Treatment of angina during pregnancy 1. Consequences of angina during pregnancy and methods of its treatment

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How to safely get rid of the disease without harming the fetus? Can I drink antibiotics during pregnancy and are there any contraindications?

Angina and pregnancy

During pregnancy, immunity weakens in women. Due to this, diseases of the respiratory tract often develop, especially angina.

The disease is divided into several types, characterized by a sore throat, hyperthermia and a number of other symptoms. To cure it safely, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of therapy.


Angina is called an infectious pathology caused by inflammation of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring, more often - of the palatine tonsils. The peak incidence is observed in autumn and spring.

Types of sore throat

Varieties of tonsillitis differ among themselves by the type of pathogen, symptoms. The method of therapy depends on the type of disease.


This form is considered severe, accompanied by the presence of purulent plaque on the tonsils. The causative agents are bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci) and viruses that have entered the body. With the provision of timely medical care, the disease recedes in 1 week. If left untreated, there is a risk of complications - paratonsillar abscess, meningitis, sepsis. The disease is treated with antibiotics, symptomatic agents.


This type of disease is provoked by viruses - rotaviruses, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, Coxsackie viruses. Initially, pathogenic agents are localized in the back of the throat, later they move to the tonsils. Treatment is with antiviral agents, antibiotics are powerless. The highest temperature is noted, in contrast to other types of tonsillitis.


This type of sore throat is caused by streptococci, staphylococci, fungi or viruses that cause inflammation of the glands. It proceeds brightly and acutely, with a pronounced clinical picture. Symptoms appear 1-4 days after infection with pathogenic agents. Therapy depends on the specific pathogen, the treatment is shown to be complex.

Combined with tonsillitis

Sometimes angina is found in conjunction with chronic tonsillitis. The disease develops as a result of not providing medical care in the acute phase, tonsillitis appears as a complication. The disease is fraught with the appearance of a scar at the site of a purulent plug. The tissue of the tonsil is completely replaced by the connective tissue, they cease to perform a protective function. An infection that has settled in the glands constantly provokes the formation of pus, which is not only evacuated outside, but also spreads through the blood throughout the body. Against this background, inflammation of the heart, joints, kidneys, and brain often occurs.

Angina and pregnancy: risks at different periods of gestation

Depending on the period, the corresponding consequences of tonsillitis arise. Some of them are irreparable.

1 trimester

If inflammation of the tonsils occurs at 2-4 weeks of pregnancy, there is a danger. A woman at this time does not yet know about her situation, and she treats angina with antibiotics or antiviral agents that negatively affect the embryo. If you fight tonsillitis in this way, a miscarriage occurs up to 4 weeks, or congenital defects will develop.

Angina at 4-12 weeks is also dangerous. The woman already knows about her situation, the drugs are prescribed for her, but the causative agents of the disease still affect the fetus. They can disrupt its normal development and lead to incompatible defects of internal organs. The shorter the period, the greater the risk of miscarriage.

With tonsillitis, hyperthermia and general intoxication appear - other destructive factors for the unborn child. An increase in temperature of more than 37.5 degrees is fraught with spontaneous miscarriage for up to 12 weeks. Termination of pregnancy occurs at the peak of the illness or a few weeks after the cure.

2 trimester

In the 2nd trimester, it is easier to cure a sore throat than at the beginning of pregnancy. By this time, the child has already formed organs, it is easier to select medicines. The consequences are less common than in the early periods of fetal formation. Negative phenomena arise in the mother first of all.

A pregnant woman may have:

  • myocarditis;
  • heart failure;
  • pyelonephritis.

In the case of untreated purulent tonsillitis, there is a risk of weakening of labor.

3 trimester

In the last phase of pregnancy, in the absence of treatment for tonsillitis, often occurs:

  • septic poisoning;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • premature birth;
  • detachment of the placenta.

In relation to the fetus, there are developmental abnormalities, health problems.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy

Tonsillitis is treated with the help of complex therapy:

  1. A course of antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents is shown. During pregnancy, a small number of such drugs is allowed, they do not affect the fetus. They take funds in short courses of 5-7 days, depending on the result.
  2. Rinse the throat with herbs, antiseptic solutions.
  3. Drinking plenty of warm drinks will help remove toxins from the body.
  4. Unconventional methods will complement the effect of pharmaceutical preparations.

Hot foot baths are contraindicated in women in the first trimester position due to the threat of miscarriage. Pregnant women with high blood pressure and varicose veins are prohibited from these procedures at any time.

Where is the treatment

Fighting tonsillitis usually takes place at home. If a pregnant woman has a fever for more than 5-7 days, there are intolerable symptoms, because of a sore throat it is impossible to eat - hospitalization is indicated.

What antibiotics are prescribed

The use of antibiotics for tonsillitis during pregnancy must meet the following conditions:

  • be effective against staphylococci, streptococci;
  • not to have a teratogenic effect on the child.

Pregnant women are not prescribed antibiotics, studies of which have revealed a negative effect on the fetus in the form of abnormalities.

