Hand-made cones bears. DIY crafts from cones - features of work, decor ideas, New Year's decorations, photo gallery of products

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A clumsy bear is walking along the path,
He slowly chews ripe raspberries.
He holds mint and fragrant honey in his paws,
At lunchtime, he calls animals to his place for tea.

It is such a good-natured bear that we will make today from pine cones. Children's craft very easy to perform. It will take no more than 20 minutes to make the hero.

For crafts we prepare:

  • pine cones (the more the better)
  • pieces of plasticine

For the head of the bear, choose a blossoming small pine cone. Despite the fact that the scales in the bump are completely open, the base remains convex.
We sculpt from brown plasticine:

  • 2 round flat ears
  • oval muzzle
  • round neck

We make out from white and black plasticine:

  • tip of nose
  • eyes

After attaching the parts to the pine cone, on the muzzle, starting from the tip of the nose, cut through two strips with a stack, imitate the mouth of the beast. We make a mustache from pine needles. A cute head of a clumsy bear is ready. If desired, the middle of the ears can be made yellow or white, and the neck can be well wrapped with a multi-colored plasticine scarf with fringes. The craft will become more colorful.

For the torso, select the largest pine cone. It is quite possible that the top of the cone will have to be cut off, and the scales bend more to the sides.
We attach the head to the body. We form four limbs from brown plasticine. Two triangles with rounded corners and grooves cut by a stack are the forelegs. We will make the lower limbs in the form of ordinary balls.

It remains to attach the last details to the bump, the bear is ready.
The location of the paws on the body can be anything. In our case, a flat base bumps does not require additional support for the stability of the craft. We just put our paws in front of the bump, slightly pressing the details into the scales. Otherwise, you would have to put the hero on plasticine.

This concludes the work. We send the bear to the forest for mushrooms and berries.

In the end, I would like to note that absolutely any animal can be made according to the same principle: a hare, a fox, a mouse. Don't be afraid to experiment! All creative successes!

Crafts for children from natural materials.
Main details: spruce cone; four half-open pine cones; an open pine cone with a round crown; acorn hat. The body of a bear is a spruce cone.
The rest of the details will be attached to it using the “flake-like-flake” method. To connect the cones "flake under flake", you need to move them
towards each other so that the scales of one fall under the scales of the other. To secure the connection, you must first apply glue
(put a piece of plasticine) under the scales of one of the cones.
Then, when the scales are connected, the other cones will stick.
A good bump has very elastic scales, so breaking them is not at all easy. When connecting the flake-to-flake cones, do not be afraid to press them harder. The bear's paws are half-open pine cones. In this case, the hind (lower) legs should be slightly larger.
Place the spruce cone on top of the head and attach the hind legs. In order for the bear to sit comfortably, the paws must be installed on one side of the cone-body, slightly apart, as you can see in the photo.

Make the head for the bear from an open pine cone. On the highest point of the crown of this bump (slightly away from the center), glue the acorn cap so that the bear's face stretches forward. A dark nose and eyes can be made from peas or plasticine. Glue the nose on the tip of the muzzle. Place something light under the eyes so that they stand out: circles of light birch bark, white (light) plasticine.

If you move the pupils to the nose, the bear will look good-natured. In any case, the eyes should cover the center of the top of the bump-head.
Strengthen the front (upper) legs over the hind legs.
Ears can be cut from birch bark or acorn caps can be used, but flatter than for the muzzle. Strengthen them by inserting under the scales
That's all. If you want to do something differently, or add some details, then no one will bother you. Crafts made from natural materials give so many opportunities to fantasize and make your fantasies come true!
Of course, a bear is a big beast, but it's very trusting. In many fairy tales, the bear is deceived, and even laugh at him.


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Do you have a bunch of bumps and don't know what to do with them? Why not use them for children's creativity? After all, they are so beautiful and easy to process. In this material you will find 11 step-by-step master classes on making children's crafts from cones, as well as from improvised and natural materials.

  • If you want the cones to be absolutely clean and dry, then before starting the needlework, clean them with a brush, then put them in the oven to bake at 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Wait for them to cool down and start making crafts.

You will need:

  • Pine cones or any other cones that are round, not too elongated;
  • Plasticine (brown, beige, orange or yellow are equally well suited for sculpting the face and legs, and for the tip of the nose it is better to choose black plasticine);
  • Hedgehog eyes can be made from plastic doll eyes (available at craft stores), black beads, or black plasticine.

