What kind of work can not work during pregnancy. The right to a shortened working day for pregnant women Can pregnant women work

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About a year ago, I finally placed my 3-year-old daughter in a kindergarten, but I had to leave my job at the bank because of the constant sick leave for the child. So I started looking for a job with a more flexible schedule and a loyal employer. But the sudden news of my second pregnancy shocked me: as an unemployed person, I would be entitled to minimal payments, which are barely enough to pay utility bills. What can we say about the full content of both children?! Of course, there is a husband, but his salary is also not infinite.

All these thoughts prompted me to quickly look for a job: firstly, in order to save money from the salary for the dowry of the baby, and secondly, in order to receive at least some payments.

How I was looking for a job, being in a position

It was difficult to look for a job, because I needed a schedule up to 17.00 maximum in order to have time to pick up my daughter from the kindergarten. But I considered any suitable options where I hoped to meet the loyalty of the employer.

The process went according to the following scheme:

  1. Search for suitable vacancies on various job sites.
  2. Send resume to the employer's email address.
  3. Telephone conversation with the employee responsible for the selection of personnel, and the appointment of an interview.
  4. Interview.
  5. Analysis of the proposed conditions and decision on whether this vacancy is suitable.

I chose absolutely any options that at least approximately corresponded to my qualifications, and sometimes even were significantly lower than it. I did not consider it shameful to consider even the vacancy of a seller or administrator.

My search continued for about a month. During this time, I went to several dozen and sent out about 50 resumes. Time passed, and I understood that in a few months it would be difficult for me to hide my position, so I urgently needed to get settled.

As a result, I found the best option for several jobs that allowed me to save money for the future and get official employment:

  1. Administrator in dentistry with a schedule of 8.30-15.30 for 5 working days with official registration.
  2. Remote home call center operator with a free schedule.

Taking my daughter to kindergarten in the morning, I ran to work. At the end of my shift, I picked up the child, put to bed and sat down for the second job until one in the morning. On weekends, parents sometimes took their daughter to their place, or my husband sat with her all day, and then I could still work additionally in a call center.

In this mode, I lived almost until the birth. It was difficult, given my difficult situation, but the money was needed more. Therefore, I tried to work every free minute, but still took care of myself, worrying about the health of the unborn baby.

Legislation of the Russian Federation on the rights of pregnant women

The Labor Code provides for a lot of benefits and concessions for pregnant women. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to use them. However, all women in position need to be aware of their rights:

  • Right to employment. Art. 170 of the Labor Code prohibits an employer from refusing to employ a pregnant woman because of her pregnancy. Unfortunately, many shy away from a direct answer when they refuse, referring to the fact that another suitable candidate was found for the vacancy.
  • The right to keep a job under any circumstances. You can't fire a pregnant woman. The exception is the liquidation of an enterprise or employment while the main employee is on maternity leave. But even in these cases, the pregnant woman has special privileges: upon liquidation of the enterprise, the employer undertakes to find a new position for the employee and pays the average salary for 3 months before employment in a new job. In temporary work, instead of a worker on maternity leave, when she leaves, the pregnant woman must be provided with any suitable alternative until the onset of maternity leave.

  • The right to preferential working conditions. Pregnant employees should not be involved in work in hazardous industries, as well as those associated with heavy physical labor. In addition, they do not have the right to send a pregnant woman on a business trip, leave her to work overtime or go out on a holiday or day off. In some cases, it is even possible to exercise the right to an individual work schedule with part-time employment during the day.
  • Right to health care. Almost every pregnant woman regularly visits various doctors and undergoes the necessary examinations. Most often doctors work at the same time as most other people. If a woman provides a certificate stating that during working hours she was in a medical institution and underwent the required examination, then these hours will be counted as worked.
  • Right to maternity leave. At the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman has the right to apply for a sick leave and leave work for maternity leave. The sick leave period is usually 140 days (with a singleton pregnancy): 70 days before the preliminary date of delivery and 70 days after delivery. At the end of the sick leave, an officially employed woman has the right to take parental leave until the child reaches 3 years of age.