Women in a situation with tonsillitis need to be tested to identify the pathogen strain more often than others. It is especially important to know if the antibiotic is harmful to the microorganism that caused the disease. This is due to the fact that pregnant women are prescribed narrowly targeted agents. When the patient's condition is too serious, broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are indicated.

Supportive vitamin therapy

With tonsillitis, it is necessary to strengthen the weakened protective functions of the body with vitamins. This is necessary so that the immune system can overcome infectious, viral or fungal agents, and finally recover. Vitamin C is prescribed. In its pure form, the trace element is dangerous for pregnant women, but in the form of food it is quite suitable. It is recommended to lean on fruits:

  • oranges;
  • strawberries;
  • a pineapple;
  • lemons.


  • bell pepper;
  • chilli;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts.

Do not eat lemons, as they can aggravate symptoms and irritate the mucous membranes.

A course of treatment

With proper therapy, recovery occurs within 7-10 days. If you ignore therapeutic measures, complications appear that require longer treatment - from 1 month to six months. The chronic stage of tonsillitis is eliminated in 14-21 days.

Consequences for the fetus

The most dangerous is tonsillitis in the 1st trimester, namely:

  • in the follicular form, there is a risk of bacteria entering the bloodstream, septic poisoning develops;
  • intrauterine abnormalities in the development of the child and the formation of his organs;
  • freezing of the fetus.

In the later stages, the female body is depleted, such problems may arise:

  • myocarditis;
  • throat abscess;
  • meningitis;
  • septic intoxication;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • polyarthritis of an infectious nature.

There is also a risk of weak labor.

Is it possible to treat angina during pregnancy at home

You can fight tonsil inflammation at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. The woman should take medications according to the doctor's instructions, according to the schedule.

Treatment of tonsillitis during pregnancy at home

At home, you can perform the following therapeutic measures:

  • strengthen the body with vitamins C as fruits, vegetables;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • irrigate the throat with alkaline solutions and herbal decoctions;
  • with a feeling of weakness, observe bed rest;
  • if the temperature rises, soak a towel in water, apply to the forehead, wipe the body with water and vinegar.
  1. You can eliminate the pain with a novocaine compress, it is applied externally to the throat. For preparation, use 100 milliliters of alcohol, an ampoule of novocaine (1.5-2 cubes), 2.5 g of menthol and 2 grams of Menovazin. The resulting mixture is impregnated with a linen cloth or a bandage. They put an applique on the throat, cover with cling film and a scarf. Keep for 10-15 minutes. After removal, wrap your neck with a warm handkerchief made of natural material.
  2. Purulent plaque from the tonsils is eliminated with antiseptic solutions. It is necessary to irrigate the oropharynx every hour, 3-4 rinses. If the accumulations of pus are not removed with home methods, resort to a vacuum aspirator. This device is used to clean plaque in the doctor's office.
  3. Tonsils are smeared with antibacterial drugs - aerosol "Lugol".
  4. Point-of-use drugs - Bioparox spray. It contains broad-spectrum antibacterial components - fusafungin.

If the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

Than to rinse

With the help of throat irrigation, it will be possible to reduce the activity of pathogenic agents, and purulent plaque will be washed out. It is recommended to carry out procedures based on such solutions:

  • "Furacilin" - dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of boiling water;
  • "Chlorhexin" - a solution with a concentration of 0.05%;
  • "Miramistin" - the solution is sold ready-to-use, it can still be used to wipe the tonsils;
  • alcohol solution "Chlorophyllipt" - to dilute in a ratio of 1:10.

It is allowed to gargle after meals an unlimited number of times a day, every hour. As the condition improves, the frequency of irrigation is reduced.

What drink

With tonsillitis, it is recommended to drink:

  • a decoction of rose hips;
  • plain water;
  • weak tea;
  • fruit drinks;
  • natural juices.

All drinks should be warm.

What antibiotics can you

Safe antibacterial drugs for pregnancy:

  • penicillin - "Amoxicillin", "Oxacillin", "Ampicillin";
  • cephalosporins - Cefatoxim, Cefazolin;
  • macrolides - "Azithromycin", "Erythromycin".

Such antibiotics are also prescribed during lactation. They are also suitable for newborns.

Pregnancy risks and complications for the baby

Pathologies of the heart, joints and kidneys occur due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman is too actively fighting the pathogenic agents that caused tonsillitis. Immunity, trying to extinguish the pathogen, spends great energy. After recovery, the protective functions are at an extremely low level, so it cannot prevent complications.

You can fight tonsillitis during pregnancy quite successfully without a lot of pharmaceutical preparations. With the proper use of non-traditional and sparing means, it is possible to get a decent result without negatively affecting the fetus.

Inflammation of the tonsils in the early stages is not a reason for an induced abortion. With successful treatment, in most cases, pathologists disappear without a trace, the child is born healthy.

Useful video

It is believed that during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, the likelihood of getting sore throat is much higher. This is partly true, because hormonal imbalance, toxicosis and body restructuring temporarily reduce a woman's immunity.

