Coenzyme Q10 in cosmetology: is there any benefit for the skin of the face? Coenzyme Q10: benefits, harm, instructions for use Which coenzyme q10 is better to add to the cream.

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For the first time the enzyme coenzyme - an element of youth and health, was isolated from human tissues in 1957, then it was named ubiquinone - "ubiquitous quinone".

It really exists everywhere - without it, the processes of cellular respiration, energy exchange, neither in animals nor in humans, would have taken place. And it is the decrease in the production of this enzyme that provokes aging of the whole organism - withering of the skin, sagging muscles, dry and brittle hair. The solution to the problem is the additional intake of ubiquinone.

Miracle enzyme coenzyme Q10

The Nobel Prize for the synthesis of a special enzyme coenzyme Q10, as well as the study of its role in the metabolic processes of cells in the human body was awarded to Peter Mitchell.

This substance, which contains vitamins and dissolves only in a fatty medium, is also called ubiquinone. Takes part in oxygen metabolism, cellular respiration, and electron transfer. The maximum concentration of coenzyme Q10 is in the human liver and heart.

Chemically, coenzyme Q10 is close to vitamins K and E. Scientists believe that this enzyme is responsible for the aging of the body. The principle is as follows: a decrease in the concentration of coenzyme with age leads to a deterioration in the functionality of the heart, muscles, and internal organs. Accordingly, less oxygen and nutrients enter the cells of all organs. Deficiency of ubiquinone slows down all processes: metabolic, oxidative, excretory.

Cosmetologists have long called coenzyme Q10 "the enzyme of beauty." Its deficiency immediately affects the skin: it dulls, loses moisture, wrinkles, dryness, itching appear. To maintain the proper level of the enzyme in the body, it is recommended:

  • eating food rich in coenzyme ku 10: these include peanuts, sesame seeds, beef, trout, fish, broccoli, eggs, citrus fruits;
  • taking medications containing the required dose of the enzyme.

Up to 25 years in the absence of a number of diseases (atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease) coenzyme ku 10 is within normal limits. In the period from 25 to 40 years, its content in the body decreases by 25%. Normally, the body independently synthesizes about 300 mg of the enzyme daily. With age, the deficiency must be filled with synthetic analogues of ubiquinone, which are now represented under many trademarks.

How is coenzyme used?

Today Coenzyme Q10 is included in:

  • complex vitamin preparations;
  • anti-age cosmetic products: creams, serums, tonics, shampoos, masks;
  • monocomponent dietary supplements.

For medical purposes, coenzyme ku 10 is used to strengthen the heart muscle, restore liver cells. It is cardiology that is the leader in prescribing therapeutic doses of the enzyme for the treatment of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, myocardial dysfunction, arrhythmias. Ubiquinone is also used in pediatrics. In complex therapy, the enzyme ku 10 is prescribed to children with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders.

Some scientists are convinced that the benefits of coenzyme ku 10 are great for frequently ill children. By improving the processes of energy metabolism in such a group of patients, it is possible to achieve the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria and microorganisms.

The use in cosmetology also has a logical explanation: entering the subcutaneous tissue with external use of a cream, ointment, the enzyme ku 10 activates metabolic processes, rejuvenates and acts as a powerful antioxidant.

But there are other opinions of scientists regarding the role of coenzyme ku 10 in the fight against skin aging. The potential harm of the enzyme when it is artificially supplied from the outside (with creams and vitamin preparations) makes the skin "lazy": it stops producing the substance on its own. But this harm is conditional, since it has not been confirmed by scientific research.

Enzyme properties, benefits and harms

Coenzyme Q10 has proven itself best in two ways: fighting the signs of aging and as a cardiovascular support. The main properties of ubiquinone:

  • activates energy production at the cellular level;
  • enhances immunity;
  • helps in the process of fighting extra pounds - enhances the breakdown of fats, better removes excess fluid;
  • slows down the aging of the whole organism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • works as a powerful antioxidant;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • increases the production of elastin and collagen by the skin (the benefits of the element in the fight against wrinkles have long been studied);
  • removes free radicals.