In fact, it is much easier for pregnant women to find work in the early stages, as long as it is imperceptible to others. At a later date, this is much more difficult to do, but it is possible, subject to certain conditions of the employer:

  • informal employment;
  • work under a civil law contract;
  • labor contract.

All options allow the employer to painlessly terminate the employment relationship by the time of childbirth, freeing up space for a new employee and eliminating additional personnel and accounting work.

The vacancy option depends on the qualifications and level of training of the applicant, but you can always get a job on the simplest and most popular vacancies:

  • Sales Manager;
  • administrator;
  • salesman;
  • dispatcher;
  • secretary or personal assistant;
  • clerk.

Where should a pregnant woman not look for work?

When looking for a job, it is better to avoid a number of vacancies right away so as not to waste extra time on them.

  1. Production and work associated with hard physical labor. Almost any future mother cares about the health of the unborn baby and does not want to harm him. Therefore, you should immediately exclude work associated with physical exertion (cleaning lady, maid, janitor), as well as any work associated with hazardous substances (painter, operators in industrial workshops, laboratory assistant).
  2. Traveling work. Professions such as supervisor, real estate agent, driver are associated with constant travel, unstable schedules and increased fatigue, which can pose a threat to a pregnant woman and her child.
  3. Work in leadership positions. In addition to the fact that the responsible position of the head provides for frequent work in stressful situations, he is required to constantly monitor his unit.

It often happens that a woman in a position cannot find a suitable job or receives constant refusals from employers. You should not despair, because for such cases, you can consider the option of various part-time jobs.

Official employment in this case is excluded, but such employment will allow you to save a certain amount of money with a free schedule:

  1. Freelance (programming, design and layout, copywriting, translations, writing term papers and theses).
  2. Needlework. If the expectant mother is fond of some kind of hand-made, then you can organize the sale of your own products. To do this, you can arrange the most elementary online store or group on social networks.
  3. Own business. Before the birth of a child, you can start your own small business, which will be interesting and not require a lot of expenses. And a great many ideas for a start-up from scratch can be found on the Internet absolutely free.
  4. . Through social networks, you can collect orders for various things to buy from wholesalers, earning commission.
  5. Babysitting. It will be useful for a future mother to learn as much as possible about children, which can be realized by working part-time as a nanny.

Finding a job for a pregnant woman is not an easy task. But if the financial situation is not the most disastrous, and a suitable job has not been found, but there is a spouse or parents who will take over the financial support of the expectant mother and child, then you can receive some benefit from permanently staying at home. After all, a housewife is also a profession that allows you not to earn, but to save a significant amount of money by looking for cheaper goods and products than in a nearby supermarket, and cooking homemade food, excluding spending on canteens and cafes.

In such a vulnerable position, a woman must first of all think about herself and her baby, and close and loving people who will no less want a new family member to be born healthy and strong will help to take care of the family budget.

Sincerely, Love S.

Today, finding a good job, and also a highly paid one, is very difficult. And if a woman is pregnant, then this task is almost impossible. Indeed, many employers do not really want to accept an employee who will have to look for a replacement in a few months. But still, a pregnant woman should try her luck, because now she should think not only about herself, but also about the future baby.

Why should a pregnant woman work?

The birth of a baby and all the upcoming preparations for this happy moment require significant financial resources. costs. In addition, after giving birth, a woman cannot engage in full-fledged labor activity for several months or even several years, which means that the family budget will suffer serious losses.

Of course, a married expectant mother can count on her husband's help, but it will be much more difficult. Therefore, many women try to secure their near future financially to the maximum.

Pregnant women looking for a job are motivated by the fact that they need to earn extra money before the baby is born, and due to this they have the right to receive monthly payments from the employer.

The main benefits that a working pregnant woman is entitled to:

Thus, a pregnant unemployed woman is deprived of some benefits and does not receive the four benefits listed above.

How to get a job for a future mother - problem solving

If you find out that you will have a baby, but you do not have a permanent job, it does not matter. A pregnant woman will get a job quite affordably. Of course, many employers are not eager to hire a woman in position, because in a few months she will need to look for a replacement, pay benefits, etc.