Most often, the disease manifests itself in the autumn and spring periods, when seasonal changes in the weather are most noticeable and directly affect the state of health. During this period, there is a high probability of getting sore throat. It can become a consequence of the transferred ARVI. You can also get infected by airborne droplets or through personal hygiene products and dishes.

Angina or tonsillitis is an acute infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx and palatine tonsils. But remember that not every sore throat is called tonsillitis. Soreness or unobtrusive pain can be a sign of hypothermia and be temporary.

Tonsillitis is divided into two types: viral and bacterial:

Bacterial tonsillitis

The causative agent of bacterial sore throat is mainly streptococci, sometimes staphylococci and pneumococci. This disease is accompanied by a very high body temperature, severe sore throat, especially when swallowing. There is also fatigue, sometimes headache, but there is no runny nose, cough and other symptoms of a cold. With bacterial sore throat, an uneven white coating can be seen on the tonsils.

Viral tonsillitis

The causative agent of viral sore throat is the influenza virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus or enterovirus. Some of the most important symptoms of this disease are sore throat and fever. Also, viral tonsillitis is accompanied by a runny nose and cough. In this disease, unlike bacterial tonsillitis, the lymph nodes are not enlarged and there is no white plaque on the tonsils.


Diagnostics of any disease, especially in pregnant women, will be effective only when it is carried out by an experienced doctor. Do not try to diagnose and start treatment yourself. If you feel unwell, see your doctor first.

The main stages of diagnosing tonsillitis:

  • Patient interview. The doctor must find out how the disease began, what symptoms accompany it, how long the patient has been feeling unwell, etc. This is very important when making a diagnosis.
  • Palpation. Feeling of the neck, lymph nodes and ear area. If swelling and enlargement of the lymph nodes is detected, the type of disease can be more accurately determined.
  • Pharyngoscopy. Examination with a medical spatula. During this examination, the doctor examines the mucous membrane of the soft palate, the mucous membrane of the palatine tonsils, the condition of the walls of the oral cavity and gums. With this examination, you can find an increase and inflammation of the tonsils, purulent plaque, etc. In tonsillitis, pharyngoscopy is the main and most effective diagnostic method. So you can identify the main types of this disease, including purulent sore throat, which is quite dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Complete blood count (CBC). With severe inflammation, accompanied by a high fever, OAC is usually prescribed.
  • Throat smear. It is done in order to determine the type of bacteria that caused tonsillitis.

Danger to the baby

It often happens that tonsillitis begins in a woman shortly after conceiving a child. Against the background of hormonal changes in the body, the immune system weakens and the risk of infectious diseases increases. Sometimes the symptoms of tonsillitis appear even before a woman knows she is pregnant. In this case, early and intoxication from this disease occurs simultaneously. Then the woman, unaware of the threat to the baby, begins to take antibiotics and other medicines on her own.

Such treatment of angina in early pregnancy can lead to irreparable consequences for the development of the child or even to a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, you need to know.

Angina during pregnancy in the second and third trimester can affect the formation of the baby's internal organs. Indeed, active development is taking place in the womb, and the rudiments of the main functional systems of a small organism are laid. Severe tonsillitis, accompanied by intoxication, can cause dysfunction of the heart, liver, digestive system, etc. Also at different times there is a threat of miscarriage. It occurs when the fetus experiences severe intoxication of the body.

Although all the organs have practically formed, this does not mean that the mother's illness will pass without a trace for the child, so contact a doctor in time.

Treatment of angina during pregnancy

Before asking the question of how to treat angina in pregnant women, you need to understand what caused this disease. Namely, viruses or bacteria. Depending on this, the doctor prescribes either certain antibiotics, which are difficult to do without in case of bacterial diseases. Or more gentle types of medicines that are used for a viral disease. But not antibiotics, in this case they are useless.

How to treat angina during pregnancy? The very first and most important rule that pregnant women need to learn is never self-medicate. Any medication can affect the development of the fetus. And even traditional medicine is not as safe as it seems. Some herbal teas can be toxic to the baby. Therefore, if you suspect a sore throat, see your doctor right away. He will examine and diagnose. Then she will prescribe all the necessary medications that are indicated for you.

Treatment of sore throats in pregnant women is a responsible event that must be done according to all the rules. In addition to the list of necessary medications, the doctor will give useful recommendations. Typically, doctors advise drinking more fluids, staying in bed and ventilating the room.

What can and should be done by pregnant women with angina. Aids

  • Warm drink. Drink a light tea with lemon, mint, or chamomile. You can also use ginger root as a flavoring agent. It will help you calm down, relax and even reduce the symptoms of toxicosis. But do not overdo it with this spice, you need to know when to stop in everything.

  • Gargling. To do this, use simple products such as boiled water and table salt. You can add a drop of iodine to this solution, but only a drop, because an excess, like a lack of this substance in the body, leads to unpleasant consequences. You can also gargle with decoctions of linden blossom and eucalyptus leaves.

  • Compresses... Compresses can be used to relieve sore throat symptoms. Dilute water with alcohol in a 3: 1 ratio (3 parts water and 1 part alcohol). Moisten gauze with this solution and tie it around your neck. Top can be tied with a scarf. This compress is done several times a day for several hours.

