Crochet sunflower. Master Class

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Napkins "Sunflower" with pineapple pattern

Sunflower petals in the form of "pineapple" - perhaps the best way to knit petals, which can only be used in this case. The napkin turns out to be weightless, delicate, very beautiful. We bring to your attention two options with detailed descriptions. They differ in the way of knitting the middle of the napkin, as well as in the number of ready-made petals of the knitted sunflower.

Option 1


The diagram of the Sunflower napkin shown below is not represented as a whole circle, but as a single petal. This will not be an obstacle when knitting, because then the pattern is repeated. Please note: rows 1-16 are knitted in a circle with a single fabric, from row 17 - each petal separately.


VP- air loop, Sc- single crochet, CLO- a column with one crochet, CC2H- a column with two crochets, SS- connecting post.

Start each row with a set of 3 VPs - they are counted as the first CCH. Finish the row with the SS in the last VP of the beginning of the row.

Cast on 8 VP with a dark thread (for the core of a sunflower), close in a ring.

1 row: 20 CCHs per ring.

2 row: * 1 SSN + 1 VP in each loop *- repeat to the end of the row.

3 row: knit the whole row of PRS.

4 row: * 2 SSN + 2 VP in each loop *- repeat to the end of the row.

5 row: * 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN *

6 row: * 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, 2 VP *- knit in each arch to the end of the row.

7 row: * 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, 3 VP *- knit in each arch to the end of the row.

8 row: * 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, 4 VP *- knit in each arch to the end of the row.

9 row: * 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, 5 VP *- knit in each arch to the end of the row.

10 row: * 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, 6 VP *- knit in each arch to the end of the row.

Finish knitting with a dark thread, attach a yellow thread for knitting sunflower petals.

11 row: * (2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN) in one arch, 5 VP, 9 CC2N in the next arch, 5 VP *- repeat to the end of the row.

12 row: * (2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN) in one arch, 4 VP, (1 SSN + 1 VP in each of the nine SS2N of the previous row), 4 VP *- repeat to the end of the row.

13 row: * (2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN) in one arch, 4 VP, arch, 4 VP, 4 VP *- repeat to the end of the row. The arch is knitted like this: 1 sc in the CC2N of the previous row, 4 VP, 1 sc in the next CC2N of the previous row. There are 8 arches in total.

14 row: knit as in row 13, while when performing arches, RLS is knitted into the top of the arch of the previous row. There are 7 arches in total.

15 row: knit as in row 14. There are 6 arches in total.

16 row: * (2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN) in one arch, 4 VP, arch, 4 VP *- repeat to the end of the row. There are 5 arches in total.

We look at the previous row, where we knitted (2 CCH, 2 VP, 2 CCH, 2 VP, 2 CCH) in one arch. We move with the help of the SS to the place where 2 VPs are connected second time.

Knit as in 13-15 rows. In this case, the number of arches from air loops will decrease by one each time. Therefore, in the 17th row you will get 4 arches, in the 18th row - 3 arches, in the 19th row - 2 arches, in the 20th row - 1 arch.

21 row: (2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN) into one arch, 1 SBN into the top of the arch from the VP of the previous row, (2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN) into one arch.

Tie the rest of the petals in the same way.

Option 2

A similar napkin, but with fewer larger petals. The principle of knitting is exactly the same, but a different core of a sunflower. Maybe you like this option more?

The napkin layout is not very good quality, but you can read it based on the previous one. They are very similar.

Napkin pattern "Sunflower" with 8 petals

Other sunflower napkins

The difference between napkins in this category is that their petals are not connected. These are much rarer, but incredibly beautiful pieces - they have their own charm.

Option 1

Sunflower napkins in three different sizes, but in the same style. An excellent option for interior decoration. The knitting principle is very simple. We recommend that you start with the smallest napkin: most likely, you end up making all three.

Option 2

An even more unusual napkin. Here she is not the sunflower - the product is decorated with small flowers located along the perimeter and in the center. The middle flower and the green part of the napkin are knitted continuously. But in order to tie the resulting circle, you have to work hard: each sunflower is performed separately. But the flower pattern is very simple, so you only need a drop of patience.

