Workshop workshop for educators "modern health-preserving technologies at dhow". Workshop "active forms of interaction with parents for the health preservation of preschoolers"

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« Health-saving technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions»

The date of the: 15.03.2017

Leading: teacher Larina I.A.

Participants: teachers MBDOU No. 14 "Teremok"

Equipment and material:projector, screen for a projector, media presentation "Health-saving technologies"; " Breathing exercises»; « wonderful bag "- 2 pieces; small mirrors; whistle; multi-colored circles for a magnetic board - (red, yellow, blue, black), a circle-head of a caterpillar magnetic board, an image of a clearing on a sheet of Whatman paper.

Target: transfer of experience in the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions; optimization of work on the use of a variety of technologies for development motor activity and health promotion of preschoolers.


1. To improve the knowledge and skills of educators about health-preserving technologies.

2. Arouse interest in innovative health-saving technologies, increase the professional competence of teachers.

3. Create conditions for the inclusion of all participants in active activities.

4. Create a positive emotional attitude.

Workshop plan

  1. Psychological attitude.
  2. Definition of the concepts "Health", "Healthy lifestyle", "Health-saving technology".
  1. Play massage
  2. Game relay
  3. Breathing exercises

III block of the seminar - final


Seminar progress

I block of the seminar - theoretical

« Healthy person- the most precious work of nature "

(Thomas Carlyle)

Leading: Dear colleagues! Probably, each of us dreamed in childhood to find a treasure or to own a treasure. I have a wonderful pouch, and it contains an item that can show you a real treasure. Want to know what it is? (participants take small mirrors from a wonderful bag).

Now you will see the most precious thing in the world. Now you can look in the mirror. Have you all seen the most precious thing? What is this?(responses from participants)

Well done! The most precious thing is yourself. I suggest you smile at yourself, pat yourself on the head and say: "I am beautiful, I am wonderful!" You yourself, your health and the health of our children are our treasure!

Put your mirrors next to you, they will come in handy for us.

I suggest that each teacher formulate a definition of the concept of "Health" and give his own understanding of this definition.

During the speeches, the presenter fixes the proposed options, noting the common and the different in the definitions. The leader of the seminar gives several definitions of the concept, accepted in the scientific world:

  1. "Health" - the natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with environment and the absence of any painful changes.(Great Soviet Encyclopedia)
  2. "Health" is a normal state, the correct functioning of an immobile organism.(Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary)
  3. "Health" is a state of goal-setting life activity that reproduces the psychophysiological need for the voluntary.(Dictionary of psychological concepts)
  4. "Health" - the absence of diseases, physical defects, complete mental, social, moral and physiological well-being.(WHO)

Educators discuss and choose the definitions that most fully reveal the concept of "Health". Based on the chosen definition, teachers are invited to formulate the concept of "Healthy lifestyle".

"Healthy lifestyle" is an active activity of people aimed at maintaining and improving their own health.

Similarly, work is underway on the concept of "Health-saving technology".

“Health-preserving technology” is a system of measures that includes the interconnection and interaction of all factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the child's health at all stages of his education and development.

Demonstration of a multimedia presentation: "Health-saving technologies"

Leading: I think you will agree with me that one of the most important components of health is physical activity. This topic is especially relevant now, in the age of computerization, when our children, and we ourselves, spend more and more time not in motion, but sitting at computers, as a result of which posture disorders and many other health problems appear.

What kind modern methods will ensure the physical development and physical activity of the child, what technologies are effective in strengthening and maintaining the psychophysiological health of children - these problems are facing many teachers today.

Preschool age is the most important stage in the formation of physical and mental health... Up to 7 years, a person goes through a huge path of development, unrepeatable throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, an attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

Preschool teachers use a variety of different shapes and types of health-preserving technologies aimed at maintaining and improving the health of children. The main purpose of these technologies is aim teachers, specialists kindergarten, parents and most importantly - the children themselves to maintain and strengthen their health.

The goal of health-preserving educational technologies is to create conditions for maintaining health, to convey to children the necessary knowledge on a healthy lifestyle, to teach how to use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life.

In our institution, conditions are created for the preservation and strengthening of the health and development of children, the main of which are:

Compliance with a daily regimen that promotes harmonious physical and full-fledged mental development, providing for a variety of activities throughout the day in accordance with interests and needs, taking into account the time of year, the age of children, as well as their state of health;

Creation of emotional comfort and good psychological well-being of children in the process of communication in kindergarten;

Implementation of a personality-oriented approach to children;

Building the educational process in game form using different types activities;

Implementation of hardening and health-improving activities;

Renewal and replenishment of the zone of physical activity (physical training equipment, sports toys), health paths, etc.

All this work is carried out in a comprehensive manner, throughout the day and with the participation of all preschool educational institutions: educators, music director, psychologist, nurses, a physical development instructor.

As participants in this process, we pay Special attention teaching preschoolers the skills of a healthy lifestyle, putting into practice the implementation of different methods and techniques for maintaining and strengthening health.

Health-saving technologies are used in various types of activities, they can be divided into:

Health preservation and promotion technologies;

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles;

Correction technologies;

Health preservation and promotion technologies:

