Congratulations on the housewarming: beautiful and funny, in verse and in your own words. Warm housewarming greetings to relatives and neighbors Comic housewarming greeting

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Have you been invited to housewarming, but don't have enough time to find a suitable greeting? Do not be discouraged, on our website you will certainly be able to find the right words of congratulations on the new home, which will not only be able to cheer you up, but will also remain in the memory of the new settlers for a long time! No way to congratulate in person? Then send awesome audio congratulations in the form of a song, a prank or a wish. It only takes a couple of minutes of your time.

Congratulations on your new home.
The apartment is just right for you.
In it, we wish you happiness
From the heart and without embellishment.
Don't have bad dreams
Do not circle overhead.
Let wealth guard
Your good brownie.

Congratulations on your new home
And we wish with all our hearts
So that in your new apartment
There was happiness and peace
Shoals, so that they are even,
And the stove was always hot.
To prevent the doors from creaking
The windows were made of glass
That there would be a lot of health
There was joy and comfort.
And sorrows and hardships
Let them go by the side
So that you live in agreement with your husband
Children were running around in the apartment
So that they respect each other -
Never offended.
There is a lot of joy in the new home
Until your very old age.

Congratulations on your new home,
We wish you all the best!
So that the floor does not fall through
The wall did not crumble
So that the doors do not creak
Three windows were intact!
So that the children hurry to the house
With joy, willingly
And the husband was good
With affection, with care!
So that relatives come
To bring gifts
So that diplomas are washed
And we were invited to visit.
So that happiness rang in the house
And comfort reigned, peace,
So that you do not know bad weather
And the fate is different, different

Our dear children,
A new step in your life -
You are much older now
And you have found your hearth.

We hope that he
It will bring a lot of happiness.
After all, this is your cozy home,
It will warm, save.

We hope later
You will have children
Your home will become more joyful
And it will become more fun for you to live.

Changing of the living place -
Almost like governments.
Of shabby apartments
To a new home - as to a new world!
Master everything from scratch,
You will discover a new world.
Meet new friends
To make your life more fun:
After all, in a new place
You will live for a long time together,
Increase happiness in the house
Call us more often.
With the move! Housewarming!
Let's meet the new world with fun!

May God grant you comfort and peace,
And the angels always stand behind.
May peace and warmth be sent to you,
Let it be light in quiet joy.
Let the heart do not hurt from difficult worries,
And old age will later risk a visit.
We wish you more children and grandchildren,
So that you do not have to be bored in your house!

Happy housewarming from the heart,
Congratulations to you friends -
Find the keys to happiness
We wish you no difficulty.
To keep the house clean
And cozy and light
For guests to gather
To make it good!
To a kind brownie -
Behind a stone wall
To get along well
On the way, good gentlemen!

Housewarming! This is the reason
Throw away unnecessary trash
Transform your home
A clean, orderly temple.
This is a reason to buy
New furniture, carpets,
With the move, you are to waste
And be prepared for expenses.
May your home become cozy
And open to guests.
New happiness, good luck
And good news!

With a new home, with a new roof
Congratulations together.
Let the walls breathe health
The floorboards do not crack.
She sleeps sweetly in the new house
And in its own way it is even tastier.
We wish you prosperity in the house,
And happy days for the residents.

Congratulations on a housewarming to a friend

My dear friend,
There is a big event in your life
I found a new home for myself,
She invited me to the opening
And therefore, with all my heart,
I will voice your congratulations,
Here you will be the mistress now,
And I know your house will be the best
You will bring cleanliness everywhere
And the order will be strict everywhere,
You made your dream come true
And there is already a little left,
So that the man is the head here,
Or rather, your legitimate husband,
So that he loves you immensely,
So that you are winged with him,
Happy new home, my friend,
And consider my wishes
Life will improve exactly yours
And all desires will come true!

The long awaited time has come
Celebrating housewarming friends!
I wish that it would come to life for you,
With a new home, warmth and fun!
I wish you to live, not to grieve,
I wanted to return to the house!
Keep warm and cozy!
So that love moves in with you!

Happy new home, friend, congratulations,
I wish you to live in abundance in a new house,
So that the floor does not fall through
To make the wall strong.
So that the doors do not creak
The view is beautiful to be from the window,
So that happiness settles in the house,
To forget the address of your bad weather.

Congratulations on the housewarming are cool

Now your turn has come.
We came to housewarming
View your property -
Accept, honest people!
Here are the mansions, so the mansions,
Everything you need for your soul:
Kitchen, bathroom with toilet,
Well, the rooms at the same time -
If you want - stop, but if you want - dance!
At least you roll on them sideways
With a turn and with a jump -
Who can not deny
Is it luxurious for you to live here?
To keep the doors from breaking
And the floors didn't dry out
Soap bath, oven cooked,
So that it was warm in the apartment.
Come on, kind mistress,
Fill our glasses.
A cup of good wine
Let's drink, brothers, we are to the bottom.