Video lessons (master classes)

There are so many beautiful crocheted sunflower napkins that we could not resist and posted here for you all the good video tutorials on how to crochet them. In total, there were three options, the first - already in two parts.

Let's especially note the first napkin: it is very dense, and, in truth, it can be called an oven mitt. In fact, this is a circle of double crochets, inside which a sunflower is knitted by alternating threads. A great option for beginners who are afraid of fishnet products.

The second napkin is a voluminous sunflower. The option when instead of sophisticated forms something powerful, bright and very beautiful is used.

A distinctive feature of the third option is the openwork green trim. This napkin is also voluminous, but here the volume is felt much weaker than in the previous version.

Good day!

And again about sunflowers. I have been going to crochet a sunflower for a long time.

Although I never thought that I would be doing some kind of crafts, I only knitted pullovers and vests, sometimes napkins, I hardly had to knit.

But it turns out that at home for wealth and happiness you need to have sunflowers (and more)! So you have to tie.

Seriously speaking, since the creation of the blog, thanks to the enormous possibilities of the Internet, I now want to embody many interesting ideas, especially since I really like the sunflowers in the interior. I have already tried to decorate a small cabinet in the kitchen with images of sunflowers. And knitting for the home is especially great fun.

I thought for a long time how to crochet a sunflower, either in the form of a potholder, or a napkin, then began to lean towards the idea of ​​a magnet for a refrigerator with coffee beans in the center, this idea is now very popular.

But as always, one thing - time! Every day I hear from everyone, where can I get the time? Why is it so lacking?

Once I saw on the Internet a photo of an interesting panel in the form of a simple bright flower. And here it is - inspiration! And the time was immediately found! True, quite a bit, so the knitting took a long time, but now I want to show what an almost real sunflower flower I have crocheted.

Crochet sunflower master class

I specially bought yarn for crocheting sunflower in a store - my favorite half-woolen yarn for needlework in yellow and green.

The hook is number 2.

For the panel you will also need:

  • seeds
  • glue Moment
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • some lace for the eyelet.

Knitting the central part of a sunflower

Everything is simple here, you need to knit a regular circle with single crochet columns. We collect 6VP with yellow yarn, we close it in a ring. I decided to make the central part yellow - this is exactly the color it has in a sunflower in nature. Of course, you can knit it with brown or black yarn with lush columns that imitate seeds. But I did it differently.

In the first row - 12 columns, in the second we add one column to each column of the previous row, in the 3rd row - we make the increments through one column, in the 4th - through two columns, and so on according to the rule of knitting a circle to the required size.

The size of my circle is 14 cm in diameter.

Knitting sunflower petals

For the petal, we collect 16 VP.

We knit single crochet on this chain (we knit the first column on the 5th loop of the chain).

We reach our circle, 1 connecting post under the loop of the circle.

We turn the work, continue knitting on the other side of the chain as follows:

1VP, 1СБН, 2С1Н, 6С2Н, 2С1Н, 2СБН, at the end of the chain - 5 СБН in one loop.

2СБН, 2С1Н, 6С2Н, 2С1Н, 1СБН, 1 connecting column under a loop of a circle (central part of a sunflower).

We stretch the thread with connecting posts through two loops of the base of the petal and 3 loops of the last row of the central part of the sunflower.

On the third loop, we begin to knit the next petal.

Thus, we crochet all the petals of the sunflower.

Since the petals are close together, they overlap a little. We spread them through one: one petal from below, one from above. The effect of two rows of petals is obtained.

A crocheted sunflower almost looms, you still need to knit leaves for it.

Knitting twigs with leaves

We knit a twig with leaves in the same way as a sunflower petal.

We collect a long chain from the VP (I dialed 60).

We tie it with columns on both sides, while simultaneously knitting the leaves, first on one side, then on the other.

For a leaf, as well as when knitting a sunflower petal, we knit a chain of 16VP and tie it as follows:

1VP, 1СБН, 1С1Н, 2С2Н, 3С3Н, 2С2Н, 2С1Н, 2СБН, at the end of the chain - 5 СБН in one loop and then in reverse order on the other side of the chain.