  • Eating light meals... A weakened body is unable to process high-calorie food. Best of all, give preference to chicken broth, it is not very fatty, moreover, it helps to quickly recuperate.
  • Recreation. You need to endure such a disease only in bed with maximum comfort. This is especially true for pregnant women.
  • Humidified air. If you get sick during the cold season, when the heating season is on, then you probably have low air humidity. It is easy to measure with a hygrometer. Normal humidity in an apartment is about 40-55%. A simple humidifier can help increase the humidity. Sufficient humidity and air purity in the apartment is also a very important point of rehabilitation. After all, a dry mucous membrane of the nose and throat will only aggravate the disease and can lead to complications.

Complications and consequences for mom

This condition can backfire on a pregnant woman.... As a rule, this is due to incorrect and untimely treatment. If the expectant mother did not go to the doctor and tried to treat bacterial tonsillitis on her own, she can get such complications as laryngeal edema, paratonsillitis, etc. These consequences are unpleasant, but it is quite easy to get rid of them, sometimes with the help of surgical intervention. More serious consequences are kidney, heart and joint damage. These changes can be irreversible if you do not see a doctor in time.

So, the main causes of complications:

  • Late visit to a doctor.
  • Self-medication.
  • Failure to comply with the recommendations of the attending physician (refusal to take medications, etc.).
  • Unfinished course of treatment. Many patients stop taking medication as soon as they feel better. This is especially dangerous while taking antibiotics.


It is a well-known truth that it is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. But tonsillitis prevention must be done wisely.

Do not take immunostimulating medications on your own. There are no magic pills to strengthen your immune system. Human health depends on many factors, the main of which is the correct lifestyle. Therefore, eat properly and in a balanced manner, stay outdoors more, travel.

  • If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, do not lock yourself in four walls, use your ease. And while in the last weeks, also try to walk more often, let it be short walks in the park from bench to bench.
  • Don't overcool, dress warmly and comfortably, but don't wrap yourself up too much to avoid sweating.
  • Avoid drafts as well as the open summer sun.
  • Because tonsillitis is spread in many ways, wash your hands often and avoid contact with people who are sick.

Video about angina during pregnancy

In this video, an otolaryngologist will tell you everything about angina during pregnancy. You will find out what consequences this disease threatens for the fetus and mother.

I ask our readers to answer a few questions on this burning topic. Did you get sick during pregnancy? How were you treated? Did you manage to avoid complications? What advice can you give to expectant mothers based on your experience?

Angina is an infectious disease that affects the tonsils and proceeds in an acute form. This disease affects the entire body in a negative way. It is especially dangerous in the first trimester, because during this period the organs of the unborn child are laid. Since the treatment of the disease involves the use of antibiotics, the consequences of taking them, like the disease itself, can be fatal for the child.

Varieties of sore throat

This pathology is called in another way. Its causative agents are viruses, fungi, bacteria. There are several types of sore throat:

  • catarrhal;
  • lacunar;
  • phlegmonous;
  • follicular;
  • herpetic;
  • gangrenous.

Features of the course of the disease during pregnancy

The changes that begin to occur in the body of a woman expecting a child are colossal. Due to hormonal changes, all processes in the body are modified, completely obeying the main goal - the birth of a person. As a result, the woman becomes very vulnerable to numerous inflammatory and infectious ailments. During this period, immunity begins to decrease, which is a protective mechanism against fetal rejection. That is why angina often occurs during pregnancy in the first trimester.

A woman expecting a child should, if possible, avoid communicating with sick relatives, and also not visit crowded places without special need, especially during epidemics of viral diseases. In addition, household items and things that a sick person touched can become the source of the disease. In this case, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and water.

The resulting sore throat during pregnancy in the first trimester can harm the body of the mother and baby. In a woman, a disease due to illiterate treatment or late diagnosis can cause a purulent spread of infection in the body and even lead to sepsis. In the first trimester, this ailment is very difficult for the fetus, causing serious pathologies in its development. In addition, the disease contributes to the fading or termination of pregnancy.


Since the immunity of a pregnant woman usually decreases, microorganisms that were previously destroyed and now capable of causing inflammation of the tonsils easily penetrate into the body. The main causative agent of sore throat is streptococcus, the presence of which in the tissues of the throat contributes to the development of the disease. In addition, a woman in position can easily become infected with tonsillitis by airborne droplets.


Like any disease, acute tonsillitis has its own specific symptoms. These include:

  • weakness, sweating, fatigue, headache, lack of appetite;
  • redness, white bloom or purulent formations in the tonsils, swelling;
  • enlarged cervical and jaw lymph nodes, their pain on palpation;
  • headache;
  • severe sore throat, it is difficult for a person to swallow;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, reaching forty degrees.

In addition, if angina occurs during pregnancy (first trimester), then it may proceed abnormally, in the absence of characteristic symptoms. At the very beginning of its development, the body temperature is normal, rising to a high mark a little later. It becomes difficult for a woman to breathe and her appetite completely disappears, which are the first symptoms of the onset of the disease.

