Raising the retirement age in Russia: when to wait and which methods of raising retirement age are proposed? The retirement age in Russia with what the year will be increased retirement age.

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It's no secret that the retirement bill, raising the retirement age after all the same signed in 2018. Despite the fairly large public resonance. Without going into discussion of the reasons that prompted the power to adopt a bill on retirement age, an increase in age will affect every future pensioner. Including those citizens who have already had to become a pensioner this year. That is, men who have reached 60 years, and women who have reached 55 years.

To apply for a pension (realizing) the future pensioner himself. He carries out. And the payment is assigned to the Pension Fund of Russia. At the expense not only the state budget is replenished, but also paid pensions to the current pensioners, almost all social benefits are paid.

Pension bill, increase age for old-age insurance pensioners

The main types of the resulting pension, the appointment of which is to achieve a certain age, -, and. Determines not only, but also the size of the official wage. The formation of a cumulative pension has its own characteristics, as is the disposal of accumulation.

The age with which the law binds the possibility of registration of an old-age pension, a cumulative pension, the same. Until 2018, this age was 60 years for men and 55 years for women.

Since 2019, the retirement age has changed. But the change will pass in stages. The transition period will last until 2023. Then the retirement age will be for men 65 years old, for women - 60 years. We posted information separately.

Annual increase step - 12 months, i.e. one year. For convenience in publishing "" lawyers posted a convenient table. Some citizens will be able to take advantage of benefits. Men 1959 and 1960 birthday, women born in 1964 and 1965. Detailed information is placed ibid.

Deprecotement of retirement age, an increase in age for the appointment of a social pension

Changing the age touched not only. One of the types of pension is social. The state appoints it if a citizen has deficiently. Until 2019, the ability to receive such payment belonged to men who have reached 65 years, and women from 60 years and above.

And the bill on retirement age touched upon a social pension. Although this topic was less actively discussed in society. Nuance: Increasing age will not affect citizens, which until 01.01.2019 reached the age of 65 and 60, respectively, but did not make a pension.

From 01/01/2019 (taking into account the nuance), the state will appoint a social pension a man from 70 years (inclusive), a woman from 65 years old (inclusive). For the appointment of a pension for disability and loss of the breadwinner, the retirement age is not installed. And naturally, taking into account the gradual transition to such age.

Year in which a citizen acquires the right to retirement on state pension provision

Age, upon reaching the right to a pension on state pension provision arises




66 years old

61 year






2023 and subsequent years

Benefit: those who have from 01/01/219 to 31.12.2020. Social pension on a statement of such a pensioner can be appointed 6 months earlier to achieve retirement age.

Who did not affect the bill of retirement age, the rise did not happen

  • from among the small peoples of the North (55 and 50 years old (respectively, men and women)), permanently residing in the areas of residence of the small peoples of the North on the day of the prescription of the pension. Who and what areas there are there - the Decree of the Government of from 01.10.2015 No. 1049.
  • work on places with harmful working conditions, on underground work, in hot shops (50 years old (husband), if the experience at such a work is at least 10 years, the total experience of at least 20 years) (45 years (wives) in the presence of a special experience At least 7 years 6 months, total - 15 years). There are benefits if work experience in such places does not reach the specified minimum (Article 30 of the Law on Insurance Pensioners)
  • with severe working conditions (see paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 30 of the same Law)

And all other items Art. 30 of the Law (agriculture, underground work, etc.). All jobs are somehow connected with a harmful production factor. Therefore, preserved.

Not changed Conditions for the appointment of pension for liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant living in the zone of alienation escaped from the exclusion zone, etc., women who gave birth to 5 or more children, guardians (parents) of persons with disabilities since childhood, etc.

Thus, after global discussions on the bill of retirement age, an increase in age, fortunately, did not affect many preferential pensions.

The retirement age is different from the general established standards. This applies to the following categories of citizens:

From 2019, the Russians who have long-term work experience can early to retire. Such a base was introduced to mitigate the effects.

It should be noted that since 2017, the retirement age is gradually increasing - up to 63 and 65 years.

Pension age in Russia since 2019

From January 1, 2019, law No. 350-FZ was entered into force on 03.10.2018, according to which the retirement age, the achievement of which allows Russian to issue an old-age pension payments increased by 5 years. Now the age of retirement is 65 years old in men and 60 - in women.

  • Changes are not administered immediately, but with the transition period provided for by the transition period (from 2019 to 2023).
  • Every year, the retirement age increases for 1 year, that is, in 2019 - to 61/56, at 2020 - to 62/57 and so on.
  • Final values \u200b\u200bwill be fixed from 2023, that is, to make a retirement from this time can be only 65 and 60 years.