  • Rhythmics held once a week. In class time children develop ear for music, a sense of rhythm, flexibility and plasticity, the correct posture is formed.
  • Dynamic pausesare carried out during the GCD, 3-5 minutes, as the children become fatigued. During their implementation, elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger gymnastics and others may be included, depending on the type of activity.
  • Outdoor and sports gamesare carried out daily as part of physical education, for a walk, in a group room - small, with an average degree of mobility. Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding.
  • Relaxation. Our task is to teach children to feel their emotions, control their behavior, and hear their body. For this purpose, in our work, we use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole body. Held indoors. The intensity of the technology is determined depending on the condition of the children and the goals. Used for work calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. Children like these exercises very much, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult relaxation skill.
  • Finger gymnastics held daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, speed of reaction. Held at any convenient time.
  • Gymnastics for the eyescarried out daily for 3-5 minutes. at any time, depending on the intensity of the visual load, helps to relieve the static tension of the eye muscles. During its implementation, visual material is used, the demonstration of the teacher.
  • Breathing exercisesheld in different forms physical culture wellness work... In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work in general.
  • Gymnastics after sleepheld daily after daytime sleep 7-10 minutes Its complex includes exercises on cots for awakening, exercises to correct flat feet, correct posture, extensive washing, gargling with a decoction of herbs. For the prevention of flat feet, the health track is used. Children walk on it with pleasure. The path perfectly massages the baby's feet, strengthens the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the foot.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle is, first of all, a technology for fostering a culture of children's health. The goal is the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge on safe behavior, as well as the ability to provide elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

  • Morning gymnasticsis carried out daily for 7-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. At the same time, rhythmic skills and abilities are formed in children.
  • Physical education classesare held 3 times a week for 25 minutes. in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works (traditional, plot-play, integrated health-improving). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical education strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.
  • A series of educational game situations "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle."Held once a week in free time... Children develop the notion that each person should take care of themselves and their health. The understanding of how to take care of maintaining health is expanding.
  • Self-massage. Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. Tones up the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day throughout the day. Funny poems bright images, playing up massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the possibility of using in various environments and at any time serves as a good training for imaginative thinking for children, trains memory, helps to strengthen mental and physical health.
  • Leisure, walks(sports leisure, sports holiday, musical leisure, "Health Day"). When spending leisure time, children participate in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks.

Walking tours take place daily in the morning and afternoon. The total duration of the walk is at least 3.5 - 4 hours, and also depends on weather conditions. On the site of the kindergarten there is sports equipment that allows you to ensure the maximum physical activity of children during a walk.

Correction technologies:

  • Articulation gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for correct sound pronunciation.
  • Musical impact technology.Music has a strong psychological impact on children. It affects the state nervous system, causes various emotional states from tranquility, peace and harmony to anxiety, increased activity. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to what kind of music we and our children listen to. We use as auxiliary means, as part of other technologies for relieving stress, increasing the emotional mood. We widely use music for accompaniment educational activities preschoolers (for GCD for activity, familiarization with the world around them, etc.) We also use music before bedtime to help children calm down and relax.
  • Fairytale therapy. Allows you to quickly defeat stress. Fairytale therapy heals old grievances that do not allow to develop further. Through a fairy tale, you can learn about such experiences of children that they themselves are not really aware of, or are embarrassed to discuss them with adults.

We can say with confidence that not a single, even the best, physical culture and health program can give full results if it is not implemented in collaboration with the family.

In the process of organizing a single health-preserving space for a preschool educational institution and a family, we use various forms of work: open views with children for parents; conversations with parents; parenting meetings; consultations; exhibitions of children's works made with parents; participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays, joint creation of a subject-developing environment; questioning.

The complex of health-preserving measures will help to realize the closest connection between the physical health and the mental state of the child, and therefore, to realize the truth: "Everything is healthy to healthy!"

II block of the seminar - practical

Leading: And now, dear colleagues, I invite you to try out in practice some health-preserving technologies that you can use in your work.

Play massage

"Our backs"

They stood in a column in a circle,

(Movement matches the text)

They knocked their palms on the back.

(Perform for 40 - 50 seconds)

We clap on the spatulas(claps)

The back is happy.

(Draw a smile with your fingers)

Children substitute the back, ( tapping),

They play with backs, ( stroking)

They add health to the backs.

"Friendship massage"

We'll have a little rest and start a back massage.

Let's stand exactly like aspen,

And we have straight backs.

We'll run along the back

We will knock with our fingers.

And then we will stroke her.

We will straighten our shoulders together.

And we know for sure that we are not afraid of diseases.

Game relay "Dexterous caterpillar"

Two teams are playing. Each team is a "caterpillar", where all participants are connected to each other with the help of balls, which they hold together with their torso. On the command of who will reach the finish line faster, the players begin the movement of the caterpillar. The fastest team that did not break the “caterpillar” and did not drop the ball wins.

Leading: I think that you are convinced how exciting it is, and most importantly, those positive emotions and the joy of movement that you have now manifested.

Breathing exercises

  1. "Stork". While inhaling, raise your arms to the sides. Proudly bring the leg bent at the knee forward, fix it. As you exhale, take a step. Lower your leg and arms, saying "w - w - w".
  2. "Balloons".Perform walking on the site. 1 - hands to the sides, up, inhale through the nose, clap your hands (“the ball burst”); 2- arms to the sides, down, pronouncing "s-s-s" or "sh-sh-sh" ("The ball burst").

III block of the seminar - final

Reflection: "Caterpillar of interest and mood"

Leading: At the end of the pedagogical workshop, we invite you, dear colleagues, to analyze your emotional condition, interest in a given topic and express it using color markers.

Color markers designations:

  • Red - I liked everything, I want to learn more, use it in practice;
  • Yellow - I liked everything, interesting, informative;
  • Blue - liked it, but controversial;
  • Black - ideas were not interested.

Leading: I invite each of the participants to take a conditional image of the mood of the color that suits his attitude to this topic and the presented experience, and lay out from them a caterpillar of interest that reaches for the sun, as we are reaching for a healthy lifestyle.

Each participant chooses a circle with the corresponding color. On a magnetic board with the image of a clearing and the sun, everyone in turn spreads a caterpillar reaching out to the sun from the selected circles. The presenter completes the image with his circle (with horns and eyes), thanks the participants for their cooperation.

Leading: The caterpillar is a leisurely insect, but although it is slowly but surely crawls towards its goal and in the end becomes a beautiful butterfly

So we, teachers, do not always quickly, but surely go to the set goals, overcoming doubts, difficulties and problems encountered on our way, so that our thoughts and deeds, our efforts turn into a wonderful result, so that in the soul of every child it opens up and this butterfly of joy, interest and desire took off to grow and become better. Thank you for your cooperation!


