Kanzashi complex flowers master. Learning to make jewelry using the tsumami kanzashi technique

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Japanese needlework always impresses with its originality and minimal cost. To create delightful masterpieces in style, the main tool is the fabric and an incredible amount of painstaking work and perseverance.
Recently, a flower has become a very popular accessory for all fashionistas. Most often it is made by hand in one of the handicraft techniques. Today I will tell you how to make a kanzashi rose at home with your own hands.

  • Two types of satin ribbons, 5 cm wide.
  • scissors
  • candle or lighter
  • tweezers
  • sewing pins
  • thread with a needle.
The first step is to cut the tapes into equal segments. Each piece should be 5 cm wide and 10 cm long.

In order to work with ribbons without loss, you need to melt their edges over the fire. Try to bring the edge to the lower level of the fire, so the material does not melt too much and does not smoke. By the way, you need to bring the fabric to the fire with the wrong side down so that there are no streaks or traces of soot on the front.

For my rose, I used 18 pieces of fuchsia ribbon for the petals and 4 pieces of green for the leaves.
Let's start making petals. Lay the ribbon vertically, wrong side up. Now, bend the upper right corner to the middle of the lower part.

We do the same with the left side.

We repeat the procedure with the left corner and fix the resulting "house" with a pin.

To create a flower, you will need 22 petals: 18 pink and 4 green.

Now, we collect everything in one tape. To do this, you need a thread to match the outer petals (I have green) and a long needle (beaded is better). We sew the right half of the petal,

and on the left we impose the right part of the second petal and stitch them together.

Using this method, we collect all the cooked petals on a thread.

Now we begin to twist the bud,

Gradually stitching them with a thread at the base.

When almost the whole flower is twisted,

you need to flash the entire base with an overcast seam to secure the result.

We begin to gradually give our bud the correct shape, for this we alternately bend the petals down.

The result is this flower.

If we want to use it as a brooch, we need to attach a clasp to it. The ideal solution would be to simply use the base from the old unwanted icon,

but you can also design something similar yourself. To make it, you will need 2 pieces of cardboard or plastic, scissors, glue and a regular pin. We make small cuts in the cardboard and carefully thread the pin through them so that the fixed part remains at the bottom.

Traditional Japanese culture began to take shape in the seventeenth century, after the Tokugawa clan seized power. The geisha who appeared in the middle of the eighteenth century made a significant contribution to the formation of the image of a Japanese woman. Previously, Japanese women preferred to wear their long, straight hair loose.

The classic image of a Japanese woman

Geisha introduced the fashion for high hairstyles of the most unusual forms. A variety of hair styling tools made it possible to give strength to the hairstyle: combs, hairpins, long sticks, and so on. Due to the fact that special attention was paid to needlework in the geisha school, hair accessories became an excellent basis for the implementation of intricate design solutions of Japanese needlewomen.

Hairstyle with a kanzashi flower looks quite unusual

Fancy kanzashi flowers have become increasingly present on the heads of not only geishas, ​​but also ordinary Japanese women from different classes.

Kanzashi Features

Wearing this traditional jewelry in those days was regulated by a whole set of rules. The appearance of kanzashi from flowers and ribbons had to strictly correspond not only to the age of the woman, but to her place in society.

Japanese women were strictly forbidden to decorate even open parts of the body - the neck and arms, so this decoration became their only opportunity to demonstrate their wealth, fine taste and even marital status to others. Married ladies could afford to wear no more than three colors of kanzashi on their heads. Young girls persistently competed with each other in the pretentiousness and high cost of this jewelry.

Japanese women have been decorating themselves with various colors since ancient times.

At the same time, for each month of the year, their own characteristics of their appearance were provided, as well as a special color scheme for kimonos. When creating such jewelry, even the color of the eyes of its owner was taken into account. Some extravagant persons inserted more than ten different kanzashi into their hairstyles.