Master Class:

Step 1. Roll a small ball out of plasticine, then pull it out a little and form a muzzle.

Step 2. Roll one small ball of black plasticine and place it on the tip of the muzzle.

Step 3. If you want the hedgehog to have ears, just roll two small balls from the same plasticine from which the hedgehog's head was molded, and then stick them in the right places.

Step 4. Now roll 4 sausages about 1.5-2 cm long.

Step 5. Assemble the figure as a constructor and stick the eyes on the face. Woo-ala, your hedgehog is ready!

By the way, if you replace plasticine with polymer self-hardening clay, then the hedgehog will become a real souvenir that can be presented or presented at an exhibition of crafts in a kindergarten.

Cones and leaves turkey

Having collected not only cones, but also leaves for a walk, you can make just such a turkey with a variegated tail.

The idea of ​​a children's craft from cones and autumn leaves

You will need:

  • Pine cone;
  • Autumn leaves of different types;
  • Brown and yellow paper;
  • Plastic eyes (optional);
  • Glue;
  • Scissors.

Master Class:

Step 1. Pick up a bump with a flat base that can stand upright.

Step 2. Collect leaves of different colors and sizes and cut off their petioles.

Step 3. Now you need to create a tail for the future turkey. First, fan the leaves from largest to smallest. Glue a row of large leaves first, lubricating each leaf at the bottom and inserting it into the hole at the very bottom of the bud. Glue the second row of "feathers" from smaller leaves at a higher level. Next, glue the third row of the smallest leaves one more row higher.

Step 4. If your turkey has become unstable due to the tail, then you can make a pedestal for it, for example, from plasticine.

Step 5. Cut the head and neck out of brown paper, glue the eyes to it (or draw) and finally insert the “neck” into the hole at the top of the bump and fix it with glue.

Squirrel with felt acorn

The idea of ​​an autumn craft from cones and felt


  • Cone;
  • Coin;
  • Felt of at least two colors - brown and orange for squirrels and acorns and black felt for eyes and nose (can be replaced with black beads);
  • Printed template;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot melt glue.

Master Class:

Step 1. Download and print the template, cut out all the parts and trace their outlines with felt. Note that some elements are required in duplicate.

Step 2. Cut out all the blanks from felt.

Step 3. Glue the eyes and nose onto the squirrel's face.

Step 4. Glue the tail to the bump as shown in the top right photo.

Step 5. Glue a small coin to the round base with paws (photo on the left), which, due to its weight, will give stability to the craft. Next, glue the blank to the bottom of the cone.

Step 6. Glue the pieces of the acorn together.

Step 7. Glue the paws to the bump, and then glue the acorn to them.

Try experimenting with the colors and sizes of felt to create a whole family of different squirrels.

Pineapples from cones and paper

If the three previous cone crafts are more consistent with the fall theme, then the next pineapple craft can be called summer.

You will need:

  • Pine cones;
  • Yellow acrylic paint;
  • Brush;
  • Colored green paper;
  • Scissors;
  • A thin straw or wooden skewer;
  • Scotch tape or glue.

Master Class:

Step 1: Using a brush, paint your bump with yellow paint, namely the outer tips. This step can be performed independently by a child from 1 year old.

Step 2. While the paint is drying, create a pineapple tuft out of green paper: cut a strip 5-6 cm wide, and then cut it as shown in the photo above.

Step 3. Using a thin straw or skewer, twist the tips of the "leaves" alternating in height.

Step 4. Roll the strip with leaves into a roll to the outside, that is, so that the curls come out (see photo above). Touch up the leaves if necessary.

Step 5. Take a piece of duct tape and secure the bottom of the green paper roll.

Step 6. Place the roll of leaves on the top petiole of the cone. Hurray, our children's cone craft is ready.

Flying bee

And here is another idea for a children's handicraft made from a cone of a summer theme - a flying bee.

You will need:

  • Cone;
  • 3 pieces of yellow woolen thread about 15 cm each;
  • A piece of sewing thread;
  • Any twig, skewer or pencil;
  • 10 cm square piece of mesh or organza;
  • Thick cotton thread, about 20 cm long (for hanging).