In your new square
All meters correct:
There is a room for the mother-in-law here,
Where to go before the wind
Where to smoke thoughtfully
Where to hang your laundry ...
Let it seem a little
But this is yours!
So let these meters
You are only given warmth.
Do you hear - knocking?
So happiness has come to you!

The cat is the first to enter the house,
It is followed by fun -
Let the neighbors know about
That you have a housewarming here!
Renovation completed, now here
Warm your family hearth
And comfort reigns.
Congratulations on your new home!

To the plumber on time
And the electrician came
So that you are friends with the housing office,
Housing office - to be affectionate!
Guests to come
But they also knew honor and tact,
You gave birth to a son and daughter,
And celebrated the fact!

The hut pampers,
He calls everyone for pies.
It's a bit crowded in the former house,
We need to expand the circles!
Run guests into the mansion,
Celebrate housewarming.
"With cheerful happiness, with a new home!" -
We will shout at you together!

Congratulations on your new home,
Oh, the mansions are good.
Pour it quickly, master,
Only generously, from the heart!
I wish that in the house
There was cognac on the table,
And to him there was caviar -
This is a very good sign.

So that your floor is very strong,
Not squeak, so that the bed.
To have strength in the body
You should replenish your family.

Housewarming today
And the house is full of guests
And loud fun
And various goodies.

Housewarming today
And we all hurry to you:
Let's rejoice together ...
And we'll sit with beer.

Five bottles of cognac
Seven bottles of vodka -
To warm up to us, bye
Good weather ...
And then we'll send a messenger
For champagne, whiskey:
Housewarming! - there is no end
Food delights!

The (Ivanovs) housewarming.
Everyone gathered at the table.
Jokes, laughter, joy, fun
Burst into a new house.
The hostess is tired -
So many joyful chores.
Hey, feast, pour it
The turn has come to say a toast!
So that the house is full of guests,
So that happiness reigns in him,
To live, do not grieve,
So that you can be friends with your neighbors!
To light, warm, water
There were always no problems!
In the garden so that in the garden
You were all right
And, of course, so that more -
There was a car in the garage!
That's all for this, friends,
Let's drink glasses to the bottom!

Congratulations! Housewarming -
This chaos is boundless
Moving way will break
Life is quiet and familiar.
You won't find it for a long time
A pair of scissors or spoons
Will have to fork out
On wallpaper and tracks.
But all of this, let us down
Important results:
Moving is the beginning
Fortunately, only roads!

There is nothing better in the world -
I tell you, without melting, -
Than a separate apartment
And even more so your own!
We came and sat down right away -
There is something; and glasses - here;
Congratulations on your new home!
Get along! Well, go ahead!

Congratulations on your new roof,
What's over your head
Now you live higher
A big and friendly family!
Let the apartment warm you
And so that you live well,
And let everyone now go crazy,
We drink wine during the housewarming!

Beautiful congratulations on the housewarming

Probably the main thing in life is family,
Candle fire and secluded dialogue ...
To hear in the morning: "I love you! ..",
And at night dissolve in languid passion ...

Probably the main thing in life is comfort,
And children's laughter, and a sense of happiness ...
When you know what is expected today!
There is a shelter where you can wait out the bad weather.

It is also important to understand in life!
Do not step on the rake of everyday life again!
Do not change horses on the crossing!
And to the end be a man of his word!

And value your strength!
Do not waste on government trifles ...
Have a great desire to live!
To spite the enemies! For the glory of all lovers!

I'm for your housewarming
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, cheerfulness, luck,
May your dreams come true!
The coolest setting
Peace in the house and warmth,
To make your life beautiful
Was the most joyful!
A lot of money, more laughter
After all, without them, a house is not a house
And, of course, success
And fun at the table!

Happy new home, dear!
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!
In your new home, you are in luck!
We wish you comfort and family warmth,
Let them go calmly, peacefully, all household matters!
Let there be prosperity in the house
It smells like pies, let it!
Let friends come to visit
And to yourself, let them wait too!
We wish you, friends!
So that there is always order!
To be friends with neighbors,
We lived peacefully as neighbors!
Let there be laughter in the apartment
There is enough space, even if for everyone!
We wish you, according to all beliefs,
Let the cat in, check the house!
You, dear ones, with Novoseli!
Live happily! We wish you well-being in everything!

Congratulations on the housewarming short

Housewarming is a magical holiday
You are the owners of the apartment now,
It's a sunny day and beautiful
And let happiness come at your door!

Housewarming on a grand scale,
After all, this holiday is worth it
Be happy, you, your children,
All the best to you!

May your house be fed with prosperity,
And joy and happiness.
And further:
May it always be sweet in your mouth,
In the eyes - tearlessly, in the heart - hot

What is housewarming?
It's a hit in the middle of the news!
Treats, fun
And full of guests.

Housewarming! May all kind
Your house is filling up -
Happiness is fabulously huge
And comfort and warmth!