1. Ovchinnikova T.S., Potapchuk A.A. Motor training for preschoolers. - SPb: Speech, 2002.

  1. Potapchuk A.A. Healing games and exercises for children. - SPb .: Rech, 2001.
  1. "Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in preschool educational institutions" V.G. Alyamovskaya Moscow 2005
  1. "Physical culture and health work in a preschool educational institution" OF Gorbatenko Volgograd 2008
  1. "Health-saving space preschool educational institutions" N.I. Krylova Volgograd 2009
  1. "Developing pedagogy of health improvement" by V.T. Kudryavtsev Moscow 2000

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten" Rodnichok "

Workshop workshop for educators

"New health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Compiled by the teacher

Icategories of V.V. Kalinin

Agreed with the senior. educator

E. G. Shitova / _________ /

Okhansk, 2015

Purpose: the use of health-preserving technologies in order to improve the physical and mental health of children.

Waiting tree method»

Purpose: the participants independently form their expectations from the seminar, learn about the expectations of other participants, throughout the seminar they see their progress.

Material: finished tree, green apple patterns.

Move: on pre-prepared templates - apples, the participants write their expectations from the seminar and place them on the tree.

Exercise "Balloon"

(on the value of health for humans)

Draw a balloon flying over the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It is you. The sun is shining brightly around you, blue sky... Write down which 9 values ​​are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of the ballast in order to climb up. Dump the ballast, that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

Everyone reads their values ​​in a circle. The facilitator writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the senior educator puts pluses. Then the rating of life values ​​is determined by the number of pluses and by the importance for those present. For example, 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc. (depending on the choice, it is necessary to bring in your own words to the importance of health in people's lives)

The problem of health and its preservation in modern society is very acute. Such phrases as "health-saving technologies" and "formation of a healthy lifestyle" have taken a firm place in conversations with parents and children, in plans educational work all teachers of the preschool educational institution. The problem of children's health improvement is not a problem of one day and one person, but a purposeful and systematically planned work of the entire team of our institution for a long time.

In the Charter The World Organization Healthcare states that health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

Health preservation is the activity of people aimed at improving and maintaining health, as well as the consistency and unity of all levels of human life.

Technology (from the Greek words "techne" - art, skill and "logos" - teaching, science) - a set of knowledge and methods of activity.

Thus, "Health-preserving technology" is a system of measures that includes the interconnection and interaction of all factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the child's health at all stages of his education and development.

The goal of health-preserving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and skills for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

ZSPT are used in various types of activities.Three groups are distinguished health-preserving technologies: technologies for preserving and promoting health, technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, correction technologies

"Rain of health"

Dear teachers, before you is a set of different words. All this mess needs to be turned into three groups of health-saving technologies. From every cloud comes a healing rain of health. Each cloud has its own name - a type of technology. You need to categorize technologies into groups.

Let's check . 1. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health: stretching, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics, minutes of entering the day and minutes of pranks, kinesiological exercises.

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical training, problem-game situations (game therapy), communication games, conversations from the "Health" series, self-massage.

3. Correctional technologies: art therapy, technologies of musical influence, fairy tale therapy, technologies of influence with color, technologies of behavior correction, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythm.

“Meeting in Ties”. I suggest you wear ties (green, black, yellow). Green ties belong to innovators who showcase technology. Black tie - for pessimists who give negative points technologies. The yellow ties are optimists who emphasize everything positive.

Natalya Anatolyevna will introduce you to the technology of art therapy, the direction of isotherapy

Pedagogical art therapy is Wonderland... There, the child will learn to be himself, understand the feelings of others, and use emotions as a means of communication. Magic, humor and a fair attitude to good and evil living in fairy tales, fascinating and amazing sounds of music, as well as a wealth of images and colors of works of great artists and the kids themselves will help us to cope with difficulties. It is important to find a special key to the soul of every child. Filling the inner world of the kid with vivid impressions, helping him to master a variety of techniques and drawing techniques, I rejoice at every new success with him. All children love to draw. In their little masterpieces, they convey their attitude to the world around them and give an opportunity to splash out their "I".

Isotherapy has an individual correctional and developmental focus, and is successfully used for children with problems social adaptation, emotional and volitional instability, low self-esteem, low efficiency, behavioral disorders. The use of art as a therapeutic factor in education is available to educators, and no special medical knowledge is required for this.

Drawing with a ball

Objectives: Improving the self-esteem of children with the symptom "I can not draw", development

creativity. The technique can be used both in an individual and in a group


Required materials: A ball of thread or rope. Work progress: the teacher must unwind the ball of thread and show the children how

create patterns or paintings on the floor or table. Then each ball takes turns

the child and, unwinding it, creates a composition. Tearing off the thread, transfers the ball