Also, this ailment during pregnancy is characterized by the frequent occurrence of rheumatoid conditions, which are manifested by difficulty in movement and soreness of the joints.

How do different

As you know, there are several types of acute tonsillitis, which manifest themselves in different ways.

  • characterized by a bright red appearance of a white coating on the tongue;
  • the follicular type is characterized by the appearance of convex yellow dots (follicles) on the tonsils;
  • with a lacunar form, an increase in the tonsils occurs, depressions appear on them, a yellow-white plaque, which consists of epithelium and dead leukocytes, and such a sore throat is considered very dangerous due to the high risk of complications.


Treatment of angina in the first trimester of pregnancy is carried out after the examination. It is not difficult to make an accurate diagnosis for such a disease. The doctor examines the woman's oral cavity, pharynx, surrounding lymph nodes, prescribes a blood test, and this is necessary in order to exclude diphtheria, as well as to determine the sensitivity of microflora to various drugs. In a blood test for acute tonsillitis, an increased ESR is noted.

How to treat angina in the first trimester of pregnancy?

If a woman in a position notices that she has begun to fall ill, then she needs to immediately begin treatment. To speed up the healing process, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Compliance with bed rest and a gentle diet. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to remove toxins from the body.
  • Rinsing should be carried out as often as possible to remove germs and harmful products of inflammation from the tonsils.
  • It is necessary to take effective antibiotics, and antipyretics are prescribed at high temperatures.
  • Also, if angina occurs during pregnancy in the first trimester, treatment should be carried out with antihistamines, which help to reduce edema and allergic reactions.

Approved drugs

During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, almost all medications are prohibited. During this period, the following drugs are allowed for the treatment of angina:

  • Antibiotics: penicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxiclav), macrolides (Sumamed, Rovamycin), cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin).
  • It is recommended to rinse your mouth with Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. It is forbidden to use only saline solution for this, since with angina it is fraught with complications.
  • Antipyretic drugs are prescribed on the basis of paracetamol.
  • If there is a sore throat during pregnancy in the first trimester, treatment with "Aspirin" is strictly prohibited due to the high risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.
  • Use "Bioparox" for throat irrigation.

A pregnant woman should not force-feed. It is best to eat diet food of normal temperature in order to prevent mechanical damage to purulent follicles and prevent further spread of infection in the body. With angina, it is forbidden to use hot drinks (tea, milk, herbal infusions). It is also unacceptable to take antibiotics from the category of fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol, as they have a toxic effect on the fetus.

Safe traditional medicine

Many women are interested in the question: if angina occurs during pregnancy in the first trimester, what to do? Traditional medicine for this case has many useful recipes, but before you start using them, you should discuss this with your doctor in advance.

The most popular methods of treating acute tonsillitis with folk remedies:

  • At high temperatures, it is necessary to rub with a solution of vinegar mixed in half with water. This helps to avoid unwanted intake of antipyretic drugs.
  • Ginger tea with honey and turmeric, tea with honey and lemon, linden blossom broth are used as a gentle agent that lowers fever.
  • For rinsing, propolis is used in the form of an extract or an alcohol solution. You can also dissolve the propolis pieces.
  • Baking soda is used to remove white plaque and relieve sore throat.
  • Treatment of angina in the first trimester of pregnancy is carried out by inhalation. Pine buds, chamomile, sage, peppermint are suitable for this.

The following methods of treatment are contraindicated in acute tonsillitis:

  • compresses with vodka or alcohol;
  • visiting a sauna or bath;
  • foot hot baths.

Such procedures can provoke a miscarriage.

How to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman?

In order for the body to overcome the disease faster, the following measures must be observed:

  • in the first days of the disease, it is advisable to lie down as much as possible in order to reduce the load on the heart and kidneys;
  • warm chicken broth helps to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication and gives strength;
  • it is recommended to drink various fruit drinks (cranberry, currant), compotes, jelly (blueberry, raspberry, lingonberry);
  • to reduce the high temperature, it is necessary to rub with a water-vinegar solution, apply a cold compress on the wrists, forehead and under the knees.

Angina during pregnancy in the first trimester: consequences

Do not take a sore throat too lightly, especially if it is a sore throat. The streptococci that cause it are very insidious and affect the connective tissues of the human body. Acute tonsillitis, untreated or transferred on the legs, can cause serious complications, and sometimes lead to death.

So what are the consequences of angina pregnancy in the first trimester? Let's list them:

  • abscess - the appearance of extensive cavities of a purulent nature;
  • meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain;
  • sepsis;
  • inflammation of the kidneys - glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the lungs (pneumonia) and heart (myocarditis).

The unborn child also suffers from such complications. Therefore, if angina occurs during pregnancy in the first trimester, how will such a pathology affect the fetus? It contributes to:

  • intoxication;
  • violation of uterine circulation;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • placental abruption.

Sore throat or sore throat during pregnancy can negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother and her baby, who is still in the womb. That is why it is so important not only to timely identify and start treatment, but also to carry out competent and systematic prevention.