But there is a way out of this situation. In the early stages, pregnancy is not very noticeable, so you need to find a job as soon as possible.

While looking for a job, many women face various problems.

We list the main ones and find ways to solve them:

What positions can a pregnant woman really get?

The ideal employer for a pregnant woman is a government or commercial entity that offers a complete benefits package. Let the proposed position be not entirely in your specialty, but in 30 weeks you will be able to go on maternity leave without any problems, and you are guaranteed to receive all the payments due to you.

Best for pregnant woman calm work that does not require nervous and physical stress is suitable. Such vacancies can be found in the office, archives, libraries, kindergarten, some areas of accounting.

You can try to get a job in a commercial structure. But you should not hide your “interesting position” from a potential employer for too long, so that later it would not be an unpleasant surprise for him. Discuss this situation with a potential manager and talk about your advantages in comparison with other candidates. With this approach, the likelihood that you will get the desired position increases. In addition, in some specialties it is possible to work remotely. And if you perform well before maternity leave, your employer may agree that you would continue to perform your functional duties at home.

The most inappropriate same jobs for pregnant women are a bank employee and a postal operator, since here it is necessary to have endurance and peace of mind in order to resolve possible conflicts with customers.

Is it worth it to become a pregnant woman for the sake of payments?

If your search has not been successful, contact the employment center for help. There you will be offered suitable vacancies. And if there are none, then they will be registered as unemployed.

By registering with the employment center, you will receive unemployment benefits, the minimum amount of which is 890 rubles, and the maximum - 4 900 rubles. You will receive these payments until your maternity leave.

But remember that a woman who is registered for unemployment is not entitled to receive maternity benefits, the employment center does not make such payments. In addition, after you bring a certificate of incapacity to work to an employee of the labor exchange, you will no longer receive unemployment benefits. These payments will be resumed only when you are ready to look for work again and start working.

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How to safely finalize before maternity leave without compromising health?

Tip 1. Make sure you have no contraindications for working while pregnant

It is necessary to resolve this issue with the doctor observing your pregnancy. It is important to understand that pregnancy is associated with a powerful hormonal restructuring of the body, an increased load on all functional systems of the future mother's body, which can cause decompensation or exacerbation of chronic diseases. These conditions often require the woman to stop working for a period of time. The possibility of resuming work without a threat to the health and life of mother and baby can only be determined by the attending doctor.

There are a number of complications associated with the course of pregnancy, when it is contraindicated for pregnant women to work: this is a threat of abortion, especially; severe gestosis - complications of pregnancy associated with a serious threat to the health and life of a woman and a baby; placenta previa with complete or partial overlap of the exit from the uterus, which is fraught with the development of dangerous bleeding. In the presence of these problems, hospitalization is often required, but even with the possibility of a home rather than a hospital regimen, a woman is issued a sick leave that frees her from work.

Tip 2. Eliminate harmful working conditions during pregnancy

If the expectant mother decides to continue working during pregnancy, then it is necessary to ensure that the working conditions do not harm her health and do not threaten the successful course of pregnancy.

Harmful working conditions: radiation, x-rays, contact with chemicals, hard physical labor, heavy lifting, night shifts, work in hazardous conditions - all this is by no means a favorable background for the normal bearing of a child. According to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, it is strictly forbidden to use the labor of working pregnant women under the listed conditions. Therefore, a working expectant mother must be transferred to another job, where the impact of harmful factors is excluded. At the same time, the average salary of a woman remains at the same level.

In addition, the employer does not have the right to send the expectant mother on business trips.

However, there are a number of very dangerous phenomena to which the labor code does not apply: constant stress and emergency work, a conflict environment, an irregular work schedule with constant overtime that is not recorded anywhere. If this resembles your working conditions and it is not possible to change them, then it is most prudent to refuse such work during pregnancy in order to avoid a negative impact on your health and the health of the baby.