next. After all the compositions have been created, you can discuss what


Correctional technologies Art therapy. treatment with art, creativity captivates children, distracts from unpleasant emotions, connects the emotional reserves of the body. Work with natural materials- clay, sand, water, paints. Arttherapeutic techniques to help remove nervous tension and connect the internal reserves of the child's body, such as: colorful painting with the fingers, colorful painting with the feet, painting with the fingers on the sand, cereals (semolina, oatmeal, peas, etc.), handprints on the cool, warm sand.... Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc. regular music breaks in the classroom. Has a positive effect on development creativity, for health improvement music of Mozart, his contemporaries, baroque music with a rhythmic size of 60 - 64 bars per minute.Fairytale therapy ... A fairy tale is a genre beloved by children. It carries in itself an important psychological content "love, goodness and happiness", which passes from one generation to another and does not lose its significance over time. She gives the child the first ideas about the sublime and the base, the beautiful and the ugly, the moral and the immoral. The fairy tale transforms the hero, turning the weak into the strong, the small into the adult, the naive into the wise, thereby opening the child the prospects for his own growth. A fairy tale gives hope and dreams - a premonition of the future. It becomes a kind of spiritual guardian of childhood.... You need to pay special attention colors the interiors of the preschool educational institution. Correctly selected colors relieve tension and increase the emotional mood of the child Behavior correction technologies. They are carried out according to special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. The groups are not composed according to one criterion - children with different problems are engaged in one group. Classes are conducted in a playful wayPsycho-gymnastics. Sometimes we have to make tremendous efforts to control our emotions, to restrain ourselves, to hide them from strangers. To teach the kid to restrain, control his emotions, let him feel this "control" and how he "works" in a playful way. You may find it useful in difficult moment these exercises to relax, relieve tension, create game situation... Removal of emotional stress. Exercise of children in the ability to depict expressively and emotionally separate emotions, movements, correction of mood and individual character traits, training in autorelaxation. First of all, such classes are shown to children with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, hot-tempered, withdrawn, with neuroses, character disorders, slight delays. mental development and other neuropsychiatric disorders on the border of health and disease.Psycho-gymnastics, first of all, is aimed at teaching the elements of expressive movements technique, at using expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and at acquiring skills in self-relaxation. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and give them the opportunity to express themselves. Phonetic rhythm. The classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes... The purpose of the lessons is phonetic literate speech without movements. Thus, it is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and that the health-preserving activity used in the complex would ultimately form a child's persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged and uncomplicated development.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna will introduce you to a technology called self-massage.The simplest, accessible understanding and implementation of the child is massage and self-massage. With systematic massage, reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, muscle tone, there is a stimulation of tactile sensations.

Massage movements are used on the palms, hands and forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure, pinching, patting, bending, extending the fingers, both all and alternately.

Exercises used: rolling one walnut or a ball, rolling a ribbed pencil, imitation of rolling a bun, sticks, as in modeling, squeezing rubber toys of different densities, etc.

Massage and self-massage is recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a day in the classroom, physical minutes, walks. Each exercise is performed 8 times: 4 times for the right and left hands. Relaxing stroking and shaking of the hands should be done after each exercise.

Since preschoolers have a predominantly concrete-figurative thinking, poetic texts have been invented for many massages.

Self-massage with clothespins. With a clothespin on the stressed syllables of the verse, we alternately "bite" the nail phalanges: from the index finger to the little finger and back. After the first couplet - a change of hands. It is necessary to check that the clothespins are not too tight.

The kitten bites strongly - silly,

He thinks: this is not a finger, but a mouse.

But I'm playing with you baby!

And if you bite - I'll tell you "Shoot"!

Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that a specific image appears in the child. You should start with warming movements that make the muscles more pliable and the movements painless.

Let's get down to the discussion.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

Morning gymnastics is carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies each exercise. At the same time, rhythmic skills and abilities are formed in children.

Physical education classes are held 3 times a week for 20-25 minutes. in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works (traditional, narrative-game, integrated health-improving). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical education strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.

A series of game lessons "ABC of Health". Classes are held once a week in the form circle work... I have developed a system of valeological education of preschoolers and the formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The introduction of the developed classes using non-traditional methods and techniques made it possible to increase the child's interest in obtaining valeological knowledge, to captivate the game plot and unusual content. Children easily form the notion that each person should take care of themselves and their health. The understanding of how to take care of maintaining health is expanding.

Self-massage ... Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize work internal organs, improve your posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is the prevention of scoliosis, colds, vegetative dystonia. It favors psycho-emotional resistance to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day in the form of a five-minute lesson or in the form of a dynamic pause in the classroom. Funny poems, vivid images that play up massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the possibility of using in various settings and at any time contribute to a change in the child's position from an object to a subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

Leisure (physical culture leisure, physical culture holiday, musical leisure, "Day of health"). When spending leisure time and holidays, all children engage in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, perform motor tasks with enthusiasm, while children behave more relaxed than in physical education, and this allows them to move without much stress. At the same time, those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered are used, therefore, a kind of artistry, aesthetics in movements is manifested in children. Sports holidays and leisure activities are necessarily accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of a sense of beauty in children, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a piece of music, and develops ear for music and memory.

On the site of the kindergarten there is sports equipment that allows you to ensure the maximum physical activity of children during a walk.

Galina Gennadievna "A minute of prank" "Minutes of prank" awaken the motor imagination - the basis of creative meaningful motor skills, which provides animation of children's movements. By imitating various movements, the child naturally "transforms"

Minutes of pranks are related to the technology of preservation and health of children preschool age used in educational activities.

Let's get down to the discussion.

What else relates to the technology of stimulating and maintaining health.


Stretching (from Latin stretch) is a set of exercises for stretching certain muscles, ligaments and tendons, useful and necessary for everyone, regardless of age and degree of flexibility, used in the massage system, in physiotherapy exercises. Stretching increases physical activity, endurance, reduces emotional, mental stress, improves mood, creates a feeling of comfort and calmness, develops the body's natural resistance various diseases... Elements of game stretching are used in educational activities.

Dynamic pauses, physical education, health minutes

They are carried out during educational activities for 2-5 minutes, as children become fatigued and perform the following functions: entertaining, relaxation, communicative, educational, teaching, developing, corrective, therapeutic and prophylactic.


Relaxation - (from Lat. Relaxatio) is a state of rest, relaxation, arising from the release of tension after intense experiences or physical efforts. This is especially true in the modern educational process, when children have active mental activity and accompanying emotional experiences. Harmony. Relaxed, agitated, restless children become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Finger gymnastics

Promotes the mastery of fine motor skills. Helps develop speech. Increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex. Develops mental processes in a child: thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Relieves anxiety. Not a single child of any preschool age remains indifferent to finger gymnastics.