Master Class:

Step 1. Wrap and tie pieces of yellow wool thread in the middle of the bump and around the edges (leaf through the photo).

Step 2. Gather a square piece of mesh in the center to form a butterfly, then tie it with sewing thread, leaving two free ends of the same length.

Step 3. Tie the resulting wings in the middle of the bee to the remaining ends of the thread as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Tie one end of a thick, long string to the bump and the other to the twig.

Deer with horns and legs made of branches

And here is the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe New Year's children's crafts from cones - a deer with horns and legs from branches.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200b New Year's children's crafts from cones

You will need:

  • Two cones - one smaller, the other larger;
  • Thin twigs;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scissors or pruning shears for pruning branches;
  • Red bead or pom-pom for the nose;
  • Small bell, ribbons or beads to decorate horns (optional).

Master Class:

Step 1. Pick up cones of suitable shapes and sizes with your baby. For the head, a smaller and cone-shaped bump is suitable, and a larger and elongated bump for the body.

Step 2. Pick up the branches: thicker for the legs and slightly thinner for the horns. It is good if the branches for the horns have branches, and the branches for the legs are of the same thickness. Trim the twigs to a suitable length. Do not cut them off at once, it is better to do it gradually to avoid mistakes.

Step 3. Dock the head and body of the deer so that the head looks slightly up and to the side, and the scales of the cones are fastened to each other. After determining the best position of the parts, grease the attachment points with glue, reattach them and hold until the glue hardens.

Step 4. Now you need to glue the legs of the deer. To do this, first find suitable holes and determine the position of the back and front branches. Make sure the reindeer is level and firm, and adjust the length of the legs if necessary.

Step 5. Make the horns: take 2 branches and find a suitable place for them on the upper wide part of the bump head. Make sure the antlers are not too heavy or outweigh the deer.

Step 6. Well, there you go! It remains only to glue a red pompom or bead on the nose, decorate the deer's antlers and, if desired, paint it.

Christmas tree

Since the cones have a tree-like shape, why not make fancy mini-Christmas trees out of them? Such crafts can be used as decorations for a real Christmas tree or, for example, for, and you can also give them away to friends and family for the New Year.

You will need:

  • Bump (preferably fluffy and elongated);
  • Acrylic paint in green and white;
  • Brush;
  • Sequins (optional);
  • Wine stopper;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Cork knife;
  • Beads for decoration (optional);
  • Small stars made of plastic or wood (optional).

Master Class:

Step 1. Paint the buds green and let dry.

Step 2. Paint the tips of the scales white. If you want to decorate your Christmas tree with glitter, sprinkle glitter on the ends of the flakes before the white paint dries.

DIY crafts from cones will be interesting for both adults and children. Among handicrafts made from natural materials, handicrafts made from cones look the most vivid and original.

What kind of craft can be made from cones?

The most interesting option for making cones for children is some familiar animal or bird. Children with special trepidation relate to the little inhabitants of the forest kingdom.

Bump hedgehog on a plastic bottle

Such crafts made from cones will be relevant, because the hedgehog is the most beloved character in exhibitions dedicated to autumn. We take a small plastic bottle with a cork. We paint its upper part with a black marker - this is the future muzzle of a hedgehog.

We wrap the rest of the bottle with a thick cloth. The threads sticking out at the edges can be singed - this will prevent the fabric from unraveling and will give the craft a neat look. We fix the fabric on the bottle with glue.

We glue cones on the fabric in rows. We fill the entire surface of the fabric with cones.

It remains to glue the eyes and ears to the hedgehog! The gifts of autumn - apples, rowan twigs and dried leaves will give the finished look to the craft.

Hedgehogs from cones (ideas)

These hedgehogs are based on plastic bottles. The muzzle can be beaten by sculpting it from plasticine.

You can knit a muzzle from yarn. Such a hedgehog will turn out to be very cute and homely.

Hedgehog made of cones and plasticine

One of the easiest ways to make a pinecone hedgehog is to use a pinecone to craft it.

Another version of the craft is to make a hedgehog out of bumps and felt. We make the eyes and nose from beads.

Hedgehog made from spruce cone scales and salt dough

You can make a hedgehog from a spruce cone and salted dough. We "disassemble" the cone into scales. We insert these scales into a salt dough base.

Dry the hedgehog a little in the oven.

We draw eyes and a nose for a hedgehog. Our hedgehog is ready!

