Understand what is missing in life. Romantic test: what do you miss in life? Appreciate what you have

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If you have almost everything you want, it may well be that something is still for you.lacks!

You may not be completely aware of it, butdeep downyou still feel that some niche is not filled.

This simple testhelp you figure it out What do you need to find in order to feel satisfied with life. Answer 11 questions and read the result!

What is missing in a good life?

4 steps to determine what you are really missing in life

Sometimes you feel that you seem to have everything in life: a good job, home, family, friends, reasonable health, but at the same time everything is something missing. If you have experienced these feelings, you are not alone!

We offer you with four easy steps understand what you are missing and what you need to do about it.

1) Take the time to figure out what exactly is causing your dissatisfaction.

Even if it seems to you that your whole life is not at all what you really need, you can still distinguish certain things and incentives that make you unhappy.

Maybe there is something wrong in the relationship? Or do you leave work with a feeling of dissatisfaction after a hard day's work? Maybe you are not happy with your home or the city you live in? Think!

It is very important to highlight what exactly or who exactly causes you negative emotions and a feeling of dissatisfaction, because without it it is impossible to make your life better.

2) Dig deeper and try to understand what is the true cause of dissatisfaction.

For example, you realize that your work does not bring you pleasure. You've been plowing like hell for the last few weeks, but in the end you've got nothing but emptiness and dissatisfaction.

You understand that not everything in work can take you out of comfort conditions and happiness. Try to understand what exactly you do not like: the specifics of your work, your colleagues, your work schedule or your salary? And so on.

3) Determine what needs to change to make you happy with the situation

If you have analyzed and realized that you are still not satisfied with your work, and having dug deeper, determined that you are only dissatisfied with the fact that it takes away your freedom and you have no more time left for anything else, you are on the right track. : Now you know, what do you really need!

Think about what it takes to make you happy with your job: Free schedule? More flexible schedule? Lack of strict rules and work schedule? More days off and the opportunity to be late sometimes?

What is missing in your life? Test: Choose a candle and find out! It is said that at different periods of life a person chooses different colors as his favorite. There are several reasons for this.

First, our intuition is powerful and sometimes points to things that are not so obvious to our mind. Secondly, by choosing one or another color, we are trying to compensate for the lack of certain feelings or states.

What is missing in your life? This simple test will show you how you feel at this stage of your life and help you find the best solution if there is any problem.

1. Black candle

Many people consider black to be the color of evil and misfortune. But black candles appeal to the power of people who have long since left this world, and not at all to their negativity or dark sides.

That is why during difficult periods of life, one of which you may be experiencing right now, they are ignited.

2. Lilac candle

All shades of lilac help to increase internal energy and strengthen the spirit. A candle of this color is usually chosen by people who lack self-confidence and who feel tired of this world. It will help you alleviate these feelings a little and raise your self-esteem.

3. White candle

A white candle is a symbol of spiritual purity. It clears the mind and gives a clear idea of ​​life goals. We advise you to light such a candle when you are busy introspection. It will add clarity and productivity to the process.

4. Blue candle

The blue color symbolizes physical abilities. It also raises the level of positive vibrations around you and helps improve your mood. If you feel morally exhausted, then light a candle of this color, thus creating a healing atmosphere.

5. Green candle

In Indian medicine, green represents the heart chakra. This color is used during the period of detachment from the world and nature.

6. Yellow candle

Yellow is usually associated with sociability and clarity of mind. It has the greatest positive effect on the areas of the brain responsible for the qualities listed above. You should use this when you are loaded with study or self-development.

7. Red candle

Remember the lion from The Wizard of Oz that lacked courage? The drink that was offered to him was red in color. In addition to the negative meaning (rage, danger, evil), red is also capable of carrying a positive meaning.

After all, fire can not only incinerate you, but also warm you!Share which candle did you choose? Did your description match?

There is a period of time when almost every person lacks something in life and he does not realize what exactly and psychologically suffers from this unconscious dissatisfaction, experiencing sadness, sadness and sometimes falling into despair and depression. Some people constantly, you can say "always", something is missing. But if you ask these people: “What do you lack?”, then they will most likely answer: “I don’t know what I want.” And if outwardly a person “everything is fine”, then others say about such people - “Fat is furious”.