Breathing exercises

An important place in the physical culture of preschoolers is occupied by special breathing exercises, which ensure complete drainage of the bronchi, cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and strengthen the respiratory muscles. The health of the child, his physical and mental activity, largely depends on breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics plays a huge role in hardening children.

In educational activities, separate accessible exercises are used, organically interwoven into the educational process. Basically, these exercises are based on nasal breathing. Unfortunately, some babies breathe through their mouths. If children do not breathe through the nose, they will not receive enough mental development, since nasal breathing stimulates the nerve endings of all organs located in the nasopharynx.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The eyes are the most important organ that must be protected from early childhood. In modern conditions, this is very difficult. TV, computer, and in older preschool age and mobile phone- all this is an integral part of the life of a preschooler. We, teachers, understand that it is absolutely impossible to protect a preschooler from this, therefore we try to adapt to the prevailing circumstances. It is in such conditions that it is necessary to learn how to protect your eyesight.

Regular eye exercises, the so-called physical minute, allows you to give necessary rest eyes, increases the efficiency of vision, improves blood circulation, prevents the development of certain eye diseases, is the prevention of myopia and hyperopia. In addition, any educational material absorbed more efficiently.

Exercises should be performed 2-3 times a day for several minutes. The complex of gymnastics is compiled taking into account the age of the child, it is carried out in a playful way. Children from the age of 2 should be taught various exercises for the eyes, turning them into games, and then into the habit of playing them.

Eye gymnastics can be done with objects (for example, work with cards placed on the walls). Children carry out a number of tasks: they look for pictures on the walls that are the answer to the riddle; find images of objects with the desired sound in their names, etc. Special fields can be used, for example, the image of any colored figures (oval, figure eight, wave, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or fancifully crossed lines different colors 1 cm thick. This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place. Children begin to "run" with their eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. You can attach a butterfly or a character on the topic to the tip of the pointer and go on a journey.

There are specialized electronic programs aimed at relieving tension and correcting vision.

Kinesiology exercises

A complex of movements that allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction, when the hemispheres exchange information, their work is synchronized. In the course of the systematic use of kinesiological exercises, the child develops interhemispheric connections, improves memory and concentration of attention, and there is significant progress in managing his emotions. In the case when children are facing an intense load, the teacher can start working with kinesiological exercises.

Stretching with fairy tale therapy.

"The greedy emperor"

Today I will tell you the tale of the greedy emperor (I begin to tell the tale, while playing it out):

A long time ago, an emperor lived across the sea-ocean. He was very greedy and loved gold more than anything else. Throughout the country, exhausted and hungry people mined gold and carried it to the emperor on elephants (normal walking, hands on the belt. Then on the outside of the feet), on camels (on the heels), carried in bags (half crouching) and put it in high barns ( on toes, hands up).

There was so much gold that the emperor ordered to build himself a luxurious palace of pure gold. All rooms in the palace were adorned with gold. Gold were: floor, ceiling (hands on the belt. Feet shoulder-width apart. Bend down, raise your head up), walls (stretch your right hand to the right, then left - to the left. Look at your fingers), mirrors (rise on your toes. Hands through sides up. Shake hands, lower arms with a slight bow). Golden bells rang from the gusts of wind (Stand on your toes. Hands through the sides up. Shake your hands, lower your hands with a slight bow).

The emperor wore a brocade robe embroidered with gold ( right hand on the left shoulder, turn to the left. Left hand on the right shoulder, turn right). Gold cap (circular head rotations to the right, then to the left). Even the soles of his shoes were cast in gold (Hands on the belt. Feet shoulder-width apart. Put the right foot on the heel, on the toe. The same with the left foot). The dishes from which the emperor ate were gold. Servants on golden trays carried sweets (Jumping on two legs with moving forward. Hands in front of you, palms up. Jumping around you).

The emperor's greed reached the point that he ordered to pull out four healthy teeth and insert gold ones instead (sit down in Turkish and rest after jumping). But this was not enough for the emperor. He saw that a lot of gold had gone to the construction of the palace and several barns were empty (Stand up. Legs together, arms along the body. Raise your arms up, stretch without lifting your heels from the floor). He called the cry all over the country: "He who knows how to turn various things into gold, let him come to the palace." And then an old man with a long white beard appeared. He took the emperor by the hands, hit each of his fingers with a small black stick and disappeared.

The emperor jumped up from his throne (Feet together, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands forward, stand up) and ran into the garden to test the power of magic. He runs and touches with his hands here and there (Sit down, hands to the sides, stand up). And now ... delicate fragrant flowers and fresh herbs leaves turned to dead gold.

The emperor considered himself the happiest man on earth. He ran to the pool with fish (Lie on his stomach, arms along the body, legs together. Bend back, arms forward - to the sides. Legs in turn up and down). And as soon as he held out his hand, the bubbling clear water turned into gold and the fish also turned gold. The emperor caught the butterfly, and it became a golden brooch (Sit in Turkish style, feet foot to foot. Fingers clasp the feet. Movement of the knees up and down). But the dragonflies managed to fly away from the emperor and remained alive (Kneel down, arms along the body, legs together. Raise your arms to shoulder level and wave up and down).

Finally he wanted to eat and returned to the palace (Sitting on the floor, spread straight legs, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right leg, reach the sock with his hands, straighten up. The same to the left leg). But as soon as he raised the milk to his lips, it turned into gold. The emperor held out his hand for a cake. But the cake immediately became golden, hard like a stone (Lying on your stomach, support your head with your hands. Bend and unbend your legs alternately at the knee). Desperate to satisfy his hunger, the emperor went to bed. But as soon as he lay down on the bed, the feather bed and pillow turned to gold and became hard. He covered himself with a blanket, but it also became cold. Like ice. So the emperor was punished for greed.

Did you like the fairy tale? Coca was the emperor? Is greed good or bad? Are there any greedy among you?