Friday is not Monday
The easiest day to rise
Congratulations on your new home,
We'll come in tonight!

The whole day, like in a carousel,
Moving to a new home
And simpler - with a housewarming,
How to get settled - let's go in!

With a new place, with a housewarming party!
With new happiness on a new day!
And let in the heat of fun
There will be no laziness to bother.

May we always live together
More fun in a new place.
And health to you, and harmony,
And a pleasant way
And successful alterations
And sincere gatherings.

Finally we waited
Your housewarming,
And now we congratulate you
And let's start the fun!

In housewarming, I wish:
Let your house be modest
There will always be light
Warm and secluded!

A delightful moment
Long-awaited and wonderful!
Let the century be in a new place
Life will be interesting!

A new home will warm
Hide from bad weather
Let the housewarming
Happiness comes to the house!

Housewarming will bring
Lots of tiny worries
Let them all dissolve
And dreams will come true!

We celebrate housewarming
Fun and friendly
First year in a new apartment
You need to meet with laughter!

Housewarming! Let the neighbors
They will welcome you
Let it get better now
Life is incredible!

Full bowl house
Let your fill
And a shared dream
Each one will come true!

You set a dream as a goal,
And they put a lot of effort into it,
And so, congratulations on the housewarming
In a hurry, you deserve it!

Congratulations on the housewarming in your own words

What does home comfort consist of? From stylish interior design? Order and cleanliness? Do you have delicious meals and cookies in the kitchen? The presence of a cat on the couch? Now you have to find out everything personally, because you have moved to a new house and we have come to you for a housewarming! Congratulations! And we, as people who know you very well, are absolutely sure that your home will be comfortable! And we wish you to live happily in it! To live in prosperity and tranquility, joy and abundance ... Let the holiday look into it more often, but if it's everyday life ... Then let them be light and pleasant for future memories! And the cat, let it not scratch the furniture and purr more often!

Congratulations on buying your own home! You are great fellows, you can imagine what kind of work it took you to achieve this! Let the new home more than pay off the time and effort invested in it! A cozy and measured life for you! Let the house always be warm and light, no matter what the weather is outside!

The neighbor asked the neighbor for a shovel, but he did not give him. Another neighbor asked him for a knife, but he refused this neighbor too. The third asked for a loan of five rubles. The neighbor thought here: “Too much concern from the neighbors! I'll go to the forest and live there. " As he said, so he did. Time passed, and somehow he himself needed a needle - to sew a bag. The man immediately remembered that his neighbor had such a needle, but the village is now far away. In the end, the man decided that, apparently, he could not do without neighbors. Let us wish once again the new settlers a good neighbor, because he often comes to the rescue, sometimes faster than his relatives.

They say that it is good where we are not. In fact, it is good where there is a House. "Home" is one of the warmest words. Let your House always be warm, cozy, quiet and light. Let him rejoice looking at you, at your real home happiness!

A sage said that a good house, a good wife, and a good dress make our life longer. And on this day, the day of housewarming, we are glad to congratulate the owner on the completion of this triad - a good home, a good wife and a good dress. Let this cozy modern apartment be a kind home for you! May it dispose your hearts to joy and peace and provide a safe haven in the midst of a hectic life!

One night, a fairly drunk man came to his house with a friend, when all the members of his family were already asleep. Well, as usual, he began to show him the apartment:
“This is my living room, and this is the bedroom, this is our marital bed. Here is my wife sleeping on it, and this is next to her - I ...
I want to drink to ensure that you always correctly navigate the layout of your apartment.

Sometimes life changes are difficult for us. We doubt, hesitate, or are afraid to change our way of life. Your housewarming is a big change for the better. You walked to her for a long time, tuned in and waited for this moment. You have overcome thousands of difficulties and obstacles. Let your patience pay off a hundredfold with happiness, love and health in your new home!

When a new mistress appears in a new house, it can change dramatically. Knowing you, the new owner of this home, I am sure that tremendous changes are coming: soon you will turn it into a cozy nest, where every thing knows its place. I wish you with pleasure to realize your rights as a happy hostess and make your home the most beloved place in life!

Housewarming is a grandiose holiday. In terms of importance, it can only be compared with a wedding and the birth of a child. In general, these are interconnected things. Wedding, children, housing. The family needs to live somewhere. Therefore, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday. Live in harmony and fun. Let children's laughter always be heard in your house and smell deliciously of all sorts of homemade goodies. I wish you pleasant neighbors and really comfortable living conditions. Let the guests, even if they are not invited, come to you with an open heart and good intentions. Housewarming!

What can I say? - Dreams Come True! For many years you have dreamed of your house, where there will be no neighbors behind the wall and above the floor. Now you are the rightful owners of not only square meters, but also several acres of land. I wish you to spend the best years of your life in this wonderful home, not knowing the troubles and everyday disorder. Let this house become for you both a cozy nest and an impregnable family fortress.