Often, some people, because of the realization that something is missing in life, but not understanding what exactly they want, and most importantly, the dissatisfaction of this hidden desire and need, sometimes a biologically (vitally) important need, especially if they are extroverts (sanguine people and choleric), they indulge either in extreme sports or "breaking bad" ... (introverts (melancholic and phlegmatic) - in despair, apathy and depression, accompanied by self-destructive behavior: gluttony or drunkenness, drugs, computer games, etc. addictions).

In order for a person to understand himself and understand what he lacks in life, and not to “break wood” - not to break himself and his life - you need to analyze your hidden deep needs and desires - answer yourself the question: “What do I want?”, and at the same time to the questions: “What can I do and what do I need?” ("Must" - understood as "Must").

To do this, you can use Maslow's "pyramid of needs" (Fig. above) and Berne's scenario, transactional structural analysis of emotional and psychological starvation (dissatisfaction of biologically important needs).

If you feel that something is missing in your life, then you apparently have disharmony within your personality - this is not a pathology, but it’s worth thinking about ... and it’s better to solve this psychological problem - dissatisfaction in something leads to emotional suffering ... depression , neuroses and addictions ... inappropriate behavior and

In general, a state when something is missing in a person’s life - it seems to me that this is very good. It means there are goals, it means there is a desire to move forward (as well as, most likely, the movement itself), so life has meaning, it is not in vain. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted something. I can’t even imagine how it is to sit and understand that you don’t really need anything, everything suits you, everything is the way you want, and the main concern is not to destroy the idyll around you. Perhaps this is good. But damn far from me.

All my life I wanted to achieve something. First, some very funny, simple things, then - more serious and larger. Today it seems to me that I am still cosmically far from the state when it will be possible to slow down and stop. Right now, there is a whole list of things and circumstances that need to be overcome in order for me to finally feel 100% happy. I won’t share absolutely everyone - I’ll only talk about the most pressing, topical ones, I’ll tell you loudly, publicly - let the universe hear and take note, create a request :) We often came across what they say, they say, you should talk about desires out loud and more often - so it will come true sooner :)

  • I want a car. Madly, passionately, with all my heart. Now it seems to me that this is the first and main obstacle on the way to a happy future. Spending a week in was so great! If we had our own car, nothing would stop us from rushing off in the evening after a hard week in or arranging a spontaneous outing somewhere away from Moscow, where it is quiet, calm, beautiful and good, go to our parents in the Pskov region, and then completely leave for our beloved Estonia, without being tied to the schedules of buses and trains, without paying fabulous sums for an inconvenient and slow way of transportation, not to be at ugly stations full of homeless people and asocial elements. Buying a car - in the plans for the near future. First of all, I want to establish financial affairs, bring credit cards to a stable plus and save some part of the cost of the car on my own. This will take time, from four months to six months, but it is already unbearable to endure.

  • I want Ivanka to stop working on schedule two in two. There is nothing worse than a weekend that you can’t spend with your loved one, because shift work means that Saturday and Sunday together you two will have a day off only once a month. And that is not always the case. At work, Lenivka always has some problems with shifters - someone takes a vacation, then quits, in the end, as soon as you plan a weekend together, the schedule shifts, and plans collapse. But it's so great to wake up together on Saturday, having a good night's sleep, arrange a joint breakfast and go to do all sorts of interesting things - of course, in your car :)

  • I want to move freely around the world. Damn, friends, it's so cool to be able to spontaneously wave to a neighboring civilized country. In St. Petersburg, this was partially feasible - having managed to wake up at half past six, it was possible - where it is a completely different world. Very cozy, pleasant and hospitable :) Ideally, I would like to move to other countries not only for tourism purposes, but also for workers. After all, it is a business visit, a business trip that allows you to truly plunge into the real life of another country or city. It is desirable that such business trips are not limited to a couple of days, but last a week or, better, two. In IKEA, a lot of employees lead such a life - I look at them with kind envy and hope that someday I will be as lucky as they are. I'm really trying.