After about 10 loops of the twig, I knitted another leaf.

Panel sunflower

Iron the finished parts through a damp cloth.

Cut a circle out of cardboard with a slightly larger diameter than the central part of the sunflower so that it covers part of the base of the petals.

We glue the sunflower flower on the cardboard, and do not forget to insert a loop of braid between them.

Glue the twig with leaves on a piece of cardboard, and then cut out and glue this part to the sunflower flower.

Now it remains to decorate the flower with seeds - the most real!

We glue the seeds in a circle.

I was in the mood for long, painstaking and boring work, but it turned out to be not so scary. It took only 30 minutes!

Coziness, warm and comfortable atmosphere in the house largely depends on the woman. After all, it is the hostess who can arrange life in such a way that even the most ordinary household items become adornments. You can, for example, crochet beautiful napkins. There are many ideas and schemes. The sunflower flower, for example, is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Crochet crocheted napkin sunflower pattern and description is discussed in this article.

Napkin "Sunflower"

We will need:

  • yarn, 100% cotton, yellow and black;
  • hook number 0.95.


The "Sunflower" napkin is crocheted according to the scheme. We start each row with 3 VP lifting, replacing the STS1N.

  • 1p: we collect 8 VP, we close them in a ring. We knit 20 StS1N into it;
  • 2p .: in each st-bik we knit 1 StS1N, separated by 1 VP;
  • 3p .: in each p. Of the base, 1 StS1N;
  • 4p.: In each item of the base, 2 StS1N, separated by 2 c. P.;
  • 5r.: In each arch from 2 c. p. previous row knit 2 StS1N, 2 c. p., 2 StS1N;
  • 6p.: Like 5p. plus 2 v. P.;
  • 7p.: 5p. plus 3 v. P.;
  • 8r.: 5r. plus 4 v. P.;
  • 9p.: 5p. plus 5 c. P.;
  • 10 rubles: 5 rubles. plus 6 in. P.

The photo shows a view of the resulting part. Cut the thread, fasten it, hide the end. If the Sunflower napkin folds slightly, don't worry. With further work, this disadvantage will go away.

We connect the yellow yarn conn. and continue:

  • 11r.: In the arch before. R. from 2 vp 2 tbsp. s / 2n, 2 air. n., 2 tbsp. s / 2n, 5 air. p., 9 tbsp. s / 2n in the arch before. R. from 2 air. n., 5 c. p. Repeat the algorithm for the whole circle. R.;
  • 12r .: 2 tbsp. s / 1n in the arch before. R., 2 air. Pet., 2 tbsp / 1n, 4 air. p., 9 tbsp. s / 2n plus air. pet. In each p. The base of the fan from st-bik with 2 nak. prev. R., 4 air. p. Repeat the algorithm for the whole circle. R.;
  • 13r.: 2 tbsp. s / 1n, 2 cart. pet., 2 tbsp. s / 1n, 4 cart. n., 8 arches from 4 cart. pet. In each vertex st-bik previous. R., 4 air. pet. We repeat the algorithm for the whole circle. R.;
  • 14r.: We repeat the previous one. algorithm, reducing the number of arches from 4 cart. p. up to 7;
  • 15r.: We repeat the previous one. algorithm, reducing the number of arches from 4 air. p. up to 6;
  • 16r.: The beginning of the row has changed, according to the scheme - 2 StS1N, 2 air. p., 2 StS1N, 2 v. p., 2 StS1N, 4 v. etc., we continue to knit arches in a quantity of 5 pieces;
  • from 17 p. for 21r.: start crocheting a petal. In the extreme arch before. R. we knit 2 pillar. with 1 nak. 2 air. pet, 2 pillars. with 1 nak., 4 air. pet., 4 arches, 4 air. pet., 2 st-biks with 1 nak., 2 air. p., 2 st-bika with nak.

We turn knitting;

  • again 2 pillars. with 1 nak. 2 air. pet, 2 pillars. with 1 nak., 4 air. pet., 3 arches, 4 air. pet., 2 st-biks with 1 nak., 2 air. p., 2 st-bika with nak. We turn knitting;
  • 2 tbsp. s / 1 nak., 2 v. n., 2 tbsp. s / 1n, 3 v. p., 2 arches, 3 air. n., 2 tbsp. s / 1n, 2 v. n., 2 tbsp. s / 1n, we turn.