Dear Sasha and Masha, from the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on a grandiose holiday - housewarming! Housing is not just walls and a roof over your head. This is a personal, intimate space where you can forget about problems and bad weather outside the window. This is your own world. Other people can enter this world only by invitation and then for a short time. Today we are with pleasure in your world to share with you the joy of a very expensive acquisition. Let this acquisition become an affectionate haven for you. Let the warm light of hope, love and understanding always burn in the windows.

Sunny day, dear guests and friends of the blog "With a gift!" Congratulations on the housewarming are comic, housewarming gift ideas are in my little arsenal for you now.

Housewarming is a great excuse to present unusual, or. But we are used to giving the necessary presents interesting ?!

Such a fuss is always pleasant when a corner appears, a place where you want to return, that mini world in which people love and wait, a house that can and should be arranged at your discretion.

Congratulations on the housewarming comic

For you ideas of how you can "Hurray!" present gifts to the owners of the new roof and walls. On such a day as housewarming, there is no place for boring faces, so even if you have comic congratulations on the housewarming.

Idea 1. Guest theater "How was the preparation for the housewarming going ..."


Husband "Oh, life is good!"

Wife "Well, finally!"

Washing vacuum cleaner "It will be clean!"

Hammer "Knock-knock, Bam!"

Shelf "When Will It All End?"

Fruit "Recharging with vitamins"

Alcoholic "We only increase the degree"

Guests "With a new home!"

“Long-awaited housewarming! Husband and wife are actively preparing to meet relatives and close friends. In this connection, and husband, and wife, armed with the essentials, they create coziness in their brand new apartment, having already run through all the rooms more than once. Wife rolls out washing vacuum cleaner to make another march through the apartment. Before with a slight movement wife pulls the cord washing vacuum cleaner and inserts the plug into the outlet, checks the operation of the brush, then fills the reservoir with water and presses the start button. Washing vacuum cleaner a big, responsible person proudly goes through all the hard-to-reach places of the room, working reliably, without noise. Washing vacuum cleaner brightens the floor and carpets with shine. Wife understands all the details in no time washing vacuum cleaner by putting them in the pantry. Husband busy renovating the hallway, hammer and a shelf waiting in the wings. Hammer heavy, strong, doing everything as it should. A shelf not given immediately, hammer breaks down husband. Husband in a fit of rage, takes a long "la", jumping on one leg. After collecting will in a fist and clearly strengthens shelf to the wall. Wife fussing in the kitchen, actively flashing fruit, crumbles salads and bakes hot. Husband puts on the table liquor... And then the doorbell rang "Ding di lin!" Wife to husband: “It seems to be guests!». Guests groan looking at the wall of the new apartment, give gifts to the owners (you can give a prepared present), then actively fold bags on shelf and run to the table. Wife suggests starting with fruit... Husband spills liquor. Guests raise their glasses. Pleasant congratulations are heard, because the reason for the meeting is the most pleasant. Guests happy, the owners are happy. Once again with a housewarming! "

Such scenes defuse the atmosphere, the invitees become active participants in the holiday, as a rule, this kind of entertainment is fun, remembered and remembered at any opportunity.

Idea 2. Brownie

There are different signs associated with housewarming, many know about the tradition that the cat should enter the house first. However, modern new settlers believe that the main thing is to put an internet cable into the house. I am in favor of having a defender in the house: a brownie. A brownie is an interior decoration, assistant, little friend, amulet ... a souvenir that will become a good gift for those who have managed to expand their homes or have bought something of their own for the first time. Such a present can be found in the store or contact Daria. I have already introduced you to her work, for those who are not familiar, you can read articles and. And now for you a small overview, we look:

Very kind, soft, created on the basis of nylon and padding polyester with the dexterous hands of Daria housewives. Do you like it? You can purchase by contacting the author on VKontakte, click here... The brownie will be a nice addition to the main gift, I think, but what do you think?

By the way, there may be several basic gifts, about this in the article.

Idea 3. Money

I want to say that money is always, like a magic wand, a necessary gift that can be presented in an interesting way. Congratulations for a housewarming comic in the form of a poem for you below:

How hard it was for us to decide

What should I give you for a housewarming?

Dishes, furniture, a pack of money ...

What will bring good luck to your home?

Horseshoe, cat or brownie ...

Or maybe you need a big rest?

We came together only on one thing:

What if the house is full of money

Then our congratulations will definitely become relevant

There will certainly be a decision where to spend bucks in a moment!

Where to invest, what to buy,

Lend, salt, pickle or dry ...

Perhaps, take the decision of the "grandma" to postpone,

To start saving for a new house again!

That's all, see you soon!

Moving to a new place of residence is a grandiose event that is usually celebrated in our country on a large scale. After all, when a family or even a single person acquires an apartment or a house, it becomes a great joy both for themselves and for their environment. Such an event is celebrated, as a rule, in a new home in a large circle of relatives and friends. If you are invited to a housewarming party as a guest, think in advance about what you will give the happy newcomers and how to congratulate them on this grandiose holiday.