The benefits of Coenzyme Q10 are scientifically proven and undeniable. Preparations in the form of capsules are prescribed to slow down aging, during active physical activity, in the process of losing weight, as well as for the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases, allergies, and hypertension.

Ubiquinone improves regenerative and respiratory functions, regulates blood sugar (and this is a benefit in diabetes), and restores liver cells.

Harm from taking coenzyme ku 10 can occur if you use the drug during pregnancy, lactation, or a tendency to allergic reactions.

It is forbidden to take capsules with alcohol - harm to the liver in this case will be very high. Coenzyme Q10 is taken in courses for one month or more, it tends to accumulate in the blood, tissues and have a prolonged effect.

Coenzyme medications

Preparations with coenzyme ku 10 are available in the form of drops, capsules in a water-soluble shell (Omeganol Coenzyme Q10, Time Expert) and liquid. These funds are registered as dietary supplements - biologically active additives. The drug of which company is better depends on the purpose of admission and, of course, cost.

Name Coenzyme action Method of reception (instructions for use) Price
Coenzyme Q10 forte The instructions for use contain the following data: the drug increases the effectiveness of weight loss, is used in rehabilitation periods after injuries and operations, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The benefits of dietary supplements appear after 30 days of taking 1-2 capsules per day. The course can be repeated after 14 days. The cost of Coenzyme Q10 Forte in drops is from 165 rubles for 50 ml, capsules - from 300 rubles for 30 pieces.
Omeganol Coenzyme Q10 It is indicated for diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, muscular dystrophy, ischemic heart disease, in the recovery period after a heart attack, stroke. Instructions for use: 1 capsule three times a day for 20 days. Repeated appointments - 3-4 times a year. Omeganol Coenzyme Q10 is contraindicated in children under 14 years of age. The price of Omeganol Coenzyme Q10 is from 500 rubles for 120 capsules.
"Time Expert" Coenzyme Q10 forte with vitamin E The drug of the Russian company "Evalar" is intended to reduce the manifestations of aging of the body, improve the functioning of the heart, resistance to stress, to give the skin elasticity and elasticity, to improve the structure of the hair and epidermis. The benefits of taking pills for physical and mental overload have been proven. Instructions for use: for people over 14 years old, take 1 tablet per day with meals. The duration of the course is 1 month, the course should be repeated no earlier than 10 days later. Price - from 220 rubles for 20 tablets (520 mg).
Solgar Coenzyme Q10 Fight against age-related changes: wrinkles, dry skin, deterioration of the heart, brain, Expressed benefits in the treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes. The instruction contains information on taking the drug: 1 capsule per day with meals. Reception under 14 years of age is not recommended. Price - from 1200 rubles for 30 capsules of 30 mg.
Doppelherz asset in capsules with coenzyme Q10 It is indicated for physical exertion, immunodeficiency, blocks aging processes, is used as an additive in sports nutrition. Take 1 capsule daily with food for 30 days. Price - from 500 rubles for 30 capsules.

It's hard to say which drug is better with coenzyme Q10. Reviews of these dietary supplements are contradictory, since coenzyme does not act instantly - it must be taken for a long time, doing 2-3 courses a year. It is almost impossible to harm health with prolonged use, the contraindications are minimal.

Anti-age cosmetics

Cosmetics with coenzyme ku 10 in the form of creams, lotions, tonics are more popular today than ever. These products can slow down the aging process of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, remove dryness and revitalize the skin / hair.

Ubiquinone - an element of non-protein nature - when applied externally, it combines with proteins of human tissues and participates in the production of energy necessary for cellular respiration and regeneration.

The harm from cosmetics with coenzyme Q10 is minimal, the only contraindication is pregnancy / lactation and individual intolerance. But the benefits of ubiquinone in the composition of a skin or hair product are obvious - you slow down fading, return youth and beauty.