For those citizens who should have retired in 2019-2020, the law provided special benefits. They can issue pension payments 6 months earlier than the schedule of raising retirement age implies. Accordingly, for 2019, the increase will be only half a year, and for 2020 - a half.

The table according to which the increase in retirement age will be carried out below.

Retirement table by year since 2019

Fiberboard according to the old law (at 60/55)PV (in years)Increased PV (in years)DVP for a new law
2019 60.5 55.5 0.5 II p. 2019 / I p. 2020
2020 61.5 56.5 1.5 II p. 2021 / i paragraph 2022
2021 63 58 3 2024
2022 64 59 4 2026
2023 65 60 5 2028
2024 2029
2025 2030
2026, etc.2031, etc.

Used in the cutting table: Fiberboard - retirement date; PV - retirement age; P. - the corresponding half of the specified year.

The table indicates the secreted retirement age standards for an old-age insurance pension. For Russians who have a retirement benefits (for example, Northerners, teachers, mother-in-law, etc.), the timing of the pension will be different From those specified in the table (they will be discussed below). With a retirement schedule by year, it is possible to familiarize yourself in the article by.

Armor retirement in 2020

Pension legislation provides for some categories of citizens on various reasons:

  1. When developing a special special experience in the profession:
    • (operating in the conditions of the Far North and localities equivalent to the CS);
    • for ,.
  2. As of health or social reasons (, parents and guardians of children with disabilities, etc.).
  3. (42 years old in men and 37 years in women).
  4. Located in the employment service.

Hernity pension in 2020

Employees who have experience in severe, harmful or hazardous working conditions, legislation provides for the possibility of early retirement retirement.

Reducing retirement age for these citizens depends on:

  • their professions (from the so-called, and "small lists");
  • duration of special (harmful) experience;
  • duration of general.

The list of professions, works and working conditions, requirements for insurance and preferential experience, as well as the preferential retirement age established for these persons is indicated in paragraphs 1 - 18 h. 1 of Art. 30 and art. 31 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ " On insurance pensions».

Note that raising the retirement age since 2019 did not touch the pension for harmfulness. All requirements for insurance and special experience also remained the same. Read more about the appointment of a preferential pension for harmful and heavy working conditions can be found in a separate one.

Retirement for Northerners in 2020

For citizens living and working in the conditions of the Far North (COP) and equivalent locations (ISS), the pension is appointed early to achieve. The provisions of Article 32 of Law No. 400-FZ establish the following retirement regulations for Northerners:

Recipient categoryAge, yearsWork experience in the COP in years, not lessWork experience in the ISS in years, not lessInsurance experience in years, not less
Women with 2 and more children50 12 17 20
Men60 15 20 25
Women55 15 20 20
Men50 Permanently residing and workers in fishermen, fishing hunters25
Women45 20


The right to early old-age pensions have medical and pedagogical workers who have developed the necessary experience in the profession:

  • It is necessary to work for at least 25 years in institutions for children (paragraph 19 of Part 1 of article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ);
  • It is necessary to work at least 25 years in rural areas or 30 years in the city (paragraph 20 of Part 1 of Article 30).

Since 2019, the service standards since the years for teachers and physicians did not change, but the order of appeal to the pension was adjusted:

  • Until the end of 2018, these categories of citizens could seek the assignment of the pension immediately after developing the necessary special experience.
  • From January 1, 2019, the situation of Part 1.1 of Art was entered into force. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, according to which the date of the purpose of payments is postponed 5 years after the development of the experience.

These changes will be introduced gradually, with an annual increase in delay for 1 year. In addition, in the first 2 years (in 2019 and 2020), a mitigating amendment will be operating to the law, which allows to reduce the deferment for 6 months.

Below is a graph according to which teachers and health workers can now seek the appointment of pension payments:

Armor pension unemployed in 2020

Citizens who have lost work due to state reduction or liquidation of the enterprise And they stood up in the employment service, pension payments can be decorated early. This appointment occurs:

  • upon suggestion of the employment service and with the consent of the unemployed;
  • if it is impossible to get a new job;
  • not earlier than two years before the onset of retirement age, including on preferential grounds;
  • if there are 25 years old in men and 20 - in women, as well as the required quantity, depending on the year of retirement (for example, in 2019, 16.2 IPCs needed).

The early pension allowance is prescribed and paid in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 of 04/19/1991 "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation".

To achieve the recipients of early pensions established by the legislation as unemployed reissue a pension to an old-age insurance. More information about the design of early pensions The unemployed citizens can be found in the article by.