How can you congratulate you on your new home?

Going to, you should prepare in advance. However, this preparation is not only about buying a gift, it is also important to choose warm words that will please the heroes of the occasion... Presenting gifts to new settlers can be played up with poetry with a touch of irony. You can also hold contests, funny lotteries or even play a few comic scenes at this holiday.

What should you first of all pay attention to when preparing congratulations on a housewarming party?

How to congratulate on a housewarming in a comic form - in poetry or prose?

The choice of a housewarming gift should be taken seriously. The point is that it should be useful and necessary. After all, a trinket that will gather dust in the farthest corner of the apartment will not bring any benefit or pleasure. It is also important to give the gift correctly. In no case do not give it away silently with an unemotional expression on your face. Choose nice and warm words or present a gift in a humorous way... This can be done using a special congratulatory text in verse or prose.

Presentation of household appliances

If your financial situation allows, present the heroes of the occasion with something from household appliances. Such a gift will clearly come in handy in a new apartment.

True, before that, you should find out in advance if they have the thing that you are going to buy, otherwise the gift will simply become unnecessary.

To present household appliances that will help the hostess in cooking, you can use the following words: “A woman is not a dishwasher,” says one well-known advertisement. She is also not a cleaning lady or a laundress, but she is an excellent culinary specialist. We hope that our gift will become an irreplaceable helper for the hostess, who will continue to delight us with her culinary masterpieces, but will spend much less time on it. " You can hand over large household appliances for a housewarming, for example a washing machine, using the following verses:

Congratulations on your new home, dear ones, you

And we will present the washing machine at the same hour.

Washing with a basin and tongs is a long time ago,

Well, the miracle unit is not too lazy to wash the whole day!

The microwave oven will be a great housewarming present. It can be handed over to both family people and those who live alone.

You can present a microwave oven as a gift with the following words:

Congratulations on your new home today,

It was embarrassing to come without a gift.

And so we solemnly present

Wonderful microwave for you.

After all, cooking is so tiresome at times,

Well, the dishes should be hot.

We wish you only happiness in your new home!

Take the microwave as a gift!

Delivery of bed linen

You can buy a set of beautiful bed linen for new settlers. This thing will come in handy in every home. Well, you can give it in a comic form using the following words: “In a new house, according to the old tradition, it is customary to buy everything new, for example, a broom, towels and other common items, because housewarming is an excellent reason to start life from scratch, forgetting old grievances and problems. We thought that you hardly bothered that you would have new dreams in this dwelling, so we are presenting you with this small gift. Enjoy your dreams and good luck in your new place! "

Presentation of wine glasses

You can donate a set of glasses for cognac for housewarming. Indeed, in the life of every family there are a lot of holidays, which are usually celebrated in a large company, which means that such a gift will definitely come in handy. Well, you can give it with the help of such a comic congratulation: “Of course, everyone knows that alcohol is very harmful. But this is only if you use it without measure, but a measure is a unit of measurement in old Russia, equal to about 16 liters. Therefore, from these glasses you can drink as much as you like, and it will still be very far from measure. We solemnly present you with these wine glasses and wish that there were as many reasons for meetings in your new home as possible! "

Do not forget also that the gift must be chosen with taste. If you do not know what to present to happy newcomers, try to carefully find out what they would like to receive and what they need.

well and if you are invited to a housewarming by close people, ask them about the gift directly... Perhaps there is some item that will definitely come in handy on the farm, but they cannot yet afford to purchase it.

Comic scene congratulations on a housewarming

Presenting a gift or simply congratulating you on a housewarming party can be played up in the form of a comic scene. This will surely cheer up both the guests gathered at the holiday and the happy newcomers. Here is a script for a funny comic scene with which you can please the heroes of the occasion:

Restless brownie

In order to play out this costume scene, you need two participants and an agreement with the guests that they will gather at the entrance to the new dwelling at the same time. It is not difficult to get the costumes required for this scene - you can buy them in a specialty store or rent them. Moreover, you can make outfits for this production yourself... Particular attention should also be paid to makeup. A brownie can smear himself with soot, ruffle his hair and draw freckles, and a cat can draw a nose and a mustache. The brownie and the owners, according to the script, must meet the guests at the entrance to the apartment or house. The cat needs to hide until a certain moment. For the owners, you need to prepare a couple of suitcases, pretending that they cannot enter the apartment because of the brownie. Brownie: A large number of guests came to us from various volosts. Why are you all gathered here? Ali got confused? Maybe the goblin drove you through the swamps? Did you feed fly agarics, toadstools? Did he accidentally bring this to the house, where a large rich table had been laid for a long time? Well, answer! Guests: We came to housewarming!

Not sure how you can? Take advantage of our ideas! What are the benefits of creative birthday gifts? the answer to this question is in our article. On the next page, you can choose the option you like for a gift for your husband for your wedding anniversary.