Kanzashi add zest and the image becomes unique

Flower-decorated kanzashi-style hair clips and headbands have gained extraordinary popularity among young people today. Japanese girls wear them for wedding ceremonies, national holidays and children's events. In our country, they are also becoming more and more popular.

What to take as the basis of this decoration?

For a separate flower or brooch, you need a base in the form of a hairpin.

Hairpins will serve as the basis for decoration

The product must be firmly fixed in the hair, not slip, not sag.

Kanzashi is not just flowers, not just jewelry and hairpins, it is a great art

Consider the types and features of hairpins that are on sale:

  • Iron crocodile. Their length is from two to ten centimeters. Focus on the density of the hair of the future owner of the flower or brooch. For small children, choose short crocodiles, for adults - medium ones, long ones will help to tame a head of hair. Preferably a model with cloves.
  • The hairpin is a clapperboard. It will hold only the smallest kanzashi flowers on thin strands of hair. Useful for children's jewelry or to create a subtle nuance in the hairstyle.
  • Hoop. Plastic ones are cheaper, but often break. Choose from metal or rubber headbands that fit any head size and can withstand repeated extensions. There is a lot of space on the hoop for the revelry of the needlewoman's fantasy.

What do kanzashi decorate with now?

To transform the basics, needlewomen use a wide variety of materials and tools:

  • ribbons of crepe satin, satin or organza of various widths;
  • braid simple, patterned, mesh, in the form of a tube;
  • rhinestones, beads, buttons;
  • artificial kanzashi flowers, decorative fruits, berries;
  • multi-colored threads.

The more various materials for kanzashi will be used, the richer and more beautiful the product will look

In addition, the work will need:

  • scissors, ruler, pencil, sewing needle, small tweezers;
  • candle or lighter; - glue "Moment-crystal" or similar;
  • fishing line, cord, wire for stringing beads - plain or multi-colored.

The process of making a kanzashi flower is truly fascinating

Types of flowers for kanzashi decoration

Traditionally, kanzashi flowers are made from satin ribbons or organza.

Satin ribbons for kanzashi

Each petal is twisted separately. Then they are connected to each other: with threads or glue. Large petals are made easier. They may be rounded or pointed. The technique of folding them resembles origami. On the basis of these two species, modern needlewomen have invented a dozen more types of flowers. It is more convenient to twist the petals with tweezers, the middle of the finished flower is decorated with beads, stones, rhinestones.

The world of kanzashi is the magic of satin ribbons and silk, the play of bright beads in the hands of a master

The beauty and grace that distinguish flowers for modern kanzashi will not leave any woman indifferent.

Kanzashi jewelry is saturated with tenderness and beauty.

Stylish hoops, headbands, wreaths and hairpins with such flowers can be made by hand.

Children's kanzashi decorations

The size of the initial square of the ribbon for each petal does not exceed 5 cm. Flowers, which are created using natural materials, look more lively and delicate. When working with artificial tapes, their edges must be scorched a couple of millimeters. In this technique, you can make not only flowers, but also gorgeous butterflies, dragonflies. Some elements of kanzashi, for example, in the Ukrainian style, are made from a continuous ribbon, and not individual squares.

Features of the Slavic color

Ukrainian girls did not ignore this needlework technique and successfully adapted it to create national decorations - wreaths.

The Ukrainian wreath is part of the Ukrainian national costume

Traditionally used flowers in the form of poppies, chamomile, combined with clusters of viburnum, tendrils and hop cones.

Ukrainian wreaths have long been an indispensable addition to women's outfits.

A wreath from a combination of cornflower and lovage is called a wreath of devotion. Flowers in wreaths represent the beauty, health, strength, tenderness and devotion of a woman.
For the Ukrainian people, a wreath has long been a traditional amulet.

- not only decoration. This is a kind of amulet against bad and unkind wishes addressed to its owner, a symbol of youth, girlish honor and innocence, eternal love and an infinitely long Ukrainian family.

Ukrainian wreaths are ethnic accessories that are well known not only in Ukraine itself, but also abroad.