Name Coenzyme action Manufacturer Price
Coenzyme Q10 Night Cream Contains fruit stem cells, restores the facial skin at the cellular level, increases the level of elastin, collagen, and enhances cellular tissue respiration. Protects against aggressive ultraviolet radiation that damages the skin. Andalou Naturals, Lviv 2500 rubles
Cell Repair Cream Concentrate Aloe Vera + Q10 "Coenzyme Q10" The rejuvenating serum brightens, protects, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Unique Q10 (Germany) 4490 rubles
Coenzyme Q10 face mask The product rejuvenates the skin, "pushes out" even deep wrinkles, thanks to its special delicate texture it is very economically consumed. RIOR, Czech Republic 1550 rubles
Oxygen complex with coenzyme Q10 Professional healing day cream is designed to moisturize the skin and fight wrinkles, including mimic, scars, age spots and other imperfections of the epidermis. Dr. Spiller, Germany 6900 rubles
Bioplastics N-active with coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E Plates for applying on the face and activating the gel with warm water. Medical Collagene 3D 700 rubles
Shampoo with coenzyme Q10 Schauma Shampoo for cleansing, smoothing hair structure and rejuvenation. Schwarzkopf, Germany 110 rubles for 250 ml.
BRich hair mask Mask for brittle, lifeless and dry hair. Gives volume, shine, strength, makes curls obedient, prevents the color from being washed out after dyeing. BRich (Russia) 180 rubles

For a complex effect on the skin, it is better to use a line of products from one manufacturer - this way you complement the action of the shampoo with a hair mask, and the cream with a face mask.

Greetings to everyone who looked at my review!

Regular users of the Maycharm website probably know that our Rufina sometimes publishes articles with a nice bonus for the first readers. In one of these posts, the first two unsubscribed readers were asked to test the funds from the new Coenzyme line Q10 of the Alpika company. I also managed to be among the lucky ones! :)

In this post I wrote that from this series I got the cream "Coenzyme Q10 ". I wanted to test it on an older skin - on my mother's. Rufina's article stated that these funds have a cumulative effect:

The cream is presented in a green tube, decorated simply but quite nicely. As far as I understood, their tubes are the same for the entire line of products, only the stickers with information about the product differ. The volume of the tube is 75 ml. The price of this cream on the official website of "Alpika" is 640 rubles.

On the reverse side there is all the rest of the information about the cream "Coenzyme Q10 ". In the composition, we find a lot of oils and plant extracts: sunflower seed oil (rich in vitamin E, relieves irritation, soothes the skin), wheat germ oil (has a beneficial effect on the skin condition), Barbados aloe extract (everyone knows about its antibacterial and healing properties) and many others. I was somewhat surprised to see parabens as preservatives, but I myself am not their opponent, so I will not stick to the composition of the cream once again. I ask you not to judge for this.

Coenzyme cream Q10 " produced in Russia, in the city of Stavropol. It is noted that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST. From the certification marks on the tube we see the EAC. The shelf life of the cream is a whole year and a half. I was confused by the fact that the tube does not indicate how long this cream can be stored after opening. The manufacturer should have indicated this, in my opinion. My own creams do not linger too much, of course, but there are people who use different means.

What is the peculiarity of this cream? And the fact that it contains not just oils and extracts, but alposomes - special capsules with these oils and extracts. These capsules facilitate the rapid penetration of the components of the cream into the deep layers of the skin. The main component of the cream is Coenzyme Q10 in the composition is indicated as ubiquinone, he is in the middle of the list. This component supports cells, helps to maintain youthfulness of the skin.
The tube does not indicate the age at which this cream can be used; I also did not find this information on the site. But this did not stop me: I wrote this question to the site operators, and they kindly answered me. I learned that this line is not considered anti-aging. They can be used both for the initial signs of wilting and for deep wrinkles. In other words, I can use this cream myself to support my skin.