Compliance with the daily routine significantly increases the body's resistance to various adverse factors, so during pregnancy it is especially important to adhere to the daily routine. With a free schedule, freelance work, a working expectant mother can regulate herself and choose a daily routine that is convenient for herself. When working in the office, especially when it is far from home, the daily routine of the expectant mother will be subject to the public transport schedule and office work schedule.

Often, the expectant mother has to deal with drowsiness at work. This problem is especially relevant in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink green tea, weak coffee. A light warm-up and fresh air will also help to cheer up. In the office, the expectant mother needs to take hourly 10-minute breaks in order to walk, stretch, and do light exercise. Ventilate the room more often.

Don't skip your lunch break.

After work, if possible, it is advisable to take a walk somewhere in the park, along the boulevard, square, that is, where there is a lot of greenery and the air is cleaner. Plan your evening so that active entertainment or classes in the fitness club, swimming pool are completed before eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

Dinner should be 2-3 hours before bedtime, and preferably go to bed at 10 pm: pregnant women, as a rule, need more time for sleep and rest.

It is advisable not to break the daily routine on weekends, although small indulgences (later morning rise and going to bed) within an hour and a half are quite acceptable.

Expectant mothers are recommended that the rise be soft, non-stressful. To do this, you need to go to bed early so that the duration of sleep is at least 8 hours, it is better to replace the alarm clock with some pleasant melody, gradually increasing in volume. You can purchase a “light” alarm clock that imitates the sunrise: such an awakening is considered the most physiological.

During pregnancy, it is advisable not to neglect a full breakfast. With toxicosis, it is recommended to eat in small portions, the food should be warm, since very hot or cold food irritates the gastric mucosa and can provoke an attack of nausea.

Of course, long trips to work are absolutely undesirable for pregnant women. The closeness and stuffiness of public transport, crowdedness, crush, increased risk of contracting respiratory infections, especially during the season of colds, are completely unnecessary tests for a future mother. If possible, you should agree with management and postpone the start of the working day to a later time to avoid rush hour.

If you have been for a long time, it is more convenient to get to work comfortably in a private car, but, unfortunately, no one is safe from traffic jams and accidents.

In the case when the work is within walking distance, albeit not within the immediate reach of the house, especially if the road passes through green courtyards and squares, and not along busy highways, it is recommended to walk to the office on foot: walking at a moderate pace is a useful physical load, helps to finally shake off the remnants of sleep and cheer up.

During pregnancy, do not forget that regular balanced nutrition is one of the prerequisites for maintaining health and a successful pregnancy.

Many working pregnant women have a bad habit of not having dinner, but having a snack, leaving the main (and most plentiful!) meal for the evening. This is completely unacceptable during pregnancy. For working expectant mothers, it is recommended not to skip the main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, to which you can add a few light snacks - second breakfast and afternoon snack. Dishes should be chosen not very high-calorie, give preference to steamed, stewed, baked, avoid fatty, salty, spicy foods, smoked meats, sweet carbonated drinks.

Making your workplace comfortable is one of the most important tasks. Ergonomic (made taking into account anatomical and physiological features) office furniture provides prevention of back pain and fatigue. An office chair should have a tilt-adjustable backrest, armrests, and height adjustment. Under the legs, you can use a special stand, put a small pillow under the lower back to relieve muscle tension in the legs and lower back, respectively. For a future mother, this is especially true, since an increased load falls on the musculoskeletal system during pregnancy, and a long sitting position can lead to back pain, headache, cramps and swelling of the legs.

To avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, which often develops when working on a computer and is characterized by pain, swelling, numbness of the wrist, fingers, hands should not be kept on weight, but on the table.

During sedentary work during pregnancy, to prevent hypodynamia, venous congestion in the legs and small pelvis, do a little physical warm-up every hour: take a walk, do a few simple exercises.