In such wreaths, kanzashi-style flowers must necessarily coexist with green ribbons or artificial grasses. Green symbolizes vitality. Grass stalks can be made yourself from the same ribbons, or you can use artificial grass sold in needlework departments or flower shops.

Ukrainian wreath is not just a decoration, but a talisman

Women have always searched and found for themselves unique ways to transform their appearance, making it bright, attractive, unique.

Kanzashi from ribbons in the style we have reviewed are great for these purposes. It is easy enough to make them, even easier to buy them, and the effect produced on others will undoubtedly be grandiose. They will perfectly decorate young Ukrainian charmers.

Kanzashi hairpin

Master class: types of sharp petals

Ukrainian wreath of ribbons

Kanzashi flowers have become very popular as hair ornaments, and this is now a favorite type of needlework for many craftswomen. It is more correct to call them kanzashi - these are Japanese traditional women's hair ornaments. Kanzashi is worn with a kimono. And here they are used as bows for girls, and decorate dresses, bags, postcards, hair bands and much more. These products are made from satin ribbons and decorated with beads, sequins and rhinestones. Even ribbon embroidery can be done using the kanzashi technique. Our editors have collected simple and understandable lessons for you so that you can understand everything step by step. Watch our MK, and, perhaps, crafts using the kanzashi technique will become your favorite hobby.

Kanzashi is a technique for creating flower decorations made from materials such as silk, organza, satin. The first acquaintance with kanzashi, for beginners to understand this type of needlework, may seem rather difficult. In fact, this technique is incredibly simple. It is only once to understand its basics and it will be impossible to stop.

Kanzashi - a technique for creating flower decorations made from materials such as silk, organza, satin

The study of any kind of needlework begins with the basics, since only they help to master it perfectly. One of the most common types of kanzashi, tsumami, is based on only two types of petals: round and sharp, and everything else depends on the imagination and skill of the needlewoman.

DIY basic petals

To make petals, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • ruler or centimeter;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • colorless glue (for example, Moment Crystal) or a glue gun;
  • candle, lighter or matches (it is most convenient to work with a candle).

Learning any kind of needlework starts with the basics

Having prepared everything you need, you can start creating a petal:

  1. Measure 5 cm from the tape and cut.
  2. Fold the resulting square diagonally to form a triangle.
  3. Next, fold both side ends alternately to the middle so that you get a rhombus.
  4. Then fold the rhombus in half along its back side, again you get a triangle.
  5. Now you need tweezers. They need to pinch the side of the petal that is crumbling.
  6. Cut off the edge and burn.
  7. That's all, the round petal is ready. Having made a few more petals, you can collect them into a flower.

The sharp petal is done a little differently:

  1. First, cut out a square, measuring a length of 5 cm from the tape.
  2. Then it folds in half diagonally, turning into a triangle, which also needs to be folded in half.
  3. You will end up with a smaller triangle that needs to be folded in half again.
  4. One corner of the resulting figure will be with crumbling edges. It must be clamped with tweezers and singe over the flame of a candle or lighter. The sharp petal is ready.

Having studied the basics of the technique and learned how to make basic petals, you can start making a wide variety of flowers: both simple and complex. At the very beginning, it is best to rely on master classes that describe in detail the entire process of making blanks and assembling.

Gallery: kanzashi (25 photos)

Pleated triangular petal (video)

How to make the easiest kanzashi flower?

After making several basic petals, you can make one, albeit simple, but very beautiful flower.

The manufacturing process can be divided into three stages:

  1. Collection of petals, carried out both with glue and thread with a needle. Moreover, the second option is preferable, since it provides the most reliable coupling between them.
  2. The design of the back side of the flower consists in gluing a base to it, suitable for further use. It can be felt or ordinary cardboard, covered with a fabric that matches the color.
  3. Front side decoration. After collecting a flower, it has an open middle, which does not always look beautiful. You can hide it with the help of various beads or other small details. They can be glued with both hot glue and Moment.

After making several basic petals, you can make one, albeit simple, but very beautiful flower.