The tube lid was originally closed with mica, which made me very happy. So I'm sure that no one has opened the cream before us.

The snap-on lid opens comfortably and closes tightly, nothing spills out during storage.
The cream itself is white, rather greasy (understandably, there are so many oils in the composition!). But, despite this, it is absorbed quickly, leaving no sticky residue after itself. But the aroma is very specific! At first, it reminded me of the smell of ginger with cinnamon, my husband defined it as the smell of gouache (then I also began to think so), and my mother just called it strange. But she says that over time you get used to it. I think the aroma of the cream is due to its ingredients: there are no fragrances in the composition.

Even before we took the pictures after testing, my mother spoke of the cream as a very pleasant tool that day by day helps to tighten the skin, makes it elastic and pleasant to the touch. She did not feel any discomfort for the entire time of use. And, most importantly, I want to show the results before and after. My mom constantly applies anti-aging creams in the morning and in the evening, but the wrinkles always remain. And here is the cream "Coenzyme Q10 " I was just amazed! Look at the photo for yourself: small wrinkles on the forehead have tightened and disappeared (above the eyebrows), and a deep vertical wrinkle has decreased. Where it was hardly noticeable, it disappeared altogether, and the deep trail tightened up a bit. I am delighted with the cream! I told my mother to continue using it. And I promise you to post a photo after a while.

In this photo, it seems to me, you can also notice the difference: the nasolabial fold has become less noticeable, and the skin has tightened a little.

I think that after 21 days of use, the result is just wonderful! The condition of the skin has improved, as promised by the manufacturer. What do you think?

I shoot one star for minor cons. But overall, the cream is excellent! Unfortunately, the cream cannot be rated 4.5 stars.

And what is most important - mom herself likes the sensations! I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to test such a good product to dear Rufina and our sponsor - Alpika!

Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) is a coenzyme, a substance that can be found in all cells of our body. It is it that is responsible for the accumulation of energy, which is so necessary for the work of our cells. With age, the amount of this substance decreases in our body, which leads to aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. If you maintain a constant supply of coenzyme Q10, you can slow down the natural aging process by maintaining the energy stores in the cells.

Declare Age Control Cream Q10

With age, it is worth adding beauty products with coenzyme Q10 to your skin care for an anti-age effect. Pay attention to the anti-aging cream from the Swiss brand Declare, which will help restore the skin to a healthy and fresh look, make it more firm and elastic. In addition to preventing skin aging, coenzyme Q10 does an excellent job of protecting the skin from free radicals, because it is a wonderful antioxidant.

Collagen & Co Q10 Hydrogel Eye Patch by Petitfee & Koelf

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin around the eyes, we recommend taking a closer look at Petitfee & Koelf Collagen and Coenzyme Patches. Regular use of this product will reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dull circles under the eyes. Anti-aging ingredients help protect cells from environmental stress and improve overall skin health.

Among the products with coenzyme Q10, we advise you to pay attention to the NIVEA anti-wrinkle day cream. It increases the level of coenzyme in cells, which can effectively fight wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. The cream is perfect for mature skin of different types, while protecting against UV rays thanks to the SPF 15 filter.

Looking for an effective Coenzyme Q10 remedy? Try Acure's Radical Wrinkle Complex. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and coenzyme Q10 to promote new cell growth and fight wrinkles. The product helps cells to produce collagen, improves skin immunity and perfectly moisturizes it.

Products that contain coenzym Q10 are common. Suffice it to recall an advertisement for anti-aging cosmetics - this substance will certainly be present in it.

As soon as a woman reaches a certain age, the doctor and the cosmetologist amicably prescribe this remedy, because it has a truly wonderful property to slow down the aging of not only the skin, but the whole body.

What is Coenzyme Q10, which contains

In order to understand what coenzyme Q10 is, let us recall a very recent history. This substance was discovered around the middle of the last, XX century, in the 70s its unique properties became known, and then it began to be widely used.