Share it in full, be sure to show how happy you are because this family has finally acquired a new home, and be sure to include warm and kind words in your congratulations!

Housewarming is one of those events that simply needs to be celebrated in order to live comfortably, cheerfully and better in the new place than in the old one. And it doesn't matter where to move - to a brand new, just bought apartment in the city center, to a rented apartment, out of town or to a room in a hostel: new housing = new life.


There is such a tradition, new settlers invite friends, colleagues, relatives and other close people to a new place, who, in turn, who could be useful to them in everyday life and certainly congratulate them on their new home! Someone says congratulations in their own words, someone in verses, someone focuses on jokes ... has collected for you the best congratulations on a housewarming party, where everyone can find an option to their liking.

Neighbors should definitely congratulate new tenants! Don't forget to stock up on useful gifts and warm words for. Now a positive attitude and a charge of good emotions will help them a lot.

Congratulations on the housewarming comic and funny

The hut pampers,

He calls everyone for pies.

It's a bit crowded in the former house,

We need to expand the circles!

Run guests into the mansion,

Celebrate housewarming.

"With cheerful happiness, with a new home!" -

We will shout at you together!

Oh, the mansions are good.

Pour it quickly, master,

Only generously, from the heart!

I wish that in the house

There was cognac on the table,

And to him there was caviar -

This is a very good sign.

So that your floor is very strong,

Not squeak, so that the bed.

To have strength in the body

You should replenish your family.

Forget shitty life -

The gloomy world of slum apartments:

We moved into a new apartment -

The English say:

"My home is my castle".

Only this is in vain

This is absurdity!

Let there be your doors

Open to guests

For loved ones, for neighbors,

For good news!

Let there be all windows

Opened to the light

For the rainbow and the sun

And for the coolness of the wind!

And only from troubles and thunderstorms

Protect your home

So that there are no tears in him,

So that a kind brownie,

And strong locks

And reliable ceilings

And the family hearth

They brought many benefits to the house,

Protected from misfortunes

And they were the key to happiness!

Congratulations on the housewarming short

Dear newcomers!

Let life be bright and cheerful

Your new home will be!

Be happy ... terribly!

Let the loan and mortgage

Your starry day will not eclipse!

Let it become a Mecca

Happiness beckons like a magnet!


Let him come to your holiday!

He will give gold poods,

So that life is great here!

May happiness enter your house

May life be full of success

Let it be easy for you with laughter

And love is warm all around!

I bless the housewarming

Where is your idol home

You endured - and with him the fun,

Free labor and a sweet world.


In general, with the housewarming!

Let there be more such events

When everything sings joyfully

We'll have a strong drink for housewarming,

And the cat will enter the door first!

Happy housewarming day
We came to you for a reason.
Traditionally, they wanted
Bring a cat to your house.

No cat, only a cat was found
But on the other hand, such beauty
That even eclipsed the sun.
How good the mustache is!

Do not be alarmed in vain
Our cat is good:
She does not eat feline food,
And she doesn't need a tray.

Our cat can be in the wall
Stand for a very long time.
Don't forget sometimes
Just wipe the dust off it.


Congratulations on your new home,
Moving to a new home.
Let abundance and fun
He will always be full!

Don't let the brownie scare
You will be comfortable living
Let the neighbors respect
All will be friends with you!

Only happiness, only joy
Let him live in your house.
Peace, comfort, abundance, sweetness
Let the move bring!



Congratulations on your new home -
Happy this long awaited day!
Let it be filled with fun
Your cozy light home.

May the walls help in it,
And the hearth is always on fire.
To attract the house of happiness
And good luck like a magnet!


Congratulations on your new home
We've come to your new home
We wish happiness
Immediately settled in it.

Let it become a full cup
And open to friends
Let it be your fortress
Stepfather's home for children.

We wish these walls
We are comfort and warmth
Good luck to you, owners,
In a life of happiness and goodness.

Housewarming wishes


I congratulate you. Comfort and peace.
May your apartment always be
Cozy, desired and neat for you,
To make it pleasant for you to be in it.

Let it have air and clean and harmless.
I wish you helpful, lovely neighbors.
Sunrises, beautiful nights in this house
And all sorts of sweet souls, bells and whistles.

Don't let heaps of rubbish accumulate here.
And the best furniture, and the best crockery.
Let joy reign here, warmth and joy.
Peace to your home, and you - with the housewarming.


You have set a dream as a goal,
And they put a lot of effort into it,
And so, congratulations on the housewarming
In a hurry, you deserve it!

Now you have a home
And this is very true!
Not removable someone there, but your own,
You will be happy to live in it!

May your repair be successful,
Let comfort reign in the house
To make your life carefree
Looks like a wonderful paradise!


Congratulations on your new home.
At home - frequent fun
Many luck, wealth,
Human happiness.

Let there be no quarrels in the house,
No sorrow, no worries.
May it always smell delicious in it,
It will never be sad.