A bird made of cones and tissue

The cones themselves tell us interesting images. For example, you can make a funny bird out of cones. To make it, we need fabric of different textures, glue and factory eyes.

We glue the canvas wings, beak, tummy and felt legs to the bump. We put the eyes in their place.

Funny cone birds are ready!

Owls made of cones and cotton wool

Pine cones can be used to make adorable fluffy owls. We take cotton wool and insert it between the scales of the cones.

We glue two felt circles.

We fasten factory eyes on felt circles. We glue the beaks.

Pine cone owls are ready!

Paint the cones with golden paint and place them on a small stand.

Pine cones can be used to make a large and beautiful owl for an autumn exhibition. The craft is based on two foam balls, into which cones are inserted and fixed with glue.

Autumn nest with cone chicks

From cones, chestnuts, leaves and twigs, you can make a very effective autumn craft. Using good glue, glue the cones and chestnuts together. This is the future head and body of the bird.

We glue the winged leaves to the blanks.

Leaves - wings

We intertwine the twigs. We should have a small bird's nest. We weave the leaves into the bottom of the nest.

We glue the eyes and beaks to the birds. Our birds in the nest are ready!

Bunny of cones

From cones, you can make the favorite of all children - a bunny. For the craft, you need very little - a piece of felt, a small pompom, factory eyes, a bead and good glue. We glue felt ears and a pom-pom to the bump. We glue the eyes in place.

We glue a bead in place of the nose and decorate the craft with mustache strings. A bunny hare is ready.

DIY figurines from cones

Children will surely like such funny figures and will become a decoration of the autumn exhibition in the kindergarten. By gluing pieces of felt onto the cones, we get adorable chanterelles.

Or squirrels with a nut.

If we paint the buds yellow and attach the ball-heads to them, we get adorable chickens.

A bump, fluffy wire and a few factory eyes will make a funny spider.

Pine cones, felt and felt can be used to make a wonderful winter snowman.

Do-it-yourself cone forester

From cones, twigs and plasticine, you can make a funny old forest man. We sculpt the head and nose from plasticine, fix the handles-twigs.

We attach the legs, eyes and hair to the forester.

You can put on a handkerchief from a leaf. The craft is ready!

From the gifts of autumn, you can glue the wonderful Serpent Gorynych. Walnuts stick together. Glue a piece of red fluffy wire between the nuts. We glue the eyes on the top nut - we get a head. We make three such blanks. We glue a stick to each head, which we then insert into the bump (be sure to fix it with glue). We glue the legs from walnuts, as well as wings and a tail from dry leaves.

A very interesting idea is to make proud deer out of spruce cones. We make the body and neck from cones. We make the legs from twigs. We make the head of a deer from an acorn. We connect the details of the craft with a glue gun. We make the nose, eyes, horns and hooves from plasticine.

You can also connect the details of the craft using plasticine.

We attach the twigs-legs, the head-acorn and branched horns.

Watch the video on how to make deer from cones:

A very beautiful autumn deer is obtained from cones, twigs and an acorn.

DIY cones topiary

You can make a very beautiful topiary or tree of happiness from cones. We insert a sharp stick into a pot of plaster.

Using a glue gun, we fix the cones on the foam ball. We put this ball on a stick. We wrap the pot with rope.

It remains to decorate the topiary with ribbons and paper leaves. We decorate the pot with shot pebbles and shells. The topiary of the cones is ready!

DIY basket of cones

You can make a very original autumn basket from cones. This craft is perfect for an autumn exhibition in a kindergarten or school. With the help of glue, we connect six cones in a circle - this is the future bottom of the basket.

Now we also connect eight cones - this is the upper part of the basket.

We take the upper part of the basket and glue the cones to it in a circle. We will have a blank from two rows.

On this blank we glue the bottom of the basket, which we made at the beginning. A hole will remain in the central part of the basket, which we will "glue" with a cone.

We wire the cones for the handle. We attach the handle to the basket.

We decorate the basket with flowers and ribbons.

Watch how to make a beautiful basket of cones in the video:

Another option for the execution and decoration of a basket of cones:

The knobs in the upper part of the basket and the handle can be placed not inward, but outward.

A bouquet of flowers from cones with your own hands

A very original bouquet of flowers can be made from cones. To do this, attach a wire to the lower scales of a pine cone.


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