Who else is laid an early pension

Some categories of Russians, an old-age pension is appointed earlier than the secretified retirement age in connection with the state of health or on social motifs. The list of these citizens is listed in Art. 32 of the law " On insurance pensions" To them, for example, belong:

  1. Mother with five or more children who have elapsed them up to 8 years;
  2. Parent, guardian disabled since childhood, raising him up to 8 years;
  3. Disabled as a result of military injury, disabled persons 1 vision group;
  4. Citizens belonging to Liliputs and Dwarfs and so on.

Pension provision of these citizens is established early in the presence of a law and magnitude.

Since 2019. The list of such preferential categories of citizens was expanded - it was included. For them, a fixed retirement age is now installed:

  • 56 years old - for moms with 4 children;
  • 57 years old - For moms with 3 children.

Raising retirement age by civil servants since 2017

Since 2017, a law on raising the age of retirement has come into force. The law applies to the employees of state, municipal authorities, as well as persons engaged in political positions. According to the adopted law in this category of citizens, the right to the appointment of a retirement allowance for long service will arise:

  • in men when reaching age 65 years old, women in 63 years;
  • if there are minimal experience in the state. organs 20 years.

Raising age and minimal employment experience will occur gradually - Since 2017, they will increase annually for 6 months.

Adopted in 2018 by law No. 350-ФЗ schedule of raising retirement age for civil servants it was changed. Since 2020, the step with which the amount of age changes annually will be not half a year and 1 year. Thus, the final values \u200b\u200bwill be installed in 2026 for women and 2023 for menThat is, faster than according to the initial scheme.

My past article on raising the retirement age in Russia from our readers. Today I will try to correct!

The increase in retirement age outlined for 2020 speak constantly, by the passion for the inevitability of this event.

True, the leadership of the country soothes excited citizens, arguing that in the near future no sharp movements are planned in this direction. Olga Golodets (Deputy Prime Minister) in the middle of 2016 stated that until 2018, the age of retirement would remain unchanged.

And now 2019 it came. What to wait for residents of the Russian Federation?

The initiatives of economists of the liberal wings do not leave alone alone. At the beginning of this year, Alexey Kudrin, who heads the Center for Strategic Developments, made his own plan, proposing to begin its implementation since 2020.

The goal is to bring the retirement age to 65 (for men) / 63 (for women) years to the 30th of the 21st century. At the same time, Kudrin promises a significant increase in pensions (growth of payments by 30%) while reducing the budget expenditures.

Vladimir Mau, close to ideology to Hydara, an economist, which occupies the post of rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service, this plan supported.

The IMF also periodically encourages raising the age of retirement for residents of Russia, for the last time this appeal sounded in May of this year. At the same time, there are inevitable references to developed countries in which the population is retired significantly later than in the Russian Federation.

Each country in his own way decided the issue with the age of retirement.

CountryRetirementaverage life expectancy
67 62 82
67 67 76
66 66 82
66 66 80
65 64 83
Brazil65 60 74
South Africa60 60 57
China60 55 75
60 65 55 60 71

As can be seen from the table, the smallest costs of maintaining pensioners are observed in South Africa: just there is few people live to retirement. Swiss live longer, and although they become retirees in 65/64, they still have time to fully enjoy the deserved rest.

As for Russia, today the average life expectancy of citizens is at the level of 71.78 years, and for men it is about 66. Women, as a more enduring part of the population, live an average of 77.

Bearing in mind these indicators, in United Russia, they reacted sharply to the idea of \u200b\u200bKudrin to push the age of retirement for men to 65 years: follow the example of South Africa and "save on the dead" here do not want.

But in the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) do not object to the age cencing for men in 65 years, motivating their optimism by the fact that by 2016 they began to live longer for 7 years (if counting from 1995).

For women, by the way, in the Ministry of Finance, it is proposed to establish the same player in 65 years, although the duration of their life has grown only 5.2 years.

Discussions are going on about the weak sustainability of the pension system of the Russian Federation and its improvement methods.

The government assesses the existing pension system as unsatisfactory, and that is why:

  • it is not balanced, largely due to excessive difficulty;
  • as a result, it is financially unstable;
  • does not provide a worthy level of pensions;
  • needs to be improved.

One of the main reasons to increase the retirement age is called the deficit of the Russian Federation. The fund is constantly reaching from the budget, and this is, of course, a bad practice.

Budget savings will be short

As the main measures to reduce the costs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance offers an increase in retirement age. Moreover, it is necessary to start this procedure as early as possible.

Mintrost (Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation), for its part, declares that there is no need for this, and even more so - urgency.

The Ministry of Finance refers to transfers that have to replenish the PF of the Russian Federation. Load on the budget last year amounted to about 4% of GDP, or 3.7 trillion rubles. If we implement formula 65/63, then by the end of 2035 the volume of the transfection will decrease to 2.5% of GDP, and with option 65/65, budget savings will be more and more.