At will, quantity of air. the item can be done less than recommended in the cx. - this makes the product better.

2 pillar with 1 nak-house, 2 air. p., 2 st-bika with 1 nak-house, conn. p. with the center of the arch before. R., 2 st-bika with 1 nak-house, 2 air. p., 2 st-bika with 1 nak-house.

We have finished knitting a petal. We fix the thread, cut it off.

We fasten the thread to the point where the next petal will be knitted and repeat the algorithm. This is how we perform all the petals. We hide the tails of the thread. We steam the napkin, having previously starch.

Napkin "Openwork sunflower"

We will need:

  • yarn - black (brown) and yellow;
  • hook according to the thickness of the yarn.


The napkin is tied from the center to the petals according to the pattern.

Doing 5 c. etc., we close them in the SS ring.

  • 1p: 1 air. pet., 8 sc. We complete this and all subsequent r. 1 SS;
  • 2p .: 3 cart. p. and 1 tbsp. from 1n. in the 1st vertex of the RLS previous. r., 1 VP and 2 tbsp. with 1 nak. in the next. top of RLS previous. R. So we knit in a circle;
  • 3p.: 1 VP, 1 RLS to the top of the chain of 3 VP previous. R., 5 VP, 1 RLS to the top of st. with 1 nak-house previous R., 1 sc in the arch from 1 VP, 3 VP, 1 sc in the same arch. Further - the same pattern is repeated in a circle;
  • 4p.: SS come to the 1st arch of 5 VPs of the previous one. R. In it we collect 3 VP of lifting. In it we knit 4 StS1N, 5 VP and 5 StS1N in the next. arch of 5 VP pre. R. That. we knit in each arch from 5 VP. We finish the row with a chain of 2 VP and 1 StS2N, knitted instead of an arch of 5 VP. At this point, the hook is in the center of the last arch;
  • 5r.: We do 7 air. p., 1 column with 1 crochet in the same arch. Then 3 VP, 1 RLS in the 3rd vertex of a fragment of 5 st-biks with 1 yarn previous. r., a peak of 3 VP, 3 VP, 1 tbsp. with 1 nak. in the next. arch of 5 VP pre. r.yu, 4 VP and again 1 tbsp. with 1 yarn In the same arch, 3 air. p. and 1 sc to the central apex of a fragment of 5 st-biks with 1 nak. prev. R. We complete the river. 3 VP and 1 connection. Art. in the 3rd p. from the beginning of the river.
  • 6p .: 3 air. p., 2 stb with 1 nak. with one vertex, x3, 5 VP, then crochet 4 fragments of 3 c-ribs with 1 nak., between which 2 VP in an arch of 4 VP. We complete the row with 2 VP and 1 StS1N at the beginning of the river, replacing this with a chain of 5 VP;
  • 7p .: 1 VP, 1 StBN, 3 VP, 1 RLS in the 1st arch of 2 VP, 3 VP, 1 RLS in the next. arch of 2 VP, 3 VP, 1 RLS in the 3rd arch of 2 VP, 3 VP, 1 STBN in the arch of 5 VP previous. R. This pattern is repeated crochet along a circular river. to end.

We complete the row as described above so that the hook is in the center of the arch;

