen," or: "You have delicious legs!" - may be incorrectly regarded.

      • Do not abuse compliments. This is just a tribute to courtesy. No, no, during the conversation, make compliments about only one particular feature or human features so as not to seem strange.

    Compliance with borders

    1. Start slowly. Imagine that the relationship is a kind of video game. You start with a light level, over time you learn by moving to more complex levels, and achieve a satisfactory result. When meeting with a person, you are at the first level, and while it is not passing it, do not jump on the second. People with oddities usually seek to start from the 15th level.

      • You can build a conversation on more personal topics, but starting to start with something simple and harmless, for example, from a conversation about the weather or your favorite music.
      • Do not talk about your loneliness, depression or nervous breakdowns, if they had them - so you will definitely seem strange.
    2. Do not smell per person. Long, gaze is practiced only in love. So you can do if a person is probably romantically configured, but even in this case it is easy to make a mistake. Look a man in the eyes during a conversation, time from time to time I look at other items.

      • Make sure you have no habit of staring at someone's parts of the body (breasts, hands, shoes, anything), regardless of curiosity or admiration. You do not want a man to feel like a microscope.
    3. Do not ask too many personal questions. What applies to them? It depends on a lot. It is best to pay attention to other conversations. Please note what topics are comfortable for people at the first meeting. Do not touch such how: romantic relationships, politics, religion, disease, murder, death, and so on.

      • If you are talking about what to be without a pair, it is quite appropriate to ask: "Do you meet with someone?" But do not ask: "Have you already met the love of your life?" - Or: "Did you have a painful gap?"
      • Observe the balance when you ask. If you ask too many questions, not allowing the opportunity to ask something in response, you can seem strange. Even if you do not ask anything personal.
    4. Do not make inappropriate invitations. Do not invite a person with whom you just met, to my home or in some private or even frightening place, like, for example, a basement, abandoned shed, a hut in the forest and the like. This kind of invitation can only be done to those people who are completely trusted. With the first meeting, only someone is strange.

      • If you want to invite a person somewhere, choose a public place where many other people are.
      • Invitation may also be inappropriate if connected with a private event. For example, you should not call with you for a wedding to a friend the girl you just met.
    5. Keep track of body language. Despite the fact that for each person the oddity is determined in its own way, and the transition to a new level for each is set differently, there are several universal rules of the body of the body:

      • For example, if someone constantly looks into the distance, towards the exit, or turns, most likely, this is a signal to the fact that a person wants to finish the conversation. At first it may require practices and attention, but over time you can read the body language at the subconscious level.
      • You can scare away a person if your own body language causes awkwardness or discomfort. For example, you lean too close to a person or splatter saliva when talking.
      • Do not touch the person with whom you just met. Try to avoid touching hair or hand of the interlocutor, only if you do not feel that it will like it for sure and create intimate proximity.

And so, you decided to use all possible ways and find out - how to get acquainted with a girl on the Internet and did not miss an article that will ensure you success? You did everything right, and with regard to all my tips, the acquaintance will be more than successful.

Basic rules of online dating

Let's start, perhaps, with that, without which all your further actions are deprived of meaning - from the rules and the foundations of behavior on the Internet.

Be pupil

You just do not have the right to be vulgar and rude. Forget it will not give you points in the eyes of the lady. At best, she will just think about what he deals with Gopnik, in the worst - with an unbalanced pervert.

Read the same:

Try to cope with literacy

Yes, some girls are also "not a fountain, but you still try to write correctly. After all, if one of 10 will not notice your gross mistakes because of its own illiteracy, then 9 - will definitely turn attention to it. Let them not be correctly arranged all the commas, but the words "devils" or "hachu" are an incomplete spot on your reputation.

If you have a spelling, you are very bad, use special services to check texts. In the end, write your posts in the Word program, copy and insert the dialogue window.

Several tips

If for some reason you can't see the photo of the girl or you can't find out her age (it happens more often on the forums, on dating sites), you can try to use such prompts:

  • If the young lady is very capricious and touching - most likely it is beautiful (well, or something believes).
  • Coward, a little stupid and quite naive - most likely she is youngster.
  • If it starts about work, weekend, lack of free time, earnings, etc. - Most likely, she is already in 20.
  • If it starts a conversation about studying - she is either a schoolgirl or a student.
  • If you see only pictures of the face on the page of the girl - try to make it completely. You can simply ask her photo in full growth, if you are already easy to communicate. Otherwise, you risk seeing on the first date, not what hoped for.

Tips are banal, but sometimes we forget to pay attention to such trifles and get at all what they drew in your mind.

Get acquainted on the dating site

How to get acquainted with a girl on the Internet? Of course, on a dating site - they are all open here to communicate and acquaintances, they have no guys and they are just waiting for their prince. But on the other hand, there are thousands of active users on popular sites and they do not sit back.