Reflection. Let's continue working with our tree. If you liked today's seminar, and you took something from it for yourself, hang a red apple on the tree, if all this was already familiar to you, you won't need it, hang a yellow apple. This concludes our meeting in ties. Thank you for the attention.

Health-saving technologies

1. Technologies for maintaining and promoting health


Not earlier than after 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in a gym or music room or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room

be wary of disproportionate muscle strain


Not earlier than after 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to artistic value, size physical activity and its proportionality to the age of the child

Dynamic pauses

During class,

2-5 minutes, as children get tired

Outdoor and sports games

As part of physical education, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups

Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. At the preschool educational institution we use only elements of sports games


In any suitable room. Depending on the state of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Aesthetic technologies

Implemented in the classroom of the artistic and aesthetic cycle, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for the holidays, etc. For all age groups

It is carried out in the classroom according to the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is work with the family, instilling an aesthetic taste in children

Finger gymnastics

WITH younger age individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

3-5 minutes daily. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

Respiratory gymnastics

Ensure ventilation of the room, the teacher give the children instructions on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

Invigorating gymnastics

Every day after naps, 5-10 minutes.

The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed boards; easy run from the bedroom to the group with the temperature difference in the rooms and others depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of health and fitness work

The form of the event depends on the task and the contingent of children

Lessons from the series "Health"


Point self-massage

It is carried out on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. It is indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the ENT organs. Visual material used

2. Correction technologies

Art therapy

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. with middle group

Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and includes training protocols

Musical impact technologies

In various forms of health and fitness work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on the goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Fairytale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 min. from an older age

Classes are used for psychological, therapeutic and developmental work. An adult can tell a fairy tale, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children

Technology of exposure to color

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks

It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of the preschool educational institution. Correctly selected colors relieve tension and increase the emotional mood of the child

Behavior correction technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from an older age

They are carried out according to special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. The groups are not composed according to one criterion - children with different problems are engaged in one group. Classes are conducted in a playful way, have diagnostic tools and training protocols


1-2 times a week from an older age for 25-30 minutes.

Classes are conducted according to special methods

Phonetic rhythm

2 times a week from a young age, not earlier than after 30 minutes. after eating. In a gym or music hall. Ml. Age 15 min., Senior age 30 min.

3. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Physical education lesson

2-3 times a week in a sports or music hall. Early age- in a group room, 10 min. Younger age - 15-20 min., average age- 20-25 min., Older age - 25-30 min.

Classes are held in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution works. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Problem-playing situations (game training and game therapy)

In your free time, it is possible in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized not noticeably for the child, by including the teacher in the process of game activity

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are built according to a certain scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Lessons from the series "Health"

1 time a week for 30 minutes. from st. age

Can be included in the class schedule as a cognitive development


Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical culture and health improvement work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give the children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body.

Health-saving technologies are one of the types of modern innovative technologies that are aimed at preserving and improving the health of all participants in the educational process at preschool educational institutions. The use of such technologies has a two-way orientation:

  • the formation of the foundations of valeological culture in preschoolers, i.e. teach them to take care of their health on their own;
  • organization of the educational process in kindergarten without negative impact on children's health.

Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions are perfectly combined with traditional forms and methods in pedagogy, complementing them with various ways of carrying out health-improving work. The use of such technologies solves a number of problems:

  • laying the foundation for good physical health;
  • increasing the level of mental and social health of pupils;
  • carrying out preventive health-improving work;
  • familiarization of preschoolers with the principles of a healthy lifestyle;
  • motivation of children for a healthy lifestyle;
  • the formation of good habits;
  • the formation of valeological skills;
  • the formation of a conscious need for regular physical education;
  • education of a value attitude towards one's health.

To provide integrated approach to protect and improve the health of pupils required by the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool educational institutions use different kinds modern health-saving technologies:

  • medical and preventive (medical examinations, monitoring the health status of children, anti-epidemiological work, the organization of specialized correctional groups, prevention of many diseases, sanitary and hygienic work, quality control of catering, etc.);
  • health and fitness (, sporting events, valeology classes, hardening procedures, etc.)
  • valeological education of parents (motivation of parents to maintain a healthy lifestyle, teaching parents how to interact with children to form valeological culture in them);
  • valeological education of teachers (familiarization of educators with innovative health-saving technologies and methods of their implementation, motivation for a healthy lifestyle, expansion of knowledge about age and psychological characteristics preschoolers);
  • health-preserving education of children (formation of valeological knowledge and skills).

Only by implementing all these types of health-preserving technologies can a close interaction of the main factors affecting the health of preschoolers be achieved.

Health-saving technologies card file

There are many effective varieties of modern health-preserving technologies that should be in the kindergarten teacher's filing cabinet.

Physical education

One of the simplest and most common types of health-preserving technologies in preschool educational institutions is physical education minutes. They are also called dynamic pauses. These are short breaks in intellectual or practical activities, during which children perform simple physical exercises.

The purpose of such physical education minutes is:

  • changing the type of activity;
  • prevention of fatigue;
  • relieving muscle, nervous and brain tension;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • activation of thinking;
  • increasing the interest of children in the course of the lesson;
  • creating a positive emotional background.

Carrying out dynamic pauses has some peculiarities. They are designed to be performed in a confined space (near a desk or table, in the center of a room, etc.). Most of the physical education minutes are accompanied by a poetic text or performed to music.

Such dynamic pauses last 1-2 minutes. All children are involved in physical education. This does not require sports uniforms or inventory. The time for conducting is chosen arbitrarily, depending on the degree of fatigue of the children. Physical education may include certain elements of other health-preserving technologies.

Breathing exercises

Learning from the work experience of many caregivers preschool institutions shows that the most popular types health-saving technologies in the preschool educational institution include breathing exercises. It is a system of breathing exercises that are included in the complex correctional work to improve the overall health of the child.