What is angina during pregnancy?

It is worth noting that expectant mothers do not often get sore throat. In addition, sometimes women in a position confuse sore throat with ARVI, which can manifest itself as uncomfortable sensations in the throat. But if the doctor diagnosed a sore throat, then you should know the main points about the features of the course of this disease.

Experts believe that angina is an infectious-allergic disease that is acute. The inflammatory process is concentrated in the lymphadenoid tissue. This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets upon contact with a carrier of the infection: first of all, it is the transmission of infection through hands, common objects of use, food and even a kiss.

Symptoms of sore throat during pregnancy

Most often, the disease is acute and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature - up to 40 degrees;
  • malaise;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lymph nodes get larger;
  • significant sore throat;
  • it hurts to swallow, speak and breathe;
  • joints ache;
  • unhealthy red color of the throat and tongue;
  • the appearance of pustules is possible.

It should be noted that angina during pregnancy is a rather serious disease that entails serious complications. That is why it is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner.

Angina during pregnancy: how to treat

It is not worth taking the risk and treating sore throats on your own. To date, the most effective solution for angina is the use of antibiotics. At the same time, they are prescribed to expectant mothers with extreme caution, since such drugs can harm the baby.

In addition to antibiotic therapy, pregnant women are prescribed remedies based on plant extracts, for example, sage, chamomile. Antiseptics for rinsing may also be prescribed to expectant mothers: chlorhexidine, miramistin.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to follow the drinking regimen. Warm herbal tea and milk work best for this task.

Angina during pregnancy with a temperature of up to 38 ° C and above is a reason for an immediate call to a doctor at home. It is not recommended to try to bring it down on your own with the help of medicines from the home first aid kit. While waiting for a doctor, you can try to alleviate your condition by following the tips below.

  1. Better to go to bed and rest. The immune system is already fighting the infection.
  2. It will take a lot of fluids to help the body eliminate bacteria that cause disease. Warm tea, fruit drink or compote at room temperature in an amount of one glass every hour will help to cope with the disease.
  3. Vitamin C should also be taken.
  4. To maintain the body, it is better to eat low-fat soup, salad, broth if you are hungry.
  5. To relieve a sore throat, gargle with medicinal solutions, herbal decoctions will help. The mouthwash should be warm and not scald your mouth and throat.

If angina was diagnosed during pregnancy, then antibiotics or other therapy that is suitable for your case will be used for treatment. Alternative methods will help alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery.

Folk remedies for angina during pregnancy

One of the most popular remedies among the people is gargling. It dulls pain, relieves inflammation and removes plaque in the throat, heals damage to the mucous membranes of the throat.

The application technique is simple. You need to prepare two glasses - one half full with warm water, the second with a medicinal solution. You can use solutions:

  • tincture of calendula (1 tsp per 200 ml of water),
  • Rotokan drug (1 tsp for 1 glass of water).

Place 1 tbsp in the first glass. l. three percent hydrogen peroxide. Take turns taking a sip of the solution into your mouth. When pronouncing the sound "O", "Y", "E", you need to allow the liquid to flush out the throat. After 30 seconds, spit out the solution and fill your mouth with liquid from the second glass.

Compresses for angina help to act locally on the inflammation focus.

A compress is prepared from gauze or a bandage soaked in one part of alcohol, diluted in three parts of water. You can make a mixture of honey, aloe, and vodka. The ingredients are mixed in a 2: 1: 3 ratio. Gauze or bandage is folded in several layers, moistened and a compress is applied to the neck, to the area under the jaw. To prevent the liquid from leaking, cover the top with a layer of film or paper for compresses. A warming scarf is tied over it.

You need to wear a compress for at least an hour, twice or three times a day. This procedure works well for pain or swollen lymph nodes.

Inhalation with essential oils (aromatherapy) also helps. The only limitation is that inhalation cannot be used while the temperature is kept.

The most commonly used oils are eucalyptus, chamomile, rosehip, tea tree. Be careful when using them during pregnancy! Certain herbs and essential oils cause allergic reactions.

The inhalation procedure is carried out as follows: you need to heat the water in the container, add a couple of drops of the selected oil. Then you need to bend over the vessel and cover yourself with a towel, breathe in the steam for 3-5 minutes.

A decoction of potatoes is often used. Usually they take small tubers, wash and boil them until a characteristic odor appears in a small volume of water. The broth is drained, you can drop fir oil into it or add a pinch of cinnamon. You should cover yourself over a saucepan and breathe in steam through your nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes.

After the aromatherapy session, you should immediately go to bed, cover yourself with a blanket. The main thing is not to cool down. It is useful to drink a cup of vitamin herbal tea after inhalation.

Inhalation over herbal infusions is very effective. You can brew medicinal herbs in a teapot and inhale the steam through a paper cap on the spout of the teapot.

Flowers of pharmacy chamomile, eucalyptus, peppermint, thyme herbs, sage leaves, pine buds, elecampane roots are mixed in a ratio of 2: 4: 3: 2: 2: 3: 4. 15 g of the mixture is poured into ½ liter of hot water, boiled for three to four minutes.