Your task is to stand out from twenty men who wrote your beauty simultaneously with you. What do I need to do:

  1. Never write a girl what could write and everyone else. That is: "You are beautiful, let's get acquainted" not ride. And most likely that 15 people from those 20 just so they will write. Look at her profile and write something inherent only to her.
  2. If the site is arranged so that messages are transmitted to indicate the topic, always do it beautiful.
  3. If possible, write to girls who "online" - so you will immediately see the result if it does not want to continue communication.

Girl: « Marina, Brunette, 17 years old, Pedagogical School Student "


Subject: "The most charming girl of the Pedagogical School"

Then I would like to tell about myself: My name is Oleg, I am engaged in programming, and in my free time I prefer an active rest. Soon I will be 22 years old and I would like to meet a wonderful girl with which you can go on an interesting trip. ".

  1. From the written letter follows the second rule: the message on the dating site should not be too short. You have to make the girl read it and think about you. Easy 25th "Hi" risks even unnoticed. But a long interesting letter must be standing out against the background of banal single-catching messages.
  2. You will not hurt the romanticism and mystery. For example, in communication do not hesitate to make strange actions: write that you invite it to a slow dance. In the following posts, you can write it the name of a beautiful slow song that she should listen.

Experiment + example

For the sake of the experiment, 10 girls were chosen, the introduction was the same, and the answers were not particularly different. The goal is to take a phone number.

I: Hi, Love is looking for?)
She: maybe / just communicate / of course / no
I: It is unlikely that you can find someone on this site, only all sorts offered nonsense ...
She: exactly / this is yes / blah blah blah
I: I hope you are a good girl, don't you write anything bad?))
She: No / No, I'm good / do not write ...
I: Honestly, did not go to such sites before, apparently no longer go, after what they write here. Let's talk better by phone 2 minutes. Write the number)


  • 2 wrote their number after the last message;
  • 4 wrote a number after several messages, basically I did a compliment and said that he was in a hurry;
  • 3 continued the conversation, and later gave a number (banal conversation about the interests + intrigue);
  • 1 refused to give the phone and the conversation did not receive continuation

The dialogue is a little trimmed, but the essence of the correspondence is clear, the psychology of such a dating will be revealed in the following articles, if you are interested, unsubscribe in the comments.

How to meet a girl in VKontakte

This site is known to you not at all and you probably got a lot of failures. I want to warn you what it will continue further. According to statistics, even with the right approach, the girls in VC do not respond to reports of 45-50% of cases. Such severe truth. But if you act wrong, you can lose those 50% of girls who answer.

How to learn

To understand how to get acquainted on the Internet - you need to develop an approach. So, in order:

  1. You throw off the girls who will train. Choose absolutely any city and put on the page the same. You need to gain experience before writing a girl who really like, and those with which you will communicate - even help the advice!
  2. Next, you choose 10 normal, not "fashionable", not "scary", and simple pretty girls "Online", perhaps with cockroaches - for training well.
  3. You write to all the same message with an individual character for each of the contenders. below ↓
  4. Let's call it - an exercise. It is necessary to repeat it until 8 out of 10 girls continue with you a dialogue. Once a week enough.

Thanks to such training, your page will fill with interesting girls who can ask the Council, and you will acquire confidence in your abilities and can easily develop a dialogue.

Your task:

  1. to work out a specific model of communication inherent in you on the Internet;
  2. learn how to determine which message is suitable for a certain type of girls;
  3. be able to develop a dialogue to the final completion of it or your goal;

It is important to have a goal of communication with a girl, Ie put the goal and in various ways to finish it, otherwise you will spend the time of washes.

Everything should be perfect - 6 stages of preparation

If you have taken into account the rules, put a good photo on Avatar and filled my page with suitable information, do not rush to relax:

Step number 1. Square extra albums

If you managed to lay out a photo from a rapid boo in a network, leave romantic photos with a former girl, etc. - Hurry them. You have to have a perfect profile: Photos at the moments of your success at work, photo in the company of your friends (adequate, sober ...), photo in nature, travel, at a concert, etc. Hide everything compromising where far away - leave what characterizes you from the best side.

The same applies to vulgar video, vulgar idiotic songs, subscriptions for porn groups, etc.

Step number 2. Clean comments

Work out the habit to erase comments that reveal all your cards. Type records "Zai, yesterday was very good" you need to delete immediately (if you do not stop on one girl).

Step number 3. Recognize fake

In order not to waste time in vain on the pages and deceptions, learn to recognize them immediately. If you see that everything is too perfect in the girl or it has very little photos, in addition to avatar - it can be a fake. You need to take her photo, download it in search by pictures from Google and see what else the questionnaires and on which sites it is encountered this image. If you see it on various sex sites, etc. - it's fake.