After these stages, the flower is completely ready. It can be used as a decoration for a hair band, headband, comb or brooch.

How to make a dahlia using kanzashi with your own hands: step by step instructions

A wide variety of flowers are collected from satin ribbons, including dahlias. Moreover, the petals for them are folded in a slightly different way. Find out exactly how below.

For work, prepare the following materials:

  • satin ribbon 2.5 and 1.2 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • glue (moment crystal or hot);
  • ruler;
  • a candle;
  • piece of felt.

A wide variety of flowers are collected from satin ribbons, including dahlias.

Step-by-step instructions for making a flower include:

  1. Preparation. At this step, blanks for the petals are made from the ribbon. Rectangles 7 cm long are cut from a tape 2.5 cm wide, and rectangles 5 cm wide are cut from the other. From 27 to 30 pieces are required for one flower. large rectangles and 16-20 pcs. small ones.
  2. Making petals. Take one of the rectangles with the wrong side towards you, mentally divide it into three equal parts. Next, fold the left edge inward at a 90º angle, with the top of the corner at the third point. Then you need to connect the top and bottom peaks, once again bending the left edge of the tape. In this case, you should pay attention to its ends, they must converge. Next, on the front side of the resulting figure, fold the sides inward. Moreover, we bend the upper part slightly, but the lower one is slightly larger (the side edges should converge in the center). Fix the edge of the petal with tweezers, and use a candle to singe its ends. Do the rest of the flower petals in the same way.
  3. assembly. Take a piece of felt and cut out a circle with a diameter of 4 cm from it. The petals will be collected on it. And this is how it is done: take one large petal, coat its lower corner from the wrong side, attach it to the felt base and press it lightly. So the first circle is glued. The remaining petals are used for the second circle, and it is desirable to place their tops between the first petals. In the event that after gluing the second circle, you still have petals, glue them to the wrong side of the base. So the first row of the flower will become more magnificent. Now it remains to attach small petals. Their first row is glued to the central large petals, that is, they seem to be nested one inside the other. The rest are evenly distributed inside the central circle of the felt base.
  4. Decoration. After all the petals of the flower are collected, it remains open in the middle. It can be covered with a bead, carnation or some other small decoration.

That's all, the kanzashi dahlia flower is completely ready.

Master class on the topic: how to make a kanzashi rose

Roses made in kanzashi style are almost as beautiful as real roses. And there are many different ways to make them. In this tutorial, you will learn one of them.

So, for work you will need:

  • two colors of satin ribbon 5 cm wide (green for leaves and red, pink or any other for the rose itself);
  • glue gun;
  • thread with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • lighter.

Roses made in the style of kanzashi are almost as beautiful as real ones.

The process of making a rose with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  1. Training. At this stage, rectangles 12 cm long are cut from a red ribbon. Approximately 25 such strips are required for one rosette.
  2. Preparation of flower petals. To make a petal, take one rectangle with the wrong side towards you, lower the upper right corner down, forming a triangle from the corner. Then take a needle and thread and, starting from the corner, sweep along the bottom edge to about the middle of the strip. Now lower the upper left corner down and sweep the rest of the tape. Lightly pull it together to form a petal and secure. Do the same for the remaining petals.
  3. Assembly. Take one petal, apply a little glue on its right edge and wrap it, fixing it on the other end also with glue. This will be the center of the flower. Now take the second petal, apply glue along its lower edge and glue it to the bud. The third and all subsequent petals are glued in the same way, with each subsequent petal half overlapping the previous one.

Kanzashi- these are not just decorations created from fabric, this is a whole philosophy and art that originated in the Land of the Rising Sun at the beginning of the 18th century. It should be noted that over the past centuries, many varieties of this manufacturing technique have appeared, but still it is kanzashi flowers- Khan-kanzashi remain the most popular among needlewomen.

On our site we have collected a lot of kanzashi master classes, which will show you how a master can breathe life into a piece of bright fabric, put a piece of his soul into the product, and as a result, we can admire an elegant hair ornament or dress.