Receive guests -
Loyal, loyal friends.
May life in new housing
It will become three times more joyful.


Your home is always beautiful
I wish you comfort and warmth!
After all, this is very important in our life:
Have four brand new corners!

Live always amicably and happily
In harmony, and, of course, in peace!
I wish you good and positive
In a wonderful, wonderful apartment!


Let the verse be like a virtual cat
He brings one good luck to the house.
Let's raise a toast for housewarming
So we'll embrace Novoselov.
Guys, live brightly here,
And most importantly, you will save
Magic light in your house,
Let the image not be in it.
Dreams lead to home doors.
Joy, happiness, kindness.,
Coziness and warmth to you!

Comic SMS congratulations on the housewarming


They let the cat through the threshold,
The renovation is over, everything is glistening
And the Internet has already been connected.
Now you can live royally!

May there be peace in your home
Let the laughter sound here.
And let the guests come more often
For a glass of tea for the new settlers.


We came to your apartment,
Have not seen more beautiful.
Everything is cozy and beautiful
So that you live happily!

Congratulations on your new home,
We wish you warmth in the house.
Laughter, joy, accomplishments,
Life so that without grief.


Congratulations on your new home.
A very cool new home!
We wish you happiness in the house
So that you live comfortably in it!

For the walls to help
From quarrels and adversity,
To reliably protect
If suddenly trouble comes!

To make the house a full bowl
He generously received guests
Life was becoming more beautiful
Everything was warmer in the house!


Bright rooms, a bathtub that you need,
The kitchen is large and the hall is anywhere -
This is a worthy reward for you,
The fruit of daily hard work!

Let them live in the apartment with you
Happiness, luck, warmth and love,
The house is filled with guests on the Holiday.
Lots of gifts and lots of flowers!

Let a blizzard remain behind the threshold
Cold winds will not enter the house,
Faith, hope - dear friends -
They live here forever with love!


The doors are open to the new house
Housewarming is now in it.
I congratulate you with love
With this very important day.

A fortress Let your home be
Let it be cozy in it.
Enjoy every moment
New, fabulous housing.

Original congratulations on the housewarming


I congratulate you on your new home,
I wish you happiness in the new house
Friendship and love for many years
So that you live without knowing troubles!

A new home and life will go differently
May good luck always accompany
Your home will be filled with joy
Happiness lives forever in him!

Every room is cozy and warm
Yes, with joy and light on a cloudy day,
To your house and peace, and grace,
Live in it for many years and prosper!


Congratulations on your new home,
Let happiness live with you
And let love help
And let him lead through life.

Let your house smell of comfort
With gentle light and warmth
May it be sweet at home
And you feel comfortable in everything.


Congratulations on your new home,
Happy this long awaited day
And I wish that with a bowl,
Your home was full of happiness.

Kindness, warmth, comfort
There are walls in the house to breathe
I wish for the family
So that they become relatives.

I wish happiness
Moved in with you,
Children's laughter, love and joy,
So that your home will not be left.


Housewarming is a joyful date
Rich in expectation of the best,
A new home and happiness on the doorstep
Here is your shelter after all the roads!

Let your house fill like a bowl
Your love and joy will be in it,
And smiles bloom in the house
Tears, let your house not know the image!

There will be comfort and grace here,
Talk about something, dream,
And love each other and cherish,
Guard your home from bad things!


This is a holiday indeed
You have moved into a new home!
Congratulations on your new home!
Congratulations on your celebration!

We sincerely wish peace
And smiles all year round.
Let the new apartment
Only happiness will bring.

Funny poems for housewarming


Congratulations on an important day -
You have a new house today.
The sun shines through your window
And the guests are greeted by a cat.

Congratulations on your new home,
We wish you to live richly,
To live and not know sadness
And invite guests more often.


I congratulate you on your new home and sincerely wish you peace and tranquility at home, happiness and love, home comfort and light welfare, great mood and positive emotions, cheerful meetings and holidays at a large table.


Lots of laughter and fun
Few life worries
To live in a new place,
Without sorrows and worries.

Let the hearth burn brightly
Your joy will fill the house,
And the moment of repair,
Will be like a sweet dream.

To make your home comfortable,
Doors are open for guests
Congratulations on your new home,
Be happy now!


Housewarming, vanity ...
Someone carries a cat as a gift,
Someone spoons, cooks,
Someone is a chair, antlers.
Only the main thing is not
That the house is full of things.
The main thing is love
I wish you again
Joyful weather in the house
For all months and years!


Congratulations on your new home,
And I wish you well!
And of course, so that the roof,
It didn't flow in your house.

So that there is water in the taps,
Well, the rats, whatever.
To live and love you,
' I've been looking for "years, not knowing Troubles!

I wish you the weather
Lovely outside the window.
And to spoil nature -
That will warm sweet home!

Cool congratulations on the housewarming


Finally for you too
It's a happy time.
You bought a new home,
We wish you happiness in it.