You should alert the imbalance between comments in a photo and the number of friends. Also, fake often over 1000 friends, and the page is created relatively recently.

Step number 4. Find the "right" girls

Your task is to find the girl with which you have something in common. According to statistics and own experience, ordinary compliments are exhausted here, but common interests act very well. Come in groups of your favorite music teams, open a list of participants and look for pretty girls there. So from the first messages you will have a topic for conversation - "She also loves the Nirvana group too."

  • The same applies to groups dedicated to your favorite films, serials, books, writers, places, travel, etc.
  • If you do not fond of anything at all - we will find common interests in it. Do it have beautiful legs and do you like them? Most likely, she also souls her long legs. What is not a topic for conversation?
  • You can search for girls with the same name as you. First pretend what you think you are relatives. Then simply translate it into the usual interesting communication.

In short, we produce an effective tactics, and not just add whom it fell.

Step number 5. Be Bdittelen

You will have to add a huge number of girls to friends, among which girlfriends may be met. But you are from us "Not a Noble Lovelace, but a simple good guy who decided to meet a beautiful girl," so you can't fall to fall. As soon as you enter the girl's page and you see that you have in common friends, with whom you are 5 minutes ago nicely communicated - run from there.

But if you have common friends who do not concern the process of your hunting for girls - it will only play in a plus. When girls see common friends, it seems to them that you are already familiar with that you can trust, etc.

Step number 6. Do not disappear

Be ready for the fact that about two weeks you have to behave with the girl correspondence. If you suddenly disappear for a week - everything can get out of control. Therefore, do not be accepted through Chur, writing to her all day. But at the same time do not lose long.

Do pauses between messages, but the girl should not think that you are brake and extrude the answer.

The most important thing is the first message to the girl

All sites say to you that the first message in VC is the most important part of your dating. But I will express another opinion: if you have an awesome account, looking at which the girl thinks "and he is cool" - 85% of the work done. In this case, it is enough for your first message to be simple.

  1. Do not write in your first message the offer to have sex, no matter how it has been entrusted.
  2. Do not write just "hello," even if you enable this by the phrase "how are you doing." The girls almost never respond to such messages. You must come up with such a phrase that will entail the development of the conversation.
  3. Do not be too impudent: "Theses, today you go with me on a date."
  4. You do not need to be too sweet, from the first messages, talking about how you dream of getting her on a date, so that she sticks you, etc.
  5. With compliments, too, be quieter: Purchased, amazing, great - it is already too for the first message.
  6. When adding as a friend, know what you do this and give a girl to know about it.

Here are examples of how to start communication:

  • You just write: "I know something about you."She will definitely want to know what you know. In response, you can write about her what you noticed by studying her page, and what you yourself liked in it.
  • "When I saw your photo, I was just amazed how many photoshop can do."This phrase hooked her pride and makes pay attention to your message. Most likely she will answer that her photo is natural and also she looks in real life.
  • "Hello. Looks like an energetic girl. What sports do? "
  • "I noticed that you play tennis. How long have you been training? "

The last two phrases can have hundreds of options. It is enough for you to understand what the girl is interested in and come up with a message about this. .

It is important that the first message provoked a girl to answer you, that is, you must ask a question at the end of the monologue!

  • "Hello. You seek me an attractive girl. Yes, and I'm not bad. We just destroyed to meet, what do you think? ".

It sounds atypically and a bit defiantly. You do not cover it with compliments, increasing her self-esteem for the transcendant level. But at the same time you say that she is interested. You yourself are also kept adequate, showing that she will get a lot of good from you. From the example you can see that you mocked her non-standard behavior, but it's good! Next you can develop a dialogue, because the girl is already ready to communicate.

If you have a good sense of humor - show her, and not write "You know, I have a great sense of humor." You can joke and even push it - the girl it will only raise the mood. But always control what you say: in the extreme case, your jokes and routines can be really offended. " You can even start your dialogue with some joke, for example: "It's not you yesterday in the supermarket ate all the tangerines?Continued: It seems like a similar girl was also so cute ".

In general, a joke can be approached for the first message, but not just sharing and not offensive. You do not need to immediately sleep with its compliments or show what you are super guy, they say, "as they said, so it will be." Just be myself, communicate naturally and easily, letting know about your interest, but at the same time without showing that you started to embed it at first sight in the photo.

I want to tell you that even this hated "hello" can work if you fully fit into her framework. That is, if on your page she found a photo of an attractive young man for her, and then still reinforced this opinion by reading the information on the wall - she will answer even on the usual greeting. That is why there are no 100% techniques, phrases and methods. You can only stay with yourself and not to do nonsense in communication, having received the desired thus desired, and using our advice will understand how easy it is to get on the Internet.

If you have any suggestions or real examples of your success on the Internet - write them in the comments, everyone will be very interesting to complement their knowledge.


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