If you are interested in technology, then we dare to assure you that although the manufacture of such flowers cannot be called particularly easy, but still, if you follow the recommendations of our craftsmen and do not forget about patience, you can get very cute decorations. The constant production of such jewelry will allow you to gain experience and then you will be able to make quite complex kanzashi, photo which are also presented on our website.

Traditionally made kanzashi from ribbons, or rather, from squares of silk or satin, which must be folded with tongs in a special way. This kanzashi technique is called tsumami. If you decide to make a decoration using the tsumami technique, then you must make kanzashi petals from these squares, and then combine them into elementary flowers using rice paste or silk threads.

If you decide to make kanzashi do it yourself then you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. First, you need to prepare squares of multi-colored satin ribbons of different widths. In addition to satin, you can also use organza, crepe satin or silk. Secondly, you will need needles, threads to match the color of the ribbons, tweezers, pins, glue, a lighter, small beads for decoration.

For creating kanzashi flower you can use petals of two types - triangular and rounded, while they can be of different colors and sizes. Harvested petals must be collected, and then sewn into a bud. Be sure to decorate the center of the flower with an artificial stone or beads. You can also attach leaves or curls to.

If you have already mastered kanzashi for beginners, then on website you will also find examples of rather elaborate Japanese cloth decorations. Please note that there can be not only one flower, you can make several flowers at once in one or several tiers, you can create a whole bouquet, which is framed with openwork thread weaving or decorated with beads.

Note that both the simplest and most complex products will carry a piece of your soul, which once again will allow you to create beautiful creations.

Hi friends!

For a long time, my hobby was also a source of income for me, almost all of my jewelry found their owners.
Unfortunately, I did not manage to photograph all my works, but despite this, I still accumulated a large baggage of photographs, which I will share today.
I would like to say right away that over the years of work, the quality of photographs has also constantly changed, so please do not be surprised by different photographs)

Perhaps I'll start with one of my very first works, I photographed it on 11.03. 2012 already more than 6 years ago it turns out.

Initially, I planned to make jewelry only for myself and my daughter, but unexpectedly for me, orders immediately poured in. Although I didn’t have any experience and skill at that time, and now I look at my first works with a smirk, because they were crooked and oblique and did not last long. However, thanks to the commissions, my experience and enthusiasm began to grow, and as a result, I began to make jewelry for sale, and they sold like hot cakes.
Of course, the first photos, like the first works, left much to be desired, but gradually the quality grew with experience, but I want to say that the growth has not stopped yet and I am constantly trying to improve my knowledge and skills, only now I am developing not in one narrow direction, but in different ones.

And this is already a relatively new work, although it is also about 2 years old, but compared to the first one there is a significant difference in everything.

It is quite easy to make such a flower again when you have experience, but beginners can do it too, the only thing is it will take more time.

How to do:

For such a lush flower, you will need a ribbon 0.9 cm wide, I can’t say for sure I didn’t calculate the footage.
Just cut a lot, a lot of segments of 4.5 cm.

Approximate quantity is more than 100 pieces. I didn’t count the exact number either, because I did it until the moment when there were no large gaps left and it would be similar in the arrangement of the petals to a real flower. But it doesn't work the same here.
The size of the flower and the number of petals will also depend on the diameter of the base on which the petals will be glued.
For the base, I usually take a circle of felt, the diameter, as I said, can be different. I have a diameter of 2.5 cm.

To make a petal, the tape is bent in half and the angle is cut at an angle.

Then the corner is sealed with fire.

The lower edges of the tape are bent and singeed.

And the finished petal, or rather the petals, are glued with glue the “crystal” moment to the felt base in a circle. The first circle of petals is glued onto the base 3-4 mm, then the subsequent circles of petals are superimposed, as it were, in a checkerboard pattern, layer by layer, to the very end.

Such chic flowers are obtained from these petals.

back side

A similar flower idea with only rounded petals.

And you can also do it with a contrasting center or with a smooth transition to another color, in general, you have an idea for experimentation.