  • 8r.: Arches of 4 VPs with their connection to RLS. On the last arch, we leave the hook in the center;
  • 9p .: like the 8th p.;
  • 10r .: arches from 5 VP. At the end of the p. crochet 2 VP and 1 stlb with 1 nak. to the top of the RLS of the beginning of the river. The hook must again be left in the center of the arch;
  • 11r.: 7 VP, 1 stlb with 1 yarn. into the previous arch. R., 3 VP, 1 RLS in the next. arch from VP previous. r., 3 VP, 1 tbsp. with 1 nak., 4 VP and 1 tbsp. with 1 nak. in the next. arch from air. p., 3 VP, 1 RLS in the next. arch. We repeat the crochet algorithm to the end of the river. For our master class, the pique on the tops of the RLS was not tied;
  • 12r.: Go to the yellow thread. In the 1st arch of 4 VP, we knit 3 VP of lifting, 2 StS1N, 2 air. p., 3 StS1N, 4 VP. In the 2nd arch of 4 VP we knit 9 StS1N, 4 VP. We repeat the crochet algorithm until the end of the river;
  • 13r.: SSt we go to the arch of 2 VP and from it we knit 3 VP, 2 stlb s / 1n, 2 v. p., 3 stlb s / 1n, then 4 in. p. and to the tops of stlb s / 1n previous. R. We knit the columns with / 1n, between which we carry out 1 air. n. Then 4 c. etc. and repeat the algorithm for the entire row;
  • 14r.: SSt we go to the arch of 2 VP and from it we knit 3 VP, 2 stlb s / 1n, 2 v. p., 3 stlb s / 1n, then 4 in. p. and in the 1st arch from 1 VP we knit 1 RLS, then 4 c. p., sc in the next. arch from 1 century. n. and similarly until the end of the arches from the 1st century. p. Then 4 VP and according to this scheme we work round;
  • 15r.: SSt go to the arch from 2 v / p. Above a fragment of 3 s / s1n, 2 s / s, 3 s / s1n, we knit 3 s / s1n, 2 s / s, 3 s / s1n, 2 s / s, 3 s / s1n in an arch from 2 s / s1n between 3 columns of the previous fragment. R. Continue with 4 v / n, an arch of 4 v / n with stlb b / n into the base of the arches, 4 v / n. and repeating the algorithm for the entire row.

From the next row, we will knit the sunflower not round, but element by element: each petal separately:

  • 16r.: The knitting technique is visible in stages in the photo. Further, the scheme "Pineapple" was applied, that is, a gradual decrease in the number of arches in the center. At the edges, we continue knitting as before. cx.

The penultimate p. - see photo: along the edges of the shell, between them there are two chains from a / p, which fit each other at the top of the RLS

We connect the shells to each other, knit 3 stb into their middle.

Crochet the rest of the petals in the same way.

We steam the finished napkin "Sunflower", fix it on a horizontal surface according to the required dimensions and dry it.

Napkins "Sunflowers": video MK

Jacquard napkin "Sunflower"

We will need:

  • yarn of white, green, yellow and brown colors;
  • hook according to the thickness of the yarn (in our case, number 3).


We make an amigurumi ring with brown yarn.

  • 1p .: 3 high-speed lifting and 15 STSN in the ring;

We tighten the ring well by the end of the thread. The last stlb is connected to the 3rd p. Of the rise;

  • 2p.: 3 v / n rise, in each p. Before. R. we knit 2 StSN. It turns out 32 STSN. We finish this row and all subsequent SSt in 3 sts of the rise;
  • 3p.: 3 v / p rise, then - StS / N, and from each 4th we knit 2 StS / N. As a result - 40 stlb. Performing CCt at the end of the river, we go to the yellow yarn: we stretch the yellow thread through 3 v / p and after two sts on the hook.

We cut off the brown thread, fix the end and, together with the tail of yellow yarn, knit it into a circle, laying it along the row;

So we knit a sunflower in a circle. We complete the SSt in the 3rd v / p. The petal already consists of 6 StS / N. We knit non-working threads into the fabric during work;

  • 5r.: 3 v / p lifts, 2 stsn, from the extreme stlb we will knit 2 stsn, change the yarn to green, 1 sts / n, again change the thread, from 1 stlb - 2 sts / n, 4 sts / n, from 1 stlb - 2 StSN, change of thread. On the fragment there are already 8 st.s / n, 1 st. s / n green. We connect the circle;
  • 7p.: 3 v / p, 4 StSN, in the extreme column of the previous one. R. - a column of yellow yarn, in it - 1 StSN green, 2 StSN. At the same time, in the second of them, we again return to the yellow color. Next - 8 STSN, in the last one we go to green color. as recommended above. 1 StSN, in the same loop with a yellow thread 1 StSN, then - 8 columns s / n, in the next. switch to green and continue with the scheme. We complete the circle of SSt in the 3rd v / p. It turned out that there are 10 columns in a petal, 3 columns in a leaf.
    • 11r.: 3 air. n., 1 pillar. with nak. yellow; color change: 5 post. with nak. white, doubled column; replacement of colors: 5 pillars. s / n green. 1 doubled. Art., 5 pillar. with a white crochet; replacement of colors: 2 pillars. with a yellow crochet. 5 pillar. with a crochet, 1 doubled. pillar. white. 5 pillar. with a green crochet. By analogy, we knit to the end. After completing the 8th petal, cut the yellow yarn and knit its end into the canvas.