  • I want to move to another country. And here it’s not even just a matter of the fact that Russia is now in a madhouse. It seems to me that to assimilate in a society that is new to you, to get used to it, to understand its interconnections - this is one of the most exciting activities that can only be in our world. You seem to relive your childhood, when the unfamiliar world around you slowly became your home. My favorite country is the United States. It has its drawbacks, but their sum, combined with the advantages, is the highest of all other alternatives. Also, I love American culture. I love their nature, society, 100% share the values ​​and ideals. For me, the USA is a dream country. Well, the most favorite territories where I would like to live are North Carolina and Northern California. However, I have visited only 10 states out of 50 so far - so the list can expand :)

  • I want to learn two more foreign languages. It seems to me more and more often that knowledge of English is absolutely not enough to consider myself a modern advanced person. It's so trite! After three years of work in foreign companies, the English language began to seem something ordinary and self-evident. Although I do not speak it as beautifully and well as I would like (in fact, I am still far from it), I have long been haunted by an incredible desire to acquire at least a basic vocabulary of German and, for example, Spanish. Or French? Now this is much more impressive.

  • I want to get my master's degree from a good western university. It seems to me that not so long ago we already discussed this Wishlist - am I right? In 2012, I decided to stop at a bachelor's degree and go into battle - to get real practical knowledge, to implement real projects in global companies that carry global expertise in their industry. This is much more useful than wasting time on unprofessional domestic universities that teach students the wrong things. So far, I have not abandoned my views - on the contrary, I have become convinced of them. But I don’t want to give up my education either - I really, really want to improve my qualifications, but it definitely should be a Western university. I lost faith in Russian. At the same time, I believe that somewhere in Europe or the USA I could get a lot of really useful knowledge that I can use to solve business problems. And not just get a meaningless crust.
The list goes on and on and on :) I am definitely still at the beginning of my journey and there is so much more to achieve! The main thing is that you have enough strength, desire and fuse to go your way to 100% happiness to the end :)

Well, now to the main thing :) What do you lack for happiness? Or are you already at the finish line, and everything is as perfect as you always wanted? Admit it, it seems to me that an interesting conversation will turn out :)

If you sleep for the usual number of hours, but you feel more tired, if you start to fall asleep during the day, if even on weekends, after sleeping, you don’t feel a surge of strength, this is an alarming bell.

Concentration problems

You carefully read the recipe, went to the refrigerator to get the right products, and realized that you did not remember half of the list? Do you often find yourself in a colleague's office but forgot what you wanted to ask? You watch a movie, but after half an hour you can't tell your friend what it's about? I run to the doctor.


This incomprehensible word means a periodically arising irresistible desire to immediately devour something inedible. Chalk, earth, sand - it doesn't matter. If you are not pregnant (in this state, such things are within the normal range), then an attractive-tasting flower bed should alert you.


She caught up with the bus, and then for half an hour she could not breathe, swallowed air, felt dizzy? Your organs simply do not have enough oxygen!


Very pale skin

Aristocratic pallor is fashionable, and there are naturally white people. It’s easy to check if there is any danger here: if after exercising in the gym or after any other physical activity your cheeks turn red, everything is in order. And if you remain marble-white - sound the alarm.

Unexplained muscle pain

Surely you are familiar with the pain that occurs after a more intense load. But with a lack of iron, these pains can occur "out of the blue." So if you spent the whole day lying on the couch, and the next morning you feel like you were unloading trucks, take a blood test.

brittle nails

Even the most stylish manicure will not help hide thin, brittle nails if you have a lack of iron in the body. It is quite dangerous if you notice depressions and spoon-shaped depressions on the nails.

Frequent infections

Low hemoglobin can cause frequent colds. Stop blaming a colleague who turns on the air conditioner and check your health!

restless leg syndrome

If you can’t sit still at the table, but constantly shift one foot to the other and back, twist them into a rope, rearrange them closer and further, think about it: this is one of the symptoms of iron deficiency!

Cold hands and feet

It's hot outside, but you still have icy hands? Can't sleep because you can't get warm? This shouldn't be!


Attention! If you smoke, your iron is almost always normal or even elevated. The reason is simple: the body, suffering from smoke, increases the production of hemoglobin. But that doesn't mean everything is ok! When exposed to nicotine, hemoglobin cells deteriorate and can no longer transport oxygen. But a blood test is not able to distinguish a working hemoglobin molecule from a non-working one, so it may have an increased level of hemoglobin, but in fact you don’t have enough! So be sure to tell your doctor that you smoke. I mean, you're quitting already, right?


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