The peculiarity of the element is embodied in its Greek name - ubiquinone, that is, "omnipresent". Indeed, it is present in varying amounts in all human cells. It has the unique properties of enhancing the action of various enzymes, controlling oxygen supply and providing the required energy.

It is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator that is needed not only by muscles and skin, but also by all human organs. It has not only a cosmetic, but also a medicinal effect, as it is an indispensable component for the good functioning of the body.

With age, the amount of ubiquinone in the body is steadily decreasing, and the deficiency can be compensated only by eating foods with an increased content of it or taking it in the form of special preparations. It is often prescribed as part of vitamins or as an additional supplement for increased physical activity.

Having figured out what coenzyme Q10 is and what it is for, you need to find out whether it is always useful and whether it can cause harm.


Coenzyme Q10 is taken strictly according to the instructions. Since this is a product produced by the body itself, contraindications to it are minimal, nevertheless, they exist:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the main component of the product.
  2. Allergy to auxiliary elements, composition of the drug.
  3. Children and adolescents under 14 years of age.
  4. Pregnant and lactating mothers.

In some people, taking coenzyme causes digestive upset and a variety of skin reactions.

Indications and rules of admission

The standard rate is 60 mg per day, divided into two doses. With increased demand, the dosage can be increased to 100 mg, that is, up to three capsules per day. That is why it is useless to use ubiquinone in homeopathic doses.

  1. Liver.
  2. Sardines.
  3. Parsley.
  4. Avocado.
  5. Sesame.
  6. Peanut.
  7. Walnuts.
  8. Olive oil.

When taking the drug, it must be borne in mind that it dissolves in fats, therefore, the drug in capsules is used with food containing them. Then it will be useful. An important condition is the sufficient content of the component for it to be effective.

The substance is used in the following cases:

  1. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Muscle pathologies, excessive stress.
  3. Chronic fatigue.
  4. Frequently recurring infectious diseases.
  5. Respiratory tract dysfunctions, asthma.
  6. Dental diseases.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Obesity - promotes weight loss.
  9. Athletes with intense training and significant physical exertion.

Consult your doctor before use.

Coenzyme Q10 for skin

The skin reacts extremely positively to cosmetics containing this unique substance. Together with elastin, it prevents aging and restores its firmness and a youthful, fresh look. Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of the tool.

The component is used in cosmetic products for various purposes, but most often it is included in creams, masks and emulsions for the skin of the face. It actively rejuvenates the skin, makes it denser and smoother, levels wrinkles, and improves complexion.

In the composition of creams and body lotions, it helps to maintain the contours, elasticity of the skin, prevents the formation of ugly folds, eliminates the first signs of age.


Cosmetology recognizes the effectiveness and usefulness of coenzyme Q10, often prescribes cosmetics with it along with ingestion, the use of vitamins and minerals. An integrated approach is especially good for obtaining pronounced results, improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Let's consider the most popular products with coenzyme Q10.

Alginate mask

The alginate mask has a double effect: it contributes to the modeling of the face contour and transfers its beneficial properties to the skin. Therefore, it is used on the face and neck in a course of at least 10 procedures to obtain a pronounced result.

Alginate mask with coenzyme Q10 has extremely positive reviews and perfectly complements any used care, especially anti-aging. For example, the remedy from the Ukrainian brand TM Wildlife with the self-explanatory name "Anti-aging" is loved by customers for its well-balanced composition and effectiveness.

It has no chemical fragrances, includes beneficial algae, has the ability to tighten the oval of the face, nourish and moisturize sensitive and dry skin with signs of aging.


Another Russian remedy is the Panthenol cream, which perfectly protects from the sun. Its composition is a set of vitamins and antioxidants that perfectly cope with the negative effects of the environment. Another plus is the low cost and availability.

Foam Esfolio

Korean foam "Esfolio" is suitable for cleansing dry, oily and combination skin, as it gently removes impurities. Due to the inclusion of "usefulness", it does not dry out the skin and is allowed for use every day. Even with dry and sensitive skin, the foam does not dry out and does not provoke a violation of the lipid mantle, does not "take away" moisture.