    After the last green stb, cut this thread, hide the tail;

    • 14p.: We crochet the edge, performing a step step.

    Steam the finished napkin.

    Stand for hot crochet "Sunflower": video master class

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen and all blog readers!

Continuing the summer theme in knitting, I want to offer you a lot, namely a blanket with sunflowers.

Of course, you can find a wide variety of beautiful crocheted knitted blankets, I have already talked about some of them. And now I liked this bright sunny plaid, and with a completely simple pattern. The combination of the main brown color with yellow sunflowers creates a special effect in it.

Our fields with sunflowers are in bloom right now. Even from my house, you can see this beauty in the distance. And when you drive a car near the fields, you generally can't take your eyes off.

More recently, we looked for pillows, but they can also be used for knitting blankets. With this example, I want to talk about crocheting a blanket with beautiful squares.

Crochet. Beautiful blankets with sunflowers

To crochet such beautiful blankets, you can crochet any semi-woolen yarn, and I prefer acrylic.

In our case, you will need yarn in yellow, brown and beige or orange.

The main background of the squares from which the plaid will be assembled is made in dark green and tied with beige yarn in one version of the plaid, and in the other - white and brown.

When tying squares with sunflowers and assembling a blanket, brown (or white in another) yarn was used.

You can choose any color from the proposed beautiful crochet pattern for a blanket, and I will continue to describe how to knit a blanket in brown-green tones.

How much yarn will be required, I cannot say for sure. Usually, about 2-2.5 kg of yarn is spent on a large blanket for a sofa. If we assume that in this case, yarn of 4 colors is used, it means that you will need about 500 grams of each color. If a rug is supposed to be of a smaller size, then less yarn will be required, respectively.

We select the hook according to the thickness of the yarn.

How to knit a square blanket with sunflowers

In this case, we will consider a pattern with sunflowers, but in principle, any one can be connected this way.

We picked up the square motif we liked and we knit for a long time, but with pleasure, a large number of them.

In the summer, it is unlikely that someone will do this, so we will knit on long winter evenings. In the meantime, collecting ideas. I wonder if someone knitted a blanket last winter? We had a lot of ideas.

The pattern for knitting a motif with sunflowers is very simple.

Let's figure it out.

We collect 8 VP with brown yarn, we close it in a ring.

1st row: 3VP for lifting, 15С1Н.

2nd row: one single crochet over each column of the previous row and 1VP between them.

3rd row: we attach beige yarn -1СБН under the air loop, 2СБН in the column of the previous row.

The 4th row is knitted again with brown yarn - 1СБН in the column of the previous row, 1ВП above the column of the previous row.

5th row: we attach a yellow thread, three unfinished columns with two crochets, knitted together, in an air loop of the previous row and 2VP between them.

You should have 24 petals.

6th row: we attach a green thread. We tie the sunflower, forming a square.

5VP, 1СБН under the air loops of the previous row, 1ВП, * 1СБН in the next arch, 2ВП, 1СБН in the same arch, 1ВП *, repeat 5 times, 1СБН in the next arch, 3ВП, 1СБН, 1ВП and so on. Thus, 4 corners have already begun to appear.

7th row: we knit from the corner, 4VP, 1C3N, 2VP, 2C3N, 1VP, 1C2N, 1VP, 1C1N, 1VP, 1C1N, 1VP, 1SBN, 1VP, 1SBN, 1VP, 1SBN at the top point of the motive and then in reverse order to next corner.

8th - 11th rows: knit with beige yarn like the 2nd row, in the corners of 2VP.