The use of breathing exercises helps:

  • improve the work of internal organs;
  • activate cerebral circulation, increase the saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • train the breathing apparatus;
  • to carry out the prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • increase the body's defense mechanisms;
  • restore peace of mind, calm down;
  • develop speech breathing.

In breathing exercises, you must observe following rules... It is recommended to carry it out in a well-ventilated room and before meals. Such classes should be daily and last 3-6 minutes. To perform breathing exercises, a special form of clothing is not required, but care must be taken that it does not hinder the child's movements.

During the exercise, you need to pay special attention to the nature of the inhalation and exhalation produced. Children should be taught to inhale through the nose (inhales should be short and light), and exhale through the mouth (exhale long). Respiratory gymnastics also includes breath-holding exercises. It is important that in children, when performing exercises for the development of speech breathing, the muscles of the body do not strain, the shoulders do not move.

Finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics is a type of health-preserving technology that is used not only for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (which is important for preparing a child for drawing, modeling and writing), but also for solving problems with speech development in children. In addition, such gymnastics contributes to the development of:

  • tactile sensations;
  • coordination of movements of fingers and hands;
  • creative abilities of preschoolers.

Finger gymnastics is carried out in the form of staging poetic texts with the help of fingers. This is almost the first type of gymnastics that can be performed with children. During finger gymnastics, children make active and passive finger movements. The following types of exercises are used:

  • massage;
  • actions with objects or materials;
  • finger games.

It is recommended to do finger exercises daily. During its implementation, you need to ensure that the load on both hands is the same. In addition, it must be remembered that each session of finger gymnastics should end with relaxing exercises. These activities can be conducted collectively, in groups, or individually with each child.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Also, gymnastics for the eyes belongs to health-preserving technologies in the preschool educational institution. It involves a system of exercises aimed at correcting and preventing visual impairment. Eye gymnastics is essential for:

  • relieving stress;
  • fatigue prevention;
  • eye muscle training;
  • strengthening the eye apparatus.

To perform such gymnastics, 2-4 minutes are enough. The main rule of this gymnastics is that only the eyes should move, and the head remains stationary (except for cases where head tilts are provided). All exercises should be done while standing.

Usually, the teacher shows a pattern for performing each action, and the children repeat after him. Often, such gymnastics has a poetic accompaniment. It can include exercises with objects, special charts or ICT.


Psycho-gymnastics refers to innovative health-preserving technologies that are used in kindergarten to develop the emotional sphere of the child, strengthen his mental health. The goal of psycho-gymnastics is as follows:

  • carrying out psychophysical relaxation;
  • development of cognitive mental processes;
  • normalization of the condition in children with neuroses or neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • correction of deviations in behavior or character.

Psychogisnastics is a course of 20 special classes, which are held in a playful way. They are organized twice a week and last from 25 to 90 minutes. Each lesson consists of four stages, which involve acting out:

  • sketches using facial expressions and pantomime;
  • sketches for the depiction of emotions or character traits;
  • etudes with a psychotherapeutic focus.

Psychomuscular training ends up. During the lesson, there is a "prank minute" when children can perform any actions they want.


Rhythmoplasty is an innovative method of working with children, which is based on the performance of special plastic movements with a health-improving character to the music. The purpose of rhythmoplasty:

  • replenishment of the "motor deficit";
  • development of the motor sphere of children;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • improving cognitive processes;
  • the formation of aesthetic concepts.

Rhythmoplasty is organized in the form of special music lessons. Physical exercises should be performed at a slow pace with a wide amplitude. These sessions should be done twice a week for 30 minutes each. It is recommended to engage in rhythmoplasty no earlier than half an hour after a meal.

Play therapy

The Federal State Educational Standard indicates that for preschoolers, play is the leading activity. Therefore, play therapy should be a mandatory type of health-preserving technologies in a preschool educational institution. This technology involves attracting children to participate in a variety of games, during which they will have the opportunity to:

  • show emotions, experiences, imagination;
  • express yourself;
  • relieve psycho-emotional stress;
  • get rid of fears;
  • become more self-confident.

Play therapy is considered excellent tool to combat childhood neuroses.


Aromatherapy involves the use of special items with essential oils... It can be called a passive method of influencing the health of preschoolers, since the children themselves should not perform any actions. They can engage in any kind of activity and inhale aromatic vapors at the same time. This is how it happens:

  • improving the well-being and mood of children;
  • prevention of colds;
  • solving problems with sleep.

Essential oils can be applied to clay or untreated wood figurines (the dose of fragrance should be kept to a minimum). It is also recommended to make special scented pillows with the parents, filling them with dried herbs, or individual aroma medallions.

In addition to the described health-saving technologies, other types of them can be used in a preschool educational institution:

  • herbal medicine;
  • color therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • heliotherapy;
  • sand therapy.

The essence of such technologies is clear from their names. The ultimate goal of using health-saving technologies in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard is to preserve and strengthen the health of children, which is a prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. Only a healthy child can become a good student and a successful person.

Workshop "Health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution"


Dear colleagues!
- Shout out loud and in chorus, friends,
Will you refuse to help me? (no or yes?)
Do you love children? Yes or no?
You came to our seminar,
I have no strength at all,
Do you want to listen to lectures here? (No)
I understand you…..
How to be gentlemen?
Do we need to solve children's problems? (Yes)
Give me an answer then,
Will you refuse to help me? (No)
The last I will ask you:
Will you all be active? (no or yes)
So with great mood and with positive emotions, we start the workshop "Health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution"

Exercise "Balloon" (on the value of health for humans)

In the picture, you can see a balloon flying over the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It is you. The sun shines brightly around you, the blue sky. Write down which 9 values ​​are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of the ballast in order to climb up. Dump the ballast, that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

Everyone reads their values ​​in a circle. Supervisor creative team writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the head of the creative team puts pluses. Then the rating of life values ​​is determined by the number of pluses and by the importance for those present. For example, 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc.