The industry produces drugs with q10, the reception of which is beneficial to the body. It is useful to combine them with similar cosmetics. If it is not there, an analogue is suitable - succinic acid. It is found in creams of Russian brands, as well as in cosmetics of the Japanese brand Hada Labo.

Preparations and dietary supplements with coenzyme Q10

For health, beauty and energy, groups of drugs are produced in liquids and capsules. The following are popular:

  1. Doppel herz. In the Doppel Hertz series, products containing coenzyme are produced. With the help of a liquid preparation, they improve metabolism, reduce weight, accelerate growth and achieve changes in the condition of hair, skin and nails.
  2. "Kudesan" drops are used for endocrine disorders, cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Kudesan with potassium and magnesium - directed action to improve the functioning of the heart.
  4. Coenzyme Q10 Forte capsules are a powerful antioxidant. The healing composition enhances the elasticity of blood vessels, restores the skin and hair, making them dense, smooth and shiny.
  5. Coenzyme Q10 "Cell Energy" - a means to normalize metabolism at the cellular level.

These drugs are a small part of what is offered in pharmacies. Self-medication is not worth it, it is better and safer to get a doctor's recommendation. He will be able to tell you which medicine to prefer, indicate the dose and duration of the course of treatment.

Reviews about the tool

Maria, 47 years old

After completing a course of masks with this component, I felt how much my facial contours had changed. The skin became firmer and smoother, and the contours were tightened, the face “lost weight”. I will repeat the alginate more than once.

Anastasia, 36 years old

After the second birth, my skin changed a lot, it became dry and dehydrated. On the advice of her beautician, she began to make masks from alginate powder in courses and underwent deep hydration with hyaluronic acid. The result is amazing - I have become younger and fresher for at least five years!

Face cream with the inclusion of coenzyme from the Russian brand Evalar contains hyaluronic and fruit acids. It is not for nothing that it bears the name "Time expert cream", that is, the time expert cream. At a very affordable price, it successfully prevents aging and rejuvenates the skin. And if you use a similar dietary supplement with it, then the effect will increase significantly.

Elena, 51 years old

Aging skin not only brings about an unpleasant appearance, but also interferes with normal life. The skin dries, flakes and irritates even from the use of common detergents and tap water. A friend advised me to use a cream from the Evalar brand.

At first, I did not have confidence in him, since I always used expensive imported cosmetics. But she took a chance and was amazed - the cream works even better than the most expensive creams of famous brands. Checked on myself - after a serious illness, the skin recovered in a month.

Marina, 43 years old

My face and neck skin was badly damaged by exposure to the sun in hot and dry climates. It dried up and began to resemble parchment. I accidentally read on the Internet laudatory reviews about the cream from Evalar, especially since its price is affordable, and it is not difficult to buy it. I liked this tool.

After just a week of use, I noticed an improvement in my skin condition. Of course, no one guarantees miracles, but this is clearly a good, good-quality remedy for aging, dehydrated and sensitive skin.

This cream, containing coenzyme 10, is a Russian analogue with an affordable price tag to expensive imported products, which is in no way inferior to them.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. The author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

Comments 1

Several decades ago, the elixir of youth appeared, the so-called “ coenzyme Q10“. The discovery of this essentially unique substance was quite an important event.

The discoverer of this substance was even awarded the Nobel Prize, it was not cosmetology, but a completely different area - but all because at first, with the help of coenzyme, they tried to treat a sick heart, restore metabolism and stimulate immunity.

About the anti-aging properties of coenzyme in cosmetology, we will consider below.

for skin

Havebiquinone he is Coenzyme Q10 (coenzymeQ10) is the most powerful antioxidant in cosmetology, which inhibits skin aging. At a rate of 300 mg per day, this substance is produced by each cell of the body. It is he who owes the cells of organs and skin, energy, for constant renewal.