Decoctions and infusions for angina during pregnancy

Here are some effective recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions:

  1. 5 g of chopped sage leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water, keep for an hour in a warm place. The resulting infusion is gargled at least three times a day. Can be consumed as tea three times a day ½ cup before meals.
  2. Insist 5 g of chamomile flowers with 1 glass of boiling water for half an hour, drain. The infusion is used as gargles, compresses, lotions. Or you can take the infusion orally as a tea by adding lemon and honey to a cup.
  3. 10 g of dried black elderberries are poured over 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist in a thermos or wrap it up for 20 minutes. Take as tea, sweetened with a couple of teaspoons of honey, a quarter of a glass.
  4. A richer tea will turn out if you pour 20 g of black elderberry berries into ½ liter of boiling water and keep it in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and cool the broth before use. 0.5 cups of broth is drunk shortly before bedtime.
  5. Angina during pregnancy is still treated with cornflower infusion. For cooking, take 5 g of grass and flowers, pour half a liter of boiling water. The vessel is wrapped for 2 hours. Taken as tea, adding sugar or honey to taste three times a day before meals.

It may seem that folk remedies are milder and more harmless than medicines containing antibiotics and other aggressive substances. However, if you are expecting a child, you should not endanger his health and self-medicate. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking anything.

Nutrition for angina during pregnancy

Angina during pregnancy causes a lot of uncomfortable sensations, but this does not mean that you should not eat rationally. Eat foods that are gentle on the throat: cereals, broths, puree soups. In this case, it is worth avoiding sour, spicy and very salty foods, so as not to irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane.

You can also eat dairy products: yoghurts, kefir, ryazhanka, milk.

The hidden dangers of sore throat during pregnancy

Angina during pregnancy must necessarily be cured, as it can entail negative consequences.

Streptococcus, which provokes the occurrence of sore throat, often becomes the cause of diseases of the joints, kidneys and even the heart, since all the body's forces are aimed at combating this pathogen.

To balance the body's work, doctors prescribe not only antibiotics, but also antihistamines, which help to minimize complications.

Be mindful of your health and your feelings. It is not necessary to cancel bed rest ahead of time, as this can only aggravate the situation.

Angina during pregnancy: prevention

The best preventive measure is the maximum distance from the sick. Also, examinations at the ENT and dentist before pregnancy and in the second trimester of pregnancy will help prevent manifestations of angina. Timely visits to specialists will make it possible to stop inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and make sure that there is no caries.

If someone from the family has caught a sore throat, then it is necessary to stop all contact with him until complete recovery.

  • Use separate utensils.
  • Clean your hands with antibacterial soap.
  • During an exacerbation of colds and viral infections, be as little as possible in crowded places.
  • Before going outside, lubricate the nasal mucosa with Oxolinic ointment.
  • Rinse your throat prophylactically with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, or sea salt.
  • Take a multivitamin for expectant mothers. The necessary complex will be selected by the doctor.
  • Ventilate rooms daily and even several times a day.
  • The fight against viruses and microbes can be carried out using essential oils of citrus, tea tree or fir.
  • If your home uses air conditioners or heaters, make sure to humidify the air effectively.

These basic prevention methods will help you maintain your health, and sore throat during pregnancy will not be scary to you.

Experienced experts say that angina during pregnancy can manifest itself precisely against the background of ARVI as a complication. That is why it is so important not to let any ailments take their course and visit a doctor. Do not self-medicate: do not take antiviral drugs and immunomodulatory drugs without the knowledge of your doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Angina during pregnancy can develop at any time. The danger of the disease lies in the development of early and late consequences for the mother and child. There is also a risk of transition of pathology into a chronic course. The method of therapy should be determined by the physician. Early diagnosis is extremely important for the choice of tactics for managing a pregnant woman.

Due to hormonal and physiological changes in the body during pregnancy, in the event of a disease, pregnant women are at greater risk of developing complications.

The greatest danger of a viral or bacterial infection is in the period up to 12 weeks, when the organs and tissues of the unborn baby are laid.

Viral sore throat, transferred in the second half of pregnancy, is a risk factor for the development of intrauterine infection due to transplacental transmission of the virus to the fetus. Respiratory viruses that cause perinatal damage, in 11% of cases, can persist and multiply in the placenta, fetal brain and choroid plexuses of the lateral ventricles of the brain.

When an infection occurs during pregnancy, the embryo and fetus are affected not only by pathogens, but also by toxic products that are formed as a result of metabolism in the mother during the decay of the infectious agent.

Enterovirus infections are quite common. Enteroviruses are transmitted to pregnant women through direct contact with a patient with an intestinal infection or with damage to the upper and lower respiratory tract.

With the development of angina in early pregnancy against the background of influenza or parainfluenza, miscarriages are noted in 25-50% of cases. The frequency of defects is low.

With herpes sore throat, heart defects, abnormalities in the development of the gastrointestinal tract, hydrocephalus, pneumonia, jaundice, and anemia may occur. Also, infection of the fetus with the herpes virus leads to spontaneous abortion, premature birth.