The Ministry of Labor objects that the economy effect will be observed very long, because pension payments will increase - because Kudrin promised to raise them by 30%.

And in general, it is necessary to solve issues with transfers from the budget to the PF of the Russian Federation, it is necessary by revising the non-missile obligations of the state, and not at all by increasing the age of retirement.

Recently flashed messages in the media about the upcoming increase, which is the condition of appointment. The population has risen, because in fact this reception is a veiled increase in retirement age. Mintruda officials hurried to assure that such actions are not planned, even there is no speech about them.

However, the Ministry of Finance is considered otherwise: it is necessary not only to increase the age-related pension qualifications, but at the same time it is necessary to bring a mandatory experience to 25-35 years.

True, officials are negotiated, the released funds should be sent primarily to increasing the income of pensioners. Then it would be easier for them to explain why for pensions you need to work longer.

The Kudrin focuses on this - it is better to work for 2-3 years longer, but then get a decent pension.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets expressed his opinion on the ways to increase pensions in February 2017. Do not reform constantly, it reduces confidence in it. It is simply necessary to increase the responsibility of employers for paying contributions to the PF of the Russian Federation and persistently improve the system of fees.

According to information from the PF of the Russian Federation, more serious changes should be expected.

Starting from 2019 (or, perhaps from 2020), the retirement age in Russia will still grow. Every year will stand up for a pension for 6 months:

  • men before reaching 65 years;
  • women - up to 60.

Extend and expectation of social payments by age, pushing the term for the same 6 months:

  • men before reaching 70 years;
  • women - up to 68.

These figures were voiced by Anton Drozdov, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Federation, in early September 2017.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis was expressed by President himself, V.V. Putin, at the annual press conference in 2015. He spoke of an increase in retirement age as a general trend of our time, noting the aging of the population in developed countries.

However, in Russia, as the president emphasized, the retirement age remains unchanged: 60 years for men and 55 for women.

Nevertheless, certain steps in this direction have already been undertaken. So, from 01/01/2017 Special law launched the growth process of retirement age.

For them, a plank, allowing to retire, moves annually for 6 months. The maximum value for men is 65 years old, for women - 63. That is, we see the same "Kudrinsky" 65/63.

Simultaneously with age, the minimum experience of up to 20 years is growing, pushing out from the generally accepted 15. It will reach the limit value in 2026; In 2018 it will be 16 years, in 2019 - 17, and so on.

In addition, a new version of the Pension Law is considered, which also implies an increase in retirement age.

Thus, the decision to increase the retirement age in Russia is already actually implemented, so far only point. The contours of future changes are contacted, however, careful preparation is necessary for their implementation.

When will the raising retirement age begin for everyone?

In 2019, passed, and it is clear that no one would increase the election. That is, in 2019, the men will be retired 1958 born and women of the 1963th.

HSE asked the opinion of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation about the increase in retirement age.

According to the study, 21% of respondents were expressed in his favor. This figure, unexpectedly big, convinced researchers that the population gradually gets used to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of raising the retirement age, and is humbled with it.

If you inform citizens more subject parameters, for example, to call the growth rate of pension payments, then a significant increase in the level of support should be expected. It is possible that after a certain time, after the corresponding information processing, no one will object.

As for the current pensioners, they can quietly observe the process from the side, since no innovation for their experience and retirement age will affect them.

The authorities should report on raising the retirement age in 2018, if the report of Vnesheconombank will be taken as the basis of development. This is the opinion of the deputy director of the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting Ranhigs Vladimir Nazarov.

According to the expert, raising the retirement age for Russians from 2020 is quite possible. But the population will be informed about it certainly in advance, for one and a half or two years before the time "X", that is, this year. Then to this event will be able to morally prepare people who are going to retire just in 2020.

The distance of the cherished pension plank will be gradual, for 2-3 months per year, the maximum for six months, says Nazarov. "There are several examples when the jerk was raised for a year or two years, but this is the exception. Basically, the classic is exactly six months," he explained RIA Novosti. At the same time, the expert is confident that there is no fear of increasing for more than 7-8 years.

"It seems to me, to put more ambitious goals than 62 or 63 years old, is wrong. Psychologically, society is not ready for higher ages, and do not do it, because for a woman, for example, this path (increase retirement age) will take 16 years old. And after 16 years it will be different in a different way, "Nazarov said.

On the eve of VEB published his macroeconomic forecast for the development of the country for 2018-2021. It assumes the beginning of a gradual increase in retirement age for men and women from 2020, but it is not specified, what period will take this process.

However, WEB's forecast is not the decision of the authorities. As the head of the Social Committee of the Council of Federation Valery Ryazan, the draft law on raising the retirement age, either in the government, nor in the State Duma, is not prepared, the president of the country's relevant instructions did not give anyone.


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