Open the door wider
Rather, you are in your apartment,
Let the brownie enter you
And he will bring comfort with him.

He will drive away your sadness
Let them guard your house.
There will be a feast and noise with fun.
Dear ones, happy new home!


We congratulate you on your new home
Today we are in a hurry
And wish life calm
And warmth from the bottom of my heart
So that you live comfortably, peacefully,
So that the brownie does not spoil
So that he behaves quietly
And he added happiness in the house.
We wish to live in love, harmony
And everyday life is easy to establish,
So that even small bad weather
You were bypassed.


In your new square
All meters correct:
There is a room for the mother-in-law here,
Where to go before the wind
Where to smoke thoughtfully
Where to hang your laundry ...
Let it seem - a little
But this is yours!
So let these meters
You are given only warmth.
Do you hear - knocking?
So happiness has come to you!


Let it meet you within these walls
The beginning of a new life
May joy await in all corners
Under this nice roof
Let the window smile
The doors are laughing softly,
And together with you at the same time
They believe in great happiness!

SMS congratulations on a housewarming in verse


New settlers, new settlers,
You are now a cheerful people,
Like a beautiful painting -
Your new apartment.

Congratulations on your new home,
We wish you a pure aura
To always have native walls
You were warmed with comfort.


Congratulations on your new home
And I wish you a lot of happiness
To have stubborn fun
Has not left the threshold.

To multiply wealth
And comfort has always reigned
For joy and order
Been here for all years!


Congratulations on your new home. Let the new place live happily and cheerfully, happily and calmly. I wish you bright comfort and high prosperity, Happy holidays and happy events, good news and good guests.


Hooray! It happened, congratulations,
You have a housewarming party today!
I wish you prosperity in the house,
Only joy and fun await you!

May all plans and dreams
They will be embodied in the new house!
I wish you peace, kindness,
So that you can swim in happiness!


So you have your own nest,
From a dream, a new home has become a reality.
Congratulations on your new home and we want to say
That you need to take tenants to yourself:
Happiness, joy and good luck, and also good
And prosperity to them in addition to be lucky in everything.

Housewarming Poems


Great reason, no doubt
Your own home, a dream from dreams,
Today is a housewarming holiday,
The issue is resolved and the mountains are off the shoulders.

Let the construction triumph only in the house,
Peace, comfort and grace.
Luck will kiss you hard.
And get only the best from life.


Housewarming in your house,
And in a beautiful monastery
Live in abundance.

Let only radiant laughter sound
The conversation is cheerful, kind,
Never enter you
Let sorrow and anxiety.

Well let you live
Amicably, peacefully and with a twinkle,
Let the sun shine radiantly
By all means outside the window.


Housewarming is a holiday for both soul and body,
This is the completion of the work begun,
You worked, tried to build a house,
It's worth working for the sake of beauty and comfort!

May you live calmly, joyfully, happily,
To make it pleasant in the house, clean and beautiful,
So that everyone loves each other, understands with their hearts,
They knew nothing but joy and happiness!


Let your house be filled with friends
They will rejoice together with you
All relatives, friends, neighbors,
And everyone will come to the housewarming!

Let the house be cozy, warm
So that everyone is good in him,
So that music and poetry sounds,
In the morning the roosters woke up!

Let the bird of happiness nest with you,
The heart both sings and rejoices
A new home will be a full bowl,
Everyone lives together, peacefully in it!


Congratulations on your new home. May peace, kindness, wealth and mutual understanding always live in your new home. May all your dreams come true, and you will live happily under this blessed roof for many tens of happy, cloudless years. Let your new home become your reliable stronghold and fortress, into which evil and envy will never penetrate.


Housewarming is a new home!
A new beginning!
He will become a full cup -
For everything to be enough!

Let the guests be cheerful
He welcomes in full!
Warm and comfortable
Let it always be!

Happy new home, friends!
With a warm hearth!
May only happiness bring
New, bright house!


Joy and fun are everywhere:
Children and adults full house.
Today is your housewarming,
And we drink to him together!

May God protect your family life,
Goodness multiplies
And in your home without a doubt
It will be cozy and warm!


You did not work in vain
Happy new home, friends!
The best apartments -
Its square meters.

We need to settle them down,
Arrange furniture beautifully.
To always have happiness:
We must let the cat in there.

Do not forget about the tables,
So that they are not small
For appetizers, salads, wine,
To celebrate late!


Congratulating you on your new home,
We wish that in this house
They smiled, sang with happiness,
For many years, both winter and summer!

So that work in him is always a joy,
And prosperity is a common thing!
To want to live in it "must",
And to love - both soul and body!


Congratulations on your new home!
May success and luck to you,
And good luck, and no troubles
Hold out for many years!

The cup will be full in the house,
And your love multiplies
And kinder neighbors,
And the kids as soon as possible.

Many holidays, flowers,
And smiles and cakes.
We were glad to congratulate you,
And you have to drink for this!


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