The most common cause of angina is a bacterial infection: staphylococci, streptococci, diplococci, Haemophilus influenzae, anaerobes, spirochetes, chlamydia, mycoplasma and others.

Among bacterial pathogens, beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus, or pyogenic streptococcus, is of great importance.

The source of infection is a sick person during an exacerbation or a carrier of bacteria. Transmission mechanism: airborne, contact, food. The pathogen can penetrate the fetus through the placenta and cause pathological changes in developing organs.

Symptoms of sore throat in pregnant women

Clinical manifestations of sore throat in pregnant women include:

  • sore throat, worse when swallowing and talking;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C and above;
  • headache, chills, joint pain, weakness;
  • fibrinous or purulent plaque on the surface of the tonsils and in the lacunae;
  • enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes in the area of ​​the angle of the lower jaw.

Sore throat is especially difficult in late pregnancy. Oxygen uptake increases progressively during the second and third trimesters. The growing fetus puts pressure on the diaphragm, which makes breathing difficult, especially when exercising or moving. Therefore, any inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract can affect the general condition, leading to the development of tissue hypoxia in the mother and fetus.

Physiological immunosuppression of pregnant women can contribute to the generalization of inflammation and an increase in the risk of bacterial complications.

Why is streptococcal sore throat dangerous for the expectant mother? The danger lies in the development of early (abscesses, neck phlegmon, otitis media) and late (acute rheumatic fever, myocarditis, polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis) complications, as well as the risk of becoming a chronic disease.

The effect of sore throat on the embryo, fetus, consequences for the child

When an infection occurs during pregnancy, the embryo and fetus are affected not only by pathogens, but also by toxic products that are formed as a result of metabolism in the mother during the decay of the infectious agent. Hyperthermia and hypoxia, which occur during an acute inflammatory process, also have an effect.

The consequences of angina in the 1st trimester of pregnancy depend on the gestational age: in the first 6 days after fertilization, the zygote may die or completely regenerate; during the period of embryogenesis and placentogenesis (from the 7th day to the 8th week of pregnancy), fetal death, the development of deformities, and primary placental insufficiency are possible.

Angina in the 2nd trimester is dangerous by the development of sclerotic changes in organs and tissues. Formed pathology of various organs and systems of the fetus with angina in the second trimester of pregnancy can be determined using ultrasound.

The third trimester is characterized by the fact that the fetus acquires the ability to specifically respond to the introduction of the causative agent of infection by leukocyte infiltration, humoral and tissue changes.

The use of antibiotics in pregnant women is possible only in cases where the indications or the expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

In the presence of a purulent-inflammatory focus in the mother's body, for example, an abscess, hematogenous infection of the fetus is possible. In this case, bacterial damage to the placenta with subsequent violation of the placental barrier leads to the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream and the development of intrauterine sepsis.

In severe cases, the outcome of an infection that affects the fetus may be:

  • death of the ovum;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • premature birth (for example, premature birth at 37 weeks against the background of fetal hypoxia);
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • antenatal death;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • violation of the adaptation of the newborn;
  • various manifestations of a local and generalized infectious process.


On examination, pharyngoscopy is performed. The pharyngoscopic picture of acute inflammation of the tonsils is characterized by hyperemia and tissue edema. Purulent plugs are visualized in the lacunae.

In the diagnosis of tonsillitis, the main method is bacteriological inoculation of the discharge from the mucous membrane of the tonsils and oropharynx with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. In some cases, an additional PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method is required to identify certain DNA or RNA fragments of the pathogen cells.

There is also a method for express diagnostics of streptococcal infection, based on the determination of the antigen of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, without prior isolation of a pure culture of the pathogen. The test allows you to determine the presence of bacteria within 5-10 minutes. But in parallel, a classical bacteriological culture is prescribed to confirm the preliminary diagnosis and possible correction of treatment.

How to treat a sore throat and what, only a specialist decides. After examination, taking material for research, the doctor assesses the severity of the patient's condition and determines what can be prescribed at a given stage of pregnancy, because not all drugs are safe for the fetus.

A pregnant woman with acute tonsillitis can be observed simultaneously by several specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a cardiologist, a rheumatologist.

The greatest danger of a viral or bacterial lesion is in the period up to 12 weeks, when the organs and tissues of the unborn baby are laid.

Treatment of angina at home is carried out after consulting a doctor, as a rule, in the absence of an elevated body temperature, which can be regarded as a mild course of the disease with minimal risk to the mother and unborn child.

When the body temperature rises above 38 ° C, Paracetamol is an antipyretic drug that can be drunk at any stage of pregnancy. It can be taken at 500 mg no more than 4 times a day.

The use of antibiotics in pregnant women is possible only in cases where the indications or the expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. At the same time, it is safe to prescribe penicillins, inhibitor-protected penicillins, cephalosporins. Tetracyclines, doxycycline, fluoroquinolones, co-trimoxazole and sulfonamides are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Considering what formidable consequences angina can have, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to select adequate treatment and prevent complications.


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