By the same principle, you can make petals from a tape 2.5 cm wide.

Such flowers are also very similar in terms of the assembly principle, only the tips of the petals here are not soldered together, but are scorched by fire and twisted a little with your fingers.

I used to make the same flowers from a 5 cm wide ribbon.

Although the principle of creation is similar for everyone, the flowers still turn out to be all different.

And so the flower looks on the hair

Lush flower with sharp petals.

And these petals are probably the simplest, a piece of tape simply folds in half, the length of the piece can be different depending on what size and splendor the flower is needed. The width of the tape is 0.5 cm. The length is from 6 to 10 cm, but it can be more or less. Mine was 9 cm.

Kanzashi from a ribbon 2.5 cm wide.
How to make simple ribbon flowers.

Another very easy way to make flowers is with 2.5 cm wide ribbon.
This method is a great option for beginners, I showed it to my daughter, she is sitting now and making such flowers)

How to do:

For one petal you will need a square of tape 2.5 * 2.5 cm.

For a flower in 2 layers, you need 10 petals.

The petal folds in half

And the corners are cut off

lighter burns everything evenly

Petals are collected on a thread of 5 pieces.

The thread is pulled together and closed into a ring.

One layer sticks to another

The middle is decorated as desired, I made this one for a set with Mickey's bows.

The flower was attached to the hairpin with a piece of tape smeared with Moment Crystal glue.

Also from such simple petals you can make such beautiful poppies.

Or rosehip flowers

Or snowdrops

Simple and multi-layered kanzashi.
Kanzashi with sharp, round and other types of petals.

Now let's move on to the part that, in my opinion, is a little more difficult to manufacture. Even the simplest single petals must be made very carefully, they must be the same, and this requires a certain skill.
If in lush flowers it is allowed that the petals are not perfectly even, but somewhere even with a different bend, then here you need to try so that all the petals are one to one. And this, unfortunately, does not always work.

Detailed master class

I have already described, I will not repeat, see the previous article.
And here are some ideas for inspiration

From sharp petals you can make not only flowers, but also such funny butterflies

Round kanzashi petals master class

How to do:

To make such a petal, you need a square of tape.
You can make both large and small petals.
I have a square 5 * 5 cm, but 4 * 4 or 2.5 * 2.5 is also possible.
It all depends on the idea of ​​what you want to do.
I often combine both large and small petals in one flower, and also combine with other types of petals.
Below you can see it in the finished works.
In the meantime, back to the round petal.

I usually always singe the edges of the tape to make it easier to work with the tape. Then I fold the square into a triangle.

The next step is to bend 2 corners on both sides to the bottom third.

Then the edge of the corners is cut off and soldered with fire.

From the bottom, the excess is also cut off and soldered.

We slightly straighten the middle with our fingers and all our petal is ready.

Such interesting flowers are obtained using round petals and not only ...

Kanzashi fan petals step by step

Another type of petals I call fan, perhaps it has a different name. My performance technique is different from what I have seen on the Internet now. It’s just that when I started doing this, there were few master classes and I didn’t find such a petal, so I learned to do it myself, mainly from photos of finished works.

So now I am sharing my way.

how to do:

For such a petal, a square is also needed. I have 5*5 cm.
I burn the edges with a lighter.

Fold into a triangle

Then one corner is bent and thus the first fold is laid

We bend the resulting fold back and fold it forward again, so the second and subsequent folds are laid.
In general, you should get 4 folds.

The ends are cut and scorched.

But most often I make decorations by combining different types of petals together.

And finally, a couple of ideas for bombing bows, they look just fire in hairstyles !!!

When I started writing this article, I thought all my work and all my ideas would fit in one article, but I was wrong!
I did a titanic job to put it all together, but there is still a lot of work left that, as it turned out, could not be placed in one article.

But on the other hand, this is an occasion to write a new one and probably not even one.
For example, I plan to write an article about beautiful ribbon roses using different techniques.

Don't forget to bookmark the article so you can come back to ideas again.

And that's all I have for now!

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