12th, 13th row: with brown yarn we tie the square motif with single crochets, in the corners at 3VP.

Assembling squares into a beautiful plaid

The squares can be connected together in the process of knitting the last row of each next square, or you can sew all the ready-made square motifs together, as it is more convenient for anyone.

We tie the finished blanket in two rows of brown yarn:

1st row: As 2nd row of a square motif.

2nd row: * 2VP, connecting post *. In the corners, repeat three times.

A beautiful crochet blanket with sunflowers will create coziness and summer mood.

Or like this:

The topic of sunflowers is not yet exhausted. Next time I will tell you about my little job, which I finally finished. Do not miss publications, blog news by mail!

And in this form, the complete collection of our blog's blankets:

Outside the window, autumn, and the soul so wants to continue the summer. Bright accents of the interior and wardrobe will help prolong this wonderful warm season. And here you cannot do without the constant companion of the sun - the sunflower. It is very easy to do it yourself. Crocheting a napkin or an elegant brooch is available even for beginner knitters. There are several ways to crochet a sunflower, the diagram and description are presented below:

Tools and materials Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: 2/10

  • yarn for knitting chocolate brown, green and yellow;
  • hook, in accordance with the thickness of the yarn;
  • scissors;
  • beads or beads;
  • thread and needle;
  • brooch pin;
  • foam rubber

Lesson 1. Napkin "Sunflower"

Step-by-step description with a diagram

Step 1: knit the middle

We begin to crochet the sunflower from the middle. To do this, you need to take a chocolate brown yarn and a crochet hook. We start knitting with a chain set of 5 air loops. We close the chain in a ring with a connecting loop. Next, we continue knitting according to the pattern shown in the photo:

The scheme uses double crochets combined into one "fluffy column" in alternation with air loops.

So, in the second row it is necessary to knit 5 "lush columns", which are separated from each other with 4 air loops.

Next, we knit lifting loops (3 pieces) and continue the circular knitting with "lush columns". V third row their number doubles. The number of dividing air loops between the posts remains the same.

V fourth row the number of "fluffy columns" doubles again, and the dividing air loops become slightly less - not 4, but 3.

Fifth row completes the middle of the product. There is no increase in the number of "fluffy columns", their number remains the same and equals 20. There are more dividing air loops. Their number is 4.

Step 2: knit flower petals

To knit the petals, you need yellow yarn. The thickness of the yarn should not differ from the thickness of the previous thread.

We start knitting by fixing the thread and knitting three lifting loops. Next, you need to knit 6 more air loops and fix the chain on an already knitted workpiece in the places indicated in the diagram (see above). After that, we continue knitting by a set of 8 air loops, followed by fixing the chain on the product. In total, you need to knit 20 chains or arches.

The next row must be knitted with double crochets. Each column is knitted in one loop. The only exceptions are air loops at the top of each arch. In this loop, you must immediately knit along the double crochet. The next rows are knitted in the same way, in accordance with the scheme (see above).

The last row of napkins can be tied with chocolate brown threads to add contrast and expressiveness to the product.

If desired, you can tie a stalk and leaves of green yarn to the napkin. The knitting pattern for leaves and stems is illustrated in detail in the photo:

Here is such a crocheted sunflower according to the above scheme and description you should get:

Lesson 2. Brooch "Sunflower"

Step 1: knitting the base

We start knitting from the base. To do this, you need to take a yellow yarn and a hook corresponding to the thickness of the yarn. First, make a loop of arugumi. Then we knit 7 single crochets and tighten the loop.

Next, we form the petals. To do this, you need to dial a chain of 10-12 air loops (the number of loops depends on the desired length of the petals). We knit the chain towards the base with single crochets. Next, we fix the chain on the base. After that, we continue tying the petal with single crochet columns (2 times). After the first petal is tied, we move 6 loops to the left along the base and continue to knit the second petal in the same pattern.

Step 2: knit the middle

To decorate the middle, you need brown yarn and a bead. We knit in a circle, without adding loops. It is necessary to knit with a thread on which beads or beads are already pre-strung.

When the core is ready, it can be sewn to the base, having previously placed foam rubber between them to give a convex shape.


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