Relevance of the problem:

Today, in accordance with Federal state requirements, the direction "Physical development", including educational areas"Health", "Physical culture" occupies a leading place in the educational process of preschoolers. And this is no coincidence.

The latest data from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: according to statistics, such a significant indicator as the health of a preschooler has sharply deteriorated in Russia. The number of healthy children has decreased by 8.1%. The number of children with disabilities in physical development and a predisposition to pathology increased by 6.75%. The number of children of the 3rd health group with severe deviations and chronic diseases increased by 1.5%.

The health certificate of the children in the kindergarten is read out.

According to the results of an in-depth medical examination for the 2014-2015 academic year, children have health problems:

Violation of the musculoskeletal system;

Visual impairment;

Respiratory diseases;

Diseases of the digestive system;

Skin diseases;

Violation of speech (FNR, OHR, delayed speech development);

Mental developmental disorders (CRD, mental retardation, autism).

Health - it is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

(World Health Organization)

As you know, good health contributes to successful learning, and successful learning improves health. Education and health are inseparable. V recent times the catastrophic deterioration in the health of the pupils is becoming more and more obvious. The education system bears its share of responsibility for the current situation. Educators are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility for the well-being of new generations.

Reflective role-playing game.

We invite you to work in mini groups. Try to answer the question: "What prevents a child from being healthy?" Find causes that adversely affect the health of your preschool child.

Without touching on global causes: hereditary predisposition, ecology ... find those reasons, the consequences of which we can influence.

Participants in each group need to identify the reasons that, from their point of view, prevent a child attending kindergarten from being healthy.

How can we influence this? (work in groups. Presentation of answers - one representative from the group).

Comes to the fore education in children of the need for health as a vital value, a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution will be effective if we take into account:
- age and individual characteristics children;
- use different forms of work to form a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers;
- systematically and purposefully carry out work on the introduction of a healthy lifestyle with the families of pupils.

It is impossible to solve the health problem using only traditional pedagogical technologies... That is why today we are going to talk about health-preserving technologies.

A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving the child's health at all stages of his learning and development.

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the common name "health-saving technologies"

"Health-saving technologies" is an integral system of educational and health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction ("child and teacher", "child and parents", "teacher and parents").

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life. The main indicator that distinguishes all health-saving educational technologies is regular express diagnostics of the state of children and tracking the main parameters of the body's development in dynamics (the beginning and end of the school year), which allows us to draw appropriate conclusions about the state of health.

Main goals:

q creation of the most favorable conditions for the mental, moral, physical, aesthetic development of the individual;

q protection and strengthening of the psychophysical health of children;

q improving the functions of the body, increasing its protective properties and resistance to diseases by means of health-preserving technologies;

q raising the need for a healthy lifestyle;

q formation of vital motor skills and abilities of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics.

Modern health-saving technologies used in the preschool education system reflect two lines of health-improving work:

· Introduction of children to physical culture;

· Use of developing forms of health-improving work.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education:

    health and fitness;
    technologies for ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child;
    parent education technologies;
    health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Medical health-saving technologies at preschool educational institutions:

They ensure the preservation and enhancement of the health of children under the guidance of a nurse of a preschool educational institution in accordance with medical requirements and norms, using medical equipment.

    Health monitoring
    Organization of preventive
    Balanced diet
    Rational daily routine
    Health-saving environment
    Control and assistance in meeting the requirements of SaNPiN

Physical culture and health technologies-

Aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child's health, the development of physical qualities, physical activity and formation physical culture preschoolers.

Motor mode

Dynamic pauses



Outdoor and sports games

Health days

Sports entertainment, holidays

Psychological and pedagogical support of the child:

A child with any developmental problem receives qualified assistance aimed at individual development.

    Music therapy
    Fairytale therapy

Technologies of health preservation and health enrichment of teachers:

Technologies aimed at developing a health culture of kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. Health preservation in working with preschool educational institutions: Training seminars, Consultations for teachers, Workshop for preschool educators, Discussion of health preservation issues at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings in groups.

Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family on the protection and promotion of children's health:

Information stands for parents in each age group where there are headings covering the issues of health improvement without drugs;

Information stands of medical workers about medical preventive work with children in preschool educational institutions;

Encouraging parents to participate in physical culture events of the preschool educational institution;

Consultations, conversations with parents on health preservation issues.

Health preservation and promotion technologies:

· Dynamic pauses;

· Outdoor and sports games;

· Relaxation;

· Finger gymnastics;

· Gymnastics for the eyes;

· Breathing exercises;

· Gymnastics after sleep

Health-saving educational technologies:

- Technologies for maintaining and promoting health;

- Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle;

- Correction technologies

Dynamic pauses.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

· Morning exercises;

· Self-massage;

· Leisure

Correction technologies:

· Articulatory gymnastics;

· Art therapy;

· Fairytale therapy;

· Psychogymnastics;

· Technology of musical impact;

Color therapy

Working with parents:

Pedagogical conversations, general and group parenting meetings, consultations, exhibitions of children's works made together with parents, participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays, physical culture leisure, joint creation of a subject-developing environment.


The use of these health-improving technologies takes place in a playful way: education and health improvement occurs with ease, exercises and health-improving techniques remain in the child's memory for a long time.

Thus, it is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving orientation, and that the health-preserving activity used in the complex would ultimately form a child's persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle, full-fledged and uncomplicated development.

· What health-preserving educational technologies do our educators use in their work?

Our teachers will tell you about this:

· "Gymnastics of awakening"

· "Finger gymnastics"

· "Color therapy"

· "Fairytale therapy"

Auction of pedagogical ideas. Distribution of health-saving technologies among educators for use in their work throughout the year. In February, provide a photo report, a presentation of the pros and cons of this technology.

Distribution of materials"Modern health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"



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