In the opposite situation - when working with long standing (hairdresser, seller, etc.), the dynamic and static load on the joints and muscles increases significantly, and the risk of varicose veins of the legs increases. Pregnancy itself predisposes to the development of varicose veins, especially when standing. In such situations, blood flow slows down, blood stagnation in the veins of the legs increases. Prevention of the appearance of varicose veins is the exclusion of prolonged standing and staying on the legs, the elevated position of the legs during rest, which improves the outflow of venous blood, self-massage, physiotherapy exercises aimed at strengthening and working the muscles of the legs - the “peripheral heart”, which helps the movement of blood through the veins.

To prevent pain in the back and joints, pregnant women should avoid movements that increase the load on the back (you need to squat down to lift something from the floor, straining the muscles of your shoulders, legs, but not your back, that is, try to squat, not bend over; sit, leaning on the back of a chair; do not sit down “on a grand scale”, abruptly, as this affects the intervertebral discs; wear comfortable shoes with low heels; avoid standing for a long time). To reduce the load on the back and unload the veins of the legs, when standing for a long time, you can put one leg on a small bench or stand. The leg should be changed periodically. In addition, the expectant mother needs to take breaks in work, in which she needs to sit down, and it is better to lie down, giving her legs an elevated position.

The computer has become an integral part of our life in general and our work in particular. Modern computer technology has high security, however, the factors of electromagnetic field influence, static electricity accumulated on the keyboard, display, system unit case, increased visual loads remain even when working on the most modern computer equipment. It is strictly forbidden for a pregnant woman to work on a computer for several hours without breaks: every hour it is necessary to turn off the monitor, pause for 10-15 minutes in work, get up, stretch.

Cases of office equipment emit outside a number of fluorine-, chlorine-, phosphorus-containing substances that have an adverse effect on the human body. In addition, the surfaces of the keyboard, system units are dust accumulators, which can provoke allergies; Pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate on the handsets of landline telephones, on the keyboard of office equipment. Copying equipment emits a number of toxic gases, so it is better for expectant mothers to avoid copying in large volumes. Static electricity, electromagnetic fields, chemicals emitted by office equipment can make you feel worse, lead to the development of headaches, chronic fatigue, and lower immunity.

It is advisable to periodically treat the surfaces of landline telephones, keyboards of office equipment with wet antibacterial wipes, and it is also necessary to ventilate the room in which you work more often.

Tip 10Use Bluetooth for phone calls

Less phone calls. The harmfulness of mobile phones, which many people often have to use on duty, has been talked about over the past 15 years, when these devices first entered our lives. There is evidence that with prolonged use of cell phones (for 10 years or more), the electromagnetic radiation of the phone can cause benign tumors of the auditory nerve, provoke headaches, and nausea. And although the introduction of stringent standards has led to the fact that only devices with very low radiation are certified, expectant mothers are encouraged to use Bluetooth devices when talking on a mobile phone. It is known that the radiation power decreases inversely with the square of the distance: for example, an increase in distance by 2 times leads to a decrease in radiation by 4 times. Experts recommend not to hold the phone close to the body unnecessarily. When talking on the phone, watch your posture. An uncomfortable long posture (for example, with a tube sandwiched between the ear and shoulder) can contribute to the appearance of muscle pain, exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, increased fatigue, which is important not only during pregnancy.

Tip 11. Working while pregnant shouldn't be stressful.

A high concentration of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol), especially with prolonged exposure to chronic stress, have an adverse effect on the well-being of the expectant mother, the course of pregnancy and the condition of the baby. The inability to exclude chronically disturbing work environments calls into question the ability to continue working in such conditions. The body's resistance to stress is increased by adherence to the daily routine, full-fledged sufficient sleep, regular moderate physical activity, which reduces the level of stress hormones, a constructive outlook on things, a general positive psycho-emotional attitude that reduces resentment and vulnerability to stress. In order to avoid stressful situations, use time management skills, tune in to a positive solution to issues, plan your affairs if possible so as not to provoke rush jobs and time pressure.

Of course, it is not easy to continue working during pregnancy, but everyday work also has a positive side: it is an incentive to lead a more active lifestyle, communicate, continue to take care of yourself regularly, which has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional and physical condition of the expectant mother.