After 30-35 years, the body's reserves of its own coenzyme are noticeably reduced, which is very reflected in the skin, elasticity is lost, fine wrinkles become noticeable, the skin becomes dull. The less coenzyme reserves in the body become, the more our biological age increases.

Also, experts have noticed that an increase in kilograms in the body coincides with a decrease in coenzyme. But the decrease in coenzyme is not only due to age. Enemies are also bad habits, i.e. and ultraviolet light, since nicotine and the sun's rays promote the formation of so-called free radicals, which in turn inhibit the production of collagen (you can read about hyaluronic acid in cosmetology) and elastin.

In order to better imagine what effect smoking and bronze tanning have on appearance, it is worthwhile to figure it out. What is free radical itself? Nicotine and harmful ultraviolet light (after 10 am), getting into the skin, can change its molecular structure.

With a lack of protons and electrons, certain molecules become “empty” and “take” from others the element that they lack. The greater the number of such "mutants" in the body, the faster the aging of the skin occurs: elasticity is lost, peeling begins, mimic wrinkles become more expressive. And antioxidants are capable of free radicals, to which vitamins A, C, E and coenzyme Q10 belong.

Rejuvenation course

If at some point the body stops producing coenzyme, then it is necessary to provide it from the outside. This substance is usually found in creams of different ages (you can read more about “cosmetics by age”), serums, lotions and tonics.

Coenzyme for cosmetology products is obtained from algae, from a certain variety of them, which are found only in the Sea of ​​Japan, and therefore anti-aging products are not cheap. How does coenzyme work when it gets on the skin?

With energy replenishment, the cells begin to divide quite intensively and exfoliate in a timely manner. Also, an irreplaceable substance prevents the loss of hyaluronic acid, which is a retainer of moisture, increases the local immunity of the skin, and protects against the harmful effects of the environment.

The less coenzyme in the body, the greater the risk of accumulating extra pounds

To saturate the skin with ubiquinone and get a tangible effect, coenzyme Q10 cream will have to be applied for at least two months. Patience is compensated by the new-found smoothness, freshness and elasticity of the skin. But perhaps the most important result is the reduction in the number of wrinkles.

True, the miracle cream is not omnipotent: its field of activity is limited to the upper layer - the epidermis. Unfortunately, this substance does not get into the depths of the skin, where the most important processes of restoration and renewal take place, therefore it cannot eliminate deep grooves. And one more nuance: the action of the rejuvenating coenzyme obeys the law of 28 days - this is exactly the period of renewal of the epidermis.

That is, while we are using the cream with ubiquinone, the effect is obvious, but if we put the coveted tube aside, and exactly 28 days later, skin cells will “forget” about the antioxidant effect, and everything will return to normal. Some experts argue that cosmetics with coenzymes inhibits the production of their own ubiquinone, which makes the skin "lazy", and if you stop feeding it with cosmetics with Q10, it will start aging right before your eyes.

Note: coenzyme Q10 in cosmetics is very afraid of overheating, so heat can reduce the effectiveness of the cream to zero. Another enemy of jar ubiquinone is prolonged exposure to air.

Coenzyme Menu

You can enhance the anti-aging effect of the Q10 cream with the help of coenzyme-rich foods: vegetable oil, fish, eggs, nuts, cereals and legumes. Some cosmetologists assure: if the cream smooths out superficial wrinkles, then taking coenzyme inside can affect the deeper layers of the skin.

True, such a tandem is possible only after all other organs (primarily the liver and heart) have replenished the depleted reserves of ubiquinone. Another way to rejuvenate from the outside and from the inside is to take coenzyme preparations. In European countries, it has long been practiced increased "eating" of dietary supplements after the 30th birthday.

In addition to the gift in the form of smooth skin and a blooming appearance, it improves health, because coenzyme is an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, periodontal disease, anemia, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, chronic fatigue syndrome - all the urgent problems of the 21st century.


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