Taking into account possible risks

A number of studies have shown that women who work standing for a long time have an increased risk of preterm birth and underweight babies. Therefore, many experts do not recommend expectant mothers to be in a standing position for more than three hours in a row. Such advice is especially relevant when the weight and size of the uterus increases significantly and, accordingly, the load on the musculoskeletal system, and prolonged standing can threaten the successful course of pregnancy.

Charging for the eyes during pregnancy
You should also remember about the rest for the eyes, since when working on a computer, they experience an increased load. Every 30 minutes, you should close your eyes for 1–2 minutes, make several circular movements with the eyeballs clockwise, then counterclockwise, then alternately moving the eyeballs to the right, left, up, down with fixation in extreme positions. Frequent blinking allows you to relieve eye strain, moisturizes the eyes with tears, preventing dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

In many ways, the health of the baby depends on the course of pregnancy. How did it go? Was the baby's mother subjected to stress? Did she work the night shift or in hazardous work?

Of course, night shifts and stressful “working” situations do not bring any benefit to the unborn baby. On a par with this, if the work is beloved, not difficult and gives the pregnant woman pleasure, then going on independent maternity leave, leaving her, does not make much sense.

During pregnancy, a normal working day is not contraindicated for a woman. However, getting up too early, transport inconveniences (even if you get there by your own car), haste, exhaust gases, stresses of the “work process” - all this can adversely affect the bodies of a little man and his mother.

Many pregnant women, fearing dismissal or dissatisfaction with their bosses, hide ailments (for example, back pain), are afraid to go out into the fresh air once again or have a bite to eat outside of lunchtime. But the “pregnant” body begins to demand indulgences already in the first three months of its new position.

"Working" rules for pregnant women

If a woman does not want to leave work while pregnant, this is her right, which, with the right approach, will not harm the growing baby. You just need to follow a few simple rules:

  • the working day of a pregnant woman should have a length of no more than six hours;
  • a pregnant woman should not (if possible) be nervous and overtired;
  • during sedentary work, a pregnant woman needs regular small breaks with movement - walking, warming up;
  • the future mother should not only at home, but also at work, ensure herself the right diet - take homemade food with her or eat in the dining room;
  • a pregnant woman should arrange for herself small snacks with crackers, apples, dried fruits and muesli.

Women who are carrying a child are not recommended to work as a waitress, hairdresser and other activities “on their feet”, since prolonged standing in one place provokes varicose veins; work with chemistry; prolonged work at the computer.

Many may disagree with the latter, since it is believed that all modern PCs are equipped with high degrees of protection. Nevertheless, if it is possible to replace the monitor with a liquid crystal display or a laptop, it is better to use it. It is also necessary to ensure that in the working room the computers facing the rear part of the pregnant woman are not closer than 2 m to her.

In addition, you should not work in rooms where employees (clients or anyone else) smoke. Smoking during pregnancy, even passive, is extremely harmful to a small growing organism.

What is prohibited for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, underground and physically hard work, as well as moving and lifting weights, are prohibited. Pregnant women are not allowed to work on the night shift. The exception is night work, caused by extreme necessity and of a temporary nature.

In addition, you can not force a pregnant woman to work on weekends and overtime, send her on business trips.

Holidays for pregnant women

Even if the pregnant woman observes the correct regimen and the authorities meet her halfway, prenatal leave is still necessary, in which she must go 60 days before the birth. Better yet, extend your maternity leave by taking a regular regular vacation before it.

Did you work during pregnancy?

Yes, almost to the very birth

Having learned about her interesting position, a woman should decide for herself how she will work during pregnancy. Despite the fact that every woman is entitled to maternity leave, you will still go to work every day. There are many legal and psychological issues. When should I report my pregnancy to work (early or later)? When can I go on maternity leave? Will I be paid for the time I go to the doctor? Is an employer obligated to facilitate working conditions during pregnancy?

When can I go on maternity leave?

  • 70 calendar days- regular time
  • 86 calendar days- in case of complicated childbirth
  • 84 calendar days- with multiple pregnancy

Thus, the woman goes on maternity leave.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special situation that requires a careful attitude. You may need to rethink your views on work and career. Especially if before pregnancy you led an active lifestyle, worked hard, associated your well-being with career success.

When should I report my pregnancy to work?

Many superstitious women are silent about their situation until it becomes quite obvious and undisguised. This state of affairs has its advantages: you protect yourself from gossip, possible envy and gossip. And keep on working.

On the other hand, most people tend to have a more careful attitude towards a woman in position. Report pregnancy at work early perhaps it will benefit those who do not tolerate the onset of pregnancy and toxicosis. For such women, they simply need more time to relax during the working day, reduce workload and. Moreover, if the work requires extreme accuracy and efficiency, and colleagues, knowing about your condition, will be able to help in a timely manner.

Work during pregnancy may not be a burden if you choose a certain pace, the speed with which the necessary tasks and functions are performed. Your body is working all the time, changing every second. It is not surprising that you will have to adapt to your usual work in a new way. Be bold if you need more time for something, or go home early, or ask for help, even if you've been doing everything on your own before. Eliminate excess stress, agree on a free schedule for yourself so that you do not have to push in public transport or waste precious time in traffic jams.

Work during pregnancy: laws

What rights do you have as a pregnant woman under the law?

In order for a child to develop properly in the womb, a pregnant woman can exercise the following rights:

1) Transfer from hard working conditions during pregnancy for lightweight (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, changing from a standing job to a seated one, reducing time at the computer or eliminating work with chemicals, equipping a more comfortable workplace, reducing noise levels.

2) Establishment part-time work or part-time work week with payment in proportion to the hours worked or depending on the amount of work performed (Article 93, Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3)Refusal to travel, work on holidays and weekends, overtime, at night(from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.) (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4) Payment for working hours undergoing a medical examination(for example,) (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

5) Paid and delivered on time maternity leave(Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

6) Paid annual vacation attached to maternity leave (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Remember that a working woman has all these rights during pregnancy by law. But in order to exercise all of these rights, it is necessary to inform the employer about the pregnancy by providing him with the appropriate certificate from the doctor. If you want to avoid any misunderstandings, it is best to do so against receipt. It is also important to know that The law prohibits the dismissal of pregnant women from work, so your chances of agreeing with the employer on comfortable working conditions are quite high. You may even be allowed to work from home if the employer is unable to provide a safe working environment during pregnancy.

Recommendations for those who will work during pregnancy

"Golden time of pregnancy" -: the stomach is only rounded, the state of health improves, energy is usually over the edge. Try to do everything you planned during this time. If there are unfinished projects waiting for you at work, then there is nowhere to put off further. Direct your energy to your affairs and tasks, especially since work will be a pleasure during these months.

Reduce the load. Calm and measured performance of their duties, minimization of all stress factors associated with work, is now simply necessary. The development of pregnancy is directly related to the emotional state of the mother. The more peaceful she feels, the less risk the emerging baby is exposed to.

It is important to limit yourself from long-distance travel by transport, static work on your feet, lifting weights, and so on. .

Pregnancy itself is a round-the-clock work of the body and a global restructuring of the psyche. Like any other large-scale work, such work requires proper rest. Therefore, sensibly approach the choice of the mode of work and rest.

The pregnant body needs more time to sleep, the accumulation of forces. Make your vacation truly fulfilling, do not criticize yourself for increased drowsiness or fatigue. It is important to recharge during this period, like a battery, because soon such moments of unity with oneself may not happen.

As the baby grows in the womb, it will become increasingly difficult for you to keep up with everything that you used to do without noticing. Don't be critical of yourself: it will be much more effective at this time to seek help in household chores from relatives or colleagues on work tasks.

If you're at a point where you feel like having a baby will leave you out of business, a new belief system can help. Many mothers who are trained on find that pregnancy, childbirth and childcare make a woman richer, deeper, more patient, more caring. Moreover, they add subtle facets to her personality, which she may not have even used before. Pregnancy and childcare is not forever. From birth to a year, you will need to invest more as a mother, but the older your child is, the easier it will be for you to combine all areas of your life and implement your planned career plans as well.


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